• Published 12th Sep 2022
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An Equestrian Element - Quillion9000

After the Anon-a-Miss incident, Sunset ends up moving to Domino City, Japan.

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Duelist Kingdom End

Outside: Day…
Yugi, Sunset, Tristan. Tea, and Joey were running around the castle looking for Pegasus.

“We got to find him.” Yugi voiced. “Pegasus is the only one who can restore everyone’s soul.”

“Don’t worry Yug.” Joey stated. “He couldn’t have gotten far.”

Pegasus’ Sanctuary
“It’s all over.” Pegasus declared to himself, with finality, as he stared at the cards containing the three souls. “Everything I struggled to obtain is now beyond my grasp, and keeping their souls no longer serves me. Besides, I’m a man of my word especially when it’s tied to a game.”

His Millennium Eye glowed. “I release these souls.” They were freed before he looked at the portrait of a beautiful woman with blond hair and soft, blue eyes. “Cecelia, I am sorry, but I have failed you. Every step I took was all in the hope of restoring your body and soul.”

“How sweat.” A dark voice stated.

Pegasus heard them. “Who is there?” He turned to see one of Sunset & Yugi’s friends had arrived. “You possess the Millennium Ring?”

“I do, and I intend on securing all the items.” Bakura declared. “Care to wager yours on a Shadow Game? I’ll give you a second chance at a Millennium Item.” He showed his deck. “What you couldn’t win from Yugi, perhaps you will win from me.”

He walked to the nearby desk while shuffling his deck. “Who knows. Win my ring and your deepest desires may not be as out of reach as you assume.” He began laying out cards. “You’re Millennium Item allows you to look into people’s minds while mine allows a look into the soul.”

He flipped Happy Lover. “Your reveals unto me your true nature. the Happy Lover shows you’ve experienced the joys of love; however, it is upside down meaning your romance ended in tragedy. What a pity, but that’s not all there is to your past.”

He flipped two cards this time revealing two copies of Buster Welp. “How sweet, you then found room in your heart to love two orphans as though they were your own. The fact that their cards are upright reveals tragedy has not befallen them. Isn’t’ that just lovely?

I’d say that’s panting quite the roadmap to present day, but let’s see what this next card says.” He flipped the next showing Mask of Darkness. “Oh, Mask of Darkness. This shows your actions were but a mask for your true objectives.

Ones that came from within your heart. I’m certain plenty of people on this island would say you didn’t have one. Though, the prior cards quite clearly show you have a rather big one. Of course, those with the biggest hearts are so easily broken.”

“Quiet.” Pegasus declared angrily. “Let’s just play the game.”

Bakura chuckled. “As you wish, but there is one card more to be reveal first.” He revealed Doma The Angel of Silence. “This is a fitting card to depict your future as you will soon be silenced permanently.” He turned to him as his ring glowed blue.

“Prepare yourself mortal for this will be a Shadow Game the likes of which you have never seen.” He fired a blue beam from the ring while a red beam came from Pegasus’ eye. “We shall play on the landscape of our minds.” The beams connected. “Is this all you can muster?

Ah, but you’ve been fatigued by your prior Shadow Game with Yugi and Sunset making your mind weary while mine is fresh.” Pegasus lost and was shot back into the wall. “You are defeated. A mere amateur compared to someone who has played for centuries.”

“You have lived for centuries?” Pegasus sat up and looked at Bakura in shock. “What kind of creature are you?”

“I am the one who will possess all the Millennium Items.” Bakura approached. “I will use their combined might to shroud the world in eternal darkness. Now, you have lost the duel, so I shall take your Millennium Eye while passing judgement.” He crouched down and extended his hand. “I’m sending your soul to meet the reaper. In its current state, that is death.”

Pegasus found himself within the card graveyard unable to move. “No!” The reaper was there and swung his scythe. “NO!”

Pegasus’ Sanctuary
Bakura found a key that went to a nearby door. He opened it to find a smaller room where Pegasus likely stayed when he was up here too late into the night. Despite it not being easy on his current body, he managed to drag the lifeless body within.

He dropped body within before locking the door. He figured anyone who wanted it could work for his body or maybe it’d simply decompose. Either way worked for him as he left with his prize in hand.

Outside: Later…
The gang had heard screaming; however, they couldn’t quite peg it down from where they were. Ultimately, they did end up running into the tower. Unbeknownst to them, Kemo was watching them enter Pegasus’ Sanctuary from a distance.

Pegasus’ Sanctuary
The gang had climbed the tower and ended up in a room with a portrait of some woman with blond hair and blue eyes wearing a beautiful dress. There was also a desk, various other features, and a locked door; however, there was seemingly no signs of Pegasus.

“Whoever that woman is, she sure is pretty.” Joey commented.

“Yeah.” Tristan agreed.

“What’s this.” Tea picked up a journal and flipped through it causing a card to fall out. “Maybe we’ll find something in here.” Yugi picked it up. “This is Pegasus’. Listen to this because he’s written about that lady.”

The card Yugi picked up depicted her. “She’s everywhere.”

“This reminds me of something I remember from my time in Equestria.” Sunset voiced.

“Really?” Tristan asked.

“Yeah.” Sunset nodded. “I remember once finding a wing of the castle with rooms dedicated to her lost loves. As an alicorn, she’s lived long, so it’s reasonable she’d find love many times over. If I had to wager a guess, I’d say this is someone Pegasus lost.”

“That seems to be what this is about.” Tea read the book.

“Darling Cecilia,

At last, I’ve finally found a way to restore you to this world. It’s an elaborate plan but not beyond my genius. It involves Kaiba Corporation tech and some ancient magic I intend to harness when I obtain all the Millennium Items.”

“This explains why he set up the tournament and why he was interested in Yugi.” Sunset figured.

Tea continued to read.

Pegasus’ Diary
My lovely, darling Cecilia, you know I’ve loved since the moment we first met all those years ago. I’ll never forget that day. It was at a party my father was throwing at his estate. A gala event with celebrities and tycoons from all over the world.

Anyone who is anyone was there, yet the one who held my eye most was you. Even though we were mere children, you had my heart from that first moment. I’d like to think you were drawn to me as I was to you. From then on, we were inseparable.

You encouraged my passions and inspired me to become a painter for you were my favorite subject. I was truly in love, and you reciprocated, agreeing to take my hand in marriage. Truly, it was the happiest day of my life, but it could never last.

You were stricken with an incurable disease that saw you taken from me and this world all too soon. I was filled with sorrow and could no longer paint as my heart grew bitter. I could not accept that our life together and the children we wanted to have was out of reach.

Then, I met two boys who were very much like the children we always envisioned. They sparked my hope as I began to raise them, yet I could not settle just with them. I had to bring you back to complete our family, so I scoured the globe to find a way of returning you to life.

My research and journeys eventually brought me to the great pyramids of Egypt. A land whose people once believed in a realm beyond. It was a belief which I wanted to embrace. I had just begun to explore the land when fate intervened.

He warned that this path could lead to my very end and advised me to give up; however, I simply could not. I followed him, against his wishes, figuring that if he somehow understood my pain, then he could help heal it. I found a passage that led to the bowls of the earth.

Still, I followed until arriving at an ancient crypt apparently buried beneath centuries of civilization. He was a guardian of the Millennium Items and informed me I could now only leave by being chosen. Part of my destiny, as he said. I was tested by the Millennium Eye.

If I were unworthy, I’d have been doomed to nightmares. The agony that came with it went beyond anything I felt before, yet I came out the other side mentally intact. With the eye I could finally see you once again, my beloved Ceclia. Unfortunately, it would not last.”

Pegasus’ Sanctuary
“I should have been gripped by despair, but instead I was given more hope that this was the path to return you to me.” Tea recited. “If you spirit could be reached, then it meant I could bring you back, and I would not rest until it was so.”

“In the end, his confidence and bravado was a mask he wore to go through with what he thought was needed.” Sunset sighed. “Even though my reasons for what I did pale in comparison, I can understand what he must have been going through to do what he did.”

Everyone was silent at that for a good moment before Tea sighed. “Despite that, this says nothing about grandpa or the Kaiba brother’s souls.”

“Wait, those three soul cards must have been under the book and they’re blank.” Yugi voiced.

“Pegasus must have freed them.” Joey declared.

“Let’s find out.” Tristan stated.

“Yeah.” Tea agreed.

Those three took off while Yugi stared at the cards and Sunset wasn’t quite over what they’d just learned.

Joey looked back at them. “Yug and Sunset, let’s go.”

“Hold on.” Yugi responded.

Sunset added. “Wait for us.”

They attempted to follow their friends only to stop as the very man Pegasus met years ago suddenly came up from the floor. He was wearing a Millennium Item around his neck being a rather large key.”

“A Millennium Item?” Yugi questioned.

“The disturbance within the mystical alignment brings me to this place.” The man thought as he gazed at the two of them.

“Who is that?” Sunset questioned.

His eyes were immediately drawn to the Millennium Puzzle and Yugi before some attention was given to Sunset. Something connected her to the bearer of the Millennium Puzzle and the pharaoh; however, he knew it couldn’t be from the latter’s time.

“My name is Shadi, and I have felt disturbances within the mystical alignment.” Shadi chuckled softly to himself. “I must say, I did not expect I would find the pharaoh.”

Hearing this baffled Yugi while Sunset was attempting to remember back to when she was studying this world’s magic. Despite it not being that long, in retrospect, a lot has happened from those earlier days.

“Allow me to elaborate.” Shadi stated. “Seven Millennium Items were created five millennia ago. Three of light, three of darkness, and one that contains both as it is meant to act as a balance.

I was entrusted as their guardian and am a holder of until it is no longer within my destiny. Combined, they have power enough to do anything a sole wielder could imagine. I came here with a purpose, but one I can tell neither of you could be involved in.”

At this point, Yugi changed into his other self. “Are you saying this has something to do with me?”

“Indeed.” Shadi bowed. “My king.”

“I am sorry, but I lack the memory to understand what you are saying as you may hope.” Yugi gave him an apologetic look. “Why did you call me a king?”

“The version of you I am speaking to now is an ancient pharaoh who ruled Egypt 3000 years ago.” Shadi informed pleased. “You gave up your memories for the good of the world.”

That made Yugi curious. “Please, tell me more.”

“I am sorry but that is not your destiny.” Shadi informed. “As for your friend, there is some form of connection, yet one I am not destined to reveal. With the theft of the Millennium Eye, darkness once again walks the earth.”

Sunset would need time to digest this, but if Yugi was destined to get into trouble, she’d be there. At this point, she’d been through what she perceived as too much to simply let him face any darkness alone, and she was certain their friends would feel the same.

With his piece said, Shadi began to take his leave only for Yugi to speak up. “Wait, isn’t there anything more you could tell us?”

“Both of you should take great care and be on your guard.” Shadi looked back at them. “Whoever this thief is that stole the Millennium Eye, they may seek you both.”

“Wow, that’s almost too scary to think about.” Yugi voiced.

“If they do come, you got a lot of people willing to help.” Sunset voiced.

“That does make me feel a little better.” Yugi voiced before they both noticed Shadi was vanishing. “Wait, there’s still more I want to ask!”

“I am sorry, but I must go now.” Shadi’s voice rang out. “I am certain though that we shall meet another day. Until then, stay true to your destinies as the fate of the world now rest with the pharaoh’s current life and himself.”

“Does this mean I really am the Sunset who belongs in this world or am I simply close enough to slot into her role?” Sunset contemplated.

Ever since Pegasus first brought up the idea that she may not have been born in Equestria, the thought has been on her mind. That dream she knew had to be long suppressed memories only compounded such things.

Now, she potentially has a past life. Ultimately, Yugi nor Sunset had much to go on beyond the questions their encounter with Shadi raised. Such things could be pondered later once they were off the island.

Castle: Balcony
Bakura had rejoined the balcony group, and while they had eventually noticed his absence, the real Bakura was able to assuage their concerns over his genuine confusion of what he had been doing. As ever, he had no memories of what his other half had been up to.

“Hey, Mokuba is coming to.” Bakura called out.

That drew Arctic, Thunder, Sonata, and Mektaveus over.

The younger Kaiba groaned.

“Is he okay!?” Tea called out.

She, Joey, and Tristan were running on over as they returned from the tower.

“Yes, it seems Mokuba is fine now.” Arctic answered.

“That’s great.” Joey responded with a smile.

“What a relief.” Tea voiced.

At this point, Yugi and Sunset finally joined them.

“We doubted him, but Pegasus kept his word just like you guys thought.” Tristan voiced.

Sunset shrugged. “Go figure.”

“How are you doing Mokuba?” Yugi asked. “Are you feeling up to getting off this island?”

“Not without Seto.” Mokuba stated. “Where’s my big brother?”

“Don’t worry, I don’t think Yugi intended for it to sound like we weren’t going to find him first.” Mektaveus assured. “Before we get started, you should at least have a moment to ensure you’re up to moving.”

“Yugi Muto and Sunset Shimmer.” Croquet addressed as he approached the group.

“Croquet.” Yugi/Sunset addressed back.

“Mr. Pegasus is…currently unable to attend to your prizes.” Croquet did not want to address with them what Kemo found in the sanctuary shortly after they left. “As his top man, I will fulfill them. The souls have already been freed, but what are the prizes you two want?”

Yugi could only think of one thing he wanted. “I want my grandpa’s hospital bill taken care of along with this and next month’s overall bills.”

Given what happened, ensuring everything that could potentially worry grandpa being taken care of would be a huge weight lifted off their shoulders. Beyond that, he didn’t really need much else or anything extravagant.

“Consider it done.” Croquet stated before looking at Sunset. “You?”

Sunset’s benefactor was typically taking care of everything for her in that they supplied the money she used to pay for anything. That didn’t mean Sunset didn’t have an idea. Before this tournament, she’d stumbled in an archetype that could better her own deck.

“I want three copies of any and every card associated with the Masked Hero Archetype.” Sunset declared.

It would be best to make sure she had enough to truly improve her deck.

“It will be done.” Croquet declared. “One moment, and I will be with you again.”

He pulled out his cell phone and stepped away to relay those wishes. Everyone was now just looking at Sunset who was more than happy to provide an answer.

“Before Duelist Kingdom, I was looking into cards that could strengthen my Elemental Hero deck.” Sunset informed. “Neo-Spacians have some compatibility but they’re such a large archetype that can make their own deck. Destiny and Vison Heroes are all dark attributes.

That wouldn’t work with my fusions that require different attributes or need named heroes. I then stumbled onto the Masked Heroes. They are fusions that only need a spell card and 1 hero of a certain attribute.” She shrugged. “Figured I’d use this chance to get them.”

Hearing that made them all understand, but it also had the effect of ensuring Mektaveus and Arctic remembered to improve as duelists. Given Sunset beat them with her Elemental Heroes alone, they knew giving her more ammunition would only make her tougher.

“Your requests will be met.” Croquet informed as he returned to them. “All bills will be paid, and someone will be at the main exit of the castle with a briefcase of the requested cards. That only leaves a few things more to go over.

In addition to all that Yugi has already received thus far, there is this.” He presented a card with no stats. “This is a card called The Ties of Friendship. The only card of its kind painted by Pegasus himself which I was instructed to hand deliver.

With it in your possession, you are officially the number one ranked duelist in the world. The King of Games.” He then produced an envelope. “Of course, this contains a check for the prize money that will clear no matter where you go to claim it.”

“It’s all yours Joey.” Yugi declared. “Just as I promised.”

Joey accepted it. “You’re the best Yug.”

“Three million dollars for your sister’s operation.” Tea stated happily.

“Yeah.” Joey smiled and teared up a bit. “It’s been so long since I last saw her, but now I can stop her from going blind.”

“Even though you didn’t win it yourself, you gave it you’re all trying to make it happen.” Mektaveus threw his arm around the guy. “Just as any older brother would.”

“Now, we would like every one of you to leave.” Croquet dismissed as he walked away.

“That tracks.” Thunder shrugged. “They wanted us around when it benefited them, yet now that their boss failed, we’re kicked to the curb.”

“As cool as all of this was, despite the danger we were in, I’m kind of glad to be getting out of her.” Arctic voiced.

“I can’t wait to return to our home either.” Yugi smiled. “Grandpa just has to be back now.”

“I’m certain he is.” Sunset assured.

Courtyard: Evening…
Everyone had accompanied Mokuba in looking for Seto, but they weren’t having much luck. Eventually, they walked out the front door, where Sunset collected her briefcase of the cards she requested, before continuing the search.

“SETO!” Mokuba shouted. “BIG BROTHER, IT’S ME! WHERE ARE YOU!?”

“The castle is fairly huge.” Arctic reasoned.

“It is, but he’s got to be…” Yugi began before the doors to the courtyard opened in. “Hey!”

It was Seto who was smiling upon finally seeing his brother restored.

“It’s him!” Mokuba ran up and hugged him. “Big brother!” He was crying. “You’re here! You’re here!”

“It’s alright.” Seto comforted before getting on a knee before him.

“Oh Seto, I didn’t know what happened to you…” Mokuba produced his amulet with a picture of a younger Seto. “…but I never stopped thinking of you, big brother.”

“I know.” Set showed his own with a picture of a younger Mokuba. “I would have risked anything to save you Mokuba.”

“Yugi told me you did.” Mokuba smiled. “Now, we’re back together again.”

“So, what do you say little brother?” Seto stood. “Ready to head back home where we both belong?”

“You bet.” Mokuba responded.

“Yugi and Sunset, I know you were responsible for saving my brother.” Seto nodded to them. “Thank you for he means everything to me.”

“How could I do anything else?” Yugi asked.

“I still think you can come off as a real jerk, but you love your brother.” Sunset shrugged. “In the end, I’m glad I got to help Yugi save the both of you.”

“I truly am grateful; however, this does create new circumstances.” Seto declared. “Yugi, I beat you in our last duel, but then you went onto defeat Pegasus who had beaten me. In my eyes, that means my business with you in dueling is unfished.

One day, we will meet in the arena to decide which of us is the better duelist. You dueled just as well as Yugi, Sunset. To me, that means we’ll one day meet in the arena and duel just as you wanted all those days ago. In both scenarios, one of the two that duel will walk away with pride.”

Yugi nodded.

“I’ll look forward to that day.” Sunset voiced.

“Come on Mokuba.” Seto then turned and walked away with his brother. “The copter is waiting.”

“Alright!” Mokuba exclaimed happily. “We’re going home!”

“You did it Yugi.” His other self-appeared. “You saved everyone.”

“You, me, and everyone we met along the way had their hand in this.” Yugi responded. “Though, you were involved yet I don’t even know your name.”

“As I said, I don’t remember my past, but I’ve heard many a different name from people who have found the puzzle.” The other responded. “Just a few would be Pharaoh, King, and Yami.”

“Well Yami, I’m proud to call you my friend.” Yugi returned genuinely.

“Good because I’m proud to be one.” Yami responded.

“I just thought of something.” Joey voiced. “All the boats have left, so how are we supposed to get off the island?” That made several members of this large group scream in shock. “Come on, we need to hitch a ride!”

“Wait for us Kaiba!” Tristan yelled.

“This isn’t what I was expecting!” Thunder yelled.

“Just get running!” Arctic returned.

Joey, Tristan, Thunder, Mektaveus, Arctic, and Sonata immediately booked it.

“Us to!” Yugi declared.

“I don’t think Kaiba would let any of you on without Yugi or I there!” Sunset added.

She, Yugi, and Tea followed.

“Yugi has the championship, Joey has the money, and Sunset has been growing into a power of her own.” Yami Bakura has taken over again as he looked at the Millennium Eye. “In the end, I walk away with the real prize and will soon add Yugi’s Millennium Puzzle as well.”

It’s been a hectic five days that saw new friends, rivals, and allies come into the gang’s lives. Now, it was time for everything to return to whatever their lives are, but no one was going to forget the things that transpired over this time.

Author's Note:

For those of you who might be unaware, Pegasus did die to Bakura in the manga. This led to a storyline that is only canon to the manga and happens after Battle City. There are varying translations to the antagonist of that arc's relationship to Pegasus.

I've never been one to claim any one way is factual even if such an answer does exist. If it's not clear by this chapter, I'm going with them being the adopted sons of Pegasus. If you're interested in reading about these two, look into Yugioh R.

Next, we have the meeting with Shadi who I never understood why he needed to delve into Yugi's mind. I get he was looking for a thief, but this kid looks exactly like the pharaoh. Plus, if you can feel from Egypt that the eye was stolen, how could you not sense the pharaoh?

He's within the very puzzle right there, and I don't think a loss of memories would change the contents of the soul. Bottom line, no delving into Yugi's mind here. As for what he's implied about a Sunset, she doesn't have a life connected to Egypt.

Though there are many examples of other past lives. In the anime arc Waking the Dragons, the knights clearly must be past versions of Yugi, Kaiba, and Joey. Given what I'm planning, I don't expect that to remain the exact case. One of these guys won't be. You'll see.

There is also Duelists of the Roses which is a Yugioh videogame based around a historical event. With that game, Henry Tudor is unmistakably another past life of Yugi's. In fact, many people we come to know in the series are portrayed in that era.

Given its medieval setting, of which a brief glimpse was shown in a prior chapter where Sonata met Sunset, you should all be able to piece together which past life of Yugi's fromed a bond with a past life of Sunset's. If you can't, the answer will come eventually.

As for Yugi and Sunset's requests, I think what Yugi asked for is rather fitting all things considered. When it comes to Sunset, she could simply buy the Masked Heroes, which will be her Battle City upgrade, but I figured why not just have her ask for them?

With all of that out of the way, Duelist Kingdom officially ends. Everyone will now go their seperate ways until Battle City, but I have things to cover in before getting there. I have some GX manga specific characters I'd like to introduce here.

There's anime content to cover, I got a good duel in mind for Joey, there's Helios' whole thing, the video game arc where Penumbra and a new OC will show up. Bottom line, I got a lot of stuff to cover now as I build up to Battle City.

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