• Published 12th Sep 2022
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An Equestrian Element - Quillion9000

After the Anon-a-Miss incident, Sunset ends up moving to Domino City, Japan.

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Duelist Kingdom: Clearing
Since departing from the gang, Arctic dueled once more, and Thunder has dueled twice more. Through winning these duels, they now sit at 6 and 3 star chips, respectively. That seemed like a good number of chips to transition into a lunch of jerky and granola bars from their bags.

“From here on out, I imagine a lot of the less skilled duelists have lost all their star chips.” Arctic reasoned. “That probably means we’re going to run into more duelist like Sunset, Mektaveus, and Joey.”

“I hope so.” Thunder sighed before chomping down on a granola bar. “Compared to Joey, the last two duelists just haven’t been that challenging.” He was lightly smacked upside the head. “Hey!”

“Don’t talk with food in your mouth.” Arctic chided. “Even if we’re in the woods, it doesn’t mean you get to forget your manners.” Thunder just grumbled to himself and took another bite of the bar. “Be mad all you want now because you’ll thank me later.” He then stood up only to cover his eyes as something metallic caught the sun’s rays and shined in his eyes. “Gah!?”

“Arctic, are you okay?” Thunder asked concerned.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” The female spellcaster user had averted his eyes before approaching some nearby rocks. “Something just reflected the sun into my eyes.” He reached down and picked up the object. “It’s a deck box with a metallic charm.”

More specifically, it was a light blue deck box with purple trim. A small, red metallic charm hung off it.

“That’s weird.” Thunder noted as he joined his brother. “Looks in relatively good condition, so someone must have lost it recently. Probably a fellow competitor.”

“That’s what I was thinking to.” Arctic looked around and attempted to listen to their surroundings, but there was nothing, save nature, around. “Given that no one’s around, maybe the owner doesn’t even know they’ve lost this.”

“Hm, you should look at the cards.” Thunder stated. “That way we can keep this on us and make sure it gets back to the right person by confirming they know what’s inside.”

“It’s a better plan than I have.” Arctic opened the deck box and began looking through the deck before his eyes went wide. “Whoa, I’ve never heard of this archetype before, but it’s a powerful one. Lyrilusc, huh?”

“Wait, go back a couple of cards!” Thunder exclaimed as something caught his eye.

“Huh… uh, sure.” Arctic flicked back a few cards before seeing what his brother meant. “Oh, I see. Good eye because this card doesn’t seem to belong with the deck. “The Seal of Orichalcos… Still one powerful field spell, and it could certain help.”

He put the deck back in the box and tucked it away. “We’ll have to keep an eye out for anyone who might be frantic as we go about asking the people we meet about this deck.” He started walking. “Come on, maybe the person we’re looking for is around this area.”

“Right behind you.” Thunder stated.

Duelist Kingdom: Pegasus’ Castle
Pegasus as enjoying some fine cheese and wine with his favorite book of comic strips. “Ah, where do these guys get all their ideas?”

“Master Pegasus.” Pegasus turned his attention to one of his men. “A thousand pardons sir.”

“Gorgonzola cheese and the world’s finest cheese enjoyed alongside my favorite comics.” Pegasus stated warningly. “Times like these are more precious than any other. You do realize that, right?”

“I’m sorry sir, but the prisoner has escaped. I have our men searching the island, but there is no sign of him.”

“Oh, I guess he didn’t appreciate my hospitality, and I even let him keep that deck of his to.” Pegasus noted. “Well, no matter. I’m certain our escapee will seek out little Yugi. Now that I’m thinking of him, I should check up on quite a few participants.” He pulled out a remote. “Computer, request data on how the tournament progresses.”

“Six hours have passed since the contest began. In that time, twelve participants have been eliminated. Those that have been eliminated are being removed by boat.”

“Bring up information on Yugi Muto, Blue Blood, Sunset Shimmer, and Sonata Dusk.” Pegasus ordered.

Images of Yugi, Sunset, and Blue appeared alongside a fourth image. This fourth image was of a girl with long, two toned blue hair in a pony tail, purple eyes, and a matching outfit. Yugi was of interest given his Millennium Item.

Blue Blood and Sonata Dusk had peaked his interests for the same reasons as Sunset. Their pasts were shrouded from his Millennium Eye. Attempting to exercise the full capabilities of his eye had at least revealed something… as vague as they were.

Both Blue and Sunset’s pasts were hidden behind a value of volatile, red energy that moved rather chaotically the longer he stared into it. Perhaps there was a link to be made there. Sonata was more troubling given all he could see when looking into her past was a green seal.

“To date, Yugi Muto has six star chips, Blue Blood has the required ten star chips, Sunset Shimmer has eight star chips, and Sonata Dusk has four star chips.”

“If he hadn’t challenged Yugi and Sunset before, Blue Blood would have already earned his star chips before even now.” Pegasus noted. “He’s made no attempt at hiding just how skilled he really is and has made the most out of Drytrons.

Sonata Dusk, by contrast, is either not that skilled or deliberately hiding her real skills. Sunset Shimmer has been quick to gain star chips alongside Yugi. Four duelists who have earned my interest are collected on this island in this competition. Hardly seems like a coincidence.”

“Sir?” The man questioned.

“I want my eliminators released now.” Pegasus voiced. “They’ll still have no real target since I don’t want to let any of them know of my interest, aside from what they may already know, but we’ll see what happens through keeping the spy cameras trained on these four.

Additionally, inform them that if anyone defeats them, they are to relinquish however many star chips that duelist needs to get into the castle. As for our prisoner, I have no doubt he’ll confront Yugi, so it’ll only be a matter of time before we get him back.”

“Very wise sir.”

The man then took off to take care of his master’s orders.

The gang, after a hearty lunch of fish and stew with accompanying stories, were back at it walking through the island in search of competitors.

“Wow, it’s amazing how you two are already close to entering Pegasus’ castle.” Tea commented. “To think Sunset and Yugi would already be so far ahead.”

“Yeah, I bet no one else has eight star chips, let alone six.” Tristan added.

“I wish I had more star chips.” Joey stated.

“Don’t worry Joey because you’re doing just fine.” Yugi assured.

“Yeah, Yugi and I have just gotten lucky.” Sunset shrugged. “There should still be plenty of duelists for you to take on.”

“I hope so.” Joey stated. “Even though you two want to give me the prize money should you win, I can’t stand on the sidelines. I got to give this my absolute best because this is my sister’s eye sight on the line.”


That cry drew the gang’s attention.

“What’s that?” Tristan asked.

“Help me, somebody! Please!” They spotted a duelist with no star chips being taken away by one of Pegasus’ men. “Gah, let go of me!”

“Hold on kid!” Tristan yelled as they all ran towards him. “We’re coming!” He rushed at the man. “Let him go!” He grabbed the suited man, which made him let go of the duelist, before tossing him over his shoulder. “Not too shabby.”

The guy flipped in midair, landed on his feet, and lept back into the air before kicking Tristan into the ground.

“Tristan!” Sunset knelt beside her friend concerned. “Are you okay? Do you need help?”

“I’ll be fine in just a second.” Tristan assured a little disoriented.

The man then recaptured the kid prompting Joey to speak up. “Eh, you heard my buddy here. Let the kid go.”

“What do you think you’re doing?” Yugi questioned.

“This is none of your business.” The man responded. “This duelist lost his star chips, so the rules say he is to be kicked off the island.”

“But I didn’t lose my star chips! They were stolen from me!”

“I don’t care what lame excuse you have.” The man retorted. “You need star chips to duel. You haven’t got any, so I’m shipping you out.” He started walking. “Those are orders from Pegasus himself.”

The gang looked after the man before inevitably following him.

Small Dock
They gang arrived at a small dock where all those eliminated were loaded onto a small boat.

Yugi yelled, “Hey you!”

“You again.” The man stated.

“What did the guy who stole your star chips look like?” Yugi questioned.

“Well, I couldn’t see his face, it was covered by a bandana, but he was a little guy who challenged me in the meadow.”

“You mean he challenged you to duel monsters, right?” Yugi questioned.

“Yeah, but just as soon as I put my star chips down, he snatched them before running off.”

“You shouldn’t be shipped off the island for that.” Yugi stated sincerely. “We’ll get your star chips back.”

The man moved to stand between them. “This boat leaves in exactly thirty minutes. Anyone without a star chip ships out.”

“Then, we’ll get his star chips back before that time.” Tea declared firmly.

“We won’t let you bully him out of the game.” Tristan added.

“Nope.” Joey declared. “We’ll catch this creep and bring him to justice.”

“Who are you guys?”

“We’re the people that are going to find this thief and get your star chips back.” Sunset declared. “Come on guys, let’s hurry.”

The gang rushed back to the meadow.

“So, what’s the plan?” Tea asked.

“Given out limited time, returning to this duel arena is our best bet.” Sunset reasoned. “After all, a criminal always returns to the scene of the crime.”

“Good idea Sunset.” Yugi smiled. “In the meantime, we can put our heads together to think of a plan.”

They were unaware that the culprit was watching them from the brush, and he immediately lept out upon seeing them. “Yugi!”

“That must be the thief.” Joey declared.

“I can handle him.” Tristan added.

“Tristan, don’t try to beat up a child!” Tea chided.

“Calm down everyone.” Yugi stated. “I think I know what this kid is after.” He looked at him. “You want to duel me, right?”

The kid reservedly nodded.

“Even if he nodded, I’m not certain he’s being completely truthful.” Sunset crossed her arms. “Yugi, if you’re going through with this, keep track of your stuff. We already know he’s willing to take things.”

Yugi nodded in understanding. “Right.”

So, they each took a side which rose them above the duel field. In that time, Yugi’s same transformation occurred.

“I don’t understand why Yugi would duel this kid when we’re running out of time.” Tristan stated with a grimace.

“It is certainly weird; however, I think Yugi wouldn’t do this without a reason.” Sunset commented.

“Yeah.” Tea nodded. “If I had to wager a guess, I’d say he already knows who this thief is.”

“How many star chips will we wager?” Yugi questioned, and the thief held up a hand with all five digits extended. “Nearly enough to wipe me out, but I’ll accept that wager.”

He plopped the chips down.

“Let’s Duel!”

(Yugi 2000/Mokuba 2000)

The thief, Mokuba, intended to make Yugi pay for what he did to his big brother, Seto. Because of Yugi, his brother just wasn’t the same. Seto wanted to defeat Yugi, but he couldn’t due to not understanding the Heart of the Cards.

Because of that loss, Seto left him with a data card for Kaiba Corp. as a sign that he was in charge. With Seto out of the picture, Pegasus moved in enticing the board to sign over their shares to him. Because he heard everything, he was kidnapped.

“My move!” Mokuba drew. “My first card is Fencing Fire Ferret(LV 4/1700/600).” A white ferret with a red bladed tail appeared. “I’ll then set one card to end my turn.”

“Now, it’s my turn” Yugi drew. “I’ll counter your Ferret with my Gaia the Fierce Knight(LV 7/2300/2100).” A blue armored knight with lances and atop a purple steed appeared. “He’ll destroy your ferret (Yugi 2000/Mokuba 1400).”

“You just activated my Ferret’s effect.” Mokuba declared. “When he’s destroyed and sent to the grave, I can destroy any monster you control and deal five hundred damage of my own. Your Gaia is history (Yugi 1500/Mokuba 1400).”

“He pretty much just gave as good as he got.” Joey commented. “That kid might be a thief, but he’s looking like a skilled thief at least.”

“That’s not all, Yugi.” Mokuba continued. “I activate my face down Call of the Haunted to bring my Fencing Fire Ferret(LV 4/1700/600) back to the field. This means, you’ll only have to damage yourself more to get at my life points.”

“That is quite the move.” Yugi commented. “You must have a lot of faith in the heart of your cards.”

“Heart of the cards.” Mokuba scoffed. “Such nonsense has nothing to do with dueling. It’s all about a card’s power.”

“That confirms it.” Yugi declared. “The only person I’ve met who’d say such things is Seto Kaiba. That coupled with how you look means you could only be Mokuba.”

“Your perceptive.” Mokuba stated as he removed his disguise.

“It really is Kaiba’s little brother!” Tea shouted.

“That’s right.” Mokuba confirmed. “Kaiba is my big brother, and he’s the best duelist that there ever was. Then, Yugi came around resulting in my brother deserting me, and Pegasus moving in to take Kaiba Corp. Now, finish your turn already!”

“It’s easy to blame Yugi; however, the fact remains that everyone is responsible for their own actions. For their own mistakes” Sunset called out. “Seto took Grandpa Muto for a duel to get his Blue-Eyes and challenged Yugi with his home on the line. In short, any revenge you think you’re getting isn’t real to begin with.”

“That’s right.” Joey agreed. “Stealing star chips for revenge is the worst and stealing star chips when there shouldn’t be any revenge in the first place is worse than that.”

“You’re both wrong!” Mokuba exclaimed. “Yugi has everything to do with this because Pegasus needs to beat him to take over Kaiba Corp. That’s why I’ll duel Yugi until he has no star chips. Since you refuse to finish your turn, I’ll just take mine right now.”

He drew. “I activate Dark Hole which will destroy my Ferret dealing you another five hundred damage Yugi (Yugi 1000/Mokuba 1400). Then, I summon Blue-Eyes White Cat(LV 4/500/200).” A white cat with eyes of blue and little wings appeared.”

“Whoa, that card looks like a small cat version of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.” Tristan commented.

“That seems to be its only similarities because that card is much weaker than a Blue-Eyes has been.” Joey commented.

“Pay attention to this Yugi because this card is one my brother gifted me.” Mokuba declared. “First, when this monster is normal summoned, I can special summon any level 4 or lower Beast type monster from my grave. Welcome back Fencing Fire Ferret(LV 4/1700/600).”

“Oh no, he just brought that ferret back for the second time.” Tea exclaimed worried.

“Now, all of you should pay attention because what this Blue-Eyes lacks in attack, it more than makes up for what he allows me to achieve. White Cat will give my Ferret a tune up to synchro for 8. I call upon the radiance locked within my extra deck.

Synchro summon Blue-Eyes Wyvern(LV 8/2500/0).” A wyvern, bestial Blue-Eyes monster appeared. “Consider yourself lucky that you have no monsters on the field Yugi because this duel would be over. As things stand, I’ll end my turn.”

“Dang, that kid is skilled.” Joey commented.

“Well, he is Kaiba’s brother. As much as I may dislike him, Yugi was the first lose he’s ever taken.” Sunset commented. “While we don’t know if Mokuba’s trained, just watching someone like Seto at work could do wonders for your skills.”

“Since you don’t seem keen on listening to us right now, maybe you will with the end of this duel.” Yugi drew. “I activate monster reborn to bring back Gaia, the Fierce Knight(LV 7/2300/2100).

Now, I’ll activate Polymerization. This will fuse the Gaia on my field with the Curse Dragon in my hand. Fusion Summon Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion(LV 7/2600/2300).” A solider in yellow armor and atop a red dragon appeared.

“That’s a lot of work for a monster with one hundred more attack than my own.” Mokuba declared.

“Given your own monster has his effects, you should know mine is the same.” Yugi declared. “Firstly, his name is treated as Gaia the Dragon Champion while on the field. Next, when he’s special summoned, I can add a Spiral Spear Strike from my deck or grave to the hand.

I’ll immediately activate it allowing my now named Gaia the Dragon Champion to deal piercing battle damage. Now, my dragon will attack your monster which allows me to trigger the final effect of my monster.”

“Final effect…” Mokuba had a feeling he knew what that effect was given the effect of Spiral
Spear Strike.

“Since he’s attacking your monster, Galloping can switch it to defense position.” Yugi declared. “Gaia, end this with Spiral Spear Strike!”

“NOOOOO!” Mokuba yelled.

(Yugi 1000/Mokuba 0)

“Dang it!” Mokuba quickly snatched up his stolen star chips and dipped form his stand. “You beat me Yugi, but this isn’t over. I don’t care that you won because I’ll just come back and get you disqualified!”

“Hold on you little punk!” Tristan called out as he and the others chased after him.

“Mokuba, listen!” Yugi called out. “You won’t restore Kaiba Corp. like this!” Mokuba stopped prompting the others to stop near him. “Kaiba is suffering right now, but it’s to find the heart of the cards later. He’s fighting to win back his pride. Once Kaiba learns the heart of the cards, he’ll return. In the meantime, are you really willing to abandon Kaiba Corp. and your brother?”

Mokuba turned to him with desperation in his eyes. “What should I do then?”

“You don’t need to steal.” Yugi declared as he clenched his fist. “I will defeat Pegasus. If you want to understand what your brother is going through… If you want to understand the heart of the cards… return the star chips to that boy.”

“I understand.” Mokuba nodded. “Yugi, I trust you.”

Coastal House
Kaiba was working on some new device as he continued to think over his lose to Yugi. Ultimately, he concluded that Yugi won because he was fighting for something more important. He wanted to protect his grandfather’s heart in the cards.

Just as he reached this conclusion, two of Pegasus’ men burst into the room and aimed guns at him. Kaiba merely stood and kicked his chair into them. Just as he moved to bust out the window, a man fired, but he blocked the bullet with his briefcase.

Then, he lunged through the window. The men ran and looked out; however, they didn’t see Kaiba anywhere. What they did see was that Kaiba left his deck behind. Considering a, as far as they knew, dead man didn’t need it, Pegasus could likely find a use for them.

Duelist Kingdom: Small Dock
The gang and Mokuba returned to the port only to see that the boat has already left. The suited man from before was the only person remaining.

“You’re already too late. Those losers are already on their way home.”

“That’s not fair.” Tea retorted. “It hasn’t even been an hour yet.”

“Tough luck. Pegasus sets the schedule.”

“That’s it, I’m giving you a flat top.” Joey declared.

“You’ve got to call that boat back.” Mokuba rushed forward and held out the star chips. “I’ve got to return the star chips to him.”

“Please, that kid was a disgrace for letting his star chips be taken in the first place.” The man snatched Mokuba and took possession of the star chips from him. “He was rightfully booted off the island, and these five-star chips now belong to Yugi Muto since he beat you.”

“Hey, what are you doing with him?” Sunset asked.

“This boy is a special guest of Master Pegasus, so I’m simply returning him to the castle.”

“Yugi!” Mokuba cried out.

“Hold on, I have eleven-star chips now.” Yugi questioned as he held up his gauntlet before pointing at the man. “So, I challenge you to a duel. If I win, Mokuba comes with us. If I lose, you can have all eleven of my star chips.”

“Heh, I don’t duel, but if you really want one that badly, come back to the duel arena you were just at in one hour.” The man approached Yugi and placed the five star chips in his hand before walking past the group. “I’ll have you an opponent by then.”

France: Hotel Room, Morning…
As the day was continuously approaching its end over in Duelist Kingdom, the morning had just arrived over in France. Unlike most people who’d be getting a start to their day or hitting the hay from a long night, Helios had been awake since a little after midnight.

After the first solid lead he’s had in years on the whereabouts of his sister, he couldn’t get back to bed. While he had been all gung-ho about this prior, the hours of waiting on Soren to get back to him had somewhat tempered his emotions and allowed logic to settle in.

He still hoped with all his heart that this girl was his missing sister; however, it’s been years since the day she was taken from him. To his recollection, he only had two years, the day she was born to her birthday, with her before they were separated.

That left a gap of fourteen years between them where anything could have happened to her. That included the possibility that their mother, after taking her, just ended her life away from his eyes. The simple fact is he didn’t know.”

Suddenly, there was a knocking at this door followed by Soren’s voice. “Helios?”

“Soren, you can enter.” Helios called out, and his agent used the key card he had. “So, what have you managed to dig up?”

“It’s a peculiar case that makes me think you aren’t grasping at straws.” Soren entered the room and closed the door. “Our contacts are refusing to dig any deeper than they have, but what they’ve unearthed is that girl has been connected to your sister’s records.”

“In other words, at least in one way, she is Sunset Shimmer.” Helios reasoned.

“As far as the law is considered, that’s the case.” Soren responded.

“My mother has to be behind this.” Helios stated firmly.

“I’ll admit that’s likely given your family has had wealth through smart investments, but she’s only one potential suspect in my mind.” Soren stated. “Regardless of what the truth is, this Sunset Shimmer currently lives in Domino City, Japan.”

“Then, that’s where I’m going.” Helios declared.

“Had a feeling that’s what you’d decide, so I took the liberty of canceling the scheduled match.” Soren then produced two tickets. “I also got us the first tickets to Japan I could get. Our flight leaves in just over two hours from now.”

Helios grabbed his duffle bag. “Then, what are we waiting for?” He walked up to his friend. “With this Sunset at Duelist Kingdom, it’ll give us ample time to plan out how we’re going to tackle this.”

Author's Note:

Let's start by covering something that has always bothered me about this episode. Mokuba stole a deck and star chips. By the end of it, the duelist is gone meaning we have to infer that duelist never got his deck back, or it was somehow returned to him off screen.

I decided to cut out the stolen deck angle and give Mokuba his own deck which consists of Beast monsters. A popular archetype I see him given is Thunder Dragons, but that seemed predictable. As for Blue-Eyes White Cat, it is an actual card used in Rush Duels.

It isn't level 2, a tuner, nor does it have an effect, but it is still a beast monster. While I actually like Rush Duels, and their anime, this series will never reach such a point. That means I have a lot of cards I can just repurpose if I choose to.

Blue-Eyes Wyvern is an OC card with an effect Mokuba couldn't use since Yugi had no monsters on the field at the time of it summon. Now, let's move onto other points that might have caught your eye.

While it's true that Pegasus still only wants Kaiba's technology and Yugi's puzzle, the fact that three other duelists who, his eye can't help him see the past of, are on the island would still warrant observation and his interest in general.

After all, if their presence means something bad is on the horizon, then it could mean he's not going to have much time with his beloved unless he directly interferes. As for the Seal of Orichalcos, that field spell would be connected to its original owner.

While Yugi was wearing a crystal at the time, I'm choosing to implement that should the field spell already have an owner, it's not going to affect anyone else who lays hands on it unless played by them. Finally, Dartz isn't going to enact Season Four at this time.

Despite all the advancements this universe has in dueling, the duelists themselves aren't ripe. What he will do is inject people into events to help push more duelists to grow for a proper harvest. Final, the original three Doma are still working under Dartz as well.

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