• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 1,734 Views, 23 Comments

The Phoenix Project - Cydon

What do you do when you wake up after millenia of cryosleep?

  • ...

Deleted Chapter (Chapter 11 A New Home)

A/N: Warning! This chapter is not part of the story! This is just a deleted scenes sort of thing.

Deleted Chapter
Chapter 11 A New Home

*gasp* I was roused from my slumber by a sharp gasp. "oh my."


"I'll um go to the other room." I carefully extricate myself from Sky and stand up. *Eep* Fluttershy quickly flees the room. 'What was that all about?' I look back at Sky who is still sleeping peacefully. 'Better go see why Fluttershy freaked out.' I follow Fluttershy through the doorway and find her trying to make herself busy by preparing the food for the animals.

"Fluttershy?" *Eep* Fluttershy flinches at my voice and ducks under the table.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to walk in on you like that please don't hate me."

"Hate you? Why would I hate you? What do you mean by that?" Fluttershy peeks out from under the table and examines my face.

"oh you didn't know?"

"Know what?"

"I um, well, ooh why do I have to do this?"

"Calm down Fluttershy just take a deep breath and tell me whats going on." Fluttershy takes a few deep breaths and looks me in the eyes one more time.

"Well, pegasi wings need to be very sensitive to feel air currents and because of that it can be very uncomfortable when another pony touches them."

"Okay so what does that have to do with it?"

"usually the only ponies to touch a pegasi's wings are either very close or..." 'I don't like this pause.' "their very special somepony." Fluttershy goes back under the table after developing a deep blush. 'Wait a second special somepony, blushing Fluttershy.' Starting Brain.exe... Processing variables... Working... Conclusion reached.

"HAHAHA!" *Eep*

"What's all the racket in there?" Sky calls from the other room.

"Hey Sky listen to this HAHA Fluttershy thought we were sleeping together." Sky trots into the room and gives me a confused look.

"Huh? But we did sleep together."

"No no she thought we were SLEEPING together." I said with extra emphasis on the sleeping part. She thought about it for a moment before it clicked and she began blushing a deep shade of red.

"Oh no. No we didn't do. That. We were just sleeping. I mean I would never. I mean ugh."

"HAHAHA The look on your faces is priceless." I doubled over laughing clutching my sides.

"Why is this so funny to you?" Sky glared at me still blushing.

"I dunno maybe to keep this whole thing from becoming too awkward. Listen Fluttershy this is all just a misunderstanding it was cold last night so Sky used her wings as a makeshift blanket. Besides I would never do anything like that on a friends couch."

"oh I'm so sorry I just assumed and now you must hate me." Fluttershy squeaked out from under the table.

"Fluttershy I could never hate you, your the kindest mare in all of Equestria. Even if you did do something to make me made mad I would forgive you."

"you mean it your not angry?"

"Of course not it was just a misunderstanding an amusing one at that."

"For you maybe." Sky grumbled.

"I just don't see what the big deal was."

"You'll understand when your older."

"Fine, Mom. Whats for breakfast anyway?"

"I made some daisy sandwiches for Sky and me, and their is left over fish from last night if you want it." Fluttershy said finally coming out from under the table.

"Fish will be fine." Fluttershy went into the kitchen and returned carrying a tray of Daisy sandwiches and a steaming fish. "Thanks Fluttershy." We ate quietly enjoying each others company. When we finished Fluttershy stood up.

"I need to go feed my animal friends."

"Hold on Fluttershy we'll help."

"Yeah let us help."

"oh I don't know I mean you are my guests after all."

"And we would feel terrible if we couldn't do something for you in return for providing us with food and shelter."

"um well in that case okay come with me." We followed Fluttershy outside and spent the next few hours feeding animal after animal, hundreds showed up and even with our help it was still overwhelming.

"You do this *pant* everyday?"

"Oh yes It takes a lot of work but I just love seeing all the cute little animals."

"Sky remind me never to be a veterinarian." Sky grunted and picked up another bag of food pouring some into each of the bowels as she walked past.

"that should do it, thank you for helping me."

*phew* "Finally." I check my watch. 'A little past twelve.' "Hey Sky Crafty crate said they should be done around noon right?"

"Umm yeah I think that's what he said."

"Wanna go check it out? It's past time now."

"Yeah sure, no point in just lazing around."

I'll come too I haven't seen your new house yet."

"Fine with me lets go." A short walk later found us standing at a fence in front of our new two story home. It was painted a pale white. A balcony on the second floor extending between two glass sliding doors. Two chimney smokestacks rose from each side of the house completing an old meets new feel.

"Shall we go inside?"

"May as well, where do you think the construction crew went?"

"they probably went home." Fluttershy said barely a whisper. I grabbed the door handle and twisted, it stopped.

"It's locked."

"Check under the doormat." I looked under the welcome mat and sure enough two shiny metal keys lay there.

"Here Sky one for you." I hand her the key and use mine to unlock the door. I try the handle again and it turns. I open the door to reveal a dark room we stumble inside and I fumble for a light switch. When all of a sudden.

"SURPRISE!!" The lights come on and the sound of a cannon is heard as dozens of ponies come out of hiding and a pink blur tackles me. "Do you like it? It's a 'Welcome to Equestria and Ponyville Cydon and Sky' party and it's also your housewarming party!" Sure enough on a sign hung from the ceiling 'Happy housewarming and Welcome to Equestria and Ponyville Cydon and Sky!' It was written in progressively smaller letters as the writer ran out of space.

"Pinkie need air." Pinkie looked sown at me and realized she was still on my chest.

"Oh sorry." She got up off of me and gave Sky and Fluttershy a hug. I stood up and looked around streamers confetti and balloons were everywhere and the whole house was packed to the brim with what looked like every pony in Ponyville. Five familiar mares approached,

"What do you think of your first Pinkie party Cydon?" Twilight said as the walked up to me.

"She really went all out, I've never been to a party like this before that's for sure."

"He yeah I'd never miss a Pinkie Pie party." Rainbow said flapping her wings and floating up into the air.

"So how have you guys been?"

"Thanks to you and Sky's help were still ahead of schedule on the farm." Applejack tipper her hat to me as she talked.

"I'd be happy to help again anytime."

"Thanks for the offer sugar cube."

"I've been going through that datapad you gave me the information it contains is fascinating. I'll be going through it for weeks!"

"I'm glad your so excited to learn about my race Twilight."

"Excited? The developments your species made in the sciences are amazing. You did more in one thousand years than Equestria has done since it started!"

"Yeah, war is a great motivator."

"It's a shame you never got to experience the peace we have today back home."

"It wasn't that bad Twilight don't forget that we did have times of peace in between the wars." Twilight nodded.

"I have been catching up on my work. Now that I am caught up I think I may be able to provide you with more clothing to add to your wardrobe." Rarity Said pointing a hoof to my clothes.

"I would be grateful for something new these ones are a little worn."

"Stop by my shop sometime and I'll see what I can do." Rarity said smiling.

"I perfected some new moves I'll show you sometime okay?"

"I love to see you perform thanks Rainbow." Rainbow smirked.

"He no problem big guy."

"Hey Ditzy I've been wondering why did you give me that hug at the town meeting?"

"It just looked like you needed a hug."

"Well, thanks."

"Anytime." Ditzy looked around and saw something that caught her attention saying see you later she trotted off into the crowd. Pink fuzz invaded my vision.

"I've been planning this party isn't it great!"

"Hey Pinkie I think your a little too close." Pinkie giggled and came down from the ceiling she was inexplicably attached too (Or maybe it was the suction cups on her hooves.)

"How do you like your party so far?"

"It's nothing like we had back home that's for sure."

"Enjoy your party sugar cube we'll be around."

"Talk to you guys later." The girls all went their separate ways leaving me in the middle of a crowd of strange ponies.

"Oh I almost forgot, May I have your attention everypony... Thank you, the guests of honor have arrived so its time to parrtay!" When Pinkie finished a white unicorn with an electric blue mane put on some music that would be considered old school by 2132 standards but everyone loves the golden oldies. While everpony was getting down to the beat I made my way over to the snack table, where I discovered everypony's favorite cupcakes along with a vast array of apples, apple flavored treats and other confections. 'I'm going to eat well tonight.'

After grabbing a few snacks I made my way to the side of the room where I watched as Twilight did a ridiculous dance. After a while she tired herself out and sat down. Pinkie started a conga line at one point, eventually almost everypony in the building was apart of it, before the song ended and they dispersed. I spotted Ditzy talking to the brown stallion from before over in the corner. When I was interrupted from my pony watching by another mare.

"Come on Cyd lets dance!" I was grabbed and manhandled onto the dance floor by Sky who then started swaying to the music. I shrugged and ate my last cupcake before trying to get into it myself. After all what could go wrong?

'Mental note never try to dance in public again.' not only did I manage to hurt myself but a few ponies ended up going down with me fortunately they were unhurt. It turns out I'm not very good at trying to flow with the music I ended up tripping over my own feet and landing on a few ponies in the process. One of them, a unicorn had their horn cut my arm it wasn't deep but I didn't want to risk hurting anypony trying again.

"Okay so maybe dancing isn't your thing." I glared at her with one eyebrow raised. "Well at least I had fun." I sighed.

"Well I never was great at parties."

"I'm sure we can find something fun to do."

"Maybe next time I think I'll go for a walk."

"If your sure." Sky looked down.

"Yeah be back soon." Sky looked into my eyes with her soft magenta eyes. I broke the eye lock after a minute and headed out the door. The party had been going for several hours and the sun was now setting, I walked up the path to the hill we first saw our house from and sat down under a tree. I watched as the sun sunk below the horizon and the moon rose as the stars twinkled into view.

"You should tell her you know." Ditzy walks around the tree and sits down in front of me.

"Huh? Oh hey Ditzy what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you and Sky you need to tell her."

"Tell her what exactly?"

"How you really feel."


"I can see it when you look at her even if you don't yet realize it yourself."

"How would you know how I feel?"

"Because I felt that way once too."

"What do you mean?"

"It wasn't so long ago I stumbled across a strange pony while delivering mail. He was lost and confused he barely knew how to walk and kept saying how amazing everything was. I took him home and took care of him, in return he told me a story about a lonely stallion who was the last of his kind. How he traveled time and space hiding from his past and running from his future. He went on many adventures saving the day from time to time. He had friends he called his companions who would go on his adventures, sometimes his companions didn't go home. He told me one day that stallion stopped running."

"And what happened to this stallion?"

"That stallion came to a strange land and found himself in a strange body, he was lost and confused. Until he was taken in by a stranger, who grew attached to him. That pony I met, his name is Time Turner I told him how I felt and found out he felt the same way."

"So you told me a story thats moral was to take the leap of faith?" Ditzy looked me in the eye for a few seconds before one trailed off to look elsewhere.

"I told you a true story to help you do what you need to do."

"Well, okay then I'll try, but not yet."

"Don't take too long or you may find yourself too late." Ditzy spread her wings and flew off landing down the road next to Time Turner. I watched them hug and trot back to town. *sigh* 'What am I going to do? I think I have feelings for one of my best friends. I only met her a week ago! And she's not even my species. Can it really work? Do I dare try?' As I mused over my options I began my trek back to the house, as I walked I encountered more ponies on their way home. 'Party must be over.' I walk in the door to find the room a mess the girls were cleaning but had a long way to go.

"Hey your back here take this broom and sweep up the trash."

"Roger that." I grab the broom and begin my task. After almost an hour of cleaning we finally finish. "Who knew parties were so messy?" Six hooves reach for the ceiling. "I take it this is a usual occurrence then?" They nod. "I'll keep that in mind."

At that moment an exhausted Spike burst through the doorway carrying two letters. "Twilight!"

"What is it Spike?"

"The Princess sent you and Cydon a letter it's about the Professor." Spike hands me my letter and Twilight takes hers in her magic. She read out loud.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle my faithful student. My sister and I have discovered the location of Professor Bones. Our scouts inform us that he and several other ponies are being held captive in the Changeling hive. It is imperative that they are rescued immediately as they have already been held captive for too long. While I believe it is too dangerous to send you I know you will insist on going with Cydon. I will not stop you but please be careful Changelings are weak on their own but incredibly dangerous in a swarm. The flying carriages will arrive at the library tomorrow morning. I will be sending a contingent of guards to defend the flying carriages but they are not trained to fight in confined spaces so you will be on your own once inside please be careful. Signed Princess Celestia Co-ruler of Equestria."

"The Princess is right their is no way I'd leave a friend hanging." Rainbow said flying up into the air.

"I know you wouldn't Rainbow but I still would prefer if you all stayed here."

"Now you know we can't do that sugar cube, those ponies are in danger and were going to help them." Applejack put a hoof on my shoulder.

"What does your letter say Cydon?" Twilight looked at the letter in my hands her curiosity rising. I open the letter and look at the first sentence.

"It says it's for my eyes only I'm not supposed to tell you what it says unless I really want to or need to." A collective aww was heard.

"Well I'm gonna go home and pack some necessities for our mission later y'all." Applejack trotted out the door.

"We should be going too good night everypony.": Spike yawned as Twilight picked him up with her magic and trotted out the door. After that everypony else said their good byes and left to their homes.

"I'm going to get some sleep are you coming?"

"I'll be up in a bit I just have a few things to take care of." Sky nodded and yawned before heading upstairs. I looked at my letter and read it .

Dear Cydon this letter if for your eyes only you may share it's contents if you so choose to later. As you have heard we have located Professor Bones and as promised we will allow you to make a rescue attempt. We know that your friends will be eager to join you. We also know that we cannot stop them so I ask that you take care of them. But now We have a matter to discuss, if you choose to accept you will be made a Captain of the Equestrian Royal guard and you will be assigned a special task. The job entails the protection of the Elements of Harmony. We believe you are fully capable of the task and hope you accept. Inside this letter is your first stipend, if you should decline please keep the bits as a welcome to Equestria gift to help you get started. Signed Celestia

I pull out a bag and inside I find 200 bits.'I guess she wasn't kidding about this. Well I did need a job and with how peaceful it is here it should be easy money. I'll have to write her a letter later. Now I just have one last thing to do.' I finish my task and head upstairs. There are two bedrooms one on each side of the hallway I open the door of the right one and find Sky sitting by the window watching the night sky.

"Hey I thought you were going to sleep?"

"I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to watch the stars."

"Mind if I sit with you?"

"No, go ahead." I plop myself down beside her. "Are you worried about tomorrow?"

"A little, but I know that we can do it, those Changelings won't know what hit'em."

"Your going to kill a lot of Changelings aren't you?"

"I don't like to kill but if we want to save those ponies and the Professor we will need to use force."

"I know but that doesn't make it right."

"Killing is never right but sometimes it's the only option." Sky looked at me and kissed my cheek. I began rubbing the spot with my hand.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For not being a monster." I smiled "Lets go to sleep it's going to be a long day." I nod and stand up. "Do you think you could, maybe sleep in here tonight? I mean after all this time I don't want to sleep alone again."

"Sure Sky." She jumps up on the bed and I lay down next to her, she curls up next to me and rests her head on my chest. "Good night my little Sky Dasher."

Author's Note:

After some thought I decided not to use this chapter, but instead of just throwing it out I thought I would give you guys a chance to see what could have been. Enjoy! Cydon out.