• Published 25th Dec 2011
  • 24,521 Views, 2,020 Comments

Equestria's Crazies - Thorax

Life can be hard, life can be funny, life can be shocking. Here, life is just plain crazy.

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Episode 4: Reoccurring Night Mare (LunaMoonyCelestia)

Celestia was getting anxious it had been hours since Luna had taken over the main hall. She had blocked all entrances and sealed the room with magic, leaving Celestia no means of entering the room. She knew Luna was still slightly upset about being left on the moon with Discord for a few hours, but now she was getting worried. Celestia knocked on the large wooden doors that sealed the room.

"Luna, are you okay in there?" She said trying to hide the worry in her voice.

There was a sound of metal clashing and something shattering before the room fells silent for a few moments.

"Yes Celly I'm fine" came the voice of Luna through the door "Just a little busy right now, what do you need?"

Celestia was pleased at least Luna was still talking to her.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay. You've been in there for hours, how about you open in the door and let me in."

There was some more silence before Luna responded.

"No can do Celly, I'm working on a project. Come back in about an hour and I'll show you everything I've been working on." She finished with the laughter of a madmare. "Also bring Discord." she quickly added with a few more crashes the room once again fell silent.

Celestia didn't really know how to handle the situation, she could easily smash the door down on her own, but in the end she might look just as crazy as Luna sounded. So she did the only thing she could, she left Luna to her science. Celestia wondered the Halls on a normal day she would be holding open court in the main hall. However she had to cancel due to Luna's sudden madness.

"Might as well see what Discord's gotten up to" She said aloud to herself.

After several minutes of wondering the castle halls looking for the Draconequus and with no sign of him anywhere she resorted to asking the staff, though that led to no leads. That is until two panicking librarians came running down the halls screaming like mad mares. Before they could run past her Celestia grabbed them both with her magic.

"What has gotten into you?" She asked the two out of breath ponies.

"Disc....Dis....Discord he's... he's gone crazy in the library." The blue mare answered still exhausted from running.

Celestia raised an eyebrow "Really? What is he doing in there?"

The other mare spoke up "He flew into the library and said he claimed it as the chaos capital of the Discordia. Then he snapped his fingers and all the books started flying."

Celestia laughed "Really is that all he's done?"

The librarians were confused "Princess I don't think you understand, Discord is trying to conquer Equestria again."

Celestia remained calm even after the mare had given her this apparently bad news.

"Would it make you feel better if I went and stopped his rampage of Chaos?" She asked the two mares.

Both of them nodded and Celestia turned and headed for the library leaving the two mares to continue their panicked running. What is he up to Celestia thought to herself she knew his was beginning to regain his powers but he couldn't honestly be trying to conquer Equestria already. Whatever he was planning she was about to find out as she had just reached the Library doors.

She cracked the door slightly open and peaked inside. What she saw didn't surprise her in the least; Books were soaring around the room swopping down every now and again to grab the smaller magazines in a horrific feeding frenzy. Much of the rooms furniture was floating around weightlessly and in the center of the room was a large fortress made from some of the heavier novels.

Celestia approached the Book fort "Discord, Are you in there?"

There was an awkward moment of silence before a response finally came from the fort

"Maybe" came the voice of Discord from deep inside the structure.

Celestia leaned her head into the only window she could find on the book fort. She was surprised it seemed a lot larger on the inside the she had originally guessed she looked around before finally noticing Discord right beneath her head. He had attempted to hide under the windowsill and had shaped his body perfectly to fit the frame of the window.

"So what brings you to this part of the castle, this fine afternoon Celestia?" Discord asked in an awkward manner as he tried to sit up knocking most of his fort down in the process.

Celestia stared at the Draconequus "I had reports that you had claimed this part of the castle as the capital of Discordia, is that true?"

Discords stood up demolishing what was left of his magnificent fortress of Knowledge.

"Yep, the next stop on my conquering tour was the Kitchen. I heard Flambé was getting lonely so I thought I would keep him company."

Celestia tried to hide a giggle which didn't work to well "You know conquering peoples work space isn't going to helping your case. Now are you going to clean up this mess up or am I going to have to send all of Discordia's inhabitants to the moon?"

Discord sighed "Fine, I'll clean it up. But I refuse to like it." With a snap of his fingers the library returned to normal that is except for a single book that continued to flap around the room. Discord turned back to Celestia with a smile on his face

"Wouldn't want them to get bored now would we?"

Celestia laughed those poor librarians would never know what hit them. Celestia was about to ask Discord how long he had been in here when suddenly a scroll appeared in front of the two with a flash of purple.

"What does it say?" Asked Discord

Celestia finished reading and rolled the scroll back up "Luna wants us to meet her in at the main hall."

"What for?" Discord asked as they left the room book still soaring around.

"Science, apparently." Celestia answered

The two of them walked back to the main hall passing the two librarians who both passed out when they saw Discord approaching with the Princess. A few minutes later the two had made it back to the main hall, where Luna was waiting outside for both of them.

"Oh good, you brought Discord, Saves me the trouble of finding him myself." she said with a sly grin "Are you two ready for the greatest feat of Sciences every witnessed by pony eyes?"

Celestia glared at her younger sister "Really Luna whatever it is I think you're over reacting"

However Discord didn't share her feeling on Luna's behavior "I'm ready for science!" He said excitedly.

Luna opened the large wooden doors "If you're both ready please follow me inside." She said as she entered the room.

Once inside Both Discord and Celestia were completely stunned. In the four hours Luna had been locked inside the room she had managed to transform it into another lab. Fully equipped with all the usually Luna style goods such as more Tesla Coils, giant gears and electrical wires leading up to a large table. The table appeared to have something hidden beneath the cloth placed atop it. Celestia was the first to notice this.

"Luna, what is underneath the sheet?" Celestia asked.

"I'll show both of you if you come closer." Luna answered with a evil grin.

Discord and Celestia looked at each other terror covering both of their faces, fighting their fears the approached the table where Luna now stood.

Luna gripped the Sheet with her magic "Are you two ready?"

Discord and Celestia nodded and Luna removed the sheet what they saw shocked them on the deepest level. Lying on the table was the body of a large pony roughly the size of Luna. From the shape they could tell it was that of a mare, her coat was black as the night and she had no mane or tail to speak off."

Celestia was the first to speak "Luna is that Nightmare Moon?"

Luna nodded the grin still plastered on her face.

"But I thought Nightmare moon was part of Luna's mind, she didn't have her own body, Right?" Discord asked

Luna turned to Discord "That's right; she didn't have a physical body of her own. That is until today, when I made her one using my magic that is."

"WHAT!" Shouted Celestia and Discord in unison.

Luna was unscathed by their sudden outburst "Yep, I made Nightmare Moon her own body so I can finally be rid of her."

Celestia was still trying to regain her bearings "Luna have you gone insane? You’re going to give Nightmare moon her own body. She's just going to try and bring about eternal night again."

Luna turned to her sister "Don't worry Celly, I've thought everything through. She'll have no more power than the average unicorn at least for some time” She muttered “and worse comes to worse she's in her own body we can just send her to the moon or turn her to stone whichever one floats your boat."

It was Discords turn to speak up "So you're going to put Nightmare moon into that body on the table? And then she'll be free to what she pleases?"

Luna nodded "She won’t be able to do what she please, she'll be under our 24/7 watch Just as you are now."

Discord looked puzzled "I'm not under 24/7 watch."

Luna laughed "Ya, that's what we want you to think. So anyways the reason I need you two here is for a few reasons. First reason is I don't want you two to have a heart attack when Nightmare moon is wandering the halls. The second reason is I need someone else to operate the machine we'll I get into position."

Celestia moved over to her sister "That's all fine and dandy Luna, but could you explain to me why you suddenly want to give the monster that got you a thousand year timeout on the moon her own body?"

Luna finished tightening the helmet around her head. "Ah I have a few reasons for that to. You both already know that when the Elements of Harmony hit us I regained control of my body and Nightmare moon was pushed back, correct?"

Discord and Celestia both nodded

Luna continued "Well after I regained control she continued to try and fight me. After a few months she finally gave up and was reasonably quiet. However every now and again she would try to feed me ideas. Which is how the whole no gravity situation happened. Other than that however she stayed quiet, which is until Discord escaped at first she stayed pretty quiet. However once we made the offer to him and he returned to the castle she began to complain."

Celestia was slightly surprised but after everything that had just happened nothing could truly surprise her.

"What do you mean she began to complain?"

Luna was glared at her sister "I was about to get to that before you interrupted me. She began to complain about how the deal you made with Discord was unfair she said that if Discord got a second chance why shouldn't she? I told her it was because she was very mean and nobody liked her. She then told me that I was the mean one, ever since then she's been bugging me almost nonstop for a second chance."

Discord laughed "So basically you caved and decided to give her a second chance?"

Luna glare pure anger at Discord "It's not like that, she tortured me nonstop, what was I supposed to do?"

"How did she hurt you from inside your own head?" Celestia asked

Luna stared at her sister with a serious expression on her face "Every night for the past three weeks all she does is sing. Every night all she sings is Winter Wrap Up over and over and over again. So you can laugh at me if you want but once she's out here I can beat her myself if she tries something like that again."

Luna finished inputting command on the console that sat in front of her.

"So Celestia if you're done asking question could you please take a position in front of this console?"

Celestia moved over to where Luna had previously been standing and Luna moved back over beside the table

"I still don't agree with this Luna, but we gave Discord a second chance and so far it seems to be working. So what’s the worse that could happen?"

Luna giggled "See I knew you would come around now all you have to do is press the big red button and stand back. Also Discord you might want to move back to.... and close your eyes it might get bright."

With that Celestia slammed her hoof down on the button. Electricity began to spark around the room as all the lights on the machine began to flash gears began to turn and for a split second Celestia could have sworn she had seen the sky go black. As quickly as it began it had ended.

"Did it work?" Asked Discord as he lowered his arms and moved back towards the table.

"Not sure" Answered Luna.

The three gathered around the body look for any signs of life after a few moments Luna noticed the chest begin to rise and fall.

"IT'S ALIVE, IT'S ALIVE" Cackled Luna as the body of Nightmare moon began to rise.

"I'M ALIVE, I'M ALIVE" Cackled Nightmare moon as she climbed off the table.

"FOALISH PONIES YOU SHALL REGRET THE DAY YOU RETURNED NIGHTMARE MOON TO HER FULL POWER!" She cackled stomping her hoof on the ground. However nothing happened and she tried again still nothing.

"DO NOT THINK YOU HAVE WON, I SHALL RETURN TO SHOW YOU MY TRUE POWER" and with that she dived out the closest window she could find.

There was an awkward silence in the room for few moments as everybody began to comprehend what had just happened.

Luna laughed "It’s funny because I haven't gotten her wings working yet and we're like a thousand feet up."

"Do you ever get the feeling of Déjà vu?" Celestia asked Discord

Discord nodded "I know what you mean"

"Could somebody help me up?" came a voice from outside the window.

Luna perked up "Well look at that, she survived."

All three of them rushed to the broken window but only Luna was able to stick her head out comfortably. What Luna saw made almost happier than she'd ever felt before. Nightmare moon had locked her hooves on to the windowsill and was dangling roughly a thousand feet above jagged rocks.

"So Moony it looks like you're in a sticky situation, now I could help you up but first you'll have to agree to a few things"

Nightmare Moon looked up pure terror in her eyes "Anything just help me up, I don't want to die."

Luna laughed again "Oh Moony you won’t die, you're immortal too. The fall can't kill you It'll just hurt a lot all of those pointy rocks and that sudden stop."


"What's the magic word?" Luna asked

"PLEASE! PLEASE PULL ME UP" Nightmare moon screamed as she lost her hold on the ledge. She closed her eyes and braced herself for the fall, but it never came. When she finally opened her eyes she was sprawled out on the floor back inside the castle.

Luna turned to Celestia "See I told you it would work."

Celestia laughed "I never thought I would hear Nightmare Moon say please for anything"

Nightmare Moon picked herself off the ground "Oh yes laugh at the evil being that almost plummeted to her doom."

Discord put an arm around Nightmare's neck "I know that feeling Moony."

Nightmare Moon shook Discords arm off her "Why do you keep call me Moony?"

"We'll if you’re going to be living with us we needed something else to call you, Nightmare Moon is just too long so I went with Moony." Luna said with a pleased smile as she put a hoof around Nightmares neck.

Nightmare laughed "Me, Living with you Ha. You're kidding right, why would I do something like that?'

Luna pulled Nightmare closer and whispered into her ear "Because if you don't you'll find yourself back on moon and this time without me to annoy.

Nightmare Moon's head snapped back up "Okie Dokie then if I'm staying with you guy's where is my room" she said as forcefully cheerful as possible.

Luna moved back over to her sister "See Celly everything's going just as planned, You're happy, Discords happy, Moony might be happy and finally that one less voice in my head to tell me what to do."

"What was that last point?" Celestia said as her head snapped to face her sister

"I said and finally I'm happy." Luna answered trying to lie as best as she could.

Nightmare moved over to Discord "Trust me I wasn't the only voice in her head" she whispered into the Draconequus ear.

Discord chuckled "I don't doubt you for a minute."

Three Days Later

Celestia and Luna stood outside the Library doors, Celestia had once again received complaints about events transpiring in that wing of the castle and had made her way down there. Upon arriving Celestia was not surprised to see that once again Discord has turned the library into Discordia capital. However instead of one book fort she saw two, one at each end of the room.

Luna looked over to her sister "Think about it this way, you've always wanted children and now you have two."

Celestia laughed "Ya and they're both insane and possible evil."

Discord stuck his head out of the top of his fort "You may take my novels, you may take my magazines. But you will never take MY CHAOS!" He shouted as he hurled another Dictionary at the enemy fort. Though the Dictionary scored a direct hit it didn't even scratch the enemy bunker.

Nightmare Moon rose from her book fort and looked at the Dictionary on the floor.

"YOU FOOL, MY BOOK FORT SHALL LAST FOREVER!" She finished laughing manically.

Celestia facehoofed "What have I gotten myself into?"

Meanwhile in Ponyville

Twilight had just received a letter from Princess Celestia, her friends gathered around her anxious to her what the Princess had said. Twilight began to read aloud.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle

Nightmare Moon is now living with us do not panic I have it totally under control....Maybe


Twilight turned to her friends who were completely stunned; unlike her they hadn't had time to grow accustomed to these things.

"Spike, Take a letter please" She said calmly

"Sure thing Twilight" Spike answered, over the past three weeks Spike had grown equally accustomed to such weird letters.

"Dear Princess Celestia

Good luck with that.

Sincerely Twilight Sparkle"

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