• Published 26th May 2022
  • 834 Views, 14 Comments

Sunset in the gods - red-sun

Queen Luna, tired of serving the gods, has decided to start a rebellion against the authority of the gods.

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Act II – Fallen Gods – Chapter 2

Sunset woke up inside one of the camp tents. And she realizes that Twilight and Velvet were accompanying her. "What happened to me?" Sunset asked before you felt a sharp pain in her ribs.

“They beat us almost immediately.” Applejack replied that she was lying on a blanket and was being accompanied by her brother Big Macintosh. "How do you feel sugar cube?"

"My whole body is sore... How long were we unconscious?" Sunset asked.

“We were unconscious for almost a whole day!” shouted Pinkie Pie. “We suffered internal injuries and fractures all over our bodies!” She said in a way that was too cheerful despite having been hurt so much.

"Don't say it so proudly!" Limestone yells that she also came with Maud to check on Pinkie Pie. "Look how upset Maud is!" She says angrily as she points to her sister, Maud continues with the same expression as always.

"Not that I'm complaining but how come I don't see any injuries and we can still move?" Applejack asked.

"That's thanks to him." Twilight said as he pointed to a god with short brown hair and an average build.

"My name is Greymare and I belong to the healing affiliation." Said the god. “And don't worry, despite all the injuries you sustained, none of you were in danger of death. Fluttershy trained her beasts very well so unless she wants to, none of her pets will actually try to kill them. But as you may have noticed, even if I heal all your wounds completely, it will still hurt for a while".

Velvet and Twilight bow before the god. "Thank you for taking care of them."

“You don't have to thank me, I heal people because I want to heal them, not because I'm looking for thanks or adoration... just try to keep Discord from putting you in some other crazy workout. With your permission I retire."

Just as the god came out of the tent Discord enters. "I see they're all still alive!" Discord says. "Too bad only one of you passed the first test."

“What do you mean that only one of us passed the test? Those animals almost killed us!” Applejack yelled.

"Actually, Greymare said that none of you were in mortal danger." It says Twilight.

Ignoring what Twilight said, Sunset begins to speak. "What do you mean that only one step tests it?"

"Yes, and our winner is..." Then Disord points to Pinkie Pie.

"I won...? I won! I win! I wi...!! why did i win? The animals also caught up with me”.

“Stop acting proud about it and let him finish talking!!” Limestone yells at her sister again.

"I'll explain. What was the first test supposed to be?”

"You said real combat," Applejack replied.

"And what do you do in real combat in your current state?"

Although Twilight did not attend the training, she knew what had happened. "You have to flee before an opponent of superior or unknown abilities." She answers.

"Correct! And that's why our pink friend passed and you two didn't. You must understand this girls, if you follow the path you set out for yourself sooner or later you will end up fighting a god and I must tell you that even the weakest faction can easily win over a mortal”.

"I suppose you are very disappointed." Sunset says.

"Don't worry, I'm not disappointed, since it's normal for you to fail."

"Are you telling me that the test was intentionally made to fail?" Sunset says with rising anger.

"Discord, Gloriosa is looking for you, she says that you gather all the people you brought so that you can assign them a job." Fluttershy says as she bursts into the tent.

“AAAHH!! She's coming to finish the job!" Pinkie yells as she hides under her blanket.

"I better go... Fluttershy, take care of our guests while the rest will have to come with me." Discord says.

"We'll be back soon, Your Majesty." Velvet says as she leaves accompanied by Twilight.

"Take care little sister." Big Macintosh says goodbye.

"Behave...or at least don't behave so badly!" And Limestone withdraws with Maud.

At that moment they are alone in the bed with an awkward silence.

"So..." Applejack tries to break the silence. "You're a goddess".

“Yeah…” Fluttershy answers timidly. "I belong to the faction of anger..."

“To the faction of anger?!” Applejack yelled scaring Sunset by accident. "Sorry about that sugarcube."

"Just try not to yell like that again." The redheaded girl then remembered something that Velvet explained to her about the gods.


“Then much of the world is ruled by gods?” Asked a girl who was just getting used to her new body.

"Yes, Your Majesty, although it is not known how your geralchy works, it is known that All Master governs all the gods which are made up of ten factions: the faction of Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Lightning, Battle, Healing, Divination, Plague and lastly the Anger faction. Velvet explained.

"It sounds like every faction is dangerous."

“They are each in their own way. Your Majesty... if you want to rebuild Equestria sooner or later you will meet the gods and of all the gods the gods of anger are the most dangerous, because to belong to that faction you must commit a heresy before the gods themselves”.

Sunset understood what Velvet meant, because she had learned from both Grandpa Gruff and Princess Celestia that there was a big difference between powerful and dangerous.

"Does that mean you belonged to another faction?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Yes... I belonged to the earth faction before." The goddess timidly replied. "I'm sorry again for having hurt you so much." She said, trying to change the subject. "I made sure that all my pets were very careful with their attacks." Then the goddess stares at Sunset. "You should know that Discord has a lot of hope for you... after all he had a vision."

"A vision?"

"Yeah. Discord belonged to the divination faction... and of all the gods, visions of him were the most accurate. He has always been telling us about his vision... he saw that the gods lose their status, and that you will be involved in it. But he never says the exact details".

"There will come an era in which the world will achieve harmony... such a thought is only a consolation, an attempt to bring hope." The girls and the goddess notice that Wallflower Blush enters the tent. "Sorry for the interruption but the truth is that the meeting outside was boring me and the truth is that hardly anyone notices that I am there."

"So you don't believe in that prophecy Fluttershy is telling us about?" Applejack asks.

"Do not be confused, there is a big difference between a prophecy and a divination". Wallflower noticed Applejack's look that hinted that he didn't understand what he wanted to say. “A divination is a probability, something that can be changed if you can read the vision well. Something that tells us what the problem is and we immediately look for a solution. But a prophecy is..."

"A prophecy is something absolute, it cannot be changed, there is no solution, only there are options, options to prepare for when it is fulfilled." Sunset said interrupting Wallflower.

"I see you already understand that kind of thing." Wallflower replied.

"Yeah... more than I'd like to understand... So is Discord holding on to a divination?"

“Yes, he doesn't tell us that he saw exactly but he has made sure to do everything possible to make that divination come true. From time to time he leaves the camp and doesn't come back for months and no one knows what he does”. Wallflower looks out of the tent. It seems that the meeting is over, I better go to sleep? And Wallflower retires.

"Better I'm leaving too... tomorrow will be a long day and you're going to continue with the training" Fluttershy said and also left leaving the girls to sleep.

"I hope next time it smoothes out a bit... good night." Applejack says.

"Good evening... what's up Sunset?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Just some insects that are bothering me." She says her as she shakes herself off. "good night".


Sunset was beginning to understand the life that the fallen gods led. Everyone in the camp has a job, and after all this time watching them, Sunset found it strange that even though they are gods they don't use their divine powers. Discord told Sunset that they moved the camp every six months, leading a nomadic lifestyle.

The leader of the camp is Gloriosa, she always made sure that everyone in the camp had what it takes to support themselves. Her brother Timber was second in command and also one of the strongest gods in the place.

Twilight and Sunset were assigned as Dusty Pages' helpers. Their jobs consisted of taking care of the books and records of the camp. Twilight did not stop getting excited after three years without reading anything interesting while Sunset took advantage of seeing that she could learn.

Pinkie Pie had to help the couple of camp bakers, Carrot Cake and Cup Cake who noticed that Pinkie had a talent in baking and pastry.

Sunset's entourage, among which were Applejack and Big Macintosh, had to go out together with other gods, humans and some diamond dogs to collect food for the camp.

Shining Armor and Flash Sentry were assigned as assistants to Cheese Sandwich, the camp's blacksmith. Which brought certain advantages.

“Hey Shining, Flash. Do you have what I asked for?" Sunset asked.

"Your Majesty, I finished them this morning." Shining Armor says as she pulls out some armor breastplates. "Are you going to train with Fluttershy again?"

"Yes". The redhead replied. "And you two? Are they going to train too?"

"Yes". Flash said.

Shining Armor and Flash Sentry found out that Timber is a skilled swordsman and asked him to teach them how to fight. Although Timber initially refused, he later agreed to train them when Discord told him it was better for them to learn. When Timber asked him if he had anything to do with any of his visions, Discord just winked and left.

"You should learn to use the sword too girl." Discord said to Sunset as he appeared next to her.

"Why do you show up like that?!" Shouted Sunset after receiving a scare. "I've had enough of Pinkie doing the same...!" then the girl takes a deep breath to calm down. "What do you want anyway?"

"I just wanted to know your progress." Then Discord looks at the metal breastplates that Sunset was carrying. "I see you're learning, girl... where's Cheese Sandwich?"

"He went with Pinkie Pie for a secret project they have." Says Shining Armor.

Suddenly a loud crash is heard.

"What was that?!" Discord asked.

"Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie's Secret Project." Flash replied calmly.

"I understand... so girl... did you think of any method for your other training?" Discord asks.

Sunset understood that she was talking about magic. "Actually I think I know what I can do."

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