• Published 8th Apr 2022
  • 1,323 Views, 52 Comments

Friendship Is Scuffed, Multiverse of Chaos - Stalin with Da Spoon

Ever wanted to know what would happen if martincitopants, Rimmy downunder, TheRussianBadger, SovietWomble, Rubixraptor, detective dan, SMG4, Top gear, and many others wound up in equestria all at once? Well, here you go! The ultimate adventure!

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Act 1, Chapter 5: Destructive Arrival

Canterlot Train Station

The train slowly began to pull into the station, losing speed as it finally came to a halt. Of course, everybody aboard both the train and standing on the platform could see what had happened earlier in one of the carts...

The roof was missing, several bits of metal were strewn about, chairs and tables were scorched, rugs were scratched, and Martin was still in pain.

"Fuck me, that robo tiger was tough." As Twilight Sparkle used her magic to slowly heal martin, Rarity kept inspecting his suit, getting any kind of dirt of it.

"Oh dear, your suit is getting all dirty from this!"

"Ah, don't worry bout it, I got hundreds of spare suits." Rarity was about to question it, but she stopped herself, as she turned to Fluttershy and Discord still tending to the idiotic red plumber.

"So... You like spaghetti?"


"I see..."

"Quite a fan of Italian cuisine, I see."

Meanwhile, Therussianbadger and the gang were busy suiting up with Pinkie and Applejack. Grouse held a M4 assault rifle, Heavenly held a super shotgun from doom, Skulker had a flamethrower, Bing had a grenade launcher, and Therussianbadger had a minigun, as even Pinkie questioned where they got these weapons.

"Where the heck did you get those fancy contraptions?" Heavenly slowly leaned in and whispered into pinkies ear.

"Plot convenience." Pinkie nodded in understanding as Applejack face hoofed. Meanwhile, Detective Dan was busy inspecting the city from a distance through his magnifying glass.

"Yep, thats a city alright!" Bing, grouse, and heavenly burst out laughing at Dan's stupidity, as Martn finally stood up, he walked beside the rest of the gang, and looked towards the city.

"So that's Canterlot?" Twilight sparkle nodded as she answered his question.

"Indeed, its where princess Celestia and Luna reside!"

"I see. Very well then, ladies and gentlemen, let us set off." He said stepping off the train, with everyone else following him, as they walked into the city.

Canterlot Royal Gardens.

In the royal gardens, Rimmy would be standing with Rubixraptor and Sovietwomble, as they watched their soldiers begin to set up shop, pitching tents, building barricades, setting up radio equipment, deploying sandbags and barbed wire, and wheeling in supplies, all thanks to rimmy's zeus powers, as he could spawn in the equipment they needed. Celestia and Luna just watched as the humans worked brutally and efficiently, transforming the gardens into some sort of command center. Then Rimmy proceeded to speak up.

"Hope you don't mind us usin' your gardens as a FOB for a bit, least until we find a better place here." Celestia turned to rimmy and smiled as she nodded.

"Of course, Rimmy, it is alright, you and your people may remain here while we solve the conundrum that has been placed before us... Now, I do hope Twilight arrives soon..." As she said this, a scroll appeared in front of her as she quickly caught it and opened it, the words making her grimace.

Dear Celestia...

We were attacked! Some sort of large metal beast assaulted on our train trip and decimated the cart we were in! It dealt heavy wounds to martin, but luckily, with our powers combined, we managed to destroy the beast. However, martin discovered it originated from someone called... Kevin, as he screamed out in quite an outburst of rage. I will shortly arrive at your palace so martin and his friends may meet you.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

As Celestia sighed in both relief that they survived and fear at them being attacked, Rubixraptor also saw the letter.

"Hmmmm, large metal beast eh? Might be a robot?" Sovietwomble also spoke up.

"Well of course, ya dingus, what else would it be?"

"Fair point." Cyanide then actually said something smart for once.

"So if they got attacked, what if we get attacked? Oh fuck, we boutta get blitzed." Digby then supported Cyanides fears.

"Cyanide is right for once. Your city may be the next target of an attack, whether it be to destroy us or this martin fellow. I highly recommend preparing your forces!" Rimmy, knowing not to take digby's advice lightly, also advised celestia.

"Indeed, your city is a big target for direct assault. No anti-air defenses, no watchtowers, garrisons, or fortifications, nothing to stop a direct assault." Celestia looked to rimmy, understanding the humans worries, and considering he was a man of the military, she did not take his words lightly, then princess Luna decided to take the initiative.

"Very well, I shall have the royal guard be on high alert, we shall be ready!" Then, Princess Luna rushed off inside the castle, heading to ready the guards, as Celestia nodded and looked to Rubix, who made a snarky quote.

"She really does run like the wind, doesn't she?" Meanwhile, Nevil was working on setting up a portable anti air gun with Spartan.

"No, righty tighty, you buffoon!"

"I never graduated okay!"

"YOU DON'T NEED TO GRADUATE, ITS BASIC DAMN KNOWLEDGE!" A couple soldiers laughed at their stupidity, including Rubix, Tails, and Womble, before a lone guardsmen rushed into the gardens.

"Princess Celestia, your student and her friends have arrived!"

Canterlot Square.

The ponies and there human companions were slowly walking through the streets, observing their surroundings, as Detective Dan looked to see a pony wearing a sombrero, and walked over to inspect it.

"My good friend, are you mexican?"

"Uhhhh... No, whats a mexican?"

"Then you cannot be wearing that hat!" Detective dan then tried to wrestle the hat off of the pony, while Discord and Grouse were busy discussing banana prices.

"That is simply absurd, bananas are only a couple bits over here!"

"I know, simply absurd, charging by the pound is bull shit!"

"You really oughta sue whoever started that."

"Bitch, do I look like a lawyer?"

Rairty, Twilight, and Martin were currently staring at the large castle of the city, as Martin was impressed by its scale.

"Yo, holy shit, place is bigger than the hangar back at the space center. You guys know how to build shit. Anyways, I presume princess Celestia is in that castle?" Twilight sparkle nodded in confirmation.

"Indeed, she and her sister, princess Luna live in that castle, and together, they raise both the sun and moon." Martin turned to twilight, wondering how the hell two ponies could control the sun and the moon.

"Okay, how the fuck does that work? That literally defies all laws of gravity and physics, but then again, world of talking magical friendship ponies, no surprise there."

Fluttershy, Mario, and Skulker were feeding some pigeons using some bread crumbs. Well, Fluttershy was doing the feeding, Mario was just eating the crumbs, and Skulker was playing autotuned bird noises, which caused a swarm of pigeons to engulf.

"MFMFMFFFFFMMMM-" Cue him panicing as he was swarmed, with Fluttershy gasping and Mario laughing his ass off.

"Oh dear..."

On the next bench over, Therussianbadger, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were all currently discussing the best type of pie, as Pinkie cried out in anguish.

"You heathens! How dare you talk smack about strawberry pie!"

"Listen here, you little shit, pumpkin pie is and always will be superior in every way."

"As if, apple is by far the best pie!"

"Wanna bet, apple girl?"

"Come at me, pumpkin man!" Cue AJ and Badger pressing their foreheads against each other, before Bing spoke up.

"I personally love pineapple pie myself." Cue Pinkie, AJ, and Badger all looking at Bing, eyes filled with hate, as Badgers eyes glowed blood red as he loaded his shotgun with malicious intent. "AYO CALM DOWN-"

As the gang was peacefully hanging out, or in the case of Badger, Pinkie, and AJ, strangling and beating the shit out of Bing, they heard tire screeching, as a rather shoddy looking aluminum vehicle drove out from around a corner, as it came barreling down the road, as three distinct humans could be seen driving it, and chasing behind it, was Rainbow dash.

"JAMES, HIT THE BRAKES!" Hammond said to James, who was currently wrestling the steering wheel.

"I CAN'T, THERE ON CLARKSON'S SIDE!" James shouted out, as Clarkson looked over confused.

"WHY ARE THEY ON MY SIDE!?!" Clarkson yelled out in anger, in a heavy British accent.

"I DUNNO, YOUR THE ONE THAT BUILT THIS POOR EXCUSE OF AN ELECTRIC CAR!" Speeding behind the three British men, Rainbow dash was still trying to comprehend how they were going faster than her, as she rocketed after them.

"GET BACK HERE, YOU WEIRD APES!" As the metal vehicle approached Martin and the gang, his eyes widened as he yelled out in terror.

"OH SOD IT, GET OUT OF THE WAY." He quickly leaped out of the vehicles path, as did rarity and twilight, Pinkie putting on a helmet as she and the rest of the gang were hiding behind some flower beds, except Mario who was still in the vehicles path.



"STEER AWAY, STEER AWAY!" Hammond screamed as James pulled hard right on the wheel, causing the car to then spin out rapidly, before coming to a stop right in front of the italians face.


As Mario proceeded to faint, the three British men slowly exited the vehicle, only for Hammond to be socked in the face by Rainbow dash.

"OW!" Clarkson and James burst out laughing.

Kevin's Base.

By now, Kevin's warship was now less of a warship and now more of a makeshift base, as the rocky mountains it was surrounded by were slowly drilled out, with bunkers and tunnels being constructed, facilities being built into the sides of the mountains and cliffs surrounding the massive vessel. The ship itself had been expanded upon, its size having increased with its bridge being extended outwards, and several long cables and pipes running out of its bottom, connecting to various defensive turrets and detection systems, and on the top deck of the ship, a makeshift runway was constructed, as a couple aircraft were currently being assembled on deck, as armament was being wheeled around. Inside the ship, there was constant activity, as crews moved back and forth, working diligently with repairs, upgrades, and scans.

Kevin sat in his command chair within the bridge, smiling to himself as he watched his new base take shape. Soon, it would be a grand fortress, a fortress from which he would launch his invasion upon the whole of equestria, and soon, beyond. As operators rushed around him as his chief general stood by his side.

"Sir, the new combat bots are ready." A sinister smile formed across Kevin's face.

"Launch them at once."