• Published 25th Dec 2011
  • 24,521 Views, 2,020 Comments

Equestria's Crazies - Thorax

Life can be hard, life can be funny, life can be shocking. Here, life is just plain crazy.

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Mini Episode: Princess Twilight Sparkle

Author's Note:

Written in like 3hours, I don't have much free time anymore so I hope this is worth something.
Sorry for such a long wait for such small payout.

Note: To be fully edited laterish, I'm to watch Ghost Adventurers

Twilight lay peacefully in her oddly comfortable bed. Her eyes remained shut as she tried to hold onto those last remnants of sleep, knowing that the morning sun was waiting for her. After a few seconds the lavender mare slowly let her eyes open and was surprised by what she saw, or to be more exact a lack of what she saw.

"That's odd..." Twilight muttered to herself as she stared into the darkness. "I've never woken up before the sun before." Silently she listened waiting for any sign of trouble. The faint snoring of Spike was enough to tell her everything was okay. Twilight gave faint sigh as her head dropped back to her pillow and she slowly drifted back to sleep.

~~~Outside of The Room~~~

"Shouldn't we do something?" Chrysalis asked as he stood amongst the three other gods. "She was supposed to raise the sun four hours ago." a tinge of annoyance in her voice

"We have to wake her up!" Discord stated with urgency "If we don't there will be panic in the streets!"

The four gods stared at each other in silence before breaking into laughter in unison, quickly lowering the volume as to avoid waking up the newly crowned Princess.

"By the abyss" Chrysalis continued to chuckle as she wiped a tear from her eye. With that the group silently decided that the new Princess could use some extra sleep. She managed to handle all four of them in the past, it's not like she couldn't handle a "few confused" ponies.

~~~Twenty Four Hours Later~~~

Twilight gave a loud yawn as she lifted herself from her pillow and carefully examined the dark room around her. She felt like she had slept for days and yet everything was still dar-

"Oh buck me" Twilight muttered as she placed a hoof to her mouth. On that sudden and horrifying realization Twilight bolted from her bed and promptly flung herself into the wall with a loud crash.

"Could you keep it quiet?" Spike groaned as he rolled over in his basket.

Twilight shook her head as she tried to regain her bearing before carefully making her way towards the door and with a tug of her magic a shaft of light blinded her and she stumbled out into the hall.

"Princess Twilight are you injured?" One of the guards asked as he quickly rushed to her aid.

"No, no" She grumbled as she picked herself up. "What time is it?"

"A little past 11:00AM" The guard answered nervously.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" The lavender mare asked doing her best to hide her agitation.

"We were under direct orders from Princess Luna to not wake you up under any circumstance."

The guard wasn't a hundred percent sure, but he could have sworn he saw smoke and a bit of flame emerge from Princess Twilight's nostrils as she gave a huff and stormed off, most likely in search of the Night Goddess who had sabotaged her.

The angry Alicorn was anything but subtle as she made her way to where she knew Luna would be, the marble floors cracking beneath her hooves and several ancient tapestries bursting into flames at her passing.

"Look what we have here" Discord said with a chuckle

Twilight didn't answer but the look of anger on her face continued to grow.

"Finally decided to get up sleepy head?" A look of fear quickly washed over Discord's face as Twilight stopped in her track and turned her head to look at him. He only had a few seconds think before he found himself buried under rumble. Twilight gave a half-hearted smile as she looked at the hole where the ceiling she had pulled down had once been.

"Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed." Discord groaned as he tried to pull himself free. After several failed attempts he decided magic was the way to go, but before he could snap his talons they were covered in a purple aura and in a flash of light all of his claws were bound zip ties.

"Curse you Sparkle!" echoed the muffled cries of the truly defeated Draconequus.

"That felt good" Twilight said to herself as she felt some of her earlier rage subsiding just as she approached the throne room entrance. She originally intended to blow the door apart as part of her scare tactic. But decided it probably wouldn't look to good if other ponies saw what she was doing. Carefully she pushed the large wooden doors open revealing to her surprise not only Princess Luna, but Princess Celestia too.

"Good morning Twilight" The two of them said in unison

"Princess Celestia" Twilight stuttered "I didn't think you would still be here."

"I didn't think you could sleep for two days." Celestia snapped back

"What did you say Princess?" Twilight asked in confusion not sure of what she had just heard.

"I said, I wasn't leaving the Castle, I'll still be here to help you." The Sun Goddess answered with a smile.

"But why didn't anyone wake me? Why didn't anyone raise the sun?"

"Calm down Twilight" Luna stated happily "Celestia and I wanted your first time raising the sun to be special so we made some arrangements and everything's already been dealt with."

"Really?" Twilight asked with a sigh of relief "Well I guess we better get the sun up."

"Very well then" Celestia stated as she stood up "Follow me and we shall begin the process."

Twilight silently followed behind both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia as the two of them led her towards the royal balcony, usually reserved for when the Princess needed to give an important speech or during certain celebrations. Twilight felt giddy as the full extent of her situation set in, she was a Princess of Equestria now and she was about to raise the sun itself.

"Okay Twilight" Celestia spoke "Take your position at the center of the balcony."

Twilight nervously made her way to the center making sure she was exactly where she was supposed to be, before turning her head towards her mentor and nodded.

"Now close your eyes and focus your magic, but don't focus it on the little things, focus it on the big picture." Luna spoke now. "You need to tune out all the little things; you'll know it when you reach it."

Twilight wasn't sure what was happening, at first she could only feel the normal things, like the dirt, the clouds and the wind. But eventually she could feel everything, the life force of everypony in Equestria and beyond.

"Tune the little things out" Celestia repeated Luna's words.

After several more seconds of focusing everything became silent and she could feel only two things, warmth and coldness carefully she directed her magic towards the warmth and shuddered as she felt it wrap around the sun itself.

"It's hot" Twilight muttered

"Well duh" Celestia answered flatly receiving a death glare from Luna.

"Now think about where the sun should be at this point of the day." Luna spoke as she watched the horizon a small smile forming on her face as light began to poor of the tree line and the sun slowly began to rise.

After a few more seconds Twilight eventually opened her eyes to blinding light of the sun and cheering crowd bellow. The lavender Alicorn felt amazing; she had just raised the sun itself the whole of Canterlot was cheering for her. Everything was going perfect and that's why she wasn't surprised when everything went wrong.

"Citizens of Canterlot" Celestia began as a pillar of green flames overtook her leaving the Changeling Queen where she once stood. "We are your rulers now." Chrysalis finished with a devious laugh.

Twilight quickly shifted her gaze over to Luna who had already been replaced by Nightmare Moon.

"Twilight Sparkle has assisted us in overthrowing you precious Princesses and we owe her a grea-"

Nightmare Moon never had a chance to finish her speech as she quickly found herself being beaten with a live Changeling Queen currently wrapped in a purple aura.

"This really wasn't a smart move' Twilight yelled as she continued to use the two mares to beat each other with.

Twilight's focus quickly shifted to the sound of clapping hooves from above.

"Bravo my faithful student" Celestia stated proudly as her and Luna gazed down from the roof.

"Mares and Gentlecolts, I give you your new Princess." Celestia spoke "Twilight Sparkle!" she finished proudly.

With a swing of her magic Twilight hurled both Chrysalis and Nightmare from the balcony past the crowed below.

"ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!" The newly crowned Alicorn shouted gaining cheers from the crowd below.

"See" Celestia stated smugly "I knew you three couldn't stop her."

"I knew we couldn't beat her, she learned everything from you and you're completely insane." Luna said with a laugh "Why do you think I'm up here and not down there with those two morons."

Luna didn't have enough time to react as she found herself being lifted up by her sister and promptly thrown from the roof. Before the Night Goddess could open her wings she found herself wrapped in a purple glow and in a flash of light one giant zip tie held her wings at her side.

"I hate you al-" The cries of the Night Goddess were silenced as she hit the grounds. The cheers of the crowed only growing louder as both Twilight and Celestia looked at each other, gave a nod and took a bow.

"This might not be so bad after all" Twilight whispered to herself.

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