• Published 7th Sep 2022
  • 3,672 Views, 186 Comments

A Dragon's Soft Spot - Mister E-Nonymous

The staff and some of the students find out that Smolder has been hiding a human turned dragon in the catacombs underneath the School of Friendship, and they want to know how it happened. And eventually, why she agreed to help him.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Return of Sludge

Chapter 6: Return of Sludge

In the School of Friendship, at night, in the room where Aaron, Sandbar and Gallus share, Aaron was in his bed, stirring around. He was having a dream about his past, a dream about how he lost his mom. He remembered him being taken to his aunt's place. He also remembered that after she left Aaron, he knew that his mom wouldn't be coming back, even though she promised him that she would come back as soon as possible. And the following morning in the memory, he saw his aunt crying. In the memory, Aaron walked towards his aunt, and she grabbed him, hugged him, and told him what happened.

"Mom, NO!!" Aaron said, waking up. He was breathing hard. He then looked around to see that he was still in Equestria. Aaron looked over at Sandbar and Gallus, seeing that the two were still asleep.

Aaron sighed and got up from his bed. He then walked out of the room, heading towards the restroom.

In the Dragon Lands, more like under the Dragon Lands, all of the Dragons were lined up and chained up in red electrical restraints. All of them were struggling to get out, but the more they moved, the more pain they got from the restraints.

"For two months!" Ragnarok said, looking down at all of the dragons. "For two months, there are no jade dragons here! I know there's one here! So where is that dragon?!"

"Jade dragons have been extremely rare because of you," Ember said, still in her electrical cage. "You'll never find a jade dragon around here!"

"Silence, peasant!" Ragnarok shouted towards Ember. "I am the true ruler of the Dragon Lands! And as long as I'm awake, I will rule this place as long as that Jade Dragon is alive!"

Garble was looking towards the exit of the area where all the dragons were. He was thinking about his sister's safety. He was hoping that Smolder wouldn't be coming to the Dragon Lands soon.

"I am the true Dragon Lord, Ragnarok!" Ember said. "I've passed the Gauntlet of Fire and earned the Bloodstone Scepter! You are not worthy of the title of Dragon Lord!"

"The title of Dragon Lord was always destined to be mine!" Ragnarok said. "And no dragon is gonna leave the Dragon Lands until I have that jade dragon!"

"There aren't any... jade dragons... anywhere here!" Garble called out.

"I know there's one here!" Ragnarok said. "I can sense him!"

The next morning, Smolder, Ocellus, Yona and Silverstream were walking down the halls of the school, and they met up with Sandbar and Gallus.

"Hey, guys," Smolder said.

"You girls haven't seen Aaron, have you?" Sandbar asked.

"He wasn't in his bed when we woke up this morning," Gallus said.

"Aaron's gone?" Smolder asked. Then the six of them started running out of the school. "If Aaron's gone, I'm gonna..." They made it out of the school and they saw Aaron at the edge of the lake, skipping rocks. "Huh. I was not expecting him out here." Then the group walked over towards him.

"Aaron?" Gallus asked. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," Aaron said. "I'm just... trying to clear my head."

"You're feeling distressed," Ocellus said. "I can sense it."

"I thought changelings only sensed love," Aaron said.

"We can do more than sense love," Ocellus said. "What's bothering you?"

Aaron sighed and said, "It's personal."

"Was it that dream again?" Smolder asked.

"Yeah," Aaron said, sighing. "I really hate that memory."

"What memory?" Yona asked.

Smolder looked towards Yona and said, "The memory... the last time he saw his mom... alive."

"Oh..." Yona said.

"I know how it feels," Gallus said, sitting down next to Aaron. "You were lucky to have someone take you in." He then sighed. "Me? I'm just..."

"A diamond in the rough," Aaron said.

"Yeah," Gallus said. "That was a good movie though, Aaron."

Aaron smiled at that and said, "It was. I guess that things will look up from here on." They then looked up and saw something they were not expecting. "Are you kidding me?!"

The group looked over where Sludge was flying towards. They saw that Sludge was checking out the castle.

"Who that?" Yona asked.

"Sludge," Aaron said.

"Who's Sludge?" Silverstream asked.

"He's basically a bum of a dragon," Aaron said. "He'll do anything to get what he wants. Even deceiving those around him. Mostly orphaned dragons."

"He tried to trick Spike into thinking he was his father," Smolder said. "I think he was kicked out of the Dragon Lands before I was even hatched."

"Sounds like a real jerk," Ocellus said.

"He is," Smolder said. She then called out to Sludge. "Hey!"

Sludge looked towards the Young 6 and Aaron with surprise in his eyes. He then said, "Oh, great. It's her again!" He then looked towards Aaron. "Is that...?!"

Aaron leaned towards Smolder and asked, "Why's he looking at me like that?" Smolder shrugged her shoulders. Sludge then started flying towards the group, all of them, except Aaron, got into a defensive stance.

"Let me see the jade dragon," Sludge said.

"Ooh, yeah... uhh, no!" Aaron said, before taking off. The Young 6 then followed Aaron through the skies. Smolder and Silverstream were carrying Yona, Gallus was carrying Sandbar, and Ocellus was flying by all of them.

"You think he's gonna try the dad card on you?" Smolder asked.

"What else would he come up with?" Aaron asked. "Too bad he doesn't know I'm from another dimension. And I plan to keep it that way." Just then, he was grabbed and carried downward towards the castle, and put onto the floor.

"You shouldn't be out in the open, my son," Sludge said.

"You're not my father!" Aaron said.

"Oh, and how do you know that?" Sludge asked.

"You tried that trick with Spike, but you're not gonna try it with me," Aaron said. "Get off!"

"Sorry, but you're not going anywhere, but with me, back to the Dragon Lands!" Sludge said.

"I don't think so," Aaron said. "You're not the boss of me. I'm definitely not going with the bum of a dragon, especially after he gets a yak attack."

"A what?" Sludge asked before his back was collided with Yona's head, sending him flying away from Aaron.

"Human dragon friend okay?" Yona asked.

"I'm fine, Yona," Aaron said. "Let's get somewhere safe." Then they headed off somewhere. Sludge then recovered and saw Aaron and Yona running towards the door.

Inside the School of Friendship, Aaron and the Young 6 were hiding in Headmare Starlight's office. Starlight was with them, waiting for a response from Princess Twilight.

"I'm sure that Twilight will respond soon," Starlight said. "Is he still out there?"

Gallus looked out the window, peeking around the curtain covering the window. He then saw Sludge flying over the school, looking through all the windows, except for the one that was in Headmare Starlight's office.

"Yeah, he's still out there," Gallus said.

"We're just going to have to wait until Twilight comes," Starlight said. Just then, by a teleportation spell, Twilight and Spike came in.

"I got your message," Twilight said. She then looked towards Aaron. "Don't worry, Aaron. Whatever Sludge is up to, we'll make sure he'll stop."

"He tried to pull the dad card on you?" Spike asked.

"Right before he got a yak attack," Aaron said. That made the Young 6 laugh.

"You were basically born human," Starlight said. "There was no physical chance that you could be related to that sloppy, fat dragon."

"So, I better take care of this mess right now," Twilight said, walking out. The group looked out the window to see Twilight flying up to Sludge. The two were arguing.

"What do you think they're saying?" Gallus asked.

"Well, I have been learning to read lips," Starlight said. "I'm sure that Twilight will convince Sludge to leave Aaron alone." She then looked at what the princess and the bum of a dragon were saying. She then smiled, turned around, walked towards the door and said, "I think our troubles are over." Just then, Twilight came crashing through the window, laying on the floor.

"I think you might have to work on your lip reading," Aaron said.

"There you are!" came Sludge's voice. The group looked out the window. Starlight used her magic to carry Twilight out of the room. The group were running or flying through the halls of the School of Friendship.

"How are we gonna get out of this?" Ocellus asked.

"I don't know about you, but I really want to introduce Edith to all of you," Silverstream said.

"Who's Edith?" Gallus asked.

"Edith's a cockatrice that volunteered to help Silverstream on a project," Starlight said.

"Wait," Aaron said. "Is it Cockatrice migration season already?"

"You got a plan?" Starlight asked.

"I do," Aaron said. "Silverstream... lead the way." Silverstream nodded and led Aaron towards the Everfree Forest. Smolder decided to follow.

"Aaron, you don't have to do this!" Smolder said. "You know what will happen if you look into the glare of a cockatrice."

"I know," Aaron said. "Which is why we're leading Sludge to the cockatrices."

"Get back here!" came Sludge's voice. The three of them looked back to see Sludge gaining on them. They then went into the Everfree Forest.

"I can't believe how fast we flew to the Everfree Forest," Aaron said.

"I know," Silverstream said. "We flew over Ponyville very fast." The three of them flew past Zecora's Hut as she was heading in. She waved towards the three, but then Sludge came in and flew past. He then came back and took something from Zecora's saddlebag.

"Thief! Thief! You've stolen a special prune!" Zecora called out. "I assure you, you will face certain doom!"

Aaron, Smolder and Silverstream heard Zecora calling out.

"Did Zecora seriously just get robbed by Sludge?" Aaron asked.

"Well, she ain't wrong," Smolder said. Just then, they all stopped in mid air from shock. They then saw who they were looking for.

Just then, Sludge came out from a bush behind them and said, "Enough... games! I'm not leaving... without... that jade dragon. You!" Aaron turned around and saw Sludge. "You have no idea what's out there!"

"Oh, and you do?" Aaron asked. "I don't need to listen to you. You're not my dad. You don't even know anything about me."

"I know that you know nothing of your true heritage," Sludge said. "Now, you are coming with me... and no one gets hurt."

"I don't think so," Smolder said, walking up to Aaron. "He's not going anywhere with you. You're untrustworthy!"

"You don't know what you're dealing with!" Sludge said. "I want to do what's best for all the dragons, and he's putting all of them at risk!"

"You're blaming me?!" Aaron asked. "You're a bum who'll do anything just to get what he wants. And for that, you're gonna get punished."

"Oh, yeah?" Sludge asked. "How are you gonna do that?"

"Silverstream, why don't you introduce Sludge to a friend of yours?" Aaron asked. Silverstream then turned around, and she had something on her foreleg.

"What is that?!" Sludge asked.

"Do it," Silverstream said.

"A cockatrice," Aaron said. "Fun fact about them, whoever looks into their glare slowly turns to stone."

"What?!" Sludge asked as Edith the Cockatrice glares at Sludge. Then his feet started turning to stone. Then the stone feeling started spreading upwards. "No, no, no!"

"Enough is enough," Aaron said. "Do bad things, bad things always come to you. Bad karma."

The stone feeling was all the way up to Sludge's chest. He then said, "You'll be ending everything! You should've come with me to the Dragon Lands so every single creature will be safe! You will feel the wrath off..." Then Sludge's entire head turned to stone, completing the petrification.

"Better take him back so Twilight can lock him up," Smolder said. "Just in case she wants to interrogate him, we better have this cockatrice go with them."

"That would be a good call," Silverstream said. Edith then pirched herself on Sludge's head, then Aaron and Smolder grabbed Sludge's arms while Silverstream grabbed Sludge's tail. They then carried the statue of Sludge towards Ponyville.

"Wow, he's really heavy!" Aaron said.

"Because he was so fat?" Silverstream asked. "Or is it because he's stone now?"

Aaron and Smolder looked at each other. Then they both said in unison, "Yes." Then the three of them laughed together.

Later that night, Aaron was walking through the School of Friendship to the cafeteria. He went in and saw Smolder behind the food counter.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Aaron asked.

"Couldn't sleep," Smolder said. "Something about what Sludge said had gotten me a little anxious."

"Like what?" Aaron asked.

"You, being the doom of us all," Smolder said, shaking her head. She then got out a couple cups and filled them with what was left of the hot chocolate. "Hot chocolate?"

"Sure," Aaron said. He then took a sip. "Cold. If only there was a..." Aaron then stopped and remembered. Smolder looked at him with a smug look. Aaron then let out a small breath of fire, warming up his cup. Smolder put her cup next to Aaron's and his fire breath warmed up the hot chocolate, making bubbles coming out of the drink. "Keep forgetting I can breathe fire once in a while."

Smolder snickered and said, "Well, you were born human. But, I guess I can't blame you for forgetting." She then snorted. "I still remember the first time you actually let out your burst of fire the first time."

"That was a lot of smoke," Aaron said. "I'm surprised I didn't suffocate."

"Dragon's are able to keep cool heads in smokey places," Smolder said. "Anyway, Sludge blaming you for the devastation of every creature in Equestria. Why would he do something like that?"

"He's just trying to get into our heads," Aaron said, taking another sip of his hot chocolate. "There are so many jerks here in Equestria. Some of them are still jerks. Sludge, Lightning Dust, Iron Will, Zesty Gourmand, Suri Polomare, Svengallop, Blueblood, and last but not least, Spoiled Rich."

"That mare who thinks she should have sections of the school named after her?" Smolder asked. "Wow. No wonder she was booted from being vice headmare."

"You kidding?" Aaron asked. "She always has been a snot nosed, bossy, and no good mare who thinks that being rich is more important than royalty." He then thought of something. "And recalling her in the episode where she made her official debut in the show, I'm pretty sure she's been embezzling from the Ponyville Schoolhouse."

"What does embezzling mean?" Smolder asked.

"Basically, it means taking money that doesn't belong to you, and saying it's your own," Aaron said.

"What makes you think she's been doing that?" Smolder asked.

"Because in that episode, Diamond Tiara proclaimed that when she won, she'll put a statue of herself in the schoolyard," Aaron said. "She lost. And some time later, there was a statue of her, and the next morning, Pipsqueak announced that the school funding was low. Coincidence? I don't think so."

"We should tell Princess Twilight tomorrow before she leaves back to Canterlot," Smolder said.

"I'll even show her the episode on my laptop," Aaron said. Smolder nodded. Then both of them yawned.

"Guess we should head back to bed," Smolder said. "By the way... why are you up?"

"Dream again," Aaron said. He then sighed. "Being here for so long... I'm starting to miss my family." Smolder then put her cup down on the counter and hugged Aaron.

"I know," Smolder said. "It's gonna be a while until you can see them again." Aaron then hugged Smolder back. Smolder then blushed at the embrace. Just then, she gave a bit of a shocked face. Aaron then let go of the embrace.

"Well, I gotta get back to bed," Aaron said. He then finished up his hot chocolate. "I better wash this up."

"Y-you go to bed," Smolder said, a bit of a stutter. "I'll... I'll take care of these cups."

"Okay," Aaron said. He then headed out of the door, leaving the cup.

Smolder grabbed Aaron's cup and thought to herself, "Am I...?" She then shook her head. "No. No. It can't be. Besides, he's from another world and is really another species." She then looked back towards where Aaron walked in. "Am I...?"

Author's Note:


Smolder is slowly falling for Aaron. This certainly is taking a turn to the romantic side of Smolder, even though she has been trying to deny it so. And this time, she got herself in a situation with Aaron at a carnival that strolled into town. Which of these rides does she end up showing Aaron how she's starting to feel about him?

Option 1:

Ferris Wheel

Option 2:

Tunnel of Love

Option 3:

Haunted House

Remember, only one choice per vote. The most voted option will be in the episode where the Carnival comes to Ponyville. Hope to get more than just a few votes in on this.