• Published 26th May 2022
  • 834 Views, 14 Comments

Sunset in the gods - red-sun

Queen Luna, tired of serving the gods, has decided to start a rebellion against the authority of the gods.

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Act I – Slaves – Chapter 8

The bells of the mines rang as usual to wake up all the slaves. As always, water and a piece of bread were distributed to them every morning, but that morning the ration was a little larger than normal. Sunset told the group of slaves in charge of preparing the food, to use all the sacks of flour, that they were not going to take any more to the surface camp.

When Sunset finished eating he joined the other foremen to give the weekly report to Filthy Rich, usually Filhy would go down to the mines to meet with the foremen, but since 'the beasts' began to appear, the guards suggested that he go to the meetings on the surface. Which was convenient for Sunset's plans. Since he was prevented any slave from leaving the mines, but the overseers were an exception given the current situation.

At all meetings Sunset and the foremen observed the surroundings. They tried to study the area, see the behavior of the guards and know the location of their target... Diamond Tiara.

"Boss forewoman... there goes the objective". One of the foremen whispers to Sunset.

Diamond Tiara always went out at the same time in the morning so she could play 'hunt', before the beast's rampage started, the spoiled little girl also went out to play in the mines disturbing all the slaves.

"Shining, Big Mac, are you ready?"

"We just wait for the order."


“There are two costumes of beasts where a small hiding place was dug... make sure you tie the girl well and leave the place well hidden... I don't have to tell you that it took us months to dig out that hiding place without the guards noticing... We'll make sure no one notices you're not here but you'll have to be quick before they do."

Meanwhile in a bush two shadows stalked the girl.

When the guards returned with a dead hare. "Miss, here is her prey..." Then the guards noticed that Diamond Tiara was not where she had stayed. "Miss? Where is she? ”. Before they know it, both guards are attacked from behind and knocked out.

"Weeks of planning and it turns out she's pushing the guards away for us!"

“Eeyup”. Bic Mac says as he carries an unconscious Diamond Tiara on her back.

“I feel cheated”.


"Let's quickly take the girl to the hideout, I don't think she'll wake up for a long time, I'll find something to cover the hole and we can get back to the others quickly, make sure she's well tied up... When the guards regain consciousness they'll raise the alarm ”. Shining said as she took off her costume.”

While at Filthy Rich's mansion, Sunset and the other foremen waited for Filthy to join them for the weekly report. “why is it taking so long? In general, the gentleman is very punctual”. One of the foremen complained.

"He must be in another meeting with the imperial princess." Another foreman answers.

Hearing that, Sunset gets nervous. "Did you suspect something boss?"

"Don't worry, just hoping everything goes well." What she really worried about was the fact that the princess knew the other Sunset and that she might recognize her. As she tried to calm down she felt something strange and familiar. Something similar to magic but at the same time it was not magic. That feeling came from the room next door, Sunset stopped to try to see what that feeling was, luckily she didn't have guards in the room since they were used to the foremen coming for meetings.

Sunset opens the door a little to see what was going on and is surprised at what she sees.

Filthy Rich was sitting on the floor and had the palm of his hands together and separated them little by little. Between his two palms a small whirlpool of air formed and small particles of dust formed in the whirlpool, then he brought his hands together again, making the small whirlpool disappear. Which surprised Sunset.

"Did you see it?" Filthy asked.

"Yes". Answers the princess who was in the same room observing.

“That is the aura of materialization. It works by manipulating the illusory air around us and condensing it into different shapes. The condensed air will appear in different forms, it can be in the form of any tool, you can even create an elemental aura. If you are able to reach the pinnacle of this technique, the materialization aura will take the form you most desire."

"I also heard that from my godmother Chrysalis, but she doesn't seem to know the nuances of the technique." The princess answers.

"Unlike humans, the gods were born with incredible power and strength, they would not even bother trying to find out the details of the materialization aura, humans are born without power, that means we have to strengthen ourselves from scratch."

"How powerful can you get to be an aura master?" The princess asks seriously.

“The truth is that those who have mastered the technique are capable of fighting at the level of lesser gods. However, it is very rare to find a master of this technique, since the practitioner himself must have mental vision and must be able to detect how the air flows in the surroundings, though an ordinary human can gain the vision and abilities with some practice. But they can only learn if taught by an aura master. Although there are also people who are born with innate talent and become self-taught. Regarding you princess we will have to check if you have the talent or not”.

“Did any master go to the level of a great god?”

Filthy is silent for a moment. "...Yes...seven to be precise."

"The seven great masters of the materialization aura..." Cadence whispered.

“Yes, the pillars. Although it is believed that all died during the purge.

"Thank you for sharing this knowledge with me, Mr. Filthy Rich."

Sunset paid attention to everything Filthy Rich had said to Cadence. He was surprised by the fact that he existed something similar to magic, since since she came to the human world Sunset almost lost his connection with his magic. She knew that she was still within herself, but she had no access to it, and now that she knew of the existence of such a power, he had to find a way to learn how to use it.

"What are you listening?" A voice said scaring Sunset. When she saw where she was coming from she saw a seven year old girl dressed in rags. Sunset saw that the girl is a slave. She had grayish-blue skin and a short, light amaranth-colored hair.

“What are you doing here? No slave can leave the mines without authorization... ”Sunset noticed that she was scaring the girl so she tried to calm her down. "What's your name girl?"

"My name is Ocellus... the princess went down to the mines and she told me that she had a special job for me." The girl replied shyly.

"The princess?" Then Sunset remembered the rumor of children disappearing wherever the princess and goddess visited. Sunset didn't want anything to happen to the girl, but the plan was already underway and she didn't want to hesitate. She tried to put on her best smile to calm Ocellus down. "Don't worry... just do what they tell you."

"Don't worry chief foreman... I will do my best to be useful". Ocellus says before walking away.

Then Sunset notices that Shining and Big Mac have returned. She then walks up to them to ask how they got on with her assignment.

"There was no problem... it was easier than I thought." Shining replied. "We also left claw marks to make it look like an animal appeared and took off its shoes so we could put up red herrings and buy more time." She said as she showed the object. "It would seem that the beast is also on the surface." Shining said sarcastically.

Then a guard runs into the room where Filthy Rich and the princess were.

"Looks like the guards we knocked out woke up earlier than expected."

“Did they hide the girl well?” Sunset asked.


"Okay... now let's wait and see how she reacts."

At that moment Filthy Rich leaves the room where he was to speak with the foremen. Luckily the princess didn't go with him which relieved Sunset because she believed that she was going to recognize her.

"Is something wrong sir?" Asked a foreman feigning concern.

"The beast kidnapped my daughter!" Filthy Rich scream altered. “Right now I'm calling all the mine guards to help look for her in the woods! I want all of you to go back to the mines and tell all the slaves to look for the beasts' lair in the mines! that's an order!!"

Sunset had never seen Filthy Rich so angry, she had to be careful not to provoke him, so Sunset talks to the other foremen to tell them to go back to the mines. She then calls Shining Armor. “I need you to bring a slave girl I just saw. She is called Ocellus”. Shining obeys and goes to search the girl immediately.

When Shining finds the girl, he calls her. "You're Ocellus right?"

“Yes...” she answers nervously. "Are you one of the foremen?"

"Yes, the chief foreman sent me to look for you so that you can return to the mine."

"What are you doing here?" Princess Cadence suddenly appeared.

"Mr. Filthy Rich ordered all the slaves to return to the mines." Shining Armor replied as she tilted her head.

"Leave her here, the goddess Chrysalis wants to see the girl." The princess replied.

“May I know when she will return? She still has work to do."

"Give the job to someone else, you won't need the girl anymore." Then the princess takes Ocellus's hand to lead her to the goddess.

Shining Armor had also been hearing the rumors of missing children, the guards never stopped talking about it. Then he nervously thought that maybe it was some sort of tribute to the goddess.

“When am I going to go back to work?” Ocellus asked.

"Don't worry... you'll be back soon." Said Shining Armor and then walks away.

On the way back to the Sunset Mine and the other foremen see the guards coming out of the mine to look for Diamond Tiara. Which made Sunset happy because it meant the plan was going well. At that moment Shining Armor catches up with them and whispers in her ear what happened with Ocellus which causes Sunset's mood to change. The plan went well, the guards left the mines, the slaves headed to the safe caves and in a short time a controlled landslide would cover the entrance of the mine so that the slaves could escape... and only one would be left behind.

"Shining... was Filthy Rich still angry when you left?" Sunset asked.

"He's furious, the disappearance of Diamond Tiara has upset him too much."

"Do you still have the girl's shoe?"

"Yes" Shining Armor said as he shows the shoe. Sunset takes the shoe and returns to Filthy Rich's mansion. "majesty. what are you doing?” He asks worriedly.

“Tell the others to continue with the plan. I'll be back in time." Some guards stop Sunset when she is separated from the group. "I think I know where the lady is... I must please speak to Mr. Filthy Rich." The guards escort Sunset as Shining Armor returns to the mines worried about what might happen to his queen.

Filthy Rich is sitting trying to calm down, but he couldn't, the disappearance of Diamond Tiara kept disturbing him.

"Mister". A guard said.

"That?! Have you found my daughter yet?!” Filthy Rich scream.

"No sir, but we already gathered all the mine guards and they are deployed in the forest looking for her." The guard answers nervously. “But I came because the boss has information to tell you.

Then Sunset enters the room. Filthy Rich orders the guard to stand down. "Sun... I'm feeling pretty irritated right now, what do you want?"

“I know where Diamond Tiara is located.” Filthy Rich gave a very serious look that scared Sunset a little but she stood her ground. "A moment ago Princess Cadence was taking a little girl to the goddess's invitation and I decided to peek because she was curious... and inside the invitation I found this." Then Sunset shows her Diamond Tiara's shoe.

Filthy Rich had also heard the rumors circulating about the princess and the goddess but he did not believe them. "Are you sure what you're saying?" Filthy Rich asked as he tried to suppress his anger. Sunset just stayed silent.

"Princess, why are you blindfolding me?" Ocellus asked.

"You will be less afraid if you don't look at what happens." Cadence replied. "Do not worry everything will be fine".

"You said your name is Ocellus, right?" Chrysalis asked the girl.

"Yes". The girl responded scared.

Chrysalis strokes Ocellus's head while. “Despite being such a small girl, you are so full of life… you know… I have been looking for boys and girls like you for quite some time”. Then the goddess begins to sniff the girl and then smiles. “You are just what I was looking for”.

Just at that moment the door to Chrysalis's room is knocked down. "Where is my daughter?!!" Filthy Rich yells.

“Whoa, what an unexpected surprise Mr. Filthy. Why does she come into my room so suddenly? ” Chrysalis asked as she handed the girl over to Cadence.

"Where is my daughter?!" Filthy Rich asked again.

“How would I know?” Chrysalis replied nonchalantly.

“I've heard the rumors about you two but decided to ignore it, whatever you guys do then do it somewhere else. Don't you dare do these things in my domain!"

"Looks like there's some kind of misunderstanding..." Chrysalis stares at Filthy Rich. "There are no such things as your domains, the gods are owners and masters of everything."

"I'll ask just once... did you do something to my daughter?"

Chrysalis smiles and answers. “So what if I did? does it matter?"


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