• Published 1st Feb 2022
  • 1,802 Views, 115 Comments

Power Rangers: Harmony - ShootingStar25

All was quiet in the city of Canterlot. For years, this place was peaceful. Nothing major happens, that is... until a force from another dimension makes its presence known.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Bodyguard

The city hall was busy. Busier than usual as today, there was a press conference. The mayor, a woman by the name of Mayor Mare, was seen standing on a podium as all around her sat news reporters. She tapped the microphone to gain everybody's attention as the photographers began snapping photos as flashes went off.

"Good morning, everyone. As you all know, recently, we've experienced monster attacks on our fair and beloved city. But we've also been lucky enough to have the Power Rangers step in and protect us. Now understand, we are grateful for them. But we can't rely on them to save forever. That is why I've called this meeting to make an announcement. Effective immediately, we are developing weapons to counteract these monsters." said the woman as the reports got up and began to clammer while holding out their recording devices, hoping to get a word.

"Recently, we've acquired the weaponry of these monsters. And through some of our best scientists, have been able to make small blasters that can damage and repel these invaders. Now a task like this isn't complete without a squad. Therefore, I've assigned some members of the Canterlot Police Department to be a part of this task." said Mayor Mare.

In the background, there stood both Shining Armor and Spearhead at attention as well as other members of the police department that had been selected.

"Leading the platoon will be Captain Cosmos," the man stepped forward as Shining Armor couldn't help but look at the person as he so badly want to be the one to lead. He went back to looking forward as the mayor continued her speech.

"Our team of scientists, led by Dr. Ledwin, is working tirelessly to make sure that our task force named the Crystal Soldiers will have the necessary ranger weaponry to defend our home. Any questions?" asked the mayor to the audience.

Watching this from their command center, was our heroes. Ash and the girls had heard about the big news that was advertised throughout all the outlets about the mayor of Canterlot having an announcement. Safe to say, they didn't expect this kind of news. Especially, for Twilight as she was worried about her brother being selected to be a part of the elite fighting force. Not to mention that soon others would have the access to firepower. The audience began to speak over each other as Ash pushed a button as the video feed ended.

"Do you all think it's a good idea?" asked Applejack.

"Maybe having more people who can take out these mutants could help us in the long run," stated Rainbow.

"Or they could hurt us," said Sunset.

"I'm just concerned for my brother. I know he can take care of himself and has combat training. But... he's doesn't know how powerful these monsters are." said Twilight.

"All we can do is continue doing our part. People rely on us to stop the Dark Lords. So let's not disappoint them." said Ash to his team.

At that time, Captain Cosmo, along with his lieutenants in Shining Armor and Spearhead, entered the mayor's office as did Dr. Ledwin.

"What's the progress?" asked Mayor Mare to Dr. Ledwin.

"With the weapons that we were able to scavenge from the rangers' battles, we've unlocked the technology these monsters use. And in no time, we'll have a way to defend our home and the citizens of Canterlot," said Dr. Ledwin.

"Make sure you do. Whatever it takes. I want the secrets of the Power Rangers," said Captain Cosmos.

Dr. Ledwin nodded as she left. Shining Armor and Spearhead did a salute to their captain. The two left as the boy was still upset that he wasn't selected to lead the Crystal Soldiers as he wanted to prove he had what it took to protect this city.

The next day came as the sun was up. For the students at CHS, the school event that Pinkie was planning was tomorrow. And speaking of CHS, the small video that the CMC had managed to record of the rangers arriving to save Spitfire and her teammates had gone viral between students. It soon made its way online as others saw how courageous the rangers were in not only taking down these monsters but also being able to save a group of teenagers. The girls were presented the video by Pinkie as she showed them on her laptop.

The video was uploaded by the CMC, who used their fake account name, Gabby Gums as it got over 1000 likes and over 100,000 views. While they were scared that they were caught on video fighting in such a place that could expose their identity. The girls were glad that their classmates were safe, nor did anybody actually know who was hidden under the suits. The video did allow everybody to see that the team was composed of four girls and one boy who served as the leader due to the voices that spoke.

At a local house, Dr. Ledwin was preparing herself to leave for work. She had approached her car and opened the door when a voice called out to her.

"Aunty," said a five-year-old boy as he ran towards Dr. Ledwin. "Do you have to leave?"

"I have a job to do. Just like your mother. Don't worry, I'll be gone for long. Then when I get back, what do you say we go out for some ice cream?" asked the girl to her nephew.

"Any flavor I want?" asked the boy.

"Anyone you want," smiled Dr. Ledwin.

"I'm holding you to that," stated the boy as the woman rubbed her nephew's hair and hugged him.

"Goodbye," said the woman as the boy ran back to the house with his action figure in his hand.

The boy entered the house as Dr. Ledwin then entered the driver's seat of the car. She then heard a cackle as she looked in the mirror on the car's side.

"Going somewhere?" said Starlight as her image was shown.

The nephew of Dr. Ledwin entered the house as he took a few steps forward and noticed that his aunt's purse was on the table.

"Looks like Aunty Ledwin forgot her bag," said the boy as he went to grab it and give it to his aunt. Once he opened the door and stepped out, he saw what was happening.

Starlight and her gang had managed to capture Dr. Ledwin.

"Let go of me!" shouted Dr. Ledwin as she was being carried.

"Aunty!" said the boy.

"Run, Buzz! Run!" shouted Ledwin to her nephew.

The boy dropped the purse as he began to do what his aunt stated. That didn't go unnoticed by Starlight.

"Get that little brat!" ordered Starlight to the minions as they nodded and began to chase after the boy.

The boy ran to the back gate as he opened it with the minions hot on his tail. He entered the back alley as he noticed a trashcan nearby. He opened it as he was thankfully the garbage men had already come. The kid then entered inside, and he shut the lid just as the minions passed from the back gate. They all began to scan the alley trying to figure out where their target was.

Inside the trashcan, the boy could hear the mutants as he had his action figure with him. He hugged it tightly hoping that they wouldn't find him. The mutants then gave a response to each other as they split up down the alleyways. Once he didn't hear any sounds, the boy lifted the lid to sneak a peek as he saw they were gone. He let out a sigh as he got out and began to run down the alley as he hoped to find some help.

The boy didn't get far as he made it to a nearby playground. The mutants didn't seem to find him as he was relieved. He was still afraid as they could potentially get him, it was at that moment, he heard and saw something.

On the skatepark section of the place, there was someone who was attracting a crowd. The girl turned out to be none other than Rainbow Dash as she was showing off like normal. She was doing some tricks with her board as the kids were awing. She stopped at the top of the ramp as she did a handstand. She used her feet to flip the board as she skated down the ramp. Dash was preparing her big finish as she gained momentum approaching the other end of the ramp. She zoomed upwards as she transitioned to doing a handstand with her palm on the board. Then using her super speed, she spun several rotations in mid-air as she landed, and a rainbow streak appeared behind her. She spun in the center as the rainbow followed her to form a tornado as it dissipated and the girl flipped her hair which added more to her coolness.

The kids all applauded and showered the teen with affection as Rainbow was feeding her ego as usual. The kids then left as they discussed how awesome the chromatic girl was. Watching this, Buzz was intrigued by Dash's moves as he began to follow the girl.

The girl made it back to her car and tossed her skateboard and helmet in the back seat. She entered the driver's seat when at that moment, Buzz appeared by the passenger's side as the window was open.

"Hey," said the kid.

"Hey,... what are you doing, kid?" asked Rainbow as she saw the five-year-old.

"I need help. I want you to protect me. Like a bodyguard." said the boy.

"Bodyguard?" said Rainbow with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, cause they're after me."

"Right?" said Rainbow in disbelief as she then burst out in laughter. The teen continued to laugh for a few minutes as the boy just kept a straight face.

Once Rainbow had her laugh, she wiped the tears from her eyes while catching her breath. She then looked back at the boy as he was still there.

"Alright, kid. That was a good one. You got me to laugh. Now, why don't you run along."

"I'm serious. They're after me."

"Look, kid. I don't have time to play games. I have..."

"Hey, I'm being truthful. Now are you going to help me or not?" asked Buzz.

At that moment, Mayor Mare was in her office as was Captain Cosmos as they were going over the details of the task force. Her office phone began to ring as she picked it up.

"This is the mayor's office," said the woman. "I understand. I don't care how you do it, just get it here."

At that moment, both Shining Armor entered the room as he had some urgent news.

"Madam, captain, I..."

"Shining Armor, we're middle of discussing some important business. Know your place, lieutenant," said Captain Cosmo as he didn't like the boy barging in during a phone call.

"Dr. Ledwin has been kidnapped!" stated Shining Armor.

The boy's response got both officials shocked as they looked at one another.

"I'll call you back," said Mayor Mare as she hung up the phone. "The research we have on the ranger weaponry we're designing. If that information falls into the wrong hands... get Dr. Ledwin back!" said the girl to the captain.

"Yes, sir!" saluted the man as he left with Shining Armor in tow.

In a warehouse, Dr. Ledwin was tied to a chair as she was being interrogated by Starlight and her gang. The girl mutant approached the doctor as she grabbed her face.

"I'm going to ask you only one time, Doctor. Where's the information on the research?" asked the general.

"Why, so you can use it to destroy the city! Never!" stated Dr. Ledwin.

"Fine, have it your way!" said the officer mutant that was with Starlight named Sharptooth. "Meet my little friend." said the officer as she pulled out a set of shark teeth as she looked to torture the doctor for the information.

"Wait!" said Starlight as she got her soldier to stop. "No need for that, she'll tell us the information. If... she sees her nephew is in danger," snickered the general. They all laughed as the doctor has a terrified look on her face.

All around the city, the Crystal Soldiers were trying to find the missing doctor. They had just finished checking the known spots the doctor visited often as they came up empty-handed.

"Anything?!" shouted Captain Cosmo to his lieutenants Shining Armor and Spearhead.

"Nothing, sir," replied Spearhead.

"Then let's move to the next coordinate. Each second we waste is a second that Dr. Ledwin's life is in danger," said the captain as he zoomed ahead in his SUV. Both Shining Armor and Spearhead got in their van and followed behind.

"Alright, where do you live, kid?"

"Why?" asked the boy.

"So, I can take you home," said Rainbow as she was driving the car.

"But I can't go home!" pleaded the boy while hugging his action figure. Rainbow just gave the boy a look as he sighed and told her. "412 Central Park Ave."

"Thank you," stated Rainbow as she began to head in that direction.

"Please don't take me home! They're still trying to get me!"

"Who?! Whose trying to get you?!!! You're not telling me anything, kid!!!" asked Rainbow as she was annoyed.

"Monsters! The ones who took my aunt," said Buzz as Rainbow made a different face. She had an epiphany as she knew what the boy was saying.

They were pulling into a nearby sidewalk as she parked her car.

"Why are we stopping?" asked the boy to the teen girl.

"I need to make a phone call. Wait here," said Rainbow as she took off her seatbelt and prepared to open the door.

"Okay," said the boy already reaching for the radio.

"No!" shouted Rainbow, but it was too late as loud music began to blare. The girl covered her ears as she shut it off and gave a look to the kid. "Stay here!" said Rainbow as she exited from the car.

"And don't touch anything!!" yelled the teen as she came back to the window.

"Meanie!" said the boy putting his tongue out.

"No cursing, no cursing. No matter how much this kid is getting on your nerves, Rainbow," muttered the girl to herself as she heard that comment. She was dying to use some vulgar language but was trying so hard not to say it given she had a kid with her.

The chromatic girl then began to walk a few meters away as she came to a column. She pulled out her phone as she made sure to look back at the boy to see if he was seeing her. The kid just sat in the car with his action figure in his hands as he was playing with it. With the coast clear, Rainbow put her phone to her ear with her back turned as it looked like she was making a call. She had her bracelet up as she was contacting the rest of her team.

"Rach, come in."

"Yes, Rainbow," responded the computer.

"I need you to check an address for me," said the chromatic girl.

"Go ahead," said the A.I.

"412 Central Park Ave," said the blue ranger.

The computer then began to input the data as it was using the satellites to locate the address provided by the girl. It then showed on the screen as the others entered from the training room as they saw Rainbow communicating.

"It belongs to the home of Dr. Ledwin," said Rachel.

"Didn't we just see her on TV?" said Sunset.

"She's in charge of the research that they're using to develop ranger weaponry," explained Twilight.

"I think she's been kidnapped or something. Her nephew is with me," said Rainbow to the others. "For some reason, they're after him too."

"What would they want with a little kid?" asked Applejack.

"Beats me!" replied Rainbow.

"Dash, you stay with him. We'll check up on his aunt," stated Ash.

"No offense, guys. But the little shit is a pain in my ass. Oh god, that felt good to curse," said Rainbow as she finally could let out all the stress she'd been building up. "But... okay, I'll do it," groaned the chromatic teen.

"We'll figure this out quickly, partner," said Aj as the transmission ended.

Rainbow put her wristband down as she took the phone from her ear and put it in her pocket. She then heard a scream as she quickly turned around. At her car, some minions were grabbing a hold of the boy as the girl sprung into action.

She ran and did a quick dropkick to one of the mutants as she ducked one of them. She then blocked a knee strike and an overhead fist as she punched one of them back. She used her leg to kick the other to flip onto the floor. Another attack lunged to which she grabbed it and did a knee strike to its midsection as it hit the small sign when it stumbled. The girl quickly rolled over the hood of her car as she got back into the driver's seat and started the vehicle.

She put her seatbelt on as she started up the car.

"Hold on!" said the girl as she turned the key and floored it as the tires made a screeching sound.

She put the car in reverse as it took off, which Rainbow then spun around as they came to a stop and then zoomed forward.

"Some bodyguard you are. They almost got me," complained the kid.

"Yeah, well, I can turn this car around right now and let them get you. And to be honest, that's sounding like a great idea! So be grateful, you little sh..." Rainbow stopped herself as she was this close to losing it. "Can't curse in front of a five-year-old. Can't curse in front of a five-year-old." mumbled the ranger as they continued to drive down the road.

"And what about my aunt?!" stated Buzz.

"Don't worry. My friends are looking for her right now," said Dash.

"Hopefully they do a better job than you," mumbled the kid as the girl heard that.

"Don't curse. Don't curse. Don't curse." whispered the girl to herself as she focused on the road.

They had gotten a good distance as they were climbing up a mountain pass. At that moment, in front of them, Sharptooth appeared.

"It's the end of the road for you!" said the mutant.

"I don't think!" said Rainbow as she wasn't intimidated.

"What are you going to do?" asked the kid.

"Something you shouldn't do ever in your life. Hold on!" said Dash to the kid as she put her foot to the gas pedal.

She was attempting to run over the monster as her vehicle was racing forward. Sharptooth knew what the girl was trying to do as it jumped into the air and landed on Rainbow's windshield as it drove by. The girl was now trying to shake off the mutant from her car as they kept on driving.

Meanwhile, in the warehouse, Dr. Ledwin was still tied up as Starlight and her minions kept guard. They were waiting for Sharptooth to return from her mission of capturing the doctor's nephew. What they didn't notice was that the rest of the rangers had managed to track where the missing scientist was as they were seen near the entrance. They all hid behind the corners as they all looked in. They saw the doctor as they all nodded.

A barrel fell over as one of the minions went to inspect. He was approaching the object when suddenly a blaster sound was heard as he was shot. Starlight then looked towards the entrance.

"Freeze!" said Ash as he and Sunset were in their ranger suits with their blasters aimed at the mutant general.

"It's over, Starlight!" said Twilight as she and Applejack entered through the other entrance a few feet away as they had their enemy trapped.

The doctor was happy to see the rangers as they came to rescue her.

"Let Dr. Ledwin go right now!" ordered Sunset.

"Yeah, right," smirked Starlight. "Minions, get them!" commanded the general as they obeyed.

The four rangers now began to engage the foot soldiers. With Dash, she was still trying to shake Sharptooth from her car as they had run out of the cemented street and onto a dirt road as they reached the top of the mountain she was driving on. All the zigging and zagging, and the monster still held on. Dash was turning the car in all sorts of directions as the boy had smiled at how much fun of a ride this way. She then slammed the brakes as that caused Sharptooth to go flying and roll onto the dirt. The car stopped a few meters away as the tires screech marks into the dirt.

The teen got out of the car as she went to the other side as the boy opened his door.

"Are you alright?" asked Rainbow.

"Uh-huh," responded Buzz as Rainbow bent down to his level.

"I'll take care of her. You get to safety," said Dash as the boy nodded. They looked where Sharptooth was as she was slowly getting to her knees. "Go."

The kid then took off as there was a nearby bush. He decided to hide behind that as he wanted to see what Dash was going to do. The teen approached the mutant as she had gotten to her feet.

"You can't defeat me!" mocked Sharptooth as she ran to fight the chromatic girl.

Rainbow raised her fists as she met the mutant. She started with a kick to her stomach as she then blocked a swing from Sharptooth. She then went for some punches in the midsection and then rolled under a swinging leg kick. The girl blocked a roundhouse from the mutant with her shoulder as she spun for a kick of her own. She went for a roundhouse as her leg was caught and Sharptooth swept her other leg as she fell on her back. The mutant wasted no time in grabbing the girl on the ground by her shirt as she lifted her. Sharptooth did some punches to her midsection before flinging her overhead as she crashed and burned once more.

"Listen up, whoever you are! I don't know what your problem is, just give me the boy, and that will be the end of it!" threatened Sharptooth as she had one of her razor blades pointed at Dash who was on a knee. "So play nice and get lost!"

Rainbow clutched her shoulder as she then looked to her side and saw Buzz hiding. She saw him standing there watching her, trying to see what she would do. For the girl, she had a duty. And that duty was to protect the boy at all costs. The teen took a deep breath as despite the oath she took about being a ranger, she knew that if she was going to protect the boy, then she needed to do it. Despite being a pain in her ass for most of the day, the kid was her responsibility. And she wasn't going to let anything bad happen to him. She stood up with a determined look as she raised her wrist. Her bracelet transformed into her Morpher.

"Harmony Gem, power up!" shouted the girl as she began to transform in front of the kid.

She traced the symbol on the interface of her Morpher as it recognized her. Rainbow was then encased in her gem as bits of it were shown on her shoulders. She landed on a platform and lifted her head as the visor covered the last bit of her face. Once complete, the girl did her pose with her animal behind her.

"With the speed of the falcon, Harmony Guardian Blue Ranger!" stated Rainbow.

The boy was amazed at what he saw. To think that the girl who he'd been driving crazy and was protecting him was none other than one of the Power Rangers brought a smile to his face. Rainbow leaped into the air as he pulled out her lance and began to fight Sharptooth once more.

This time, she wasn't holding back as she did more of her moves while using the lance to pole vault out of danger. Even then, she was still having a tough time fighting the mutant as she was blocking her attacks while trying to throw out hers. The girl tried for multiple jabs and stabs with her weapon as Sharptooth grabbed her weapon and pulled her in.

"Go, Rainbow!!" cheered the boy.

Dash was in the clutches of the mutant's arms as she was trying to wiggle out of them. Her arm was being stretched that held her weapon as she dropped it from her hand. The girl then got lit up with shots to her chest as slashes made contact. Sharptooth didn't let go of the blue ranger as she kept on attacking the girl's midsection with her razor blades as more made contact. She was thrown away as she rolled and went for an attack only to be slashed at once more as she flew back a few feet.

The mutant then had her arm transform into a blaster as she fired a lightning attack at Rainbow who got up and took the attack full force as an explosion went off. The explosion caused Rainbow to flip forward and land on the ground as she was hurt. She was curling up as the attacks did a number on her. Once Buzz saw Rainbow lying on the ground, he was concerned about her.

"This is my lucky day. Not only do I get the kid, but I get to destroy the blue ranger," snickered Sharptooth as she began to walk towards Rainbow who was backing up slowly.

"Leave her alone!" shouted the boy. He ran from his bush as he now stood in between the monster and Rainbow who was on the ground.

"Stay out of this!" said Sharptooth to the kid.

"Buzz, no! Get out of here!" pleaded Rainbow to the kid before clutching her shoulder in pain.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?!" said the boy trying to sound tough to the monster.

"You know what I think? I think you should listen to your little blue friend over there! Now... move it! I've got some tidying up to do." said Sharptooth as she stood in front of the boy.

"Wait! If... you don't hurt my friend. I'll... I'll... I'll give you my action figure." said the boy as he was trying to bargain with the monster in hopes of leaving them alone.

"Ha! Here's what I think of your stupid, pathetic little toy!" said Sharptooth as she grabbed the object from Buzz's hand and tossed it in the air. She then pointed her arm upward as it transformed into the blaster and fired at the figure.

The boy was shocked as the object landed. The figure fell as it was caught on fire.

"Achilles!" said the boy as he raced over to his destroyed action figure.

"New and improved, I might add," snickered Sharptooth as she was impressed with her handiwork.

"Buzz! Get to safety!" stated Rainbow to the kid as she still held her shoulder as she watched the boy bend down to his seared toy in front of him.

The boy grab the remains of his destroyed toy as he couldn't help but feel a few tears form. Sharptooth merely mocked the boy along with a laugh as she was enjoying herself. Rainbow had gotten to her feet as she saw the sight before her. Seeing Buzz sad about his toy being destroyed as a result of him trying to protect her. Coupled with the fact that the mutant was making fun of the boy, all of it got the chromatic girl to be angry. She was shown clenching her fist as couldn't stand for it.

"You're gonna pay for that!!" shouted Dash as she leaped and flipped into the air.

She did a spin kick to Sharptooth as she stumbled. Dash then began to do more kicks to the midsection of the mutant as she was fueled by her rage. She dodged an attack from the girl mutant as she began to punch the monster in the chest. She tapped into her gem's power as her fists were lightning fast as she was wailing on the monster before she stopped and then did one final spin that delivered a kick to Sharptooth's face as she went down.

"Buzz!" said Rainbow as she took the downed monster to rush over to the small boy.

The boy sat on his knees as he had the destroyed pieces in his hand,

"Hey, you okay?" asked the girl as she bent down to which he nodded. "How about that, kid? Looks like you turned out to be my hero." She patted the boy's back as he smiled before turning back to the mutant.


"What?" shouted the girl monster as she got to her feet.

"I'm taking you down here and now!" exclaimed Rainbow.

"I don't think so!" replied Sharptooth as she and Dash ran at each other once more.

In the warehouse, there was another fight going on. The rest of the rangers were dealing with the minions and Starlight. Ash wa dodging attacks from all angles before using his leg to flip some over before ducking under a clothesline and punching another in the midsection. Applejack jumped spin over many that tried to sweep her leg. She landed to deal a nice kick to the chest and punched one so hard that they were flying into the nearby barrels.

Sunset was dealing with her group by a set of stairs. She did a low sweep before grabbing onto the railing of the stairs and kicking one away. One of them caused her to fall on the stairs as they tried to hit her as her back was facing them. She was able to roll to the side to avoid the attack and then quickly turned around and did a kick to fling the minion off of her.

"Come on!" said Twilight as she managed to get to Dr. Ledwin as she untied her. "Watch out!"

The girl made her and the doctor duck to avoid getting hit. They leaned back to avoid another. She purple ranger then pushed on Dr. Ledwin's left leg as it manage to kick the minion away. She quickly turned them around so that she could kick the other. They saw another minion going for an attack as the doctor made a face. Twilight used her foot to make the doctor lean back to avoid the attack as she grabbed her shoulders to spin her around and bend over so that she could roll off her back and kick the minion.

"You got some good moves!" said Twilight as she was giving credit to the doctor even though she was the one who controlled her from getting hit. "Are you okay?" asked the ranger while straightening out her dress.

Twilight didn't notice Starlight as the girl turned at the last second and did a kick to her chest as she was tossed. She then grabbed Dr. Ledwin as she had her staff charge up while she held the hostage in her arms.

"Get out! Or the doctor is gonna need a doctor," threatened Starlight as Applejack and Sunset appeared next to Twilight to check up on her.

All three girls then looked at the mutant general as she had their target in her grasp.

"Let her go, Starlight!" stated Applejack to which the general just laughed maniacally.

She was walking back as she was close to the entrance. She kept the rangers in front of her to see if they would try any tricks.

"Starlight!" shouted a voice.

The girl mutant turned to see Ash as leaped from above as he had his blaster in hand. He fired it as the shot got the general in her shoulder as she let out a pained cry. She released her hold on the doctor as the girls grabbed her. Starlight was on the floor as she looked at Ash who stood up from his knees.

"Want some more? Or have you had enough?" taunted Ash.

"You're all just lucky," said Starlight as she stood up and noticed she was surrounded. "Ciao." said the general as she disappeared in a flash of light.

At that moment, some SUVs pulled up near the entrance of the warehouse as the Crystal Soldiers all emerged. They saw the doctor with the rangers as Captain Cosmo approached the female scientist.

"Are you hurt, madam?" asked the captain.

"I'm alright," replied the doctor.

"Let's get you out of here," said the captain as he began to lead their target away.

"Wait, wait," said the doctor as she stopped them and turned to look back at the rangers. "Thank you."

"No problem. Just glad we could help," responded Ash as the doctor smiled.

The captain and the doctor turned towards the SUVs. Shining Armor had been watching this whole thing as he made a face when he saw the rangers. He turned to leave when one of them called him.

"Lieutenant, may sure you take good care of her?" said Twilight to her brother.

The boy merely made a face, unaware that it was his own sister that was talking with him. He soon left to join his comrades as they got into their vans.

"Good job, Twilight," said Ash as he put his hand on her shoulder.

With one part of the mission complete, there only remained the mutant that Rainbow was dealing with. She was still engaged with Sharptooth as both weren't giving up an ounce of energy trying to take the other out. They stepped back to punch each other as they both hit dead on and stumbled back.

Sharptooth then used her blaster to fire a lightning attack at Dash as she was hit. Small explosions occurred as the girl rolled through on the ground. She found her lance and grabbed a hold of it. She leaped into the air to do a downward attack with it which Sharptooth caught with her hand. She then tossed the ranger over her as Rainbow counter by landing on her feet and then flipping back over in the same position she would have landed as she did spin kick to her chest.

Sharptooth fumbled once more as she aimed her blaster at the blue ranger. Rainbow twisted her body as she jumped into the air. She was now spinning towards the upper ground all the while the blasts followed her as she spun in the air.

"Wow!" said Buzz as he was amazed by all the cool moves, Rainbow was doing.

She landed then pushed off into the air. She was bringing her lance for an attack as Sharptooth fired a blast. It hit the girl in the chest but that didn't faze her much as she landed and thrust her weapon into the mutant as sparks flew. She then pulled back to deliver her finishing more.

"Cobalt Spear!" shouted the teen girl.

She was now zooming ahead with her weapon like she was jousting. Her gem powered outlined her body as she was now spinning as the attack gained power and speed as it made its way to the mutant. It was but seconds as the girl delivered her finishing move. An explosion occurred on Sharptooth as she let out a painful grunt.

"Yes! She did it!" shouted Buzz with a fist pump at seeing Rainbow be victorious.

"Thanks, Buzz," said Rainbow to herself.

"Dash!" shouted a voice as the ranger looked to where it came from.

"Where's the kid?!" asked Ash as he and the girls were running towards them as they managed to track her down after saving the doctor.

"He's alright. The little sport is over there," said the ranger as she gestured to where the kid was.

"Which is more than I can say for you, Blue Ranger!" stated Sharptooth as she was still kicking but was weakened from the attack as she got to her feet. "Time to raise the stakes!"

"My cue," said Chrysalis as she and the others were watching from their lair. She then grabbed the device Thorax made as she pointed it at their viewing crystal ball while saying her chant.

"Wicked spirits, hear my plea. Watch as the devil may cry from even the deepest parts of Tartarus; darkness comes crawling seeking vengeance! Open the gates of chaos so that new life shall be born!!!"

The device fired a pair of energy beams at the crystal ball. They then landed on Sharptooth as she got bigger.

"Oh, great! They can grow even if we don't defeat them!" said Applejack.

"Either way, they still fall the same way. Let's call our zords, girls!" stated Ash.

"Harmony zords, arise!" shouted the rangers as they touched their morphers.

The call was heard as the ranger's animals headed to where their owners were.

"Zords, combine!" said all five as jumped.

The rangers entered each of their zords respectively as they began to merge and combine like last time. Soon the face of the zord was shown as the Megazord stood there striking its pose.

"You don't stand a chance against me!" taunted Sharptooth.

"We'll see about that!" stated Ash.

The rangers then made their Megazord charge forward as did Sharptooth. They had their sword out as they began to strike at the mutant. They went for an overhead attack as she caught it. The mutant then grabbed a bold of their other arm. She then used her eyes to fire a beam of attack as it struck the rangers' Megazord. Sparks and explosions occurred as the teens inside could feel the attack as they rocked back and forth.

"Time to meet your end, rangers!" mocked the girl monster.

"Let's sink our teeth into this fight!" said Ash as he pushed a button.

His wolf that was their chest heard the command of his owner as it opened its mouth and used its jaws to bite the mutant as that got her to release her hold on them.

"What the hell?!!!" said Sharptooth as she felt the attack and stumbled.

"Now it's our turn!" said Applejack as they went back on the offensive.

They did some more punches to the mutant as she was being pushed back. Then their Megazord leaped up and did a spin kick as they turned which got Sharptooth in her face as she fell to the ground.

"Let's finish this, Sonic Rainboom!!!" shouted all of them as they thrust their hand out.

The wolf's chest howled as it opened its mouth. The other zords also opened their mouths as they shot out their respective colors. The pillars of light shot forward as each one had a mirage image of the girl's zords. The first to make contact was Twilight's owl, then Applejack's Rhino, next Rainbow's Peregrine Falcon, followed by Sunset's Phoenix, and lastly, Ash's wolf as each was moments behind the other as they struck the mutant as she exploded and was destroyed once and for all.

It was now later as at city hall, Shining Armor was in the mayor's office. He was reporting on Dr. Ledwin as Captain Cosmo had other things to attend to.

"Are you sure Dr. Ledwin didn't give any information?" asked the mayor.

"None, madam. The Crystal Soldiers and I saved her single-handily. Just in time." stated Shining Armor, leaving out the fact about the rangers.

"Very well, that'll be all," said the mayor as she dismissed the lieutenant as he saluted.

He began to walk towards the door when he stopped and turn towards the mayor to say one last thing.

"By the way, Dr. Ledwin wasn't harmed."

"That's good to know," said the mayor as she then returned to her desk to continue her paperwork.

The lieutenant then left.

A car was pulling up to the address of a house. It parked in the driveway as Rainbow got out from the driver's seat. She walked around the back of her vehicle as she opened the passenger side as out came Buzz. The boy got out as Dash bent down to his level.

"Well, sport. I guess my job's over."

"Yeah. You know what? You're not such a bad bodyguard after all."

Rainbow merely nodded her head at hearing the statement from the five-year-old.

"Thanks. Oh, hey. About what you saw?" said Rainbow.

"Oh, you mean about you being the Blue Ranger? Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Besides, blue is my favorite color. And I think you're awesome." said Buzz as Rainbow couldn't help but smile at how much of a fan the boy was of her.

"Thanks," said the teen girl. The boy was about to leave when Rainbow stopped him.

"Oh! Hold on!"

Rainbow then got up and went to the backseat of her car. She opened the door and pulled something out. In her hands, was a better and bigger action figure. The boy smiled at what she was holding as Rainbow presented it to him.

"Since your other one got crispy fried," said the chromatic girl as she managed to stop by the mall where she worked and buy the kid a new toy.

The boy grabbed the figure and hugged it tightly. He enjoyed it as he pushed a button as the eyes and other parts of it lit up.

"Thanks," said the boy as he now hugged Rainbow and gave her a peck on her cheek as that got the teen to be stunned. She then formed a small smile as she hugged the kid back.

At that moment, the door to the house opened, and out came Dr. Ledwin.

"Buzz!" shouted the doctor as she ran out onto the front lawn.

"Aunty!" said the boy as he ran forward.

His aunt caught her nephew as she picked him up and spun him in the air.

"It's so good to see you. We were worried about you," said the woman as she hugged her nephew.

Rainbow was watching the interaction between the doctor and nephew with a straight face. Dr. Ledwin then put her nephew down as they prepared to enter back inside of the house. The pair looked at Rainbow who was standing there as the boy waved.

"Goodbye, Rainbow. Thanks for everything!" said Buzz as he and his aunt waved which the chromatic teen did as well.

The smile returned even bigger on the cool girl's face as she saw the pair talking amongst themselves as they entered their house. The others were all watching from behind Rainbow's car as they soon walked around and stood next to their fellow ranger as Dash still had a huge smile on her face. Sunset then put her hand on her friend's arm as that got her attention.

"Hey!" said the bacon-haired girl as Rainbow quickly put her hand down and tried to regain her tough demeanor.

"I thought you said he was a pain in your ass," smirked Sunset.

"Oh, yeah. He was. So glad that's over." said Rainbow trying to save face. "Come on, let's go."

"Oh, Rainbow!" said Ash as he stopped the girl in her tracks.

"What?!" said the girl.

"You're just a big softie at heart! All that tough, cool-girl persona is just an act," mocked Ash.

"No, it's not. I'm not mushy for feelings. I'm cool, awesome, tough!" said Rainbow trying to protect her image in front of her friends. Safe to say, the others weren't buying it as she was turning red on her face.

The others laughed as Rainbow tried to enter the car as Ash hooked her neck under his arm. The rest of the girls hugged their athletic friend as Rainbow was trying to break free from all this mushy, touching feelings thing as the scene froze on them all laughing while Dash was embarrassed.