• Published 8th Apr 2022
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Friendship Is Scuffed, Multiverse of Chaos - Stalin with Da Spoon

Ever wanted to know what would happen if martincitopants, Rimmy downunder, TheRussianBadger, SovietWomble, Rubixraptor, detective dan, SMG4, Top gear, and many others wound up in equestria all at once? Well, here you go! The ultimate adventure!

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Act 1, Chapter 3: Shenanigans Ensue

Location: Twilight Sparkles Castle, Ponyville.
Time: Evening.

The thoughts rushing through the princess of friendships mind were rapid, chaotic, and filled to the brim with confusion as she was looking upon several bi pedal creatures standing before her alongside her friends, one wearing a business suit and a rainbow frog head, a group of five wearing what appeared to be military gear tied together with rope, and a man dressed in what appeared to be a detectives attire. Before she could even say anything, spike, who was standing right next to her, spoke first.

"All right, who the heck even are you people?" As he said this, twilight nodded, as the well dressed rainbow frog creature stepped forward and spoke.

"Greetings, m'lady, I am mr martincitopants, or martin, if you wish to refer to me as such. This here, is my friend detective dan." He says pointing his strange hand towards the creature in the detective attire, who waves back.

"Im detective dan!" Martin nods, as he turns to point at the five tied up soldiers.

"And this is the russian badger and his mates, heavenly, grouse, bing, and skulker." The russian badger was now fully consious after being knocked out by applejack earlier, as he looked at twilight with pure rage in his eyes.

"Your better fucking let me go before I shove a HEAT round up your ass." Even when skulker was tied up, he could still reach his soundboard, as he played a 'Grrrrrr!' sound effect from clash royale, as grouse and heavenly burst out laughing, with bing sighing.

"Skulker, I swear to fucking god, I will kill you in your sleep."

"Ah would watch my language if I was you!" Bing proceeded to make the only rational response a human could make.

"Fuck you, pony girl." He was then met with a swift hind kick to the face, as he reeled his back. "Didn't hurt." Which was then followed by another kick, as heavenly was laughing his off along with pinkie pie.

"You better shut bing, else that cow girl finna wipe the floor with your ass!" Pinkie pie was now on the floor laughing, as the rest of the badger gang followed suit. Martin, dan, the ponies, and spike, just watched in amusement and confusion wondering what the hell is going. Twilight decided to finally speak as she sat up from her throne.

"So I believe introductions are in order. I am princess twilight sparkle, and these are my friends, applejack,"


"Pinkie Pie."




"And the rest of my friends aren't here yet, but they will be. Now, it is a pleasure to meet you, mr martin, but if I may ask... What exactly... Are you?" Martin opened his mouth to speak, but stopped, having a confused look on his face, as he made sounds of deep thinking.

"I dunno, I am part frog, part kerbal, part human. But what I do know I truly am, is a being of chaos." Right as he said that, as if on cue, laughter started to fill the room, as everyone looked around the room frantically, martin especially spinning around in circles confused as hell, twilight and her friends just sighing from frustration, knowing exactly who it was. "Who the fuck, the fuck, the shit?" As he was busy cursing, detective dan spoke up, as he whipped out his pistol.

"NOBODY MOVE, I AM A SEASONED GHOST HUNTER!" He said firing off his gun into the air, as the badger gang just burst out laughing.

"Bruh, this dude dumb as shit." Heavenly could not contain his laughter, as skulker played a 'Bonk!' sound effect, furthering the gangs laughter. Suddenly, a familiar voice (Or at least familiar to the ponies) spoke out from the darkness.

"Oh ho ho, did someone say... chaos?" On cue, with a puff of smoke, emerged a strange creature, appearing like a mish mash of creatures, as they hovered in the air and looked down upon the strange bi pedal creatures. Cue martin having a fairly common response.

"What in the fuck is that thing?" As he said this, discord teleported right in front of him, studying the creature. "What the shit, get away you weird chimera lookin ass." Discord could not help but chuckle to himself, as detective dan saw discords chicken foot and came to a reasonable conclusion.

"I'm detective dan! And as a master of polutry, I can sufficiently say that its a chicken!" It was then badgers gang completely lost their shit as they brust out laughing even more.

"BRUH, THIS DUDE DUMB AS HELL!" Grouse yelled out loud, with skulker playing the 'Mutahar Laugh' sound effect. Bing then spoke up.

"Okay, seriously, what the fuck are you?" Discord then turned and looked at the masked soldier, quickly approaching him and his gang.

"Why, you can simply call me discord! Reformed master of chaos and disharmony!" Martin had a confused look on his face.

"Fuck you mean by reformed?" Discord then proceeded to explain the entire plot of how he caused chaos in equestria, and how fluttershy reformed him, with martin and all the other humans making collective understanding noises. "Ooooooooooooooooh."

The look on the ponies faces could be described as confused, curious, and slightly terrified all at the time, except pinkie, who just relished in this chaos, and spike just face palmed, as he then spoke up.

"Look, can we figure this out later? Celestia has requested that the humans be brought to canterlot to meet the other humans there." Martin turned, appearing confused at the mention of the other humans.

"Other humans you say? Then we are not the only ones lads." All the other humans nodded in agreement, as twilight sparkle spoke.

"Very well then, we shall take the very next train to canterlot then!"

Location: Fluttershys Cottage.

There are alot of things fluttershy has seen in her days. Shes seen mind controlled ponies, changelings swarms, discord's own special brand of chaos, dragons, shes seen it all. What she hasn't see was a cross eyed fat bipedal creature with blue overalls, a huge mustache, a red cap with an M on it. As she was about to say something, the red hatted being spoke to her.

"Do you have any food?" Fluttershy, confused as to the creature was asking for food, was currently speechless, as the creature slowly observed his surroundings, looking around, until fluttershy finally had the courage to speak.

"U-u-ummmmmmmm, yes, I... Have some... Pie left over." As soon as fluttershy mentioned pie, the creatures mustache enlarged, as its mouth opened wide, its eyes bulging out of its head as its nose extended to impossible length, before it got down on the ground, making loud sniffing sounds like a dog as it hunted for the remnants of the pie, until it finally found said pie, as it sucked it into its mouth like some sort of vortex. Fluttershy's mouth was open wide, unsure how react to this strange creature, until it spoke again.

"Im a gonna fly for you!" It then jumped right out the window, as fluttershy quickly looked to see it running towards the ponyville. Firguing this strange creature was her responsibility, she gave chase, a sense of anxiety quickly taking over.

"Oh dear...."

Canterlot Royal Palace Dining Hall

Gathered around the table, would be a large group of humans, all of them still in their military uniforms, as they sat and ate, while at the far end, rimmy, rubix raptor, soviet womble, digby, cyanide, nevil, and edberg, were conversing with the two princesses of equestria.

"So let me get this straight, you two rule this kingdom in a diarchy?" Rubix asked celestia and luna, as they both nodded. "Cool." He then got back to eating his dinner, as rimmy asked the next question.

"Tell me celestia, you got a mighty fine kingdom, but hows ya military? Couldn't help but notice your soldiers out there have nothin but spears and swords." Celestia looked at luna awkwardly, before turning back to rimmy.

"We believe that with the magic of friendship, a military is not needed. Those guards are simply the protectors of the palace." Rimmy nodded, not being surprised that talking rainbow ponies valued the magic of friendship, but then womble asked his own question.

"Don't you ever get attacked? You got any enemies?" Celestia thought about his question for a bit, being unsure of how to respond.

"Well yes... But using friendship and the elements of harmony, we managed to pacify them!" Digby seemed intrigued by the mention of these 'elements of harmony'.

"Are these elements some sort of powerful superweapon?" Celestia seemed confused, as luna just shrugeed.

"Goodness no! The elements of harmony are what helps bring friendship to all!" Cyanide audibly gagged when he heard this.

"Hoo boy, your people would not last in our world." He was then slapped by nevil. Celestia placed a hoof on her head, feeling a large amount of stress flowing through her. Just what the hay brought these humans here? Suddenly, a scroll from spike was dropped onto the table, as celestia quickly opened it with her horn and read it.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I cannot even begin to describe the strange properties of the creatures my friends have encountered. The only thing they have in common is that they are all bi pedal, speak our language, and are quite chaotic. I shall bring them to canterlot along with my friends so you may meet them.

As celestia finished reading it, rimmy looked inquisitively.

"What did it say, madam?"

"Oh, its a letter from princess twilight sparkle, my friend and student. She says that there are more like at her castle in ponyville..." All the humans look surpised at what she said, quite confused. Rubix was especially concerned.

"How is that possible? I mean, we just saw a vortex and went through it... So maybe..." Digby then spoke up.

"Perhaps others have done the same." Everyone then realized there could tons of people from other worlds in equestria right now. This was going to become chaotic real quick.

Location: Kevin's Warship.

Compared to the original state of the warship when it first crashed into the mountain range of equestria, the ship was currently doing much better off, as much of the damage on all decks had been repaired, with the external hull being patched, and all the fires onboard being fully extinguished. Within bridge command center as men rushed around the room, typing at computers, turning knobs and dials, running calculations, carrying stacks of paper, and operating radios. In the center of the room, in his control seat, sat the dictator of his empire. The legendary, the infamous, Kevin as he observed his crew doing their work, before a notification popped up on the screen within his arm chair, as he pressed it, and a holo screen appeared in front of him, displaying close up photos of ponyville, taken by the drones he had dispatched, as they included several photos of the town central square, one including, some sort of detective, a bunch of soldiers typed up, some ponies, and... His teeth clenched, his fists clenched, as his anger bubbled up, eventually bursting out in a primal roar of rage that echoed throughout equestria, all the way to the badlands...