• Published 27th Sep 2022
  • 2,690 Views, 113 Comments

The Never-Ending Ending - 5u0myn0n4

The evil alicorn Opaline awakens an ancient evil and unleashes it upon Equestria, and Sunny Starscout and friends must unite hoof to heart to restore Harmony before the worst comes to pass.

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Chapter 8: The Battle of Maretime Bay

With Sunny's alicorn magic revealed, the mean trio had their sights on taking her magic. But Sunny's friends weren't going to allow that to happen. They sprang into action, and each paired up and confronted a member of the trio, which left Sunny to face Cozy Glow one on one.

Hitch and Zipp sprang forward and confronted Lord Tirek, and aimed to take back the magic he had stolen, and save Sparky Sparkeroni from his clutches.

"Give me back my baby boy!" he exclaimed.

"You're an odd bunch." Tirek said. "But at least you're not just a bunch of girls, which makes this fight slightly less awkward."

Tirek cracked his knuckles and readied himself to battle.

Hitch and Zipp charged forward together.

Tirek lit up his horns and powered up his magic. He fired a fire stream at the ground in the direction of Hitch and Zipp. Hitch ran around the blast, while Zipp flew over it.

Hitch touched the ground with his hooves, to grow out a thick vine.

He held the vine, and flung it at Tirek. He latched onto Tirek's arm.

"Huh? So this is what earthpony magic is capable of." Tirek said to himself.

Tirek thrusted his arm and snapped the vine apart. He then held the vine and swatted it at Zipp, which threw off her flight. Hitch and Zipp collided and fell to the ground.

"He's too strong. His muscles are too much." Zipp said.

"We can't give up." Hitch said. "Not when Sparky and all of Equestria is on the line."

"Of course not. I never said I was going to." Zipp said. "We just need a new plan. He has to have a weakness. We just need to think about what it is and exploit it."

That's when Hitch and Zipp simultaneously came up with a new idea.

"You thinking what I'm thinking, deputy?" Hitch asked.

"If you're thinking of winning, then yeah. Let's do it." Zipp said, determined.

With a shared affirmative nod, Plan B went into effect.

Zipp flew upward, evading Tirek's blasts of fire. Zipp was fast, but not necessarily extraordinarily so. Hitch then concentrated his earthpony magic, and wrapped his hooves with thick spiky vines. After gaining enough altitude, she flew back towards Hitch. Zipp reached her hoof out and latched onto the end of the main vine. She made a daring maneuver around Tirek.

She evaded yet more of Tirek's fire beams. Zipp flew under Tirek's body, and wrapped Hitch's home grown vine around each of his legs.

"Hey, that's not fair! You can't-wha-AH!" Tirek exclaimed.

Hitch pulled on the vines, but Tirek was proving sturdy, and difficult to move.

"Now, Zipp!" Hitch exclaimed.

Zipp flew in at high velocity and smacked Tirek with her hoof. She caught Tirek off his guard and pushed him back. Hitch's vines finally tripped up Tirek, and caused the mighty centaur to fall onto the ground.

His grip on Sparky's cage was released, and the cage fell.


Hitch lunged forward and caught him.

Sparky smiled and gleed, and reached his little dragon arms onto Hitch's face. Hitch discovered the cage wasn't locked with a key, it was a simple latch. He opened the cage and hugged his dragon baby.

"I am so sorry that this happened. I won't ever let you down again!" Hitch said.

Sparky hugged him too, and made his cute baby dragon sounds.

"Hitch!!" Zipp exclaimed.

Zipp pointed out Tirek, who was starting to get back up.

Hitch reached his hoof out, which commanded his magic vines to tighten their grip on Tirek.

Hitch had Tirek bound down.

"Now what? How do we get him to release the magic?" Zipp asked.

"Uh... spit out everypony's magic NOW!" Hitch exclaimed.

"N-never!" Tirek said.

"If you don't, we'll squeeze it out of you, or something!" Hitch said.

But the true solution wouldn't require any of that.

Sparky nudged himself out of Hitch's hooves, and walked slowly to Tirek.

"What are you doing Sparky?! Don't-" Hitch started.

"Wait, Hitch." Zipp said.

Sparky gently touched Tirek's horns with his claws, and then something odd started to happen.

Sparky's ears lit up, when he touched Tirek's horns.

"No. What is this? How is this dragon making me........"

Tirek and Sparky entered a strange trance.

Sparky's horns glowed bright, as they noticed that Tirek's magic was flowing into Sparky.

"Magic dragon?" Zipp asked.

"MAGIC DRAGON!" Hitch and Zipp said to each other.

Izzy pounced around, and opposed Queen Chrysalis, with Pipp. Chrysalis hissed and growled at Izzy and Pipp.

"Izzy, I have a confession to make. I don't know how to fight." Pipp admitted.

"It's easy. Just use that mallet I made for you, and swiing it." Izzy said.

"O-Okay." Pipp said, nervously.

Pipp reeled back, and reluctantly swung her hammer at Chrysalis. The queen stood in place and watched the nervous pegasus slowly swing her hammer. The hammer swung right in front of Chrysalis without touching her. At the end of the swing, Pipp dropped the hammer out of exhaustion.

"I-I tried, Izzy." Pipp cried. "I'm sorry. I just don't have the fighting spirit."

"Ooh, you have me quivering in fear." Chrysalis said, mockingly.

"You should be quivering! Bet you never met a pony as zany as me!" Izzy said.

"You? Pah. You wouldn't believe the things I've seen." Chrysalis said. "But forget the chit chat. Let's see how you two enjoy being COOKED, AND COOLED OFF IN A SLIME COVERED COCOON!"

Chrysalis' dragon fire activated, and set her mane ablaze. She opened her mouth and growled, but Izzy swiftly shoved a tennis racket in her mouth.

"Those are some sharp teeth! Do you chew your food thoroughly? Or are those teeth for gripping and swallowing whole?" Izzy asked.

Chrysalis crunched down on the racket, and her mane went up in flames with more dragon fire.

"She's a cruncher! Let's skedaddle, Pipp!" Izzy said.

Izzy and Pipp hopped inside of the tram car, the Marestream. Pipp clicked the dashboard which locked the doors and windows.

"Don't worry, we're safe in here." Izzy said.

"Well now we're trapped in here with no means of escape!" Pipp said.

A window shattered, and Chrysalis reached one of her flame covered legs inside.

"Hurry and do something Izzy!!" Pipp shrieked in fear.

"Okay! No need to panic still! Activate Marestream self defense mechanisms! And by defense mechanisms, I mean... REVERSE!!"

Izzy pulled a lever, which made the Marestream accelerate backwards.

"Izzy watch where you're going! We're gonna-"

The Marestream backed up into a building. The force of the impact knocked the two of the back, and knocked Chrysalis off of the vehicle.

"And now, reverse-reverse!" Izzy punched in the gear, and they went forward.

Chrysalis flew after them. Izzy pressed a button inside the Marestream, which remotely activated Sprout's anti-pegasi catapults. The catapults pelted Chrysalis with pies.

Izzy parked the Marestream around the corner.

Chrysalis landed next to it.

"Wait for it." Izzy said.

But Izzy's calculations were on point. Because where Chrysalis landed, she stepped directly on a unicorn trapping box.

The alarm sounded, which startled Chrysalis. And then the box sprang up and completely trapped Chrysalis inside.

"Did we get her?" Pipp asked.

"I'm coming!" Izzy shouted.

Izzy grabbed the lantern, and ran out with Pipp.

"What is this infernal box I find myself trapped in?!" Chrysalis exclaimed, voice muffled from inside.

"I told ya, you don't have anything to worry about with your Auntie Moonbow protecting you."

"Hoof bump."

The box started to heat up, and glow.

The box exploded in flames, and out came Chrysalis.

"Enough shenanigans!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

"NOOO!!!" Pipp cried.

Chrysalis fired a ball of dragon fire at Pipp and Izzy.

Izzy was scared, but all of the sudden felt something strange. The fire seemed to slow down, and the lantern glowed brighter. Izzy's horn also started to glow.

"Are you trying to tell me something, lantern?" Izzy asked to it.

The fireball impacted, but Chrysalis's fireball was dissipated by a powerful expel of light.

"WHAT THE?!" she exclaimed.

"Izzy... how are you..." Pipp said.

"Oooh. Alright, lantern. I'm picking up what you're glowing up." Izzy said. "Gooo... lantern blast!"

Izzy's glowing horn shot a beam of magic at Chrysalis and impacted her face.


"Where do you ponies even find all this magic?!" Chrysalis bemoaned.

Sunny Starscout was overwhelmed by Cozy Glow, who was fascinated with Sunny's unusual powers. She flew around Sunny, and was amazed by her radiant wings and horn.

"WOW! What is this? These aren't wings! That's not a horn! I mean well it is, but it's like made of light magic. What are you?" Cozy asked.

"I'm uh.... I'm an alicorn. Can't you see?" Sunny replied, nervously.

"None like I've seen. You can just make your wings and horn appear at any time? What kind of hidden power is this?" Cozy wondered.

Sunny nodded her head no, assuring that even she had no idea. Cozy peered closer, and Sunny felt the heat from her fiery mane. She wasn't sure how much longer Cozy was intending on playing friendly, and if she'd get burned.

"Well, if you won't tell me, I'll just have to beat the snot out of you, AND TAKE YOUR MAGIC FOR OURSELVES!!!" Cozy exclaimed, lighting her mane up with dragon fire.

Sunny's wings grew, and thrusted forward and shielded her from Cozy Glow's stream of dragon fire.

Cozy's jaw dropped seeing Sunny's power once again somehow overpower her fire.

"Hehe. If you need this alicorn, she'll be hiding in the alleyway. Get it? Ali? Alley? Get it it's..."

Sunny turned around and flew away from Cozy Glow.

"Come back here Sunny!" Cozy exclaimed.

Cozy Glow flew after Sunny Starscout, but that's when she started to encounter some resistance.

Cozy's motions had activated Canterlogic's motion sensing weaponry.

The air pegasi pie shooters pelted her with gross pies.

"Agh. Oof! Pfft Pfft. Gross!" she cried.

But Cozy was not distracted. She was laser focused on seeing where Sunny went.

Cozy paid attention to the alleyways, and noticed a fast traveling blur of light in the alley. Cozy grinned and went after them.

Sunny flew through the alleys. She looked behind her, and she seemed to be in the clear. But suddenly Cozy Glow appeared in front of her.


Cozy's forehead lit up with dragon fire, and she shot a ball of fire at Sunny.

Sunny gasped, and maneuvered herself around it, and flew an arc over Cozy.

Cozy focused on Sunny and shot blast after blast at Sunny. Sunny's wings thrusted her and left behind a trail of glitter that dissipated Cozy Glow's dragon fire.

Sunny landed on top of a roof, and Cozy landed just a few meters behind her.

"Hold still! Ugh! You're just another flawless alicorn who's impossible to touch." Cozy said.

"Would you believe me if I said most of these alicorn moves have been involuntary?" Sunny asked.

"WHAT!? Your wings and horn have a mind of their own??" Cozy exclaimed.

Sunny shrugged and grinned anxiously.

"You mean if I-"

Cozy Glow fired a surprise beam of fire at Sunny. And her wings protected Sunny and deflected the blast.

"Who ARE you?!" Cozy exclaimed.

"Who are YOU?" Sunny asked. "Like what were you and those other two doing in stone?"

"Twilight Sparkle and her friends did it. And from the looks of it, they were going to leave us there forever. It's only thanks to that shadowy alicorn that we're free. If it weren't for her, we'd probably be in there forever." Cozy said.

"But, hold on, Twilight Sparkle wouldn't just leave a pony in stone forever, would she?" Sunny asked.

"How well do you think you know Twilight Sparkle? Because I bet you don't know the real her at all. I met Twilight Sparkle for real. She wasn't the pony who made friends with everypony like you think she was. Look at me. Absolutely zero compassion for a poor little filly."

Opaline's words echoed in Sunny's head. "Twilight Sparkle abandoned her friends."

Who exactly was Twilight Sparkle? Was she the peaceful friendship bringer that her father taught her she was? Or did she really turn her back on ponies?

Sunny's thoughts were spiraling. Cozy looked at Sunny and realized she was distracted.

"Poor, Sunny. Don't worry. I'll put you out of your misery." Cozy's mane erupted in dragon fire. "Be careful what you leave under the rug! YOU NEVER KNOW WHO'S GONNA STEP ON IT A GENERATION LATER!!"

Cozy Glow was about to finish off Sunny. When suddenly, somepony jumped her by surprise.

Sprout used a fire extinguisher to blow out her dragon fire. She then fell down and plopped down face on the ground.

"Wow, that was... surprisingly easy." he said.

"Sprout!" Sunny exclaimed.

Sprout ran to Sunny's aid, and helped her stand up.

"Thanks, Sprout. You saved me." Sunny said.

"Don't mention it. You think I'm afraid of some fired up filly?" Sprout said.

Sunny and Sprout giggled, but suddenly the heat turned up.

Cozy's mane erupted again in dragon fire. She had hidden with her an extra jar of dragon fire. She absorbed it to reignite her flame. Her whole mane and body were blazing with dragon fire.


"Jump, Sunny!" Sprout exclaimed.

Sprout held Sunny, as they both ran, and then they both leaped off the rooftop and escaped an expanding explosion of fire.

Meanwhile, Sparky was still absorbing Tirek's magic. Tirek was resistant though, so Hitch had to hold him down by wrapping vines around his limbs while he was on the ground.

"You're doing great, Sparky! I got him down, just keep doing what you're doing and take back all the magic." Hitch said.

Sparky's horns glowed bright and grew taller, as Tirek weakened in strength.

"That's it, you guys. Just a little bit more." Zipp said.

But suddenly, they heard a high pitched shriek.

Izzy and Pipp had been captured by Chrysalis. They had their hooves caught in Chrysalis's icky slime.

"Help us!!" Pipp cried.

"PIPP! I'm coming!" Zipp exclaimed.

Zipp flew after Chrysalis.

"Zipp, where are you going? ZIPP!" Hitch shouted.

Zipp landed in front of Chrysalis.

"Let them go, you old bug!" Zipp exclaimed.

Zipp lunged forward at Chrysalis, but she edged out Zipp and dodged her kick.

"Oh, like I'm scared of you." Chrysalis said, in a mocking tone.

Chrysalis snarled and spat slime at Zipp. She made direct contact. Zipp's right wing was covered in slime, and she made a rough landing.

"ZIPP!" Hitch exclaimed.

Hitch watched Izzy Pipp and Zipp get trapped by Chrysalis. He knew he had to help them.

"Wait here, Sparky. I'll be quick, little buddy. Promise." Hitch said to Sparky.

Hitch turned, and ran to help Zipp. But in doing so, he left Tirek unattended with Sparky.

Tirek nudged his front arm free, and grabbed Sparky.

"Gotcha, you little pest." Tirek said.

Hitch ran to Zipp's aid, but they fell right into her trap.

"Now that I have you all in my clutches, let's see how much love there is between you ponies for me to consume."

Chrysalis opened her mouth, and started absorbing the essence from Hitch and Zipp. Their strength weakened, as Chrysalis grew in strength.

"I've got you four ponies in my clutches now." Chrysalis said.

Tirek approached, with Sparky clenched in his fist.

"And I've got the pesky dragon." he said.

"Once again, Chrysalis has come to Tirek's rescue." Chrysalis said.

Tirek crossed his arms and turned his head.

Cozy Glow looked over the ledge, trying to see where Sunny and Sprout fled to.

"Come out come out, Sunny Starscout!" Cozy exclaimed.

Just ahead, Sunny and Sprout were hiding behind Sunny's toppled over smoothie cart.

"It won't take her long to find us. We have to come up with something." Sprout said.

"Sprout, how come..." Sunny asked.

"What, Sunny?" Sprout asked.

"You... it's just surprising to see so determined to help me." Sunny said.

"Yoo hoo! Sunny!" Cozy's voice projected.

"Can we talk about this later!?" Sprout replied, with a harsh tone.

Sunny leaned back, and was surprised he shouted at her. She didn't know how to respond to him however.

"I think she heard us. I gotta do this." Sprout said.

Sprout sat up and peeked over the truck.

"Hey, doll face! I'm right here!" Sprout exclaimed.

"Sprout, what are you doing?" Sunny asked.

Cozy Glow looked over and saw Sprout peeking his head out.

"If you want Sunny's alicorn magic, it's right here!" Sprout shouted.


Cozy Glow readied her powers, and fired a stream of dragon fire at them.

The blast impacted. It impacted Sprout holding a salad bowl! Sprout held the hot bowl in his hooves, as he struggled to push back against the fire stream.

"Sprout!" Sunny exclaimed.

The bowl reflected the fire stream at an angle. Sprout struggled to push forward and direct the stream. As he held the bowl, it heated up and started to burn his hooves.

"SPROUT! Stop, you're gonna hurt yourself!" Sunny shouted.

"The only pony who's gonna crush Sunny's hopes and dreams, IS ME!" Sprout exclaimed.

Sprout pushed and shot the stream of fire directly black at Cozy Glow.

"AAHHH!!!" Cozy exclaimed.


The roof exploded and the fire stopped.

"Did we get her?" Sprout asked.

"Sprout, you just blew up a filly!!" Sunny shouted.

"What?! She was about to burn us, she got what was coming to her." Sprout said.

Sunny looked down, and away from Sprout.

"Look, not everypony can be helped, Sunny." Sprout said.

"But is that any excuse to not try?" Sunny asked.

Sprout paused. Sunny wasn't wrong. But the real world was a lot more complicated than that.

Suddenly, Sunny's smoothie cart was sawed in half by a fiery laser.

The cart split in half by a beam of fire, revealing Cozy Glow floating in front of them.

"You're done, Sunny Starscout." Cozy Glow said.

"Look out Sunny!" Sprout pushed Sunny aside.

Cozy headbutted Sprout, and knocked him out.

“Sprout!” Sunny shouted.

But at the worst possible time, Sunny’s alicorn abilities faded away, leaving her as a earthpony.

“No no no no. Not now. Come back! I want to help, come back.” Sunny pleaded.

“Seems like your luck has run out, Sunny.” Cozy said, with a devious grin.