• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 1,734 Views, 23 Comments

The Phoenix Project - Cydon

What do you do when you wake up after millenia of cryosleep?

  • ...

Chapter 8 A Normal Morning In Equestria

Chapter 8 A Normal Morning In Equestria

I waken with a groan, Celestia's sun was shining brightly through the grand window preventing further sleep. 'No time like the present.' I turn my head away from the blinding source and open my eyes to take in the room. A small desk sits by the wall with a few dressers the most notable thing in the room is the bed being large enough to fit three humans comfortably. Sky stirs as I look around.

"Mmm... Good morning."

"Good morning Sky, did you sleep well?"

"Yes thank you for asking." She says as she stretches her wings.

"Good, good. Now how do we get breakfast?" Sky shrugs and we look at the door.

"To the kitchens?" I ask.

"To the kitchens." She confirms. We stand up and march to the door, I opened it a crack and peek out. Two guards were stationed by the door.

"Excuse me but we would like to get some breakfast could you point us to the kitchen?" The stoic guard pony turned to look at me. Although his face didn't show it his eyes widened in surprise before returning to normal.

"The Princess has informed us to escort you to the dining hall when you awakened. We may leave now if you are ready." I turn to look at Sky she nods.

"We are." The guard turned and started trotting down the hall we followed behind him the second guard in the rear.

"Is it far?"

"No it is just down these stairs and down a hallway." We went down said stairs and traversed the long hallway arriving at a set of large wooden doors. Two more guards were standing at attention they saluted crisply and opened the doors for us. Inside Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and the gang were already sitting at the massive table chatting and laughing.

"Ah your awake, the Professor has yet to join us but I'm sure he will be along soon, please, sit, eat." Sky sit's down at the table and I walk over to Celestia.

"We need to talk." Celestia nods.

"I understand come with me." Celestia stands. "I won't be but a moment." The ponies nod and return to their conversations. I follow Celestia to a small door she opens it with her magic and we step inside. It is a small room with what appears to be cleaning supplies along the walls. 'The janitor's closet?'

"If what you said last night is true we will need to investigate. But before we cause a scandal we need to have evidence otherwise we would could ruin his reputation."

"I believe I have a plan for that."

"What is it?"

"I would have to show you but it involves the Datapad I gave the Professor."

"The information device you showed us yesterday?"

"The same."

"I don't know how it will work but, ok."

"You just make sure if he is a Changeling that he won't get away." she nods and we head back out, Celestia returns to her seat and I sit down on a cushion next to Sky. Before me is the largest continental all vegetarian breakfast I have ever seen pancakes stacked high, oatmeal, various kinds of cereals, fruits, and vegetables along with toast, jam and all things tasty.

My mouth hangs agape for a few seconds before snapping shut when Rainbow Dash jokes "Hey leave it open like that and you'll catch flies." We grin and I grab some pancakes. 'Best breakfast since Braeburn's pancakes back in Appleloosa. I hope he is okay those Changelings might have come back to finish what they started.' My grin turns into a small frown which is immediately noticed by a certain pink mare.

"Why the sad face super best friend?"

"I'm just worried about the Appleloosians."

"Is that all? You don't need to worry about that the Princess sent a guard detachment to protect Appleloosa after she heard about the attack."

"She did?"

"She sure did. Now how about some cupcakes!" Pinkies infectious smile spread across her whole face as she held out a tray of cupcakes. I return her smile and take a cupcake.

"Thanks Pinkie."

"Anytime Cydey widey." Pinkie spins on her hooves before disappearing in a pink blur. I look around to see where she went and find her sneaking up on Rainbow.

"And then I swooped down over the crowd and they AHHH!... Pinkieee." Pinkie interrupted Rainbow with a blast of seltzer. Pinkie broke into a fit of giggles and snorts as the now dripping Rainbow glared at her.

"Hahaha *Snort* Hahahaha I got you Dashie." Rainbow's glare softened and she gave a smirk.

"Yeah I guess you did Pinkie, But I'll get you good when we get home."

"I can't wait!" Pinkie smiled again and we all joined in a good laugh. We didn't notice the doors creak open to admit one tired looking Professor, Until.

*Ahem* "I see we are all enjoying ourselves." Pinkie zoomed over in a pink blur.

"Yeah you should have seen it I was all like sneaky Pinkie and then I blasted Dashie with the seltzer and she was like AHHH but then we all laughed and-" Pinkie was interrupted by the Professor putting a hoof in her mouth. She kept mumbling for a minute and when it looked like she was done he removed his hoof. "-And I was like oatmeal? Are you crazy?" Pinkie put on a content smile and went back to her seat.

"Good morning Professor."

"Good morning everypony." The Professor sat down at a seat across from me and began eating. The others returned to their conversation as I stared him down looking for anything that would mark him not himself. After a minute I gave up if that was a fake you couldn't tell by looking at him. 'So we need to go with the plan to outwit him.'

"Hey Professor I was looking through the Datapad last night and thought. 'I know a way to make it easier for ponies to use.' But I forgot I need your password to do it do you think you could help me out?"

"Oh um not right this moment no I'm eating breakfast how about later?"

"Are you sure it would only take a second."

"Yes I'm sure, I haven't eaten a proper meal like this in days so I would like to enjoy it without interruption."

"That's a shame Professor, but maybe you should come clean now." The Professor looked up from his food a nervous fear in his eyes.

"Why whatever do you mean?"

"The Professor didn't have a password." He went pale and turned to look at the other ponies who were staring back with a confused look on their faces, except for Celestia who had a look of grim determination.

"Oh yeah I...I forgot. Hehe." Celestia's glare hardened and he shrank back a look of fear now playing across his face. And then she spoke, it was not the warm motherly tone she always used but a deeper rage filled voice that was still calm and even, if only just.

"Where is my little pony?" He shrank into his cushion until only the top of his head was showing.

"I..I Don't know. Please please don't hurt me."

"Guards escort him to a cell." Two guards moved in from the door they were guarding and approached the impostor.

"You won't take me without a fight!" The impostor's horn glowed and a green flash revealed a Changeling. The Changeling flew up into the air and the pegasi guard followed. After flying around for a few minutes the unicorn guard put up a force field in front of the Changeling. With no time to stop, it slammed headlong into it.

*groan* I think... I need... a nap." The Changeling collapsed to the floor and the guards picked him up and carried him to the dungeon.

"I was afraid that was the case. It appears you were correct Cydon, however unfortunate that is."


"Do not worry we will find the real Professor."

"Please inform me when you find something, I liked to think him a friend."

"We will, In the mean time you will need a place to stay."

"OH OH he could come back to Ponyville with us! Besides I still need to throw him and Sky a party!" Pinkie was bouncing with excitement.

"That is a splendid idea Pinkie. What do you think Cydon?" Celestia and the others looked at me with questioning eyes. 'What should I do? Stay in the Castle with Celestia and Luna or go to Ponyville? Well I wanted to go to Ponyville anyway so.'

"That sounds fantastic what do you think Sky?"

"I'm happy with whatever you decide."

"I can arrange to have a home built for you and Sky, until it is finished though, you will need a place to stay." Celestia walked over to the door and started talking to a servant.

"I have an extra bed in the Library."

"The farm always has room for a pony in need."

"I'm afraid their is no room at my boutique at the moment."

"As awesome as you are I don't think cloud walking is one of your skills."

"I don't think the Cakes have room with the new foals."

"Um you can stay at my cottage, if that's okay with you."

"The house will be finished in three days." Celestia said as she trotted back to her seat.

"How about we stay one night at each of your places?" The three mares looked at each other and nodded looking back to us.

"So it's decided then."

"You can stay with Applejack first then with me at the library and Fluttershy's cottage after that."

"Okay, That gives us a chance to get to know each other better."

"The train to Ponyville leaves at one pm sharp." I look at my watch. 10:35

"What do we do while we wait?"

"This is boring lets go out to the garden so I can stretch my wings." We all agreed and stood heading for the door.

"I could have some guards take you home by carriage." Twilight's hoof met her face. 'Facehoofs look painful.'

"Why didn't I think of that?" She groans.

"That would be lovely Princess Celestia when may we depart?" Rarity's dress fluttered as she turned to face the Princess. 'Wait a dress? How did I miss that?'

"The pegasi carriage is waiting outside, just let them know when you are ready. Now, I have royal duties to attend to farewell my little ponies and you too my little human."

"Yes, *yawn* Fare thee well Twilight Sparkle and friends may your day be bright."

"Goodbye Celestia, good day? Luna and may your nights always be beautiful." I said. Luna smiled and left, Celestia following her out.

"Okay, everypony ready to scare Ponyville with the big two legged monster?"

"Aw don't be silly Cydey they won't be scared if your with us." Pinkie put on a smile and hugged my leg. I smiled down at her and pat her on the head.

"That didn't seem to be the case yesterday when I was there with Sky."

"I'm sure everypony will have calmed down after all it's not like you hurt anypony." Twilight smiled before her face became serious. "You didn't hurt anypony? Right?" Twilight started to looked panicked.

"No, I was the perfect gentleman, I even got to talk to some filly's that weren't scared of me." Twilight sighed and wiped her brow.

"Wait was one of those filly's yella with a red bow in her hair?" I nod and Applejack smiled.

"She was with a white unicorn and an orange pegasus as well."

"So you already met the Cutie Mark Crusaders." Twilight giggled.

"What's that?"

"Just a little club they formed to get their cutie marks."

"Their that important huh? The Professor told me about them but it's still strange to me."

"Don't worry If you have any questions I'm sure the girls and I can answer them."

"I'll be sure to remember that." We started walking to the front gate to head outside Pinkie was still fiercely hanging on to my leg but she was light enough it didn't slow me down.

"WHEEEE! GO FASTER!" I smiled and picked up the pace to a slow jog the others trotted along with me to keep up and Sky flapped her wings rising to eye level and smiled at me.

"Need a lift?" Sky giggled and wrapped her forehooves around my shoulders hanging on tight as I went even faster. Pinkie's mane was bouncing all over as I ran around a corner everypony was laughing and smiling as we ran right up to the gate and right out into the court yard. Out in the yard sat a carriage It was big enough to fit all of us and came equipped with a roof. Shining Armor was talking to a guard as we approached and he waved us over.

"Looks like somepony's having fun." We all smiled and laughed. 'It's gonna be a good day.' "If you keep this up you're going to have to carry a stick to beat off all the mares you seem to attract." Shining Armor, the guards and I laughed at this. While the girls turned red and Pinkie fell off my leg landing on her back. Even Rainbow turned red although she also got angry.

"HEY!" She yelled her wings flaring.

"Sorry Rainbow it's just a joke." Shining Armor took a step back.

"Hmmph." Rainbow grumbled something under her breath and flew off into the sky doing loops and rolls as she zoomed around the clouds.

"I think she really didn't like that." I said staring at the rainbow trail.

"Rainbow Dash is not the 'sappy' type of pony." Twilight put a hoof around her brother.

"Tell her I'm sorry, I didn't know she would take it so badly."

"Can't you tell her yourself?"

"Unfortunately no, I have to get back to work I just came to say goodbye."

"Oh well, goodbye BBBFF see you soon."

"I hope so." He stuck his hoof out to me and I shook it.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Captain Armor."

"The pleasure was mine Captain Imperius." He gave each of the girls a hug and waved goodbye as he trotted away back to the castle. I looked back to the sky for that rainbow trail and saw it had disappeared. 'Where did she?'


"AHH" We all jumped as Rainbow broke into unrestrained giggles. I turned around and saw Rainbow rolling on a cloud she had brought down behind me. "Hah good one Rainbow."

"Yeah *snort* I got you."

"Yes you did hey, Shining says he's sorry."

"No, I'm sorry, I overreacted, I'm just not used to that kind of stuff it's just too sappy ya know?"

"I understand, but next time, try not to scare the guards, they don't like that." We all laughed and boarded the carriage it was a little cramped but we all fit. Twilight leaned out the window.

"Take us back to Ponyville please." The guards snorted and ran across the yard flapping their wings.

"Wait, are we going to-" I was cut off when the carriage lurched up and into the air the guards flapped harder as we rose into the sky. "-fly." I stared out the window in wonder. 'How are they making this whole carriage fly with us inside?' Twilight saw my bewildered look and smiled.

"Okay the first thing you need to remember is if it can't be explained logically try magically." I thought about that and nodded. 'Yeah magic, that makes sense.' "If you still can't explain it well that's just Pinkie being Pinkie try to ignore it, we all do." I looked at her quizzically then looked at Pinkie who was bouncing and humming a tune. Suddenly she reached behind the seat and came back with a cupcake which she quickly ate. I shook my head. 'Just Pinkie being Pinkie.' I shuddered to think what else she could do. 'No don't think about it.'

"I'm going to forget I saw anything now." I shook my head while Twilight and Sky giggled. The view from up high was amazing, plains rolling as far as the eye could see on one side and a forest on the other. We traveled for half an hour before crossing a river.



"We're almost there Ponyville is just past that hill." I looked at the hill Twilight pointed out and could see the spire of town hall coming into view. The guards took us over Ponyville and looped around landing in front of the great tree that is a library and Twilight's home.

"We have arrived at your destination please grab all of your things before departing the carriage." The guards voice was monotone as he spoke, but we did as he said. The girls thanked the guards for the ride and I gave them a nod, they nodded back. "Captain Shining Armor wishes you all well. Have a good day ladies and gentlecolt." The guards took off back to Canterlot leaving us in the middle of the street as dozens of ponies stared at me.

"Well this seems about right, at least they aren't forming a mob to throw me out of town."

"You never know they just might." I look at Sky and she smiles at me.

"Oooo the big scary two leg monster is hungry raawwr." I say as I wave my arms dramatically. I stretch my arms towards the girls and took up a shuffling walk. "Mmmm fooooood." I moaned as I shuffled towards the girls. The girls all began laughing at my antics but the townsponies all ranged from shocked to scared to panicked. A few ran but most stood frozen staring at me and the girls. I reached Sky and picked her up putting my face into her mane.

"HAHAHahaha Stop stop hahaha that tickles hahaha." I set her back down and smiled down to her.

"Ha your mane is sweet and fruity just like you are." She blushed a little and looked away.

"Hehe thanks." I look around and most of the ponies were still in shock.

*sigh* "Alright come on everypony it's time for a group hug." They all looked at me and smiled. Pinkie grabbed my leg while Sky wrapped around my neck as we formed a human ponypile. After a few seconds I whispered to Twilight. "Take us inside." She nodded and her horn began glowing. With a purple flash and a pop I opened my eyes to see the inside of the library.

"I should go see Mayor Mare and let her know about you." The girls chorused an "Okay Twilight." And with another purple flash and a pop Twilight was gone.

"Well now what do we do?" We heard a crash from upstairs.

"Spikey wikey was that you? Are you all right?"

"Rarity! Oh um yes I'm okay I'll be right down." I heard some shuffling and a purple lizard on two legs hopped down the stairs. When he saw me his eyes went wide.

"WHOA who's he?"

"He my dear Spikey wikey is our new friend, His name is Cydon and he will be staying here in Ponyville." I took a few steps toeard him.

"It's nice to meet you, Twilight told me she had a dragon for her number one assistant, but I have never met an actual dragon before." I stuck out my hand and the little dragon shook it.

"It's nice to meet you too Cydon any friend of Twilight's is a friend of mine." With a flash and pop Twilight teleported into the room.

"Phew, okay, I told Mayor Mare and she is going to hold a town meeting to tell everypony about you, but she would like you to attend so you can introduce yourself. Do you think your up for it?" Twilight and the others looked to me.

"Yeah, why not, better to get it out of the way now right?" The others nodded.

"The meeting doesn't start until this evening so you will have to stay inside the library until then."

"I can do that."

"Um I should go home I need to take care of all the animals um if that's okay with you?"

"It's okay Fluttershy go ahead we'll see you later." She nodded.

"Mmhmm." 'Aww that was adorable.' Fluttershy lightly fluttered out the door.

"Ah reckon ah should get back to the farm an check up on things see ya later ya'll." Applejack walked out the door and with a "YEEHAH!" Sped off as an orange blur.

"I simply must get back to my boutique lest I fall behind in my work, Tata."

"Wait, I can help is that okay with you Twilight?" Spike said lightly tugging on Twilight's leg.

"Yes Spike just don't miss the meeting okay?"

"You got it!" A purple and green blur sped off after the snow white mare.

"OH I have to go too I need to bake a batch of cupcakes to celebrate!"

"Celebrate what Pinkie?" I tried but she was already gone.

"Our new super best friends of course."

"AHH!" I spun around and Pinkie smiled before bouncing away.

"How did she? Wait, Pinkie being Pinkie don't think about it."

"I've got weather patrol duties see ya later." And in a Rainbow blur she was gone.

"Well we have some time before the meeting how about some lunch?" Twilight offered.

*Grrrrr* "Yeah I need some lunch." Sky agreed and Twilight went into her kitchen to get some food.

"How are you doing Sky?" I asked as she stared off into space.

"I'm okay, I've never had so many friends before it's just so much to take in."

"Don't worry you get used to it."

"Yeah... Hey Cydon?"


"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For everything, for letting me stay with you, and for being my friend when I was alone."

"I should be thanking you my little Sky Dasher."

"What for?" She says as Twilight walks back into the room carrying a tray of treats.

"I hope you two like dessert because I didn't go to the market."

"That will be fine, thanks Twilight."

"Your welcome."

"How long until the meeting?"

"We should leave in two hours." I pick up a cupcake and examine it closely, this little pastry has purple icing and sprinkles that remind me of a certain lavender ponies cutie mark. Twilight noticed my close examination of the cupcakes.

"Pinkie Pie made these they're really good trust me."

"Well if Pinkie made it, it must be sweet." I bit into the cupcake and immediately felt the sugar rush. "Whoa, that is sugary but oh so good." 'I'm going to die of sugar overload if I eat too many of these.' Sky took a bite out of hers and quickly agreed with me.

We ended up eating the rest of Twilight's sweets and sat on the couch. "So, Cydon you didn't finish what you were saying earlier."

"What was I saying earlier?"

"You were thanking me."

"Oh that. Well I wanted to thank you because, you are the first real friend I've had in along time. I mean I had people I could hang out with, people I could talk to but you and I are closer than that and I. Just, Thank you, it means a lot to me to be your friend." Sky smiles and leans over to me wrapping her hooves around my waist. I hug her back gently, I look up to see Twilight staring with the biggest puppy dog eyes I had seen since Pinkie Pie. So I waved her over.

"You too Twilight were all friends now." Twilight smiles and joins our now group hug. We sit like that for a little while until Twilight gasps.

"Oh no, we have to get going or were going to be late come on!" Twilight stands and trots to the door. "Hurry, we can't be late." I stand up and brush myself off straightening my shirt.

"I'm ready lets go." The three of us head out onto the streets of Ponyville. The sun was nearing the horizon but was still a few hours from setting. The streets were nearly empty with everypony being at the meeting already or on their way. Twilight led us down a street a past a few market stalls until we reached the Town hall. A few ponies were still making their way inside but we could tell by the noise that most of Ponyville was already inside.

"Ladies and Gentlecolts please quiet down so we may begin." The crowd immediately fell silent at the sound of the Mayor's voice. Twilight ushered me around the side to a curtain.

"Okay when Mayor Mare introduces you just go out and say hello answer a few questions and make sure you don't do anything stupid."

"Right do something stupid."

"I said do-" Twilight was cut off when the Mayor shouted.

"Our new resident Cydon the human." The curtain opened and I stepped through. A collective gasp and a few whispers ran through the crowd. 'I hope they don't start some bad rumor.' I looked through the crowd and saw the girls standing in the back I waved and Pinkie Pie waved back with a smile.

"Greetings citizens of Ponyville. I mean you no harm, I have come to your fair town in hopes of finding friendship. Don't let my looks fool you I am a nice guy. So do any of you have any big questions?"

A mare in the back stood. "How come nopony has ever heard of a human before?"

"My race is nearly extinct and I may be the last." A gasp sweeps through the crowd accompanied be frenzied murmuring.

A brown stallion in front stands up he looks me in the eye but doesn't say anything, I stare back at him and wait. After a minute he smiles and sits back down, he leans over to a grey mare and I think I hear him say. "He passes." She nods and looks at me with her golden eyes for a second before one looks over to the wall. She smiles and stands up, she flaps her wings and lands on the stage next to me. She stretches out a hoof and I grasp it as we shake hands/hooves. When we stop I try to pull away but she pulls me closer instead, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"Welcome to Ponyville my name is Ditzy but my friends call me Derpy. I'll be seeing you around." Ditzy flaps her wings and returns to her seat. The crowd is going wild with all the whispering so I raise my hands to quiet them.

"If there are no more questions I shall take my leave." I waited a moment but nopony spoke up. "Very well, good night everypony." I step off the stage and wade through the crowd back to the girls. The mayor steps on stage.

"Alright everypony this meeting is over have a good night." We left before the crowd could stand up.

"Yah did real good sugar cube."

"Thanks it wasn't hard though you should have seen me that time I gave a speech to some angry Bengali's."

"What happened?"

"Lets just say it involved gunfire and a lot of running."

"Oh, no one got hurt did they?" Fluttershy hid behind her mane when we turned our attention to her.

"I don't think so, we were told not to harm anyone and I think they were just trying to scare us."

"That's a relief."

"I've never seen Derpy warm up to someone that fast before how did you do it?" Rainbow Dash said while floating next to me.

"I didn't do anything really but that brown stallion may have had something to do with it."

"Time Turner? Really? I wonder?" Rarity trailed off. "Ah this is my stop tata darlings see you tomorrow."

"Good night Rarity." Rarity entered her boutique closing the door gently.

"I had super duper fun today and I have to go now but first here's your cupcakes super best friends, good night everypony!" Pinkie Pie bounced away, a little slower than before. I look at the cupcakes she handed us Sky's is yellow with blue sprinkles and mine is blue with yellow sprinkles.

"Good night Pinkie."

Rainbow yawns and scratches her head. "Well good night everypony see you later." Rainbow flies off, I watch her until she lands on her cloud home. We arrive at the library and say good bye to Twilight and Spike who was sleeping on her back.

"Well Sugar cube you don't mind if we walk Fluttershy here home first do ya?"

"Oh um you don't have to if you don't want to I don't want to be a bother." She says nearly a whisper.

"It's no bother at all Fluttershy it will give me a chance to meet a few of your forest friends." I say smiling broadly.

"Last time I let you walk home alone in the dark we found you hiding in a bush." Applejack deadpanned Fluttershy flinches.

"Was it that bad?" I ask.

"On the other side of town." We walk out of town and down the dirt path to Fluttershy's cottage. The sun was just reaching the horizon. We cross a small bridge and walk up to Fluttershy's door. "Here ya are sugar cube have a good night."

"Thank you. good night." Fluttershy gently closed the door behind her.

"I reckon we should pick up the pace or mah family will be asleep when we get there." The setting sun indicated only half an hour before darkness.

"Agreed." Applejack started trotting and I jogged to keep up and Sky flew along above us as we entered the outskirts of the orchard.

"Almost there how are ya holdin up?"

"Back before the end we used to run thirty miles through rough terrain at the crack of dawn as a warm up."

"I'm fine too." We jogged around a curve and I looked up to see the Apple family home just a short ways away. I moved to a sprint and zoomed past Sky and Applejack. I looked back laughing to see them adopt competitive grins as they ramped up the pace. My head start quickly disappeared and I ran as fast as I could. We were neck and neck with only a few yards left to go to the gate.

Applejack and Sky slowed down at the gate but I kept going taking back the lead for just a second before reaching the gate and vaulting over, I continued my run towards the house. I didn't look back but I could hear the pounding of hooves as Applejack hopped the fence. I reached the porch and stopped to catch my breath. Applejack trotted up behind me.

"Ah thought you were gonna stop at the gate but then you just kept on going. Ya beat me this time but next time you won't be so lucky."

"Next time I might have a few more tricks up my sleeve."

"I was talkin to Sky actually she beat us both." I look up to see Sky peering over the porch roof smiling down on us. I laugh and the others join in.

"You darn young'uns are making too much noise how am I supposed to sleep with all that racket?"

"Sorry Granny Smith, we'll be quiet." The green mare pulled her head back inside the window and a few seconds later snoring could be heard. "Come on maybe Mac an Bloom should still awake." Sky and Applejack walk inside but I turn to the setting sun. 'Another beautiful sunset courtesy one white alicorn, and another lovely moon rise courtesy one blue alicorn.'

I step Inside and come across a large red stallion sitting in front of the fireplace, a yoke on the floor next to him and some straw in his mouth he stared into the fire. I move next to him and sit down on the floor.

"You must be Big Mac."


"I hear you work the farm with Applejack."


"Um nice weather were having?"


"You don't talk much do you?" Mac shifted his gaze from the fire to me and stared for a few seconds.


"Well nice talking to you." Big Mac nods and returns his gaze to the fire. I leave the room and enter the kitchen where Applejack and Sky are talking to Applebloom.

"Well howdy mister never thought I'd see you again so soon."

"Ah little Applebloom I must thank you once again for directing me to Sugarcube Corner the food was excellent."

"Aw shucks anypony would ah done it."

"But not anypony did, just you and your friends. It is a brave thing to talk to strangers even more so when this stranger is a different species."

"Zecora weren't scary at all and nopony gave her a chance. Ah didn't want that to happen to you."

"Who is Zecora?"

"Zecora is a zebra shaman from Zebrica she lives in the Everfree forest where she makes all kinds of potions."

"I hope I can meet her sometime."

"She doesn't come to town too often so you might have to go visit her. But you have to be careful, the Everfree is very dangerous."

"I'll remember that." Sky let out a yawn that spread to the rest of us. "I think it's high time we hit the hay."

"Guest rooms this way sugar cube." Applejack led us up the stairs to the room.

"Thanks for letting us stay the night Applejack."

"Tweren't no trouble were happy to have ya, and were friends now you can call me AJ."

"Okay good night AJ."

"Good night sugar cube." AJ walked down the hall and opened the door to her room as she walked in she tipped her hat and I smiled. Applebloom came up the stairs with Big Mac and they both went to their rooms. I closed the door and sat down on the bed next to Sky.

"I'm worried Sky, on my world hostages don't have a very high survival rate."

"Don't be, this isn't the you world left. Changelings feed on love so they want him alive, the Professor will be fine, the Princesses will find him and save him."

"And they will save him because I'm going with them."

"Then I'm coming with you."

"It will be very dangerous we may not come back."

"You can't get rid of me that easy."

"You wouldn't be you if I could." I rubbed her mane with my hand and lay on the bed. The pony sized bed ended before it reached my feet so I curled up a little. Sky settled down next to me fluttering her wings before tucking them tightly to her sides. She laid her head on the pillow and sighed.

"I wonder where the Princess is having the house built?"

"I don't know we should ask Twilight tomorrow she might know."

"Yeah good night Cyd."


"You don't like it?"

"It's fine, Good night Sky." I close my eyes 'Cyd haven't heard that name in a while.' I think as I enter the land of dreams.

Author's Note:

Edit: March 11, 2013 And with one final chapter revised I take my leave, gotta go to work sometime.