• Published 25th Dec 2011
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Equestria's Crazies - Thorax

Life can be hard, life can be funny, life can be shocking. Here, life is just plain crazy.

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Episode 1: Luna's Project

Luna stood above the cold, limp body of Discord. He had fought hard, but Luna was stronger. Maybe if he had surrendered when she had given him the chance, she wouldn't have had to do it. However, Celestia was correct; Discord would never go along with Luna's experiment. Not that it mattered, she won in the end.

-Earlier that day-

"Celestia, my dear sister, would you like to help us with a project?" Luna asked with a sly grin on her face.

Celestia wouldn't admit it, but she was terrified. The last time Luna had attempted one of her 'projects' - as she called them - it had ended with the gravity within the castle being reversed, leaving many ponies trapped in rooms and an extremely large mess once it had been fixed.

"Celestia, are you there? Equestria to Celestia, come in Celestia." Luna waved a hoof in front of her sister’s face.

"Huh? Oh, sorry, Luna." Celestia said as she snapped back into reality. "What kind of project are we talking about? I don't want another gravity incident."

Luna gave a nervous chuckle. She had hoped Celestia would have forgotten about that whole day - or, at least, repressed it.

"Sister, I said I was sorry and I fixed it as fast as possible. Besides, what I'm working on is going to help all the ponies of Equestria!"

Celestia was intrigued, and Luna knew it, though Celestia was still cautious

"How will it 'help' the ponies of Equestria?" Asked the Sun Goddess.

"I am attempting to create a device that will allow any type of pony to defend themselves from any attackers, by incapacitating them!" Luna said, excitement seeping back into her tone.

"Luna, wouldn't something such as this cause unneeded violence in the wrong hooves?" Celestia asked, worried for the safety of her ponies.

"Don't worry, sister, I've made it impossible for it to actually harm a creature." Luna answered, attempting to reassure her sister. "It is only capable of stunning a creature. Why don't you come down to my lab with me, and I'll explain it to you fully?"

Celestia was surprised. It had appeared her sister had covered all the bases this time.

"Very well, sister. Show me what you've created."

Luna was giddy. She began to run ahead of her sister, but as she round a corner she realized Celestia was no longer following her. Luna backed up and found her sister still standing in the spot where they had first begun talking.

"Celestia, are you okay?" Luna asked.

The white Alicorn snapped out of her trance. "Oh, yes, I'm fine. I was just wondering, when did we get a lab?"

Luna chuckled. "You see, I noticed the dungeon wasn't getting any use, so I turned it into my lab." She was surprised her sister hadn't noticed, but it seemed reasonable; Celestia would never go to that part of the castle.

Celestia was pleased. She never saw the purpose of a dungeon. In fact, now that Celestia thought about it, she couldn't see a reason why ponies would need a device such as the one Luna described either, but she might as well see what Luna had created.

"Okay then, Luna, lead the way."

Luna took off immediately leaving Celestia alone and slightly lost. "Where was the dungeon again?" Celestia muttered under her breath.

Several minutes later, Celestia had caught up to Luna in the dungeon. She was stunned. How could she not notice this sooner? The walls were lined with monitors and control panels, and Tesla coils covered both the floor and the ceiling. As Luna led her through the room, she noticed two levers on the wall.

"Pull the lever, sister!" Luna shouted, even though they were now standing beside each other.

Celestia panicked. She wasn't prepared for the sudden outburst from Luna, and she pulled a random lever.

"Wrong lever!" Echoed the scream of Luna as she plummeted through the trap door that had appeared below her. A few moments later, Luna returned, soaking wet. Stomping back over to Celestia, she pulled the other lever, flipping the floor and dropping both Celestia and Luna into a cart.

"Luna, what is happening?!" Celestia asked, terrified.

However, before Luna could answer, an automated voice rang out through the tunnel. "Please keep your hooves and wings inside the cart at all times."

With that, the cart rocketed forward, swerving and weaving through the tunnel at a pace that would leave the Wonderbolts stunned. Soon, though, the screams of terror from Celestia were screams of joy and amusement. Eventually the cart came to a sudden halt at the end of the track, firing the two Alicorns through the air to land on the crash mat below.

All Celestia could do was stare at her sister, completely stunned at what had just occurred.

"What? I had some free time." Luna said, attempting to answer her sister’s glare. "Now that we're here, It's time to show you... the device!!" She said, laughing maniacally.

"Do you mean this?" Celestia asked, pointing towards the device currently placed within a glass case.

"Yes, that is the device." Luna said, once again laughing.

"Is it really called 'the device', and are you going to laugh every time you say it?" Celestia was growing concerned. This was eerily similar to what had happened before she found herself walking on the ceiling.

With an awkward chuckle Luna opened the glass case and, using her magic, lifted the device so her sister could gain a better look. "Well, so far, the only name I could come up with was 'taser'. I don't even know why, it just seemed right."

Celestia looked at the device. It was small and black, with what appeared to be a button on the lower portion of it and what appeared to be to small needles at the front.

"So, Luna, how does it work?" Asked the older sister, intrigued by the device before her.

Luna grinned. "It uses a magically charged battery to stun an attacker, but I haven't been able to test the device."

Celestia was concerned. "Luna, why haven't you tested it?"

Luna let out a nervous chuckle. "Well, you see, I don't want to use a regular pony in case I got the formula incorrect."

Celestia started to realize everything now; Luna didn't just want to show her the taser - she also wanted to test it on her.

Celestia backed away slowly. "I know what you're thinking, Luna, and no, I will not be your test subject."

Luna was shocked; how could her sister think she'd do something like that? Sure, she thought about it, but she couldn't.

"No, no, my dear sister, I wouldn't dream of using you as my test subject. I had someone else in mind." She added another devious chuckle.

Celestia eased up. "You can't possibly mean Discord. He would never go along with it."

Luna grinned. "Oh, Celestia, you know me too well. I do mean Discord, and he already told me no when I asked him. However, sometimes sacrifices must be made in the name of science." She finished with her best maniacal laugh. Celestia thought about stopping her sister, but then realized it was some great bonding time so she joined in too with her best regal maniacal laugh.


Discord was lying in his bed. It had been one week since his return to the castle. When he first arrived, the servant and guards had feared him, but they seemed to have improved over time. However, he'd been unable to leave the castle yet and he was beginning to feel the effects of boredom.

Somepony knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" Discord shouted.

"It's Celestia. Open the door." Responded a voice from the other side of the door.

Discord could feel something was wrong, but he couldn't place it. Against his better judgement, Discord opened the door. However, instead of Celestia, he was met by Luna standing there with a grin on her face. It took him a moment but he finally noticed what Luna was holding - the device. Luna had explained to him what it did, and had asked him to be the test target. Had he still been completely insane he might have agreed.

Luna continued to stare at Discord as she began to flick the switches on the taser. "So, Discord, have you reconsidered my request? Or do we have to do this the hard way?"

Discord slammed the door shut. He'd have to think fast if he wanted to make it out of this situation. He braced the door with a chair as Luna slammed against it. It wouldn't hold long against the moon goddess’s strength, and if he was really lucky she wouldn't realize she could just teleport in.

"Discord, it's okay, I don't want to hurt you. Just open the door and we can talk." Came the maniacal voice of Luna.

"Not today, Luna!" Discord shouted back.

Discord didn't have many options; sure he could jump out of the window, but once Luna got outside she could easily outpace him. His powers were nowhere near his full strength, but if he could just make it to Celestia he might be safe. Mustering up as much of his magic as he could, he attempted to teleport himself straight to Celestia. Sadly, for Discord, he only made it down his hall. Luna was already galloping at him when he regained his balance.

"Discord, if you run, I might miss and it could hurt even more!" Luna yelled to her prey.

Discord was moving through the hall on all four of his mismatched legs. All he had to do was find Celestia; she would save him. As Discord ran through the hall, he attempted to lose his pursuer by crashing through the kitchen and out into the main dining hall. However, Luna was determined. Instead of swerving into the next room, she went clean through the walls, leaving Alicorn-shaped holes in her wake.

"Discord, you can't outrun me! Two thousand years ago you couldn't out run me, and you know there is no place where you can hide where I won't find you!" Luna screeched as she crashed through the Guard barracks and back into the hall.

Discord could see it, his salvation, Celestia's room. All he had to do was make it. That's when he noticed the silence. No screaming, no crashing, and no laughter. It must be a trick, he thought, he wouldn't be stopped but such an easy trick. He opened the door and there stood Celestia. A look of terror covered his face as he saw the taser above her head.

"Gotcha." She said with a grin.

The taser fired, sending the two magically charged prongs into Discord's chest. He fell to the ground unconscious.

Luna stepped back into the room and turned to her sister. "Good work, sister. I told him he would run straight to you."

Celestia looked down at Discord's unconscious body. "This seems kind of mean; he didn't really do anything to deserve that."

"Actually, Celly, he attempted to change my star maps so I would turn the night sky into a giant mosaic of himself. Anyways, don't worry, he won't remember anything from the past hour." Luna said, pleased with the results of her test.

Luna stood above the cold, limp body of Discord. He had fought hard, but Luna was stronger. Maybe if he had surrendered when she had given him the chance, she wouldn't have had to do it. However, Celestia was correct; Discord would never go along with Luna's experiment. Not that it mattered, she won in the end. She picked him up using her magic and carried him back to his room. Before leaving the room, Luna left a small wrapped box on his table.

-Later that evening-

As Celestia and Luna sat on Celestia's bed discussing Twilight's latest friendship report, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Spoke Celestia.

Discord entered the room, carrying in one hand a small cake and in the other a fork. He noticed the two Alicorns attempting to suppress a giggle.

"What's so funny?" Discord asked, confused as to why they were laughing.

"Oh nothing, nothing at all." Luna answered with a large smile across her face. "So, where did you get the cake?"

Discord took another bite. "It was in my room when I woke up. There was also a 'thank you' card, but I'm not sure what I did."

As Discord was heading back out the door, he paused for a moment and turned around. "I remembered why I came here now! I wanted to ask; why are there a bunch of Luna-shaped holes in the walls?"

At this Luna covered her face; she had completely forgotten to fix the walls. Seeing her embarrassment, Celestia began to laugh.

"Well, you know Discord, earlier I was working on som-" Before finishing, Luna had thrown herself out the window and was gone.

Discord stood there deeply confused, Celestia continued to laugh, now on the verge of tears.

Discord turned to the Sun Goddess. "What did I miss today?"

Author's Note:

Edited by IceOfWaterflock on 30/03/2013.

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