• Published 8th Apr 2022
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Friendship Is Scuffed, Multiverse of Chaos - Stalin with Da Spoon

Ever wanted to know what would happen if martincitopants, Rimmy downunder, TheRussianBadger, SovietWomble, Rubixraptor, detective dan, SMG4, Top gear, and many others wound up in equestria all at once? Well, here you go! The ultimate adventure!

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Act 1, Chapter 2: The Arrival

Date: Still unknown.
Time: Mid-Morning.
Location: Ruins Of Kevin's Warship.

High in the mountain ranges of equestria, the smell of ash and smoke filled the air, as thick plumes of dark soot filled the air, as crashed in the very center of the mountain range, surrounded by rock, was the warship, as pieces of broken metal and salvage lie scattered all over the ground around the crash site, some pieces of metal strewn about all over the mountain range. The warship itself had its engines engulfed in flame, its hull punctured, as loose cables and wires dangled out of exposed armor plating, still sparking with electricity. The bridge of the ship had its window currently sealed by a blast door, as well as the airlock, which was currently blocked off by some rocky rubble that landed on the ship once it landed. Inside the warship, dozens of crewmen skittered across the various decks, as engineers and technicians quickly worked to patch any damage, doctors and surgeons swarming the medical bay as new wounded are wheeled in and tended to, as Kevin can be seen walking with head engineer Jerry and head research Roberts, as he entered the elevator to the bridge with them, as it slowly ascended upwards, as he turned to them while they climbed upwards. "Whats the score jerry?"

"Well sir, engines are currently engulfed in flame, multiple hull breachs on multiple decks, electrical failures across the board, several wounded, none dead luckily, oh, and the primary astroframe is still in tact at least." Kevin made sounds of both displeasure and calmness, because hey, at least nobody was dead, and the ship was still at least partially intact, and with a ding, they arrived in the bridge, which was currently in a high state of dis repair, with wires dangling from the ceiling, still sparking, screens flickering, alarms blaring, and the blast doors still sealed, as Kevin slowly walked over to the central control seat and sat down, as he pressed a few buttons on the chairs right arm, including the big red one, as the blast doors slowly opened, making a loud grinding sound as light flooded into the bridge, the alarm stopping as the lights turned back to normal, and the dictator sighing, as he took in the sight of the ships wrecked bow, including looking at what remains of the gateways mounting point. His sounds of displeasure grew louder, but he soon calmed down, as he turned in his seat to face his assistants, as personnel got to work repairing the bridges functions, working had to return everything to operational order. As this was happening, Kevin activated the holo table in the center of the room, which still had power, as it displayed the current damaged wreck of the ship, with him pressing a few buttons, as the visible fire at the back of the ship began to die down as he cut off the fuel supply. He knew how to salvage this situation, he just needed time. As such, he turned to roberts and gave him a command.

"Deploy all available scout drones to recover geographical data on the area."

Roberts nodded, as he quickly made his way out of the bridge, with Kevin turning to Jerry.

"Jerry, I want the ship's systems and interior fully repaired by night fall, try and get our defenses working by then, we don't know whats out there." As Jerry nodded, Kevin turned back to look out at the bow of the ship, as the rubble blocking the airlock was slowly pushed out of the way, a deck repair crew swarming out as they got to work. It was going to be a long day...

Date: Unknown.
Time: Morning.
Location: Ponyville.

It was your average day in ponyville. The sun was shining bright upon young children as they played in the streets, the birds chirping as people polite-fully passed each other and waved. It was a good peaceful day. That is, until an ear piercing shriek filled the air, made by everyone's favorite fashionista.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Rarity screamed at the top of her lungs, as she looked in the front door of her boutique to see an incredible sight. A bipedal creature, wearing what appeared to be an extravagant business suit, and then, for a head, some sort of... Rainbow frog head, as the being slowly approached her, and looked down at her.

"Alright, jeez, pony lady, you don't need to scream your damn lungs out. I get it, your not used to seeing a two footed bipedal frog man in your place, but where I come from, we are a tiny bit more calm when talking ponies and unicorns enter our lives." To say rarity was shocked by the sudden speech of this creature was an under statement, as she heard them speak clearly as day, easily understood as they continued to observe their surroundings. Wanting to try and rectify her rudeness, rarity decided to try and be friendly to the creature.

"U-u-uummmmm... Greetings... May I ask what your name is, good sir, or madam?" The creature nodded, as it spoke clearly, without even moving its mouth.

"I am known as the great martincitopants, but you can call me martin. And yes, I am a dude." Rarity was suprised by the creatures strange name, having heard none like it before. She then decided to have some proper manners and introduce herself.

"Well, I am rarity, owner of this fine establishment you find yourself in. Do forgive me for my sudden outburst, I have never before seen one of your kind." Martin nodded, as it was understandable, hed probably freak out if he saw a talking unicorn where he came from too. Rarity used her horn to pull up a chair as she gestured for martin to sit, as he did so, and then, a small white Persian cat jumped into the lap of martin, as it made itself comfortable, with rarity appearing distraught.

"Oh dear, opalescence, leave our guest be!" Martin slowly waved her off, smiling happily as he pet the cat.

"Its fine, mate, I got my own cat back home, im an expert." He said slowly scratching the cat in all the places it wanted to be scratched, and the sound of hooves coming down the stairs could be heard, as sweetie bell came down to investigate the cream.

"Just whats causing all that-" As she saw the strange bipedal creature holding the cat, she opened her mouth to scream, but found herself unable to, as she straight up fainted, with rarity catching her with her horn. Martin proceeded to let out a tiny chuckle at this.

"Dang, didn't even get a peep out. To be honest, im surpised you haven't fainted." Rarity looked nervously at martin as she set the little filly down on the ground, and placed a hoof on her head, wondering how her friends were doing.

Location: Sweet Apple Acres

As you can expect, a similar situation was going down at the apple family farm, as TheRussianBadger and his team were currently busy hiding in a stack of hay, trying to be stealthy, as when they arrived during the morning via the vortex they took, to say they were surprised by the sights they saw would not begin to truly explain their confusion. Realizing they were now stuck here, badger decided it was best to lay low, as he looked to the distance and say a large barn. "Anyone wanna bet theres some loot in there?" Skulker proceeded to play a 'Cha-Ching!' sound effect on his soundboard, with bing and heavenly rubbing their hands together, and grouse being a little bit reluctant to go randomly looting a house.

"I dunno badger, I mean, what if these fuckers got like AK's or some shit, and we pull up just to get our shit ran. I mean, its a whole new world badger, for all we know, we could just be in country chicago." Heavenly was boutta slap the shit out of grouse for impeding his looting, but badger stopped him, nodding at his words.

"Fair point, fair point, we shall and see if these fuckos come walkin out, and once they do, we make a break for it, and get some sweet ass loot. Heck, maybe their just nazis, maybe were still in D-Day. Although it isn't really enlisted's color scheme." Skulker proceeded to comment on that, being a tech genius.

"Well, no duh, its all technicolor, we're in some sort of cartoon. Wait... No no no, it can't be." He rapidly started typing something into his datapad, before he gasped. "Holy shit, THERES NO WIFI!" Cue them all crying out in pure anguish, falling the ground, as heavenly screamed out.

"WHY! WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYY!" Grouse and bing just hugged each other, while badger realized he basically lost his only source of income.

"Well shit, im gonna go broke now." Everyone instantly got up and start laughing their assess off at this joke, before realizing they would all go broke too.

"Well shit, guess we gotta find a new source of income, then." Everyone in the group nodded, and prepared to leave the hay, before something gripped onto skulkers hand, and as he tugged and pulled up his hand to see what was on it, it revealed a little doggy gripping onto his hand, as he screamed and threw it off, as the group emerged from the hay stack and bolted it across the apple orchard. Watching this was applejack and big mac, astonished by the bi pedal creatures suddenly emerging from hiding and taking off running at such high speeds. Regardless, they looked like trouble, so she nodded to her brother as both her and big mac gave chase. As badger looked behind him, he saw the two ponies pursuing them, as he pointed it out to the squad.

"Aye, we got two dang ponies chasing us down right now, Im pretty sure we oughta just turn and fight. Wait, SHIT, WE LEFT OUR GUNS!" Heavenly said as Skulker pulled out his soundboard, as he suddenly, had an idea, as he turned around, and playing a dog whistle on his soundboard, as the dog came to a halt, as it fell to the ground and put its paws over its ears.

"Ha, knew that would come in handy!" He said quickly running off as applejack stopped to check on winona.

"Ya okay, winona!?! Are you hurt?" The dog slightly whimpered, but nuzzled applejack, who was just glad her dog was fine, and then something came to applejack. Did those creatures just speak equine? How did they know their language? It didn't matter, they were trouble, as applejack decided to pull out her trusty lasso, quickly catching up to the team of creatures, this time bing looking behind himself.

"THEIR CATCHING UP! Also, im pretty sure that damn pony just spoke english!"

"Yeah, we noticed!" Heavenly chimed in before snatched in the leg by the lasso of applejack and being pulled back, managing to resist as he turned and pulled out a knife, slicing the lasso and laughing in applejacks face. "HA, you stupid ass lasso did shit, horse girl!" And he was met with a swift hind kick to the face, as he was knocked out cold.

"THEY GOT HEAVENLY!" Grouse screamed as the rest of the group ducked into cover behind a fence, and as they hid, they heard applejack calling out in english it seemed.

"Where are ya, ya dirty varmints! Come out before I gotta buck ya like I did ya friend!" Cue badger proceeding to be a defiant bastard and yell out.

"Fuck off, you crazy ass pony lady! Wait a minute, THEY DO SPEAK ENGLISH!" As the rest of the team looked at him, skulker played the bruh sound effect, right before applejack kicked him right through the fence, knocking him out cold, as the rest of the squad took off. And if your wondering why they didn't just use their guns, they accidentally left them in the hay stack. Why? Because plot convenience, don't question it. Anyways, as they ran ahead, badger screamed out in terror.

"SKULKER DOWN!" And suddenly, he tripped over a rock, face planting, and as he slowly got back up, he got kicked in the rear end by big mac, sent flying straight into a fence post, and knocked clean out. As grouse and bing saw this, they just kept on running, until eventually, a little filly entered there path, as the two came to a screeching halt, as applebloom proceeded to faint right in front of them, with bing grabbing a stick and poking her with it.

"She dead?" Before his question answered, both grouse and bing were sent flying by applejack and big mac kicking them at the same time, knocking them straight out. Now your probably wondering how these tough human men were knocked out so easily, so im just gonna say that applejack has one hell of a kick. Anyways, cue applejack and big mac wondering what to do with these strange bi pedal creatures, as applejack grabs her back up lasso and uses it to rope the creatures together, as they are hauled inside the barn, until further notice. Applejack just thought to herself what her friends were gonna think when they heard about this.

Location: Ponyville Town Square.

Cue the confused looks of ponies all around town, as the most peculiar sight appeared before them. A strange bi pedal creature, wearing what appeared to be some sort of detectives outfit, and a big mustache on his face, as he kept on walking, and then realized he was wasn't in the bank anymore.

"Wait, hang on, this ain't the bank! What are all these ponies doing here? Did you all get transformed by some witch? What frog do I need to kiss to bring you back?" Cue the confused reactions of all the ponies in the town square, many just not knowing how to react, as suddenly, pinkie pie emerged from sugarcube corner to see what all the fuss was, and as she saw the new creature acting weird, she decided to introduce herself the pinky way.

"HIYA! You must be new in town, ive never seen you before, you know what that means! New person party!" Cue detective dan getting a look of surprise on his face, as the pink pony rapidly shook the detectives hand. Of course, the detective reacted the only way he knew how.

"Im detective dan!" Pinkie pie smiled at this, as the detective found a cupcake in his hand once she was done shaking it. "Ooooooh, what kind is this?"


"Oooooh, my favorite!" He says eating the cupcake whole, as he looked at pinkie pie with suspicion. "Normally I don't eat cupcakes given to me by pink talking ponies, but today is an exception. Now, whats your name, little talking pink pony that im pretty sure is part of the lucid dream im surely having currently!"

"Pinkie pie!" The detective nodded, before hearing a voice that he knew all too well right behind him, as the frog man himself, martin, was seen walking towards him, arms outstretched, rarity walking beside him.

"Detective dan, my good buddy pal chum chum!" Detective dan opened his arms to embrace martin in a hug, as everyone looked at each other confused, with rarity looking at pinkie pie as she just shrugged.

"Ummmmm, do you know this strange fellow, martin?"

"Know em? Me and him grew up together, he became the best detective in town, I become a multi billion dollar space company owner and teacher." Cue rarity having no idea what he was talking about, but soon, even more confusion came around applejack could be seen helping big mac haul a large bundle of 5 more bi pedal creatures, clothed in what appeared to be military gear, as martin made a sound akin to that of a moose. "Ooooooooooooh, I know these guys, thats the russian badger and his mates." He said pointing at the guys covered in all black armor. And at this point, everybody's brains just overloaded. These guys were all from the same universe? Okay, they needed to sort things out, but not before spike suddenly appeared in front of rarity, holding a piece of mail.

"Mail for you guy- What the heck? There are more of you!?!" Everyone, including martin, was confused by his statement.

"What do you mean 'more'?"

Earlier that morning...
Location: Canterlot, Central City Square.

As the princesses stood before the several bi pedal creatures, the one at the front of the group stepped forward a bit, and seemingly tipped his hat upwards to look at them as they spoke in a strange accent. "Fascinatin, a big ol pegasi and unicorn hybrid! Never even seen a unicorn or pegasi before, this is truly a rare sight!" The two princesses looked at each other confusingly. These creatures knew what they were? Well, not exactly, but they were close. Suddenly, a large regiment of the royal guard surrounded the plaza, as the bi pedal creatures raised their metal sticks and aimed them at the guards men who had their pikes pointed straight at them, before both princesses raised their hooves.

"Halt! Do not harm them!" As the princess spoke, the human had a look of absolute shock on their faces, as celestia seemed confused, as the soldiers broke out into confusion, talking amongst themselves.

"The damn pony just spoke!"

"Shes kinda cute."

"Is that blue one her sister?"

"Are we in danger?"

"What will the commanders do?"

"I just wanna shoot things."

Suddenly, rimmy raised his hand, as the soldiers silenced, before rimmy, rubix, and womble all approached the princesses together, as they tipped their hats.

"M'lady, names rimmy. Rimmy downunder, pleased to make your acquaintance."

The look on celestia and lunas faces turned from one of fear and confusion, to that...

Of curiosity.