• Published 7th Sep 2022
  • 3,672 Views, 186 Comments

A Dragon's Soft Spot - Mister E-Nonymous

The staff and some of the students find out that Smolder has been hiding a human turned dragon in the catacombs underneath the School of Friendship, and they want to know how it happened. And eventually, why she agreed to help him.

  • ...

Chapter 11: School of Friendship's Talent Show

Chapter 11: School of Friendship's Talent Show

At the School of Friendship, Aaron was walking through the halls of the school. But then he saw a bunch of ponies looking at something on the bulletin board. He then started flying over the group of ponies and saw his friends in the front.

"What's going on here?" Aaron asked as he was landing.

"The School of Friendship is setting up a talent show," Sandbar said. "Man, I'd so like to be a part of it."

"Hey, what if the seven of us did something together?" Ocellus asked. "Perhaps something from Aaron's world."

"Are you sure?" Smolder asked. "Like what?"

"Aaron, are there any shows on your laptop that show some funny things?" Ocellus asked.

"Sure, there are," Aaron said. "But, we're gonna have to do it somewhere privately."

"Right, so none of the other ponies steal our idea," Silverstream said. "To the clubhouse!" Then the seven of them headed out of there. Starlight, Sunburst and Trixie watched them as they were leaving the school.

"Should we let them go out to their clubhouse?" Sunburst asked.

"Meh, they're probably just gonna come up with something for the talent show," Starlight said. "They'll be fine."

"Well, hopefully those young creatures can protect themselves from whatever's out there," Trixie said.

"Don't worry, Trixie," Starlight said. "Aaron's with six of Equestria's youngest heroes. I'm sure they'll be fine out there as long as they stick together."

At the Treehouse of Harmony, Aaron and the Young 6 were trying to come up with ideas for the talent show, trying to figure out what to come up with.

"So, what are we gonna do for the show?" Silverstream asked.

"Yona wishes to do something to win," Yona said.

"I'm sure we can come up with something before the talent show," Sandbar said. "But what to do." He then put a hoof on his chin.

"There's so many possibilities to choose," Ocellus said. "Hopefully, what's on Aaron's laptop can help. We can't just pick something random."

Smolder then got an idea. She then snickered and said, "Hey, Aaron." Aaron looked towards Smolder. "How about we do something random? As in 'So Random'?"

Aaron laughed and said, "That's good. I'll look up something."

"So Random?" Gallus asked.

"It was this show from Aaron's world that was originally in another show," Smolder said. "He showed me some sketches from that show, and I think we should do a comedy routine for the show."

"Really?" Ocellus asked. "I'm not too sure about this."

"Well then, let me show you one of my favorite sketches from the show," Aaron said, turning his laptop around, showing a sketch from the show, So Random.

The sketch from the show made them laugh loudly. Gallus then said, "That was the most hilarious thing I've ever seen." He then spoke in an Irish accent. "Don't tell me how to do my job you babby! How old are you? Farteen? I'm farty! Farteen! Farty! Farteen! Farty! Farteen! Fffffffarty!" That made the others laugh.

"M-maybe we should stick with a sketch that doesn't make you want to keep on laughing, even during the next performance," Ocellus said, still laughing.

"Ocellus is right," Aaron said. "We should... do something that's not as funny as that." Then someone's stomach growled. "Whose was that?"

"Yona apologizes," Yona said. "Yona had early breakfast this morning."

"I guess we should get something to eat," Sandbar said. "I can gallop on over to hayburger to get us all something."

"Guess we could use some fast food," Smolder said.

"Even though the food isn't as fast as you think," Ocellus said.

"Wait a minute," Aaron said. "That's it." Smolder then looked at Aaron with a smile. "You know how fast food restaurants aren't all that fast, right?" The others nodded. "But what if there was a fast food restaurant that was fast? Or in this case... too fast?"

"Oh, I see what you're saying," Smolder said. "So, what do we need?"

"We're gonna need two fast food polo shirts, a cheerleader's outfit, a trash can lid, and a bunch of fake food props," Aaron said. "And the stage has got to have the theme of a fast food restaurant."

"I Ocellus and I can get the outfits done," Smolder said. "But we might not have time to work on the set by tomorrow night."

"Not unless we have a certain... chaotic friend set it up for us," Aaron said. Just then, Discord came in, leaning on Aaron's back.

"I thought you'd never ask," Discord said. He then snapped his fingers and a bunch of food came in. "I thought you should all get something to eat while you discuss what you want to do for rehearsal."

"Rehearse than play for the public," Aaron said.

"Who should portray who?" Sandbar asked.

"Gallus should be the counter guy, I'll play the manager, Smolder will play the first customer, and Ocellus will play the cheerleader," Aaron said.

"What about us?" Silverstream asked.

"Silverstream, you, Sandbar and Yona will handle the props," Aaron said. "Sandbar will be on the right side behind the curtains, Silverstream on the left, and Yona will be up above."

"What will we be doing?" Sandbar asked.

A week later, Starlight Glimmer was on the stage of the School of Friendship's amphitheater, announcing about the School's Talent Show.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, I am proud to represent the School of Friendship's very own, talent show!" Starlight announced. "We have a lot of talented students participating and we got three rewards. One for best magic act, one for best dramatic performance, and one for best comedy act. And to judge the performances, we have... drumroll please!" On the side of the stage, Pinkie Pie was playing a drumroll. "Judge number 1 is... a friend from way out of town, and the older sister to the School of Friendship's vice headstallion, Sunset Shimmer!"

Just then, a light showed up on the judge's table, revealing Sunset Shimmer. She then called out, "Hey, everypony. Glad to be a part of this."

From backstage, Aaron and Ocellus were looking from there, seeing Sunset Shimmer. Aaron then said, "I wonder how they got Sunset Shimmer to come back to help judge this talent show?"

"She was probably begged by her brother," Ocellus said. "After all, you told him where his sister was."

"Good point," Aaron said.

"And now!" Starlight called out. "Judge number two, somepony who helped out on Rainbow Dash's birthday and anniversary of coming to Ponyville, before that castle right there appeared..." Starlight pointed towards the Castle of Friendship, "...give it up... for Cheese Sandwich!"

Then a light appeared over Cheese Sandwich, making a bunch of ponies cheer for him. Aaron and Ocellus kept looking out at the crowd, seeing Cheese Sandwich being applauded.

"I can't believe it's him," Aaron said.

"Who?" Ocellus asked.

"Cheese Sandwich, voiced by a very popular music artist back in my world," Aaron said. "Al Yankovic, also known as 'Weird Al' Yankovic. I have a bunch of his songs on my phone and computer."

"You'll have to let us hear some later," Ocellus said.

Starlight then announced the last judge. "And last but not least, one of my old town friends who came up to visit, I give you, Night Glider!" Then a light appeared over Night Glider, making some of the ponies cheer.

"Huh," Aaron said. "Haven't seen much of her in the show."

"Really?" Ocellus asked.

"She first appeared in season 5 with Starlight, but didn't make an appearance in season 8," Aaron said. "That's when the School of Friendship started and Cozy Glow being put in Tartarus was the season finale."

"Oh," Ocellus said. "Makes sense."

"Alright, everypony," Starlight said. "We'll get started on this talent show!"

It then made a montage of the students of the school of Friendship doing their talents for the talent show. Meanwhile, in the crowd, Princess Twilight arrived with Spike flying right with her. They then found their friends. Twilight then sat down next to Rarity.

"Oh, Twilight, you've made it," Rarity said. "I'm so glad you've come to watch."

"Y-yeah," Twilight said, unsure of herself. She then looked towards the others. "Has... Aaron... entered the show?"

"He's doing something with the others in the show," Pinkie Pie said. "But, according to the scheduling, he and the others aren't performing until all the other students have done theirs. So basically, they're up next."

Twilight then looked towards the stage with a sad look. She knew that she'd have to tell Aaron the truth eventually.

In the Dragon Lands, Blueblood was walking towards the center, muttering to himself.

"I can't believe they banished me from my own home," Blueblood muttered. "Stripped me of my royal status, all because of creatures that don't belong in Equestria? I'll show them, I'll show them all." What he didn't know was that he was being watched. "That dumb green dragon is the worst one of that bunch." Just then, he was grabbed by Ragnarok. He then screamed.

"Green dragon you say?" Ragnarok asked. "What shade of green?"

"I... I don't know what you're talking about!" Blueblood said in fear.

"Was this dragon's shade... jade?" Ragnarok asked, smirking.

"Jade?" Blueblood asked. He then remembered the dragons that were in Canterlot. He then went wide eyed and said, "Y-yes. He... he was a jade dragon!"

"FINALLY!!" Ragnarok roared. "Where is he?!"

"I don't know!" Blueblood said. "Because of him, I was banished from my home of Canterlot!"

"Then you're useless!" Ragnarok said, throwing Blueblood into the nearby forest where the phoenixes lived, the former prince screaming as he was falling. "I will find you, jade dragon. Your life... will be my meal."

Back at the School of Friendship's amphitheater, Aaron and the Young 6 were getting ready for their part in the talent show. Then due to Discord's magic, a set of a fast food restaurant came in behind the curtain. Aaron and Gallus went behind the counter to get into position. Smolder and Ocellus waited on the right side with Sandbar standing next to them, Silverstream was on the left side with a bunch of food props, and Yona was on an overhead balcony with a wheelbarrow full of fries.

"Alright, everypony!" Starlight announced to the audience. "We have one last talent for you. This last talent will be performed by our best students, who happen to be six of Equestria's heroes that helped fight off Lord Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow. And they'll be with our first human student who is currently a dragon. Behold." Then Starlight stepped away, and the curtains opened up, revealing a fast food restaurant set. Smolder was walking towards the counter with Gallus at the cash register.

"Welcome to Fasty's, what can I get for you?" Gallus asked, quickly.

"Hi," Smolder said. "I think I'll have a... hayburger."

"Hayburger!" Gallus said quickly into the microphone. Then a wrapped up burger was thrown and hit Smolder on the forehead. The audience started laughing.

"Hey, what's the big idea?" Smolder asked, a little angry.

"Well, most places only offer kinda fast food, but here at Fasty's, we specialize in really, really, really fast food," Gallus said quickly.

"Yeah," Smolder said, a little angry. "I can see that."

"Anything else for ya," Gallus asked.

"No thanks, I don't feel like being hit with chicken bits," Smolder said.

"Chicken bits!" Gallus said into the microphone. Then a bunch of items that look like chicken nuggets came in and hit Smolder. The audience laughed again. Smolder then got angry, and started walking off and Gallus waved goodbye to her. Then Ocellus walked in, dressed up in a cheerleader's outfit.

"Hi!" Ocellus said.

"Welcome to Fasty's, may I take your order?" Gallus asked, quickly.

"O...kay!" Ocellus said in a cheery tone. "I'll just get a..." Gallus then started repeating Ocellus's words. "Er... Ssssssss... Salad with dressing on the side."

"Salad!" Gallus said quickly. Then a salad was thrown towards Ocellus, making the ponies laugh. "With dressing on the side." Then Silverstream got out a squirt thing full of salad dressing, firing the dressing at Ocellus. The ponies laughed even harder.

"My... My tummy hurts!" Pinkie Pie said in the audience.

"Well, now that's just too fast," Ocellus said. "Good thing I didn't order soda."

"Soda!" Gallus said as Silverstream threw a pitcher of soda towards Ocellus, drenching her cheerleader outfit. The ponies laughed again.

"I sa..." Ocellus started to say before being cut off.

"Ice!" Gallus said into the microphone. Silverstream then grabbed a scoop full of ice and launched it towards Ocellus. The ponies laughed much harder that time.

Ocellus then reached for the microphone and angrily said, "This is really, really not cool. If you think I'm paying for this, you're nuts."

"Nuts!" Gallus said into the microphone after Ocellus let go of it. Then a bunch of nuts were thrown towards Ocellus, making her jaw dropped in frustration.

"I'm not paying for those nuts either!" Ocellus said before walking off.

"Nuts!" Gallus said into the microphone. Then more nuts were thrown towards Ocellus as she was walking away. She then turned around and then went back to the right of the stage. Gallus then waved, saying, "Hurry back!"

Then Smolder came back, holding a trash can lid behind her back. She then said, "Hi, I was here two seconds ago. You pelted me with chicken bits."

"Chicken bits!" Gallus said into the microphone. Then a bunch of fake chicken nuggets were thrown towards Smolder, but she used the trash can lid as a shield. It protected her from all of them that were thrown. After the chicken nuggets were done being thrown, Smolder unshielded herself. Then one last nugget hit her head. The ponies were laughing as the nuggets were being thrown.

Smolder then angrily said, "I would like to speak with the manager!"

"Manager!" Gallus said into the microphone. Then Aaron popped up next to Gallus.

"I'm Mitchel the Manager, what seems to be the problem?" Aaron asked.

"Did you ever stop to think that your restaurant is just a little too fast?" Smolder asked, trying to hide her anger.

"I'm... I'm really sorry, let me make it up to you," Aaron apologized.

"Thank you," Smolder said, feeling relieved.

"With a year's worth of Fasty's Fast Fries," Aaron said.

Gallus gasped and said into the microphone, "Fast Fries!"

"No!" Smolder said, trying to shield her from what was coming from the left side of the stage. But the fries didn't come from the left, it came from above her. The crowd laughed. Smolder then angrily asked, "What? No ketchup?"

Gallus gasped and said into the microphone, "Ketchup!" Smolder then shielded her to protect her from potential ketchup raining on her, but the ketchup came from the left side of the stage, covering Smolder in ketchup. Aaron and Gallus just smiled as the crowd laughed. Smolder then threw the trash can lid to the ground and started walking away. Then Gallus called out, "Come again!" Then the crowd started applauding as the curtains closed.

In the crowd, the Mane 6 and Spike were laughing at the performance. Twilight just giggled at the performance. She then remembered why she came to the talent show in the first place and her smile faded.

After the show, Aaron and the Young 6 were walking back towards the dorm, Aaron holding the trophy for their comedy routine in the talent show.

"That was awesome," Smolder said. "I can't believe we won that part of the talent show."

"Yeah," Yona said. "Yona loved dumping fries on friend for entertainment."

"And let's not forget the other food thrown at the characters," Silverstream said. "I loved doing that."

"Let's get a picture of us holding the trophy," Gallus said. Aaron then pulled out his cell phone, Ocellus held it in her magic and Aaron used the stylus to get the phone's camera. Then Ocellus took the stylus in her magic and used it to take a picture of the group, all smiling. "Dang, your technology is very amazing." They then headed into the dorm room and headed down the hall. But then they stopped when they saw Princess Twilight and Spike standing there.

"Princess Twilight? Spike?" Aaron asked. "What brings you here?"

Twilight sighed and said, "Aaron, we have some good news, and some bad news."

"Really?" Aaron asked. "What is it?"

"The good news is... we found you a way home," Twilight said.

"Really?" Aaron asked.

"That's good," Smolder said. "Which means we'll be able to come and visit you. But, we're gonna have to be humans to blend in on your world." The others nodded.

"Did you forget that I mentioned bad news?" Twilight asked. The others then frowned.

"What bad news?" Yona asked.

Twilight sighed and said, "Smolder, you remember when you told Aaron the legend of Ragnarok the Reaper to Aaron. Spike overheard and told me about it. It turns out... according to Star Swirl the Bearded... it's true. The legend is true."

"What?!" Aaron and Smolder asked.

"Ragnarok is still alive out there, and is searching the entire Dragon Lands for Aaron," Twilight said. "He probably kept all of the dragons there hostage. That's probably why there aren't any dragons in the Dragon Lands. Star Swirl says that for Aaron to be safe... the portal has to be one way."

"One way?" Sandbar asked. "What are you saying?"

"She means for Aaron to be safe..." Spike said before being cut off.

"We'll... have to say goodbye to Aaron," Smolder said. "Forever." She then started shedding tears.

"There's gotta be another way," Gallus said. "We promised him we'd visit him on his world."

"I know you would have promised him," Twilight said. "But I know there will be another way for you all to see Aaron again. Star Swirl isn't going to take any chances with that and..."

"Gah!" Aaron scoffed. "Typical Star Swirl. Always focused on getting things done the way he wants, and once again, he refuses to see another way. This is Stygian all over again."

Twilight then thought about it and said, "You know what, you're right. Star Swirl said he'll have the spell ready in two days. So I'll just fly back to Canterlot and tell him that there has to be another way, and I'll remind him of what happened with Stygian."

"Yeah, you tell him!" Sandbar said.

"Nice going, Princess," Smolder said.

"You give him what for," Silverstream said.

"I will," Twilight said. "But for now, you all should go on to your dorm rooms. And spend as much time with Aaron tomorrow. He's going to have one last day to remember." She then lit up her horn and she and Spike teleported away.

"Well... I guess this is it," Aaron said. "I'm... going home."

"And... possibly our last goodbye," Smolder said. She then bowed her head in silence.

Ocellus then looked at the group and said, "Maybe... we should give them some alone time." She then took the trophy in her magic and she, Sandbar, Gallus, Yona and Silverstream walked away.

"Smolder, I know it must be hard," Aaron said. "But I have to go home. I miss my aunt. She took me in when my mom died. And..."

"I get it," Smolder said. She then hugged Aaron. "You have family to get back to. I understand." She then sighed. "It won't be the same without you."

"I know," Aaron said. "Guess... we'll just have to make the best of it. But... we'll make it through it. No matter what happens." Aaron then pulled something out. "I... guess I might as well give this to you." It was the locket he got at the carnival. "So you won't forget me."

Smolder then opened up the locket and saw a group picture of them and the rest of the Young 6, along with a picture with just the two of them. Smolder gave a sad smile and she hugged Aaron.

"One last day together," Smolder said. "Just you and me."

"Yeah," Aaron said. "You and me." Then the two of them separated and headed on to their rooms.

Back in the Dragon Lands, Garble was trying to escape from his prison. He had been hoping that his sister wasn't in trouble yet. It was the only thing that kept him going.

"I must... protect... my sister," Garble said. But his words did not go unheard.

"Sister, huh?" came Ragnarok's voice. Garble froze at the words. He then looked over and saw Ragnarok standing tall. "Then perhaps I should pay her... a little visit. She must know where the jade dragon is."

"NO!!" Garble shouted. He then burst out of his electrical restraints and flew out of there. Not knowing that there was a black and purple scale attached to his back. As soon as Garble was out of view, Ragnarok smirked.

"Like a moth to a flame," Ragnarok said. "He'll lead me right to the jade dragon."

Author's Note:

Uh oh. Looks like Aaron's going to be in trouble. Which is why we're gonna have another voting time. Since Ragnarok is gonna go after Aaron, we need a safe place for the transportation spell to be put. Where should the spell be cast?

Option 1:

The Treehouse of Harmony

Option 2:

Canterlot Castle

Option 3:

Castle of Friendship

Most votes will be chosen. Remember, you can only choose one option.