• Published 27th Sep 2022
  • 2,690 Views, 113 Comments

The Never-Ending Ending - 5u0myn0n4

The evil alicorn Opaline awakens an ancient evil and unleashes it upon Equestria, and Sunny Starscout and friends must unite hoof to heart to restore Harmony before the worst comes to pass.

  • ...

Chapter 11: Unleash the Magic

Sunny, Izzy, Hitch, with Sparky riding his back, and Zipp, and Pipp marched in a line opposing Opaline.

"Yes. Come to me, Sunny Starscout." Opaline said, under her breath.

"You six look like you're very pleased to see me again." Opaline said, mockingly..

"What are you doing here?!" Hitch asked.

"Besides lining up for a butt whooping!" Izzy added.

"You have a lot of nerve just showing up and exposing yourself." Zipp said.

"Such hostility. I'm merely here to talk." Opaline said. "I've spent far too much time in the shadows. But now I feel like changing that, and getting an up close look at the group of ponies who brought back all the magic."

Sparky was growling intensely at Opaline.

"Sorry, ma'am. But I trust Sparky. And this growl means you're nothing but trouble." Hitch said.

"Trusting the judgment of a baby dragon. Hmm hmm hmm... A powerful baby dragon at that." she said. "There's quite a lot of magic your dragon has pent up."

"We're not here to chat! Cough up the crystals, old mare!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Fine. If you ponies have no interest in a simple conversation, I'm willing to cut straight to business, and offer a trade.” Opaline said.

"Trade... what? Stocks?" Izzy asked.

"Nah. Something you'll find far more valuable." Opaline said.

Opaline showed off the Unity Crystals in her possession. Except something looked very wrong about them. They were encased in a red magic bubble. The crystals were secreting red magic, as if they themselves were in pain.

"You want these crystals so bad? I'm willing to lend them back to you, in exchange for complete ownership of that dragon!" Opaline said.

"NEVER!" Hitch and Sparky both exclaimed.(At least that's what it seemed like what Sparky said.)

"Very well. I'll just keep the all important Unity Crystals to myself, and try to solve the mystery of their strange behavior on my own." Opaline said.

"There is no mystery. It's quite clear to me that your misuse of the crystals is hurting the magic!" Zipp said.

"That's why we're going to take the crystals back from you! You're no match for us! There's just one of you after all!" Sunny said.

"Oh no. You're right. I'm out matched. Whatever am I to do?" Opaline asked sarcastically. "Fine, if you won't cooperate with me. Then try to pry your precious crystals from my cold ancient hooves."

"You heard her, Sunny. Let's pry those crystals from her!" Zipp said.

Sunny nodded affirmatively.

Just as Sunny was ready to charge forward, she felt... uneasy. Her friends looked over to her and saw her stressing.

"Sunny, are you alright?" Zipp asked.

"You need to take a chill? There's nothing wrong with taking a step back when you're overwhelmed." Pipp said.

"I'm fine. I-I think." Sunny said.

"I'm not taking any chances. Sparky and I have got this under control!" Hitch said.

Hitch stepped forward with Sparky. The two of them were poised and ready to fight.

Sparky breathed a big ball of fire, and it hit the crystals directly, and heated them up.

The Unity Crystal formed a clear fracture down the middle. The crystals were hotter and hotter, and brighter in anger.

"The crystals!" Sunny exclaimed.

"Wuh-oops..." Sparky said.

Opaline was strangely delighted upon seeing the damage done to the crystals.

"You want your Unity Crystals, fillies? Take 'em!" Opaline said.

Opaline chucked the red glowing crystals at the 5 of them.

Sunny leaped forward and caught the crystals with her magic. But something was off. She just lost the worst game of hot potato. The super heated crystals surrounded by her alicorn magic made for a dangerous combination. The crystals grew brighter until...

"Sunny look out! Get away!"


Sunny's life flashed before her eyes.

The crystals expelled a massive burst of energy, and blew everypony away. Sunny, who held the crystals directly in front of her face, took the brunt of the explosion. The magic from the crystals was released, and free flowing in their air. It didn't take long for Opaline to step in and absorb the magic that came from the crystals. She absorbed the magic that was expelled from the shattered crystals. The powerful magic was absorbed by Opaline.

Opaline started to feel uneasy, and felt the magic flowing through her. She took it in, and she started feeling the raw power energize her body. But this came with excruciating pain, which caused her to briefly lose consciousness.


"Opaline? Opaline!" cried Misty.

Opaline opened her eyes, and saw Misty staring at her with a distressed expression.

"Opaline. You look... different." Misty said.

"Different, how?" Opaline asked.

"Well, see for yourself." Misty opened her compact mirror, and held it in front of Opaline. Opaline saw herself and what the magic had done to her. To be clear, Opaline had absorbed all of the power inside the three Unity Crystals. The sacred and powerful magic that was once inside the crystals was now inside of her, and that was no fluke.

For her appearance, her mane had changed color. From the radiant blue to a deep purple. She bore a slightly closer resemblance to a certain enemy of her. But that didn't come as too much of a surprise, given it was her magic that the crystals tried so hard to protect. But thanks to her deviously clever manipulative strategies, the the three Unity Crystals were shattered, and magic inside the crystals was finally hers.

"Zipp... what's happening?" Pipp asked.

"It... can't be..." Zipp said.

"The crystals are..." Hitch started, but couldn't bring himself to even finish his sentence.

Opaline was eager to try her new magical abilities. Her first action was that she used her magic to pick up the two halves of Sunny's smoothie cart, and chucked them miles away into the ocean.

The mane 5 and Sparky's jaws dropped seeing Opaline's strength. Well, everypony except for Sunny. The outward explosion caused her to collapse and faint completely.

The rest of the mane 5 were pushed aside from the blast, leaving Sunny unprotected.

Opaline approached Sunny.

"You're coming with me, Sunny Starscout." Opaline said. "You and I still have unfinished business."

Opaline felt something knock against her head.

It was Izzy who flung a piece of debris at Opaline's head.

"Keep away from her!" Izzy exclaimed.

Izzy charged forward, but Opaline gripped her with her magic, and flung her back.

"You ponies are even more useless than you were before! You ponies are like feeble insects compared to me. You can't touch me. Compared to you I am a Goddess. I am an alicorn! And now the magic once belonging to the most powerful alicorn of all is mine! Which makes me-HUH?"

Izzy sped towards Opaline once again, this time riding on her motor scooter.

Opaline once again used her magic to pause Izzy in place.

"You ponies are nothing if not persistent, and very annoying." Opaline said.

But Izzy had a trick up her sleeve. Opaline had her magic holding Izzy, but not her scooter!

"Now run along and-WAIT WHAT THE-"

Izzy launched the scooter and it ran into Opaline.
The scooter ran over Opaline and knocked her over.

Izzy leaped the opposite way, and ran to Sunny's side.

"Come on! Let's get Sunny to safety!" Izzy exclaimed.

Izzy, Pipp, Zipp, and Hitch with Sparky ran to Sunny's aide.

Izzy picked up the lantern with her mouth, and Sunny with her magic.

Pipp, Izzy and Zipp ran from the scene with Sunny.

Opaline growled, and was poised to retaliate, when Hitch and Sparky stood and opposed Opaline.

"Leave our friends alone you ancient creep! Sparky! Torch her!" Hitch exclaimed.

"HEH!!" Sparky exclaimed.

Sparky charged up his magic, and his dragon breath, and breathed a plume of fire at Opaline.

Opaline used her magic to deflect the dragon fire. But it wasn't as easy as she'd made it seem.

"Dragon fire? DRAGON FIRE?!" she said maniacally. "HA! I stamp out dragon fire! You can keep your sizzling little embers! The magic I possess now greatly exceeds the burns of dragon fire!!"

"Wuh-oh." Sparky said.

Opaline pushed Sheriff Hitch and Sparky Sparkeroni aside. They had distracted her for long enough to have lost sight of Sunny Starscout. Undeterred however, Opaline set her sights on some targets.

Opaline made her way into the sheriff's office. She grabbed the jail bars to the trio's cell, and with magic she swiftly ripped them from their place.

"T-that's quite the magic you g-got there." Cozy said, shivering in fear.

"You look different. Change your mane up? Absorb any powerful magic?" Tirek asked.

"You three. I'm not quite finished with you three." Opaline said.

*gulp* The three quivered in fear.

"What are you going to do to us?" Tirek asked.

"We'll be your servants for life!" Cozy pleaded.

"Fret not. I can take her." Chrysalis said.

"There's something I still need from you guys." Opaline said.

Opaline latched onto them with her magic, and she... plucked a single feather from Cozy Glow's wing.

"A tissue sample from a past generation pony. Now I've got everything I need from here." Opaline said.

"You do?" Cozy asked.

"Yes. So in that sense, your purpose is fulfilled. I really should ought'a put you back where I found you." Opaline said. "I would turn you three back to stone, but I'm not that cruel. I freed you, and now you three are free to suffer in this bizarre new world... while it lasts."

"While it... lasts?" Cozy asked.

"What are you hinting at?!" Chrysalis asked.

But Opaline did not answer that question. She merely laughed, and bolted out of the jail.

Opaline flew away in a bright flash of light.

"Okay, she's definitely a threat." Cozy said.

Opaline flew overhead and scouted Maretime Bay, in search of Sunny Starscout. But she was unsuccessful thus far.

Meanwhile, Izzy, Pipp, and Zipp hid in an alleyway with Sunny, and the lantern. Sunny was still unconscious.

"Come on, Sunny! Wake up please! We need you, Sunny!" Pipp pleaded. But Sunny showed no signs of energy.

"This is nuts!" Izzy exclaimed, while whispering. It was a whisper yell!

"I know. I don't know how that could've gone worse!" Pipp said, in a distressed whisper.

"Well we can't give up now. There's got to be a weakness to her, even now. But first, we gotta find a safe place to hide." Zipp said.

"Yeah, but where?" Pipp asked.

"The Bright House!" Misty shouted.

Misty had found them first.

"Keep your yap shut! If you give away our location to Opaline I'll-" Zipp started.

"Keep it down. I'm not interested in that. Izzy's right. You guys are my friends. And I don't want to see Opaline torment you guys any more..." Misty said.

Misty's melodramatic confession was touching, but times were too dire to get hung up on that.

"Yeah yeah. Save the tears for later. What bit of advice do you have this time?" Zipp asked.

"Get Sunny into the Bright House! It's protected by a cloaking spell that Opaline can't penetrate. You'll be safe in there." Misty said.

"Will we though? That *thing* destroyed the source of our magic!" Zipp said.

"Then how are you still flying?" Misty asked.

"Uh..." Zipp self consciously landed, in fear she was violating some sort of rule.

"You heard her, Zipp. Our mission is now getting Sunny into the safe haven of The Crystal Bright House." Izzy said, in a dramatic whisper.

"I mean, it's as good a lead as any, Zipp." Pipp said.

"If I were you, I'd run like the wind. Like, right now" Misty said.

"But if we're spotted, we're done. How do we get Sunny all the way to the Bright House without being noticed?" Pipp asked.

Izzy rubbed her chin and put on her thinking cap, and then when a lightbulb went off in her head.

"Idea!" she exclaimed.

Opaline continued to scout for Sunny Starscout.

"Opaline!" Misty cried out from below, which caught Opaline's attention.

"Sunny's friends are heading for Bridlewood!" Misty exclaimed, pointing her hoof. "Hurry, before they reach the safe haven of the unicorns!"

"Bridlewood you say? Hmm. Excellent. Thanks for the direction, Misty." Opaline said.

Opaline zipped and flew in the opposite direction Misty was pointing, to the complete surprise of Misty.

"Wait, where are you going!? I pointed THAT way, and you went the other way!" Misty said.

Opaline flew until she spotted Izzy running, and lugging with her an opaque sack.

"Nice try, ponies. But you can't run, or hide from me." Opaline said.

Opaline flew down after Izzy.

Opaline made an earth shattering pound when she landed on the ground. Izzy lost her footing and fell over, and dropped the bag.

"It's over. You ponies can run no longer. For now I have- WHAT?!"

Opaline opened the sack, but it was not Sunny, it was instead Señor Butterscotch

"HAHAHA!" Izzy laughed, in Señor B's voice. "Gotcha!"

Opaline was tricked. She was very angry.

"Looking for Sunny Starscout?? Never heard of them. I'm Señor Bu-

Opaline used her magic to pierce Señor Butterscotch in the gut, to the utter horror of Izzy.

"Señor B!!" Izzy cried.

"Now tell me where Sunny Starscout is, or else." Opaline said.

"I'll NEVER tell you! You might be bright and powerful, but you're still a nasty old wench!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Bright? Hmm hmm hmm." Opaline made her horn glow extra bright, as she threatened Izzy. "You sure got that right. Bright... *gasp* "Bright House!" Opaline exclaimed.

"Uh, NO! No Bright House! Don't go there!! It's uh... infested! We have to quarantine it! Nopony allowed!" Izzy exclaimed.

Opaline turned the other way and took off and flew for the Bright House.

Zipp and Pipp were flying with Sunny in tow. Zipp held the lantern with her mouth, and the two of them carried Sunny in a basket. They were nearly at the entrance of the Crystal Bright House.

"Come on, we're almost there!" Pipp exclaimed.

But right before they touched the door, their wings stopped, and they were suspended in place.

Opaline had caught up to them.

"So this is the Crystal Bright House I've heard so much about. Sure is much bigger in reality than it is over transmission." Opaline said.

Opaline reeled in Sunny with her great magic, and pushed Zipp and Pipp back.

"You ponies were so close. You thought I'd been had. But now I have the only other alicorn left in Equestria." Opaline said.

"Let her go!" Zipp exclaimed.

But Opaline did not entertain the two pegasi. Opaline picked up Sunny Starscout, and flew away at great speed, leaving behind a loud boom sound, and a magic afterglow.

Zipp and Pipp looked at each other, with their jaws dropped, and eyes watering. They could not believe what happened. Izzy returned and limped slowly, with a sad look on her face.

"Guys..." Izzy said.

"What... just happened...?" Zipp said, still in utter disbelief as to what happened.

Pipp started bawling her eyes out, and leaned into Zipp for comfort.

Hitch and Sparky made it to the Bright House, but they could both tell there was nothing that needed to be said at this time. He looked up and saw that the sky was getting darker.

And Misty. She saw how distraught everypony was, and decided not to approach them. Instead she slowly backed away, and ran off.