• Published 26th May 2022
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Sunset in the gods - red-sun

Queen Luna, tired of serving the gods, has decided to start a rebellion against the authority of the gods.

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Act 0 – The Rebel Queen – Chapter 1

In a market in the middle of the great Equestria capital city of Canterlot, it was always a very noisy place. But today there was silence, because in the middle of the market there is a hooded man with a big hump walking directly towards the castle.

The people opened the way for him because they knew very well who he is. His name is Sacred Voice the messenger of the gods.

“Canterlot has grown a lot since the last time I was here.” Sacred Voice said with a rough voice. “But still a nice place.” He says as he continues on his way to the castle.

In the great hall, the Queen Luna is seated on the throne while the rest of her entourage is around her.

Sacred Voice enters and shows a twisted smile. "Queen Luna... I finally found her... heh... how tired I am... certainly the work of a messenger is very hard... I have walked consecutively for thirty days without a single moment of rest with the mission of deliver a message to you in person.” Sacred Voice laughs a little. "It's a message from the council of gods... please make sure you pay close attention..."

"Speech." Queen Luna said coldly from her throne.

“For over a thousand years, Equestria has served the gods and their contributions have been many. However, since you came to the throne, it seems that the will of the country has waned. The gods have begun to doubt her determination to serve them...”

At this time Sacred Voice takes out a scroll from her back. “But, this can be remedied... On this map is the location of a new excavation site. Her majesty, please do your best and fulfill the wishes of the gods...”

Sacred Voice hands the scroll to a servant who then brings the scroll to Queen Luna. The queen opens the scroll and stares at it.

After seeing the scroll, Queen Luna stares at Sacred Voice. “Dig another new hole? Every year we invest thousands of men and women in this type of task... how do you expect us to sacrifice lives that we no longer have just to follow the will of the gods?”

"It's true. However, for Equestria not to lack manpower to work with, I'm sure she could take them from other countries. She would have the full support of the gods." He suggests Sacred Voice.

At that moment Queen Luna frown taught. "Are you saying that... the gods are ordering me to attack other countries to confiscate all her resources and enslave people to continue working in her mines?"

"Heh heh... he understood quickly queen. With her army and the support of the gods, I assure you that she will be able to defeat all the countries she invades in one fell swoop. This is a fabulous opportunity, you will become the founder of a powerful dynasty that will reign over an entire empire, and you will be able to place a vast population under the will of the gods.”

After Sacred Voice tells the queen that, the throne room is silent, no one said anything, everyone waiting for the queen's response to her.

"Ha ha ha...!" Everyone in the tone room was stunned by an unexpected laugh from her queen, the special Sacred Voice.

When the queen finishes laughing she says “For more than a thousand years since the founding of Equestria, my predecessors served the gods… they strove to fulfill their wishes while the country tried to live in harmony, and for what reason exactly? I really don't understand."

“I am quite puzzled, humans fear gods, there is no need for such disrespect. Each of your predecessors faithfully fulfilled their duties, they did so to the best of their abilities, am I sure you would not want to betray the legacy of your ancestors?” Says the messenger.

“My predecessors failed to give me a reason. I will not follow the same path.” Then Queen Luna burns the parchment in front of the entire court and the messenger. “Equestria has lived too long wearing the mantle of servitude to the gods, but from this day on they will live their own lives, go Sacred Voice!! Thirty days of travel await you to report this to the gods!!”

“Queen Luna, please reconsider… the gods will not allow such an offense. If she recants now, she will still be a good ruler… if not, what awaits her is destruction.”

"It's decided, there's no point in continuing to talk, go away! tell the gods to unleash their wrath!”

While this was happening, in the corner of the throne room, a red-haired girl was watching this whole scene happen with a look of sadness in her eyes and she whispered. "So this is the path you chose."

In one of the towers of the Cantrelot castle was the same red-haired girl, her name was Sunset Shimmer, the crown princess of Equestria. "It's a beautiful night, isn't it true mother." At that moment a woman with long, multicolored hair appears, wearing a light leather armor, which allowed her to have more mobility, although she did not carry any sword. Her name was Celestia, sister of Queen Luna and also the most powerful warrior in Equestria.

"Yes, it is indeed a beautiful night." says Celestia.

"How have you been these months mother?"

"Those were days of walking aimlessly, I'm just a simple nomad."

“A simple nomad? You are the most powerful swordswoman in existence. There are always stories of your exploits.”

"You can retire Velvet." She tells her maid that she accompanied her. "Do you know what you have to do?"

"Yes my lady" then the maid bows and leaves.

"Equestria will fall soon," Celestia says with a sad look. “Did you see this future with your power of divination?”

"This was a possible future... and yes, I told Aunt Luna what could happen if she continued this war." She says sadly.

“Did you tell her what would happen if she didn't? Did you tell her what would happen if she kept obeying the gods?"

"Yes." Sunset begins to gaze at the city walls, and then at the horizon where she can see in the distance the army of the Crystal Kingdom approaching. "I wonder how Princess Cadance is doing?" She sighs and looks at her adoptive mother and tells her. “If Luna had obeyed the command of the gods, in five years Equestria would become an empire. In seven years she would achieve absolute dominance of the known world, and in eight years…” Sunset falls silent.

“what happens next?” Celestia asks. And then he notices the face of fear and sadness of her daughter. "My little sun, what did you see that scares you and makes you so sad?" She asks him worried about her daughter.

"Void". She simply answers. "Every time I try to see the future, I don't see anything, I can't see anything beyond twenty years" she replied sadly. “But when Luna one day said as a joke that I should fight against the gods, for an instant I saw something, and I couldn't stay silent and I told her...” Sunset was on the verge of tears, so Celestia hugged her.

"Sunset... you're just a girl... you shouldn't carry that weight." as Celestia hugs her daughter, Sunset begins to cough. "You are tired, your body has made too much effort... you must rest, daughter."

Then Celestia looks at her daughter and tells her. “I can get you out of here... I know your body is a bit weak for the journey. But we can find a place, live together as a family, you just have to ask and I…” Then Sunset puts two fingers to her mother's lips to stop her talking.

"Please, you came back from your trip to help Luna, not to rescue me mother." At that moment Celestia separates from her daughter to go to battle, but before she goes she looks at her daughter and asks her.

"After tonight... in your visions, after the battle... will we meet again?"

Sunset puts on a sad smile. "You will see me again." then Celestia smiles and continues on her way. When Celestia disappeared from her sight she whispered. "but I will be the one who will not see you again mother"

Just outside of Canterlot, a man in heavy silver armor, with black hair. He was the King Sombra, king of the crystal kingdom, at that moment he was standing on top of a hill he was looking at the walls of Canterlot.

"There is Canterlot, the capital of Equestria... the atmosphere of blood can already be felt in the air." The King Sombra whispers.

“Congratulations, King Sombra… this will be his victory night! You have obeyed the decree of the gods, and led a crusade against the rogue queen and shown true loyalty.”

"Heh... Sacred Voice, I'm just replacing the queen of equestria as the new servant of the gods."

“That's not the proper way to put it. You follow the wish of the gods, but you also command people. After all, you are one of the highest ranking rulers.”

“I just want the gods to keep their promise. Once I'm done."

"What the gods promised will be granted." Sacred Voice answers seriously.

At that moment, a girl with pink skin, long hair with pink, purple and yellow lines comes out on a float. Her name was Mi Amore Cadenza, Crown Princess of the Crystal Kingdom. “Uncle Sombra. Is the battle going to start already?"

King Sombra did not like the idea of bringing his niece into the battlefield, but she insisted because she wanted to make sure Princess Sunset Shimmer, her personal friend, was not harmed. "Yes, niece, I'll give the order to start shortly... and don't worry, I'll make sure they don't hurt Princess Sunset Shimmer."

"Thank you very much uncle."

At that moment King Sombra puts on a crown-shaped helmet and goes to where his soldier is “Warriors of the Crystal Kingdom!! You have traveled thousands of miles leaving your homes behind. Do you know what this place is in front of you? It's Canterlot, the capital of Equestria! It is one of the richest lands in the world, a land full of gold and priceless treasures. That and more lies before you, just a few more steps and you can take it all...” at that moment the shadow king raises his sword. “And then what will they do?!”

“WE WILL TAKE IT ALL!!” All the soldiers shout.

The war against Equestria lasted six months, when Queen Luna opposed the mandate of the gods, then the duty to destroy Equestria passed to the current king of the crystal kingdom who received the support and blessing of the gods.

Both sides engaged in a bloody battle where the Equestrian soldiers ended up being forced back.

With unstoppable power, the soldiers of the crystal kingdom arrived at Canterlot.

In the middle of the city, Queen Luna wore a black light metal armor and rode her horse towards the city gates. Behind her was followed what was left of her army.

At that moment, Celestia appeared in front of Luna. "Won't you say goodbye to Sunset, dear sister?"

When the soldiers saw the scene they began to murmur.

“She is the elder sister of the queen. Did you hear what happened to her?"

"Yes... when she renounced the right to the throne she went on a journey, she became a renowned swordswoman."

"But she doesn't carry a sword"

"She doesn't need it"

"It is said that she is one of the few mortals with the ability to kill a god."

And the whispers of the soldiers continued.

Luna smiles when she sees Celestia. "I knew you would come back to fight by my side dear sister."

Celestia smiles too. "Or maybe he came back to kill you and present your head to the gods and end this war."

"You wouldn't do that, we both hate gods."

“Yes, I hate the gods, but I care about the lives of the people of Equestria. When she gave up the throne and I went on a trip, I asked you to promise one thing. That you protect Equestria and the people of it. But right now, Equestria is in danger and the people of it are on the verge of annihilation. What do you have to say in your defense?"

Luna sighs and stares at Celestia. “If Equestria continued to be dominated by the gods, it wouldn't matter if it was a hundred, two hundred, or just 'twenty', it would still be a meaningless existence. I don't care what others think, I can't bear to serve a power that sees us as slaves. If you still think that I should give in to this, then kill me right now.”

"You haven't changed a bit sister." and Celestia smiles. “You will die, you know?”

"Let cowards rejoice in life" Luna said, and she kept marching in front of her army.

At the main gate of Canterlot the battle was fierce, but the armies of Equestria stood their ground.

“Hehe… crystal realm soldiers are certainly powerful. After tonight, King Sombra will take a big step for his ambition.” Sacred Voice said.

As Sombra watches the battle he tells Sacred Voice. "I haven't seen any reinforcements from the gods yet."

“King,Sombra I am only a messenger from the gods. It is very difficult to discern the thoughts of the gods... normally they are not interested in wars between humans. Don't worry though, I'm sure reinforcements will show up when they're needed, just like they did when Equestria was still loyal. After all, the wish of the gods is that the Queen Luna be defeated.”

"The only target is Queen Luna?" Sombra asks.

"Yes. Queen Luna who dared to oppose the gods. She must die... and it must not be a quick death...”

As Sacred Voice spoke, Sombra noticed something, the gates of the city were opening. And at that moment the Canterlot cavalry left the city with Queen Luna leading the attack and destroying everything in her path.

As always Luna was always reckless, she emerged as the spearhead of her cavalry and defeated a large number of my soldiers. “Archers, shoot the cavalry!!” Sombra shouts to a group of archers, but nothing happens. When she looks where his archer should be she is surprised at what he sees.

Where a company of archers was ready to attack, they were all dead by decapitation, while Celestia calmly advanced between the enemy soldiers.

A group of soldiers runs to attack Celestia but before she can get any closer, the soldiers feel a gust of air and their heads fall as Celestia continues walking calmly.

“King Sombra!! It's been a while since the last time we saw each other! How about being the new pet of the gods?" Luna yells from her horse.

“Queen Luna!! You know very well why I do this! If you want to stop serving the gods, I won't criticize it, but now the gods have ordered me to destroy Equestria and kill you!” yells shadow.

Then Luna rides straight towards Somba "King Sombra, I'm coming for you!"

And Sombra pulls the sword out of him. “Queen Luna, I am waiting for you!”

Suddenly a huge black cloud forms in the sky and a sphere falls from the cloud.

"King Sombra, stop this instant, the reinforcements have arrived" Sacred Voice tells him while smiling.

A sphere falls in front of Luna stopping her ride.

"What is that sound?" says a soldier.

"The whole earth is shaking!" yells another soldier.

"I'll take care of it" a voice is heard in the smoke that left the sphere to crash. When the smoke dissipates, an incredibly muscular man appears, with red skin, black eyes, with two bull horns on his head, the man is almost two meters tall and only wears pants.

"Heh... it's time to execute the command of the gods." says Sacred Voice.

"So they're here" Luna says seriously, ready to attack

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