• Published 27th Sep 2022
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The Never-Ending Ending - 5u0myn0n4

The evil alicorn Opaline awakens an ancient evil and unleashes it upon Equestria, and Sunny Starscout and friends must unite hoof to heart to restore Harmony before the worst comes to pass.

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Chapter 14: Mind of an Alicorn

Day 3 of the spell

Inside of Opaline's throne room, Sunny sat on the floor, and leaned her head against Opaline's chair. Opaline herself paced circles around her magic pool, merely biding time waiting for her ultimate spell to complete. Sunny still wasn't much for words, so Opaline was essentially speaking with herself.

"Slowly but surely, my plan is coming together. You know, I was in the library earlier reading the grand book, just to see the progress, and Cozy Glow's feather quill was just writing over the part where Twilight and her friends rediscovered the Crystal Empire. Oh ho. Such bittersweet memories there."

Opaline looked down at Sunny, who still refused to speak to her.

"Why the long face, Sunny? You should beaming with excitement. Alicorn to alicorn. That is if you would express your alicorn powers. But no matter. I know you're hiding that strange alicorn magic inside. We could rule the world together, as the two most powerful beings. Or you can allow yourself to slump for the rest of the time you have. The choice is yours." Opaline said.

Misty had just entered the throne room through it's main entrance.

"Um, Opaline?" she asked.

"Yes, Misty?" Opaline replied.

"I've been thinking about something for a while." Misty said.

"You? Thinking? Now there's a surprise. What could it be?" Opaline asked.

"Well, since you got what you wanted, that being all the magic you could ever want from Equestria, and I helped you get that..."

Misty paused and hesitated. She was anxious about asking Opaline.

"After all my help, does that mean I'm ready for my cutie mark?" Misty asked.

Opaline was somehow surprised by Misty's question. Though she figured she shouldn't have been. She gave pause for thought, and entertained Misty's request.

"Hmm. Let's see. You did manage to sneak into the Bright House and swipe the Unity Crystals for me, but from there, it was I who used the crystals to free the past generation pegasus for her feather. I cracked the formula to break open the crystals and obtain their magic. What else did you do? Accidentally clued our past generation guests in on dragon fire? Nearly sent my plan up in smoke?!"

Misty cowered below Opaline.

"L-let's not dwell on the... *gulp* details in the middle there. I brought you those crystals! And you got what you wanted from them! So, don't you think I've earned my cutie mark now?" Misty asked.

"Hmm. You do have a point, you raise a solid case for you earning your cutie mark." Opaline said. "Tell you what, I'll think about it. And maybe before the spell is complete, I'll finally give you your cutie mark."

"There's a chance?!" Misty said, excitedly.

"Yes yes, whatever. There's a chance. Now let me focus on... uh, focusing." she said.

Opaline sat in her throne and faced forward.

"Ooh. I get it. You need to sleep and a little more time to come up with the perfect cutie mark to give me! I get it. I totally get it Opal-" Misty said.

*groan* "Nine days can sure feel like forever! And Cozy Glow thought three days was a long time. It's already been three long days." Opaline said, interrupting Misty.

"Hmm. Since there is still some time before my spell completes *yawn* I'll be napping in the meantime..."

Opaline slouched to the side of her throne, and rested her head on the headrest. Opaline rested her eyes, as she slowly fell asleep.

Sunny just dealt with Opaline's loud snoring right in her ear. Misty on the other hoof was concerned for Sunny. Not just the snoring bit. The fact that Sunny looked so sad, and was abducted from Maretime Bay by Opaline.

"You've been awfully quiet since you've been here, Sunny." Misty said.

"...There isn't anything that needs to be said." Sunny said, finally speaking.

"Sure there is. I thought I should ask how you were doing." Misty said. "How are you feeling, Sunny?" she asked.

Sunny slowly stood up on her four hooves. She then slowly trotted up to the magic pool, and stared at her reflection.

"The crystals were created and separated for a reason. To seal away the magic, and keep it safe. Everypony was right. Magic is just trouble, and deserves to be locked away. This whole bringing back the magic thing led to all of this... it was a mistake." Sunny said.

"Don't say that, Sunny. Magic has its perks." Misty said.

"Yeah, like world domination, and absolute terror." Sunny said.

"Sunny, I assure you. In spite of all I've done for Opaline, I never wanted this." Misty said.

"Then do something to stop it." Sunny said.

"I-I... can't." Misty said. "If I stop all the magic, how will Opaline give me my cutie mark? Will she want to by that point?"

"You want her to give you a cutie mark? After how awful she's treated you? How awful her plan is?" Sunny asked.

"Well, how else am I going to get my cutie mark? It's the thing I want most of all." Misty said.

"Cutie marks aren't just about, getting them. *sigh There's more to it than that. There's a deeper meaning and purpose to cutie marks... *yawn* but I don't think you'd understand." Sunny said.

Sunny's words upset Misty, and made her shed a single tear.

"Just leave me alone, okay?" Sunny said. *yawn* "And don't worry about the queen of snores. I've dealt with loud snoring, I can sleep past it..."

Sunny laid on the floor beside the throne, and slept beneath Opaline's watch.

Misty slumped, and walked slowly to her room.

Sunny napped, and slept through Opaline's snoring just fine. But what startled her was what sounded like shouting.


Sunny awoke, and looked up. She had noticed that even though Opaline was sleeping, her horn was glowing with magic, and connected to her magic pool.

Misty peaked her head into the room and saw the magic projection too.

"I think Opaline's dreaming. And the magic she has is projecting her thoughts for us to see." Misty said.

The pool projected images of Opaline's dream! Misty and Sunny watched her mind unfold in front of them.

Sunny lifted her head and watched intently. She could see what she thought was a projected image of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Although she seemed very distressed, as she attempted to quell the fears of everyone in Equestria.

"Attention, everypony! Please calm down!" Twilight exclaimed. "You've all been haunted these past moons by a sinister alicorn, who's been attempting to tear you all apart with her lies and fear mongering. But I assure you, the evil alicorn Opaline Arcana has been vanquished! You needn't worry about her harming you, or any creature else ever again!" Twilight said.

Everypony looked around, and was confused.

A unicorn attempted to use their magic to lift a handbag, but their horn did nothing whatsoever.

"Hey, what gives? Why can't I use my magic?" they said.

"And why can't I fly?" exclaimed a pegasus.

"What happened to all our magic?!" exclaimed another unicorn.

"It isn't gone, my ponies. But if my latest brush with evil has taught me anything, it's that magic is far too vulnerable, and easy to take, and misuse. So things are going to be different from now on." Twilight said.

There was a collective and loud "HUH?!" from the crowd of ponies.

"Your magic isn't gone. It's preserved. Inside of three magical crystals. Each representing each of the magic from your three tribes. The magic will return once..."

Twilight witnessed the pegasi already starting away.

"Where are you going, Pegasi?" Twilight asked.

The pegasi had tied ropes to Cloudsdale, and started pulling it.

"What's the point of a Cloudsdale if it's just a bunch of clouds on the ground? Fogsdale? You're taking our city and pulling it up to the mountains." said the pegasus leader.

"Since our city can no longer float, we're pulling her up the mountains."

"But I haven't finished explaining the Unity Crystals!" Twilight shouted.

"Well if they're outta here, then so are we!" exclaimed an earthpony.

"Yeah! Since apparently all us earthponies are good for is walking, we're just gonna keep walking... until we hit water or something." said an older earthpony.

"Well we unicorns are staying here!" said the unicorn leader.

The unicorns trotted off into the Everfree Forest.

Twilight watched all of the ponies walk away. Her so called Unity Crystals did everything but unify everypony. Suddenly she felt somepony tug on her. She looked down and it was her faithful student, Luster Dawn.

"What are we going to do, Twilight?" asked Luster Dawn.

"I don't know." Twilight said. "If the magic is free, then ponies are at risk. But if I contain the magic, then that takes away what makes everypony special." she pondered.

Luster picked up the three crystals together to view them herself. She noted that they glowed brightly when put together, but when she pulled them apart, the glowing stopped.

"The crystals glow when they're together. Some sort of analogous meaning to that?" Luster asked.

"That was the idea. I figured, once the traitorous Opaline was out of the picture, to seal away the magic for good, so nothing like this could ever happen again."

"Sure you don't wanna revert things to the way they were?" Luster asked.

"I still believe this has to be done. I can't just leave magic the way it was. So, I have decided that..." Twilight paused, and let out a heavy breath. "I am going to leave the tribes as is. If they aren't able to come to terms right now, then I'm not going to force them."

"Oh...?" Luster said.

"But for the time being, Luster, I have an important assignment for you." Twilight said.

"For me?" Luster asked.

Twilight put her horn to Luster, and it started to glow.

"Oh no. I know where this is going. Please don't, Twilight!" Luster said, in a panicking tone. "I know I said I wanted to accomplish as much as you some day, but I don't think I'm ready for this! I've had this thought in the back of my head for some time and I've been afraid of it! Twilight please! I don't want to be your alicorn successor! It's too soon!" she pleaded.

Twilight bestowed Luster Dawn with alicorn magic. But this wasn't the usual blend of alicorn magic.

Her horn glows extra bright, and she has wings made of Light!

"Huh?" Luster's wings and horn were bright, but not actual wings and horn. They were ethereal.

"Retractable alicorn wings and horn. All the power and strength of an alicorn, but when necessary you can blend in with the crowd." Twilight explained.

"Ooookay? But why exactly? N-not that I'm ungrateful or anything. But uh... you know. I wanna know what exactly I have to do." Luster said.

"I want you, Luster Dawn, to see each of the tribes, and give them their respective crystal. However, I am hopeful that one day they will rejoin in harmony. And when they do, they shall reunite the three pieces to my Unification Crystals." Twilight explained.

"You decide whether you want to assert your alicorn abilities, or be a humble pony. Because as of right now, I don't know if an alicorn princess is what the ponies need." Twilight said.

"Will do, Princess Twilight Sparkle." Luster Dawn said.

"I'm afraid, Twilight will do." Twilight said, removing her crown.

"Wait, so you are quitting?" Luster asked.

"I'm not giving up. But it's become clear to me that I've done all I can do. I've given you a task, Luster. And I hope one day that everypony will come together again and unite..." Twilight said.

"Twilight! Don't go! Twilight!" Luster cried.

Twilight turned away from her student, Luster Dawn, and flew away. Leaving the new demi-alicorn alone to her own accord.

"No! Turn around! What happens next! Ugh! Luster Dawn! Dawn!!" cried a voice.

"Are you okay, OTpwailliingeht? Opalighight?" Misty's voice cried out.

"Opaline? Are you alright?" Misty exclaimed.

"AAH!!!" Opaline exclaimed.

Opaline had awoken from her trance. The projection above the magic pool disappeared, and her horn stopped glowing.

"Are you okay, Opaline?" Misty asked.

"I'm fine, Luster... AIGHT Dawn." Opaline said, with a high pitched crack in her voice.

Misty gave Opaline a worried look.

"What? What's so unusual?" Opaline asked.

"It's just, you've never called me by my full name. I didn't even think you knew my full name." Misty said.

"You have a last name?" Opaline asked.

"I tricked those ponies to think my full name was Misty Bright Dawn, but I don't recall telling you." Misty said. "Unless you were confusing me for that pony in your dreams, Luster Da-"

"It doesn't matter!" Opaline exclaimed, interrupting Misty before she could say that name. "I don't want to hear that name again. Hearing your last name makes something in my head queasy."

"Which part? Bright? Or Da-" Misty started, but she was interrupted.

"Shhh!!" Opaline shushed Misty loudly.

"I get it now." Misty said.

"It's about time you did. Now if you'll excuse me. Ow. I need some dopamine. And the only thing that brings me joy these days is reading the grand tome, and watching it slowly inch towards completion".

Opaline retreated to the library inside the tree to recover from her nightmare.

"What was that about?" Sunny asked. "Is she hallucinating? Or is this stuff that actually happened?"

"Probably hallucinations based on bad memories. Why else would she have nightmares of stuff that happened to Twilight Sparkle?" Misty asked.

Sunny paused, and then came up with a hypothesis explaining why.

Because she's got Twilight magic. she thought. If that's why the tribes separated then... oh, poor Twilight...

"Why was she so scared of that Lustering pony? She looked kinda like you, Sunny." Misty said.

"I guess it's just bad memories. *yawn* It's dark outside, I'm going to nap again." Sunny said.

"It's always dark outside, Sunny. Want the real time? Your sleep schedule's all kooky." Misty said.

"I'm fine... *yawn* good night, Misty." Sunny closed her eyes.

Misty left the room, feeling helpless once again. She stared at Sunny before leaving the throne room.