• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 1,735 Views, 23 Comments

The Phoenix Project - Cydon

What do you do when you wake up after millenia of cryosleep?

  • ...

Chapter 10 Adventure In Ponyville

Chapter 10 Adventure In Ponyville

The birds were chirping the sun was shining and the sound of morning ponies beginning their day filled the air. Meanwhile two ponies a dragon and a human slumbered peacefully inside of the library. Until... *BAP BAP BAP BAP BAP*

*groan* "Spiiike get the dooor." *BAP BAP BAP BAP BAP* "Spiiiiiike!" Twilight groggily raises her head from the comfortable and still very inviting pillows to look over at the basket the baby dragon's still form remained sleeping in. She grumbled quietly about dragons and heavy sleepers as she got up and went to the stairs. After going downstairs she went to the door preparing to open it with her magic. *BAP BAP BAP BAP BAP* "I'm coming!" The front door of the library was enveloped in a purple glow. As the door swung open a pink mare fell inside. She quickly bounced to her hooves and responded in an overly cheerful manner.

"Hiya Twilight I was just walking through town when I passed by the library but I wasn't really walking I was bouncing because I was just so happy to be outside with all of my smiling friends but then I thought maybe I should go and see my brand new super best friends and we could talk and tell jokes and eat cupcakes and have a party then we coul-" Pinkies rant was cut off by a lavender hoof that had mysteriously appeared in her mouth, causing its owner to smirk as Pinkie continued to talk.

"Pinkie." Twilight said causing Pinkie to stop talking and allowing Twilight to remove her hoof.

"Yes bestest friend Twilight?" Pinkie donned her biggest smile as she waited for Twilight to continue.

"Good morning."

"Good morning Twilight!" And with that the bubbly pink mare bounced out the door and back into town. Twilight sighed as she rolled her eyes and closed the door. Going back upstairs she paused to fix her mane in the mirror before going to check on her friends. Spike still slept peacefully snoring softly in his basket, while Sky was still curled up next to Cydon, her head laying on his chest with his arm was draped over her, his hand in her mane.

"Sky, Cydon. It's time to get up."

I was in Guam. Ryan and I had just given the old geezer the slip after chasing us for nearly an hour. We sprint down another alleyway, as we exit the alley I hear a voice behind me. I turn to see Twilight standing in the alley. "Cydon wake up it's morning." 'What?' I jolt awake immediately, sitting up quickly I accidentally knock Sky off of the bed, she lands with a thud and stands up glaring daggers at me. I give her a sheepish grin and quickly apologize.

"Good, your awake." Twilight says not bothering to hide her smile at our morning antics.

"Good morning to you too purple pony."

"Come on get up, we have a lot to do today and only today to do it in." Twilight chirps.

"Alright, I'm up." I get up and stretch, feeling my sore muscles from yesterdays work. "So whats first on the list of things to do Sparkle?" To my surprise she levitates a parchment over to where she can read it. 'She actually made a list!?'

*Ahem* "Number one, get breakfast from the nearby cafe."

"Well uh, okay then lets go." I start for the door before being stopped by Twilight's outstretched hoof.

"Let me finish." She says looking me in the eyes with a stubborn look on her face.

"But can't we just."

"No buts, let me finish."

"But-" Twilight glares at me and I look to Sky for help. She shrugs and mouths to just go with it. *sigh* "Fine, go ahead."

"Number two, take a tour of Ponyville. Number three, get lunch at Sugarcube Corner. Number four, check up on your new house. And number five, I drop you two off at Fluttershy's." Twilight rolls up the parchment and places it in her saddlebags before turning back to us a smile on her lips.

"Are you done?"

"Yes, lets go." We go downstairs and Twilight uses her magic to open the door she raises her hoof towards it gesturing for Sky and I to go first. We walk outside and Twilight follows closing the door behind her as she steps out.

"What about Spike?" Sky questions from her hovering position next to me.

"Oh he sometimes sleeps in until lunch time, he is a baby dragon after all. I left him a note to meet us at Sugarcube Corner around noon."

"Ah so, breakfast now?"

"Yes we can get breakfast now."

"Yes!" I said with a fist pump. Sky giggles and Twilight rolls her eyes.

"Follow me please and stay close, someponies might still be nervous about you walking around town."

"You can count on me magic pony lady." Twilight rolled her eyes again but says nothing as she trots off. Sky and I follow along behind her looking around at all the many buildings and ponies, several even wave to us and we waved back. Twilight stops at a small cafe with tables out front and quietly talks to the white stallion with a red bow tie.

"Right this way ladies and..." He trails off. "Gentlecolt." The stallion waves his hoof to an empty table and we sit down. He places a menu in front of each of us. "Here are your menus, I will be back shortly to take your order."

"Thank you." The stallion leaves quietly allowing us to browse the menus. 'Lets see flower, hay bacon, hay fries, daisy sandwich. I need to be careful what I eat.' I think with a frown.

"Is something the matter?" Sky says when she looks over noticing my frown.

"Kinda not really I'm just looking for something that I can safely digest."

"Yeah we don't need you getting sick now." Sky says with a small frown of her own.

"How about an omelette you can eat those right?" Twilight says from behind her menu.

"Yes I can as long as it doesn't have any hay." The waiter trots over to us and stands at attention.

"Are you ready to order or do you need more time?" He asks politely as he tries not to stare at me.

"I think we're ready." Twilight says as Sky and I nod in agreement.

"A fruit salad please." Sky says with a smile, the waiter nods writing it down on his pad before turning to Twilight.

"And for you Mrs. Sparkle?"

"I'll have a daisy sandwich and hay fries please." He jots it down and turns to me.

"And you sir?" I look over the menu again and think for a moment.

"Your omelettes don't have hay right?"

"You are correct sir."

"Good, that's what I'll have then."

"Excellent choices, now would you like anything to drink?"

"I'll take Water."

"Can I have orange juice please." Sky says.

"An apple cider please." Twilight says.

"I shall be back shortly." The waiter leaves once again and comes back a minute later with our drinks.

"Water for you, a cider for Mrs. Sparkle and an orange juice for the lovely lady." He says with a wink, making Sky blush.

"Thank you mister.."

"Horte Cuisine." He says smiling coyly.

"Thank you mister Cuisine."

"Anytime my dear, your food should be ready now I shall return momentarily."

I lean over and whisper to Twilight. "He makes me nervous." She leans over and whispers back.

"Why's that Cydon?"

"Did you see how he was acting towards Sky?"

"What was wrong with it?"

"Look at Sky." We look over at said mare. Sky was still blushing as she stared off into space with a glazed look in her eyes.

"Wow." Twilight whispers as she looks back at me.

"I don't like it."

"So she likes a stallion what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing I guess." I say my frown returning with a vengeance.

"Are you... jealous of Horte?" I blink at her statement in mild shock.

"Jealous? Of what, that he made Sky blush and get all googly eyed? Hah that's funny."

"Surrre." She says looking at me with a small smirk on her face.

"Hey, don't do that."


I cross my arms. "Grrr and now your going to do it just to annoy me aren't you?"

"Maybe." She giggles as Horte Cuisine approaches our table with a tray on his back.

"Ahh an omelette for the sir and a daisy sandwich with hay fries for Mrs. Sparkle and of course a fruit salad for the lovely madame." Sky giggles as he set the food down. 'That's it.' I stand up and look down on the waiter.

"Mr. Cuisine can I talk to you for a moment." He looks in my direction his eyes meeting my waist before coming up to my eyes.

"Did you need something sir?" He says his voice wavering a bit.

"I just want to talk. In private." Horte audibly gulps.

"Okay, come with me sir we can speak over there." He points his hoof to the alleyway next to the cafe.

"Cydon don't do anything stupid." Twilight hisses at me.

"Hey come on now it's me were talking about." I say as I walk away.

"That's what worries me." Twilight quietly mutters as Horte led the way to the alley. Upon reaching it he turns around to face me.

"Now what was it you needed to talk about in private?"

"I saw you flirting with Sky and I would like you to stop." His eyes light up but turn quickly to curiosity.

"So her name is Sky what a lovely name, but why would I stop? She seems to enjoy it."

"Because I don't like it and I'm asking you to."

"Oh! Are you her coltfriend? I am terribly sorry." My palm met my face.

"We're not in a relationship we're just friends."

"Then I do not see the problem."

"Just please stop." He takes a step towards me.

"Hmmm." Horte's brow furrows in concentration as he raises his hoof to his chin "Ahh! You like her."

"I di-" I start before getting interrupted.

"Ah, say no more I shall back off, I will not come between you two." He says taking a step back and smiling.

"Er... thanks?"

"Think nothing of it. Now go on, back to your friends." I walk slowly back to the table. 'Great now he thinks I like Sky, oh well at least he won't be flirting with her anymore. But why did I get so upset over it anyway?'

"There you are. I was starting to worry you'd miss out on breakfast." Sky says with a smile.

"Me? Miss out on food? Never!" We all laugh as I sit down.

"So where did you go?" Sky asks through her salad.

"Oh nowhere, I just had to talk to somepony." I pick up my omelette and take a bite. 'Not bad could use some sausage though, and some silverware.' I think looking down at the table where only my plate and a napkin remain. The rest of breakfast was quiet, Horte came back only once to give us the bill which Twilight took care of. 'I need to find a way to make money.' And with that we were off to begin number two on Twilight's list.

"Number one, get breakfast, check. Number two, tour Ponyville. Are you two ready?" Twilight says putting away her list as she turns back to us.

"I think so they make a decent omelette by the way. How about you Sky?" I look down at the yellow pegasus who smiles up at me.

"I'm ready."

"We're off then! Lets see you've already seen Sweet Apple Acres and the library so how about we walk around and I can tell the both of you about the history of Ponyville?"

"Sounds good." Twilight nods and begins walking. She talks for the next few hours while we walk around Ponyville we even stop by Rarity's boutique but it was closed for the day. Before Twilight could start her history of Ponyville again I stop her.

"Twilight this is interesting and all but I think it's time for lunch." I say my stomach letting its emptiness be known.

"Oh yes, is it really lunch time already? Wow, I must've gotten carried away." Twilight pulls out her list and marks off another item. "Number two, tour Ponyville, check. Number three, lunch at Sugar Cube Corner."

"Come on it's time for food." Twilight led us to the infamous Sugar Cube Corner where we had met Pinkie not a few days ago. The bell dinged when I opened the door and being the gentleman I am I let the ladies go in first.

"Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner how can I help you?" The yellow stallion from before greets us although he pales a little when I walk in.

"We're just here for some lunch Mr. Cake is Pinkie around?"

"Yes of course uh take a seat she'll be right with you. Pinkie could you come here please!" We sat down at a booth by a window, as a familiar pink mare bounces out of the kitchen.

"What is it Mr. Cake? Is it a surprise? Can you tell me? No, that would ruin the surprise. Is it cupcakes?"

"Pinkie your friends are here to see you, would you be a dear and see to them?"

"Yeparoonie mister Cake." Pinkie bounces over to us and stops in mid air next to the table before slowly floating to the ground. "Hiya best friends forever what can I get for you today?" I smirk, 'That crazy pink mare, one of these days physics will catch up to you.' I clear my throat.


"YES YOU CAN HUNGRY HUMAN BUT BEFORE I GO. WHY ARE WE YELLING?" Pinkie's shout shakes the whole building, when it stops I respond in a more reasonable volume.

"Because it was funny."

"Oh okay." She says with a smile as she bounces back to the kitchen.

"Funny to who exactly?" Twilight grouses.

"Me. Pinkie too I guess, but mostly me." I say as I look over to Twilight with a grin.

"My ears are still ringing." Sky whines her hooves covering her ears.

"And now I feel bad, sorry Sky." Pinkie bounces back out of the kitchen with a tray of cupcakes bouncing along on her back.

"One tray of cupcakes for my super best friends!" She says as she places it on the table.

"Thanks Pinkie." We all grab a cupcake and start eating, they were as good as before maybe even better.

"An excellent job Pinkie." I say licking the icing from my fingers.

"Thanks." *Ding* The door opens and a small purple figure stands in the doorway.

"There you are. I was hoping you would make it in time." Twilight says wiping some frosting from her face.

"Hey guys!" Spike shouts running over to our table.

"Hey Spike want a cupcake?" I ask holding out a cupcake.

"You bet!" Spike grins widely and hops onto a stool I tossed him the cupcake and he chows down like he hasn't eaten in days. Finishing his cupcake he looks over to us with frosting coating his scales like a mustache causing the girls to giggle. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

"I'll say you do." I say pointing to his frostache.

"I'll get it!" A pink blur flashes past me before a loud slorp was heard followed shortly after by the sound of a disgusted dragon.

"EWW! Pinkie!"

"Never leave good frosting to go to waste." She says while giggling in a sing songy voice.

"Shes got you there Spike." From across the room I hear a pony remark to another.

"Disgusting! How do they expect us to eat here with that?" I turn to look at the pony. He was brown earth pony with a black mane and three money bags for a cutie mark. I quietly excuse myself from the table and approach him.

"Excuse me sir I'd like to apologize for Pinkie I'm sure she did not mean to offend you."

"Oh no that's not the problem that was normal for Pinkie. What I find disgusting is that they would allow a monster such as yourself to roam Ponyville freely!" 'This guy. Who does he think he is!? Call me a monster!?'

"I am no mere beast from the forest sir, I think, I feel, I am a sentient creature just like you and I would ask that you respect that." I say clenching my teeth and balling my fists.

"You are nothing more to me than some dirt to be brushed away, you should go back to your cave in the Everfree you monster."

"....I'll have you know that I have never met a ruder pony Good Day Sir!" I feel my anger rising and decide I should leave before I hurt somepony. I go back to the table and,before the girls can say anything I speak first. "We need to leave...."

"Why do we-" I cut Spike off.

"If we don't leave right now I cannot guarantee the safety of that ass behind me." I say jerking a thumb behind me.

"Please don't hurt Cranky Doodle donkey Cydey." Pinkie uses her hurt puppy look.

"Donkey? No, that pony, if he says one more thing I'm going to knock him into next week."

"Pony? Not Cranky?" I shake my head.

"Him." I say pointing to the brown pony still sitting at his table glaring at us smugly.

"Filthy Rich? What did he say to you to make you that angry?"

"Come on I'll tell you outside." The girls glare at Filthy as we quietly leave the building.

"Don't worry about paying for the cupcakes Twilight I'll take care of it later."

"Thanks Pinkie. What did he say to you Cydon?"

"First he insults me, then he calls me a monster, then he tells me to leave town saying I was worth less than the dirt he walked on." The girls gasp in shock but one voice rings through the din of market chatter in a raspy and very angry yell.

"HE WHAT?!" I look over in time to see a rainbow blur smash into the ground. "WHO SAID THAT? NOPONY INSULTS MY FRIENDS!"

"Rainbow calm down." Twilight says in a soothing voice.


"Rainbow Dash calm down right now! Beating him up won't fix anything." I growl with as much authority as I can.

"But I. But he. Grrr fine, I won't beat him up. Can you at least tell me who it was?" Rainbow crosses her hooves as she hovers in front of me.

"It was a pony by the name of Filthy Rich." She immediately looks like she is about to storm in the bakery and make good on her previous threat but I stop with a hand on her shoulder. She looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Are you sure I can't knock some sense into that jerk?"

"I'm sure Rainbow." She harrumphs and turns away.

"I'm still angry about it though."

"I know, I'm angry too but if we just beat him up it will only prove his point."

"Yeah yeah I know but those kinds of ponies are the worst. So what are you guys up to now?" She says turning back to us.

"We were going to check up on how the construction of our house is coming along and then we were just going to hang out at Fluttershy's place."

"Oh that sounds cool mind if I tag along?"


"I can't, I have to get back to baking cupcakes." Pinkie says smiling as she eats another cupcake before bouncing away.

"I still have to do my chores I'll be in the library if you need me." Spike hugs Twilight and walks off to the tree.

"Well is everypony ready to finish the tour?"

*groan* "But Twilight you took us all over the place for hours how much more is there to see?"

"Not much but It's on the way there." Rainbow looks around nervously.

"On second thought maybe I should-" Before she can move I intercept her.

"Oh no you don't your coming with us Rainbow Dash." I wrap an arm around her stomach picking her up and holding her tight. She struggles but can not break free with her hooves finding no purchase dangling in the air and her wings pinned under my arm.

"-Or I could just hang here I guess." Twilight smirks at her rainbow colored friends plight and trots on towards the edge of town while Sky giggles. Rainbow gives her a glare to which she responds by sticking out her tongue. As we walk our purple tour guide continues her explanations, observations, and history of the buildings of Ponyville.

It wasn't long before we left the outskirts of the village and began our trek towards our new home. As we crested a hill it finally came into view. It was a two story building designed with me in mind, having extra large doorways (By pony standards) fit for a human. A small creek ran by the side of the house that went under a bridge further downstream, on the other side of it I saw a great many animals milling around a small cottage built into a tree. We walk up to the edge of the construction zone and stand there taking a good look at our future home.

"Hey! What are you doing here? Can't you tell this is a construction zone?" A burly brown stallion with a five o'clock shadow and wooden crates for a cutie mark shouts as he stomps over to us.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry sir we were just checking up on how things were coming along, these are the owners here." Twilight says matter of factly.

"Well howdy doo. Ain't seen you round here before, your a big feller, names Crafty Crate." He said sticking out his hoof.

"A pleasure to meet you sir." I took his hoof and we shook.

"Aye, well the work is progressing smoothly we should be finished before lunch tomorrow."

"Good, thank you for working so hard to complete it."

"We're just doing our jobs lad the Princess paid good bits to see this place built."

"It was very kind of her."

"I must get back to work now be seeing ya around laddie."

"Have a good day Mr.Crate." He nodded and returned to his task.

"Can you set me down now my wings are getting cramped." I look down at the rainbow maned package I still carried in one arm.

"Hmm let me think." I pause to think tapping my chin with one finger.

"Oh come on!" Rainbow shouts sounding a little desperate.

"Haha okay Rainbow no need to ruffle your feathers." I chuckle as I set her down.

"Yeah yeah yuck it up I'll get you back for that." She stretches out her wings trying to get the blood flowing again.

"I'm sure you will Dash. I'm sure you will."

"Fluttershy lives just over the bridge we should be there soon."

"Yeah it is starting to get late, man time flies."

"And so do I. I gotta go and stretch my wings, later!" Rainbow takes off in a blur doing loops and rolls off into the distance. I look at the girls and shrug then wave my hand towards Fluttershy's.

"Ladies, shall we go?" They nod and we walk quickly as Celestia's sun began to slowly set. 'I wonder when Pinkie is going to throw that party she promised us?' I began musing about the various types of food that might be there and didn't notice when I almost face planted into the door. 'When did that get there?'

"Hey Cyd snap out of it I don't think you want to knock with your face." I grin sheepishly and knocked on the door with a closed fist. *Knock Knock Knock* We hear an *Eep* from inside and after a few seconds the door opens a crack revealing a teal eye and a pink mane.

"Ye-ye yes?" The pink hair stammers.

"Hi pink hair I'm looking for a yellow mare by the name of Fluttershy have you seen her?" Twilight rolls her eyes.

"But I'm fluttershy."

"Fluttershy? Where is the rest of you?" Fluttershy giggles.

"I'm right here." She says opening the door fully. "I'm sorry I didn't let you in right away but I don't usually get visitors and I was afraid."

"No need to apologize Fluttershy fear is good, it makes you cautious. As long as you don't let it prevent you from doing what needs to be done that is." We entered Fluttershy's cottage, it was well kept but covered in various animal supplies and cages.

"Oh i'm sorry for the mess I didn't have time to clean up after I fed everypony."

"Fluttershy, Sky and Cydon need a place for the night can they still stay here?" Twilight spoke up.

"Oh yes I have plenty of space for two more, as long as they don't mind all my animal friends."

"I don't mind at all I love animals, what kinds do you have here?" Sky says.

"Oh I have all kinds of friendly animals from dogs, cats and birds to raccoon's, bunnies and squirrels. I even have a friendly bear stop by sometimes."

"A bear?" That piqued my interest. 'A bear being friendly with all these little snacks for him?'

"Oh yes he is very friendly you don't have to worry about him though he only eats fish."

"Fish? Does that mean I can go fishing? I really should try to vary my diet."

"Oh yeah, I forgot humans are omnivorous seeing as you've only eaten fruits and vegetables while I've seen you."

"Oh my, you poor thing it's a good thing I keep a few fish in my freezer. You can have them if you like."

"Are you sure? It won't kill me to be vegetarian."

"I'm sure Mr. Bear wont mind and I can always get more."

"Oh, well thanks Fluttershy."

"Twilight will you be staying for dinner?"

"No I have to get back to the library Spike might need my help."

"Ok tell Spike I said hello."

"I will, good bye Fluttershy, Cydon, Sky."

"See you later Twilight." Twilight waved good bye and trotted out the door. *Grrroooo* "Hehe."

"I think I should finish dinner. Make yourselves at home." Sky looked around before sitting down on the couch laying her head on the armrest.

"I hope it won't take long I'm starving."

"Yeah me too, it's very kind of them to open their homes to us."

"Yeah... Hey we should do something to show our appreciation."

"Like what?"

"I don't know yet but I'll think of something." I walk around the room taking a closer look at the various odds and ends scattered about when I feel a tugging on my pants. "Huh?" I look down to see a small white bunny, he glares at me and points from me to the door Fluttershy left through. "What is it? Do you want me to go to Fluttershy?" The bunny nods and bounces to the door where he waits tapping his foot impatiently. "Back in a flash Sky."

"Okay." Sky lazily closed her eyes and her breathing slows.

"That must be a very comfy couch."

"Mmhmm." I chuckle as Sky smiles and I leave the room. The door I went through leads me to a kitchen where Fluttershy is busy making salads.

"Oh Angel your back did you get Cydon?" She looks up from the bunny known as Angel and sees me in the doorway. "Oh there you are I was wondering if you could help me with the fish, Mr. Bear eats his raw but I don't think humans do that."

"No we don't, we cook our food."

"That's what I thought, I have never cooked a fish before could you help me please?"

"Sure, first we take a knife." I spend twenty minutes showing Fluttershy how to properly cook fish for human consumption and by the time we finished I had a fish dinner, although a little overcooked.

"That wasn't so hard but I really don't like the smell." I shrug.

"Yeah not everyone likes fish."

"Everything is ready now can you bring Sky in while I set the plates?"

"I'm on it." I walk into the living room where Sky is lying peacefully on the couch with her eyes closed. I approach quietly and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Sky foods ready come and get it." She mumbles something and rolls over a little. I shake her shoulder gently.

"Sky wakey wakey." Sky stretches her wings hitting me in the face and I get a mouth full of feathers.

"Pfft, aw thats not cool mare not cool at all. Come on Sky wake up dinners ready." Sky wraps her hooves around my arm and grips tightly.

*sigh* "Fine if you won't get up I'll carry you there." I stand up straight and pull the yellow mare into my arms.

"Right here we go." I carry her into the kitchen and walk over to the table when I hear some giggling.

"Thanks for the lift but you can set me down now."

"Hmm." 'I could just keep her there like I did Rainbow... nah once was enough.' "Alright down you go." Sky trots over to a seat and Fluttershy places their salads on the table and brings my fish to me.

"Are you sure it's okay? We can try again if it's not."

"It's fine Fluttershy to be honest I haven't had any meat in so long I could almost eat it raw."

"Oh no, don't do that, you might get that salmon disease you told me about."

"It's salmonella and I don't know if Equestria has a disease like that here."

"Well you still shouldn't risk it."

"And I'm glad I don't have to." We ate dinner chatting about our day and how Fluttershy's animals were doing. The fish was good not great but better than no meat at all. After we finished our meal the sun had long ago set.

*yawn* "I'm beat I'm going to sleep on that couch." Sky wearily trots from the room.

"We should probably head to bed too." Fluttershy nods.

"Yes good night Cydon."

"Good night Fluttershy." Fluttershy trots upstairs and Angel follows. I go to the living room just as Sky lays down I sit down next to her. 'This couch IS really comfy!' "Hey Sky." She rolls over to look at me.

"Hmm?" 'Should I tell her about Horte?'

"Never mind." I lean back against the other side of the couch and close my eyes. The cool air causes me to shiver. 'If it works the same here I'd say falls coming. Brr.' I feel the couch move and a warm feathery blanket wraps around me as a warm mass lay next to me. "Sky?" I whisper opening my eyes. She says nothing and looks me in the eyes a warm smile playing across her lips.

"I can't let my little human freeze now can I?" I smile and we close our eyes, drifting off for the new day.

Author's Note:

Ugh between work and writers block this chapter just didn't want to end, but it's done now so on to the next! Keep calm and brony on my friends Cydon out.

Edit: March 14, 2013 Gah this took a long time to revise and I'm not even sure I like it. Bah it'll do for now until I get better at writing.