• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 1,735 Views, 23 Comments

The Phoenix Project - Cydon

What do you do when you wake up after millenia of cryosleep?

  • ...

Chapter 11 An Unpleasant Surprise/ Ponyville Hospital

Chapter 11 An Unpleasant Surprise

"Um could you possibly wake up? Um if you want to that is." I groan and roll over slowly opening my eyes only to be blinded by the sunlight streaming in from the window. I cover my face with my hand and sit up.

"Ugh. Good morning Fluttershy. What time is it?" I stretch my arms feeling them give a satisfying pop before settling them back down.

"Oh um good morning. The sun just came up so uh about seven." A stirring from next to me told me Sky was now awake.

"It's too early to be morning all ready." She says as she sits up. Her normally braided mane now spiked up in a sort of mohawk.

"Heh nice couch head." I say with an amused chuckle and a smile.

"What?" She looks in a picture frame to see her new mane style. *snicker* "Now that is ridiculous."

"I have a brush you can borrow let me just go and get it."

"Thank you Fluttershy." Fluttershy trots out of the room, she returns moments later with a brush, she hoofs it over to Sky who begins to fix her mane. "This will just take a second." I look back over to Fluttershy who is still watching Sky. A groan from my stomach reminds me of the need for food.

"So Fluttershy what's for breakfast?" Fluttershy raises a hoof in thought before answering.

"Well um I have cereal and oatmeal or I could make you something. I don't mind."

"No that's alright I don't want to trouble you. Cereal will be fine."

"Okay, if your sure." After fixing her mane Sky turns to us holding the brush out to Fluttershy who accepts it without a word leaving to return it to its place.


"So you are, I like it better this way. But that mohawk was pretty cool."

*giggle* "Thank you. Maybe I should try a new mane style?"

"Just be yourself. Now lets go eat I'm hungry!" Heading into the kitchen we find Fluttershy busily preparing a morning meal for the animals.

"Would you like some help Fluttershy?"

"Um yes if you don't mind. Could you make Angel his favorite salad? He gets grumpy when he doesn't eat breakfast." I shrug and look to Sky who shrugs as well.

"Sure no problem what do we need?"

"Oh that's wonderful. Thank you for helping me, here." She hoofs a book over to us. "The salad is on page seven if you need help finding something let me know. Oh and Angel is very picky you have to get it just right or he won't eat."

"No problem Fluttershy just leave it to us." I take the book from her.

"Yeah you can count on us it's just a salad."

"Yes but-" I raise my hand cutting her off.

"We got this." She smiles softly and nods going back to her preparations.

"Okay." We walk over to the table and set the book down opening to page seven. With just a glance I can tell this salad is more like a work of art than a real dish you would see in a local eatery.

"That is one fancy salad." Sky looks up from the book and over to me.

"You can say that again."

"Okay. That is one fancy salad." Sky gives me a look but I just smile and we go back to the book.

"Now we need lettuce, oranges, cucumbers, some pineapple, some asparagus, and a cherry."

"Lets see here." I grab a bowl and the lettuce I pour it into the bowl. "There's that." We spend the next half hour preparing Angel's salad trying to make it resemble as closely as possible. "Now we just need the cherry on top."

"I can't find any cherries." I take another look but there are no cherries are in these cabinets.

"I'll ask Fluttershy." I head outside to Fluttershy just as she was finishing with the animals. "Hey Fluttershy." *Eep* Fluttershy jumps and lands in a nearby bush. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to startle you." She shakily pulls herself out of the shrubbery and dusts herself off.

"I'm fine, did you need something?"

"What? Oh yeah where do you keep the cherries?" Her eyes widen.

"Oh no! I don't have any cherries! We'll have to go into town to get some." She quickly trots into the house with me close behind.

"Do we have to go right now? I mean I didn't even get breakfast yet. Is he really that picky?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, and yes." She says quickly as she looks for something.

*sigh* "Okay then. Hey Sky!" Sky comes into the living room with us.

"What is it? Did you find some cherries?"

"No. We have to go into town to get some, wanna come with us?" Fluttershy finds what she is looking for, pulling saddlebags emblazoned with her cutie mark out from a closet.

"Yes." Fluttershy puts on her saddlebags and places a small bag inside.

"Alright Fluttershy are you ready?" She looks at me and nods with a smile. 'Awwwww.' "Good! Away we go then." I march out of the cottage and head down the path.

"Hey Cyd, Town's That Way!" I stop and turn around, off in the distance smoke is rising over the hill. I face palm and march in the correct direction towards town. The girls join me as I pass giggling like fillies.

"Yeah yeah yuck it up." They look at each other then at me and back to each other before bursting out laughing. I shake my head grinning. 'I can't be mad at that level of adorableness.' We walk quietly to town after that enjoying the clear skies and warm weather. We were stopped by a voice near the edge of town.

"Hey guys!" I look up to see a grey blob hovering overhead.

"Good morning Ditzy." Said mare lands next to us and joins us on our walk.

"So what are you three up to this morning?"

"We're headed into town to buy some cherries for Angel's salad. Do you wanna walk with us?" Ditzy smiles.

"Sure, I have time right now." We walked and talked through town on our way to the market. Less ponies were staring at me and more were waving and some even smiled. 'Progress.' When we got to the cherry stall Sky and Fluttershy began haggling for a cherry with the stallion running it.

"Ditzy." She turned to me with her golden eyes.


"Back at the town meeting, why did you give me a hug? I mean it was nice but why?"

"Well, when I looked at you I saw a lonely traveler. I've seen lonely travelers before and the best way to make them feel better is a hug. To let them know they are not alone." She phased out like her mind was visiting a memory. A smile slowly growing on her face.

"If you don't mind me asking. Who were you thinking about?" Ditzy snapped back to the real world and continued smiling.

"I was thinking about Doctor Time Turner. He was very lonely but I cheered him right up. All he needed was a hug and a friend."

"We got it." Sky says trotting up with Fluttershy. "He tried to make Fluttershy overpay but I straightened him out. He won't be doing that again and if he does. You know where I live Fluttershy." Sky nudged Fluttershy with a hoof still smiling.

"Oh yes thank you. Um I think."

"Well I'm out of time. Gotta go. See ya later!" Ditzy took to the air and flew off. I watched her fly off for a moment before returning my attention to the two mares next to me.

"Did you two have a nice chat?" Fluttershy asks.

"Yes, well are we ready to finish that salad?"

"Yeah that's the last ingredient we can go now." We began our journey back to Fluttershy's cottage but quickly come to a stop when a scream of terror and pain echo across the town. The scream continues as I realize it's coming from a familiar voice.

"Oh No! DITZY!" A look of horror spread across their faces as they too realize who was in trouble. "Lets go! We have to hurry!" I sprint down the street in the direction the scream came from with the girls right behind me. In my rush ponies would leap out of my path as I barrel past. Leaping over boxes dodging around stalls and sprinting through alleys. I round one last corner to find a terrible sight. Four Changelings were standing over Ditzy, and Time Turner was slouched against a wall nearby. Fluttershy rushed over to him to check on him.

"He's still breathing but he wont be waking up for a while. Sky can you find me something to bandage this cut?"

"I'm on it!" A crowd had gathered to see what was going on but I ignored it and pushed through. I pulled out my pistol and took off the safety. 'NO ONE HURTS MY FRIENDS!' I raise the gun after getting through the crowd and level it on the closest Changeling.

"Where is he? The Queen promissed us revenge if we harmed hiss friends!" The Changeling raised a hoof and stomped on Ditzy's leg a sickening crack was heard followed by another scream.

"I'm right here you ugly bug!" I shout as I shoot the Changeling. A gaping hole the size of my fist appears in its head and it collapses to the ground.

"HE'SS HERE! GET HIM!" A bright green flash blinds me for a second and I stare in shock as half of the crowd had revealed themselves to be more Changelings. 'Shit.' The other half of the crowd flee in terror as the Changelings move to surround me.

"Tara can you send the datapad I gave Twilight a message?"

"Already sent."

"Now I just need to survive until they get here." I pull my knife out if it's sheath and enter a battle stance. "How many are we looking at here?"

"Thirty nine Changelings are in the immediate vicinity."

"Good. I'm short on my quota for doing something stupid. Here goes nothing."

"You cannot kill all of uss creature come with uss and no more harm will come to this town."

"What makes you think I can trust you! You come in here and hurt ponies and you expect me to just come with you quietly?"

"Actually no, the Queen wanted you alive but if you were to resisst." It put a hoof on Ditzy's broken leg and applied pressure causing her to grunt in pain.

"I... I'll be fine. Just get out of here!" Ditzy shouted through grit teeth.

"It'ss too late for that little snack." I look around and sure enough I'm completely surrounded by Changelings.

"Well then, who wants to die first?" The Changelings all tense up before all charging at once I fire wildly into the swarm and prepare for the end. As they get within two feet I close my eyes and brace myself for impact. After a few seconds of nothing I open my eyes. I'm surrounded by a purple bubble and the Changelings are on the ground stunned. The bubble fades and a raspy voice attracts my attention from above.

"Need a lift?" I look up and grin.

"I was wondering when you guys would show up." Rainbow picks me up and carries me over the swarm to our friends.

"Hey I'd never leave a friend hanging."

"Those brutes are in for a rude awakening if they think we will just let them hurt our friends!" Rarity says as the Changelings get up no longer dazed by the impact.

"You may have your friends but all will fall before the swarm!" I shoot the Changeling in the head and it falls backwards. Bits of chitin and green goo spraying the Changelings around it.

"Anyone else want to say something?! No? Then lets get this over with I have things to do." This infuriates the Changelings and they charge headlong towards us.

"Are you sure making them angry is a good idea sugar cube?"

"When fighting one must keep a calm head lest they rush into battle and make a mistake." I say calmly firing into the swarm. Twilight began sending blasts of magical energy knocking Changelings into buildings and into each other. Pinkie pulled a cannon out and fired it into the swarm while Rarity used her magic to shove more objects into it. Rainbow and Applejack stood side by side and charged forward letting loose a powerful buck that sent half a dozen Changelings flying. They fought like a well oiled machine covering each others weaknesses with the others strengths.

Unfortunately I was not a part of that machine and did not notice when the battle shifted from fighting us to keeping them from getting back to me. I stab another Changeling and look up. I'm now surrounded by Changelings again and the girls are distracted by the rest. "Now you Die!" I take aim and pull the trigger but instead of his head exploding I hear a disheartening click. I place my pistol back in its holster and crack my fingers.

"Hand to hoof, no magic no guns. Lets go!" The group tackles me and I collapse to the ground under their combined weight, I feel their hooves begin pounding me relentlessly. I manage to stab one in the leg making it screech before my knife is knocked out of my hand. now battered, bruised and unarmed they continue to beat me. 'It's over. They've won.' The sound of thunder roars across the sky and I hear one last thing before I black out.



Ponyville Hospital

Drifting In darkness is kind of boring. In cryostasis you just blink and it's over. But this. How long have I been here? Am I dead? The last thing I remember was a Changeling stomping my face in, and thunder. Where did that come from? The sky was clear that day wasn't it? Wait! I think I can feel something! I'm still breathing! That smell? Antiseptic?

"Doctor! I think he's waking up!" 'Yep hospital. Now who was that? I don't recognize that voice.'

"Are you sure Nurse Redheart?" 'Heeellllloooo Nurse! Hehe.' (For those of you too young to know. Animaniacs.)

"Yes. Look he's smiling!"

"I'll go get his friends, keep an eye on him."

"Yes Doctor." The sound of hooves retreats from the room and fades down a hallway. 'Maybe I should try and open my eyes now.' I try and my left eye slowly opens partway. 'Ah face swollen! Careful.' The room is white. White walls. white floors and a white ceiling. Next to the bed a white earth pony. 'AHHH! So much white!' with a pink mane and a red cross cutie mark is taking notes.

"N..nu..nurse." She looks up from her chart and stares at me. 'Man my throat is dry.'

"Oh! Do you need something? Your friends will be here shortly."


"Yes you would be thirsty after being out for so long. Let me get you something." Nurse Redheart grabs a cup and fills it up in the sink. "Now drink it slowly." She lifts my head up and tilts the cup slowly. 'Sweet Glorious Water!' After downing the cup she steps back. "You suffered severe trauma to most of your body. You have bruises and cuts on almost every inch of your body and on top of that your bones have been bruised and cracked in multiple locations."

"Wow. How long was I out?"

"Your friends brought you in three days ago."

"I see. Is everypony else okay? How is Ditzy?"

"The other three are doing fine they just need more bed rest before they can be discharged."

"That's good. Wait. Three?"

"Yes Ditzy, Doctor Time Turner, and a..." She flips a page on her notes. "Sky Dasher."

"What happened to Sky? Take me to her please!"

"Please remain calm. Sky is fine she just needs rest. She refused to be separated from you so we gave her the other bed." She waves her hoof to the other side of the room. I painfully turn my head to see the other bed. Sky is on the bed a few bruises and bandages covering her sleeping form. The door opens and six familiar ponies trot in with a brown unicorn stallion.

"Ah! You are awake. Good. I was afraid it was a false alarm. I am Doctor Stable, Nurse Redheart and I will be outside if you need us. Good day." With that they leave the room.

"I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough." Rainbow said looking downtrodden obviously blaming herself.

"It's not your fault Dash It was their plan to get to me." Rainbow perks up a little and gives me a weak smile. "What happened after I passed out? What happened to Sky?" Twilight steps forward.

"I have never seen anything like what she did before."


"There he is girls come on!" Cydon was standing in the middle of a bunch of Changelings. He was talking and then he fired his weapon into the group killing a Changeling. They tense up and charge him.

"Twilight do something quick!" Rainbow shouts I quickly charge my horn and use a protection spell around Cydon. The Changelings bounce off of the magical bubble harmlessly. Rainbow quickly flies over as I drop the spell. She carries him over the Changelings to us and sets him down.

"Those brutes are in for a rude awakening if they think we will just let them hurt our friends!" Rarity says as the Changelings get up no longer dazed by their impact.

"You may have your friends but all will fall before the swarm!" Cydon shoots the Changeling in the head and it falls backwards. Bits of chitin and green goo spraying the other Changelings around it.

"Anyone else want to say something?! No? Then lets get this over with I have things to do." This infuriates the Changelings and they charge headlong towards us.

"Are you sure making them angry is a good idea sugar cube?"

"When fighting one must keep a calm head lest they rush into battle and make a mistake." He said firing calmly into the swarm. I charged up my horn and sent blasts of magical energy knocking Changelings into buildings and each other. Pinkie pulled out her party cannon and fired it into the swarm while Rarity used her magic to shove more random things into it. Rainbow and Applejack charged forward together unleashing a powerful tandem buck that sent half a dozen Changelings flying. A few minutes of fighting later I notice Cydon is no longer near us.

"Rainbow! Where's Cydon?" I shout as I blast another Changeling.

"I don't know he was here just a second ago."

"Find him!"

"You got it! AJ I'm going up!"

"I got this sugar cube." Applejack bucks another Changeling sending it into three more. Rainbow flies high up into the air to search for our bipedal friend. She easily spots him amongst the shorter Changelings.

"Twilight! He's in trouble!"

"Can you get to him?" 'This doesn't make any sense! Why would Changelings attack Ponyville? And why do they want Cydon?'

"I can try!" Rainbow flew fast but not fast enough as the Changelings around Cydon charged him and began beating him. She was about to tackle the group but was hit in the side by another Changeling. Forcing her to the ground. The sound of thunder crashed across the sky followed by a yell.

"CYD!" Sky flew across the battlefield going incredibly fast. A trail of yellow lightning following behind her. She smashed into the Changelings sending them all flying in an electrical blast. She then stood over him protectively, daring any Changelings to come close and giving the ones that were foolish enough to an electrified buck that launched them skyward.

"Girls regroup around Sky!"

"You got it!" We quickly grouped in a protective circle around Sky.

"You win this time, but this isn't over the Queen will have him." The Changeling gives an insectoid screech and they retreat. I look over to Sky as the lightning starts to fade.

"Cyd." She mutters weakly before collapsing on top of him.


"Just what did she do? And why does Chrysalis want you so badly?"

"Did Sky ever tell you the story of how she got her cutie mark?" They shake their heads. "No? Well listen up it's story time and I don't want to repeat it." I tell them the full story that Sky told me. And to say Twilight was curious would be like saying fish like water.

"That explains a little but it also raises so many questions!"

"I'm afraid you'll have to wait until later to ask them that's all I know."

"I know. But what about my other question? Do you know why Chrysalis wants you so badly?"

"I've never met her. But I think it may have to do with the fact that I have personally killed at least two dozen of her swarm. Or it could be the fact that I have advanced alien weaponry. Or it could just be because I'm friends with you guys. So yeah take your pick."

"You have a point."

"Have the Princesses made any progress on finding the Professor?"

"Yes. In fact they said they wanted to talk to you when you woke up. I'll go write them a letter letting them know your awake." Twilight left the room muttering about what she was going to say. Nurse Redheart came back in after Twilight left.

"Visiting hours are over please make your goodbyes." The girls look at me at say their goodbyes and before leaving.

"I'll be back in the morning to check on you. If you need me before then you can use the call button by your bed."

"Thank you Nurse Redheart." She flicked off the lights and left leaving me to my thoughts. 'Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings. You can hurt me I can take it. I was just going to rescue the Professor but you went after my friends and you hurt poor Ditzy. Now I'm going to make you pay.' I look over to the bed Sky is still sleeping on. 'Sky thank you, I owe you my life.' I felt my limbs slowly going numb and my eye began to close. 'So tired, must be the pain meds.' I close my eye and drift off back into the darkness.

Author's Note:

Edit: March 15, 2013 And another one down another one down another one bites the dust!