• Published 1st Feb 2022
  • 1,801 Views, 115 Comments

Power Rangers: Harmony - ShootingStar25

All was quiet in the city of Canterlot. For years, this place was peaceful. Nothing major happens, that is... until a force from another dimension makes its presence known.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Trekking in the Himalayas Pt. 1

"Link to Morphin' Grid," said Ash.

"At once, Master Ash," said Rachel as the A.I. began to connect.

The computer pulled up the files as the boy leaned back and continued his little research. Ever since he discovered that the girls' dimension had several different teams of rangers throughout the years, the boy had been watching some of the battles and highlights that made each team of rangers legends. He had seen the final highlights of the group called Mighty Morphin as the boy let out a tired sigh. Just watching the battles took a lot out of the teen.

"Well, one down... and a shit ton more to watch," said Ash looking at the other closed files on the screen.

The boy was about to start another file when the screen got a notification.

"Master Ash, I seem to have picked up something."

"Another attack?" stated the boy.

"No. Remember that anomaly that I detected and have been working to descramble the past few days. Well, I just decoded the signal. And I've located it."

"Show me," said the boy.

The yellow ranger wasn't the only one. In the villains' lair, Thorax was using his technical know-how to locate something. And that something was the same thing that the ranger found. The scientist smiled as he began to run cross-reference several signals to pinpoint where the signal was located. The screen then gave the area of where it was coming from as the dark lord left his lab to report it.

"Good news, everyone," said Thorax to Starlight and his brother. "I've found it."

A few moments later, all three were in the throne room. Chrysalis and their leader listened to what Thorax told them.

"Are you certain, my son?" asked Chrysalis.

"No doubt. I've cross-referenced it several times. Plus, there's only one thing that can produce that signal."

"Then secure it," said the leader as his shadow was shown.

"At once. Up for a trip, brother?" asked Thorax.

"Where are we heading to?" snickered Pharynx.

The next day was shown as the girls exited the elevator. They were talking with one another when they saw Ash who was packing some stuff in a backpack.

"Uh, sugar?"

"Hey, girls. Glad you're here. Mind tossing me that bottle?" asked the boy as he was putting more stuff in the bag.

"Sure?" said Sunset as she grabbed the small item from the table and tossed it to her leader.

"Thanks, Sunny," said Ash.

"So, what's going on?" asked Twilight.

"The past few days, we noticed an anomaly. Since then, Master Ash has had me track it. And since then, I've been descrambling it. Trying to pinpoint what it is. And yesterday, we figured it out."

"Which is?" asked Rainbow to the computer.

"It's one of the zords," said Ash putting a medkit in his backpack.

"Which one?!" asked Twilight.

"The bear zord," replied Rachel.

"Where's it located?" said the bookworm.

"Here," said Ash pushing a button on the command panel.

Rachel now pulled up a world map of the planet. It then stopped on a continent as it zoomed in. It showed a mountain range as bits of images were shown.

"The Himalayas," said Twilight.

"That's where the zord is located," stated Applejack.

"Yup. So, our job is to go find it before the Dark Lords."

"Wait, we?" said Rainbow with a raised eyebrow at her leader.

"What? You thought I was gonna do this alone? I thought you girls would like a field trip."

"Hell yeah!" said Rainbow.

"Good, cause I got your backpacks all set," said Ash as Rachel flew over the bags to the girls using some drones.

"I always did want to see the Himalayas up close. And this allows me the perfect opportunity to study them," said Twilight letting her inner geek shine.

"I'm down for some good old fashion hikin'," said Applejack as she began to dig through her bag.

"Sure, why not," shrugged Sunset as she went along with the others.

The five teens now began to do the final preparations before they headed out. Twilight ran through a quick checklist she made in seconds as the girl was making sure they were prepared for anything they might encounter. Once everyone was set, the girls had their backpacks over their shoulders as they all stood in a circle in front of their leader.

"All right, girls. We know the location of the zord. Where exactly, that's unknown. Once we transport, we won't have full access to Rachel. But she has transmitted the coordinates for us. From there, we're on our own. Understand?"

"Yes," replied the rest of the rangers.

"On my command," said the boy as he raised his wrist as his wristband turned into his Morpher.

The girls did the same as they awaited the command of their friend.

"Link to Morphin' Grid!" said Ash.

"Link to Morphin' Grid!" said the girls.

The five teens touched their morphers as they soon turned into lights that represented their respective colors. They zoomed out of the command center as they shot into the sky. Within moments, five lights were shown traveling across the clouds as they raced ahead. They soon landed as all five teens found themselves in a dense forest. They took a moment to compose themselves as they took in the sounds and sights of their surroundings.

"Rach, come in," said Ash.

"I'm here, Master Ash."

"Alright, we've landed. So which way do we start walking?" asked the boy.

"Head northwest," said the A.I.

"Let's go, y'all! We got a zord to find!" stated Aj as she encouraged the others. She began walking as the others followed her.

"I don't know, but I've been told," sang Aj.

"I don't know, but I've been told," repeated the others.

"The campin' badge is made of gold," sang the farm girl.

"The campin' badge is made of gold," sang the others.

"And over there I saw a mole," sang the country girl while pointing.

"And over there I saw a mole," sang the others.

"Where?!" said Ash as he stopped singing to look.

"There," said Sunset as she pointed to the small creature.

True to what the farm girl was singing as they hiked, there was a mole. It popped out of its tiny tunnel to peak its head. It saw the group of teens walking through the woods. It made a sound before heading back down its tunnel.

"Aw, Fluttershy would love to have seen that," said Rainbow.

"Fluttershy?" said Ash as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, she's a friend of ours," stated Sunset.

"Girl who has pink hair and a butterfly barrette. Buttercup skin and loves animals?" asked Ash.

"Yeah... how do you know what she looks like?" asked Aj.

"Before we faced Jet Stream and Thundercrash, I happen to run into her. I was passing by the animal shelter when one of the pups she was looking after got loose. It chased a ball into the streets, and I scooped the little thing up before any unfortunate could happen to it. Then, I entered the building and gave it back to her. She asked me to watch some dogs while she finished up her chores. Still, I don't get why she trusted me with such ease."

"Yeah, that's Fluttershy. She may seem shy, but she knows when to trust someone. She can see the kindness in people's hearts." said Sunset.

"And why didn't you tell us that you met her?" asked Twilight.

"Well, I didn't think it was important. Plus, I didn't know she was a friend of yours," said Ash as he continued to walk with the small device in his hand as he began to listen to the sound.

"The Great Outdoors! Well, I'm pleased as apple pie to be out here. Nothing better than diggin' yer feet into some good old fashion dirt."

"Yeah, no doubt, Rarity would lose her mind if she was here," snickered Rainbow as she and Aj did a fistbump.

The five teens kept on trekking as they were passing more trees.

"According to my knowledge, they stretch across the northeastern portion of India. The Himalayan range is made up of three parallel ranges often referred to as the Greater Himalayas, the Lesser Himalayas, and the Outer Himalayas. While intimidating mountains like Everest and 2K tend to dominate our perceptions of the region, the Himalayas are rich in biodiversity. Climates range from tropical at the base of the mountains to perennial snow and ice at the highest elevations. These complex and diverse eco-regions are interconnected: an ecological threat to one is ultimately a threat to many."

"Okay, we get it egghead!!!" shouted Rainbow as she was annoyed by Twilight.

"I'm am not an egghead!! I'm well-read!"

"Well-read, egghead. Same thing!!!" yelled Rainbow.

"Alright, settle down. Keep in mind, we're not the only ones who are here in these forests trying to search for the zord. So, let's keep moving and try not to draw attention to ourselves." said Ash.

True to the boy's word, in another part of the big forest, there was another search party. Both Thorax and Pharynx along with some minions were also trekking through the forest. The two brother monsters were leading the charge as Thorax had a small device he was using to guide them.

"It would be easier if I just destroyed all the foliage in our way, little brother!"

"Yes, and risk ruining my measurements," countered Thorax. "For all we know, the zord could be below our feet, and you laying waste to the foundation could trigger something bad to happen. Not to mention, I enjoy the greenery that this dimension has."

"There you go again, Thorax. Being soft, showing compassion for these humans and their planet. We are warriors, we are fighters. Our mission is the same as when we destroyed Ash's dimension. To create chaos and disharmony. And if possible, destruction."

"And we can't do that so long as he and his girlfriends have the powers they need to take us down. So if we can find the zord before they can, we'll be one step closer to taking them down," said Thorax.

Pharynx mumbled as the pair kept on leading their men through the forest.

Both parties kept on trekking as they were following each of their signals. Soon the sky was starting to get dark as the sun was starting to go down. Ash looked up as he could tell that soon nightfall would be upon them. Thankfully, they stopped by a clearing for the girls to catch their breath from all the walking they did.

"Alright, girls. It's about to be nighttime soon. Best to stop here and make camp." stated Ash.

The girls nodded as the boy took off his bag. He bent down and open it as he pulled out a small yellow box.

"Alright, mah favorite part of being in the woods. Roughin' it. Time go find some logs and build a shelter," said Aj.

"Or do this," said Ash as he showed the box to the girls. "Rachel, activate."

The A.I. heard the command of the ranger as she transmitted a code to the yellow box. Ash then tossed the thing to the ground behind him. In a few seconds, it flashed. It then began to configure and expand as soon a full tent appeared behind the teen. The girls were stunned by what they saw.

"What? You thought I didn't pack you, girls, with some living arrangements before we left?" said Ash with a smirk.

The girls now reached into their backpacks and they pulled out small boxes that resembled their colors. Soon Rachel did the same as she sent the codes to the boxes. They all flashed as they hopped out of the girls' hands and to the ground next to them as they configured and soon were tents for each of them.

"No offense, Ash. I'm grateful for you packin' these for us. But I was lookin' to get mah hands dirty."

"Come on, Aj. We have these things for a reason. So best use them." said Ash. "Anyways, we still need to make a firepit. And that, unfortunately, isn't something I packed. So..."

"Yes! Way ahead of you!" said Applejack as she was now excited. She rushed into the woods and began to search for some wood.

"What about the rest of us?" asked Rainbow.

"Well, we still need to find some water. Our backpacks are running low on that."

"Good idea, Twilight. How about you and Sunset see if you can find a water source nearby. And take this," said the boy tossing the girl a canister. "That's so you can purify the water for us to drink."

"We're on it," said Sunset as she and Twilight began to take off.

"If you're in danger, contact using your Morphers," shouted Ash as the girls disappeared behind the foliage.

"And Rainbow..."

"Let me guess, you need someone to cook the food. Way ahead of you," said the chromatic girl.

"Actually, leave dinner to me. What I was going to say is, can you climb that tree and give us scouting of where we are," stated the boy.

"Oh, sure," said Dash. She then approached the tall tree and began to climb it.

While the girl was making her way to the top, Ash began to unpack some more stuff from his backpack and the girls. He then got to work on creating a firepit. A few moments passed, and it was complete. At that moment, Rainbow made it to the top as she leaned out and looked. From where she was positioned, she could see the mountain range in the distance as well as the rest of the forest below her. She heard a nearby falcon sound as it soared above her.

The girl noticed a nearby river as in the distance, she could see Sunset and Twilight. She then looked past them as there appeared to be some small objects. It was far away that she couldn't make them out, but they appeared to be huts of sorts.

Ash had finished cleaning up the area when the girl slid down the tree.

"How's it looking?" asked the boy as he tossed some logs for them to sit on.

"Good view. But, I saw something in the distance."


"Don't know. It's too far away to get a clear view. But from what I could make out, it seems to be some kind of village." said the chromatic girl.

"Interesting," was all the teen said.

Soon the rest of the girls came back. Applejack had managed to get some logs for them to use as she used her strength to carry them with ease. The boy then began to collect some as he put them in the firepit.

"We're back," said Sunset and Twilight.

"Great job, girls. Alright, stand back," said Ash as he grabbed two rocks.

The ranger then struck them towards the logs as the small spark went flying to the pieces of wood. A small ember was shown as the boy then blew on it as it absorbed the oxygen, and soon it turned into a small flame. The flame then consumed the logs as it created a nice fire for the rangers.

"Since when are you so experienced when it comes to camping?" asked Applejack.

"Before I became a ranger, my parents and I often went on camping trips back home. So they taught me some things, and it's paying off," said Ash as he began to pull out some cooking ware.

With Aj's help, the pair was able to make some stew as the night sky was upon them. The stars were out, the moon shined beautifully in the air. And below, smoke could be seen with an orange glow. The metal pot that stood on a stand above the fire as steam was shown escaping. Soon all five teenagers had bowls as they began to chow on their dinner.

"This shit is good!" said Rainbow as she made a slurping sound.

"Don't choke, Rainbow," chuckled Ash as he stirred the pot.

For the rest of the time, the girls all sat and talked with one another. Ash had been watching them as he sighed and smiled. He then pulled out a map that had the landscape of the terrain. The boy had Rachel print out a map of the area they were going to as he was trying to figure out where the missing zord might be. His actions didn't go unnoticed as Sunset saw her leader sitting in the dark by himself as he stared at the piece of paper.

Soon it came time for some dessert as both Aj and Ash pulled out some marshmallows and other stuff to make smores. The entire group was having a wonderful time as being out in nature with your friends, put a smile on their faces.

"So, what's the plan?" asked Twilight.

"Well, based on Rainbow's observations. There seems to be a village nearby just a few meters northwest of here. After we have breakfast, we'll pack up and head there. Maybe there's someone who can help us." stated Ash.

"Well, y'all. It's gettin' late," yawned Applejack. "Don't know 'bout y'all, but I'm hittin' the hay."

"Me too," yawned Rainbow.

Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack all said goodnight as they each entered their tents and went to sleep. Sunset was about to do the same when she noticed Ash as he was doing some things with his Morpher. The girl then began to walk to where her leader was as she sat down on the log next to him.

"What is it, Sunset?" asked Ash as he looked up.

"I just wanted to have a small chat. How are you feeling?"

"Good. Why?" asked the boy.

"Just... concerned is all. You know you don't have to stand in the dark by yourself. We're a team. Me and the girls are here for you. So feel free to jump in and be a part of our friendship group." said the girl.

"I know that. I was... just happy to see the look on each of your faces. It reminded me of how I was when I went camping with my parents. I just thought I would never see that image ever again in my life."

"Glad we could remind you," chuckled Sunset hitting the boy playfully in his arm. "So, once we find the zord? How are we going to get it to join our side?"

"It's not easy. Unlike our zords, when my previous team set them loose to save them. They reverted to their wild nature. So they're like wild animals. The good news is that they can't grow big while they're like that. So we don't have to worry about finding a ten-foot bear in the Himalayas. But still, we need to show it that we don't mean any harm and that it can trust us."

"Well, then. Let's make sure we beat the Dark Lords before they get their hands on the zord," smiled Sunset.

"We can only hope."

"You said you used to go camping with your parents when you were younger. Mind telling me about it? If it's not too... you know... heart-breaking."

"It's fine," assured Ash. "The first time, I went camping..."


The sun shined. Its rays peaked through the dense forest. It was then, that three individuals were shown. They were all walking along a path as around them, the animals that lived in the woods made sounds.

"How much further do we have to walk?" asked a younger Ash.

"Just a bit more, sweetie," said the person as it was Ash's mother.

"Well, my feet are killing me," stated the boy.

"Come on, son. Put your back into," laughed Ash's father.

The two adults kept on trekking as their son let out a tired sigh. He then continued to follow his parents. Soon the trio came to a clearing that overlooked the lake below. They decided to stop as Ash flopped down and breathed heavily.

"I hate camping!!" shouted the boy looking up.

"Ash, don't say that. The idea of us going camping is to allow you to explore a different side of yourself. Not to mention, this is a small vacation for me and your mother. I don't have to worry about designing new gadgets and pieces of technology, and she doesn't have to worry about leading the others rangers into battle. Plus, we're a family. And we need to spend time with each other."

"We couldn't have done that by going to an amusement park instead?" countered the boy to his father.

"Ash, sweetie. Your father is right. This is a chance for us to spend time, and bond with one another. The other rangers assured me that they can handle any danger while I spend time with the two most important men in my life."

"Now, get up and help me set things up," stated Ash's father.

The boy got up and put his backpack down as he approached his father. While the boys were clearing out the space they were going to use, Ash's mother began to pull out their tent. The wristband on her wrist changed into her Morpher as it sent some coded message to the box as the girl tossed it to the floor. It changed and flashed as soon there stood a big tent enough to house three people.

She then began to get out her stuff for cooking their dinner. Meanwhile, Ash and his father had finished clearing out all the debris around them as they had enough space to walk around. Soon they split up to get what they needed. Ash's mother was going to head down to the lake to get some water for them to use while Ash and his father went to go collect wood. The boy and his father then ventured into the forest as they were looking to collect logs.

"Remember the first rule I taught you, Ash."

"Yes, dad. Always mark where you're going. That way, in case you get lost. You can find your way back to where you started." said the boy. He'd listened to his father's advice as every tree they walked by, the kid had been marking them with arrows.

"Good, this looks like the perfect spot," said Ash's father as they came to some trees.

Around them were old branches of the trees that could be shown they were dying. Ash's father then pulled out something from his pocket. It then transformed into a small ax made for chopping wood.

"I'll get started chopping down the tree while you collect the small branches we can use," said Ash's father as the boy nodded.

For the next few moments, the two did their tasks. Ash's father managed to chop the tree down as it fell and made a thud. Once it was on the floor, Ash's father began to chop the bark of the tree into small logs as Ash would collect them. While they were doing that, Ash's mother had made it down to the lake below them.

She had morphed into her ranger suit as she pulled out the wings of her suit and glided down. She landed and demorphed as she approached the body of water. She put her backpack down and pulled out some canisters as she filled them all with the drinking water. She had finished the last canister when her Morpher made a beeping sound.

"What's up?"

"Captain, we know you're on a break. But we thought we keep you updated on the situation happening back in the city," said one of the girl's teammates.

"Understood, keep me posted," said the red ranger. She let out a sigh as she finished collecting what she needed.

She then began to head back up.

By that time, both Ash and his father were making it back to camp with pieces of wood in their hands. The pair then began to create a firepit as Ash's father taught his son how to make one that would prevent the fire from spreading in case of wind. Soon, the boy's mother appeared as she smiled to see her son and father at work. The woman then made her presence known as watching from nearby bushes were a set of eyes.

Nightfall had fallen. The three individuals were now gathered around the campfire as the stars and moon were out. The family then began to eat their meal. In the eyes of Ash's parents, they were seeing their son have a smile on their faces. Soon they transitioned to roasting marshmallows before Ash's father began to regale his wife and son with a campfire story.

Ash let out a tired yawn as his mother went to put their son to bed. Once she put the boy to sleep, she exited the tent to see her husband who was poking the fire with a branch to keep it warm and burning.

"He's fast asleep," said the woman as she sat next to her husband.

"Good. He spent a lot of energy today. Still, he seems to be enjoying himself." said Ash's father.

"Indeed. Once he becomes a ranger, his whole life is going to change. His responsibilities will drastically shift. I just want to give him some last memories before he turns into an adult when he inherits the power." said the woman.

"He'll still be young. But you're right, his shift to adulthood will be marked when he becomes a Power Ranger. His teenage life will be full of duties that a normal teen shouldn't have. But it's the life he's going to have to endure." said Ash's mother.

"Hey, we made it work. When you became a ranger during your teen years, we only started to date. At that time, I had only asked you out for the school dance. But I knew that despite your duties to be trained and become the leader of the rangers, you were able to find balance in your personal life. That's all I want for our son. Him becoming a ranger doesn't mean he can't live a normal life."

"That's why it's our job. As his parents, it's our duty to help him find balance. And as long as we're here to guide him, he's got nothing to worry about." said Ash's mom.

Safe to say, both had no idea that the statement just made would have a different outcome for their son and the future to come.

"Now then, why don't you get some rest, dear? You've been working nonstop."

"Perhaps, you're right," smiled Ash's father as he got up and made his way to the tent. "You coming?"

"I'll be there in a few minutes," answered Ash's mother as her husband entered the tent.

Once he was inside, the woman then took a deep breath. The glowing eyes from before were shown near some bushes in the dark as the girl stood up. It then disappeared as the ranger looked in the direction of where it once was. She touched her wristband as it changed her into her ranger suit. Soon the fire died down for a second and came back on as the ranger was nowhere to be seen.

The morning came as the family was up and eating some breakfast. They then decided to head down to the lake below them. They soon changed into their swimwear as the boy was swimming around with his parents as they were laughing and enjoying themselves. Eventually, they stopped for some lunch.

"Ash, come out of the water, son. Time to eat!" called out the boy's father.

"Coming!" said the boy as he was floating.

He began to swim towards the shoreline. Below the water, the same glowing eyes from before were shown. It saw its prey within its sights as it fired something that hooked around the boy's foot. Ash could feel it as he looked into the water to see the eyes. He then felt himself being yanked.

"Mom! Dad!" shouted the boy as he went underway.

"No!" shouted both as they raced towards their son.

"Harmony Gem, power up!" yelled Ash's mother as she morphed into her suit while running.

She then dived into the water as she went after her son. Ash's father started to swim towards the splashing. When he got there, Ash popped out as he was coughing. He grabbed his son as he began to swim rapidly back to the shore. He stepped foot on the land when he turned around to see his wife coming out of the water with her saber in hand. The glowing eyes had belonged to a monster. It was the same monster that the red ranger encountered the night before as she was informed by her team about one escaping from the city.

Ash's mother landed in front of her husband and son as the monster came onto the land.

"How you dare you attack my son, monster!!" shouted the woman as she was unhappy.

The creature let out a snarl as soon minions appeared.

"Dear, take Ash and get to safety!" stated the girl as she ran forward to engage the mutants.

"Right," stated Ash's father as he ran with his son.

They were heading to some nearby rocks when suddenly more monsters appeared and blocked their path. With Ash's mother occupied, she couldn't be able to help her family. For Ash, he knew his mother was a ranger and had to fight monsters, but looking at them, he couldn't help but feel scared.

"Don't worry, son. I'll keep you safe," said his father as he took a fighting stance.

A few minions charged forward. They were soon blasted and fell. That surprised Ash and his father as they looked up, and a jet was flying by. Soon four more figures jumped out as they landed in front of the boy and his father. The figures were none other than the rest of the rangers as they were informed by Ash's mother of the missing monster. All four rangers pulled out their sabers and began to charge forward to engage the enemy.

Ash's father took that time to grab his son as they made it to the rocks.

"Stay here," said the man.

"Dad," said Ash.

"It's okay. I'm going to help your mother. Stay hidden, and you'll be safe." instructed the man to his son as he nodded.

Ash's father then headed back to join his wife and friends. For the man might not have been a ranger, he often sparred with his wife as she taught him some moves and close combat. And it was on full display as despite not having any kind of powers, the man was holding his own against the mutants as he took them down with ease. Ash was watching this from the rocks as he peaked and saw the action before him with his own eyes. He saw his parents and the other rangers which brought wonder to the boy.

The kid often told his mother that he wanted to be a ranger one day. And every time she would tell him that he would one day get his dream. He couldn't wait to become a ranger so that he could protect the world and fight against evil, just like his mom and her friends. One of the rangers was dodging and fighting against some mutants. He ducked and leaped into the air as he spun and kicked three monsters away.

The monsters landed on their back. Ash saw the creatures near him as they got to their feet. They then turned their head as they saw the boy hiding behind rocks. Ash backed up a bit as the monsters had their targets in their sights. They raised their arms as Ash covered himself up.

"Hey! Over here!" shouted a voice.

The monsters looked into the air.

"Topaz Slash!" shouted the person. They had their weapon in their hands as they did a diagonal attack that took out the mutants.

Ash opened his eyes as he saw he was okay. He then looked to see who saved him as it wasn't his mom or dad. But rather, the yellow ranger. The person stood there as he turned to look at the child of his leader.

"You okay, kid?" asked the yellow ranger as he bent down.

"Yeah. Thanks."

"Don't mention it," said the yellow ranger.

He then turned his attention back to the fight as he went to help his teammates. Ash looked on as he saw his mother and team.

"Thanks, honey," said Ash's mother as her husband saved her from being held by the monsters.

She then stepped forward as the rest of her team appeared by her side. In front of them were the last group of minions.

"Ready, team?" shouted Ash's mother.

"Ready," said the others to their leader.

All five now stood as their bodies began to glow as they prepared to deliver their finishing move. They felt the power of their weapons charge up as a light shot from each of them as it was rainbow-colored. The lights now held the minions in place as they couldn't move.

"Full power!" shouted all of them.

They each began to slide towards the mutant as they had finished charging up. Each ranger did an attack as they passed by their foes.

"Charging Lance!" shouted the blue ranger, sliding by with his weapon.

"Meteor Spike!" shouted the green ranger, swinging her ax upwards.

"Shield Splice!" shouted the purple ranger doing the same with her shield.

"Blade Strike!" shouted the yellow ranger doing a downward slash.

"Blitz Flare!" shouted Ash's mother as she leaped backward into the air and pulled her bow.

The scene now changed as it spun around the group of monsters. It froze for a few seconds as soon the red ranger had her charged up her attack. She released the string and resumed her attack as an arrow of red light shot out to deal the final blow.

Ash's mother was behind the group along with her team. An explosion occurred as they did their looked forward.

"Now your turn!" shouted the woman.

"Put them together!" shouted all five rangers as they combined their weapons.

"Harmony Cannon, online!" shouted the rangers. Ash's mother was in the middle as she was ready to pull the trigger. "Final Shot!"

Their weapon shot out a sphere of energy as it was covered with the colors of their gems. It made contact with the mutant as he was defeated. The group now jumped back and did their victory pose as behind them their foe fell, and another explosion occurred as they had won.

"Wow! Someday, I'm gonna be a ranger," said Ash still seeing this from behind the rocks.

He saw his mother and her team demorphed as they gathered his father and were making their way back to where their son was. For the rest of their little break, Ash's mother allowed her team to join her family on them as a way for them to relax as well.

(End of Memory)

"Wow," said Sunset as she had brought her knees in as she listened to her leader's story.

"Yeah. That's one camping trip I can never forget," said Ash as he was poking at the fire.

"Even back then, you were seeing what it meant to be a Power Ranger."

"I told you girls, being a ranger is in my blood. I... just wish both my parents and friends were here... I... miss them," said Ash trying his hardest not to shed a tear.

"Hey, it's okay," said Sunset putting her hand on the boy's shoulder. "If you need to let it out, go on. I won't judge."

"Appreciate that, Sunset. But... I'm good," assured the teen to his teammates. "Well, go on and get some sleep. I'll be up a little bit to stand guard."

"Don't stay up too late, alright."

"I promise."

Sunset chuckled as she got up and approached her tent.

"Good night, Ash."

"Sleep tight, Sunny."

The girl chuckled and blushed a bit as she closed the zipper to her tent. Soon she got into her sleeping bag and fell asleep. Ash then reached into his backpack and pulled out a circle-shaped item. He then traced the symbol on his Morpher as it caused the item to glow. It flashed a yellow light as soon standing before the boy was his zord in his pup size as it saw its owner. The wolf cub then leaped into its lap as it nuzzled into the boy's shirt.

"Want to me with guard duty for a bit?" asked Ash to his wolf zord as it gave a small howl.

The boy then petted his pup as the pair watched the fire and looked up at the sky. They saw the stars as the sounds of embers crackling could be heard. The boy and his zord looked at the stars as they were seeing the many constellations that were out. Eventually, the pair called it as they went to Ash's tent and fell asleep with his wolf snuggled in his master's arms.

The morning came as the whole gang was gathered around the campfire eating breakfast. Applejack and Ash had woken up early and began to make some pancakes for the rest of their friends as they woke to the delicious smell of the crepes. Once breakfast was over, they began to discuss the plan.

"So, how are we going to find the bear zord?" asked Twilight.

"As I said, there's a village that's a few meters from here. According to Dash, it's northwest of our location. The best bet is to head there and see if we can find anybody who can help us. With the missing zords, they'll be like regular animals until one side can control them and change them into their gigantic size." stated Ash.

"At least, if we do get help from someone. They won't be freaked out by a massive bear roaming these parts," said Sunset.

"Alright, y'all! Let's head out!" stated Applejack as she put on her backpack.

The other girls followed suit as they got themselves ready to head out. Ash began to lead the way with his wolf cub on his shoulder as it held on with its paws. The entire group was now heading in the direction that Rainbow pointed as they hoped that they could get some clue as to where they might find the missing zord.

They walked along the dirt path for a while as they soon came to a ridge. In the distance, they could see the small huts that Rainbow saw the day prior as it gave them hope. They continued on their path. After a while, they soon approached the village as they climbed the small hill it was on. Upon entering they saw something they couldn't see from far away. Turns out some of the huts in this village were damaged, almost like they had been attacked by something. And based on the condition some of them were in, it seemed recent. The boy and the girls all looked around taking in their surroundings as they felt a bit unease.

Some of the inhabitants saw the group of teenagers as they were hesitant. Eventually, the rangers all stopped as they saw a boy who was along with someone who could be considered the village chief.

"Who are you? Why have you come?" asked the village chief.

"It's alright. We mean you no harm. My friends and I are just simply passing by. We're looking for something."

"Whatever it is, you won't find it here!" shouted the village chief.

"Excuse me, sir? I hope it's not too much of an annoyance. But what happened? Some of your homes seemed to be... destroyed." said Twilight.

"We were attacked," said the village chief.

Ash and the girls gave glances at each other as they heard that statement.

To be continued...