• Published 8th Apr 2022
  • 1,323 Views, 52 Comments

Friendship Is Scuffed, Multiverse of Chaos - Stalin with Da Spoon

Ever wanted to know what would happen if martincitopants, Rimmy downunder, TheRussianBadger, SovietWomble, Rubixraptor, detective dan, SMG4, Top gear, and many others wound up in equestria all at once? Well, here you go! The ultimate adventure!

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Act 1, Chapter 8: Beeg Robo-Bot Battle

Canterlot City Streets

Explosions and gunfire echoed throughout the city streets, as ponies ran around screaming in panic and terror, looking for cover and places to hide from the two metal behemoths assailing the city. Luckily, the machine's poor aim resulted in them being unable to cause any casualties, but the same could not be said for damage to the city, as it was highly extensive, with large smoking craters and cracked structures, along with broken glass and smoldering rubble littering the streets.

A new sound filled the streets however, as the loud roaring of the Top Gear electric car speeding down the road could be heard, tires screeching as it rapidly raced towards the danger, followed by three military jeeps of varying insignia, one of them having Quail of the Ignis Corp manning the gun, as Rubix spoke to him from the front passenger seat.

"Alright Quail, remember to go for the big red eyes!"

"Roger that!" In another Jeep, this one being marked with the symbol of ZF, Womble was chatting with Cyanide.

"Remember, civilian casualties to a minimum!"

"No promises." As Womble facepalmed, the third jeep of the group, carrying the insignia of the Cadian XXth, had Commissar Digby manning the turret, while Rimmy took the wheel.

"Alright boys, time to kick some robo baddies outta this city!"

"FOR THE EMPEROR!" As the three military jeeps sped down the street, multiple other squads of soldiers, both human and pony, ran down the road rapidly, with Celestia and Luna following close behind the Jeeps as they flew through the air. Soon, the electric car was in the sights of the two bots, as they slowly turned towards the rapidly speeding vehicles, and fired their cannons, the car rapidly swerving to dodge. Taking her chances, Rainbow launched herself from the car towards one of the bots, and kicked it right in its center torso, sending it stumbling back as it re-adjusted its balance.

During it's dis-orientation, the three military jeeps arrived, and Cyanide, seeing its confusion as an opportunity, fired upon the bot, while the other two jeeps provided covering fire. Rimmy quickly dis-embarked, taking out his bolter pistol and firing at the robots, it's heavy firepower leaving noticeable dents in the machines. "EAT BOLTGUN, HERETIC MACHINE!"

Digby also pulled out his bolter pistol, firing both the machine gun and Bolter at the same time, looking like a total badass.

As Quail fired his machine gun, Rubix dismounted alongside Tails, Forge, and Iron, moving quickly into cover while firing their M4 assault rifles. "Go go, shoot em up!"

"These robots are from freakin wolfenstein, what the fuck!?!"

"This truly is a crossover of the century."

"At least logi isn't involved."

"DO NOT EVEN MENTION THE DARK ONES." The ZF crew also dismounted, as Cyanide provided covering fire for Womble and Nevil to move up, taking aim and firing. Twilight quickly hopped out of the electric car alongside all of her pony and human friends, except the Top Gear hosts, who huddled up inside the car, as Applejack turned back to them.

"Aren't ya gonna fight?" Cue them all shaking their heads.

"No, we would rather not get shot."

"Indeed, dying is not on today's agenda."

"Nor any other day's agenda." Applejack shrugged as she ran beside her friends, as Rarity and Twilight began firing off magic lasts from their horn, while Martin pulled out dual akimbo pistols and fired at the machine. The badger gang were busy taking cover, as they were working with a couple Cadian soldiers to set up a motar.

"Time to rain down some explosive death upon the face of our doomed enemies." Bing yelled, as Skulker played the 'Shatter Their Sky!' sound effect from Total War. As Grouse began to load the first mortar shell, a stray cannon shot flew over his head.

"HOLY SHIT-" Heavenly then proceeded to take Skulker's data pad and stare at the map.

"Bruh this map ain't mini anymore, it's just map. Anyways, fire away!" Grouse saluted as he fired the first mortar shell right down on top of the one of the machines, blowing off some of it's top mounted armor, exposing its weakly armored central computer, as Rimmy saw his chance and fired a precision Bolter shot, landing right in the center of the machine's exposed head, as it erupted in explosive fire, bursting into flames.

"Direct hit!" Meanwhile, the other robot had stomped right over to where the ponies were taking cover, as it stood over them and raised it's cannon, aiming and ready to fire, before it's cannon was covered in a golden hue of magic, as Celestia was there, holding the cannon in a magical grip, while Luna lept into the air, covering her horn in magic as she rammed full speed into the machine, skewering it's side as it lost it's balance again, while Discord decided to splash some chocolate milk on it's eye, further dis-orienting it.

Taking the initiative, Quail took aim and proceeded to completely unleash a hail of bullets at the weakened bot, leaving several bullet holes in it's armor, even taking out key components, while the rest of the soldiers continued to provide covering fire, some of them shooting at the mech's legs, hoping to weaken them.

To add insult to injury, Applejack and Rainbow nodded to each other, as they both rushed towards the machine, as Rainbow dash put her forehooves forward and Applejack reared up her legs, as they both collided with machine, knocking it to the ground on it's back.


As the chocolate milk on its eye vanished, it saw Martin standing over it with a grenade launcher. "Compute this, you filthy casual." And he launched a grenade right through the machine's eye, jumping off it as the robot exploded into pieces. Cheering erupted as the soldiers and ponies celebrated.

Kevin's Super Secret Evil Base

As the feed form the final battle bot cut out, Kevin rose from his command seat in anger, as he screamed. "Darn darn darn darny darn!" On cue, one of his assistants brought him a folding chair, as he proceeded to kick it multiple times, including into the assistant's poor crotch, as he fell to the ground in pain, before Kevin returned to kicking the chair, then picking it up and chucking it at a fleeing assistant. "JERRY!"

On cue, the head engineer emerged, saluting. "Yes, overlord?"

"Is the Zittadelle ready?"

"Yes, sir."

"Launch it."

"Understood, sir."

As the Engineer rushed off into the elevator, Kevin smiled, as he looked back to the screen, showing the view of a nearby recon drone present within the city. "I've got you right where I want you, Martin..."

Comments ( 7 )

"Is the Zittadelle ready?"

Can someone tell me what that is please?

And quick someone launch the Sabaton tank

Heres a hint.
It's a giant robot.
Okay, less of a hint, more direct explanation, but still.
And it shall come soon.
For the son of Belgium and Ireland shall come.

Oh yeah can’t wait also thank you

day ?????? of waiting for the next update


Can't promise anything seeing as I am busy with other stories, but I'll try my best.

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