• Published 8th Apr 2022
  • 1,323 Views, 52 Comments

Friendship Is Scuffed, Multiverse of Chaos - Stalin with Da Spoon

Ever wanted to know what would happen if martincitopants, Rimmy downunder, TheRussianBadger, SovietWomble, Rubixraptor, detective dan, SMG4, Top gear, and many others wound up in equestria all at once? Well, here you go! The ultimate adventure!

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Act 1, Chapter 4: A Turbulent Train Trip

Ponyville Train Station

Standing at the terminal, awaiting the train would be 4 of the main 6 and spike, awaiting the next train with their human companions, as martin looked at his watch next to rarity.

"Do these trains usually take so FUCKING long?"

"Sadly yes, steam trains these days are very slow..."

"Bruh, you still operating on steam trains? Back on kerbin, we got rocket trains." Everyone looked on with fascination, especially twilight sparkle, who was thrilled to hear of technology from other worlds.

"Oooooooh, could you please tell me about this technology? Who designed it? How does it work?"

"Well, your majesty, to understand that, we must first understand something. What is, technology?" Suddenly, a background theme started, as everybody was suddenly transported to some sort of massive classroom, as martin stood at the front of the class. "Class is in session, so buckle your fuckles, were gonna learn about, TECHNOLOGY." Everyone was currently confused as fuck, wondering how they even ended up here in the first place, but detective dan was already busy with his notepad being out.

"Now, what is, technology? Well, technology is a concept created by all sentient beings, used to assist the process of evolution. From the wheel, to the steam engine, to electricity, to the gun." Cue the sound of a gun shot being played as he dropped to the ground and screamed "AHHH FUCK-" Cue everyone else except Dan dropping to the ground, as Badger quickly got back up with his gun drawn.

"ALRIGHT FUCKERS, IM ARMED, COME AT ME!" Cue the ponies just face hoofing as Skulker played a chainsaw effect while Heavenly entered his doomslayer suit and slowly loaded his shotgun with malicious intent, only to be stopped by Applejack.

"Yah can stop pardner, I think its a false alarm." Heavenly appeared disappointed as he dropped his shotgun and everyone slowly got back to their seats. Martin quickly stood back up, as he got back to teaching.

"AHEM, anyways, as you can see, technology, is important for life and evolution, so as such, it must constantly evolve. If a nations technology stagnates, it will eventually fall behind and become primitive, being seen as a prime target by enemy nation. This is why you ponies must improve your technology, to stay ahead. Now, class is dismissed." He said as the classroom faded away, as they all found themselves back on the platform, still waiting for the train, as Twilight simply was flabbergasted, but made sure to take quick notes.

"I... fully understand, I shall consult princess celestia about improving Equestria's technology at once!" Rarity then voiced her concern.

"But is magic not sufficient for us ponies to maintain our species? If we become reliant on technology, what if we lose our magic?" Martin opened his mouth to answer, but was stumped, until he figured something out.

"Hows about you combine technology with magic?" All of the ponies had a moment of collective acknowledgement.

"Oooooooooooooh..." They all then nodded their heads.

"Makes sense tah me."

"Indeed, a genius idea darling!"

"The best of both worlds."

Martin felt proud of himself, while skulker and Bing noticed something in the distance, as detective dan turned to see a certain italian approaching. "Hey look, its a fat italian with a big mustache!"

Martins eyes expanded in surprise. "WHAT." Cue him looking, to see Mario, rapidly running towards the train terminal, making airplane noises as Fluttershy flew after her.

"Wait, stop! Come back!" Suddenly, Marios neck snapped as he turned his 180 degrees around as he faced Fluttershy.

"How about no." He then turned back, as Fluttershy had a horrified look on her face.

Martin slowly sighed. "Oh fuck, its the dumb one." He facepalmed as twilight, rarity and applejack looked at him with worry in their eyes.

"What do yah mean by 'dumb one'?"

Suddenly, Mario reached the terminal, as he leaped into the air, only to get hit right in the face, by the oncoming train, as everyone collectively understood why he was dumb, as Mario was completely DECKED, smacked down onto the rails in front of the train, as Fluttershy quickly hovered over him. "Oh dear, are you hurt, do you need help? How many hooves am I holding?"

"Twenty-one." As everyone gathered around the cross eyed fat Italian, they knew he was truly dumb.

"Ah reckon hes got brain damage."

"Hes cross eyed! COOL!"

"Possible cerebral cortex fracture..." Martin said, as twilight looked at her confusingly.

"The heck is a cerebral cortex?" Martin was preparing to start another class, but suddenly, the conductor of the train yelled out.

"ALL ABOARD!" Realizing they were about to miss the train, Fluttershy attempted to lift the fat Italian off of the tracks, struggling even with Applejack, Pinkie pie, Rarity, Twilight, and spike all helping to support her, it still wasn't enough, as Martin and Badger also chipped in while detective Dan rushed them on.

"Lets go, lets go, chop chop, we ain't got all day!"

"Yah could help us, y'know!" Detective dan responded the only way he knew how.

"Im detective Dan."

Skulker then played a 'Bruh' sound effect, as Bing just facepalmed. "Skulker, I swear to god..."

As the group slowly heaved the fat Italian into the train, the rest of the group filed into the train as they took their seats.

"Next stop, canterlot!"

Kevins Warship, Equestrian Mountains.

Sitting in his favorite command chair within the warships command bridge as operators rushed around him, the infamous dictator, Kevin, looked at the screen displaying the face of martincitopants, his ultimate nemesis, as he grinded his teeth together and clenched his fists, grasping the arm rests of his chair... "Damn you, martin, no matter where I go, you are there to ruin my plans! But who are his friends?"

He said zooming away from the face of martin, to reveal the faces of badger and his friends, as well as detective dan, as the screen scanned them and showed him all the data he needed. "Therussianbadger and detective Dan, eh? Fascinating... Perhaps the portal malfunction is what brought them all here... And who are there equine friends?" He said analyzing the ponies as well as the little draconic figure accompanying the humans. "Hmmmmmmm, the bearers of the elements of harmony... Fascinating." He then turned to his science general. "Scan those ponies and determine their power." The scientist nodded as he turned to his computer, typing away and performing calculations, until the result on screen caused his jaw to drop.

"Sir... Its... Incredible..." As Kevin stood up from his chair and walked over, he viewed the screen, his jaw opened wide as well, before it formed into a sinister smile, as he turned to his robotics general.

"Ready project savage steel... I want those ponies alive, and Martin DESTROYED!" The general quickly nodded as they entered an elevator and slowly descended down into the robotic wing of the warship, as a massive robotic beast could be seen in containment, as it slowly prowled its containment cell, its true appearance concealed in shadow as the room had little lighting.

The general nodded to his colleagues, signalling them to prepare the war machine for deployment, as a metal dome descended over the beast, entrapping it within an orb as it slowly hovered upwards, being loaded into a railgun like cannon, as it slowly charged up, before firing off a shot right towards the very location martin was standing, which would be aboard the steam train.

Along the railway to canterlot.

As the train sped along the railway to canterlot as a rather steady pace, martin gazed out the window at the landscape, gawking at Equestria's beauty. "This place is fucking beautiful."

Therussianbadger and Heavenly were sitting across from him, as they clinked together two bottles of beer, before they both chugged it, as rarity, who was sitting next to Martin, proceeded to audibly and visibly gag as she witnessed the horrid behavior of the men. "Ugggh, what brutes!"

"SILENCE WENCH." Heavenly said in a booming voice, before Martin straight up SLAPPED him.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP." Badger burst out laughing as Rarity sighed. Meanwhile, on the other side of the train cart, laid a fat italian in a red cap as Fluttershy examined his face, which had a big black eye, while Pinkie poked his fat belly, and detective Dan used an eye glass on the red cap, examining the 'M' on it.

"Oh, I get it, this guys name is M!" Applejack, who was sitting next to him, face hoofed.

"I reckon its probably meant to represent his actual name... What even is it? Fluttershy, can you ask him?" Fluttershy nodded as she spoke to the fat italian.

"May I ask your name mister?"

"Its-a-me, Mario!"

"What a nice name!" As Pinkie pie continued to poke Mario, Skulker, Bing, Grouse, and Twilight were all sitting together, playing poker, as twilight held her cards with her magic.

"Soooooo, how does this work again?" Skulker then played a bruh sound effect on his soundboard, as Bing educated her.

"Ok so-" Before he could finish, a sudden THUD could be heard hitting the ceiling as everyone quickly looked towards the source of the sound, as the ceiling proceeded to break open, as a giant metal ball fell onto the floor, as martin reacted appropriately.

"What the fuck?" As he slowly approached the orb, the top of it blew off in a burst of red energy, as smoke emitted from it, and suddenly, a mechanical beast about as big as the cart itself, slowly emerged from the black pod.

The metal beasts red eyes glared directly at martin, as its mechanical voice spoke. "DESTROY MARTINCITOPANTS."

"Ah shit-" Before he could react, the mechanical beast swatted him to the far back end of the cart, as Rarity ran to assist him while Badger and his friends quickly pulled out their rifles and shotguns, as they fired bullets and shotgun slugs into the beast.


"DEUS VULT, MOTHERFUCKER!" Grouse said as he charged the fucking thing with a broadsword, taking a swing at it before being absolutely BODIED by a claw, almost sent out the window, were it not for twilight catching her with her magic.

"Are you alright!?!"

"WHAT DO YOU THINK LADY?" As he screamed, Skulker played a 'Bruh' sound effect, as Bing grabbed the soundboard, and knocked Skulkers lights out with it.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH THAT BRUH SOUND EFFECT, IM TIRED OF IT!" Badger broke out laughing, despite his life being in danger while he cowered behind cover, as he saw Applejack and Fluttershy hiding across from him, as he formulated a plan.


"AH RECKON!" Applejack then quickly ran out of cover and rapidly charged towards the mechanical beast, as she turned and kicked the beast straight in the head, sending the beasts head into the air, exposing the lower belly of the beast, as Badger took aim and pulled out a damn javelin launcher, firing the rocket right at the beasts exposed underbelly as Applejack dodged out of the way, the beast's under carriage completely decimated, as its internal mechanical bits were exposed, including its power core, as detective Dan pointed out.

"Hey look, that glowy thing might be the big cats power source!" He was currently ducking behind cover clutching his pistol with pinkie pie, who was loading her confetti cannon.

"Then we oughta take it out!" Applejack said as she nodded to badger, who was already loading another rocket. "PINKIE, CAN YA BLIND IT?"

"You betcha!" She said firing a butt load of confetti and cake into the optics of the mechanical beast, as its roared in frustration, when suddenly... FWOOOOOOOOM... Fire bellowed from the mouth of the beast, scorching the now decimated train car as the roof was basically gone at this point, as Twilight conjured a shield to protect her friends from the fire, as the heat nearly singed Applejack's hat and almost set off badgers missile, as he had a look of fear on his face, like he had just seen god. At the end of the cart, martin was currently in agonizing pain.

"AHHHHHH FUCK, IT HURTS!" Rarity was currently trying to heal martin as much as she could, before the frog man stood up, and suddenly from out his pockets, pulled out a machine gun.

"Where in celestias name did you procure that from?"

"I HAVE NO IDEA!" He said unloading bullets into the machine as he screamed, further dis-orienting it as it slowly stepped back, pressing up against the back of the cart. Meanwhile, Mario was still completely un-aware of his situation, until he slowly sat up, and rolled off of the table, hitting the floor and jumping up, as he looked at Fluttershy.

"Hey, imma hungry!" Fluttershy was flabbergasted by the strange mans wanting of food in a time like this, before she had an idea.

"I-ill give you food if you beat that mean metal monster!" Mario's mustache widened, as his glare narrowed at the beast, as he screamed out.

"LEEEEEROOOOOOOOY JEEEEEENKINS!" He said rushing the beast, as he grasped at the face of the mechanical monstrosity, punching its eyes out as it slowly stood up on its feet, while badger took aim at the core.


"DON'T NEED TO TELL ME TWICE, APPLE!" He said launching the missile right towards the heart of the mechanical beast, blowing it to absolute pieces as Mario dropped down, a bit burned, but completely fine. Everyone was breathing heavily, with Fluttershy and rarity on the edge of a heart attack, while badger and applejack did a fist-hoof bump.



"Your not so bad yourself apple girl!"

Meanwhile, martin just appeared confused, as he slowly walked up to see the broken pod the beast came in, seeing a familiar face etched into it, as his brow furrowed, and he took a deep breath. Everyone else knew what was about to happen, as they covered there ears.


And if your wondering where discord was the whole time, he was sitting in his seat just sipping coffee, relishing in the chaos as usual.