• Published 27th Sep 2022
  • 2,690 Views, 113 Comments

The Never-Ending Ending - 5u0myn0n4

The evil alicorn Opaline awakens an ancient evil and unleashes it upon Equestria, and Sunny Starscout and friends must unite hoof to heart to restore Harmony before the worst comes to pass.

  • ...

Chapter 21

At the top of Opaline's castle, Alicorn Sunny stood confidently, and against the wicked fire alicorn, Opaline Arcana.

"You baffle me, Sunny Starscout. You spent nine days moping and doing nothing, and on the 11th hour of the ninth day, you suddenly want to fight me?" Opaline said.

"Because I was foalish before. I thought you had taken away our special magic, and that there was nothing left. But now I realize that our friendship isn't something you can take! Our friendship isn't something that any spell, no matter how powerful, can take!" Sunny said.

"Even with your power of friendship, you are still weaker than I! The magic of friendship wasn't enough to allow for Twilight Sparkle to overcome me! How do you think it'll help you?!" Opaline asked.

"You might be all big and purple and evil, but I bet seeing these crystals terrifies you." Sunny said, holding out the rebuilt Unity Crystals.

"Gah! Get those dreadful things away from me!" Opaline snarled.

"You've been taking magic from ponies for far too long, Opaline!" Sunny tapped the Unity Crystals, and they lit up. "It's time you start giving back!"

"Oh no. What am I to do when faced with my great arch nemesis... PYSCHE!" Opaline exclaimed, firing a shot of magic at the crystals.

Sunny was caught off guard and dropped the crystals.

"Oh no!" Sunny cried.

Sunny lunged for the Crystals, but Opaline snatched them with her magic.

"Noo!!" Sunny exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter how many times I shatter these things, they always seem to reform! You want Twilight's special crystals? Go find them!"

Opaline flung the Crystals out the window of her castle.

"NO!!" Sunny cried.

Sunny lept out the window and flew after the Crystals. The three crystals had detached, and tumbled through the air. Sunny caught the earthpony crystal, but the other two fell somewhere else. Sunny flapped her wings and made a gentle landing on the castle roof, and scanned her eyes around for the other crystals.

From above, Opaline lept out of the tower and went after Sunny.

Opaline shot a beam of magic that Sunny almost didn't have time to deflect with her magic shield. But she did, and she withstood it. Sunny looked up at Opaline hovering above her.

"Fine, Opaline! If it's an alicorn duel you want, then it's an alicorn duel you'll get!" Sunny exclaimed.

"YES! Come at me, Sunny!" Opaline shouted. "Show me how much power you truly have!"

Sunny shot out a bright beam of magic from her horn. Opaline dodged to her left, and retaliated with another beam of her own. Sunny flew around the dark castle, while Opaline flew after her. Sunny thrusted her wings up and flew in an arc upwards. Opaline was shocked at how proficient of a flyer Sunny was with her glowing wings.

Meanwhile, inside the castle, Hitch, Sparky, and Misty were inside the tree, trying to figure out how to stop the spell from completing. The magic tome was being penned by Cozy's magical feather, and was completely protected by a powerful shield.

"Okay, ponies. How do we get past this big glowing shield and destroy that powerful spell book?" Pipp asked.

"With a lantern blast of course! Everypony stay out of my way!" Izzy exclaimed.

Everypony moved out of the way, and Izzy charged up the lantern with her magic.

Izzy made the lantern glow, which allowed her horn to light with magic. She shot a rainbow beam out of her horn, and onto the spell. Izzy's power was formidable, but the powerful shield withstood the blast.

"Or not. Her spell's too powerful for the lantern." Izzy said.

"If it's resistant to magic, how about some dragon fire?" Misty suggested. "It's all Opaline wanted before. Maybe he can break through."

Hitch and Sparky nodded at each other. Hitch put Sparky down, where he had a clear line of sight.

Sparky breathed a large plume of dragon fire at the spell book. Sparky's plume of dragon fire was a dazzling sight to behold, but even so, the barrier stood firm.

"Closer, but still no dice." Zipp said.

Misty pondered for what they should do, when she got a rather obvious idea.

"Well how about a Sparky and Izzy tag team blast?" Misty suggested.

"Yeah!" Izzy said.
"Uh-HUH!" Sparky exclaimed.

Izzy and Sparky stood besides each other. Izzy charged her horn and the lantern, and Sparky swelled up all the dragon fire he could. They both fired their respective powers at the spell book. This time, they all seemed more effective.

"It's working?" Zipp said, astonished.

"It's working!" Hitch said, enthusiastically.

Although their attacks were showing signs of effectiveness, Izzy and Sparky were both simply running out of steam, and their attacks slowed down, until their magic and dragon fire dissipated.

"It's not working!" Hitch said.

"Come on, Iz. You can't stop now." Pipp said.

Suddenly, something crashed through the window, and hit Zipp in the side of her head.

"Ow! Huh? Mom's pegasus crystal?" Zipp said, picking it up.

"But why's it here?" Pipp asked.

Everypony looked outside and saw Sunny flying around, evading Opaline.

*gasp* "Sunny needs us!" Izzy exclaimed.

"But what about the spell book?" Zipp asked.

"Go. Sunny can only hold off Opaline for so long. She needs you." Misty said.

"But-" everypony said to Misty simultaneously.

"It's Opaline's spell. I'm sure I can figure out a way around it. Besides, the sooner you guys finish off Opaline, the sooner you guys can unite to destroy this spell book." Misty said.

"That's as sound a plan as any we've had so far." Pipp said.

"Excellent thinking, Misty. But we need to act fast. Come on, everypony." Zipp said.

Opaline chased Sunny up and around the castle, and even outward. Sunny dived away the castle and into the ravine, and out to the bay next to the castle. Opaline chased after Sunny no matter where she flew. Sunny weaved and dodged Opaline, as they flew across the water.

Sunny dived under the water, and glided through the water.

Opaline hovered above the water and watched Sunny's glowing body underneath.

"Very clever, Sunny. Hiding under water from a fire alicorn."

Sunny flew up by surprise, and knocked out Opaline with a magic blast to the face, causing Opaline to fall into the water. But that moment off relief was short lived.

Opaline flew out of the water. She used her magic to grab a huge sphere of water. She then used her alicorn magic to heat the water sphere into boiling water.

"I'll show you just how hot things can get!!" Opaline exclaimed.

Opaline was about to splash Sunny with a sphere of boiling water, but Sunny quickly thought of how to counter this. She concentrated her magic on the same boiling sphere of water, and froze it.

"What the?! How did you-"

The frozen ball of water fell on Opaline, and she fell back into the water.

Sunny flew back to the castle. The ice ball exploded, and Opaline flew out of the water. She saw Sunny glowing and flying towards the castle, and zoomed after her.

"Sunny!" Zipp cried out from the castle roof.

Sunny looked and saw Zipp was holding the pegasus crystal. She landed besides Zipp, and was given the pegasus crystal.

"Now we just have to find the unicorn crystal, and then we can sap Opaline of her magic.

"Is that right?" Opaline said, suddenly appearing.

"Izzy's looking for the unicorn crystal as we speak." Zipp whispered.

"What do we do in the mean time?" Sunny asked.

"We each take a piece of the crystal, and fly. She can't fly after both of us." Zipp said.

Sunny nodded, and the plan was a go. Sunny and Zipp flew in opposite directions.

Opaline flew after Zipp Storm, while Sunny searched for the remaining unity crystal.

Meanwhile, inside the tree, Misty was trying to think of way to get past the magic shield.

She tried charging up her horn like she saw Izzy do, but she didn't know how that kind of magic worked. With Misty desperate for ideas, she picked up a tall torch, and poured out the fire. She held the sharp bit forward, and ran attempted to pierce the barrier. The spear hit the barrier, but bounced right off, having no real effect.

"Dang. I was certain that would work." Misty said. "You can't give up now, Misty. Now while so much is one the line."

While Misty was thinking, she felt the ground shake. At first she didn't think much of it, but it grew louder, and she started to feel her whole body shaking.

"WAH!! What's happening? An earthquake!?"

Misty looked outside, and noticed something seemed strange.

"Why's everything outside getting taller? Wait, no. I'm sinking?!"

Back outside, Zipp flew quickly, and evaded Opaline, leaving Sunny free to look for the last crystal.

"Sunny! Over here!" Izzy exclaimed.

Sunny looked over and saw Izzy holding the unicorn crystal.

Sunny looked at Zipp, and nodded. Zipp knew exactly what this meant. It was time to unify the crystals once again.

Zipp tossed Sunny the pegasus crystal, and she caught it. Sunny flew towards Izzy next. Izzy tossed Sunny the unicorn crystal, and she caught it. Sunny now held all three crystals once again.

"Now, Opaline! You shall... huh?" Sunny said, but stopped herself.

Sunny looked around, but saw no sign of Opaline anywhere. Sunny looked over at Zipp, who was equally confused.

"You want me, Sunny?" Opaline's voice echoed.

Sunny looked around, and up and down, but didn't see Opaline anywhere.

Opaline's evil laugh could be heard echoing, which chilled Sunny's core.

Suddenly, Opaline appeared in front of Sunny.

"Then you can have me!" Opaline exclaimed suddenly.

"AAHHH!!!" Sunny screamed.

Opaline blasted Sunny, and shot her out of the sky. Opaline lit up and flew at Sunny, and impacted her, causing Sunny to drop the Crystals.

"Sunny!!" her friends all exclaimed.

Opaline carried Sunny forward, she then glowed bright and blew Sunny downward.

Sunny impacted the ground, and Opaline landed next to her. Opaline stood on Sunny, and pinned her down on the field.

"Good try, Sunny. But not good enough." Opaline said.



Opaline looked up and saw Cozy Glow.

"You? What do you want?" Opaline asked.

"Not me. Them." Cozy said, pointing over.

Opaline looked up and saw everyone in Equestria standing in front of her. Hundreds of ponies. Everypony from Zephyr Heights, Bridlewood, and Maretime Bay. She was surrounded in all directions.

"Everypony, are we going to let this evil alicorn bully our good alicorn friend Sunny?!" Cozy asked.

"NO!!" everypony exclaimed at the same time.

"Are we going to let her, hog all the magic to herself?!" Cozy shouted.

"NO!!" everypony exclaimed together.

"What? Are you all serious? You think that you all pose a challenge to me? Pah!" Opaline boasted. "You're nothing without magic. I am everything! Because I have all the magic!"

"Oh yeah?"

Izzy stepped out from the crowd, and held up the prisbeam lantern. The lantern glowed bright, and shined across to everypony. The shining of the lantern caused the hooves of the earthponies to glow. The wings of the pegasi glowed, and they were able to fly again. And the unicorn horns shined brightly.

"Uh oh..." Opaline said.

Cozy Glow pointed at Opaline, and ordered everypony to charge at her. Everypony charge inward towards her.

Pegasi flew up, and flapped their wings, creating a huge gust of wind, making it hard for Opaline to stand firmly.

Opaline was overwhelmed by the swarm of ponies.

Opaline fired a blast of magic at the unicorns, but they were all blanked in a big magic barrier. Not so fun when it's used against you, is it, Opaline?

The earthponies stomped their glowing hooves, and grew out large vines to wrap around Opaline, and trap her in place.

Sunny looked up and was amazed.

Izzy handed Sunny the completed Unity Crystal.

"It's all you now, Sunny." Izzy said.

Opaline was pinned down, and tied up in place. Sunny slowly approached her with the crystals in tow.

"As I was saying, Opaline. You have spent generations plotting, and stealing magic from others. It's all culminated in this plan, where you stole the magic of Twilight Sparkle from these magical crystals. Well now, once and for all, it's time you start giving back what doesn't belong to you!" Sunny said.

"Grr! You meddlesome ponies! Today was supposed to be the start of my new beginning! Today was supposed to be my day!" Opaline exclaimed.

"No. Today's... gonna be my day." Sunny said.

Sunny activated the Unity Crystals, and they glowed brightly.

"Uh oh." Opaline said.

The Crystals shot out a beam, and fired at Opaline, and drained Twilight Sparkle's magic out of her.

Opaline plopped to the ground, powerless. She looked up at Sunny and friends, and everypony else.

"Well, Opaline?" Sunny said.

Opaline looked up at Sunny's alicorn form, amazed.

"Wha... what are you?" Opaline asked.

"I'm an alicorn." Sunny answered, humbly.

Opaline looked up at Sunny, in awe at the power she had.

Sunny then looked at Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and Tirek, who led everypony here.

"Thans you guys. You did pretty good." Sunny said.

"Yeah. So what?" Cozy replied.

"It just so happens that your enemy is our enemy, so it seemed appropriate." Tirek said.

"Don't get any ideas that this means anything though." Chrysalis said.

"I think you guys are more good than you give yourselves credit for." Sunny said.

But suddenly, Opaline started laughing sinisterly.

"Huh?" Sunny said.

Everypony felt the ground shake, and then it became more powerful, and undeniable.

"What's happening?" Pipp exclaimed. "An earthquake?!"

Everypony looked, and saw Opaline's castle sinking into a giant opening in the ground. The castle sank quickly, and before they knew it, the entire castle was inside the void, along with the spell.

"Well. There goes the castle." Cozy said, astonished.