• Published 1st Feb 2022
  • 1,802 Views, 115 Comments

Power Rangers: Harmony - ShootingStar25

All was quiet in the city of Canterlot. For years, this place was peaceful. Nothing major happens, that is... until a force from another dimension makes its presence known.

  • ...

Chapter 11: Trekking in the Himalayas Pt. 2

Previously on Power Rangers...

"Master Ash, I seem to have picked up something."

"Another attack?" stated the boy.

"No. Remember that anomaly that I detected and have been working to descramble the past few days. Well, I just decoded the signal. And I've located it."

"Good news, everyone," said Thorax to Starlight and his brother. "I've found it."

"Then secure it," said the leader as his shadow was shown.

"At once. Up for a trip, brother?" asked Thorax.

"It's one of the zords," said Ash putting a medkit in his backpack.

"Which one?!" asked Twilight.

"The bear zord," replied Rachel.

"Where's it located?" said the bookworm.

"Here," said Ash pushing a button on the command panel.

"The Himalayas," said Twilight.

"Yup. So, our job is to find it before the Dark Lords."

"Since we are you so experienced when it comes to camping?" asked Applejack.

"Before I became a ranger, my parents and I often on camping trips back home. So they taught me some things, and it's paying off," said Ash as he began to pull out some cooking ware.

"You know you don't have to stand in the dark by yourself. We're a team. Me and the girls are here for you. So feel free to jump in and be a part of our friendship group." said the girl.

"I know that. I was... just happy to see the look on each of your faces. It reminded me of how I was when I went camping with my parents. I just thought I would never see that image ever again in my life."

"Glad we could remind you," chuckled Sunset hitting the boy playfully in his arm.

So, how are we going to find the bear zord?" asked Twilight.

"According to Dash, it's northwest of our location. The best bet is to head there and see if we can find anybody who can help us."

"What happened?"

"We were attacked," said the village chief.

Ash and the girls gave glances at each other as they heard that statement.

The village was shown as the villagers were gathering up pieces of their homes. All around the rangers were seeing the people at work. One of the kids who was carrying a tray of bricks tripped and fell. Applejack bent down and helped the kid up as she carried the bricks for the kid as she smiled. The others were doing their best to help as they gave some of the provisions they had in their backpacks to some of the villagers. Ash was with Twilight as the pair were sitting on a wall with the village chief.

"We appreciate you all in helping us. But please, we can rebuild. It doesn't require you to be here longer than you need to be." said the village chief.

"It's no trouble at all. We're just passing by, but... we can't leave people who are in need. We have to help any way we can." said Ash.

"If it's not too much trouble. What happened?" asked Twilight as she pulled out a notebook from her backpack and a pen.

"It started a few hours before you all arrived..." said the village chief as he began to recount his tale.

"Me and a few of the scouts had just arrived from our latest adventure. We were scouting the nearby temple."

"Temple?" said Twilight.

"Years and years ago, our ancestors did battle with a great evil. They were able to able to defeat the darkness so in honor of that victory. They created a special jewel. One that was blessed by our gods. It was filled with light, warmth, and hope. So long as it reigned in our village, it would ward off any evil that dare step foot in our home. And it would protect us. But... over two centuries ago... the jewel was stolen."

"How?" asked Ash.

"A group of settlers raided our village, and during the conflict, they managed to find the jewel and run off with it. The thieves ran with our ancestral fighters in pursuit. They chased them to the temple nearby as the sky began to grow gray. Seconds later rain and storm clouds poured as both sides climbed the stairs and entered the temple."

"What happened next?" said Twilight.

"From the ones that were told to stay behind, they could only describe it as a flash of light appeared. Soon they climbed the stairs and entered the temple's main room. There was no one there, simply the jewel. They began to reach for it when the statues nearby began to glow. Their eyes as red as the blood that flows through us. Soon they felt some strange force pushing them against their will. They were pushed as the statues moved from their pedestals, and the jewel floated into the air. Since then, every single person who has entered the temple has never been seen again. Yet, before they were left, they heard a saying. It spoke that only when the challenge has been complete, can the jewel be set free and returned to its rightful owner. So as you can see, my family for generations and generations have tried to overcome the challenge. But everyone who has set foot in the temple has never been seen again." said the village chief as he finished his tale.

"That's quite a tale. But, I doubt this has anything to do with the individuals that attacked your village, am I right?" asked Ash.

"Well, as I said, just before you lot came. We were approached by some monsters. They said they were looking for something. They didn't say much, but that it was a bear."

"Uh-oh," said Twilight as she looked at Ash. The boy knew who the chief was talking about.

"Did you give them any information?" asked the teen.

"I told them of a creature that had been recently roaming our hunting grounds. Most of the men say it resembles a bear, but yet none of our weapons seem to damage it. They were able to track it to where it lives." The village chief then pulled out a map as it showed the location of the creature's home.

"Looks like we got our target," whispered Ash to Twilight before addressing the chief. "Say, if it's not too much trouble? Do you mind if we borrow that map? See... we're also looking for that creature?"

"What for?" asked the man with a raised eyebrow.

"Let's just say, that we need to make sure that it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. And the individuals that you spoke with earlier, are the ones we're trying to make sure they don't find it," said Twilight.

"So, can we?" said the boy reaching for it when the chief pulled it back.

"I will say the same thing to you as I did those monsters. The only way I'll help and give the map, is to whoever can return the jewel to our village. As the saying goes, an eye for an eye."

"And I'm assuming you telling those monsters that, caused them to leave... a parting gift, so to speak?" said Twilight as the chief's silence confirmed her answer.

Ash was now thinking of the dilemma they were in. They knew where the zord was located. They had a way to find it. But... to get the map to the location of the zord. They had to do something for the village chief and his people. And that was returning the jewel that was lost so long ago. And to top it all off, the jewel could only be obtained by passing whatever challenge was invoked with the temple. And after hearing how over the years, many people entered only for none to return made the boy nervous.

Scared even. But... this wasn't about what he thought. This was about the bigger picture. If they were going to stop Thorax and Pharynx from getting the zord before they do. Then they needed to do this request. Even if it meant they might not come out alive. But of course, part of being a ranger was having to sacrifice. And sometimes that meant your own life. Soon, the teen let out a sigh as he looked at the chief.

"We'll do it."

In a different part of the landscape, there laid a temple. Based on its design, it seemed to have been built by people during the dawn of time. Throughout the years of erosion and time left an effect on the structure, it still stood its mighty ground. Bits of moss were shown growing as it added more color and camouflage to the temple.

A pair of eyes were shown as it expanded to reveal a pair of binoculars.

"I can't believe we're doing this shit!" stated Rainbow.

"In case you forgot, Dash! We need that map to stop those mutants from gettin' the zord, first!" assured Applejack.

Ash removed the binoculars as he turned to look at the girls as they were behind him all sitting down in some bushes. After agreeing to the chief's request, he and Twilight rounded up the girls and informed them of the situation. They confirmed with the chief that they would do this favor and return the jewel. So the group packed up and headed in the direction that the chief pointed. While the man said a few words of prayer as if he was preparing for the teenagers to not return, Ash assured them they would come back alive and with their treasure no less.

It took a while, but soon the group came upon the temple. Since then, they've been sitting and scouting it to see if there was anything that might give them a clue as to how to overcome the impossible challenge. But from the outside, it was a normal temple. Four stairways on each side that people could climb as it merged at the top where there was an entranceway that would lead inside of the structure. And no signs of any boobytraps. So that meant once the group entered, there was no turning back.

"Why are we doing this again?!!" groaned Rainbow.

"Cause we're five teenagers with attitude," replied Ash.

"Really?" said the chromatic girl with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright, cause we've got genetically enhanced abilities. So we're at least last a bit longer than most people," answered the boy.

"Almost all of us," remarked Twilight as she reminded them of how she got the short end of the stick when it came to hidden powers.

"You sure this is the best way?" asked Sunset.

"Best way? Hell no. But it's the only way we have in getting that map. And getting the zord before the Dark Lords gain control of it. So for that alone... I'm willing to take the risk. Even if it cost me my own life." said Ash as he made a fist and looked at his wristband that had his gem. "At least if I die, I'll be reunited with my parents and friends."

"Now don't go spittin' stuff like that, sugarcube. You ain't gonna die. Know why, cause we're gonna make sure you walk out. And not just you, all of us." stated the farm girl as the rest of them stood up.

"We're a team, Ash. No matter what situation we find ourselves in. We're in it to the end. So if you fall, then so do we. Cause we'll follow you to the bitter end." said Twilight.


"We're your teammates. More importantly, we're your friends. And friends stick together no matter what." said Sunset as the rest nodded.

"Thanks," smiled Ash.

He then approached them and he put his hand out. The girls did the same as they put theirs on top of their leader.

"Power Rangers..." started Ash.

"Fear no danger!" said the group as they broke.

The scene now showed the five teenagers with attitude as they approached the temple. They stood in a line as they prepared themselves for what they might encounter. Ash took the first step in climbing with the others following him close by. The group soon made it to the top as they passed through the entranceway. The idol face on top was shown as it flashed a color that the group was unaware of.

The group walked along the corridor as along the walls were torches that remained lit after all this time. It gave some light as they trekked further while all being on guard. They soon came into a grander room as it was the main floor of the temple. All around the temple were covered with symbols and designs. The girls were taking the images in as they were beautiful, to say the least. For Twilight, she couldn't help but geek out at seeing so much history before her eyes.

"I... can't... believe it..." said the girl in between gasps as she was in heaven.

"Well, we lost Twilight," said Applejack.

"So we're here. Where's this impossible challenge or the jewel for that matter?" asked Rainbow as she approached one of the statues that were present.

"The chief said the jewel will only appear once the challenge has been completed," said Sunset as she approached another statue.

"So... what does that mean?" asked Applejack.

"I don't know. But in the chief's story, he mentioned how when the jewel was first stolen. The statues had their eyes glow." said Ash as he looked at the five stone rock figures spread out evenly in the room.

"So, what? We just make these things have their eyes glow," said Rainbow as she leaned and put a hand on the statue near her.

She was unaware of what that did as the rock figure began to glow. The others soon turned to look at her as the chromatic girl looked and quickly took her hand off as she backed up. The whole temple was now shaking as the statue then began to move. It took a step forward as it made a thud sound that echoed. It moved its other foot as it stood before the group.

"What did you do?!!" shouted Sunset.

"I didn't do shit!" countered Dash.

"Well, you did something!" yelled Ash.

He got the attention of the others as the four remaining statues also glowed. They too began to step forward off their pedestals as they now had the group of teenagers in a circle. Soon all five were surrounded by a vortex of light as they shot into the air. It died down as standing before the group was the statues as they were different colors. Moreso, they each had a symbol on their chest.

"Okay, they friend or foe?" asked Twilight as the rangers were back to back in a circle.

"I'm thinking these guys aren't too happy about us trespassing on their property," answered Sunset.

"They don't scare me," taunted Rainbow.

The statue in front of her raised the staff it held and pointed it at the girl. It glowed, and a water beam came out that knocked the rainbow-haired teen onto the ground.

"You were sayin'?" mocked Applejack.

"Alright, now I'm pissed," said Rainbow as she got up and clutched her side. Seems the attack had some effect on her as she quickly shook it off.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Sunset to the group.

"Sure do. It's Morphin' time!" shouted Ash.

"Harmony Gem, power up!" shouted all five teens.

The rangers' wristbands turned into their morphers as they touched the interface and drew their symbol. They appeared on a split-screen as they were being encased by their gem as bits of it appeared on their shoulders. They lifted their heads as the last bit of their suit had the vizors cover their face as they landed on a platform and did their pose with their animals behind them as they let out a sound.

"Harmony Yellow!"

"Harmony Red!"

"Harmony Blue!"

"Harmony Green!"

"Harmony Purple!"

"Harmony Guardian Power Rangers!" shouted all five.

They each were faced with a statue as they began to defend themselves. Rainbow pulled out her saber as she was engaged with the one that knocked her down. The blue ranger trying to get some attacks in as the statue was blocking with its staff. The girl then began to use her legs as she delivered a kick to the body of the statue as it went through it. Her leg was shown on the other side as if it was caught in the middle of a waterfall. The statue didn't feel it as it swiped the girl from it as she fell hard to the floor. It then powered up its staff as a huge tidal wave shot in beams as they collided with the chromatic girl as she took some heavy damage and flipped into the air.

Sunset was dealing with a different stature as small bits of flame were shown on its shoulders. The girl pulled out her blaster as she was trying to shoot at the figure as it spun its staff rapidly in front of it as the shots were deflected. The girl then leaped forward hoping to catch the statue off guard as it merely sidestepped. The pair were now fighting with their weapons as they parried. The figure grabbed Sunset's hand as it knee the girl in her midsection before throwing her to the ground. As Sunset was getting to her knees, the statue struck the ground with its staff as a pillar of fire burst out and made contact with the girl as she took some damage.

Twilight was dueling with her foe as the wind blew in her face. Since the start, the statue had made a breeze blow over the field as the girl could feel herself being pushed back. The girl tried to get a proper footing to fight, but it was effortless. The statue then swung its staff to hit the girl as the breeze stopped. Twilight had that small window to roll as she pulled out her saber to strike. It phased through the body as if Twilight was trying to swat the wind. The statue then put its hands together and looked at the lavender ranger. A tornado then shot out and sucked the girl in as she screamed and shot into the air.

Applejack was swinging her ax with the statue she was facing. The girl managed to leave a scratch on the statue's face as the green ranger smiled. That smile soon faded as the attack embedded on the earth statue deconstructed the statue, only for it to reform itself. It then struck the ground with its staff. The whole earth around the farm gal began to shake as she was trying to not lose her balance. The figure then made pieces of the ground and hurled them at the ranger. Aj was hit hard in the chest as small explosions were shown.

With Ash, he was doing some flips and kicks as the statue he was facing was relentless. Both had their fight take them to the wall as they both jumped onto it and began to exchange parries with their weapons before they backflipped off on it and landed. The statue had its staff power up as its body glowed. Ash pulled out his blaster and fired as the shots bounced off the statue. He fired some more as it was walking toward him. The shoots now ricochet into different directions as a few of them hit the girls as they felt the attack. The boy then tapped into his gem's power as his hands began to glow. He did some quick arm movements as he thrust one forward as the mirage-like image of his wolf came out as it headed towards the statue. The wolf attacked the figure as the sounds of metal could be heard hitting off of its body as the spirit soon dissipated. The figure stood there, unharmed as it simply brushed the small pebbles off its shoulder.

"I hate these sons of bitches!" shouted Rainbow as she was being hurled into a whirlpool. The water statue then had the girl encased in a bubble as the blue ranger was trapped.

"Nothing we do affects them!" shouted Applejack as a huge boulder was thrown. The girl tapped into her gem's power as she punched the rock and went through it. It served as a decoy as the statue closed in and whacked the girl as she was thrown back.

"We can't even touch them!" shouted Sunset who had her bow out and was shooting it at the fire figure as the attacks burned up upon contact with the body.

"If only there was a way for them to fight each other!!" shouted Twilight as she was in a tornado and then shot out as she hit the other girls as they all fell.

The statues that they faced all stood side by side. They put their staffs together as their respective elements shot out and combined into one powerful beam. The beam hit the four girls as they yelled out in pain and then were tossed into the air as an explosion occurred. They landed in pain as the statues closed in on them. Meanwhile, Ash was dealing with his, when he saw his team on the ground and in trouble. He then thought of what Twilight said as a lightbulb went off.

"That's it!" shouted the boy as he leaped away from the metal statue.

The yellow ranger then touched his Morpher as his sword came out. The boy tapped into his gem once more as it responded to the ranger's aura. The blade began to glow yellow as he then did a slash attack that shot towards the metal statue as it collided with the others. It didn't take long as all five now turned their attention to the leader. The girls were allowed a few seconds of breathing as they sat up and saw their friend in a five on one situation.

"Twilight's right. These guys can be defeated. If they use their powers against one another," said Ash as he flipped forward and landed a few meters in front of the fire statue.

He did another charged-up slash attack as it caused the flames on the statue to blow in the breeze of the attack. However, the flames managed to burn up the metal statue that was behind it. When the attack ended, there stood the metal figure melting.

"Fire melts metal!" shouted Ash. A water geyser was shot at him as the boy rolled away from the attack and faced the water statue.

"Water quenches fire!" shouted the yellow ranger.

He did another slash attack with his sword. The attack hit the water figure as it went through the body but the waves made by the contact splashed onto the fire statue as it soon died out and turned to gas. That contact between the two elements made the water statue a bit stunned as it clutched its head.

"Earth swallows water!"

Ash did another attack on the earth statue as it deconfigured but the rocky pieces that were tossed hit the water figure as it absorbed the figure into them and was gone.

"Wind scatters earth!"

The boy leaped over the two statues as the earth statue was starting to reconfigure itself. He did another slash attack as it hit the wind figure who collided back first with its rocky comrade. The contact caused a small wind to blow over the field as the earth statue was defeated as only the wind statue remained.

"And I shall quell the wind!"

Ash then began to spin in place with his blade out as the speed and momentum were creating his own mini tornado. The wind statue put its staff out to try to control it but soon it was sucked into the swirling vortex as it all surrounded the boy's blade. The girls were seeing this as they could feel the giant breeze that blew over. Ash once more tapped into his topaz's power as he then brought his blade down on the floor. A giant hurricane came out as it blew wind in all directions. The girls felt it as they were sitting up and got into the air. Applejack found a good grip as the others grabbed each other's hands to avoid flying away. In the middle was Ash as he grunted, concentrating on his gem and boosting it to full power. Moments later, all of the wind died down.

The girls then fell on top of each other as they demorphed. They let out some pains and grunts as they rubbed themselves where the pain was. They all got up and quickly made their way to where their leader was. Ash was on a knee with his sword in hand touching the spot where it made contact with the ground. The boy's gem then demorphed his suit as the power levels reached their limit and had to recharge. He then fell onto his behind as he was taking in deep breaths of exhaustion.

"Ash!" shouted the girls as they all rushed towards him.

"We... did... it..." expressed the boy.

He was then picked up by Sunset and Applejack as they had the boy's arms over their shoulders. All of them had some scratches and scuffs along with their faces and clothes.

"Now that, that's over. How about we get back to finding where this jewel is?" suggested Rainbow.

"I don't think we need to search that far," said Twilight.

Apart from Ash, the girls were confused by what their bookworm friend said. They soon got their answer as the temple once again began to shake.

"What now!!" shouted the chromatic girl.

Soon the ground they all stood on began to glow. From the pedestals that the defeated statues were positioned initially, all began to have a pillar of light emerge. The five different lights then showed the symbol that was on each of the statues that they fought.

"Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, and Metal," said Applejack.

The five pillars then shot to the area above the group as they all conversed. The five teenagers looked away for a bit to avoid being blinded. Soon the light died down a bit as the pillars were still touching. Soon they were gone as only a single sphere of light remained. It soon began to lower itself to the group as the light hovered above Twilight's hands. It soon touched the girls' palms and when it disappeared there was a shiny, glowing stone.

"Is this?" said the lavender girl holding the shiny rock up for all to see.

"Yup, that's the jewel we're looking for," confirmed Ash as he got his arms off of Sunset and Applejack.

"But, how? We didn't even pass the challenge," said Rainbow.

"Dash, put two and two together," was all the boy said.

He then approached Twilight as the girl gave the jewel to her leader to hold. Ash now lifted the gem in his hand and held it up high for all to see. A ray of sunshine shined through its reflective surface as it made the group feel warm and comforting.

"Let's return this to where it belongs," said Sunset.

In the village, the people had managed to fix the damage left behind by Thorax and Pharynx. They soon heard the sounds of footsteps which got their attention. They thought it was the monsters who had returned to possibly finish them off. A few more sounds were heard and coming through the entrance was none other than Ash and the girls. Many gasps were heard as they expected the group to not be standing there due to how many had failed to pass the temple's challenge. The teenagers stood there as the mumblings could be heard. The village chief made his presence known as he stepped forward and approached the boy.


"You tell me," chuckled Ash as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the shiny rock. "Is this what you're looking for?"

A massive cheer and applause were heard from the villages. The girls smiled at the admiration they were receiving from the people as Ash handed the jewel over to the chief.

"After many years, it has been returned," said the chief as he held the jewel.

"You have your jewel, now... we kept our end of the bargain," said Ash.

"Of course," said the village chief.

He then had one of the villagers appear. He handed the chief the rolled-up piece of parchment. He then gave it to the boy as he unfurled it as the girls looked over his shoulder. The map showed their location as well as the mountain range near them.

"Based on the location, it appears that the creature is located on the other side of the mountain," said Twilight.

"So long as you stay on the path and follow the map. It will take you to your destination with no trouble. But the day's journey is a day at most." said the village chief.

"Then we'd best get moving," said Ash.

"So soon? Perhaps stay and then leave at dawn tomorrow?" asked one of the villagers.

"Wish we could. But we need to find the creature before the monsters do," said Sunset.

"Very well. We thank you for all you've done. In our time of need, you decided to lend us a hand."

"Of course. We couldn't abandon y'all," said Applejack.

"I hope you all succeed in your mission," said the village chief.

The group of rangers then loaded up their backpacks as they prepared to head out. They were at the village entrance and they all turned back to wave at the villagers as they saw the group off. The teens followed Ash as they disappeared into the forest and came to a dirt track. With the map in hand and the location of the bear zord, our heroes were this closer to retrieving the lost zord before the Dark Lords. They had walked a few meters when suddenly there was an explosion that caught all of them off guard as they fell to the floor.

The rangers all looked to see what happened as standing there were two individuals who had set up an ambush for our heroes.

"Hello, Rangers!" said Pharynx as he and his brother appeared along with some minions.

"Now then... we'll take the scroll," threatened Thorax.

The rangers were on the ground as they held scowls on their faces.

To be continued...