• Published 1st Feb 2022
  • 1,802 Views, 115 Comments

Power Rangers: Harmony - ShootingStar25

All was quiet in the city of Canterlot. For years, this place was peaceful. Nothing major happens, that is... until a force from another dimension makes its presence known.

  • ...

Chapter 14: A Mole Lotta Trouble

"Come on guys!" shouted Ash.

He along with the girls were running through the streets as they were already transformed into their ranger suits.

"He's destroying the city!" said the boy as they all came to a pier and saw the latest monster attacking. "Alright, it's zord time!"

Soon they all called their zords as they were shown. They each ran to where their owners were.

"Harmony zords, combine!" shouted all five teens.

They all leaped into the air as they entered their respective zords. The giant robots now had their eyes glowing as they were now combining into one as soon the Megazord was online.

"Let's see what you can do when I freeze you in your tracks!" shouted the monster. She pulled out her staff and shot a blizzard spell towards the rangers.

"Shit! It's cold!" shouted Rainbow as she rubbed her arms as the inside of the zord was cold as well.

"This gives new meaning to chillin' like a villain," said Sunset as she too heard her teeth chatter.

"Come on, girls! Focus!" shouted Ash as he held his stance with icicles hanging off of him as he pushed some buttons.

The zord then put its legs together as they now began to spin really fast. The spin and the momentum were now shaking off the snow that was gathered on them as it blew the ice and snow back to the mutant. She let out a scream as she now felt the effect of her own freeze spell as she stumbled back and it ended.

"Now it's our turn!" declared Ash.

"How about I warm things?" taunted Sunset.

She pushed a button as the wolf's head on the chest opened its mouth. Out shot a pillar of fire that was in the shape of the girl's phoneix as it flew towards the monster and collided with it as an explosion went off.

"Falcon Blade!" shouted Rainbow.

The Megazord now had the falcon move its arms forward to change into the sword as the falcon held it in its mouth. The Megazord was now stepping forward and taking some swings at the giant monster with its sword as she was thrown back onto the concrete. She then got back up and fired another spell toward the rangers.

"Deflect!" shouted Twilight.

The Megazord shifted its right arm to the front as Twilight's zord made its wings unfurl in a circle as it protected them. The spell hit the shield as the Megazord held it as it absorbed the attack. Twilight then pushed another button as he made the arm throw the shield to the monster as it hit her and then returned to the rangers. They now began to play catch as they used their sword to bounce the object in between them and the monster as she was taking more damage.

"Nice one! Let's finish this!" declared Ash.

"Uh-oh!" said the monster.

"Sonic Rainboom!" shouted all the rangers.

The wolf's chest howled as it opened its mouth. The other zords also opened their mouths as they shot out their respective colors. The pillars of light shot forward as each one had a mirage image of the girl's zords. The first to make contact was Twilight's owl, then Applejack's Rhino, next Rainbow's Peregrine Falcon, followed by Sunset's Phoenix, and lastly, Ash's wolf as each was moments behind the other as they struck the mutant as he exploded and was destroyed once and for all. The explosion went off as above the smoke shined a rainbow as it had some magical gem dust sprinkled over the defeated mutant as well as the area around it as it was restored to its former glory.

"Well, there goes another one," said Pharynx as he, his brother, and Starlight were watching the battle.

"So, which one of us is gonna tell him?" asked Thorax as they knew their leader would be angry to hear their latest plan failed.

"He's not gonna find out. Cause this never happened between us. Deal?" stated Starlight.

"Deal!" shouted both brothers.

All three generals quietly whistled away as they left.

Ash and the girls were in the command center as they were celebrating their latest victory. They were about to make their latest plan to hang out for the weekend when Twilight got a message on her phone. She read it as she sighed. She informed everybody that her family was planning a getaway in the mountains surrounding the city, and it seemed they insisted on everyone being there. Her parents managed to drag her brother from his job to go on the trip. Which was impressive given how committed he was to his line of duty.

"So you'll be gone all weekend, Twilight?" asked Rainbow.

"I'm afraid so. Sorry, guys. I want to hang out, but... when my mother says we do something as a family. She won't take no for an answer. You don't want to know what she did to get Shining Armor to even go on this trip. Let's just say his buddies are going to remind him for a long time to come."

"Yeesh," stated Aj as she could sense that it wasn't good.

"So, Ash?"

"It's fine, Twilight. If anything comes up, I'm sure me and the others can handle it."


"Go have fun and spend time with your family. Trust me, you never know when they might be here," spoke the boy from experience.

"Sorry," said the bookworm as she put her hand on his shoulder. She knew what her leader meant by that statement.

"It's alright. Now go on. We'll see you when you get back." stated the boy.

"Thanks," smiled Twilight as she gave a hug to the teen.

She then exited the command center as the rest of her friends waved goodbye. The lavender girl made it home as her mother had just returned from the grocery store to pick up some last-minute items for their weekend getaway.

"Hey, Mom," said Twilight as she greeted her mother with a hug.

"Hey, sweetie. Are you finished packing for tomorrow?" asked Velvet.

"Just about," said the girl as she entered to go finish packing.

While Twilight may have seemed to be delighted about the idea of spending time with her family. She was a bit hesitant about it, mainly because she and the others all had something cool planned for the weekend as even she was looking forward to it. Now it seems she was going to miss that, and as a teen, they wanted nothing more than to hang out with their friends to do fun stuff.

"I just don't see why I can't stay here for just this weekend. I'm not against the idea of spending time with you guys. It's just that me and my friends had something planned we were all looking forward to. So, can I stay just for this weekend? I promise next time, there won't be any argument."

"That's a no, Twily," stated Night Light.

"Please, dad. Besides, you both trust me enough that I can take care of myself. And I won't be alone, 'cause I'll have Spike to keep me company." said the girl as the dog next to her let out a bark.

"If your brother is going, you have to as well," stated Velvet.

"You forced me to go on this trip. In case you forgot, Mom. I'm part of an elite task force dedicated to protecting this city from the monsters that have been attacking. Plus, now the guys are going to make fun of me for what you did." said Shining Armor as he was turning red from what happened earlier in the day when his mother barged into his job and humiliated him in front of his coworkers as well as his sergeant. Safe to say, the next week was going to be a living hell the moment he walked into the place.

"Oh, stop being such a baby," smiled Velvet to her oldest son. "Your friends were smiling and laughing at what I told them about you."

"More like they're were laughing at my ass," muttered Shining Armor under his breath.

"Shining!! What have I told you about using language at the dinner table!!" shouted Velvet as she hit her son in the back of the head.

"Sorry, ma'am!" squeaked the cop as he corrected himself to avoid getting smacked more by his mother.

"Speaking of which, honey? Is this the time you share the secret recipe with us?" asked Velvet as she sat back down in her chair.

"Velvet, dear. You know I can't. I promised my aunt that I wouldn't tell a soul." smiled Night Light at his wife.

"What's the big deal about the secret recipe anyways? It's just cookies," said Twilight.

"And Hamlet was just a play I suppose," taunted Night Light.

"And Beethoven's fifth was just a song," added Velvet with the same smirk as her husband.

"That's not true! See both are majestic masterpieces that..." Twilight then blinked and stopped herself. She looked at her parents as she realized they got her.

"Way to get played, sis," muttered Shining Armor to his little sister as she glared at him. It didn't help that Spike was holding back a snicker as she too glared at her pet.

"Kids, is it asking too much for you both to make time for your family?" asked Velvet to both her son and daughter.

"I have responsibilities, Mom," replied Shining Armor.

"Yes, but you're both growing up. And when you get older, you'll look back on these memories you had with the people you love. Besides, we're not always going to be around." stated Velvet.

"Your mother is right, son. Besides, I'm sure that both of you can afford to relax a bit. Besides, it's not like any of those monsters that have been attacking recently will show up." stated Night Light.

It was now morning as the whole Sparkle family was getting ready to leave. They all put their suitcases in the trunk of their van as Twilight grabbed Spike and put the mutt in her lap. Night Light then got in the driver's seat as he started the engine and took off. Sometime in, the parents were now singing some road songs in an attempt to get everybody in the mood to be excited.

Both Shining Armor and Twilight cringed a bit at hearing their parents sing as they began to do other stuff to block out the sound. Twilight pulled out a book as Shining Armor pulled out his phone. Even then, their parents insisted they join in as they both groaned.

"Row, row, row your boat. Gently down the stream," sang Night Light.

"Row, row, row your boat. Gently down the stream," sand Velvet.

"Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream," finished Night Light as he continued. "Row, row, row your boat. Gently down the stream."

"Row, row, row your boat. Gently down the stream," groaned Twilight and Shining Armor as they sang the lyrics.

Soon the song finished and both children let out a sigh.

"I'm 16, how can you make me do this?" asked Twilight as she and her brother were doing something for little kids.

"Twilight! Be grateful!" stated Velvet as she looked at her daughter. "Besides, this is about us spending time as a family. And we never get to do that as much as we did when you two were younger."

"Yeah, 'cause we have lives, Mom. I've got responsibilities," replied Shining Armor.

"Well, those can wait, son. Besides, one day you both are gonna do this with your children," smiled Night Light as he kept on driving.

Both slumped in their seat as Twilight went back to reading, and Shining Armor pulled out his headphones. It didn't take long as soon the whole family reached the cabin they were heading to. From there, they unloaded their luggage and went to their rooms. The kids were glad to have a few moments of silence from their parents. Which were only a few moments as soon both Night Light and Velvet called for both of them to come downstairs. They begrudgingly came down as they were dressed in chef's hats and aprons. Velvet then pulled out two more as both brother and sister looked at each other and blinked.

"Enough with the hat!" shouted Shining Armor. "I'll do everything else. I'll stir. I'll bake. I'll wrap. I'll even label, but I draw the line at funny hats!" Shining Armor was defiant in his stance at wearing the chef's hat his mother wanted him to wear.

"Fine, you don't have to wear it if you won't want to," smiled Velvet to her son as she could see he was trying to protect his self-image.

"And Twilight, make sure Spike doesn't eat while we're making the cookies," ordered Night Light to her daughter.

"I got it covered," said the girl as she took off her apron and hat. "Come on, Spike. Let's go outside for a bit."

"Don't take too long," smiled Velvet as she watched her daughter and pet step outside.

The girl and her dog stepped onto the front porch as she sighed. She was glad to have gotten away from her family as she needed some desperate alone time. Spike went off sniffing the grounds nearby as Twilight approached a tree. She leaned against it as she pulled out her phone and began to dial.

"Can't talk right now, Twilight. Got the latest attack right now. And it's stirred up a hornet's nest this time." replied Ash as he was being contacted through his Morpher.

The yellow ranger and the girls were all in their suits as they were currently fighting some minions. However, they weren't the normal mutants they fought as they had the characteristics of hornets. They dodged their stings as they began to fight them.

"What am I missing?!!" shouted Twilight as she could hear the fighting going on through the phone. "Some kind of monster that can summon lightning? Can absorb people's youth?"

"No, I mean a real live hornet's nest," replied Ash as he ducked a stinger and fired his blaster. "You remember last week how we stopped the dark lords from dumping Thorax's mutant mixture into the city's reservoir. Well turns out some of it got into the nearby river. And some hornets went for a little drink, and you can piece together the rest. And we're only a few miles away from you."

"Where are you guys? I can be there in like ten minutes," stated Twilight as she was looking to get in on some action.

"Negative, Twilight. It's all taken care of," said Ash.

He pulled out his blaster as did the girl with the serum to reserve engineer the hybrid mutants. It hit them as only a puddle of goo was left that covered the insect. It shook the substance off as it was back to normal and flew away.

"Mission accomplished. Talk to you soon, Twilight," said Ash as he ended the call.

Twilight sighed as it leaned against the tree even more.

"Twilight, sweetie! You're missing out on all the fun!" called Velvet to her daughter.

"Tell me about it," mumbled the girl in sadness. She then walked and grabbed Spike in her arms.

The girl then entered the house and began to make some cookies with her family. Before she entered, Twilight's foot kicked a small pebble as it traveled a few meters. After she passed it, the ground began to shake as it cracked open, and the pebble fell into it.

The whole family was hard at work making peanut butter cookies. While Twilight was having a bit more fun than her brother, both siblings were still not joyed about what they were doing.

"Remind me how this is important?" asked Shining Armor as he placed some cookie dough on the tray.

"Because we're doing something as a family. That's the most important thing of all," smiled Night Light. "And because me and your mother are planning to sell these at our jobs."

"And you guys had to include me and my sister?" asked Shining Armor.

"Family, remember," smiled Velvet as her son rolled his eyes.

Soon a sound was heard. The whole house shook a bit as it got the attention of everyone.

"What was that?!!" shouted Twilight.

Soon the rumbling ended as the whole Sparkly family looked at each other. They all exited the house as Night Light had a flashlight in his hands and was looking out to the woods and the area in front of them.

"Was it an earthquake?" asked Velvet.

"We aren't near any fault lines," stated Twilight.

Spike was in her arms as the dog soon began to growl. He leaped out of her arms, and he began to bark and shout. The family was confused as soon the area in front of them began to open up. Some small mounds were shown as out came a creature. It wasn't just a creature but a mole. But the way they looked didn't look like regular moles. If anything, they looked similar to the mutants that Twilight fought with the others.

"What are they?" asked Velvet.

"Moles, I think," replied Night Light.

"Moles? Since when are moles as big as buffalos?" stated Shining Armor.

The mole mutant hybrids now began to march toward the family. Shining Armor stepped forward as he looked to do his duty as an officer to protect his family.

"Don't do anything rash, son. It doesn't seem they look interested in us," said Night Light as he put his hand on Shining Armor's shoulder.

Twilight had to shush Spike's barking as he was making things worst for the creatures. She then took off her apron and chef's hat and handed them to her mother. The girl now began to walk.

"Twily, where are you going?" asked Shining Armor as he saw his sister walking to their van.

The girl opened the front door as the others turned back to see the monsters approaching them. Shining Armor was about to fight when suddenly, Twilight pulled a lever as the headlights of the car came on and flashed the creatures in the eyes. The mutant hybrids saw the light as it blinded them. They all turned tail and made their way back to their hole as they disappeared. The rest of them were stunned by Twilight as she came back to them.

"Moles are sensitive to bright lights. Now, time to go!" stated the girl to her family.

"Why? It's gone now," stated Night Light.

"And you think they won't come back!" responded Twilight.

"Come on, sweetie. It was more scared of us than we were of them," replied Night Light to his daughter.

"I know you're in a hurry to get back home, sweetie. But nothing is going to ruin this vacation," said Velvet to her daughter.

Twilight sighed as she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She then began to dial it as it seemed she was going to need some backup.

"Hey, Ash. You guys still in the area?" asked the bookworm.

It was now morning as driving up the path to where Twilight and her family were located, were the rest of her friends. After getting Twilight's call, Ash told her that they would be there. Of course, they couldn't just arrive in their cycles as it would potentially give away their secret identities. Thankfully, the boy had been building something in his spare time.

The boy along with Rachel and some spare parts that Applejack gave him was able to construct an ATV for them to use in their regular life and during combat. Of course, the boy hadn't implemented the weapon systems in it yet, but he did manage to have Rachel install herself into the vehicle so that she could guide the team on missions. Right now, Ash was driving them as they were going over the details that Twilight told him.

"Based on Twilight's description, it looks like we're dealing with the same sort of mutant hybrids as those hornets," said Sunset who was riding in the passenger seat.

"I'm willing to bet it came from the same river that those bugs drank from," said Rainbow.

"Thankfully, we were able to purify the water so no more incidents will occur," said Applejack as both were in the backseats.

"At least this is the last of the mutation that we need to clean up," stated Ash.

"Speaking of complications, let me remind you, girls, that Twilight's family doesn't know she's a Power Ranger. It is imperative that we keep them from finding out as well as you all," said Rachel to the girls.

"Yeah, we know. Rule number of being a ranger: Don't tell anyone your secret unless necessary," spoke Rainbow.

The drive continued for a bit as soon the rangers saw their destination in sight. They arrived as they parked outside of the cabin and got out. Twilight opened the front door as she ran to her friends with her family looking on.

"You made it!" stated Twilight as she hugged each one of them.

"Wait, what's the smell?" said Rainbow as her nose smelled something. "Peanut butter combined with cookie dough," said the girl as she was walking towards the house to follow the trail.

"Those are the cookies we're making for me and my husband to sell," said Velvet.

"I got money, how much?" asked Rainbow as she was now hungry with her tongue hanging out like a dog.

"Rainbow!!!" shouted Ash.

The boy was giving his teammate a glare for letting her stomach take control when they had a job to do.

"Fine!" said the girl as she knew one or another, she was going to get some cookies.

Soon Twilight's family invited their daughter's friends in for breakfast.

"Thank you for the meal. That was delicious," said Ash as he politely thanked Twilight's folks.

"Yup, I don't think I can eat another bite," said Sunset as she patted her stomach.

"Can I interest anybody in a lovely waffle?" asked Velvet to the teens as they all looked at her with looks. "Just want to make sure nobody leaves the table hungry," smiled Twilight's mother.

Once breakfast was done, Twilight and her family gathered the dishes and began to clean them. The others now were outside as they were talking with Rachel about what their plan was to contain the mutant mole hybrids.

"We'll search the woods for any sign of those creatures. Sunset, you stay here and help Twilight to not let her parents see us transform into rangers," instructed Ash.

"Got it," replied Sunset.

"Remember, don't transform where her family might see you," said Rachel to the group.

The three rangers now pulled out their zords. They were all in their shapes as Rachel sent the code to them to transform. They all turned to their pet sizes as the three split up. Rainbow had her falcon soar into the air to spot from above, Ash had his wolf use its nose to track the scent, while Applejack had her rhino use its horn to dig for roots and possible holes that the creatures used.

Meanwhile, inside the house...

"How could you invite your friends here without asking us?" said Velvet to her daughter as she was a bit upset.

"They're our only hope for dealing with those giant mole thingies," said Twilight as she was drying some dishes.

"Well, those thingies are gone now," said Velvet as she continued to wash the dishes while talking to her daughter.

"You couldn't go two days without them. Is it that hard to be around us?" asked Night Light to his daughter.

"That's not it at all!" stated Twilight, "You're not gonna make them leave, are you?"

"They're guests now. And they're welcome to nose around the forest or whatever they want to do," said Velvet looking out the window to see the group of teens talking.

"I won't be gone long," said Twilight as she was going to go help the others search.

"You won't be going anywhere!" shouted Night Light. "You're not using this as an excuse to duck out on us!"

Twilight looked to say something, but she soon saw the look her parents gave her. The girl knew better than to argue with them as she simply put her head down. They soon went back to cleaning as Sunset entered the place. The bacon-haired girl informed the bookworm that the others were currently searching while she was here to help Twilight avoid her family discovering they were rangers. At least, Twilight had some company as it brought a smile to her face despite being in hot water with her folks.

Outside, the three teens were tracking down anything they could find. A hole was shown as it appeared a few meters near the cabin. It got bigger and bigger. Spike was nearby as he was sniffing the ground. A sound was heard as the small mutt looked up and came face to face with one of the mutant moles. Both of them blinked as they stared at each other. Soon it showed the overshot of the forest as a yelp was heard.

"What was that?!" said Rainbow as she and Aj met up with Ash when they heard the sound.

"Sounds like Spike," said Applejack.

Ash's wolf pup let out a howl as he spoke with his owner. The boy heard what his zord said as his eye widen.

"Oh, no!" said the teen.

Immediately, all three began to run back to the cabin. The sound was also heard by the girls and Twilight's folks inside.

"What's that noise?" asked Velvet.

Twilight's parents were facing away from the window. Which was a good thing as running past it was Spike trying to catch one of the mutant moles as the girls saw it and sweated a bit.

"That's just Spike! He's being a little rambunctious!" smiled Twilight while sweating a bit. "So, who wants to stir dough?" The lavender girl began to quickly stir the bowl of mixture she had with the wrong end of the spoon, and some spilled onto the floor.

"Twilight pay attention to what you're doing," said Velvet to her daughter as they began to clean up the spills.

The girls looked out of the window again, as now their friends were chasing more mole hybrids. They both gasped as Twilight grabbed Sunset's bracelet and dropped it into the batter.

"Oh, how clumsy of me. I lost my bracelet in the batter," said Sunset.

The parents got up and made their way to the batter to search for the girl's item. Once again, they looked at the window as the moles ran by it again with the teens chasing after them. But this time, they were in their ranger suits.

"The light's better over here," said Velvet as she took the bowl and made their way to the window.

Twilight was now sweating up a storm as Sunset quietly walked away. She made her way to the mixer and she quietly changed the speed to go faster. It now made the machine increase as more batter was spilled and covered them all as the parents were confused by what happened. Before they could clean up, a smell started to fill their noses. Velvet sniffed it and her eyes immediately went wide.

"Oh, no! We burned a whole batch!" said the woman as they didn't pay attention to the ones they had baking in the oven.

Both of Twilight's parents rushed to the oven as the teens smiled at each other. The scent of the cookies made its way outside as the teens were still chasing the mole. Rainbow stopped as the smell invaded her nose to which she could still smell them through her helmet.

"Oh, man! That smell is killing me!" said the chromatic-haired girl as she so badly wanted some cookies.

She then snapped out of her daze when she noticed some more holes popping out. Now more mole mutant hybrids emerged as they began to head towards the cabin.

"Oh, shit. This ain't good!" said Rainbow as the others arrived.

"Hurry, let's get them away from the cabin!" stated Ash.

The rangers had their zords herding up the moles as they were leading them away. The girl and Twilight's parents had finished their latest batch when Spike let out a scared yelp.

"Spike!" shouted Twilight as they all rushed out the door.

They came across Shining Armor who had gone for a small walk in the woods to get some air. As he was making his way back, he saw Spike as he was about to be crushed by one of the mole monsters as he dove and rolled out of the way with the mutt in his hands. He slowly walked back to the cabin with him facing the monsters as that's when the others emerged from the house. They now saw more mole monsters as they began to make their way toward the family.

"We need to distract them with something," said Shining Armor.

"I got it! Give me your aprons," said Twilight as she took off hers.

Sunset and her folks took off theirs as they gave it to their daughter. She then waved them in front of herself as she ran to lead the monsters away. Sunset then got her family back inside the house as Twilight waved the aprons as she hung one of them on a tree and ran. The moles all approached the tree, and they began to sniff them. They took in the scent as they followed the trail. Twilight kept hanging the aprons along the trees as she made her way to one of the holes. She waved the last apron in front of it as she called to the monsters. She then tossed it into the hole and ran as the monsters followed the scent and disappeared into the earth.

Twilight then made her way back to the house as her parents were glad to see their daughter was safe.

"I think it's time for you all to leave," said Sunset.

"But what about you all?" asked Night Light.

"It's fine, dad. We came prepared," said Twilight.

"What are you talking about? If we're going, you're leaving with us," said Night Light as he wasn't going to leave his daughter behind in danger.

"We've got it covered, Twilight," said Sunset putting her hand on her shoulder. "May we have a minute?" asked the girl to her friend's family.

They all left as they left the girls to themselves. At that moment, the rest of their friends arrived as they were now discussing the plan.

"I hate to say this, but there's no way we can deal with this without some of us morphing," said Ash to the girls.

"He's right, Twilight. Do you want to do that in front of your family?" asked Sunset.

"You kidding? My parents would freak out if they knew their daughter was constantly in danger and fighting monsters. Not to mention, my brother doesn't fully believe that we're doing a good job in defending the city." said Twilight.

"Honey, help us pack the rest of the cookies!" called out Velvet.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine, sugarcube," said Applejack to Twilight.

"It's not that! I'm just sick of being left out of the fun," said the girl to her friends.

It was now later as the sun was starting to set. The group of rangers was now in the nearby woods as they were all in their ranger suits. They had Rachel upload the remaining serum into their blasters as they began to chase down the moles. And they needed to hurry, cause while the group was hunting them down earlier in the day, Rachel did some diagnostics. The A.I. informed the group that because these mutant-hybrids were part mole, it meant that they would become more deadly in the dark. Coupled with the fact of the mutant ooze and that nighttime was fast approaching, it meant that the rangers needed to take care of the problem now before they would have to get physical.

"Here's one!" shouted Rainbow as she used her superspeed to cut off a mole.

She aimed her blaster to fire but the creature dug quickly into the ground to avoid it.

"Stop moving!" shouted Dash.

"Over here!" shouted Sunset as she and Ash fired.

The mole managed to make it into a mound as they missed.

"The only way to deal with them is to gather them in one place," said Ash as this wasn't working.

"Easier said than done, sugar," stated Applejack.

Elsewhere, Twilight and her family had already left the cabin as they were driving back. It was nighttime as they rode on the dirt path. Some moles appeared behind them as their eyes glowed yellow. They now began to chase after the passing vehicle. It didn't take long as both she and Shining Armor looked behind them to see the monsters coming after them.

"Dad, we got company," said Twilight to her father.

Night Light now swerved a bit as he turned the corner. The van kept on trucking as behind them the moles were gone.

"See, no moles can keep up with..."

He didn't finish his sentence as soon as the hood of the van had smoke coming out of it. The van then stopped as they all got out and headed to the front of the car. Night Light had a flashlight turned on as Shining Armor lifted the hood of the car. Some smoke showed as they coughed a bit as it cleared out.

The men now began to look as soon they found the problem.

"Yup, we threw a belt," said Shining Armor as their timing belt was broken. "You carry a spare, dad?"

"As a matter of fact, no," said Night Light.

"Maybe this will work," said Twilight as she grabbed her mother's purse she was wearing.

"Hey, honey. That's Italian," said Velvet to her daughter who grabbed her purse and took off the strap.

"Grazie Mama Mia," said Twilight in an Italian accent as she handed the strap to her brother.

Shining Armor then attached the strap as it worked and the car was back to running. They all entered as Night Light was about to get in the driver's seat when his son stopped him.

"I think I should drive, dad. I've had experience with high-speed chases," said Shining Armor.

"But..." he didn't finish his sentence as eyes glowed around him from the woods. "You know what! Good idea!"

He quickly let his son get in the driver's seat.

"Buckle up. It's gonna be a bumpy ride!" said the officer. Shining Armor now punched it as the van took off.

He was now driving the vehicle as if he was chasing a runaway culprit as they were zooming.

Back at the cabin, Ash was out of his suit as he was talking with Rachel about their situation. Soon a figure appeared before him.

"Power down!" shouted Sunset as her suit deconfigured.

"Did you find them?" asked Ash.


"Power down!" shouted Applejack as she appeared. "Nothing on mah, sugar."

They were all looking for Twilight to make sure that she and her family left safely.

Rainbow was in a tree as she looked out. She heard a screech as her falcon zord appeared in its pet form. It landed on the girl's shoulder as its eyes flashed. It made her Morpher shoot out a projection as the girl was now replaying back what her bird saw. Her falcon was able to locate Twilight as it informed them of her current situation.

"Let's see, car swerving which probably means... yup. They're getting moled," said Rainbow as she now saw the monster chasing the van.

She then contacted the others.

With the Sparkle family, Shining Armor was doing a fairly decent job at getting away from the monsters. Though the others in the van could feel the bumpy ride as they jumped a bit.

"Is this how they taught you to drive back at the academy?!!" shouted Night Light to his son as he held on for dear life.

"Oh, yeah. Except the course didn't mutant moles chasing after you," smiled Shining Armor as he was in his element.

Soon the van drove onto some logs that were piled on the narrow path. The tires went over some of them but soon were held in place as the van didn't move.

"We're beached people," said Shining Armor.

Soon they all got out just in time as the moles were upon them. They ran a bit as they crushed the van as now they had no ride to help them escape. The family was slowly backing up as Spike was in Velvet's arms. The woman was unaware of where she was walking as she fell backward into a giant hole that the others noticed before they too almost fell.

"Sweetie, you okay?!" called out Night Light to his wife.

"Yeah, but it smells like wet mole," said Velvet as she stood up with Spike still in her arms.

The rest of the family now looked back at the destroyed van as the moles were scavenging it. They soon pulled out boxes and tossed them on the floor. They were filled with the cookies they made as the monsters began to eat them.

"Now it makes sense, they were never after us. They were after the peanut butter cookies," said Night Light.

"Seriously?!!!" shouted both Twilight and Shining Armor.

The monsters began to eat as they gobbled down on the tasty treats. They kept on eating as soon their taste buds went sour and their eyes were filled with rage.

"Uh, honey. You didn't also pack the bad batch we burned did you?" asked Velvet as she could hear the growls that formed.

"Oops," smiled Night Light nervously.

The monsters were now fully enraged as they looked at the family and saw them as targets. They were now making their way towards them as Shining Armor took a stance. One of them met with him as he threw a punch and some kick as the mole monster just tanked it. He tried some more punches and jabs as the creature merely swapped him back towards his family with a swipe of his claw.

"Son!" said Night Light as he helped Shining Armor up.

The monsters were now closing in on the family. And to make matters worst, Velvet was still trapped in the hole and the others weren't around. With no other choice, Twilight let out a sigh as she stepped forward.

"Twily, what are you doing?" asked Shining Armor as he saw his little sister step forward to confront the monsters a few meters away.

"Guys, you might not want to see this," was all Twilight said. She raised her arm as her bracelet turned into her Morpher.

"Harmony Gem, power up!"

Twilight traced the symbol on her Morpher's interface as she soon turned into her ranger suit. With that, the girl now began to engage in combat with the monsters as she doing her duty of protecting her family. With the extra power her suit gave her, Twilight was able to deal damage to the moles' tough hides as they were flung back. She did a few kicks as she managed to make the creatures fully retreat. The ranger then turned back to look at her family.

"Power down!" said Twilight as her suit deconfigured and she stood there.

Safe to say, Twilight just broke one of the most important rules of being a ranger.

"Dad, Shining?" asked Twilight hesitantly as she saw the gasped looks on her brother and father. "I'm... I'm... a... Power Ranger."

"You're... a ranger?" said Shining Armor as there was a fit of slight anger in his voice.

Before Twilight could explain, Velvet called out to them.

"I'm still trapped down here," said the woman as Spike barked.

They soon found a near branch and all three of them managed to get her and Spike out of the hole. It didn't take long as soon Twilight had some explaining to do.

"So, how long have you kept this a secret?" asked Shining Armor.

"Please, understand. I wanted to tell you guys, but... I couldn't. Brother, please just hear me out."

"All this time, my own little sister," Shining Armor was anything but pleased to see his sibling being caught in a line of work that was so dangerous.

"Mom, Dad, please. I didn't mean for this to happen, it just sort of... happened," pleaded Twilight to her folks.

"We understand, sweetie," said Velvet.

"To be honest, we kinda figured you had something behind our backs. Though we didn't expect this outcome," said Night Light.

"You... knew?" said Twilight in confusion.

"Well, every time an attack happens on the news. You so happen to be in the nearby area. I guess if we had put the pieces together a bit more, she would have seen that they were connected to you in some way." said Night Light.

"Why do kids always think their parents are so completely out of touch?" stated Velvet.

"Huh?" responded Twilight.

"You think we were never your age?" said Night Light backing up his wife's claim.

"You were a Power Ranger?" countered Twilight with what they were saying.

"Just because our issues weren't the same doesn't mean we don't understand," said Night Light to his daughter. Twilight now understood as she smiled at her folks for taking this revelation so well.

Soon the ATV arrived and out came the rest of the rangers.

"Is everyone alright?" asked Ash.

"Better than alright. My dad figured out what the moles are after," said Twilight to her friends.

"We can cure them if we can lure them into one place," said Sunset.

"And that's gonna be tough since these things keep moving," exclaimed Rainbow.

"I have an idea. But it requires everyone's help," said Night Light placing a hand on his wife's shoulder.

"We need to get back to the cabin," said Twilight as she lifted her arm again. "Harmony Gem, power up!"

The girl now began to morph once more as she stood there in her suit. The others were stunned by what they saw Twilight do as it was against the rules. Especially Ash, who was very strict about them.

"It's okay, we know," stated Night Light to the group.

"Ash?" said Twilight to her leader.

"We'll deal with this later, Twilight. Right now, we have a job to do," stated the boy.

"Harmony Gem, power up!" exclaimed Rainbow.

Now she began to turn into her ranger suit as the others followed.

"Harmony Gem, power up!" shouted Sunset.

"Harmony Gem, power up!" stated Applejack.

Both girls did the same thing as they now stood in their suits.

"Harmony Gem, power up!" said Ash as he was the last one to morph.

The girls all then touched their morphers as they made their cycles appear. They all got on and began to drive. Ash got the rest of Twilight's family into the ATV as he began to speak with Rachel about finding a path back to the cabin.

"Rachel, input the coordinates for the cabin."

"Right away, Master Ash," responded the A.I. as once again, Twilight's family was stunned by what they were seeing.

The boy floored the gas pedal as he began to zoom ahead. He caught up with the rest of the girls and led the way as all five vehicles were now traveling through the woods.

They all made it back to the cabin as the whole group was working to make some cookies. Twilight was stirring the mixture when Rainbow dropped some butter into the batter.

"Easy on the butter," stated Night Light.

"Why? It's not like they're dieting?" said Rainbow to Twilight's dad.

"If something's worth making, it's worth making right," explained Velvet.

The oven now let out the smell of the cookies baking as it traveled to Dash's nose.

"Damn, that's good. Can I just have one?" pleaded the girl as she was then smacked in the head by Aj who gave her friend/rival a glare.

Sunset was near the window as she opened it. The smell traveled out and into the woods as soon as eyes glowed.

"Yes, they took the bait!" exclaimed Sunset as their plan was working.

"Places, everybody," said Shining Armor.

This time all the mutant moles were shown marching toward the cabin. Twilight stood out front as she grabbed a handful of cookie dough and tossed it. It landed next to one of the moles as it began to munch on it with the others coming in. The rest of Twilight's family now began to toss some more dough and cookies as they had managed to get the creatures' attention. Soon they were all eating the stuff as quickly as they could.

"See, what did I tell you, son? Cookies bring families together," said Night Light.

"Are you trying to compare us to rodents?" asked Shining Armor in a confused tone.

"Don't be silly. Moles aren't rodents," said Velvet.

"Yeah, but they are done eating," said Twilight as the moles now looked at them as they looked ready to fight.

"This is where we take over," said Ash as he stepped forward with the girls. Twilight then joined them as they all gathered with her in the front.

"It's Morphin' Time!" shouted Ash as their bracelets changed.

"Harmony Gem, power up!" shouted all five teens.

They each drew their symbols as they appeared on a split-screen as they transformed. They were encased with their gem as they landed on a platform. They lifted their heads as the helmet and the vizor configured themselves to complete the morph. They each did their pose with their zords in the background.

"With the cunning of the owl, Harmony Guardian Purple Ranger!" shouted Twilight.

"With the courage of the wolf, Harmony Guardian Yellow Ranger!" said Ash.

"With the fiery of the phoenix, Harmony Guardian Red Ranger!" yelled Sunset.

"With the strength of the rhino, Harmony Guardian Green Ranger!" stated Applejack.

"With the speed of the falcon, Harmony Guardian Blue Ranger!" responded Rainbow.

"Harmony Guardian, Power Rangers!" said all five in unison.

They all charged forward as they each began to fight the mutant hybrids. Watching this was Twilight's family as they were amazed by what the teens were doing. Though, Shining Armor still held a scowl at seeing his little sister.

Soon all five managed to subdue the creatures as they rounded them up into a giant pile and surrounded them. They followed Ash's command as they pulled out their blasters filled with the antidote. They all fired it at the mutants as they began to feel the effects. Soon a glow emitted as the monsters were now gone, only tiny moles remained covered in the substance. They shook it off and dug their way back into the earth.

"Amazing," said Night Light and Velvet as they saw the group of teens.

"Mission accomplished, y'all," said Aj as they all powered down.

"Great, so now can I..."

Rainbow then had a cookie shoved in her mouth by Sunset as she knew that was what the girl was going to say. The five friends all let out a laugh.

It was now morning as Ash and the rest of the girls were leaving. They were packing the ATV as the boy was looking out into the woods. He had his wolf pup on his shoulder. The teen was then interrupted by Twilight's folks who wanted to speak with him.

"So, Twilight is a Power Ranger?" stated Velvet.

"Yes," responded Ash as he turned to look at them.

"And there's a group of bad guys that want to destroy our home? And the only hope is for her and the rest of you to stop them?" said Velvet.

"Yes," sighed Ash. "Understand, Twilight didn't choose to be a part of this. But, she now has a duty to uphold. If we're to save the world and this dimension, then we need to defeat the Dark Lords. I can't stress enough how much of a responsibility this is for your daughter."

"We can tell. Which is why we support her and love her no matter what she does," said Velvet as she and her husband were behind Twilight's decision to now be a protector of their world.

"She's lucky. Not every parent would be so understanding," smiled Ash.

"Well, maybe, they should be. Nothing is more important to us than our kids. We always knew Twilight was special." said Night Light.

"You're lucky to have such a daughter. And by the way," said Ash.

"Don't worry. Her secret and yours are safe. We won't tell," said Velvet.

"I appreciate that. And know that I give you my full word. That we will defeat the Dark Lords. And I will make sure that Twilight comes home safe and sound. I'm gonna make sure that she spends the rest of her life with the people that care about her. I promise to give her what I never got. And that's to come home to a family and friends." said Ash.

"We understand. And we're sorry for your loss. But just know, that if your parents and friends were here. They'd be proud of what you're doing and what you will do, Ash." said Velvet putting a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Take care of our daughter. Keep her safe," said Night Light putting his hand on his other shoulder.

"I will. I promise," assured the boy to the adults.

"Thank you for taking our daughter under your wing. You've been a great part of her life," said Velvet as she hugged the boy.

Ash was starting to get a familiar feeling that he hadn't experienced in so long. It felt like the boy was being hugged by his own mother as he couldn't help but smile and enjoy it. He then approached the ATV with Twilight's parents as the girls had finished packing.

"Ash, are you upset with me?" asked Twilight.

"Upset? Yes," said the boy as he glared at the girl who put her head down. "But... I understand. And so do they."

Twilight looked at her parents as they smiled.

"However, that doesn't mean you're the hook. Just know when you get back from your trip, you're running 50 laps in the command center," smiled Ash smugly as he thought of Twilight's punishment for breaking the rules.

"Running? No, please. Anything but that, Ash!" pleaded Twilight as got to her knees and was begging her leader to think of something else.

"Tough luck, Twily. That's the price you have to pay. Now you got to suffer the consequences." smiled the boy as he got in. "See you when you get."

The other girls all laughed and waved as they drove off. Twilight was still on her knees with a stunning look. She was so not looking forward to her punishment. If she had known that this was what awaited her for telling her secret to her family, she wouldn't have done it in the first place. While Twilight's parents were laughing at their daughter having a breakdown, Shining Armor still had his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.