• Published 7th Sep 2022
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A Dragon's Soft Spot - Mister E-Nonymous

The staff and some of the students find out that Smolder has been hiding a human turned dragon in the catacombs underneath the School of Friendship, and they want to know how it happened. And eventually, why she agreed to help him.

  • ...

Chapter 18: Legends of the Hidden Temple

Chapter 18: Legends of the Hidden Temple

In a television studio in Orlando, there was an animatronic stone head by a set of stairs. Its eyes started glowing as it spoke out to the people in the audience.

"Legends... of the Hidden Temple!" the stone head spoke. The audience started applauding. "With your guide... Kirk Fogg!" Then swinging up from one side of the building was a man in a gray shirt, a blue button up shirt over it, cargo shorts, boots, and a belt with a pouch connected to it. "And here he is now!"

Kirk Fogg then walked up a set of stairs and said, "Thank you! Thank you, Olmec. Welcome to the Hidden Temple. The rooms are full of lost treasures that are protected by mysterious Mayan temple guards. Only Olmec knows the legend behind each of the treasures in this treasure." He then turned towards Olmec and asked, "Which one are we gonna hear about today?"

"The legend of the lost slingshot of David," Olmec said.

"The lost slingshot of David," Kirk Fogg said. "Well the legend is set and one of these six teams will have a chance to retrieve the lost slingshot. Will it be the Red Jaguars?" The crowd started applauding at the red jaguars. "The Blue Barracudas?" The crowd cheered again. "The Green Monkeys?" More cheering came from the crowd. "The Orange Iguanas?" The crowd cheered again. The Orange Iguanas were really Aaron and Smolder. "The Purple Parrots?" The crowd applauded them. "Or the Silver Snakes." The crowd applauded them. "They're gonna have to pass some difficult and mental tests, and in the end, only one team will have the right to enter Olmec's temple. But first they're gonna have to pass the moat. And Olmec will tell them how they'll have to do it today." Kirk then looked towards Olmec.

"Before you are a series of ancient rings suspended over the rope," Olmec announced. "When Kirk gives the signal, one player will crawl through the first ring and into the next one. Then, keep pulling yourself forward through the rings to get across the moat. Once the first player is safely across, that's the second player's signal to cross. As soon as the second player crosses the moat, run over and hit the gong." Kirk then pushed the button on top of a small light up podium that was glowing a silver color. The first four teams to hit their gongs will go on to the next round."

"Alright, let's get going!" Kirk announced. "Teams, are you ready?!" Then the teams on one side of the moat started applauding, telling Kirk that they're ready. "Olmec, are you ready?"

"This rock is ready to roll!" Olmec said.

"On your mark, get set, go!" Kirk announced. Then the teams started crawling through the rings. On the Orange Iguanas, Smolder was going first. She was pulling herself through the rings, reaching through the rings and pulling herself through. She was the first one to get to the other side of the moat and stood up. That was Aaron's signal to go. He then started pulling himself through the rings, and he eventually made it to the other side. As soon as he got out of the rings, he and Smolder headed for the gong. Smolder was the one who pushed the button. Then the Blue Barracudas came in and hit their gong. Along with the Red Jaguars and the Purple Parrots. "Oh, ho! Nice job!" Kirk Fogg then looked towards the camera with Aaron and Smolder. "The Orange Iguanas were the first ones to make it across the moat, and they barely had any trouble. They're going on to the Steps of Knowledge along with the Red Jaguars, the Blue Barracudas, and the Purple Parrots." The teams that made it in time cheered along with the crowd applauding. "The Green Monkeys and the Silver Snakes gave it their all, but they're not going home empty handed. We got a great gift for them."

Then the lights went out and the workers of the show escorted the four winning teams to the dressing rooms to change into dryer clothes for the next round.

In the dressing room, Aaron and Smolder were changing into a new set of clothes for the Orange Iguanas. Smolder was talking as she was changing her clothes.

"That was awesome!" Smolder said. "I can't believe we went through that so well."

"That was just the first part of the game show," Aaron said. "We're gonna move on to the Steps of Knowledge next."

"Right," Smolder said. "This next part is about both the body and the mind. So we're gonna have to pay close attention to what the legend is."

"We'll make it through it," Aaron said. "Just be careful and don't say the wrong answer. If we don't get it right, we won't get another chance to answer it until the next question."

"Right, and we have to be one of the first two teams to make it to the bottom step to get to the next event," Smolder said. She then came out of the small booth in dryer clothes and put her helmet back on. "Let's do this." Then she and Aaron headed for the door, where the other teams were waiting. Then they all headed out of the dressing room.

The lights went back on and the camera was facing Kirk Fogg, who was heading towards the Steps of Knowledge where the four winning teams were standing.

"As the quest continues, it's time for Olmec to tell us of the Legend of the Lost Slingshot of David," Kirk Fogg said. "Pay attention, teams, because your knowledge of the legend will bring you one step closer to Olmec's temple."

The four teams looked towards Olmec as he was speaking of the legend.

"One of the famous biblical legends is David. David was the youngest of eight brothers. He was tasked with being a shepherd, meaning he was their sole protector from predators. Meanwhile, some of his brothers were off at war against an army of Philistines that the Israelites had to fight. One day, David had taken food to his brothers under his father's request. But his brothers thought he was there to watch the fight instead of the sheep. David knew in his heart that he was just obeying his dad, and with that, he didn't mind being misunderstood. But as David was about to leave, he noticed one Philistine man walking through a crowd of other Philistine men, the biggest one of them all, Goliath. He had a huge helmet, thick armor, and wielded huge weapons. Goliath demanded that the Israelites that one man should represent his opponents to fight him, and if they win, the Philistines would surrender, but the Israelites were too cowardly to stand up to Goliath, not even the king. David didn't like that the giant man was intimidating the Israelites, so he volunteered to the king to fight Goliath, but the king thought that David was too small, but the King gave in because he didn't have anyone brave enough to take on Goliath. David was faithful that he would be able to take down Goliath because he believed that God was with him. David was then fitted into some armor, but none of them fit him, so he decided to go to battle in his regular clothes. David then went to a nearby stream to collect five stones for his slingshot. David stepped forth into battle against Goliath, which the latter was furious. He was expecting the strongest of the Israelites to come and face him, but David was the only one brave enough to step onto battle. David was so brave, he even defended his sheep from bears and lions. David announced that God would be his protector, which made Goliath furious. David then took a stone, put it in his slingshot, and prepared for battle. When the battle started, he shot the stone from his slingshot, hitting Goliath directly in the forehead, not giving him a chance to swing his sword. As Goliath was down, David took Goliath's sword and cut off the giant's head. The Philistines surrendered and ran away. David became one of the greatest heroes of Jerusalem, and eventually, his slingshot was lost through the ages. Your quest is to find the lost slingshot of David and bring it back here."

"Thank you, Olmec, now tell us, where is the slingshot?" Kirk Fogg asked.

"The lost slingshot of David can be found in the Shrine of the Silver Monkey," Olmec said as a light shined over a room.

"Teams, you are now standing on the Steps of Knowledge," Kirk Fogg said to the teams. "In a minute, Olmec will ask you a question. If you think you know the answer, step on the ancient marking. If you're right, you'll move down to the next level. If you're wrong or run out of time, I'm gonna give the other teams a chance to answer." He then started walking down the steps. "The first two teams to make it down to the bottom level will be one step closer to Olmec's temple. Olmec, we're now ready for your first question."

"David was the youngest of how many brothers? 4, 6, or...?" Aaron then stepped on the marking.

"Orange Iguanas," Kirk Fogg said.

"Eight!" Aaron said.

"That is correct," Olmec said.

"Nice answer, Orange Iguanas, step on down," Kirk said. "Next question."

"What was David's job?" Olmec asked. "A shepherd, a gladiator, or a..." Smolder then stepped on the mark.

"Orange Iguanas," Kirk Fogg said.

"A shepherd!" Smolder called out.

"That is correct!" Olmec said.

"Step on down, Orange Iguanas," Kirk Fogg said. "Orange Iguanas, one more step, and you'll move on to the temple games. Next question, Olmec."

"What was the name of the Philistines greatest warrior? Hercules, Goliath, or Thor?" Smolder then stepped on the marker.

"Orange Iguanas," Kirk Fogg said.

"Goliath!" Smolder said.

"That is correct," Olmec said. Then the two of them stepped onto the bottom step.

"Way to go, Orange Iguanas! They're moving onto the Temple Games!" Kirk Fogg announced. "The Red Jaguars, the Blue Barracudas and the Purple Parrots are all behind but they can catch up. Alright Olmec, next question."

"Which of these animals did David fight to protect the sheep? Tigers, Lions or..." One of the Blue Barracudas stepped on the ancient marker.

"Blue Barracudas," Kirk Fogg said.

"Lions!" the male Blue Barracuda said.

"That is correct," Olmec said.

"Okay, Blue Barracudas, step on down," Kirk Fogg said. "Next question."

"Who was David relied on? His father, his brothers, or God?" Olmec asked. The Blue Barracudas stepped on the marker.

"Blue Barracudas," Kirk Fogg said.

"God!" the girl of the Blue Barracudas said.

"That is correct," Olmec said.

"Alright, Blue Barracudas, step down," Kirk Fogg said. "One more correct answer, and you'll be going onto the Temple Games. Alright Olmec, next question."

"Where did David go to collect the stones? The Stream, the Ocean, or the Lake?" Olmec asked as the boy of the Purple Parrots stomped on the marker.

"The lake!" the boy of the Purple Parrots called out.

"Incorrect!" Olmec said. Then the Blue Barracudas stomped on the marker.

"Blue Barracudas," Kirk Fogg said.

"The Stream!" the boy said.

"That... is correct!" Olmec said. Then the Blue Barracudas celebrated as they went down to the final step.

"We got our two teams going to the Temple Games!" Kirk Fogg said, walking up to the two teams. "It's the Blue Barracudas... and the Orange Iguanas! Good job! Red Jaguars, Purple Parrots, come on down!" The two teams came down the steps. "The Purple Parrots and the Red Jaguars almost had their chance to go down, but they gave it their best. They're not gonna go home empty handed. Here's what they're getting." Then the Red Jaguars and the Purple Parrots were escorted off the steps. Kirk Fogg then said, "These two teams will be playing for the right to enter Olmec's Temple, and they're gonna do it right after this!" Then the crowd started cheering for the contestants left.

In the dressing room, Aaron and Smolder were getting ready for the Temple Games. Smolder was getting into some blue jeans and some elbow and knee pads.

"This is getting intense," Smolder said. "We're one step away from reaching the temple."

"Yeah," Aaron said, getting into some blue jeans as well. "We're gonna have to pay attention to the rules of each game. They change the games every time, so we won't know which one will be up first."

"Good point," Smolder said. "So, we better win this event."

Then there was a knocking at the door. Aaron and Smolder looked towards the door and saw someone standing there. He then said, "Orange Iguanas, get ready for the Temple Games."

"Guess that's our cue," Smolder said. "Ready?"

"Always," Aaron said. Then the two of them headed for the door. Then the two of them were given name tags with their names. Well, Aaron's name. Smolder's name tag had the name Samantha on it. They put them on their shirts and headed out of the dressing room to get ready for the next event.

The lights came across the areas in front of the temple, where a bunch of things were set up for the temple games. Standing in front of Olmec were Aaron, Smolder, Kirk Fogg and the Blue Barracudas.

"Welcome back to Legends," Kirk Fogg said to the camera. "Now the glory goes to the fastest and the strongest. Now let's hear it for James and Sasha of the Blue Barracudas..." The crowd applauded. "And Samantha and Aaron of the Orange Iguanas. Girls, you head on over for the first temple games, and the guys, you head on over to the second." Then they all headed for their respective destinations. "Now, the teams are competing to win pendants of life." He then held out a pendant. "The winning team will need those pendants to protect them from those dreaded temple guards as they make their way through the temple." He then faced Olmec. "There are three temple games. Olmec, tell us about Temple Game Number One."

A light shined on Olmec as he said, "When David was watching over his sheep, he was a great defender to those beasts that tried to go after them. Especially the lions." Smolder and Sasha were sitting on poles that had lion heads on them. "When Kirk gives the signal, the lion beneath you will begin to spin. The player that's still on the lion after sixty seconds, or... the player that stays on the longest... wins."

"Oh ho," Kirk Fogg said. "Wrestling some lions, huh? Now that's something that's gonna be tough. Let's see who'll stay on the longest. Let's put 60 seconds on the clock. On your marks, get set, go!" Then the two men spinning the poles started and the two girls started holding on tight to the handles on the pole. Smolder was holding on tight along with Sasha. The poles started spinning faster. Smolder was about to lose her grip, but Sasha fell off first, then Smolder followed. "Oh, that was a close call!" Smolder and Sasha got off the padding underneath them and headed for Kirk Fogg. "Both of them fell off the lions, but Sasha was the first one to let go, so that means the Orange Iguanas get the first half pendant of life." Kirk then held out a half piece of a pendant. "The Orange Iguanas have a half pendant, and the Blue Barracudas don't have any. But the next game is worth a half pendant. Olmec, tell us about it."

The light above Olmec shined as he said, "David was tasked with delivering food to his brothers in the war against the Philistines." Aaron and James were in harnesses attached to a line above two platforms. "When Kirk gives the signal, you will deliver the first food from one side to the other and come back for the next piece of food. The player who brings the most food to David's brothers in 60 seconds wins."

"Alright, this is all about speed right here," Kirk said. "Let's get 60 seconds on the clock." Aaron and James were preparing to grab the food. "On your marks, get set, go!" Then the two boys grabbed a piece of food and rode the line to the other side, dropping the food into the basket below them. As they dropped them, there was a line attached to the back of their harnesses, being pulled by a man, each. Aaron and James continued to do it over and over again. But both of them each missed the basket twice. And the time stopped. "Okay, times up. I'm gonna go check out the score." Then Kirk grabbed the two baskets and checked to see how many each player got delivered. "Okay, we'll start with the Orange Iguanas. We have... One... Two... Three.. Four... Five... Six! Okay, and the Blue Barracudas have One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six! It's a tie! Both teams get the half pendant of life. But the Orange Iguanas are still ahead with one full pendant. The Blue Barracudas can still catch up in the last Temple Game. Olmec, tell us the last game."

Then a light appeared over Olmec as he said, "David volunteered to go into battle, and his weapon of choice was his slingshot, and five stones." Both teams were harnessed to each other with the rope going through a hole in a wall with a ramp above them, and some paper mache rocks in a box. "When Kirk gives the signal, one of you will grab a stone, toss it over you and your partner to catch it and put it into the box. The first team to get five stones or the team that has the most stones in the box within 60 seconds wins."

"Okay, this is a race now," Kirk Fogg said. "Let's put 60 seconds on the clock. On your marks, get set, go!"

Aaron and James each grabbed a paper mache rock and threw it onto the ramp above them. As Aaron went back to the wall, he pounded on the wall, and Smolder ran forward to reach for the paper mache rock. She caught it and put it into the box.

"Whoa, nice teamwork from the Orange Iguanas," Kirk Fogg said.

The Blue Barracudas weren't so lucky with catching the rocks. Eventually, Aaron and Smolder finished gathering five rocks with 2 seconds left to spare.

"Okay, okay, that's it!" Kirk Fogg said. "Stop the time!" He then walked up between the two areas. That was when the other workers helped Aaron and Smolder out of the wall. "With only two seconds left on the clock, the Orange Iguanas have gotten all 5 stones collected while the Blue Barracudas only got 2. The Orange Iguanas get the full pendant of life. They're going to the temple." Aaron and Smolder high fived each other. "The Blue Barracudas did their best. They're not gonna go away empty handed. We got a great gift for them. Here's what it is."

Then an announcement was made as the Blue Barracudas were escorted off the set.

"The Orange Iguanas were amazing throughout the way to the temple, and they never failed," Kirk Fogg said. "Now we're gonna see if they can make it through Olmec's temple, and retrieve the slingshot of David, right after this."

In the dressing room, Aaron and Smolder were preparing for the last challenge. Both of them were thinking to each other. Just then, one man entered the room.

"Okay, you two," the man said. "The temple's all set up. Better get ready."

"Alright," Aaron said. The man then left the room. "We're gonna have to decide who's gonna go into the temple first. And we're also gonna decide to see where to go first."

"Actually, I think you should go first," Smolder said.

"Really?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah," Smolder said. "You've been clever enough through a similar obstacle course back... you know."

"Ah, I see," Aaron said. "That was some obstacle course she did."

"Alright, let's go," Smolder said. Then the two of them got up from their seats and headed for the door. They were then escorted to where Kirk Fogg was standing.

The crowd applauded as Aaron and Smolder were standing next to Kirk Fogg.

"Welcome back to Legends," Kirk Fogg said into the camera. "The Orange Iguanas have blazed all the way, proven themselves worthy, and now earned the right to enter Olmec's temple. But first, Olmec will now give them some information on how to retrieve the lost slingshot of David." Then the three of them looked towards Olmec.

A light shined over Olmec as he spoke. "You could start with the crypt. Pull the right book to open the door and enter into the pit. Swing across the pit and then you could ascend into the King's Store Room. Smash the clay pots to find the key, and then descend into the Mandarin Hand room. Put the fingers on the globe, and that'll give you access into the Room of Ancient Warriors. Pull the correct lever and enter into the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. Put the pieces into the right spot, and enter into the Room of the Secret Password. Say the right password, and slide down into the Quicksand Bog. Then, break through the wall into the Dark Forest. But beware the dark spirits that may lurk in one of the trees. Find the key in one of the trees, and enter the Jester's Court. Align yourself with the paintings and enter into the Laser Light Room. Find the right light to open the door, back into the pit, climb through the ledges, and come back here to the temple gates. You've won two pendants in the temple games. Who's going first?"

"I am," Aaron announced.

"Very well, Aaron," Olmec said. "When Kirk gives the signal, you'll race through the gates, into the temple, and make your way towards the lost Slingshot of David. And inside the temple are temple guards signed to protect three specific rooms. You can trade your pendant for an extra life, but if you're caught without a pendant, you'll be taken out of the temple and it'll be Samantha's turn to enter and try her luck. If you reach the slingshot, all the rooms in the temple will instantly unlock and the temple guards will vanish. Return to the gates within 3 minutes, and you'll both be handsomely rewarded. And here's how."

Then an announcement was made. "First you're gonna get... some mountain bikes. YETI Mountain bikes. For those tough terrains through the mountains. Grab the slingshot within 3 minutes and you'll also receive... this pool table. A Spencer Marston Arlington Pool Table. One of the best brands there is. And if you can get out of the temple with the slingshot within 3 minutes, you two are going to Hawaii! You'll enjoy all the fantastic things there, including hula dancers, native shows, and other fun activities, and you'll be staying at the Aulani resort, where you can meet and dine with Disney Characters."

"Wow, a trip to Hawaii! That's amazing!" Kirk Fogg said. "Okay, let's put 3 minutes on the clock." Kirk then faced Olmec. "Olmec, open the gate." Olmec groaned as the gate was opening. Kirk then handed Aaron and Smolder a pendant each. "Okay, on your mark, get set. Go!"

Then Aaron ran in through the temple, very quickly. He ran into the crypt and pulled on the three books. Then the door to the pit opened up and he ran down the steps. He then jumped into the pit and opened the small door into the Laser Light room. He pulled one plate and it was a white light that opened the door to the Jester's Court, but before he could, he was ambushed by a Temple Guard. Aaron then gave the guard a pendant and continued. He then went into the Jester's Court. He started with the middle one and the light in the room went out, and the wall art started glowing. Aaron then went through the next door into the Dark Forest. He then jumped through the wall into the Quicksand Bog. He then went to the ladder and climbed up it. He then pushed a button that opened a door to the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. He then ran towards the slingshot and all the doors in the temple opened up. He then started running through the room of ancient warriors, up the stairs, and ran through the King's Store Room. Then he reached the pit, and Aaron used the slingshot to grab the rope and pulled the rope to him. He then swung over the pit, and then went through the crypt to the Temple Gates. The crowd cheered as Aaron went through the temple gates.

"He's done it!" Kirk Fogg said. "Aaron has blazed through the temple so quickly! With a minute and 55 seconds left on the clock, the Orange Iguanas have made it through! They get the mountain bikes, they get the pool table, and they're going to Hawaii! Congratulations to the Orange Iguanas! And thank you for watching! We'll see you next time on Legends of the Hidden Temple!"

Aaron and Smolder arrived back to the hotel room, and they went into the room that they were sharing. Just a few minutes after they walked in, Marissa came in and saw the two laying on their beds.

"So how'd it go?" Marissa asked.

"Aaron raced through the temple and did it all by himself," Smolder said.

"Really?" Marissa asked. "What did you win?"

"A couple mountain bikes, a pool table and a family trip to Hawaii," Aaron said. That last prize made Marissa shocked. She then started shedding tears of joy.

"I've always wanted to go to Hawaii," Marissa cried in happiness. She then pulled the two in for a hug. We can all go there for a Christmas Trip."

"Christmas?" Smolder asked. "Is it that holiday that's similar to Hearth's Warming?"

"It actually is," Aaron said. "Glad you actually paid attention."

"Well, I'm glad you've both won the trip," Marissa said. "And I think you two should bathe yourselves. After all, both of you went through the entire game show."

"Yeah," Smolder said, before sniffing her armpit. "I'm gonna need a deep scrub." She then grabbed a change of clothes and headed into the bathroom to get herself bathed.

Author's Note:

Well, this is an interesting end to this chapter. Aaron and Smolder won a trip to Hawaii, and will eventually go there around Christmas time. But that's gonna be a while until Christmas. For now, they're gonna enjoy the summer.