• Published 27th Sep 2022
  • 2,690 Views, 113 Comments

The Never-Ending Ending - 5u0myn0n4

The evil alicorn Opaline awakens an ancient evil and unleashes it upon Equestria, and Sunny Starscout and friends must unite hoof to heart to restore Harmony before the worst comes to pass.

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Chapter 4: Flipped

Inside Mane Melody, a tiny crowd was gathering. Posey and Windy brought Sparky with them to witness the latest addition to Pipp's singing group at Mane Melody. But outside, Zipp, Hitch, and Sunny were rushing to Mane Melody to warn Pipp of their findings.

Zipp, Hitch, and Sunny burst through the main entrance of Mane Melody.

"Pipp! Get away from her! She's-"

But Zipp could barely here herself over the loud booming rave music. Everyone looked at the stage and was astonished. Standing in center stage with Pipp's lucky mic, was Cozy Glow singing the Mane Melody main theme.

Try something new

Take a chance

Just believe it

At Mane -- Melody!

Everypony in Mane Melody clapped and cheered for Cozy's performance.

"Give it up for the Number 1 Cover Artist Filly in Maretime Bay, my inspiration from another generation, Cozy Glow!!" Pipp exclaimed.

Everypony cheered some more. Sparky sneezed a ball of fire at Cozy Glow, and it turned Pipp's lucky microphone into a carrot!

"Woah. Magic dragon?" Cozy said under her breath.

"Cozy Glow, that was amazing! I've never seen so many concurrent viewers on any livestream! Not to mention, your follower count is flyyyying. You're a hit. Everypony loves you!" Pipp said excitedly.

"Well, golly. I can hardly believe what you're saying. It sounds like everypony likes me!" Cozy said.

Sunny was starting to second guess their findings from earlier.

"Remember how Izzy said Sparky was growling at Misty? Well Sparky's applauding Cozy Glow." Sunny said. "Maybe she isn't so bad... anymore."

"He's a baby dragon. He doesn't know any better." Hitch said.

"She could be acting nice as a way to deceive us. I say we interrogate her now." Zipp said.

Zipp took a step forward towards the stage.

"Pipp!" she exclaimed.

"Oh hey, you guys are here! Did you guys catch Cozy's performance? Filly can wail!" Pipp said.

"Pipp, you have to listen to us. She's not as she appears." Zipp said.

"Uh... what do you mean by that?" Pipp asked.

"Well you see, she's from old Equestria as we've established. Well we did some digging and we found that-" Sunny said.

"She's evil!" Zipp exclaimed, speaking over Sunny. "She tried to take over Equestria with those other two creatures. That's why she was in stone with them."

Everypony, and even Sparky all gasped at Zipp's accusation. Cozy Glow took a step back, nervously.

"Cozy Glow?" Pipp asked.

"I mean... I did some bad things in the past, but I think I've more than served my time..." Cozy said.

"Yeah-huh. Anything else you'd like to say?" Zipp asked.

"Umm..." Cozy bit her lips before speaking aloud again. "Okay, I'll admit it. I did some things a long time ago that Twilight Sparkle wasn't happy about... to put it mildly."

"Why'd you do it?" Zipp asked.

"It's because, I thought that was the only way. She showed everypony how powerful friendship could be, and I wanted that power all to myself." Cozy Glow explained. "But now I don't know what to think, lost in the far future like this. But thankfully, you all have done a fantastic job showing me what makes Maretime Bay so special. Which is why I've decided to..."

Suddenly, Cozy noticed that Windy was gesturing to her. She gave Cozy a double ear flitter, eye twitch, and a wink. Cozy read these gestures and knew exactly what she was trying to say.

"Hehehe... You know what? I think I need to step outside with my longtime friend, Windy." Cozy said, stepping down from the mane stage.

"Long time friend? Have you two even been formally introduced?" Pipp said under her breath.

"But Cozy?" Sunny asked.

"Note to self. Cozy Glow suddenly getting nervous when pressured with tough questions? Very suspicious." Zipp said to herself.

"Quit with the note taking, deputy. Do something." Hitch whispered to Zipp.

Unbeknownst to any of them, Misty was poking through the front entrance. She held her extendy hoof invention, and began extending it into Mane Melody.

"Uh... indeed. I think Sparky needs some fresh air as well. You stay here, Posey, and hold my seat please." Windy said, nervously.

Posey looked at Windy, very confused.

"Something's so not right here." Zipp said.

Cozy and Windy backed away, but while they had their heads turned, suddenly, they noticed a big metal claw approaching Sparky.

*gasp* "Sparky look out!" Hitch noticed it and exclaimed, but it was too late.

Sparky was swiped! A big metal arm with a claw at the end clamped down and trapped him, and reeled him into a fireproof net, and started to retract.

Everypony looked to the source of where the device was extending. It was Misty!

Misty's device had clamped down and trapped Sparky in a net. She quickly reeled it in, in the hopes of having the baby dragon in her possession!

Misty reeled Sparky in all the way, and had successfully caught Sparky in her hooves. She tossed away the device, and ran from the scene.

"After her!" Hitch exclaimed.

Everypony ran out of Mane Melody. They found Izzy outside.

"Wow, it works! Good use of your new invention, Misty!" Izzy exclaimed.

"IZZY!!" Zipp shouted at Izzy.

"I mean... BAD use of your new invention, Misty." Izzy said. "Come back here, it's not nice to steal baby dragons!"

Misty ran with Sparky in tow, but she was startled when she saw a large disturbance wandering through town. It was him. Lord Tirek had arrived at Maretime Bay. The presence of this huge centaur startled Misty, which caused her to trip and drop Sparky. The baby dragon tumbled forward, and landed right beneath Lord Tirek.

"Hmm. What have we here?" he said.

"AH!!" Misty panicked and quickly fled from the scene.

Tirek picked up Sparky, and the baby dragon peeked his head out of the net. But his little limbs were still restrained.

"Lord Tirek!" exclaimed Windy.

Windy ran past everypony and leaped in front of Tirek.

"Queen Chrysalis. So you've been here all this time. What do you have to say?" Tirek asked.

She transformed, revealing her to actually be Queen Chrysalis.

"I see you've met the baby dragon." she said.

"This little squirt? What of it?" he asked.

"I've been searching around for sources of magic, and I think this baby dragon is the hot token item I've been searching for. You already have plenty of your own magic, so I order you to return it to me."

"You want this dragon? Well if you want it, it's probably really important, so best I keep the little tramp away from you." Tirek said.

Chrysalis growled.

"HEY! You two stop fighting!" Cozy exclaimed.

Cozy walked up to the two of them.

"We're three outcasts in the far future! We have enough enemies as it is without us fighting each other! Now cease your arguing, so that we can combine our forces together!" Cozy exclaimed.

The two villains snarled, but

"Okay, so maybe it's the logical choice." Chrysalis said, still not feeling sure.

"Fighting each other does seem like a waste of energy So long as you two promise no betrayal." Tirek admitted.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Cozy said, grinning. "Besides, if this baby dragon has power worthwhile, there ought'a be plenty to go around."

"Cozy Glow!" Pipp shouted.

"Okay. I wouldn't betray you guys. But them? Hehe." Cozy giggled.

Everypony ran up to them.

"Betrayal? Cozy, what are you doing!?" Pipp cried.

"Oh. Sorry Pipsqueak, but this whole thing we had going was just biding time until the right moment came to stab you ponies in the back." Cozy said.

Pipp's jaw fell all the way open.

"What? You wanted me to have an influence over ponies. Well with the power of these two, I'll have an iron influence over everypony!!" Cozy exclaimed. "Thanks to you, I know exactly what I'm going to do!"

Cozy flew close to Sparky and tickled his chin. The baby dragon partly giggled, but mostly wept.

"Now, Chrysalis. You said there's something real special about this dragon. What exactly is it?" she asked.

"Ever since we were freed, I've been listening closely in on things. After overhearing how that dark alicorn uses dragon fire to power herself up, I immediately became curious. I've been observing this dragon since I arrived in Maretime Bay, and after seeing what its fire breath can do, I knew he was our ticket to power." Chrysalis explained.

"Oooh. Show me what that dragon fire can really do!" Cozy said.

"Even I am unsure of its capabilities. Wanna be our test guinea pig?" Chrysalis said.

"I would be delighted!" Cozy said, smiling.

Chrysalis held Sparky, and used her magic to coax him into sparking a charging flame.

"Wait, is that dragon fire going to torch me? Or make me really powerful?" Cozy asked.

"It's a win win either way." Chrysalis said.

Cozy gulped, having second thoughts about this.

Chrysalis tickled Sparky's nose, which made him itchy. Sparky breathed in and then sneezed out a great ball of fire at Cozy Glow!

Cozy Glow screamed and then-


But then suddenly, the flame ball spun around, and then the flames expelled in a huge outward burst.

Cozy Glow emerged from the flames as a fiery pegasus! Her wings were lined with fire, and her forehead was set ablaze, but in a deliberate and controlled way. It was almost like being an alicorn with a horn made of fire.

"Woah!" she said.

"Now do me!" Chrysalis said, handing Sparky to Cozy.

Cozy held Sparky and tickled his nose. Sparky resisted, but ultimately gave in and he sneezed fire at Chrysalis, turning her into a fiery Changeling!

Everypony watched in horror as they felt helpless seeing the powerful trio become even more powerful. But none were more horrified than Misty watching from the outskirts of town.

"Can I have some of that powerful dragon fire?" Tirek asked.

"Eh, you have plenty of magic from that unicorn forest." Chrysalis said.

"But if you want more magic, there's an entire bunker underneath the throne room in Zephyr Heights we can invade." Cozy said.

*gasp* The pegasus sisters gasped when Cozy revealed the secret bunker their mom was hiding in.

"NO!!" Pipp and Zipp exclaimed.

"What do we do?!" Sunny exclaimed.

"I don't know, but we have to do something!" Zipp exclaimed.

Zipp flew towards them.

"Zipp, wait!" Hitch cried.

Tirek used his magic to grab the structure of Mane Melody, and topped it over onto Sunny and gang.

The entire building collapsed directly onto everypony, and the villains fled the bay in a portal.

Under the rubble, Sunny had become an alicorn just in time in order to protect her friends with a magic bubble. Everyone climbed out of the rubble to catch their breath.

"What just happened?" Sunny said, still in awe and in shock.

Suddenly, Pipp felt her phone ringing. She answered the call, and it was their mother.

"Pipp! Zipp!" Queen Haven said through the phone call.

"Mom! Where are you?!" Zipp asked.

"There's been a breach in the bunker! Somehow they found our hiding spot, and now we're under attack!" she cried out.

Queen Haven panned the camera to show Chrysalis and Cozy Glow laying fiery waste to Zephyr Heights, and Lord Tirek absorbing magic from all the pegasi.

"Mom! Don't worry, it's going to be okay! We'll figure out how to solve this!" Zipp exclaimed.

"Don't worry about me! Save yourselves!" she cried.

Suddenly the live feed cut out.

"Mom's in trouble! And so's everyone in Equestria!" Zipp exclaimed.

"Well, if magic hadn't come back, then he wouldn't have any magic to steal in the first place!" Posey exclaimed, climbing out of the rubble herself. "And that dragon! Who would've thought that dragon brought with it the key to ultimate destruction!"

Her impulsive comments made everypony gasp in shock.

"Uh, I didn't mean, well, I guess I did. What I meant was-" Posey said.

"Ma'am, I'll have you know that-" Hitch said interrupting

"That what? Am I wrong?" Posey asked, also interrupting.

"That Sparky is... what you said wasn't a very nice thing to say." Hitch said.

Posey pouted, and left the wrecked area.

Zipp noticed Pipp looking over the destroyed salon, with her head in a slump.

"Pipp, are you okay?" she asked.

"You were right, Zipp. I was a fool for trusting her..." Pipp said, sobbing. "And thanks to my big mouth, mom is is danger, and there's nothing we can do to stop them!"

Pipp put her hooves over her face, and she flew off.

Zipp growled, and took her anger out on Izzy.

"None of this would've happened if... err... What were you thinking, Izzy!? You saw Misty with Opaline, and you helped her build a dragon capturing device?! Why didn't you turn her into us!?" Zipp questioned.

"I know. I just thought that if I made her into my friend, she wouldn't want to do any of those harmful things any more. But you were right. I was wrong..." Izzy said.

Izzy hung her head and turned her head away from the scene.

"Where are you going? Now's not the time to wander away all sad like!" Zipp exclaimed.

"No. Now is the time for all of us to wander off all sad like." Izzy said.

Izzy ran off weeping.

"Wait, Izzy. I didn't mean- I was just saying..." Zipp said.

Sunny too was disheartened by everything that just happened.

"Sunny?" Hitch asked.

"I'm supposed to protect Equestria and the magic. But how can I protect it now? The magic coming back was supposed to be a gift from everypony. But if they're going to steal it and keep it to themselves then... then... I guess that's just how things are going to be." Sunny said, weeping.

Sunny was about to leave, but Zipp reached out.

"Sunny, wait! Please don't go. If there's anypony who can fix things, it's you." Zipp said, with tears dripping.

"I'm sorry... but I think we're in over our hooves for this one... I don't have a solution..." she admitted.

Sunny slowly trotted off, as tears dripped down.

"Zipp?" Hitch asked. "Is this it? Are they just gonna takeover Equestria, and abuse my little baby Sparky?"

Zipp stood in silence for a moment, and then spoke.

"No... I refuse to quit. But before we fix things with Equestria, I think we need to fix things with our friends..." Zipp said.

Misty stood at the outskirts of Maretime Bay, and took in the collateral damage done to the town.

Suddenly, Misty's necklace started to glow and vibrate. The jolt spooked Misty and she would've dropped it had it not been around her neck. Misty opened her mirror in a rush.

"Misty! Are you there!? What happened at Maretime Bay?!" Opaline asked.

"So... remember how you said you wanted the dragon so you could have the dragon fire?" Misty asked.

"Where is the dragon?!" Opaline exclaimed.

Misty bit her lip, and didn't want to speak.

"The centaur took it!" Misty blurted out. "Now he and Cozy Glow and Crystalis are using the dragon fire to perk themselves up! Please don't be angry!!"

Opaline made angry hissy noises, and nearly screamed in fury.

"Son of a H-"

Misty pressed mute on her compact so she didn't have to hear Opaline cuss out her frustrations.

After Opaline slowed down, Misty unmuted her.

"I hope you're pleased." Opaline said.

"Not one bit! That dragon and all the magic belongs to you! Not them! What do we do?" Misty asked.

"I'm not sure. It might be impossible to salvage this operation and carry out with the original plan.. Hmm... unless..." Opaline pondered.

"Unless what?" Misty asked.

"If there's one pony who can stop them, take their magic, and get the dragon back, it's Sunny Starscout." Opaline said.

"So do you want me to-" Misty said.

"You go talk to Sunny's friends and try to talk sense into them." Opaline said, interrupting. "Sunny still has the compact mirror, so I'll just have to have a word with her myself. Alicorn-a-alicorn."

"You want me to talk to Sunny's friends so they can unite and save Equestria from-" Misty started.

"I don't care about them! Go distract them for all I'm concerned, just leave Sunny to me. I know just what to say to her." Opaline said.

The feed cut out, leaving Misty alone to sort of come up with her own plan. Then she remembered the story Opaline told her about the time Twilight Sparkle saved Equestria with her friends. You know which one. She wondered if something like that could be used to save Equestria now.