• Published 25th Dec 2011
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Equestria's Crazies - Thorax

Life can be hard, life can be funny, life can be shocking. Here, life is just plain crazy.

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Episode 21: A New Evil

“Not do it! Not do it!” shouted the panicked Sombra as he galloped down the hall, speeding past several of the castle staff and eventually slamming into Princess Luna.

“Did anyone get the number of the carriage?” groaned Luna as she rubbed her head.

“Not do it” groaned the grey unicorn as he picked himself up and attempted to continue his blind fleeing. However he quickly found that he wasn’t touching the ground let alone moving as a green aura held him in place.

“Let go, I no do it!” struggled Sombra as he attempted to break free from the magical grasp

“Calm down and quit kicking” The night Goddess growled as she turned the Unicorn so that he faced her.

“Oh!” gasped Sombra as he finally realized who he had run into “Friend here to help?” he asked with great hope.

“And you are?” Luna asked flatly

“You not remember me?” the Unicorn asked with a mixture of confusion and sadness “Luna say she friend, but she no remember me.”

It was at this point that “Luna” realized who she was talking to and decided it was probably best to break character to avoid drawing any further attention. With a brilliant green wash of flames Luna was gone, and in her place stood Queen Chrysalis.

“Who you? Where Luna go?”

Chrysalis facehoofed as she realized this pony had no idea who she was and she had most likely only managed to make the situation even more difficult.

“I am Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling Empire”

“How you do that?” The unicorn asked the look of confusion only growing further.

“As I said, I am Queen Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, we can change our shape to match any creature perfectly.” She answered retaking the shape of Luna before once again releasing her disguise.

“No, how you do thing with your voice?”

“What thing?” Asked the now confused Queen

“Your voice all weird”

“What do you mean, my voice sounds perfectly fine. This is how all Changelings sound”

“Okay” Sombra answered accepting that the strange pony in front of him sounded like some strange monster. “Where Luna go?”

Chrysalis facehoofed “Luna was never here”

“I just bump into her” stated his confusion once again returning to her

Chrysalis facehoofed once more and with a flare of her horn the green flames washed over her, leaving Princess Luna in her place. “See” Chrysalis spoke her own voice emanating from Luna “Your friend Luna was never here, it was me in disguise.” With another wall of green flames Luna was gone and the Changeling Queen was back. “Does that make sense to you?”

“So if you not Luna, wher-“ The grey Unicorn was cut off as a loud explosion shook the castle.

“Where did you go Sombra!?” echoed the booming voice of Nightmare “Nobody lights me on fire and get away with it!”

“You lit her on fire?!” Chrysalis turned her head to asked, but was greeted with the sight of Sombra already fleeing

“Not do it!” shouted the frantic Unicorn

The Changeling Queen made a rather quick and most likely correct choice in deciding to follow the fleeing Unicorn for fear that Nightmare might just take her anger out on her instead. After roughly three minutes of blindly running, just barely staying ahead of the angered Night Goddess, Chrysalis decided to take the lead and eventually the two stopped at the entrance to a utility closet.

“Quick” hissed Chrysalis “get inside and stay quiet.”

The two quickly and quietly made their way into the rather small closet and silently shut the door. Within a few seconds of the door sealing there was a soft click as Sombra cracked one of his many glowsticks he had hidden around the castle in case of emergencies.

“Put that away!” hissed the Changeling Queen “You’ll give us away”

“No” Sombra answered as he shook his head “If lights go out, the thing in dark get us!”

“If you don’t put that away, the angry god outside will get us!”

“No, I no make dark anymore.”

“He doesn’t like the dark” came a third voice from above the two hiding ponies.

Sombra slowly raised his glowstick in an attempt to reveal the source of the voice. He was rather surprised when he was greeted with the smiling face of Luna as she hung suspended from the ceiling by what appeared to be a large green cocoon.

“Hello Sombra, how are you today?” the Princess asked happily

“Am good” Sombra answered happy to have finally found his friend “What you do up there?”

The cocooned goddess turned her gaze towards Chrysalis who nervously smiled in response.

“Well you see, Chrysalis and I are playing a game and now I assume she’s come to let me down so I can have my turn.” Luna finished as she continued to glare daggers at the Changeling Queen.

Chrysalis gave an awkward chuckle “Maybe later Luna, we’ve got something really important to deal with, so you’ll have to stay quiet.”

“I can smell your fear Chrysalis, I knew he was working with someone else!” echoed the hateful hissing of Nightmare as she drew closer.

“What did you guys do to make her so made?” Luna asked as she stared towards the door, fear starting to fill even her.

“I no do it!’ Sombra cried as he ducked closer to the ground

“I don’t know what your little friend did, but your other half has been hunting us through most of the castle”

“No do it” Sombra repeated

“Well if you let me down from here, I can get you both out of this.” Luna stated smugly

“How do I know you’re not working with her?” Chrysalis asked suspiciously

“You know, Changeling fear has one of the sweetest smells I’ve ever come across” Came the voice of Nightmare from down the hall.

Chrysalis didn’t hesitate and with a flare of her horn Luna’s cocoon disintegrated dropping the Lunar Goddess with a thud.

“I’m alright!” Luna stated as she jumped up from the floor and quickly made her way to the back of the closet. Casually she began moving mops, brooms and all other manner of cleaning items out of the way, before eventually uncovering what she was searching for.

“Please keep your hooves and mane inside the ride at all times” She stated flatly

“Wait, what?” asked the Changeling Queen as Luna pulled the lever, the floor quickly opening up to swallow them, only to close mere seconds later.

“Found you!” growled Nightmare as she blew away the closet door, only to reveal that her prey was no longer trapped. Carefully she made her way into the room, making sure she herself wasn’t walking into a trap. After several seconds of careful searching she was positive they hadn’t left through the door or back down the hall, which meant one possible escape route.

“Luna” hissed the Mare of Darkness as she approached the lever at the back of the room and slammed it down. However, she was not met with the black pit or the warning message; instead a new message rang through.

“We’re sorry for the inconvenience, but all “Evil Rollercoasters” are currently out of order, please leave a message at the office of Princess Luna or Princess Celestia.” The automated message finished before fizzling back out.

“You’ve bought yourself only a little time” growled the mare as she stormed off.

The mare of darkness had left just as the automated message fizzled back to life.

"We're sorry for the inconvenience, it appears that the automated safety message may have failed at some point within the last 24 hours, please contact the office of Princess Luna or Princess Celestia so the necessary repairs can be made. Have a pleasant day.

Down in the out of order Rollercoaster shaft

“Oh gods, we’re all going to die!” Cried Chrysalis as the group continued to plummet down the empty rollercoaster track.

“I swear there was an evil rollercoaster down here last month!” Luna shouted back

“Weeee!” cried Sombra as he happily stood on Chrysalis’s back, enjoying the ride.

As the Unicorn, Alicorn and Changeling continued their rapid decent; Luna conjured a scroll and began to write.

“Dear Sister

Where is my evil rollercoaster?

Plummeting to her death

Your sister Luna.”

With a flare of her horn, the scroll disappeared and the group continued to fall. Roughly a minute later another scroll appeared in front of the descending Alicorn, casually she began unrolling the scroll and began to read it aloud.

“Dear Sister

I sent it in repair after the infamous “Where’s Celestia’s tail” day. Just aim for the enchanted crash mat, and you should be fine.

Laughing at your suffering

Your sister Celestia”

“We’re dead!” cried Chrysalis “Game over man, game over!”

“I can see the crash mats, aim for them and you’ll be fine!” Luna shouted as she pointed towards the approaching mat.

3.1 Seconds later


“I’m alive!” shouted Chrysalis as she checked to make sure all of her limbs had also made it down with her.


“Woooh, go again?!” cried Sombra as he climbed back to his hooves.


“Oh sweet sun and moon, that wasn’t the Crash mat” groaned Luna as she rolled over in her impact crater. Slowly and carefully the Lunar Goddess attempted several times to pull herself up, eventually giving up and deciding it would just be easier to crawl to the lab. However, she found herself wrapped in a black aura as Sombra did his best to place her gently back on her hooves.

“Thank you” Luna groaned once again as she brushed some dirt off her.

“I help friend!” Sombra stated happily “Where we now?” he asked as he looked at the large almost empty chamber they had landed, the only thing besides the mats was a large steel door.

“One-two-three-four” echoed a voice from above, quickly followed by an explosion “There goes your front door.” The echoed voice finished with a twisted laugh.

“Secret lab” Luna blurted as she made her way towards the large steel door.

Chrysalis stared in stunned shock “You have a secret lab? What appears to be several mile beneath Canterlot?”

“Yes” Luna answered flatly as she tried to remember the door code, shifting her gaze back and forth between the door and the tunnel exit. “Is that a problem?”

“No, but you and Celestia, said I couldn’t move a hive here because it was unstable.”

Luna gave a sigh as she continued to enter different possible codes

“You don’t let the Pon- er Changeling who tried to take over your country, build a hideout beneath your castle.”

“Then why’d your sister let you build one?” Chrysalis asked with a smug smile.

“Touché” Responded Luna as she put in another code, this time receiving a loud beep in response as the large metal door began to slide open.

“Five-Six-Seven-Eight” echoed Nightmare’s voice once again, this time frighteningly close. “Soon you will know my eternal hate!”

“Okay, everyone in!” shouted Luna as she grabbed the other two with her magic and quickly ran inside, the metal door slamming shut behind her.

“Wow” muttered the grey Unicorn as he stared at the enormous lab, though he didn’t understand or know what any of the things were, he was still left in awe by all of it.

Large Tesla coils sparked on both the ceiling and floor, sending bolts of electricity sparking between them. Several tables were sprawled out with many different “Projects” and jars of chemicals. Strung up on several different racks were dozens of different tools and pieces.

“What do you do down here?” Chrysalis asked as she poked what appeared to be a rather large egg.

“NO DON’T DO THAT!” shouted the Goddess as she lunged towards the egg startling the Queen who accidentally knocked the egg off the table. Luckily for her, Sombra reacted quick enough to catch the egg with his magic.

“Save egg!” Sombra stated happily as he placed it back on the table.

“You don’t know what you’ve done” Luna stated a look of horror on her face.

“Oh don’t be such a Drama Princess; your little egg is fine.”

As if on cue the egg slowly began to shake, as a black and green glow began to rapidly travel back and forth of it. Both the Changeling Queen and the grey Unicorn slowly began to back up a look of fear slowly spreading across both their faces.

“Okay, maybe your little egg isn’t fine, but us touching it didn’t cause this.” Chrysalis stated defensively

“Actually, yes it did.” Luna stated a mixture of anger and fear herself. “That egg was pure creation magic, no life had touched it yet and you just imprinted life forces on it.”

“What do you mean?!” hissed the nervous Queen as she backed further away from the egg still worried of what might happen. “I just touched it!”

“It might sound cheesy” Luna began as she zipped up her giant yellow hazmat suit. “But every touch contains the essence of that creature. Sombra caught the egg with his magic, which not only contained his essence, but fragments of the darkness he was once host to.”

“Not dark” whimpered Sombra as he slowly curled up behind the hazmat suited mare.


“You have no idea what kind of evil you’ve created” cried the Lunar Princess


“I don’t even know what kind of evil you’ve made”

With one final crack the new evil that had been created lunged forth from the egg.

The Changeling Queen let out a shriek as the black shape lunged towards her, in an obvious attempt to kill her. Chrysalis closed her eyes and waited for her horrible demise. However, the unspeakable pain and suffering never happened, instead she was meant with a slight tingling on the edge of her ear.

“That’s possibly the most adorable evil I have ever seen.” Luna stated as she stared at the creature.

Slowly and nervously the Changeling Queen opened her eyes. What she saw was possibly the most surprising thing she’d seen so far. Dangling from the edge of her ear was what appeared to be a hybrid creature. Its appearance was Changeling in nature, but not completely. The small creature lacked both the holes in its legs that were found in other changelings and wings. One feature that caught Chrysalis attention the most was the creature’s horn, though much smaller than hers, it had the same curvature that she’d only seen in her own horn.

“So what do you want us to do with it?” Chrysalis asked as she pulled the reluctant creature off her ear. The small creature struggling to latch back on “I mean, it’s adorable, but you said this is this thing is evil.”

“Is gone?” Sombra whispered as he slowly peaked out from behind Luna who had already removed and tossed away her suit. “That no dark” the grey unicorn said in surprise as he stared at the small creature.

“blar” mumbled the creature as it locked onto the grey unicorn, before clumsily stumbling towards the unicorn, eventually coming to a stop in front of him. “bla” the creature growled as it nuzzled up to Sombra and attempted to fall asleep.

“What it doing?” asked the confused Unicorn as he stared at the creature pressed up against him.

“Well I think it sense you’re the closes thing to another one of "it" Luna said as she carefully leaned in to examine it.

“But it looks like a Changeling; it hardly even looks like a pony.” Chrysalis stated a she herself moved into get another look.

“It’s Sombra’s magic” Luna stated as she pointed towards the creatures eyes. It was only then that either Sombra or Chrysalis noticed the faint purple glow emanating from around its eyes. “Magic is the very essence of every creature, and unlike a normal Unicorns magic, Sombra’s is one of a kind. So even though this creature looks like a Changeling, its essence is almost a direct match to Sombra’s.

Chrysalis was about to ask another question when she remembered their original problem.

“Why hasn’t Nightmare gotten us yet?”

“She can’t possibly get in” Luna stated flatly “It isn’t my magic sealing the place, its Celestia’s, meaning she either has to break every seal one by one, or remember the door code. So we’ve got another hour or so.”

“What it doing?” Sombra asked as the small creature attempted to eat his ear.

“Apparently it’s already teething” Luna answered as she summoned a notepad and began taking notes.

*Knock* *Knock* came the thumping from the large metal door

“Who’s there” Luna asked smugly, knowing that Nightmare couldn’t breach the barriers.

“Land Shark, now open the door so I can murder you all.”

“Maybe we can talk this out?” Luna asked

“What is there to talk about?!” shouted the angry mare. “You’re little friend set me on fire and ran away.”

“Not do it!” shouted the grey Unicorn as the small hybrid continued to nibble on his ear.

“Did you hear that Nightmare? Sombra says he didn’t do it, maybe this is a misunderstanding?” Luna waited several seconds for any response from her rather angry other half, however the continuing silence began to worry her. “Well, looks like she gave up.” Luna stated a mixture of false happiness and fear.

However, any false sense of hope created by Luna’s words, were destroyed in a sudden flash of blue magic light.

“Peek-a-boo” Growled Nightmare as she stood before Sombra.

Sadly for Nightmare, the hybrid creature clinging from Sombra’s ear had inherited both the Unicorns fear and power. The hybrid let out a scared hiss as its horn began to glow, Nightmare watched in horror as shadows began to engulf her. The mare of darkness let out a small yelp as she was fired through the ceiling of the lab and all the way back into Canterlot Castle.

“Wow” the remaining three said in stunned awe as they stared up through the hole Nightmare had created, shifting their gaze back to the creature once again resting on Sombra.

With another blue flash Nightmare was once again back in front of Sombra. This time however, she quickly collapsed to the ground, battered, burned and extremely tired.

“I no do it” Sombra pleaded as he moved towards the barely conscious mare.

“Fine” groaned the mare as she tried to roll over “if you didn’t do it, who did?”

“Crazy pony monster, he want to borrow flashlights and fire sticks so he could fight dark too.” Sombra answered hoping the Alicorn would see he was telling the truth. “He say the dark always trying to hurt him, so I give him stuff and then you get mad at me.”

“Discord” hissed the mare of darkness as her energy rapidly began to return to her, fueled purely by her rage. However Nightmare found her rage quickly extinguished by a small tingling on her ear.

“What is it doing? First it tries to kill me, now it’s trying to eat me? What in the fires of Tartarus is it anyways?” Nightmare groaned a she pulled the creature from her ear and began to examine it.

Luna gave a sigh “Chrysalis ruined my latest creation by contaminating it and then Sombra super charged it with possibly the most powerful shadow magic possessed by any mortal pony.”

“So it’s a normal day for all of us?” groaned Nightmare as the creature continued to snap at her. “I’ve been set on fire, blown through several hundred feet of solid stone and you’ve created some unspeakable, yet adorable evil.”

Luna gave a laugh “Don’t forget, you’re probably going to kill Discord.”

Nightmare tried to laugh, but found it hurt too much “Yeah, I have Draconequus to kill, so it’s a pretty normal day for all of us.”

“What you do little guy?” Sombra asked as he played with the small creature, a few seconds the creature gave a happy giggle as its horn began to glow and a small ball of solid shadows appeared in front of it. With another laugh the creature tackled the ball and happily began to roll around with it.

“It’s impossibly powerful for something so young” Nightmare stated in amazement as she stared at the hybrid. A wicked grin slowly began to form upon her face as a truly evil idea began to set in.

“You know, Celestia would be very interested in seeing your latest creation.” The dark mare finished with a laugh “Maybe even Discord would like to meet him?”

“You’re an evil, evil mare” Chrysalis said with a grin “But, I can’t say I don’t want to see where this is going.”

Three hours later… at the dinner table

Celestia stared in amazement at the creature latched onto her ear.

“So you’re telling me, this is the result of Changeling essence and raw Shadow Magic?”

“That’s correct Celly; I had expected the end results to be much more horrible. However, it seems this time a piece of Sombra tainted the Shadow Magic, so instead of some unspeakable evil, we were left with a foal.”

“I name him Nibbles” Sombra spoke happily as he continued to eat his dinner. “Because he like to nibble stuff.”

“I can see that” Celestia said with a laugh as she pulled Nibbles off her ear “But we’re sure he’s not evil?”

“No more evil than any other foal, and as long as he’s raised properly he’ll be a great addition to Equestria.” Luna stated as she examined a few of the notes she had already taken.

Nightmare gave another groan as she once again rubbed her head

“So has anyone seen Dis-“The battered and broken mare was cut off as a flash filled the room, revealing none other than the Draconequus of the hour.

“Hold you’re applause, Discord has arrived.” The God of Chaos stated happily as he floated above Nightmare. “Wow, my dear Nightmare, you look simply dreadful!”

Nightmare did her best to fight back her urge to strangle the lizard

“So Discord, did you hear about the latest addition to our insane little family?”

Discord gave a quick gasp “Is it Grogar? I miss Grogar!”

Nightmare shook her head “No it’s not Grogar, this time it’s a foal.”

Discord gave a quick smirk “Kids are easy, I’m great with kids.”

“Well then, you’ll love this kid, he’s crazy.” Nightmare continued her grin continuing to grow “He really seems to love Peek-A-Boo” Nightmare finished as she pointed to the foal walking across the table.

“Well then, it’s time for Uncle Discord to show this kid how to really have fun.” He finished with a snap of his talons, and with a flash he disappeared.

“Peek-A-Boo!” shouted the Draconequus as he reappeared right in front of the foal.

Nibbles gave a startled cry as his horn began to glow and Discord was slowly wrapped in shadows.

“What’s happening?!” stammered the confused lord of Chaos

“Well you see Discord” Nightmare wicked grin quickly returning “When you play with fire, you’re bound to get burned.”

With that, the shadows around him quickly ripped him through the wall and fired him out into the Equestrian night.

Nightmare once again tried to laugh, but found the pain too great.

“I think me and this kid are going to get along perfectly.” she groaned as she dropped to the floor, satisfied with her victory.

Author's Note:

Here's some sketches of Nibbles created by the amazing IceOfWaterFlock

From here on out Sombra and Nibbles will both be more prominent Characters. Should I ever find myself in a place where I can't seem to write a chapter for the Royals themselves, I will try my best to release a Mini-Chapter (1000 - 2000 words) revolving almost solely on Sombra and Nibbles.

{Quick Note: I've had no internet for over a week, I don't know if Chrysalis met Sombra in any of the older chapters, if she did then ooops, if not then disregard this}

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