• Published 7th Sep 2022
  • 3,662 Views, 186 Comments

A Dragon's Soft Spot - Mister E-Nonymous

The staff and some of the students find out that Smolder has been hiding a human turned dragon in the catacombs underneath the School of Friendship, and they want to know how it happened. And eventually, why she agreed to help him.

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Chapter 21: Raging Ragnarok

Chapter 21: Raging Ragnarok

The President's helicopter was coming towards the Wynn's resort. Aaron and Smolder ran through the door to the roof, but there was no helipad on the roof.

"Where's the helipad?" Smolder asked.

Aaron then looked towards the Encore building and saw the helicopter landing there. He then gasped and said, "It's over there." Just then, Twilight, Spike, Ember, and the rest of the Young 6 walked through the doorway.

"Looks like there's no helipad up here," Gallus said. "But there is over there."

"Did you guys watch some of my movies while I was sleeping?" Aaron asked.

"They were actually very good," Sandbar said. "This is almost like that movie, Paul Blart Mall Cop 2. But no villains and art thieves. And we're not doing a zip line from here to there."

"Good idea," Aaron said. He then unfolded his wings. "I haven't used these things since my time in Equestria."

"Gotta stretch first," Smolder said. Then the two of them started stretching their arms and wings. Then they reached to touch their feet.

"Let me help you get your wings set," Ember said, helping out Aaron.

"Ooh!" Aaron said. "That actually feels good."

"Alright," Smolder said. "We're all limber enough." She then started flapping her wings. The other flying ones also started flapping their wings, followed by Aaron. Smolder and Silverstream then helped up Yona while Gallus picked up Sandbar. Then all of them started flying from the Wynn to the Encore. When they reached the helipad, they saw Marissa standing there.

"Aunt Marissa?" Aaron asked. "How'd you get over here so fast?"

"You always underestimate me, Aaron," Marissa said. "But I know that your new friends will be there to help you." She then hugged Aaron. "Just be safe."

"Don't worry, Mrs. Blazer," Twilight said. "He'll be fine."

"Actually, it's Ms. Blazer," Marissa said. "I'm not married."

"She's still single," Aaron said.

"She needs to find someone," Smolder said, making Aaron nod. Then the helicopter opened up, revealing the President.

"Alright, all of you," the President said. "Let's get going." Then all of them got into the helicopter.

"Where's Discord?" Aaron asked.

"He's going to meet us there with all the good creatures of Equestria," Twilight said. "We'd better get going." Then they all started getting onto the helicopter, Marissa watching as her nephew was leaving to go into a battle. She was afraid that she might not see him again, but she knew this was the only option right now.

At Red Rock Canyon, Aaron was sitting on the highest part of the rock, waiting for Ragnarok to come. He was holding Ragnarok's tracking scale to lead the revenge driven dragon towards him and he was also on the phone with the president.

"We've told the public about what is going on, so that's a good thing," the president said.

"Not for all those who see it differently," Aaron said. "I know for a fact that the anti-bronies aren't gonna be happy living with ponies or other Equestrian creatures living on Earth."

"Yeah, I hear that," the president responded. "I was actually contacted by the Army General to ask for permission to actually destroy all the life in Equestria. What do you think I told him?"

"Obviously, since you're now in an alliance with the Equestrians, we definitely cannot allow the destruction of all those innocent creatures," Aaron said. Aaron then sensed something. "Hang on a sec." He then looked off into the distance and saw something big, black and purple, and is coming closer to him. "He's here. Time to get to work." He then hung up. He then transformed back into his human form, put his phone in his pocket, and went back to his dragon form.

Ragnarok came in, landing at least 100 feet away from Aaron. He then noticed him and said, "So... you are the jade dragon that has eluded me for all these times."

"I wasn't always a dragon," Aaron said. "In fact, I have to say... welcome to my world." He then transformed back into his human form.

"A human, huh?" Ragnarok said. "I should've known. Your smell was different than any other creature in Equestria. Now that I have you, this time, I'll take my sweet time of draining your life force, after I eliminate all of the rulers of Equestria, and then this world, and only dragons will rule!"

"I don't think so," Aaron said. "You're in my world now, and things are more advanced here. And there's no way you'll take down my world's leaders."

"You seriously think you can defeat me all by yourself?" Ragnarok asked. "Don't make me laugh. No one will ever defy my will. The will of Dragon Lord Ragnarok!" He then blew a dark purple fire into the sky.

"I think you'll find our will... more equal... to yours," Aaron said, transforming back into his dragon form.

"Our?" Ragnarok asked. Just then, a magenta blast was fired at Ragnarok. He looked towards where the blast came from and saw a large group of ponies, yaks, hippogriffs, griffons, changelings, dragons and kirins all standing there. Even Tempest Shadow was there.

"Your time of conquest is never to start, Ragnarok!" Twilight called out. "Stand down, or face the consequences!"

Ragnarok chuckled and shouted, "NEVER!!!" He then blew a huge burst of purple flames towards the Equestrians, but the unicorns used their magic to create a barrier to shield them from the flames. Then the yaks started charging at Ragnarok, but he swung his tail towards them, knocking them all back. Then he was being attacked by the dragons, the griffons and the hippogriffs. The changelings were also up there, all of them firing that green slime at Ragnarok's feet and tail, trying to contain him. But Ragnarok was too strong to be contained. He also knocked back all the current creatures containing him. He then saw Ember, holding the Bloodstone Scepter. "My scepter! Give it to me!"

Ember then started flying away, but Ragnarok grabbed her by the tail. She couldn't let Ragnarok get it, so she had to throw it towards a random creature. She then called out, "Don't let Ragnarok get the scepter!"

The creature who caught the scepter was a changeling. Ragnarok then started reaching for the changeling, but he threw it towards a griffon, who then threw it towards a yak, who then threw it towards a hippogriff. Basically, they kept throwing it towards any other creature to keep the scepter away from Ragnarok.

"Keep away!" Rainbow Dash. "That is awesome!"

"It's just gonna make that dragon real mad," Applejack added.

"As long as Ragnarok doesn't get the scepter, it's safe," Twilight said. "Let's just hope that this world's forces don't see us the wrong way."

10 miles from their current location, the Army was on their way to Red Rock Canyon with a lot of arsenal. The general was looking towards the battle.

"It's worse than we thought," the general said. "All those creatures have no decency for our world." He then looked towards the Army, but then he saw the President's helicopter coming into land. The helicopter landed and the president walked out.

"General, what are you doing?!" the president asked. "I did not give the order for you to roll out."

"Sorry, Mr. President, but I'm taking the only choice that needs to be taken," the general said. "Take the president somewhere safe." Then some of the soldiers grabbed the president, taking him to a safer place.

"You can't do this!" the president said. "I told you not to do this!"

"Prepare the nuke!" the general called out. Then the men did as they were ordered to. The President was locked up in a tent for his own protection. He then got out his phone and started calling someone.

During the battle, Aaron, the Mane 6 and the Young 6 were being protected by the barrier. Just then, Smolder felt her phone vibrating. She then turned into her human form and answered it.

"Hello?" Smolder asked.

"Smolder, I'm glad you picked up," the president said. "Listen, the army general has disobeyed my orders. They're gonna engage. They're preparing a nuke right now."

"A nuke?" Smolder asked. "What's a nuke?"

"A nuke?!" Aaron asked. "That's a nuclear bomb! That thing could kill us all!"

"He's right!" the president said. "So you need to stop that nuke before it hits you all!"

"How are we gonna do that?" Smolder asked. Just then, they heard the sound of a missile fire. They saw a large missile shooting straight up.

"Oh, no!" Aaron said. "It's too late!"

"If that thing is as powerful you say it is, then we're doomed," Twilight said.

"What are we gonna do?" Fluttershy asked, feeling more scared than she was in her whole life.

Aaron then looked around. He saw Ragnarok trying to chase down the Bloodstone Scepter with the other creatures keeping it away. He then looked up towards the missile, climbing higher and higher into the sky. Aaron then sighed.

"I have to do it," Aaron said.

"What?!" the Young 6 asked.

"The prophecy said that Ragnarok could only be defeated by a jade dragon that believes in peace," Aaron said. "No matter where peace can be obtained." He then looked towards the missile. "This isn't peace. But I'm gonna fix this."

"Aaron! No!" Smolder said, holding him down. "Your aunt Marissa would kill us if we'd let you go out there!"

"I know, Smolder," Aaron said. "But it has to be done." He then pulled her in for a hug. "And I'm sorry for this." He then threw Smolder towards her friends and then he started flying towards Ragnarok. He was thinking to himself. Thinking about his friends being in danger. His family. His country. His planet. This is something he wants to protect. He then said, silently, "Aaron want..."

Ragnarok was about to grab the Bloodstone Scepter, which was in the claws of Gilda. He then said, "Now the scepter is mine!" But then, he was grabbed by a dragon as big as him. It was a jade dragon. It was Aaron, in greedzilla form. Ragnarok noticed this and loudly asked, "WHAT?!"

"NO ONE HURTS MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY!!" Aaron roared, carrying Ragnarok into the sky, following the missile. The missile reached outside the atmosphere and then it started to descend. Aaron noticed it descending. Then he started spinning around, doing a hammer throw with Ragnarok. He then threw Ragnarok towards the missile and then he got smaller, shouting, "See ya, Ragnarok!"

Ragnarok recovered in mid air, but then he saw the missile heading right towards him. And with final breath, he shouted, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" The missile then collided with him, blowing him up to smithereens.

The force of the explosion was so powerful, it pushed Aaron down faster, knocking him out in mid air. But the Equestrians weren't aware that Aaron was knocked out. They just saw him coming down. They were all cheering. All except for the Mane 6 and Young 6.

"Alright!" Spike said. "He did it!" As Aaron was coming closer to the ground, they saw that he was coming down fast.

"Wait!" Rainbow Dash said. "He's not slowing down!"

Twilight then used her magic to create a telescope to see why Aaron wasn't slowing down. She saw that Aaron was out cold. She then said, "He's out cold!" She was about to fly up, but Smolder was flying towards Aaron quickly. She then caught him, losing at least 30 feet in the air, but eventually, recovered enough to carry Aaron towards the ground safely.

"Aaron!" Smolder said, putting Aaron down. She then turned Aaron's head to face her. "Please wake up!"

"Anyone know CPR?!" Twilight called out. Smolder then remembered something from the movie Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. She then started performing CPR. She started with pressing down on Aaron's chest, and then she opened up Aaron's mouth and started breathing into it. She did this a couple more times. But then eventually, Aaron woke up.

"Whoa!!" Aaron said, sitting up. He then coughed loudly. "Oh, man! That was intense!" Smolder then hugged him tightly.

"You're okay!" Smolder said, shedding some tears. She then broke the hug and slapped him. "Don't ever scare me like that again! In fact, don't ever do anything like that again!"

"I won't," Aaron said. "I promise." He then looked towards where the missile came from. He then said, "Discord." Then Discord appeared next to him.

"Yes?" Discord asked.

"Escort these creatures back to their homes," Aaron said. "But not my friends, Twilight and her friends, Spike and Ember. We've all got an army to talk to."

At the army base camp, the army was setting up another nuke to launch. The general was watching the Equestrians through a pair of high tech binoculars.

"Alright, men!" the general said. "Fire away!" Just then, the nuke became disarmed and disassembled. "What?!" Then Aaron, the Mane 6, Spike and the Young 6 arrived in a flash of light. "We're being attacked, men!" Just then, the army started aiming their weapons, but they disappeared in a flash of light. Then the President came out of the tent that he was locked up in.

"Stand down, men!" the president ordered. "That is a presidential order!" The army looked around as the President walked towards the general. "General, I told you to stand down, but you refuse to listen."

"Those beasts were attacking our country!" the general shouted.

"They were saving the world from that giant black and purple dragon!" the president shouted. "As of now, you are fired! Dishonorably discharged!"

"You can't do this to me!" the general shouted.

"I can, and I am," the president said. "These creatures actually came here in peace. They didn't come here on purpose to permanently live here on Earth. How they arrived was purely accidental."

"I will not live in a world with these... disgusting creatures!" the former general said.

"Who are you calling disgusting?!" Rarity shouted.

"We're as intelligent as you, you know!" Twilight stated. Then she sighed. "But, he's right. Our world is already known to some people of this world. If only there was a way for us to get back to our dimension."

Discord then appeared, saying, "Perhaps there is a way to get our world back to our dimension, and for still the two to be connected."

"And how is that supposed to happen?" Twilight asked. All Discord did was smirk in response.

Author's Note:

Well, Ragnarok is defeated, and the Equestrians are gonna send their land back to their own dimension. But what about Aaron and Smolder? Will this be the end of their relationship? Well, let's all hope not. Find out in the Epilogue, coming next.