• Published 26th May 2022
  • 834 Views, 14 Comments

Sunset in the gods - red-sun

Queen Luna, tired of serving the gods, has decided to start a rebellion against the authority of the gods.

  • ...

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Act II – Fallen Gods – Chapter 17

Sonata was finishing putting the utensils for the meal while smiling with happiness, she didn't always have the opportunity to have dinner with her sisters and now they had been living together for a month.

“Sisters! The dinner is ready!" Sonata shouted.

“You don't have to say it so loudly, we were in the next room.” Aria growled.

“Let Sonata scream all she wants, after all she made this beautiful house for us.” Adagio said.

“You don't have to flatter me after all, I just used the designs you showed me.” Sonata answers happily.

“I guess only you could have thought of this kind of elegant design... I'm surprised you haven't ordered a gold statue.” She said with a roll of her eyes. “Sonata, are you sure you're not trying too hard to maintain all this?”

“I’m not even making an effort.” She answered the mermaid happily as she brought the food. “This house won't start to fade until after a month.”

“Just sit down and eat, soon we will all have to go back to our routines, let's just take advantage of this dinner that Sonata worked so hard to prepare.”

“Hopefully your cooking has improved, sister.” Aria said with a small smile.

“I have been practicing, my disciples have been helping me.” Sonata responded with a pout.

“disciples? Hadn't your aura school closed?” The older Mermaid asked in surprise.

"Yeah...". She said a little sadly. "They closed the building, Starswirl and the other pillars say that I am no good for educating the masses... but that only means that I cannot have more than five students independently." Then he smiles again and sits down. “But let's not talk about small failures that almost crumbled a society and let's start eating.”

“Wait!” The older sister exclaimed. "Aria?".

“I already washed my hands, why don't you say anything to Sonata?”

“She was the first one I told.”

"It's true". The younger sister says while showing her clean hands.

The sisters began to eat while they continued talking, laughing, they even argued a little, but you could feel the joy of the reunion.

“I finished first! I'm going for dessert!" The younger mermaid said as she stood up.

“Will this girl ever grow up?” Aria said.

“Do you want dessert too?” Adagio asks.


At that moment Sonata returned with three glasses of ice cream. “Thank you for the ice Dagi, without you I could never have prepared this.”

“Anything for my little sister.” She said as they began to eat her dessert.

“Adagio, I was finally able to finish the list you asked me for.” Aria said as she ate.

“Excellent, I knew I could trust you.”

“What listing?” Sonata asked.

“Some gods that are Adagio's competition... or were they the guys you disliked?”

“It's not fair, there are aura masters that I dislike and you won't let me kill them.”

"They were the competition, it was nothing personal, with them out of the way I can become the next candidate for leader of the water faction and with that position I can have more influence in the land of the gods." Then Aria and Sonata stare at Adagio. “Maybe I didn't like one or two of them, but that was just a happy coincidence.”

“But the current leader of the water faction is still alive.” Sonata said.

"Not anymore". And both sisters look at Aria. “I ran into it by accident, doesn't that alter your plan?”

Adagio hugs Aria. “You are my new favorite sister.”

"What about me? I built a house and made dinner.”

“Sorry, I got carried away.”

After finishing eating dessert the sisters begin to say goodbye. “I have to go back, the Supreme King hasn't stopped asking for a report from my clan.”

“Don't worry, you have to see what All Master's temper is like when someone fails.”

“You guys are lucky, I have to put up with The Pillars.”

Then the three sisters left the elegant house, the house was in the middle of what was a battlefield and there were also three camps, one of demons, another of gods and the last of humans, but they did not attack each other, because they are the most reliable and loyal subordinates of the mermaids.

“I guess we won't see each other until the next incurtion.” Sonata said a little sad.

"Actually it's Aria who should be sad, at least you and I can manage to meet."

“Don't worry Sonata, Adagio has a plan and it may be very long term but if everything goes well we can be together again and nothing will ever be able to separate us…”



"...nothing will ever be able to separate us…"

"Did you say something?" Timber asked.

“I was just remembering something.” Aria responded.

Gloriosa looked at the burning camp as she waited for all the Fallen to gather at the agreed upon area.

“I think we've waited long enough.” Timber said. “We just have to accept the fact that we may be the only ones left.”

“We have to hurry or else they will realize that we all gathered together so we could all be together instead of dispersing.” Aria said.

"She's right, when they realize that no one has tried to escape individually, they will realize that we all tried to escape together." Fluttershy said.

“It will be more difficult now.” Double Diamond said. “The gods have regrouped into larger squads and blocked all possible large escape routes.”

"They are many?" Groriosa asked.

“There are too many... I think more than half of us left will die if we try to leave by force... what if we form small groups and disperse?”

"It will not work". Gloriosa said. “The original plan was for us all to group up and then Wallflower would use his divine power so we could all escape unnoticed but…” The goddess looks at where a very badly injured green goddess was. “Our healers can heal her wounds but cannot recharge divine powers.”

While everyone was discussing how they were going to escape Rarity talks to Fluttershy. “The others have already taken a while.”

Fluttershy knew that by 'others' she meant Sunset and her group. "They are well".

"How are you so sure?"

“I was watching the fight the whole time.” Then a small dark bird approaches and enters Fluttershy's shadow. "Now they are Scorpan's prisoners and that is why they are under his protection... for now."

“Do you know what he's going to do with them?”

"Yes..." The shy goddess responded. "And as soon as we finish what we have to do with Ceberus, I promise you that we will go to rescue them, but now we must escape."

"You are crazy!" The conversation was interrupted by Gloriosa's screams. “Do you realize that that is where the enemy has reinforced itself the most?!”

“Yes, but due to the current situation we will have to take risks.” Aria said.

“Do you think we can do it?” Timber asked.

“Yes, but I will need you two to accompany me and not tell anyone what is going to happen.”

“I learned that you are from the Water Faction.” A god asked one of his soldiers.

“Yes sir, I hope that is not a problem.” The other god responded.

"Don't worry, although I am from the Fire Faction, my mother was from the Water Faction."

“It's funny, my father was from the Fire Faction.”

“I hope the other soldiers haven't bothered you.”

“They didn't bother me, plus they told me that the discrimination has softened compared to how things were after the Wave War two hundred years ago.”

“As long as you are a good soldier, I am not going to discriminate against you... Also, a third of the soldiers here are from the Water Faction... can I get one question right?” The god's look showed that he didn't care. “Is it true that when you have your divine revelation you have to go see her...?”

“The leader of the rebellion? The cause of the Wave War? “The former leader of the Water Faction?” After a pause of silence the god responds. “Yes, it is assumed that this way we will not forget the consequences of opposing the council of the gods, it is incredible that she has not yet completely turned into stone.”

Both gods laugh while they are enjoying the conversation they have until...

“Do you think they'll stop by here?” A god asks.

"I don't think so, this may be the largest area for a large group to escape but most of the forces that did not participate in the attack are here which would make it crazy to pass through here."

“someone is coming!” shouts a god.

"How many are they?"

“There are three of them, it seems like they are giving up.”

“Excellent, the priestess Cinsh ordered that if we could we capture them alive.”

“Why do we have to come alone?” Timber asked.

“Because what I'm going to do must be kept a secret and I think I can trust you two.” Aria responded.

“It better work, because this is the area with the most enemy soldiers.” Gloriosa said nervously.

Then the three are surrounded by hundreds of enemy soldiers.

“I hope your plan works.” Tinber said.

“To be honest I would say it's actually a gamble.” Aria said. “Just stay on your guard.”

One of the gods who seemed to be the leader approaches. “I guess they are coming to surrender?”

“We come to negotiate.” Timber responded.

“Do you know that you are not in a position for a negotiation? The area is surrounded by an entire army.” The god responded.

"It's true but... If you continue like this many gods on both sides will die, I'm just trying to negotiate a peaceful surrender without chaos so that no more lives are lost." Gloriosa said.

The god hesitated a little but thought that if he had the opportunity to end everything peacefully then it was better to take advantage of the opportunity. “They will come with us but first everyone hand over their weapons.”

Timber and Gloriosa drop their swords and Aria takes off a belt full of knives.

“Who needs so many knives?” One of the gods asked.

“I don't need them, but using them makes things more fun.” Aria responded.

As they continued walking, the three noticed that there were hundreds of gods armed and ready to stop those who tried to escape by any means.

“I see they put too much effort into this attack.” Aria said a little surprised.

"Yeah". One of the soldiers said. “As soon as it was known where the Fallen were, everyone who was available had to be mobilized.”

“You seem nice.” Aria said. “Just out of curiosity... are we in the center of their army?”

“I wouldn't call it an army but yes, that means it will be impossible for you to escape.”

“Don't worry, the truth is that I would like you to not be able to escape.” Aria said with a smile as she disappeared from her human disguise returning to her demonic form.

All the gods were surprised by what they saw, the older gods could not believe it while the younger gods had never seen a demon.

"This will be fun". Aria said and started singing. “♪Aaaaaaaaaah~ Haaaaaaaaa~ Aaaaaaahhhh~ Aaaaaaaah~♪ ♪Aaaaaaaaaah~ Haaaaaaaaa~ Aaaaaaahhhh~ Aaaaaaaah~♪

One of the gods made a fiery sword appear. “I don't know what this means but…” the god couldn't finish speaking because he was stabbed in the back. "what's the meaning of this?" He said barely as he saw an ice sword pierced his chest, when he saw his attacker it turned out to be a god of the Water Faction. "Because?" He asked before falling to the ground.

The god of the Water Faction only saw his companion die and whispered. “For the glory of Adagio.”

Gloriosa and Timber couldn't believe what they were seeing, whatever Aria had done caused everyone from the Water Faction to treacherously attack the other gods.

“You two, don't just stand there and stare.” Aria said. “We may have had the surprise factor but they can reorganize quickly, it would be better if we helped.” She says with a smile, then a god of the water faction with a bow returns the knives to Aria.

“Your weapons my lady.” The god said respectfully.

Aria unsheathes one of the knives and throws it, killing a god, she unsheathes another one. She only gave an order. “Let none escape!”

After the battle ended Timber and Gloriosa were lying on the ground tired and still surprised by the simple fact that a god bowed down to a demon.

“You two should get up and go look for the others, we don't know when the enemy will notice that something happened here.” Aria told them as she cleaned the blood from her knives.

“How do you insist?” Gloriosa asked.

“How did I do what?” Aria asked.

“How did you do all this?!” Timber shouted.

Aria smiled cockily. “You should know that I have participated in all the Demonic incursions.”, this battle was just… I can't even really call it a battle.”

“They outnumbered us!” Timber yelled but then he tried to calm down.

“What my brother and I are trying to say is…” Gloriosa tries to think of how to ask.

“My sister lent them to me, the truth is that I never thought she would use them but there is always a first time.” Aria responded knowing what they were referring to.

“Aria, no faction would obey the orders of a demon without hesitation, and how can you be the sister of a god? Especially the current leader of the Water Faction?” Gloriosa questioned.

"The current leader is a facade, the leader of the Water Faction has not changed in the last five hundred years."

“But five hundred years ago the leader of the faction was…” Then Timber realizes something. “Is your sister Adagio Dazzle the one who was considered the strongest water goddess in our history and who almost sank the land of the gods during the Wave War?”

“That's Dagi, always trying to get attention... I want you to understand something, I brought you both here because you are the best warriors available, that way we could have the advantage in the battle, neither All Master nor the Council of the Gods must know that the Water Faction is still loyal to my sister." She said in a threatening tone. "As for my sister being a goddess...maybe one day she will tell him the story...or maybe not."

“I better go look for the others so I can escape.” She said Gloriosa that she is still surprised by what happened.

Scorpan brings a cart with a cage and tells his prisoners to enter.

“It won't be a long trip, but maybe we'll make some stops.” Scorpan told them.

Twilight had stopped Sunset's bleeding while Shining Armor helped the others into the cage.

"You have the potential to be great warriors." Scorpan said. "Soon I will make sure that you all become more powerful... or die trying."

As they entered the cages Flash asks the god. "What do you want from us?"

Scorpan looks at Flash and then looks at Sunset, who is still unconscious. "I want a definitive death." While he smiles maniacally.

End of act – II

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