• Published 25th Dec 2011
  • 24,521 Views, 2,020 Comments

Equestria's Crazies - Thorax

Life can be hard, life can be funny, life can be shocking. Here, life is just plain crazy.

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Episode 14: Game over man, GAME OVER!

{Authors Note: Apologize for the roughness of this chapter, this is the first time I've written in over a month and a half now. I also apologize for any large errors, I wrote most of this during a three hour lecture. I'll give it another look through when I get home.}

"So explain to me again, why you've summoned me here?" Groaned the Changeling Queen as she lazily fell onto one of the many scattered pillows that dotted the floor. "I could be getting my beauty sleep."

"Sleep is for the weak!" answered Discord as he dived onto his own set of pillows.

Chrysalis forced a laugh "That's great coming from the one defeated by "The magic of friendship" she finished mockingly.

"Ha, you're one to talk. You were defeated by the power of Love" retorted Discord

"Both of you shut up." Hissed Nightmare "Or I'll defeat both of you with the backside of my hoof."

Both Celestia and Luna remained silent as they watched the three in front of them continue to bicker. As they continued to argue about a variety of things such as Chocolate milk, Cheese legs, and something regarding eternal night. Celestia couldn't help but think that this might have been her fault.

Luna on the other hoof couldn't help but smirked as her voice throwing lessons had finally paid off. Who knew that making a simple comment regarding a creature’s sleep cycle and their strength could have such an effect.

Celestia was about to send them to their rooms when a sudden jolt of magic shot from her horn. A scroll gently descended from the air. However, the same couldn't be said for the almost flat rectangular box that came crashing down on Luna's head.

"Oh good" Celestia said as she unfurled the scroll "I was beginning to worry that Twilight had forgotten." the Sun Princess finished as she began to read the letter aloud.

"Dear Princess Celestia

This week’s movie was picked by Fluttershy. I've also learned a rather valuable on the magic of Friendship.

Just because one of your friends is shy and quiet, doesn't mean they don't have a horrific sense of entertainment.

My apologize for such a short letter, I have to go help the others find Pinkie, before she does something drastic."

-Your faithful Twilight Sparkle"

There were several seconds of silence everyone present began to image what "drastic" was considered in Pinkie Pie standards. They all agreed it was for the best to raise the castle security level up to at least code pink. With the doors looked and the Chimeras released, they sat back down to enjoy the movie.

"So what do we have this time?" Asked Nightmare

"Aliens" Luna read from the cover "I hope it's not another cheesy movie like "Nightmare Moon on Elm Street"

"I would still love to meet the pony who made that film." Nightmare said with a twisted smile "I don't kill ponies in their sleep, I mean who would think that up?"

"Is that so?" asked Discord "Miss "I know where you dream" is wondering why they made a movie about her killing ponies in their dreams."

Before Nightmare could respond, both her and Discord found their mouths refusing to open as two large green gooey chunks wrapped around sealing them shut.

"Mmmummjjb" came the muffled growls from Nightmare as she tried to rip it off with her magic. When Discord noticed that Nightmare was unable to remove her muzzle, Discord smugly snapped his talons. Yet, once again nothing happened.

"Oooh, magic proof." Luna said gleefully as she poked at Nightmare's muzzle.

"Where did that even come from?" Asked the slightly curious Sun Goddess

"Trust me, you don't want to know." Chrysalis answered "Some things are better left a mystery "Especially since you were wrapped in it."

A look of absolute horror spread across Celestia's face as her mind raced through all of the worse possible sources of the green goo. After several minutes of staring distantly at the ceiling. The Sun Goddess broke her silence as she stood up and walked to the door.

"Sister where are you going?"

"I-I'm going to....I'm gonna.......Cold Shower."

With that Celestia walked out of the room, the four remaining creatures in the other room listen as the slow hoof steps quickly turned into the sound of galloping and the wailing sobs of one traumatized goddess echoed through the halls.

"So where does it come from?" Luna asked

Chrysalis slowly leaned over to the Night Princess and whispered words that burned themselves into poor Luna's mind.

"That's disgusting!" shouted as she recoiled in disgust.

Upon seeing Luna's reaction, the looks of terror and disgust only intensified for Discord and Nightmare who once again returned to frantically trying to remove their gooey muzzles.

"If you think that's bad, you should see where it comes out from male Changelings."

"NOPE!" shouted the Moon Goddess as she covered her ears

'"I mean, even I-"


"But Luna, these are things you need to know."


"But what about science?"


Five Hours Later

"Do you feel better sister?" Luna asked as she placed the movie in the player.

"Yeah, I nice cold shower on the surface of my glorious sun, was all I needed."

"Good, now can we start the movie?"

Celestia nodded as she hurled a pillow at the sleeping Nightmare and Discord who quickly jolted awake. After a few seconds they both noticed that the muzzles had completely hardened and with a few taps they quickly fell apart.

"Now both of you stay quiet" Hissed Chrysalis "Or it'll be a cocoon next time."

Inexplicably, Nightmare and Discord found that they had absolutely nothing to say. After roughly five hours of delays and other unpleasantness they were finally able to start their movie night.

One and a half hours later and seven minutes of ignored credits, the movie was over.

"Well that was a good movie." mumbled the sleep Lunar Princess.

"I don't know" groaned Chrysalis as she groggily pulled herself to her hooves. "I think the alien looked pretty fake." she finished with a yawn before stumbling her way towards the door. "

Nightmare and Discord managed to pull themselves off the floor and onto their hooves.

"What about you sist-" Luna had to pause when she saw her sister hiding behind a pillow.

"Ithinkitwasgreat" Blurted Celestia as she picked Luna up with her magic and bolted for the door.

Once outside of the royal movie chamber Luna was able to free herself from her sister’s magical grip.

"Celly, what's gotten into you?"

"We have to stop them!" Celestia said as she watched Chrysalis disappear as she turned a corner.

"Stop who? Is this about the movie?"

"You saw what I saw Luna, we have to stop the Changelings."

Luna continued to stare at her sister. There was a look of paranoia in Celestia's eyes as they continued to dart back and forth, jumping at the slightest movement.

"Why do we have to stop the Changelings." Luna asked hoping that maybe if she humored her sister. Maybe Celestia would return to her senses.

"We have to stop them before they lay their freaky alien babies in our stomachs."

Luna couldn't help but give her sister a quick slap "Snap out of it Celly, you're the one who made the Changelings. You know as well as I that they don't lay "freaky chest babies""

"So you're saying you remember how they reproduce, because I don't." Celestia finished with a smug smile, knowing her sister would not remember that detail either. Hopefully, then she'd see the Changeling threat for what it really is.

"No I don't, but I'm sure you wouldn't make something that lays eggs in other things chests." Luna said as she prepared to let the craziness play out without her.

"You know as well as I Luna, that when we started this little planet we weren't the nicest of creators. I mean, I made an entire race that requires love to survive and then I forgot about them. What's to say I didn't make them lay freaky chest babies in other creatures?"

"You know what, I don't care anymore." Luna blurted as she turned away "I'm tired and I just want to sleep now. Good luck with whatever extremely stupid thing you plan to do." Luna hadn't intended to say anything else, but when words slid into her mind, they took on a life of their own. "What if they've already planted their eggs in you?! You were in that cocoon for a while."

"Oh sweet sun, you're right!" Gasped Celestia "I might not have that much longer to live. Don't worry Luna, I'll make sure Equestria is safe, at least for you." with that Celestia broke into a gallop and quickly faded into the darkness of the halls.

"Oh sisters, you're such a foal sometimes. I'm still not even sure how you managed to make a plan, which stopped eternal Night." Luna gave a sigh as she made her way towards her room, where a large bed awaited her tired bones.

Little did the two Princesses know, there had been two more sets of ears listening in on their conversation.

Nightmare and Discord sat on the other side of the door, giggling to themselves as hundreds of devious thoughts ran through their minds.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Asked Nightmare

"We should try to take over the world?" Answered Discord

"No.....actually yes, but later. I believe we should have a little conversation with our gooey friend Chrysalis."

"Ah, I like where this planning is going."

One Hours Later

Chrysalis was stirred from her sleep by an unknown sound.

"Shut up you overgrown lizard" came a hissed whisper in the dark

"Who-Who's there?" Chrysalis asked nervously

Chrysalis waited several seconds, hoping for who ever or whatever was in her chambers would show itself.

After a few more seconds of complete silence she began searching through the darkness for the lamp cord.

When she was finally able to bring light to the darkness, she was met with a startling sight.

Both Nightmare and Discord were mere inches from her face. Apparently the Draconequus and Alicorn were not prepared either as the combined scream of three different ponies echoed throughout the castle.

Elsewhere in the castle

Celestia was in the process of gathering her equipment when the screams of Discord and Nightmare finally reached her. She knew she should have warned them about the threat, but she had thought there would have been more time.

"There you are Betsy" the Sun Goddess spoke softly as she pulled the rifle into an embrace. "What that Betsy?" she asked as she held the barrel to her ear. "That mean old Luna took all your rounds? Well don't worry sweetie we'll get you some more."

Before Celestia could sneak her way back out of the throne room. The faints sounds of voices began to grow closer. Quickly she darted behind the throne as the large wooden doors began to open. The paranoid Princess watch silently as Two guards and a Changeling entered the room.

"Traitors" she muttered under breath "Don't worry baby, I'll let you deal with the traitors later."

"So he asks me, why he couldn't feed of my Ex's love." Hammer said as he continued his story

"And what did you tell him?" asked Brass

"I told him, you can't feed on something that doesn't feel emotions."

With that the group continued laughing as they exited the room. Apparently that's what qualifies as a proper night search, they hadn't even noticed the gun toting Princess hiding behind the throne.

Back with two idiots and a Changeling Queen and several ponies

"So why are we doing this again?" asked on of the ponies stuck to the wall

"I thought they said if we played along we got tomorrow off." answered another

"Quiet up there, you're supposed to be dead." Shouted Nightmare as her and Discord finished placing the last pony up on the wall.

"Now for our part in this little show." Spoke Discord and with a snap of his talons both he and Nightmare were replaced with two larger than average Changelings.

As the two continued setting the area up, by placing more of the green goo and doing their best not to think about its source, the approaching sound of rather large hooves echoed down the hall.

"Okay everyone, it's show time. Just try and look dead." Whispered Nightmare as she took her place on the wall, blending in with the now almost alien walls.

The Sun Goddess can galloping around the corner as fast as she could and the moment she stopped to take in her surroundings she almost instantly regretted it. The sight was horrifying, her little ponies had been attached to the flesh like walls, the life taken from them.

"Don't worry my little ponies, I'll avenge you."

As she continued her way down the progressively alien hall, the sights only made the fear in her grow. It was at this point that Nightmare and Discord made their move. Slowly they peeled themselves from the wall as they turned to face Celestia.

They let out a hiss

She cocked her gun

They ran

"Where did she get that?!" shouted Discord as another shot echoed through the hall

"How should I know!?" Answered Nightmare, she had already been shot once in her lifetime, she wasn't about to let it happen again. Right as Nightmare was about to send Discord on a "Trip" one of the chamber doors opened, revealing an extremely groggy Princess Luna.

"Do you guys have any clue what time i-" Luna was cut off as two rather large Changelings spend past her.

Luna made her way into the center of the hall as she continued to yell at the two Changelings, completely oblivious to the approaching Celestia.

With another deafening shot, Celestia fired another round, this time scoring a direct hit, however not on her intended target.

With a Shriek Luna had found that someone had shot her in the flank. Without hesitation the Princess of the Night had spun around and taken hold of her attacks weapon. Finally with one quick swift movement, she had knocked her assailant unconscious with the butt of the gun.

"Really?!" growled Luna as she stared at her now unconscious sister "Where was this luck when I tried to take over?" Luna slowly dragged her sister back into her room, before locking and sealing the door with several enchantments.

"One down, three to go." The rather annoyed Princess growled as she cocked the gun.

It hadn't been too difficult for Luna to track down the two Changelings. Who from the sound of their voices she assumed were Discord and Nightmare, and the fact that only they would be stupid enough to set something like this up.

The chase would have probably lasted much longer had Nightmare not tripped Discord, which prompted him to drag her down with him. When they tried to struggle Luna quickly learned that with two quick pulls of the trigger, they were much more compliant.

The next morning

Celestia let out a groan as she was hit with the worst headache in several eons. She felt a jolt of terror rush through her as she realized she couldn't move. As she scanned her surrounding she was horrified to see that she was once again inside of a green cocoon. However, she wasn't alone, beside her were two others, Discord and Nightmare both equally confused by this new turn of events.

"Hello everyone" came the voice of Luna as she stepped into view. "You're probably all wondering why you're here."

The three bound Gods nodded in unison

"Well first off, Nightmare, you and Discord are here because you ruined my sleep." She paused as she turned to face her sister "And you dear sister, you shot me in the butt. Now under normal circumstances, that still wouldn't be okay. But you did it in a fit of paranoid madness."

Luna left the room, but quickly returned with Chrysalis in front of her and Betsy between the two of them.

"So, I went and found someone who can help put your fears to rest." Luna once again made her way to the door, but stopped as she finished opening it. "I'll be back to get you in a couple of hours, be good now." with that Luna was gone.

A devious grin spread across Chrysalis face as she gazed at the three bound Gods. A three of them, strung up from the ceiling completely unable to do anything. She could do anything she wanted with them.

Chrysalis placed a large book on the table before her and unfurled a rather enormous diagram of a Changeling.

"Hello class, I'll be your teacher Queen Chrysalis, and welcome to "Changeling Biology"

{Authors Note: I only realized now how dirty the last four lines can be taken. That wasn't my intentions but either way, giggity}

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