• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 1,734 Views, 23 Comments

The Phoenix Project - Cydon

What do you do when you wake up after millenia of cryosleep?

  • ...

Chapter 15 The Reveal

Chapter 15 The Reveal


"A door?" Twilight looked at me like I was stupid. Which without any context she was right.

"Not just any door Twilight. I have seen this door before, a long long time ago." Twilight raised an eyebrow but said nothing. "Let me start from the beginning." I tell them what happened after I left the house three days ago all the way up until Chrysalis fled. "Then Chrysalis started panicking and yelled something about her children before running out of the large doors. I ran for the doors as well but just before I got there the last pillar collapsed down in front of it. I remember thinking to myself 'Well fuck.'"

"You were trapped! But how did you escape?"

"Well every palace has an escape route hidden somewhere in the throne room." Celestia coughed and put a hoof over mouth. "So I searched everywhere as quickly as I could while the ceiling crumbled around me. And lo and behold behind the throne was a door."


Changeling Hive Two Days Ago

I grabbed the handle of the door and gave it a sharp twist. 'Locked. Hard way it is.' I raised my foot and gave a mighty kick hoping that this door was weak. I was rewarded with the sound of splintering wood as the door broke. 'Yes!' I sprint through the now open door as the throne room completely collapses behind me.

As the dust that filled the room settled I looked around. Before me lay a long tunnel lit with the same green glowing crystals from before. 'Well this could take a while.' Unable to go back and hoping for an exit if I go forward I set off. "Tara can you send the datapad a message?"

"The density of the surrounding rock prevents radio transmissions and Ponyville is too far away for my transmitters."

"Damn." I keep walking for several more minutes. 'Just how long is this thing?' Suddenly the tunnel opens up and I come into a large room, a massive glowing rock hung from the ceiling lighting the entire room. 'Whoa.' The room was practically empty save for a grey door on the other side of the room. Several tables lay scattered about it papers covering them, I pick one up.

Log 17
We have tried every possible way we can think of but we are unable to find a way to open the door. It remains stubbornly stuck even when a dozen of our most powerful mages try to pry it open. Unless we can make some progress soon the Queen has told us to stop and return to the Hive.

I look over at the innocent looking grey door that gave the Changelings such a hard time. I approach it for a closer look. The paint that once adorned the door is chipped and faded to the point of being unrecognizable but I make out a few letters.

P--en-x Bu---r Th-ta P--j--t I take a step back and fall down as I trip on a rock. 'No it can't be.' "Tara tell me that isn't what I think it is. Tell me this isn't... Earth."


The girls gasp causing me to pause mid flashback. I give them a glare that tells them to be silent and they don't ask any questions.


"My scans show that the door is made of the same material as the Phoenix Bunker." I run my hand over the grey metal. 'Earth. I never left.'

"Tara can we open the door?"

"Working... I can unlock the door but without power you will have to open it manually." My backpack starts whirring for a minute before I hear a click from the door and it opens a crack causing a whoosh of pressurized air to vent from inside. I reach inside the crack and try to pry open the door succeeding in moving it a few inches before it stops, refusing to budge any further. I look around for something to pry it open with and settle on using the leg from a desk. After a few minutes of struggling with it I manage to pry the leg off the desk. I place it against the door and ready myself.

I shove with all my might and smile widely as I am rewarded with a groan from the door as it slides the rest of the way open. I step inside the dark room, light from the glowing rocks spilling through the doorway. Along the walls are clear cages big enough to hold a full sized horse. Computer monitors and various machines sit on desks in the center of the room. "Tara how do we restore power?"

"This is Theta lab the power station is down the hall to the right." I move to the door and pry it open with the desk leg. The dark hallway prevents me from continuing. I'm about to say something when a soft whirring and a click brings light streaming in front of me. 'That's helpful.' With a light pushing back the darkness I make my way down the hallway. I reach a door and pry it open. Inside I find several monitors and a large machine in the corner. "Start the generator to restore minimal power."

"Right." I head over to the machine and look for a way to start it. I spot a rip chord and give it a pull. The old engine sputters but doesn't start. I try several more times but get the same result. "Dammit!" I kick the machine as I yell jostling it and causing it to sputter to life. 'Alright! Lets go with that.' The old lights in the room flicker to life the glowing growing brighter as the generator warmed up.

"The monitors should be active now." I head over to the computer and find that it has indeed powered up. I use the computer to activate the solar panels. A warning pops up saying that most of the panels are damaged or buried but enough still function to restore some power. I contemplate attempting to start the fission generators but decide against it. 'I don't have time to deal with a melt down.' I head back to Theta lab. 'What were they doing down here? This place was classified even for me.' I activate a monitor.

'Security was really tight down here I wonder why this terminal doesn't have a password.' I open the Theta labs project files. Inside I find only one project, Project Theta. 'I wonder why they didn't come up with a more creative name?' Inside DNA sequences and notes on the effects of certain changes to its structure fill the folder along with multiple logs dated after the launch of Project Phoenix. 'Curiouser and curiouser.' The notes go on to say things that I don't understand being a soldier instead of a scientist. I open the oldest log file. 'Maybe this will clear things up.' A face I know all too well appears on the screen. 'What were you up to you crazy bastard! You were supposed to leave in a pod with us.'

Theta labs log Lead Scientist James Mcreedy, November 10, 2132
"I have decided to remain behind to finish my research. Because of this I have missed my window to escape the planet. I believe it is for the best, only half of the pods successfully traveled past lunar orbit. The unexpected solar storm damaged the remaining pods causing most to crash back down on the planet. Even though half of the pods were lost the survivors should still be able to build the colony we originally planned."

Theta labs log Lead Scientist James Mcreedy, November 11, 2132
"I have selected the species to use in my experiments. A member of the Equus family, the pony. It is my hope that with genetic manipulation I can breed a new species of pony. One that is resistant to the deadly radiation that plagues this planet."

Theta labs log Lead Scientist James Mcreedy, November 15, 2132
"Experiments on the genetic structure have produced some fairly odd results. One experiment produced an equine with bug like characteristics having a hard shell of chitin and strangely enough it had wings and a horn like the unicorns and pegasi of myth. I placed it in a test chamber and to my surprise in a green flash it changed its form to look similar to me although it was flawed. The radiation spike from it set off several alarms. Nothing dangerous just enough to be detected. I need to study it further."

Theta labs log Lead Scientist James Mcreedy, November 20, 2132
"I have successfully created a nearly normal looking pony. Its coat is a dark blue but with enhanced strength and a resistance to the radiation outside it is far superior to other ponies. It seemed to show some signs of being sentient although it did not speak. I believe I may be able leave this world knowing that something still lives on it."

Theta labs log Lead Scientist James Mcreedy, November 23, 2132
"One of the other ponies came out with a horn and another with wings. Fascinatingly enough they actually work, the pegasus can fly and the unicorn is manipulating radiation to do 'magic'. I'll need to test this further."

Theta labs log Lead Scientist James Mcreedy, November 30, 2132
"I have decided to release the 'ponies' to see if they are able to survive in the radiation as I designed them to. With any luck they will flourish in this new world."

Theta labs log Lead Scientist James Mcreedy, December 5, 2132
"To my amazement it seems that the radiation didn't kill off all life, but mutated some of them into fantastic creatures. A Komodo Dragon from a zoo has grown in size and gained wings. As well as a lion and eagle mix that looks like a griffin. The ponies were attacked. The bug like one changed forms and hid, out of sight of the beast. While the others worked together and managed to escape. On a side note the ponies seem to distrust one another but will work together in a crisis."

Theta labs log Lead Scientist James Mcreedy, December 22, 2132
"This is my final log the radiation levels are too high for me to survive much longer. My ponies have survived and passed the test. As my last act in this life I will create as many as I can to increase their chances of survival. I only hope that someday future generations of these ponies will one day find this bunker, and these logs, and understand that they are not alone in the universe and that someday humanity may return to our home." I turn off the computer.

"That's just... so he engineered... Sky, and the others." My thoughts became a jumble as my mind tried to accept that the ponies. Ponies I had come to know over the course of the last week were made by the hand of man. By Mcreedy a man who pioneered many scientific fields. I felt a little woozy. 'I need to sit down.' I sit down on the hard Terracrete floor and lean my head against the desk. 'Its been a long day.' I close my eyes and go to sleep.


The ponies including the Princesses are staring at me with their jaws dropped. "What does that make us? Pets? Genetic abominations?! Just a creation of man!?"

"Twilight! Please calm down! You are all living breathing sentient beings all perfectly capable if making your own decisions. So no you are not and never will be pets. Are you genetic abominations I don't think so. But your ancestors were created by a man yes." Twilight and the others mulled over this still unsure what to think.

"This information never needs to leave this room. This knowledge changes nothing, it only reveals the most ancient part of your history. My feelings towards you all have not changed nor should your feelings about me change." Slowly they manage to compose themselves and nod. Celestia responds.

"I don't know what to think about all of that. But, please continue your story. What did you do when you woke up?"



Listen to this if you want to
I woke up and checked my watch 8:30 AM 'Time to get up.' I stand and dust myself off, I look myself over. I'm covered in scratches and bruises and my clothes are torn and dusty. 'Rarity will be upset I ruined her hard work.' With the lights now working I head out to check on the condition of the rest of the bunker. Although mostly intact several hallways had collapsed and many electronics had decayed over time. After a few hours of walking around I found a door leading to the surface that still worked. I opened the hatch and stepped out into the morning sun.

I look around but nothing I see I recognize. 'How the hell do I get back to Ponyville?' At that point I remembered that everypony thought I was dead. 'I better fix that and fast. But how? Wait! Celestia's letter!' I pulled the now only slightly damaged letter out of my pocket and reread it to make sure. 'Here goes nothing.' I use the forge to burn the letter. I wait a moment but nothing happens at first. 'Well what did I think was going to happen anyway?' I suddenly began to feel very tired so I sat down to rest my eyes for a few minutes.

"By the stars above tis true! You are Alive!" I jump up at the voice and look around my eyesight is greeted by the dreamscape from before and the Princess of the night.

"Princess Luna!"

"Twilight's letter told us you were buried when the Hive collapsed! How are you alive? And where are you now?"

"Yeah long story that one remind me to tell you when I get back. As for where I am right now I have absolutely no idea other than somewhere in the hills."

"Hmm then I shall make a beacon to guide your journey back. Just follow the brightest star in the sky I shall even make it visible in the day."

"Wow that's really cool thanks Luna."

"Think nothing of it you are a friend and I will do all I can to help you. I will speak to you again tonight for now you have a long journey ahead of you, I wish you luck."

"Goodbye Luna and again thank you." Luna smiles and her horn glows. 'Not again.' I close my eyes before i'm blinded. I open my eyes and find myself back by the hatch. The sun hasn't moved as I look to the sky I look around and sure enough on the horizon I see a bright star. 'Thanks Luna.' "Tara mark this location."

"Location tagged." 'Well nothing left to do here time to go. I'm coming Sky, I'm coming home.' With an unceremonious first step I began my march home, following the only star shining in the daytime sky. The hills seem to stretch on for miles as I walk about eventually I stumble into a river, literally. After my refreshing dip I stop for a minute to refill my canteen after I wait for the filter to clean out the microbes I take a long drink. The river is flowing in about the same direction as the star so I follow along its banks making good time.

The surrounding landscape began to slowly rise until eventually I lost sight of the star as the river became a gorge. Strange holes in the walls made me uneasy so I tried to avoid them. As I continued I came to a point that I could not pass without going past one of the holes. I drew my pistol and peered inside. What I saw made me glad I avoided the others. 'I don't know what that thing is but it sure is ugly.' A large grey Eel like creature lay inside, this one appeared to be sleeping though. Very carefully I tried to sneak past, I was nearly across when I accidentally kicked a rock causing it to fall into the river and make a splash. I froze not sure if the monster was going to wake up. After about a minute of my heart beating in my throat I calmed down enough to start moving again, as I made it to the other side I let out a low chuckle. "Hehe." Quite suddenly all the noise around me completely stops the birds the wind everything.

I get the feeling of being watched so I slowly turn around. Towering above me is the eel monster, its breath stank of rotten meat as it sized me up. *gulp* It leaned its head back and opened its mouth revealing several rows of razor sharp teeth. Reacting quickly I drew my pistol "AHHH!" I screamed as I unloaded a clip into its face, the silenced pistol peppered it into swiss cheese. After hearing the gun click a few times I stopped pulling the trigger. As I started to calm down my breathing returned to normal so took a look around, all around the gorge more of the things were watching me from their holes. When they don't make a move I decide to quickly make my exit. I turn around and run after I go around a corner I notice that there are no more holes. 'Phew. That could have been bad.' A quick glance at the sun tells me my daylight hours are fading fast, I walk quickly hoping for a safer spot to make camp. Starting to get hungry, I pull an apple from my pack and munch on it while I walk. 'Gotta keep moving.'

The scenery around me began to change as I walked going from the grey walls of the gorge to a sheer wall of rock with a humongous waterfall. 'Well this could be a problem.' I look around for a way up and spot old and worn stone steps leading up the side of the waterfall. 'Looks like lady luck is still on my side.' I climb the steps carefully trying not to slip on the wet and slick steps. After what feels like an eternity I make it up the steps and turn around to see the gorge I had come through. The sun had begun to set off to my right, I watched as those Eel things try to catch a bird. It dives and climbs zigging and zagging before escaping into the trees nearby.

I turn back around to see where I go next. Stretching before me is a very wet bog, brown grass, mud, and trees. I sigh and tighten my boots. 'Don't want to lose these.' I set off trying to follow the star through the fog and trees. After squelching through the bog for an hour I eventually find a relatively dry spot and decide to set up camp. I gather some sticks and break off a few branches, but after almost an hour of trying to start a fire the sun sank below the horizon leaving me in the dark. The full moon came out leaving me with enough light to see by. After a few more minutes of struggling I manage to create a few small embers which I fan into a fire.

"YES!" 'Finally!' I feed my now growing fire and sit down. I watch the fire for a bit as I eat another apple. I add a few more branches to make sure it won't go out on me during the night and lay down, my head resting on a rock which was the driest thing around.

More music for your ears.

I try to close my eyes to get some sleep but something was off. The bog was... quiet. The night time creatures were silent. This caused me some alarm as the only time they would get quiet was if something or someone scared them. I sit up, I check the position of the moon but I can't see it through the three giant trees blocking the way. I'm about to just sit and wait when one of the trees move. I look up and in the faint moonlight I see three sharp toothed faces staring at me hungrily licking their lips. 'OH Shit!' The three heads roar loudly shaking the ground around me, I stand up quickly and jump to the side as one of the heads crashes down where I was just a second ago. With anywhere but here in mind I take off at a full sprint trying to lose the beast. I had no idea which way I was going but as long as it was away from that three headed thing I was okay with it.

The monster lumbered through the forest behind me smashing trees and trampling anything in its way. I run as fast as I can but the giant still continues to gain on me I fire my pistol wildly behind me hoping to scare it or something. Suddenly I hear the beast grunt in pain so I risk looking back, one of my shots hit the middle head in the eye scrambling its brains. It fell limply forwards dragging along as the other two heads roar in fury and pain. The monster trips over the fallen head and lands with a heavy thud shaking the ground. I continue my sprint through the trees until I can no longer hear it scream.

I look at my surroundings and discover I am no longer in the bog but in a very menacing and dark forest. 'I need to find a safe place to make camp.' A twig snaps nearby making me tense. 'This is just not my day.' I slowly draw my pistol. "Tara you got anything?"

"Thermal does not detect anything but my motion sensors say we are surrounded."

"Great." I take out my knife and ready my stance to move in any direction. From the trees around me glowing green eyes come out of the trees revealing wolves made from the trees themselves. They begin circling me growling menacingly.

"Nice doggie. Good doggie." The biggest dog looks me up and down. It growls and the others back off forming a circle around the clearing.

"Mano e mano huh?" The wooden wolf grins baring its fangs. "Lets dance."

We begin circling each other looking for a weakness in our stances. I feign weakness in my left leg and the alpha falls for it, the wolf leaps to my left and charges. I crouch low and wait until it is almost on top of me, it opens its mouth wide trying for my neck. I uppercut the beast in the jaw causing it to snap shut, the wolf continues its flight into me knocking me down. I roll and stand up, as the the alpha gets up and shakes its head I take the opportunity to pistol whip it as hard as I can, a loud crack and the alpha collapses falling to pieces. The other wooden wolves begin growling again and step forward. 'I don't think they liked that.' I get back in my ready stance when suddenly a familiar roar shakes the forest. 'No! not you again!'

The ground shakes and the wolves flee. Not wanting to follow the wolves or head towards the now two headed beast I pick the third option and run a different way. The stomping grows louder behind me as I run I try to go faster but the long day of travel and running has worn me out. Suddenly I'm enveloped in a thick fog forcing me to slow down even further to avoid hitting a tree. I spot another clearing in the trees and head for it. As I step out of the trees I take notice of a large ruin on the other side of a chasm with a rickety wooden bridge being the only way across. I look behind me the two headed terror is closing fast. 'Looks like I have to risk the bridge.' I carefully make my way across each board creaking and bending uncomfortably under my weight. After what feels like an eternity I step onto solid ground. I look back across the bridge the monster is glaring at me trying to kill me with hatred alone. I take a pot shot at one of its heads, I miss completely but it gets the message. With one final roar it heads back into the forest.

"Yeah Fuck you too."

"This place looks like it will be as safe as I'm going to find." I say looking the ruins up and down. From the looks of the place it used to be a magnificent castle but due to many years of neglect the once majestic ceilings collapsed leaving most of the building open to the sky. The walls cracked and crumbling as mother nature reclaimed the land as her own. I head for the door and open it groaning loudly on unoiled hinges.

"My scans detect a large heat signature inside." 'Fuuuuck!'

"This day just won't end." I head inside carefully, searching for the source of the heat. I find it when I go around the corner. What I find is a large lion like creature with a scorpion tail and small bat wings. I find it standing not two feet away from the corner I had just passed. It stares at me and I stare back.

"Um nice kitty?" I squeak out it looks at me like it was trying to ask if I was stupid. It roars at me causing spit to fly out and hit me. 'Blegh.' I wipe it off on my pants before backing away slowly. The lion thing stands its ground still staring me down. I head back around the corner before breaking into a sprint. The lion thing hearing my retreating footsteps gives chase. I dodge around fallen pillars and chunks of fallen ceiling trying to evade the swipes of its massive paw. I make it to the end of the hallway before it finally catches me with a mighty swipe, I fly the rest of the way down the hall and crash heavily into the large wooden doors.

I stand up slowly, 'ow, ow, ow.' I check my side three slashes from where its claws hit me causing even the enchanted shirt to tear. I look to the beast and fire a round into its head. A neat quarter sized hole appears in its head but it keeps coming. It reaches me and smacks me again. I hit the crumbling wall and slide down to a sitting position. It walks over to me slowly licking its lips. I can feel my strength fading fast, I weakly raise my gun and put a few more into its head. Finally the beast stops it stares straight ahead its mouth opening one last time as it slumps to the ground. I let my arm fall back to the ground.

"Tara, don't let me die. Kay? I have to make it back, for Sky." My vision begins to fade as the events of the day and my multiple injuries finally catch up to me. I carefully pull Sky's feather from my hat. 'How you stayed there is beyond me but I'm glad you did.' I put the feather back and I feel a pinch on my arm as my vision fades completely to black.

"Ah! There you are I was getting worried something had happened." I open my eyes, I'm back in the starry night dreamscape on the hill with Luna.

"Well at least i'm not dead." I whisper quietly. "Today sucked Luna."

"I do not understand." She looks at me a confused look on her face I tell her about the events of my day from when we last talked to now, she told me the names of the places and creatures I had encountered. "That is an amazing story. To have survived so much in just one day. You are incredibly lucky."

"Yeah I won't feel all that lucky when I wake up." I say rubbing my side where the manticore had slashed me.

"Do not worry. From the description you gave me I believe you are in the old Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters."

"Heh cool. But how does that help?"

"Now that I know where you are I can send a chariot to pick you up."

"What really?!"

"Yes, they will arrive in the morning just after sunrise."

"Good because I don't think I can make it back on my own anymore." Luna looks at me and smiles.

"I will be awaiting your arrival. Goodnight Cydon."

"Goodnight Luna." Luna disappears in a cloud of smoke that quickly floats off I watch it for a minute as it vanishes into the distance. 'I wonder if I can control this place?' Thinking quickly I concentrate and summon a five star buffet table complete with food. 'Oh yeah!' Taking a seat I grab a fork, I stab it into a tender looking steak and bring it to my mouth. I'm just about to take a bite when.

"Are you okay?" I wake to two guards ponies looking me over, another pony with a stethoscope cutie mark looks me over.

"Tsk tsk tsk. You are a real mess mister."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence doc." The doctor cleans and bandages my wounds and loads me onto the chariot. "Lets go!" The guards ponies take off and begin our journey.

"Were taking you to Canterlot the Princesses are awaiting your arrival." I nod and lean back on the padded seat. The ride is over in just about an hour. I'm carted off by the doctor who changes my bandages and uses some healing magic to reduce the healing time.

"You are as fit as I can make you in the time frame I was given. Go on off with you." Two guards come up to me.

"Come with us we will take you to where you need to go." They lead me through the maze that is Canterlot Palace eventually reaching a door. I hear muffled talking on the other side.


"I think you can piece together the rest." They stared at me long and hard.

"Wow." Twilight said finally.

"You can say that again darling."

"I'm so super dooper happy that your back! Now I can throw you a welcome to Equestria and Ponyville and thank you for saving the day and congratulations on coming back from the dead party! I wonder what kind of balloons you have at those?" Pinkie sat there in her own little world coming up with all the things she was going to do at the party. Her mane now fully repoofed and her smile wider than ever as she started bouncing.

"Now hold on there sugar cube Cydon here need to get some rest after all he's been through." Applejack said putting a hoof on her back to stop her bouncing.

"Yeah Pinks lets wait a few days so he can fully enjoy it. It will give you plenty of time to plan it." Rainbow added. Pinkie looked at us thoughtfully for a few seconds.

"Hmm... Okay! You just wait it will be the most splediferific party ever!"

"I can't wait Pinkie."

"Darling your clothes are ruined tsk tsk tsk boys, I knew this would happen. Didn't I tell you Twilight?"

"Yes Rarity you did about a dozen time in the first five minutes." I looked over at them as they bickered back and forth and laughed a hearty good natured laugh you share with good friends. Celestia and Luna stood slightly away from us smiling but not talking. I went over and cleared my throat to get their attention.

"Cydon it is good to see you have made such good friends."

"Yes and I'm very grateful they would have me. What with all the things I do."

"Nonsense you did what you thought was best and nopony blames you for it. But next time remember you have friends who will be there to help you through thick and thin. These ponies are no stranger to danger."

"I realize that Celestia and I won't forget again."

"But tell me this Phoenix Bunker you know more about it than anypony, what do you think we should do with it?"

"Well as of right now the only one who knows where it is, is Tara. But she won't tell anyone unless I tell her to. As to what to do with it. I say we leave it alone let it stay hidden where nopony can find it. I may go back to pick up some tech but other than that. Nopony should have access." Twilight overheard us and looked downtrodden.

"But what about all of that knowledge just waiting to be rediscovered?"

"Twilight the things in there are dangerous but I'll bring you another datapad with all kinds of new stuff on it." Twilight looked up and nodded vigorously.

Something to listen to

"Good. Now if you don't mind I need to speak to Sky... Alone." They all gave me a knowing look except for Celestia and Luna who were ushered out by Rarity and Twilight, as they left Twilight mouthed 'about time' and left the room.

"Sky I-" She put a hoof to my lips.

"Shh its okay we read your letter."

"So then you know what I want to say."


"And?" I felt my throat tighten in anticipation of her answer.

"We haven't known each other for very long only a week. But I've grown closer to you than some ponies I've known my whole life. I've told you things that I've never told anypony, I trust you with my life and even though your a human and I'm a pegasus I think I can trust you with my heart too. I...I think I love you too." Sky stood up on her hind hooves and laid her head on my shoulder. Wrapping her fore hooves around me in a hug, I returned the hug and thought I heard a 'awww' come from the door. I Ignored it the best I could as I looked into the magenta eyes of the most beautiful pegasus in Equestria. She looked back into mine and I knew that she was mine and that I was hers.

We leaned in close to each other and kissed, awkward at first because of different facial structures but we found a comfortable position. We closed our eyes and fell into the bliss of our first kiss. The seconds seemed to stretch into minutes but the need to breathe ended it sooner than we wanted. We opened our eyes and stared into each others eyes Sky was blushing through her yellow coat and no doubt I was too. I heard another 'awww' come from the door as it fell open the not so quiet ponies watching from the other side falling through as it did. They collapsed into a pile and lay there unmoving for a few seconds as we stared at them our moment interrupted.

"Save it for later you two we have a train to catch." Twilight said as they stood up.

"We'll be there in a second." They left the Princesses and Shining Armor coming back in. "Princesses."


"Thank you again for giving me a chance to be a part of this great nation of yours."

"No, thank you for saving my little ponies."

"Its been a pleasure Princess, until next time. Luna, Shining." I gave them a Terran salute closed fist over my heart and turned back to Sky and whispered into her ear. "Come on my little Sky Dasher, Lets go home." She nodded in agreement smiling broadly. We left the room to catch up to our friends.

"I guess he finally picked one." The Princesses looked at Shining. "I'll have to remember to give him some tips."

"Whatever for Shining Armor?" Luna asked tilting her head.

"To help him survive being with a female." Celestia gave me a look that said 'Oh your in for it now.'

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Said a familiar and rather irritated voice from behind.

"Um, nothing Cadence nothing at all." Shining Armor said grinning sheepishly.

I took one last look at the castle as we boarded the train. I think I see a pink flash of light and hear a high pitched yell but pass it off to exhaustion. The majestic white marble towers overlooking the castle proper were beautifully cut and pieced together using the best magic construction techniques at the time but nothing could compare to the blue maned yellow pegasus sitting right next to me, head laying on my lap as I absentmindedly run my hand through her mane. I mutter to myself as I watch Canterlot roll by. "I think today is going to be a good day."

Author's Note:

So here we are at the end of an epic adventure. I have enjoyed this roller coaster ride of a journey. So until next time, thanks for reading everyone! Cydon out.

Edit: March 18, 2013 I think I revised it or was that a dream? Anyway I'm going to sleep night ya'll.