• Published 1st Feb 2022
  • 1,801 Views, 115 Comments

Power Rangers: Harmony - ShootingStar25

All was quiet in the city of Canterlot. For years, this place was peaceful. Nothing major happens, that is... until a force from another dimension makes its presence known.

  • ...

Chapter 15: Innovation

"Come on! Come on! Just one more section!" shouted Sunset.

The girl was currently in the Sweet Shoppe. And it seems her noises were being rather bothersome for some folks as at the table behind her were Applejack and Rainbow Dash. The chromatic girl was trying to concentrate on her assignment. But that proved hard with their gamer friend constantly talking to herself as she played.

"Take that!"

"Sunset, do you mind?" asked Rainbow as she was getting annoyed.

The bacon-haired girl didn't listen as she kept on playing. Rainbow then got up and shut her laptop off as that got the girl's attention. Sunset was now staring at a black screen as her eyes widen.

"What are you doing?" shouted Sunset to her athletic friend.

"I can't concentrate with you blowing up things in my ear. I need to finish this report," said Rainbow.

"But it took me three hours, three hours to get to that level," said Sunset looking at her laptop with tears in her eyes.

"Sorry, Sunset. But I'm with Dash on this. As weird as that sounds." said Aj.

"Hey!" said Rainbow as she took offense to what the country gal said.

"Besides, we got a paper due tomorrow. And why aren't you workin' on yers?" asked the farm girl.

"Finished it last week. Twilight and I jammed on it while you two were out being David Beckham and..." spoke Sunset turning her head to her friends.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!!" shouted Applejack. She didn't want Sunset to say what she was gonna say, or it might result in a catfight to happen.

"Wasn't going to," said Sunset as she restrained herself from what she wanted to say to Aj's face. She then went back to her game.

In the command center, Ash was at the computer as he and Rachel were hard at work. The pair was once again going over some more ranger footage that the Morphin' Grid had and the archive that the A.I. found while the team was out searching for the Bear zord in the Himalayas.

The boy was focusing on several things as he clicked on multiple footage.

"Super dino mode!" shouted the rangers on the screen as they began to transform. They now had the spikes on their suits pointed out and in the case of the yellow ranger, she had a set of ptera wings.

"Interesting," said Ash as he clicked on another footage.

"Let's do it! S.P.D. Emergency!" shouted the next clip. They soon transformed into suits. "S.W.A.T mode!"

"Okay," said the boy as the clip ended. He clicked on another set.

"Go Galactic!" shouted the Galaxy Rangers as they morphed. "Lights of Orion, activate!" They now began to change their appearance a bit.

"Magical Source, Mystic Force!" shouted the next team of rangers. They now transformed into their suits before pulling out their morphers and inputting another code.

"Legendary Source, Mystic Force!" shouted all of them as their appearance changed again.

"Jungle Master Mode!" shouted the next clip of three rangers as they transformed their appearance.

All these small clips that Ash had Rachel search for were in front of him. The boy was looking at these as a recent thought ran through his mind. Even if they were to find the remaining Harmony Zords, and get the secret item he was looking for. Who's to say that it still wouldn't be enough to take down the Dark Lords. So for the teen, he was doing some extra research on his part to find something that might help him and the girls. And with the ranger history as his reference, he seemed to find some inspiration.

"Rachel, did you download it?" asked the boy to his A.I.

"Of course, Master Ash."

"Alright then," said Ash as he now pulled up the schematics of his ranger suit and had his gem in the analyzer tube. "If I can find some way to give me and the girls more power, that might be what we need to give us the edge. Like some kind of second power-up."

"I understand. I'll begin synthesizing," spoke Rachel as she began to run some numbers.

Ash then pulled out some other things on the screen as they were designs for some gadgets. And based on who left their initials on them, it was none other than Ash's father. The boy came across some old designs that his father was planning to make for his mother and his friends but never got around to them as they all perished before he could get a chance. So the ranger was looking over the schematics of his late father as he hoped that maybe he could make some of them come true.

Ash played the video as it showed his father.

"Ash, you're too young to understand this right now, so I thought I put it on a video for you. I want to show you something."

The video then had a schematic appear. It was another invention that Ash's father made.

"See that. I built that for you, and someday you'll realize that it represents a lot more than just using it to save people. It represents my life's work. Your mother was rather upset that you didn't inherit her gem. But it's not the color of the ranger that makes a leader. It comes from within, it's about heart. This is why, I'm making this for you, even if you are the yellow ranger. And one day, you'll do something bigger with it and your life. I know it. You're the future. You know, I've created so much in my life and so many gadgets for the rangers to use. But you know what I'm most proud of: You. My son. You are and always will be my greatest creation. I love you."

The video ended as a tear fell down Ash's cheek.

"Shit!" said the boy as he was tearing up and put his hands to his face.

"Ash, are you crying?" asked Rachel.

"Give me a sec, Rach," gasped the boy as he was taking some deep breaths.

He was crying even more as, as fast as he could wipe his tears, more began to form and fall. It got to the point where the boy had to get out of his chair and stand. He put his hands to his head as he was still breathing hard.

"God damn it. God damn it, dad," said Ash, still having water fall from his eyes.

The teen continued to cry for a few minutes but it soon ceased. He managed to recompose himself as he took some deep and long breaths to calm himself. Ash then made his way back to his seat.

"Are you okay?" asked Rachel making a box of tissue appear.

"Y-Yeah. I'm good, Rachel. I just... never mind. Thanks for being concerned." said the boy as the box of tissue disappeared. "Come on, let's get started."

"Right away," responded the A.I.

Ash looked at the giant screen as he saw the numbers being inputted. He then looked at the video as the lasting image was his father.

"Don't worry, dad. I'm going to finish what you started," said the boy.

"Once again, Ash and his girlfriends had foiled our plans!" shouted Starlight as she fired a spell from her staff and made a hole in the wall.

Immediately some minions made their way over to it as they began to patch it up.

"Let's not forget who was the one who screwed up with the latest plan," said Pharynx with a smug smile.

"And you think you're any better, dumbass!" shouted the girl mutant to her comrade.

"Why don't we find out?!!" taunted Pharynx as he made his gauntlets appear as Starlight had her staff power up.

"Both of you! Calm down!" shouted a voice as it boomed across the room.

They looked and saw Chrysalis as she made her presence known.

"No wonder Ash and his girlfriends have beaten you both. You both do nothing but fight and brag. And each of you has failed to defeat them."

"I don't see you doing anything!" countered Starlight as she stared at her comrade.

"Keep the noise down!" shouted Thorax as they were all in his lab. He was currently in the middle of some business when they all started to yell.

"Please, all you do is lock yourself in here!" said Starlight.

"I'm actually doing stuff. Like cracking the location of the next zord. And I'm this close to pinpointing its location." said the scientist as he was dialing away at his screens.

"And once the zord is located, I'll be going to retrieve it!" said Chrysalis. "It's clear that I'm the only one capable of delivering results to our lord."

"And how will you deal with the rangers?" asked Pharynx.

"Should I remind you who is second in command?" said Chrysalis as she put her hand out and fired a spell that pushed Starlight to the wall. "Now while son searches, I'm going to go greet the rangers. And I have the perfect officer for the job."

The school bell rang as it signal the end of the day at CHS. The girls were all shown exiting their final class. They were about to head to the command center to meet up with Ash. They looked to teleport when a voice called out to them.

"Hey, you guys!" shouted Pinkie

The pink girl was making her way with their other friends as they quickly put their arms down.

"Soooooooo? Who wants to help me pack my snack bag for tomorrow's trip?" asked the party girl with a big smile.

"Not it!" shouted Rainbow as she quickly ran away.

"I got chores to do," said Applejack as she left.

"I need to get started on my advanced physics homework!" said Twilight as she too left.


"Um, gee... Pinkie... I would love to, but... I... I... I... need to meet up with Ash," said the bacon-haired girl putting on a big fake smile. "See, me and him were planning to hang out. So... Bye!!" said the girl as she dashed away in a puff of smoke.

"Anybody find it weird that they all left?" asked Fluttershy.

"Right..." said Pinkie now having a serious thinking look.

"Perhaps, it's nothing, darlings," said Rarity.

Once Sunset disappeared and entered an alley, she peaked her head out to see if Pinkie followed her. Once she checked the coast was clear, Sunset released a breath. She then brought her wrist up as she touched it and teleported. She landed in the command center as there were the others. They too had done the same as they snuck to somewhere secluded and teleported to their base.

The girls were now looking for Ash as he wasn't at the computer like usual. They soon heard some noises as they began to follow it. They made their way to a door as it was one they hadn't gone through yet. They touched it as it opened up, and a staircase was shown. They traveled down as the noises got louder and louder. They soon came to a medium-sized room.

The place was filled with a few computers and monitors, some workshop tables, and some pieces of machinery. Soon they heard something as something came flying into frame. It was none other than Ash who was thrown onto the floor.

"Ash!" said the girls as they all rushed to their leader.

"Well, that didn't go as planned," said the boy as rubbed his neck. The boy was then helped by Twilight and Sunset as they pulled him to his feet. "Thanks, girls."

"What are you doin' sugarcube?" asked Applejack.

"Just... working on a project of mine. Rachel, boost the output by 12% and put it in sleep mode," said the boy as he made his way to a nearby computer.

"At once, Master Ash," said the A.I.

She inputted the program and then sealed had a metal door seal where the section he was thrown from as the girls just barely saw what was inside. With that, they followed Ash up the stairs as they made it back to the main room.

"So, what is that place?" asked Rainbow.

"Believe it or not, that used to be my dad's old workshop. I told you guys, that he created a ton of gadgets for my mom and friends to use when they were rangers. And recently, I came across some old schematics that he had. Some things were destroyed when my dimension perished. So, I'm hoping to recreate them, in a way." said Ash as he didn't tell his team the secret project he was working on.

"What designs?" said Twilight as she was the most excited of the group.


"Pulling the blueprints," said the A.I. as the screens began to be filled with plans.

The girls were now looking at the many designs that were shown. A few things they saw were a jet, a submarine, some kind of drill, and a few other vehicles. Not to mention a few small gadgets. The girls were amazed and in the case of Twilight, she was in heaven.

"So many things," said Twilight with a smile.

"Yeah, it's a lot. But, if we're gonna protect the Earth, then we might need some extra things to give us the edge," said Ash as he pushed a button to make the schematics disappear from the screen.

"Yeah, yeah, got it," said Rainbow as she then looked up to see the upper levels of the command center. "So, Ash? Can you tell us what those are?"

The boy looked to where the chromatic-haired girl was looking as he let out a sigh. Rainbow was looking at the symbols as they matched their zords.

"Fine. Time I told you. Those symbols, belong to you guys. Each of those is your room here in the command center." said Ash.

"What?" said Twilight.

"You mean to tell me, I have my own room here? I could've crashed whenever I wanted to!" shouted Dash.

"Rainbow!!" shouted Sunset as she hit the girl in her arm.

"Yes, just like I have my own room in the command center. So do you guys. It's just..."

"We understand," said Sunset. "And we get why you were hesitant on telling us."

"Thanks, well, go look at them," instructed Ash.

The girls made their way upstairs as they each went to their rooms. They opened the doors as they were welcomed to nothing but a bare space and a bed.

"Rachel, help the girls to customize their rooms. And put some music on," smiled Ash.

The A.I. put the stereos around the command center on full blast as she had the drones fly up to the girls. They each presented a touch screen for the girls to use in designing their rooms. The girls selected the color for the walls and it immediately turned to that color. The girls all smiled as they began to personalize their new rooms to their liking down to the smallest detail.

Meanwhile, Chrysalis was shown walking along a shoreline as she was accompanied by some minions and the officer she grabbed. They were in the place where Thorax's tracker was sending a signal.

"It seems to be here somewhere, spread out! Find it!" shouted the general.

The minions and officer began to get to work. At that moment, alarms went off. Ash turned to look at the screen as Rachel pulled up the scanners all around the city as the footage showed the female general and her forces tearing up the shoreline.

"Chrysalis!" growled Ash.

"What's the sitch?" asked Rainbow.

"Trouble down by the shoreline. Let's go, team!" shouted Ash.

The girls nodded as they each slid down the pole that allowed them to quickly get down to the main level of the command center.

"It's Morphin' Time!" shouted Ash.

"Harmony Gem, power up!" shouted the teens.

They all appeared on a split screen as they transformed into their suits. They landed on a platform as they lifted their heads, and their helmet and vizors were configured to complete their change. They each did their pose with their zords in the background.

Soon they forward flipped as they were now in front of their foes.

"Stop right there, Chrysalis!" stated Ash.

"Ah, rangers," snickered the general evilly. "So glad you come. Steampunk, take care of them!"

"Yes, General!" said the officer in a train-like voice as he clanged his piston hands together.

"Harmony sabers!" shouted the rangers as they pulled out their weapons from their side belt and charged forward.

Ash ducked and swiped at his foes using his saber. He did several forward flips to avoid the quick attacks the minions tried. He continued to slash as he saw Chrysalis in the distance. The boy tried to go for her as the minions blocked his path.

"Let's see here," said Chrysalis as she continued to search along the shoreline. "Based on my son's readings, it was last seen here."

"Chrysalis!" shouted Ash.

The general looked up to see the yellow ranger in the air as he looked to bring down his saber on her. The general merely caught as she thrust out her hand as the boy was thrown back.

"That all you got?" taunted the general.

"Harmony Blaster, fire!" shouted Ash he pulled out his secondary weapon.

"Reflectitur!" shouted Chrysalis as her hands glowed.

A barrier appeared in front of her as it then shot the blast from Ash's blaster back at the ranger. The boy felt the impact of his attack as sparks occurred when it hit him as he fell to the floor. He coughed a bit as he clutched himself while looking at the general.

"You see, Ash. You can't beat me," snickered Chrysalis as she stepped forward.

The girls were dealing with the rest of the minions as their leader was dealing with the mutant general. Sunset was dodging and evading shots as she leaped over some huge rocks and slid down the small hill. She then kicked up some sand to blind some of her foes as she spun and kicked them.

"You're on the wrong side of the tracks, ranger," said Steampunk as he opened his firepit mouth and fired some coals.

They hit Sunset who flew into the shallow water back first.

"Sunset!" shouted the girls as they came to their comrade's aid.

"All aboard!" shouted the monster as he fired more coals at the girls as they all fell.

Meanwhile, Ash was still dealing with Chrysalis. The yellow ranger tried his best to deal any damage to the general, but she merely blocked and counteracted. Ash pulled out his sword as he leaped into the air. The general shot some spells from her hands as the boy was hit and fell. Chrysalis went for a stomp as the teen rolled out of the way. He kipped up and began to swing his blade at the general as she ducked and then hit the back of his leg to make him go down to a knee. Ash blocked an attack using his blade as Chrysalis quickly disarmed her opponent. She then kicked the boy away as he dragged along the shoreline.

"To think the others had a tough time being you," snickered Chrysalis.

She then forward flipped as Ash got back to his feet. The pair were now engaging in close combat as the general proved she could fight as well as she could cast magic. Ash on the defense as his opponent was ruthless in her assault. He blocked all of Chrysalis's attack with his arms as he spun back to avoid a low sweep. He landed and then pushed off as in the air he twisted. Chrysalis put her arms in front of her to block the tornado spin done by the ranger as he landed. She then spun back doing a kick as Ash ducked. She elbowed the boy in his midsection before tossing him over her.

"Ignis Nent!" said Chrysalis as her hands glowed once more. She did some arm movements as soon fire shot out and circled Ash as it hit the ranger. An explosion occurred as he was tossed onto the floor.

The girls were having their own problems.

"Harmony Ax! Emerald Smash!" shouted Applejack as she brought her weapon down in a green light as it hit the officer.

"Harmony Lance! Cobalt Spear!" shouted Rainbow as she was now doing her finisher.

She was now zooming ahead with her weapon like she was jousting. Her gem powered outlined her body as she was now spinning as the attack gained power and speed as it made its way to the mutant. Steampunk merely grabbed the end of the weapon and stopped Rainbow's attack before flinging the girl away.

"No way!" shouted Rainbow on the floor.

Her attack didn't do anything, nor did Aj's previous attack as Steampunk's body was too strong.

"That the best you got?!" taunted Steampunk.

"Ruby Harmony Bow!" shouted Sunset.

The girl got to a knee and began to fire at the monster as pulled the string back in quick motions as arrows of red light shot out. They made contact with the monster, but he kept on chugging along as Sunset fired more shots.

"What?!" said the girl in disbelief.

"My turn!" shouted Steampunk as he fired more coals from his furnace mouth.

"Harmony Shield!" shouted Twilight as she appeared and put her weapon in front of her.

The girl tried to protect them all but the attack was too strong that they were all hit and tossed into the air before they crashed.

"Nothing we do affects him! He's too strong!" stated Aj.

"Give up, Ash!" shouted Chrysalis. "Give up, and I might... only slightly, destroy you."

"You can kiss my ass, Chrysalis!" shouted the boy as he was struggling to his feet. He began to tap into his gem's power as soon his wolf mirage came out.

The general merely had her hands glow as she spun them around her quickly. When the wolf came at her, she began to spin. She spun as her hands were now guiding the animal spirit. She came back around and redirected the attack at the boy who took a massive hit as he fell to his knees as another explosion happened. She then put her hands out as chains appeared and wrapped around the yellow ranger. The general lifted the boy into the air.

"Look at you, so helpless up there. To think, you're just a boy trying to be a man," said Chrysalis.

The general now began to walk in the air as she climbed up to where the ranger was being suspended. She then put her hand on his helmet as her powers began to dig themselves into the boy as he let out a scream. Soon it caused his suit to have his helmet deconfigured as it showed his face. The boy was now staring at his foe with his own eyes as Chrysalis smirked.

"My, my... look at you. Five years ago, you were just a kid. But now, you're quite attractive. If I only I was back in my teen years." said Chrysalis while tracing his face with her nails. "To think, you now lead your new team of rangers. But look at them."

Chrysalis gestured for the teen to look as he saw his team. The girls continued their fight against Steampunk, but they were losing their battle. The tough exterior of the monster was too strong as neither of the girls could deal any damage. They were also taking massive hits as they yelled out in pain. For Ash, he could see his team in danger.

"How does it feel to watch your new team be destroyed right before your very eyes?" taunted Chrysalis. "Don't worry, at least when they're gone. You'll have had two teams die before your very eyes. And all you could do is watch!"

"No! NO!" shouted Ash as he struggled.

"Don't bother," smirked the general.

Ash now struggled to break free but the chains began to get tighter and tighter the more he struggled. The boy was growling as the anger on his face was shown. Soon the ranger let out a scream. Rachel was in the command center as she was seeing her master and his friends in their losing battle. Soon the hexagons in the rangers' base began to glow.

"It's time," said the A.I.

She sent some codes into the shapes as they teleported away.

"Say goodbye, rangers!" stated Steampunk as the girls were slowly getting to their feet.

"Girls!" shouted Ash.

Everything moved in slow motion as the monster looked to deliver the final blow on the rangers. Just then, something happened. The hexagons that shot out of the command center sailed towards Steampunk as they hit the mutant and managed to take him off his feet.

"What?" shouted Chrysalis.

The shapes now headed towards where Ash and Chrysalis were as the monster flew back to the ground. They broke the chains holding Ash as the ranger fell to the ground, and then a flash of light occurred. The general covered her eyes to avoid the blinding light as it soon died down and she saw what lay before her.

Standing there was Ash, his helmet back on, but he was wearing something. The hexagons had heard the ranger's cry as they raced to help him. Ash was now wearing some gauntlets. It zoomed in on them as they were bear claws that were on Ash's hands. The boy struck a pose as he let out a cry.

"What is this?!" said Chrysalis.

"Bear claws!" shouted Ash as he did another pose as an explosion occurred behind him.

"Not like that changes anything!"

Ash lifted his right hand as the gauntlets show out tiny needles from the sharp claws as they sailed towards Chrysalis who felt them as she fell back.

"I think it changes everything," smiled Ash.

He now began to charge toward the general with his new weapon as Chrysalis began to fire spells at the ranger coming at her; Ash just swatted the attack away with the claws as he kept on charging. He made it over to Chrysalis as he began to swipe at the general which she had to avoid. Eventually, the ranger made contact as she was hit.

"Fury Swipes!" shouted Ash as he powered up and began to lash out. He zipped past her several times as the claws were dealing significant damage to the mutant.

Chrysalis recovered as she struck the ground with her hands. A rock wave move was heading towards the yellow ranger as he ran at it. It was about to make contact when he raised his right hand, the bear claw glowed as the boy made contact. The rocks were smashed to pieces as he stood his ground and created a crater from where he stood. The general was stunned as Ash then reeled back the claws as they continued to glow.

"Mystic Blow!" shouted the boy as he thrust out his arms as an attack was shot towards Chrysalis as it was effective against the mutant as she was thrown back.

Ash continued to charge as he leaped into the air and landed just as Chrysalis was getting back up. The pair was now engaged in close combat as Ash was using his new weapons to deal damage to the monster. Chrysalis went for an attack as Ash grabbed her arm and pulled her in so that he could knee her in the midsection as she stumbled back. The boy went for some flying kicks in mid-air as Chrysalis blocked them and Ash flipped backward to safety. Once more, Chrysalis tapped into her magic as she managed to fire a spell and hit the ranger dead center.

She was pleased but soon saw the ranger emerge from the explosion as his body glowed. The bear claws had their eyes glow as their special power was transferred to the boy, by absorbing some of the damage, he was able to boost his own power temporarily. With that new power, Ash engaged with the general once more as he got near her and began to do several swipes to her body as he zoomed in and out of frame in the blink of an eye.

"Eviscerate!!!" shouted Ash as he dealt the finishing move of the bear claws as it hit Chrysalis. The boy appeared as he zoomed past her and stood a few meters as in the background, the general fell which resulted in an explosion.

"Want more?" taunted Ash as he turned around.

"Lucky for you, I got what I came for," snickered Chrysalis as she got up and teleported away.

Ash grunted but then soon went off to help his teammates.

"Let's try attacking together," suggested Twilight as the girls nodded.

"You can't touch me," said Steampunk.

"Charging Lance!"

"Meteor Spike!"

"Blitz Flare!"

"Shield Splice!"

All powered up and did one of their most powerful attacks but once again, it didn't affect Steampunk much. He then did one huge swipe attack as he took out the girls who fell back.

"Pathetic," said Steampunk as he began to chug forward.

"What now?" said Sunset.

"Fury Swipes!" shouted Ash.

Steampunk turned and saw the ranger coming at him. Ash now zipped past him several times as his attack dealt damage to the monster as an explosion occurred. Ash then powered up his claws as they glowed. He then thrust them out as needles show out and made contact with Steampunk once more as another explosion occurred.

"Not bad," smiled Ash.

"Yo, Ash!" called out Rainbow.

The girls made their way to where their leader was as they gathered around him.

"You got him, sugar," said Aj putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without some help," said the boy as he showed off the gauntlets he was currently wearing as they soon disappeared.

"Now, what do you say we finish this guy off?" asked the boy.

"Sounds like a plan," said Sunset.

"Let's put them together," said Twilight.

The rangers now merged their weapons into one.

"Harmony Cannon!" shouted all the rangers as they got into position.

"That won't work!" shouted Steampunk as he began to charge toward them at high speed.

"Ready, fire!" shouted all of them.

They charged up their weapon as it shot out an orb of light in all of their colors. It made contact with Steampunk as the mutant felt it and froze. The rangers then leaped back to do their poses as in the background, the monster fell and an explosion occurred.

"This isn't over!" said Chrysalis as saw what went down from afar. She then lifted her hand as she began to work her magic.

"Wicked spirits, hear my plea. Watch as the devil may cry from even the deepest parts of Tartarus; darkness comes crawling seeking vengeance! Open the gates of chaos so that new life shall be born!!!"

The general finished her chant as a tornado began to form around the spot of the defeated monster. It then got bigger and bigger as it then blew away as there stood Steampunk who was now ten times his size.

"Time for the express!" cackled the large monster.

"Time to call for backup!" said Rainbow.

"Harmony zords, arise!" shouted the rangers.

The signal was sent as their zords heard the call. They all began to race to where their owners were as they followed Ash's wolf.

"Harmony zords, combine!" said the rangers as they all leaped and got in their respective zords.

The animals now began to merge as soon there stood the Megazord as the rangers appeared inside each standing at their station.

"Let's see if you can stop this locomotive!" taunted Steampunk as he opened his furnace and shot out coals that hit the Megazord.

The rangers felt the attack as they rocked inside their giant robot. The monster soon took a few steps forward to engage them as his fists were making contact with them. They were soon tossed to the ground as they crashed.

"We got to get up!" said Sunset as she pushed a button.

"Rhino kicks!" shouted Applejack.

Their Megazord got to its feet as it leaped into the air. It began to deliver several kicks to the giant monster but it didn't push him back. It stood in place as it tanked the hits it was receiving as the Megazord leaped back and was shocked.

"No way! He didn't feel anything!" said Twilight.

"Falcon Blade!" shouted Rainbow.

Their Megazord now had its sword out as it began to slash at Steampunk. Like before, he just tanked the hits as the sword didn't do anything against his metal body.

"Let me show you some real power!" said Steampunk.

The whistle above his head gave some toots as he now began to chug forward. He was coming at them at such high speeds that they didn't have time to dodge.

"Owl shield!" shouted Twilight.

The rangers put up their defense in hopes of protecting themselves. It worked but only for a short time as the attack was more powerful than expected. The contact caused the Megazord to fall to the ground. The attack by Steampunk did more damage than expected as the Megazord lay on the ground, but both the owl and the falcon were badly injured. They let out cries as both Rainbow and Twilight could hear them.

"Damage report?" asked Ash.

"We lost the owl zord," said Twilight.

"My falcon is badly injured," said Rainbow.

Without those two zords functioning, the Megazord didn't have any arms to fight.

"This looks like the end of the line," chuckled Steampunk.

"What do we do?" asked Sunset.

Ash began to think. Soon a thought crossed the boy.

"I have an idea. In order to beat this monster, we need some help. We need to call the bear zord and cubs to help us."

"Will it work though, sugar?"

"It's our only hope," said Ash as he tapped his Morpher.

The image of the bear came up as he traced a symbol.

"Calling Bear zord!"

The signal was sent. Steampunk was on top of the rangers as he looked to bring his fists down to end them. Soon a roar was heard. Coming at him was a huge bear as it charged forward. On her back were her cubs as they too let out small growls of their own.

"Look, here they come!" said Twilight.

The mother bear opened her mouth as a laser beam fired and hit Steampunk. The attack was effective against the monster as he stumbled back. The cubs then got off their momma's back and ran forward. They both leaped into the air and turned into a ball as it headed towards the monster to knock him back again.

"Look at the little guys go!" said Rainbow watching the cubs fight alongside their mother.

The cubs landed as they and their mother all stood on their hind legs and roared. They were sending a message to Ash as the boy heard and understood.

"Guys, the bear zords want to merge with the Megazord."

"What?" said Sunset.

"It's the only way we'll fully take down, Steampunk. Are you girls, with me?" asked Ash.

"Always," said Applejack.

"Then let's do this," said Ash as he made the hexagons appear in his hand. "Twilight, Rainbow, catch!"

The yellow ranger tossed two of the hexagons to his teammates. They both took out their shapes and replaced them with the ones their leader gave them. Ash inputted the larger hexagon in the slot above the one his wolf was in as the rangers began to take their powers to the next level.

"Bear zord, combine!" shouted all the rangers.

They all roared as they leaped into the air. The Megazord was now changing as the owl and falcon arms were replaced with the cubs. The mother bear then transformed itself as the head was a new helmet for the Megazord to wear as the rest of its body was placed on the Megazord's body to serve as armor.

"Harmony Megazord, Bear-Knuckle Brawler!" shouted Ash as that was the new mode they unlocked.

The Megazord jumped in place as it did a few punches in a boxing ring as a spotlight shined down on it and did its pose.

"Like that changes anything!" shouted Steampunk as he opened his furnace to shoot out more coals.

The rangers stood their ground as they began to swing their new zords to smash the coals to pieces. The Megazord then charged forward as Steampunk fired more coals as they kept on swatting them away as they closed the distance. Soon the monster began to also charge forward. Both giants met in the middle and raised their right hand as the rangers dealt first contact and knocked Steampunk onto the floor.

"Right jab!" shouted Twilight as the right cub bear fist began to deliver several punches to the giant monster.

"Left Jab!" shouted Rainbow as the left cub bear began to do the same.

The Megazord was now alternating between punches as it took steps forward and continued to pummel the mutant as he was taking some heavy damage. Soon both fists hit his chest at the same time as he was knocked to his feet, but they left a huge dent in his chest.

"Alright!" shouted the girls as they were on the verge of winning.

"Let's finish this!" stated Ash.

"Uh-oh!" said Steampunk.

"Harmony Megazord, Rushing Bombard Strike!" shouted Ash.

The Megazord now zoomed ahead as it raised its right arm. It delivered a quick one-two combo as it raised its right arm one final time to smash it through the body of Steampunk as he stumbled back and saw the hole in him. He soon fell back as an explosion occurred. The rangers stood and the Megazord clanged its fists as they were victorious.

"Man, why didn't you tell us you could do that?" exclaimed Rainbow as they made it back to the command center. She had her arm around Ash as the girls were asking their leader how he got those new gauntlets.

"To be honest, I didn't they could do that. That was something neither my parents told me. But if this is what we can expect from the other zords, then we need to make sure that we find them before the Dark Lords get their hands on them." said the boy.

"Not to mention that new Megazord combo," smiled Applejack.

"Which means once we get all the zords, we got tons of combinations to play around with," stated Sunset.

While the rangers were relishing their victory, their enemies were also discussing what went down. Chrysalis made her way back to their lair as she entered Thorax's lab. Inside were Pharynx and Starlight as the latter was smiling.

"Well, well, look who failed to destroy the rangers," snickered Starlight.

"For the record, I never intended to destroy the rangers. I was sent to scout the last piece of info that my son needed. And with the rangers being distracted, I was able to complete my mission. Something you've never done." said Chrysalis as she stared down Starlight.

"Speaking of which," said Thorax as he was handed the disk by Chrysalis and put it in his computer.

"So, what? The rangers have a new power," said Pharynx.

"That won't matter. Because I found it."

"Found what?" said Starlight.

Both Thorax and Chrysalis smiled as they looked at the screen and saw the icon.

"The location... of the next zord," said Thorax as he turned in his chair to address his comrades.