• Published 26th May 2022
  • 834 Views, 14 Comments

Sunset in the gods - red-sun

Queen Luna, tired of serving the gods, has decided to start a rebellion against the authority of the gods.

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Act I – Slaves – Chapter 9

“Why are you crying in the library? Can't you see some ponies trying to study?" A little red-maned filly angrily tells a young pink alicorn that she is trying to hide between the book shelves.

"It's my magic... no matter how hard I try I can't control it." Cadanse says as he cries. "I don't understand anything about magic... I only got my horn a few months ago... and I don't know how to use it." Then Cadense looks at Sunset.

"Why don't you find someone to teach you?" Sunset asks frustrated.

"Sunset... could you teach me how to use magic?"

“Why do you think I could help you? You could ask the princess to teach you or you could ask a teacher at school.”

“Because they wouldn't take me seriously…everyone flatters me even when I do things wrong they hope to get something out of just flattering me but you…you…” Cadanse takes a deep breath to try to calm down. "But you are the only one who has been honest with me, the only one who doesn't flatter me or want something from me."

"Actually if I want something from you, you just can't give it to me." She tells her as she stares at Cadanse's wings.

“I know you were raised by griffons...” . Cadanse noticed Sunset's angry look. Sunset wasn't ashamed of the fact that she had been raised by another species, she actually felt proud of it but... many children of nobles who attended Celestia's school reminded her of it to try to annoy her. "What I'm trying to say is that you were self-taught in magic... you learned from scratch... without understanding any of the complicated terms that they teach you in school."

"Although I can teach you... as you recently said I was raised by griffons... and griffons don't do anything for free, what can you give me that is equivalent to teaching you magic."

"I was raised by Earth ponies."


"That means I had to learn to fly on my own..." Cadanse looks at Sunset with determination. "Sunset Shimmer... if you teach me how to use magic, I..." Cadanse takes another deep breath. "I will teach you to fly when you earn your wings!"

Sunset dropped the book she was reading, she didn't know what to say, just hearing Cadanse acknowledge that she would ascend was something she never expected.

“I don't know why I became an alicorn... it just happened. But you... I always see you try so hard, when I hear Tia talk about you, she's practically preparing you for something big, that's why I...”. Sunset lifts her hoof for Cadanse to stop talking.

"I want you to go to the royal gardens early tomorrow, I don't want you to be late for your first lesson." As Sunset leaves the library, Cadanse asks her with a smile.

"Can we have a special greeting?!"



The instant Filthy Rich screamed, a two-meter gold coin materialized and hit the goddess Chrysalis hard, knocking her out of the mansion.

Filthy Rich was furious, the fact that something bad had happened to his only daughter infuriated him, he didn't care who was to blame, it would just destroy him.

Filthy Rich creates another gold coin and throws it at Chrysalis, but the goddess easily dodges the second attack.

"Not bad Filthy Rich, I didn't think he was still in shape to fight, your aura is intense and powerful but it's useless if you miss your attacks". Chrysalis says as she dodges another attack. Filthy Rich just ignores what the goddess tells him and keeps attacking. “Why do you keep missing your attacks? Is your vision impaired? She tells him sarcastically.

Filthy Rich's vision begins to blur and then he realizes that he has a bug on the back of his neck, he quickly gets rid of the bug. “What did you do to me?!” Filthy Rich yells but he had lost sight of the goddess until he feels a pain in her back.

"My poisonous lobster has injected you with its poison." Chrysalis says as she sinks her claws into Filthy Rich's back. "Once you're bitten, your reactions will slow down."

Despite the pain Filthy Rich quickly moves away from the goddess, her wound on her back was not very deep but he was having difficulty breathing and felt her body paralyze little by little.

“I'm surprised Filthy Rich, normally a normal human being would be unconscious by now. The truth is that I try not to underestimate humans so much, the war against Equestria three years ago made me have a certain admiration for them...” Chrysalis dodges another two gold coins thrown at her by Filthy Rich. "Please don't try too hard, I need you alive to teach my goddaughter the art of the aura, you can calm down." Two giant gold coins suddenly crushed Chrysalis.

Filthy Rich gasped with exhaustion as he held his palms together. “What did you do to my daughter?!” He screams knowing that an attack like that would not kill the goddess.

The goddess manages to get out from between the two gold coins destroying them. "I'm running out of patience!" Chrysalis yells. “First, I didn't take your daughter! And second, if I wanted to have your daughter, I would tell you and you would have to give her up obediently! That is the right attitude to show to the gods!” Chrysalis jumps straight at Filthy Rich to attack him with her claw.

Filthy Rich doesn't dodge the attack but Chrysalis's fingers break as they collide with his opponent's abdomen. Filthy Rich accumulated aura on his body to harden his muscles. "This is a technique to strengthen the body, a basic technique among aura masters." Taking advantage of the opportunity Filthy Rich makes another attack. “'GOLDEN PIECE'”. And another coin falls on the goddess.

From the destroyed wall, Princess Cadanse watches the fight perplexed. "How could this have ended like this?" Then she remembered that Ocellus was still in her room but when he went to look for her he was surprised at what he saw. In front of her was someone who should be dead. Her best friend Princess Sunset Shimmer who was taking Ocellus away. "Who are you?!".

Sunset wanted to avoid the problem of Princess Cadanse recognizing her, that would save her a lot of trouble, so she tried to get Ocellus out as discreetly as possible. "Find a safe place." Sunset whispers to Ocellus.

The princess holds a halberd and points it at the intruder. “I ask you again! who are you?!" Ask again the princess.

"Who do you think I am, princess?" Sunset asks as she tries to stay calm.

The princess does a breathing exercise to calm down and think clearly, knowing after all her friend had died three years ago. She even remembered seeing the burned remains of her friend. "Sorry for yelling at you... you just looked like a friend, now that I'm a little calmer, could I ask you to hand over little Ocellus?"

Sunset looks at the way Cadanse holds the halberd and realizes that the princess knows how to fight. "I'm sorry princess but Ocellus is coming with me."

"You realize that you are only a slave and you dare to deny what an imperial princess is asking of you."

Sunset smiled slightly as she thought that if the princess Cadanse of her world had had an attitude like the one in this world, maybe she would have respected her a little more. "Believe me, princess, I am very aware of what I am doing." Sunset throws dirt at the princess's eyes blurring her vision, then she jumps on her to try to subdue her but the princess quickly uses the halberd's pole to hit Sunset's legs and knock her down.

"You should know that attacking a princess is punishable by death." She says as she subdues Sunset by bending her wrist behind her back.

"Let her go now!" Ocellus yells as he attacks the princess with a stick, but Cadanse quickly uses her halberd to fend off the attack.

"Please girl, could you stay still for a while." The princess says as she continues to subdue Sunset.

Sunset did not want to admit it but Princess Cadanse is too strong, she had used the three years in the mines to become familiar with her human body, she even exercised it to make it stronger, but the princess knew how to fight, she knew that at the moment she was not yet strong enough to fight against a trained fighter and in her current situation, she had to think how to get back to the mines as quickly as possible and remembered something that could help her.

"Princess, how close were you with your friend?" Sunset asked.

“Does it matter, she is dead”.

"Look at my neck." Sunset knew that if she wanted to beat the princess she would have to make her distract herself.

Princess Cadanse thought what the slave asked her was strange, but she still checked Sunset's neck and she saw a pendant with the ying yang symbol wrapped in a red and yellow sun. Why do you have that?!”

Sunset took advantage of the distraction to free herself from the princess' grip and grabs the stick Ocellus had. Sunset knew that the necklace that her other self gave her would make the princess lose her concentration. She tried to knock the princess out by hitting her with the stick but the princess quickly dodged the attack.

"I don't know where you got that from but it doesn't belong to you!" Yells the princess.

If Sunset knew anything, it's that when your opponent is angry, they don't think too well. Since Sunset had an anger problem she knew the consequences of fighting here, but this time it was her opponent who was angry and she was going to take her chance.

"I'm sorry princess but this necklace belongs to me, after all this emblem is definitely mine." She told him in a mocking tone.

Cadanse quickly attacks Sunset, but Sunset dodges the attack but realizes that this time the princess is trying to kill her. "You don't have the right to have that!" She makes another move with her halberd trying to slice off Sunset's head, but she manages to dodge the attack.

"On the contrary, princess, I have every right to have it." Sunset says trying to stay calm. So he decided to risk another plan. "You said you were very close to that friend, right?"

The princess was ready to attack again ignoring Sunset's question.

"Did you and your friend have a special greeting?" Sunset watched as the princess stopped, that confirmed everything Sunset needed to know. Then Sunset began to sing. “Sunshine Sunshine”. Sunset sees how the princess sheds a tear. "Ladybugs awake". The princess drops her halberd. “Clap your...

"Clap your hands". The princess ends up singing while she begins to cry. "Sunset... Sunset Shimmer... it's you... you're alive...".

Quickly Ocellus takes advantage of the opportunity and hits the princess with a stick leaving her unconscious.

"Thanks Ocellus, I didn't expect you to attack her."

"No?" Ocellus asks.

"No...I wanted her to be distracted so I could knock her out...but I appreciate the help."

"What are we going to do now?"

Sunset looks around the room and finds a scroll, takes it, writes something and then leaves it in the hand of the princess who is still unconscious. "We must return to the mines immediately, the others should have already started with the plan." Sunset was about to leave until she had a strange feeling, the same feeling she had when she met Discord.

"What a surprise... I came to ask Cadanse to help me talk more calmly with Filthy Rich but I never expected to find this." The goddess Chrysalis appears as she drags the unconscious body of Filthy Rich. "Since all the guards are looking for the girl in the forest, they did not realize what was happening here."

"Ocellus quickly come with me!"

"You know, even though Cadanse is very young, she's had the best combat coaches, even though she's still a long way from reaching her potential, I like to think that she's stronger than the average human... that includes a single slave.” Chrysalis lets go of Filthy Rich and prepares to attack Sunset. "I had a lot of trouble defeating this human without killing him but..." Chrysalis smirks mischievously as she looks at Sunset. "I don't need you alive."

"You haven't changed a bit, Chrysalis." Sunset hears footsteps approaching behind her. “Your opponent is just a human girl and yet you great goddess of plague affiliation, you are going to fight her.”

Sunset turns to see who was approaching and she is surprised to see someone she hasn't seen in three years.

"Don't you think you're exaggerating?" Discord steps in front of Sunset. "Chrysalis, how about you let me take her place?"

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