• Published 12th Sep 2022
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An Equestrian Element - Quillion9000

After the Anon-a-Miss incident, Sunset ends up moving to Domino City, Japan.

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Mystery Duelist

Kame Games: Morning…
Tea and Sunset came running up to Solomon who was outside sweeping the path into the shop.

“Morning Mr. Muto.” Tea greeted.

“Ah Tea and Sunset.” Solomon smiled. “Good morning you two. Yugi’s upstairs getting ready, so I’ll call him. In the meantime, would you two like something to drink?”

“No thanks, we’re kind of running late.” Sunset voiced.

“Yugi, Tea and Sunset are here!” Solomon called out.

Yugi’s Room
“I’ll be there shortly grandpa!” Yugi just finished putting a chain around his puzzle before hanging it around his neck. “This new chain ought to keep my Millennium Puzzle safe the next time someone comes looking for it.”

“I feel we’ll need that safety now more than ever.” Yami voiced as he appeared.

“We will?” Yugi looked at him. “What do you mean by that?”

“I have a feeling that fate has more in store for us.” Yami responded vaguely.

“Whatever fate has in store; I know we’ll be able to handle it just like Duelist Kingdom.” Yugi declared as he grabbed his bag.

“That belief is one you should hold onto as we head into an uncertain future.” Yami responded as he vanished.

Kame Games
“It’s about time Yugi.” Tea commented. “Any longer, and we’d be late for the big game. What took you so long anyways?”

“I was speaking with Yami.” Yugi informed. “Lately, he’s seemed rather worried about the future.”

“Back at Duelist Kingdom, Shadi said he’d been picking up on disturbances within the magical alignment.” Sunset remembered. “If that ability is one Yami or the puzzle has, then perhaps he’s been feeling something akin to it. Could be a sign that a new threat is on the horizon.”

“You really think that could be it?” Tea asked.

“Nothing is certain.” Sunset reasoned. “Yami didn’t give us any form of warning when it came to Pegasus; however, that could be down to the fact he was weaker back then. Now that he’s grown in strength from our time on Duelist Kingdom, this warning could be a byproduct.”

“He hasn’t really been concrete, so it’s likely we’ll need to wait until whatever this is about reveals itself.” Yugi figured. “For now, we really should go.”

“Right, the soccer game.” Tea stated. “We definitely don’t want to miss it.”

“See you Mr. Muto/Bye grandpa!” Sunset & Tea/Yugi yelled as they rushed off.

“Enjoy yourselves!” Solomon called out after them. “If the game ends earlier, don’t hesitate to return and help me sweep!”

Domino Streets
The trio were walking the streets until a voice caught their attention. “Futures told and fates unfolded.” They looked over to see a man in a black cloak sitting at a fortuneteller’s table. “Step up boy, and I will reveal the secrets of your future.”

He was talking to Yugi who did just that. “Can you really see into the future?”

“Yes.” The man responded.

“This voice sounds familiar, but it’s also a bit distorted to the point I can’t recall a name.” Said name was on the tip of Sunset’s tongue, but even without it, she most didn’t trust the guy.

“What are you doing Yugi?” Tea asked.

“I’m thinking maybe this fortuneteller could tell us what threats might be coming.” Yugi voiced. “Maybe he could even tell me the fate of the spirit within the Millenium Puzzle.”

“Alright.” Tea smiled. “We really don’t have much time though.”

“Boy.” The man zeroed in on the Millenium Puzzle. “In order to tell your future, I must hold a personal item.” He held out his hand. “Your necklace should do nicely.”

Yugi held the puzzle. “No, I couldn’t do that.”

“Then, I can’t tell your fortune.” The man responded. “I need it to properly read your aura and see what fate has in store for you. You do want to know, don’t you?”

“Okay.” Yugi began to take it off bringing a small smile to the man’s face. “Only for a second though.” Sunset stopped him by placing a firm hand on the chain which made the man drop his smile. “Sunset?”

“Yugi, don’t do it.” Sunset declared. “Something about this guy is giving me similar vibes to people like PaniK, Weevil, and Blue Blood. Not to mention the last time you entrusted a stranger with something important, he made off with them.”

Yugi went wide eyed at that as he dropped the puzzle back to its resting place. “Exodia…”

“Come now, surely a few seconds couldn’t hurt.” The man tried.

“This guy…” Sunset was slightly frustrated since she just couldn’t quite place his voice, so she moved onto another thought. “He has a lot of interest in the Millennium Puzzle…just like a certain someone had not long ago. Could this be or be related to what Yami told Yugi?”

Suddenly, the man gripped the table with all his might and flung it over the heads of the trio stunning them. He took this opportunity to rush forward tackling Yugi into Sunset and Tea resulting in all of them falling to their butts. The man followed up by gripping the chain.

“My Millenium Puzzle!?” Yugi reacted too late as the man got the chain free. “No!” The man then beat a hasty retreat down the alleyway as the trio stood. “Come back!”

The man just made it to where the alleyway started.

“He’s getting away!” Tea shouted. “What do we do?”

Yugi immediately started running with Sunset mere steps behind him.

“Sunset and I will tail him wherever he’s going with the puzzle!” Yugi yelled back.

“You go get Joey and Tristan!” Sunset added.

“I got it!’ Tea shouted before running down the street.

Yugi and Sunset were determined not to let this guy get away even as he turned a corner. After taking said turn, the latter noted the arrows which could have told them where to go had they not been on the guy’s tail.

“His initial plan must have been for Yugi to hand over the puzzle, kick the table to draw a distraction, and retreat to buy time.” Sunset thought. “Now, he doesn’t have the time to set up whatever he’s planning, so what’s the big idea now?”

With Tea
Tea was running for the school. “Oh, I hope Yugi and Sunset are okay.”

She ended up running past Bakura catching his attention. “Hey Tea, what’s the rush!”

“Bakura!” Tea came to a stop. “Someone has stolen Yugi’s Millenium Puzzle.”

“No.” Bakura stated shocked. “Where is he now?”

“It’s the alley not far back there.” Tea explained. “I need to get Joey and Tristan from the school, but Yugi and Sunset are after him.”

“Oh, sorry I detained you then.” Bakura nodded. “You keep going while I head back to help them.”

“Right!” Tea immediately took off again. “Thanks Bakura!”

“No one shall have the puzzle but me.” Dark Bakura had been back in control. “I want its power.” He dropped Bakura’s case to get out his ring. “I’ll track it down with my Millennium Ring.”

The points on it gave him a more precise direction, so he followed it right back to the alleyway where he saw the remains of the table the figure had sat at. That is exactly the way his ring directed him. He followed along the path while ensuring to arrange the arrows as he passed.

“Sorry Tea, but I can’t have you or those sniveling friends interfering.” Bakura thought.

The man ran into the warehouse with Yugi and Sunset coming in less than a minute later. The place contained a full duel arena, and the cloaked figure had just finished rising along the red side. Before the pair could run after him, he held the puzzle out.

“Not another step; otherwise, I’ll shatter the puzzle.” The man declared which stopped both duelists in their tracks. “If you want it back, you’ll have to duel me. Are you up for the challenge? I’ve been awaiting you for a long time.”

“Who are you?” Yugi asked. “What do you want with my Millennium Puzzle?”

“I desire the power contained within the puzzle but according to the rules of its ancient magic, I must win it from you in a duel.” The man responded. “As for who I am? Let’s simply say I am the one who will control your destiny just as I have controlled others.

I am also not unfamiliar with the Millennium Items. In fact, I know more about them than you could ever dream to. There are even secrets within the puzzle that you and the spirit who inhabit it don’t know. That is why I shall add it to my collection.”

“You’ve already threatened my puzzle, so I don’t have much of a choice.” Yugi voiced.

“Tea said you were managing well against Shining Armor before Yami helped you cinch it, so I think you can handle this.” Sunset voiced confidently. “Just remember, I’m not the only one with you. Just the only one currently here physically.”

“She’s right.” Yugi thought. “The bonds we make don’t require anyone to be there physically. Everyone else, including Yami, are always with me.” Yugi nodded. “Thanks Sunset.”

“No problem.” Sunset started moving for the stair case which led to a walkway above. “Now, beat this creep.”

With that, Yugi arose along the blue side coming to fact the figure.

“Prepare to lose your precious puzzle.” The figure declared.

“You should just prepare to return my puzzle to me.” Yugi retorted.

“Even without you allowing me to hold the puzzle, I’ve seen your fate.” The figure retorted. “You can think this will all turn out as you wish, but this duel shall be your last.”

(Yugi 2000/Figure 2000)

“It’s time to duel.” Yugi drew. “I’ll summon my Silent Swordsman LV 3(LV 3/1000/1000).” A small warrior in a blue and silver trench coat appeared wielding a large sword. “I’ll then back him up with one set card. Those are my plays, so let’s see yours.”

The figure drew. “I’ll summon Quick-Span Knight(LV 3/1000/800).” A small, purple machine appeared with a wrench. “That will be all.”

“What’s the matter?” Yugi questioned. “Did you not get any cards that could have helped you face my swordsman?”

“I don’t need to engage in battle at this point in time.” The figure retorted. “It’s you who cannot afford to be stagnant if you truly want your puzzle back.”

“Very well.” Yugi drew. “During this Standby Phase, I can send my swordsman to the grave and level up into Silent Swordsman LV 5(LV 5/2300/1000) from my hand or deck.” A warrior in a blue trench coat appeared. “Now, I attack with my swordsman.”

“That’s exactly what I wanted you to do.” The figure smirked. “Your attack activates Construction Train Signal Red(LV 3/1000/1300). If this monster is in my hand, and you declare an attack, I can special summon him.

I’ll do as such in defense.” An orange, flashing train signal appeared. “If he’s special summoned by his own effect, the attack you just launched is redirected to him, and he can’t be destroyed by that battle.”

“He just got out a monster with the same level, and it looks like his knight is a tuner to boot meaning he’s got two potential summoning methods he can use next turn.” Yugi thought.

“The voice…machine monsters…dueling well to the point he’s no novice.” It suddenly hit Sunset. “Yugi, I think you’re dueling Bandit Keith!”

“Keith!” Yugi exclaimed.

The figure removed his hood revealing he was Keith; however, the way his eyes looked clued Sunset in that something else was at play…Rather someone else was pulling the strings. After all, she’d once attempted to do the same to a whole school before.

“Looks like I was somewhat wrong.” Sunset voiced. “Bandit Keith isn’t in control, is he?”

Keith’s eyes shifted to her. “This girl has proven herself to be rather annoying.”

“Sunset’s right, isn’t she?” Yugi asked.

“She is.” The figure controlling Keith responded. “I merely speak through him as he is my mind-controlled slave. After he was ejected from Duelist Kingdom, Keith fought for his life against the harsh ocean waves. Before he could drown, my men discovered him.

I’m always on the lookout for minds to control, and Keith seemed like the perfect puppet to do my bidding. As fate would have it, he led me right to the boy who possesses the Millennium Puzzle. Now that I have found you, I will stop at nothing to acquire said puzzle.”

Keith broke through for a moment and genuinely pleaded, “Please, help me.”

“You’ll never free yourself, Keith.” The figure took back control. “Now, let the duel continue.”

“Alright, I have no further moves to make, so I’m ending my turn.” Yugi declared.

The figure drew. “I’ll summon Turbo Booster(LV 1/0/0).” A yellow machine with boosters appeared. “Now, Quick-Span Knight gives Signal Red and Booster a tune up to synchro for 7. I call forth, Dark Strike Fighter(LV 7/2600/1800).”

A machine with elements of a plane appeared. “Since Span Knight was sent to the grave for a Synchro Summon, one monster on your field loses 500 ATK. You only have Silent Swordsman LV 5(LV 5/1800/1000 effect) making him an easier target for my monster than he already was.

“Regardless of that effect or not, my set card is Shadow Spell.” Yugi countered. “Thanks to this, your monster loses seven hundred ATK. Additionally, he can no longer attack or change his battle position.”

Dark Strike Fighter(LV 7/1900/1800 effect)

“All you’re managing to do is delay the inevitable.” The figure declared. “I end my turn.”

Domino High School
“Hurry guys!” Tea declared. “Yugi and Sunset might be in trouble.”

She had found Tristan and Joey before filling them in. The pair had been quick to change and were putting their shoes on.

“Just point the way, Tea.” Joey voiced firmly. “We’re right behind ya.”

“Yeah.” Tristan agreed. “Any creep who picks on one of us, must deal with us all.”

“You said it.” Joey voiced.

They walked on out only to be stopped by their gym coach. “Alright people, just where do you think you’re going? You volunteered to help with the soccer game.”

“We know coach, but we got a major emergency.” Joey responded. “Some thug made off with that puzzle Yugi wears around his neck, and it was a gift from his grandpa.”

“That’s not all.” Tristan added. “He gave chase with Sunset following him, so we got to join them.”

“Please sir, let us help our friends.” Tea begged.

“With how close you all are, I know you wouldn’t lie about something like this.” The coach’s eyes watered. “Of course, you three can go. Help those two on the double.”

“Yes sir.” The three of them declared. “Thank you, sir.”

They then took off.

“That Coach Morty is an alright guy.” Joey declared.

“I’m not delaying anything.” Yugi drew. “I activate Level Up! This spell allows me to send any LV monster I control to the graveyard. Then, I can special summon another listed in the sent card’s text from my hand or deck.

I send my Silent Swordsman LV 5 to the grave to special summon Silent Swordsman LV 7(LV 7/2800/1000).” A taller warrior in a blue trench coat and with the same sword appeared. “My Swordsman will destroy your Fighter.

Go, Silent Sword Slash!” Swordsman LV 7 charged froward before cleaving the Synchro right down the middle destroying him (Yugi 2000/Figure 1100). “That’s all I got for this turn, so I’ll turn it over to you.”

“Alright, way to go Yugi!” Sunset cheered.

“Very impressive.” The figure drew. “What will you do against the might of this next card? I summon Crackling Dragon(LV 8/3000/0).” A large, black machine dragon appeared roaring.

“That machine has just as much ATK as Blue-Eyes White Dragon!” Yugi exclaimed.

“Last time I checked, the strength of a Blue-Eyes was 200 more than your swordsman.” The figure declared. “Destroy Silent Swordsman LV 7!” Cracking Dragon blasted Swordsman obliterating him (Yugi 1800/Figure 1100). “You managed to weather this duel so far.

Now, you’re offensive ends as your Swordsman falters. Cracking Dragon is a truly overwhelming beast that will ensure you don’t survive much longer, so simply surrender to me. It’s the inevitable conclusion to this game anyways.”

“Don’t listen to him Yugi!” Sunset shouted. “You still got plenty of power within your deck.”

“Sunset is right.” Yugi drew. “You managed to wipe out one of my stronger monsters, but he’s not all my deck has to offer. I summon Dark Magician(LV 7/2500/2100).” The purple robbed spellcaster appeared.

“When you summon exactly 1 monster, Cracking Dragon can decrease their ATK by 200 x that monster’s level, and you will take the same amount as damage to your life points.” The figure declared. ‘Your magician has seven levels, so that’s 1400 less ATK and life points!”

“Oh no!” Yugi/Sunset exclaimed.

A black aura fell upon both Dark Magician(LV 7/1100/2100 effect) and Yugi (Yugi 400/Figure 1100).

“Now, you see.” The figure declared. “Continuing to struggle is pointless and will only delay the inevitable. You’re only option is to surrender.”

“I wasn’t expecting that, but I’m not finished.” Yugi declared firmly.

Domino City Streets
The trio had made it to the alleyway.

“So, they went running down this alley?” Joey questioned as they moved down it.

“That’s right.” Tea stated.

“Check out these arrows.” Joey approached one. “Think Yugi or Sunset tacked them up?”

“I don’t think they had time.” Tea responded.

“Hey guys.” Tristan noticed more of them further in the alley. “Look at that.”

Arrows were all over the place, yet they all pointed in wildly different directions.

“Oh no.” Tea lamented. “How are we supposed to find them?”

“You can resist to the very end, but it will amount to nothing.” The figure drew. “Cracking Dragon, end this by destroying Dark Magician.”

Dark Magician was obliterated by the powerful blast kicking up a smokescreen.

“Yugi!?” Sunset yelled worriedly.

“Now, the Millennium Puzzle belongs to me!” The figure declared.

“I wouldn’t count on it!” Yugi called out as the smoke cleared revealing his smile.

(Yugi 400/Figure 1100)

“What?” The figure questioned stunned. “Your monster is off the field, so your life points should have gone with him.”

“My life points would have had I not sent Kuriboh to the grave.” Yugi countered. “His effect allows me to discard him and reduce one instance of battle damage to zero meaning I’m still in this duel.”

Sunset let out a sigh of relief. “That was almost game over.”

“It matters not that you’ve bought yourself one more turn.” The figure retorted. “Cracking Dragon will simply use his effect if you summon a monster and setting them only delays your loss. No matter what route you take, you’re finished.”

“One turn can change the tide of any duel!” Yugi drew. “Case in point as I just drew Fissure which allows me to destroy any one monster you control with the lowest ATK. The thing is you only control Cracking Dragon meaning he’s the only target.”

“Grr.” The figure growled at that. “A lucky break does not a comeback make.”

“It doesn’t have to be.” Yugi retorted. “All I needed was to get that monster off the field as while it will not impede me setting this monster, it’s best to remove him early.” He nodded firmly. “Now, it’s your move.”

The figure drew. “I summon Perfect Machine King(LV 8/2700/1500).” A bulky, large machine monster appeared. “Unfortunately, I can’t summon another machine monster to utilize his effect, but I can equip him with Fairy Meteor Crush allowing for piercing battle damage.

Perfect Machine King, see about ending this duel by destroying that set monster!” Perfect Machine King fired a rocket powered fist into the set monster which turned out to be Big Shield Gardna(LV 4/100/2600) which was destroyed (Yugi 300/Figure 1100).

“With a monster that high in defense, it was unlikely that guy could have won.” Sunset smiled. “Good job setting that monster, Yugi!”

“Once again, you go about delaying the inevitable.” The figure retorted frustrated. “Still, my life points exceed yours, and it’s clear your hand has nothing that can overcome my monster. It’s only a matter of time before you lose. I end my turn.”

With Dark Bakura
Dark Bakura had finally arrived at the warehouse. “I know the Millennium Puzzle is beyond those doors; however, my ring also senses stronger mystical energies than anything it has sensed before. Dark energies from the Shadow Realm.”

Dark Bakura took a different entrance and ended up on a walkway that was higher than even where Sunset currently stood. He observed everything beneath him in mere moments.

“They’re battling for the Millennium Puzzle.” Dark Bakura noted.

“Come on deck.” Yugi put his hand on his deck. “I believe in and know you’ll come through for me.” He drew and smiled. “Alright, I think it’s time I see about fixing my hand. I play Graceful Charity allowing me to draw three new cards before then discarding two from my hand.”

Yugi followed through with this action and smiled as he managed to pick two cards to send. “This should help turn things around. I summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon(LV 8/3000/2500).” The white dragon with blue eyes appeared.

“Alright, that’s one of Yugi’s strongest monsters from his main deck.” Sunset thought happily.

“It can’t be!” The figure exclaimed.

“It is.” Yugi declared. “Blue-Eyes White Dragon, destroy Perfect Machine King with White Lightning!”

Blue-Eyes blasted Perfect Machine King (Yugi 300/Figure 800).

“No, Perfect Machine King!” The figure lamented.

“Fascinating.” Dark Bakura noted. “It would seem the dark energy I’m detecting lies within Yugi’s opponent. Bandit Keith is but a puppet under the control of another. Well, this puppet show is over.” He now spoke aloud. “I alone shall possess the Millennium Puzzle. Ring, sever the strings that bind that man.” The ring glowed. “Free his mind from the Shadow Realm.”

“What’s happening?” The figure wondered. “My Millennium spell over Keith has been broken. How? Only another Millennium Item could sever a connection so strong.”

“Where am I?” Keith questioned confused and sweating. “What am I wearing?” He noticed who was across from him. “Yugi Muto? What are you doing here?”

“He broke free?” Sunset questioned shocked.

Suddenly, the machine user began to scream in pain.

“Bandit Keith!?” Yugi yelled. “You’re back!”

“Keith, your resistance is pathetic.” The figure declared. “You belong to me, so pick up those cards. Play to win me that puzzle like a good mind slave.”

“There’s someone inside my head!” Keith screamed. “Shut up and duel!”

“Keith?” Yugi questioned concerned.

“Go away!” Keith shouted.

“Keith, focus!” Yugi shouted. “Who is attempting to control you!?”

“I must regain my power over this fool.” The figure thought. “Whoever is attempting to usurp my control must also be after the Millennium Puzzle.”

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” Keith shouted.

“No one else shall take what is rightfully mine!” The figure managed to take back control, so he hefted the puzzle above his head. “Before I lose control, I must destroy this!”

“No!” Yugi exclaimed while extending his hand.

“If I can’t have this, no one can!” The figure declared.

He attempted to bring it down as Sunset extended her hand. “You can’t!”

In that moment, her hand and the puzzle were surrounded by a white light. The puzzle vanished from the figure’s hand resulting in him smashing his hand into the console.

“Gah, what in the…” He suddenly felt the powerful magic at work drawing his attention to Sunset. “That girl possesses magic? She’s gone beyond a mere annoyance and is now a thorn in my side!”

“My puzzle?” Yugi questioned shocked.

“I got it Yugi!” Sunset called out drawing his attention as she placed it around her neck. “I’m not about to give it up to anyone but you once we make it out of here!”

Keith was back to screaming as the figure lost further control. “GO AWAY!” The figure managed to retain it once more as he glared at Sunset. “Give me that…”

“That’s enough of that.” Dark Bakura called out, playing the part of Bakura.

He swung in on a chain slamming his legs into Keith’s body. The machine user was knocked out of the red console and sent falling to the ground. Upon impacting with it, he was out for the count.

“Bakura!?” Yugi/Sunset exclaimed in shock.

“Hey guys.” Bakura greeted. “Tea told me what happened, and it seems she was right to be worried about it.” He smiled. “Even so, it seems you’ve managed to get the puzzle back.”

“Bakura makes a good point.” Sunset called out. “We got the puzzle, and he knocked Keith out. I say we get out of and away from here!”

“Good call Sunset!” Yugi looked to Bakura. “Let’s go.”

“Right.” Bakura agreed, but as they left, the darkness within Bakura was thinking. “Today shows Yugi is nothing but a naïve fool who doesn’t understand a thing about the Millennium Items. That naivety will mean the puzzle will soon belong to me.”

“Rise, you worthless buffoon.” Once they were all gone, the voice continued to speak to Keith. “The duel is not over, and with Yugi leaving, all you must do is get back in the console. Then, it shall be your win. The puzzle would be all mine.”

“Stop, talking to me!” Keith was beyond done at this point as he grabbed a metal pipe and began beating it around. “Where are ya? Show yourself.”

“Obey me.” The figure commanded. “Get back in your console and claim the win!”

Keith would not listen and kept waving the pipe until he hit the electrical box. Considering he was using a metal pipe; the resounding shock wasn’t good as it sent him crashing to his butt. Nearby wires fell apart hitting gas cans which caused an explosion.

With Tea, Tristan, and Joey
The trio were attempting to follow the arrows as best they could while calling out to their friends.

“Sunset! Yugi! Bakura!” Tea shouted.

“Where are you guys!?” Joey added.

“This is ridiculous!” Tristan shouted.

“Yeah, someone is playing us for suckers.” Joey added.

Tea fell to her knees trying to catch her breath while the guys were hunched over panting. It wasn’t long before they noticed smoke in the distance.

“Look at the smoke.” Tristan stated.

“Someone might need out help.” Joey commented.

Outside the Warehouse
Yugi, Sunset, and Bakura didn’t get far before they heard the explosion. Upon turning, they saw the place quickly going up in flames.

“What the heck has Keith done!?” Sunset exclaimed.

“It doesn’t matter what he’s done.” Yugi stated. “He’s clearly in trouble, so we…”

He was about to suggest they had to try and help him before said machine user busted through a door screaming. Keith didn’t stop there as he booked it towards the gate and past the current trio.

“This place is haunted!” Keith yelled in terror.

Tea, Tristan, and Joey just turned the corner and saw Keith booking in in absolute terror.

“Bandit Keith!” Tristan/Tea exclaimed.

“Never mind him.” Joey stated. “We got to make sure…” He looked down the road. “Yugi, Sunset, and Bakura!”

“No time for a reunion at this moment.” Sunset quickly stated. “We need to get back while I contact emergency services.”

“What about…” Joey began.

“Keith was the last person inside.” Yugi declared. “Now, let’s go.”

Fortunately, it would not take long for the fire department to come and put out the flames.

Muto Apartment: Later…
All six students had unwound from what happened, with Sunset returning the puzzle to Yugi, before explaining everything on all their ends.

“…Well, the puzzle is safe and sound.” Yugi declared.

“By the way, so are you, Sunset, and Bakura.” Joey voiced.

“Yeah.” Yugi smiled. “Even if it was just the three of us in there, that doesn’t discredit the three of you from dropping everything just to help us.”

“Agreed.” Sunset nodded. “Sure, we had it handled in the end, but I feel better knowing that had the worse come to pass, backup would have been on the way.”

“Now, everyone of us are safe and back together.” Bakura declared.

Everyone was smiling with the only exception being Tea.

Yugi noticed this. “Tea, is something wrong?”

“I’m fine guys.” Tea put on a smile as she stood drawing Sunset’s critical eye. “It’s just been a long day, so I think I’m going to head home.”

She left with Sunset standing not long after. “I’m with her on this.”

Domino City Streets
“Tea, wait up!” Sunset called out as she ran after her.

“Sunset?” Tea asked as she stopped.

“You want to tell me what that was really about back there?” Sunset held up a finger to stop her from giving an excuse. “I want the truth.”

“I’m glad you all seem back to normal, but I’m not.” Tea sighed. “Someone is after Yugi’s Millenium Puzzle again. Because of that, I almost lost him, you, and Bakura today. Unlike with Pegasus, I just have this feeling we’re in more danger.”

“More than likely, this is what Yami’s been feeling would happen.” Sunset voiced. “I understand where you’re coming from, but we handled Pegasus together. More than likely, this will turn out to be more dangerous than last time. If anything, today shows we won’t fall easily.”

“Maybe your right.” Tea admitted.

“Looks like words aren’t going to help her feel better.” Sunset thought.

She soon smiled since this situation was a lot like when Tea helped her feel better about her past before Duelist Kingdom.

This time, it was a role reversal which prompted Sunset to start dragging Tea by the arm. “Sunset, what are you doing!?”

“I can’t change the fact that a new danger is on the horizon, but I can help you push it from your mind for a bit.” Sunset declared. “We’re having a sleep over at my place.”

Hearing that did bring a smile to Tea’s face. While they did have that prior sleepover, Sunset hadn’t exactly been thrilled with it. It’s not like she could blame the Hero user. After all, sleepovers were a big part of what her prior friends did to her.

This time, she could see the difference in that Sunset wanted to genuinely do this. Tea had to admit that a girl’s night would likely do them some good. It could very well help her better accept what happened while Sunset could experience the fun without waking to a nightmare.

“If anything, bad does come of this, I will ensure none of us abandon you.” Tea thought firmly.

She knew it was highly improbably that anything bad would come of this. Everything was just fine after their last, impromptu sleepover. Still, the fact that Sunset was so willing this time made Tea speak that promise to herself.

She now grinned and moved to walk with Sunset. “You know, I think a sleepover is what we both need.”

Danger loomed on the horizon, but for now these two were going to put all that to the back of their minds in favor of a night of genuine fun.

Author's Note:

This officially kicks off the buildup to Battle City! Given the differences from canon, Yugi wouldn't be hesitant in his dueling here. As for the scene at the school, I'm not entirely sure why they didn't tell the coach the truth.

I suppose they could have thought he wouldn't let them leave for that or hold them back. Then again, if he were truly that harsh a guy, as they didn't know he was a softy, then the kitten excuse wouldn't have worked either.

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