• Published 7th Sep 2022
  • 3,672 Views, 186 Comments

A Dragon's Soft Spot - Mister E-Nonymous

The staff and some of the students find out that Smolder has been hiding a human turned dragon in the catacombs underneath the School of Friendship, and they want to know how it happened. And eventually, why she agreed to help him.

  • ...

Chapter 17: Meeting the President

Chapter 17: Meeting the President

The next morning, Aaron, Smolder and Marissa woke up and got ready to go out. They had breakfast at the hotel, went up to the room to brush their teeth, and then they headed back down, went to the subway, and headed towards the Smithsonian, where the White House was nearby.

"Well, here we are," Marissa said. "The Smithsonian."

"I thought we were gonna head to the White House," Smolder said. "Whatever that is."

"The White House is a place where the President of the United States lives and works during his term," Aaron said.

"And how long is the president's term?" Smolder asked.

"Four years," Marissa said. "Sometimes eight years if the voters vote for the current president."

"Well, we should probably head over towards the White House," Aaron said.

"Yes," Marissa said. "Let's go." They then headed towards the White House. They started walking towards the White House. They eventually made it and were on a tour of the place with a bunch of other people.

Smolder was getting bored and asked, "Excuse me, ma'am, but where's the bathroom?"

"Oh, it's just around the corner, on the right," the tour guide said. "Be sure to wash your hands." Smolder nodded. When she was about to turn the corner, she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry, sir," Smolder said, not knowing that she bumped into Joe Biden.

"It's the President! No way, no way!" the tour guide said. Joe Biden then waved towards the crowd, getting the attention of the people.

"Good day, everyone," the President said. He then looked at Smolder. "Young lady, how about I give you and your family a personal tour of my office?"

"Technically, I'm not with my family," Smolder said. "I'm actually here with a friend of mine and his aunt." She then pointed towards Aaron and Marissa, who waved as Biden was looking towards them.

"Alright, then," the President said. "I shall take you all three of you on a personal tour of the Oval Office."

"That would be nice," Smolder said. She then remembered. "But first, I have to use the restroom." She then headed for the girls restroom. Aaron and Marissa walked up to the President.

"Mr. President, my name is Marissa Blazer," Marissa said. "It's actually a lucky break for you to invite us. We need to have a private chat. Me, my nephew, and her."

"Really?" the President asked. "Alright. We'll... wait until that young lady gets out and we'll head on over to the Oval Office. I can wait for her."

Later, the four of them arrived in the Oval Office. The President had some scientists and some advisors there. The President went over towards his desk.

"I apologize for my sudden surprise, everyone," the President said. "But I invited some tourists here for a personal tour of the Oval Office."

"Mr. President," one of the scientists said. "We got to figure out where that mysterious energy spike originated. All we know of it is that it originated somewhere in the Orlando, Florida area."

"Sorry about this," the President said. "Let's just say something happened about a couple months ago somewhere in Florida." He then looked at the scientists and said, "We'll continue this later."

"Hold it," Marissa said. "Actually, we might know what you're talking about."

"What do you mean?" the President asked.

"That energy spike your machines detected, it was actually a portal to another dimension," Smolder said. "And it originally opened up..."

"Right in my closet," Aaron finished. "I got sucked into that portal and got stuck in that dimension for four months, and came back like no time had passed."

"He even got transformed into an intelligent creature of that world to blend in," Smolder said.

"How do you know that?" asked the same scientist.

"Because I'm from that world," Smolder said. "He got unconscious and I had to carry him through the portal. Although, the transformation part was only meant for one creature."

"Really?" the President asked. "Who are you?"

"A lot of people know who I really am," Smolder said. "Have you heard of the show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?"

"I hear that the show is popular with many people," the President responded. "Why?" Aaron and Smolder looked at each other and nodded. Then the two of them revealed their dragon forms to the people in the room. "Whoa!"

"Incredible," a female scientist said. "Wait a minute. I know you. You're that orange dragon who debuted in Season 8 of the series. My daughter watches that show. So, everything in that show..."

"Really happened," Smolder said. "It did."

"Incredible," the female scientist said.

"Mind if we get... a blood sample from both of you?" the first scientist asked.

"What for?" Smolder asked, crossing her arms.

"It's for scientific research," the first scientist said. "Just to make sure that what you've got in your blood isn't too dangerous."

"It's magic," Smolder said. "I'm pretty sure that the magic they used isn't too dangerous. I helped save my home... twice." The scientists escorted Aaron and Smolder onto one of the sofas.

"You better drink a lot of fluids before we start extracting blood," the first scientist said. The President then walked towards his desk, opened up a drawer, and pulled out two 1-Liter bottles of Aquafina. "Oh, perfect." He then grabbed the bottles and handed them to the two dragons in the room. "Now drink up."

"Sheesh," Smolder said. "Something tells me I have to use the bathroom a lot today." She then opened the bottle and started drinking. Aaron was also drinking the bottle as well. As the two dragons were drinking, the scientist walked out of the room to get something. He then came back as the two dragons finished drinking their water.

"Wow," Aaron said. "Now I really have to go."

"Well, we're also gonna need... a sample of your urine," the first scientist said. "We're just gonna have to find somewhere for you two to do it in private."

"I have a private toilet behind a secret door in here," said the President. "One of you can use it to do a urine sample while the other one gets blood drawn."

"I'll use the restroom," Aaron said. The scientist handed him a urine sample cup as he was heading to the restroom. The scientist then sat down next to Smolder, put a tightened rubber band on her right by the elbow, and searched for a spot to put the needle in. He then tried putting the needle in, but her scales were too tough.

"Wow," the scientist said. "Your scales are tough." Smolder smirked.

"Is there something else we can do for you?" the President asked.

"Well, we don't know how long Smolder is going to be staying here if she returns to Equestria, so we're gonna need to get her some official documents," Marissa said.

"That I can do," the President said. He then started typing on a computer. "Okay, I'm guessing that you've given Smolder a cover name."

"Samantha Drake," Marissa said.

"Okay," the President said. "That's done." He then looked towards Smolder and asked, "When's your birthday, and how old are you?"

"April 8th, and I'm 13," Smolder responded.

"Okay," the President said before typing on the computer. "Date of Birth, November 8, 2009." He then looked up a list of Social Security Numbers. "Okay, we're gonna have to put the place where you arrived at as your place of birth, which is Orlando, Florida."

"Meh, alright," Smolder said and her blood was getting extracted. "Whoa. What's happening?"

"What you're feeling is what normally happens when you get your blood drawn," the scientist said. "Just relax." Just then, Aaron came out of the bathroom with a urine sample and handed it to one of the scientists.

"Okay," Aaron said. "I'm done."

"Alright," the scientist said.

"And I'm guessing that you don't need any important documents?" the President asked.

"Nah, my Aunt Marissa has the documents somewhere," Aaron said.

"He's right," Marissa replied. Smolder then headed for the bathroom, nearly losing balance. She then walked up to Smolder and said, "Let me help you."

"Thank you," Smolder said. Marissa helped keep Smolder balanced until they reached the bathroom.

A few days had passed since they went to the White House. They were currently coming out of an AMC Movie Theater near the hotel they were staying at, Aaron and Smolder in their human forms.

"That movie was awesome," Smolder said.

"Yeah," Aaron said. "Good thing we stayed until after the end credits. Most of the Marvel Movies have after credit scenes."

"And we got good seats while we were there as well," Marissa said. "When you go see a movie on opening day, it's best you prepay for your tickets at least a week before opening day."

"Good to know," Smolder said.

"C'mon," Marissa said. "Let's get some ice cream." They walked over to a nearby ice cream shop. They went in, got their orders, and walked back towards the hotel. But when they reached the hotel, they saw a limousine parked in front of the building. "That's something you don't see everyday." They went into the hotel to see the scientists waiting for the three.

"Ahh, there you all are," the male scientist said. "You remember us."

"Reynolds and Reynolds?" Smolder asked. She then thought of something. "Are you sure you two aren't related?"

"No," the female scientist said. "Anyway, mind if we have a talk with you upstairs? In your hotel room?"

They later went into the hotel room and the scientists started talking with the two teens, who went back into their dragon forms after closing the door.

"We ran some diagnostics on your blood samples," the male scientist, known as Xander Reynolds, said. "It would seem that something in your blood just might be a breakthrough. We tested the blood sample against COVID, and it seems that your blood has somehow burned the virus."

"You mean something in our blood is an immunity to the virus?" Aaron asked.

"Exactly," the female scientist, known as Lexi Reynolds, said. "We're gonna see how well it works with other subjects. And if it's safe, then we can prevent so many people from death."

"Theoretically speaking of course," Doctor Xander Reynolds said.

"So, does that mean you need more of our blood?" Aaron asked.

"To be certain, we're gonna have to draw blood from you... monthly," said Lexi Reynolds. "Also, for us to keep in touch, we're gonna have to get all three of your cell phone numbers."

"I don't have a cell phone," Smolder said. "Although, I do enjoy playing some games on Aaron's phone sometimes."

"What phone do you use, Aaron?" Lexi Reynolds asked.

"iPhone X," Aaron said. "Although, it's just about worn out for using it so many times."

"I've been meaning to get us some new iPhones, but I never get the time to go to the phone store to upgrade," Marissa said. "I'll try and get some sometime after we get back to Orlando."

"Actually, we might just surprise you," Xander Reynolds said. "Well, that's all we're here for. We'll see you some other time." As they were getting up, Marissa handed the scientists their home address and the phone numbers of both her and Aaron. The scientists then headed out.

Eventually, the three of them made it back to the hotel they were living at. When they reached the door, there was a small package left there, with a letter taped to it. Aaron walked towards the door and opened the door. Smolder then grabbed the box as she was pulling her suitcase into the hotel room.

They put their bags into the rooms they slept in and then Aaron and Smolder changed back into their dragon forms. Aaron then used one of his claws to tear open the letter. He then opened it up. Marissa then took the letter out of the envelope and read it.

"'To Aaron and Marissa Blazer, and Smolder, we are proud to announce that Smolder's official documents as an official United States Citizen. The documents that she needs are all inside this package, along with something for all three of you. And Smolder, enjoy your time here. Signed, President Joe Biden.'"

Aaron then opened up the box and inside were Smolder's official documents as Samantha Drake, along with three boxes of the iPhone 13 Pro Max. One in blue, one in green, and one in purple.

"Sweet! Three new phones!" Smolder said.

"That's lucky," Marissa said. "Tomorrow, we'll get these phones set up, and we'll get Smolder her own phone plan." Just then, the home phone started ringing. "I'll get it." She then answered the phone. "Hello? Oh, hang on." She then looked towards Aaron and said, "Aaron, do you know someone named Kirk Fogg?"

"Kirk Fogg?!" Aaron asked.

"As in the host of that old game show, Legends of the Hidden Temple?" Smolder asked.

"Huh?" Marissa asked, putting the phone back to her ear. "Oh, right. I'm here. Oh, really?" She then looked towards Aaron and asked, "Did you sign up to compete on the game show?"

"I did," Smolder said. "I heard that whenever someone competes on the show, we can get prizes."

"Okay," Marissa said. She then said, "They're interested in competing on the comeback show. Okay." She then looked towards the two and asked, "Kirk Fogg wants to know what team you two are interested in joining."

Aaron and Smolder then looked at each other, trying to choose which team they wanted to be on. Aaron then said, "Give me the phone." Marissa then handed Aaron the phone and he said, "This is Aaron Blazer. Samantha and I choose..."

Author's Note:

Next up, Aaron and Smolder will be competing on Legends of the Hidden Temple. This is gonna be epic in the next one. It's time for the two to compete on Legends of the Hidden Temple.