• Published 12th Sep 2022
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An Equestrian Element - Quillion9000

After the Anon-a-Miss incident, Sunset ends up moving to Domino City, Japan.

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Battle City Begins

Domino City: Morning…
Fireworks were going off as the city was swarming with the best duelists, those with the rarest cards, or both. Today, Battle City would kick off, and everyone with a duel disk were being watched by the masses.

This included duelists who simply couldn’t get into the tournament on either stipulation, non-duelists who simply loved watching duels, and even those somehow unaware of this rapidly growing game. It led to a palatable sense of anticipation.

“Bob, is that a new fashion trend?”

“Yes Dan. They’re giant wrist watches which are very hot right now.”

Two duelists approached them.

“Look, they’re called duel disk.”

“Duel disk, huh?”

“It’s all part of the Battle City Tournament. The greatest duel monsters tournament of all time.”

“So, folks like you should step aside since the duelists are taking over this town.”

Center of Domino City
Yugi, Sunset, and Joey had agreed to meet up before going their separate ways to collect locator cards. Given this round of the tournament would only last today, they needed six locator cards, and it took two days to earn thirty-star chips, it was seen as a necessity.

Especially since they all wanted to make it to the next round. Granted, they didn’t know much beyond the fact that the booklet said any one duelist must collect six locator cards, among the new rules for a duel, but that was enough.

“Man, there are duelists all across the city.” Joey commented.

“I know.” Sunset nodded. “Shouldn’t be too hard to find our first opponents.”

“As today wears on, chances are it will become harder just like Duelist Kingdom.” Yugi reminded.

“I think they’re the three you told me about.” A female voice called out.

The trio turned to see Mektaveus who was wearing the same outfit he had in the later stages of Duelist Kingdom. He was accompanied by a slightly shorter female with less muscle, long raspberry red hair in a bun, and blue eyes.

She wore a navy-blue qipao dress, with gold trim and without sleeves, and a matching skirt. She also had on black tights with navy blue and gold boots. Like Mektaveus, she had a duel disk signifying she was in the tournament.

“Yeah, that’s them alright.” Mektaveus voiced as they reached the trio. “I just knew I’d see you guys here.”

“Hey Mektaveus, it’s good to see ya.” Joey greeted. “Who’s the girl?”

“This girl has a name, and it would happen to be Misty Armaldo.” The girl responded.

While it wasn’t truly in a professional sort of way, it certainly was compared to how Mektaveus carried himself.

“That’s my little sister for ya.” Mektaveus chuckled. “Out of everyone from back home, she’s the only one who could qualify with me.”

“That’s cool, how did she get in?” Sunset asked genuinely curious.

“Unfortunately, I was half a star too low to qualify on my skill alone, but my ace monster was sufficient.” Misty responded before her brother could.

“Don’t let the fact she didn’t qualify on skill make you think she’s not one heck of a duelist.” Mektaveus ruffled her hair which she did allow but it seemed like anyone else who tried might receive an earful. “Even after I got back from Duelist Kingdom, she could give me a true duel.”

“Thunder and I will keep that in mind then.” Arctic voiced as he and his brother joined the growing group.

“It makes sense you’d be here Arctic.” Yugi noted.

“Naturally.” Arctic shrugged. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world; however, a certain someone seems to think they were penalized for how they got on Duelist Kingdom in the first place.”

“It’s stand by it.” Thunder commented clearly a little steamed. “Even if I wasn’t intended to be there, I won my place off another in a fair duel. That’s at least three stars worthy, but I’m listed at half that in the database.”

“Wasn’t Duelist Kingdom his first tournament?” Sunset voiced.

“Thank you, Sunset.” Arctic shook his head with an amused smile.

“I’m still sticking with my theory.” Thunder retorted while turning his head.

“There is no reason to be down on yourself.” Mako had arrived throwing his arm over Thunder. “Instead, be joyous at the fact you had a card that saw you into this tournament. It is the opportunity of a life time.”

“Hey Mako.” Sunset smiled. “Yugi and I saw you back when Kaiba announced this.”

“But of course, Sunset Shimmer.” Mako declared. “I would not miss such a competition as this is another opportunity to make waves. Nothing shall withstand my denizens of the deep.”

“My guy’s impenetrable defense can withstand anything.” Mektaveus retorted.

“Mighty denizens of the deep or an impenetrable defense, it doesn’t matter when put up against the magic tricks of a true spellcaster.” Arctic joined in.

“If any of you happen to meet during the tournament, you can settle things.” Sunset voiced. “As things stand now, Yugi, Joey, and I are heading out in preparation for this to begin.”

“Yeah, you can can stick together if you want, but the three of us want the best odd of getting our needed locator cards.” Joey added.

“Considering it took us all two days of Duelist Kingdom’s first round to do it, you might want to think about doing the same.” Yugi finished.

The three of them then took off in separate directions officially spreading out across Domino City. The remaining four shared looks among themselves before deciding those three made a great deal of sense. They went their separate ways as well.

Domino City
“Greeting duelist.” It wasn’t long before Seto Kaiba appeared on a screen within a blimp large enough that you could see it anywhere within Domino City. “Welcome to Battle City. It’s time to put your dueling skills to the test. I hope none of you came looking for friendly competition.

Battle City will be all out war, but before we get started, I’m going to tell all of you just what you’re in for just in case you want to back out now. Let’s begin with my new duel disk. Everyone who successfully registered received one. With it you can duel anytime and anywhere.

Additionally, they contain a tracking chip which allows me to see every move you make. Next, let’s talk about the most important rule. The loser is required to fork over their rarest card to the winner. Of course, rare doesn’t mean entirely useful to every deck.

Alternatively, one may substitute their prize with a card from the loser’s graveyard at that time or from their extra deck should they have one. If you don’t have the guts to wager a card, then I suggest you forfeit now. Of course, anyone who wants it can challenge me at their own peril.

Every rule of my tournament is one I’ll have to adhere to as well. On that note, don’t get your hopes up since I intend on winning. Among you stand two duelist I can’t wait to defeat. Speaking of winning, only the 16 best will make it to the final round.

Said finals will be held at a hidden location. To find it, you’ll need six locator cards, and every one of you should have received one. That means you will need five more which will be won from your opponents. Bet however many you wish on any duel, but one is the minimum.

Once you have your six, stack them together, and my systems will register you as a finalist while handing out the location. Of course, all today lies between the start of the final round and now. In that time, most of you shall be eliminated.

Alright, everything I just said, and more, can be found in my tournament rule book. Just remember, only 1 can win this tournament and claim the title of the number 1 duelist in the entire world. Now, get ready for the tournament begins!”

Rooftop Playground
Yugi wandered into a rooftop playground where he had observed Seto’s message. “Time to face my destiny.”

He turned to leave only to stop as someone he’s heard about rushed into the area clearly out of breath. Wherever she came from, this person had moved quickly with the express intention of standing across from him now. It was Fluttershy.

Flashback: Canterlot High/Middle School Group
The nine duelists from Canterlot had met up in the lobby of their hotel to debrief the current situation. This essentially meant going over their plan to find Sunset. As the best duelist among them, AJ, Flash, and Rainbow took charge.

“The plan is simple.” Flash declared. “We’re immediately spreading out across Domino City with the intention of finding Sunset or any of those people she was with in hope they’ll help us find her.”

“Two of them we don’t really know the names of, but the others are Yugi Muto and Joey Wheeler.” AJ continued. “If you find them, see about getting their cooperation.”

“If the two people we know of refuse to talk, then they’re likely duelist in this tournament.” Rainbow took over. “Put that information on the line in an official duel. On that note, we should all work to earn our place in whatever the next round it.”

“It’s a precaution just in case none of us find Sunset.” Flash informed. “Whenever you find her, immediately send out a group text letting everyone know where she is. Then, you can talk to her as you like and attempt to keep her where you find her.”

“Be honest with your intentions.” AJ reminded. “We’re not out to trick Sunset here, and we must show we’re here on genuine terms.”

“Does everyone understand?” Rainbow asked.

The remaining six all nodded, so the whole group left the hotel breaking off from one another.

Rooftop Playground
“You’re Yugi Muto.” Fluttershy commented relieved she found him.

Yugi was typically the nicest guy you could ever meet, and it took a great deal for him not to be. Considering everything Sunset’s prior friends put her through, even with her past, that would certainly be enough.”

“That is my name.” Yugi stated firmly. “You fit the description of Fluttershy.”

“Sunset told you about us?” Fluttershy asked.

“She’s told my friends and I everything about her; where she was to how she ended up in our school.” Yugi shook his head. “Honestly, even knowing the full context, I can’t agree with anything your group did. Sure, Sunset was bad, and it went far.

Still, hearing her story leads me to believe taking it that far had little to do with why none of you believed her for a second. Before Sunset, two guys used to bully me daily with one of the worst acts being taking a piece of a puzzle my grandfather gave me.

A piece from a puzzle I’d spent eight years working to put together. Even with all that in mind, when a guy was beating them up because he thought I’d want that and could get money for it, I stepped in to defend them. I took a beating, but they then fought to defend me.

The one who threw my missing piece away worked to retrieve it, and they both made amends. From that day onward, we were friends. No matter what, from the second we became friends, I’ve never thought they’d do anything bad again. It’s for the simple fact that we are friends.”

Fluttershy had listened to Yugi’s story, and it made her ashamed of herself more than she already was. She didn’t doubt any of it for a second, so hearing how he treated those two told her a lot in how he’s been treating Sunset. Still, she already knew they messed up.

“We realized our mistakes, and it wasn’t due to us coming to such a realization ourselves.” Fluttershy looked up now with a truly guilty expression. “We only realize it wasn’t her after the true people behind Anon-a-Miss came forward. There’s a lot to make amends for.”

“The fact that you just admitted this was a realization you hadn’t made yourselves makes me doubt you.” Yugi voiced. “If you were truly Sunset’s friends, you’d have believed her. Instead, you needed the culprits to step forward.”

“We know.” Fluttershy voiced. “No matter how hard it might be, nine of us entered this tournament to make amends, but I can see now that asking for your help wouldn’t get it. So, I want to duel you for it. Among the prizes of this tournament, if I win, you must help us.”

“I’ll agree to your added stipulation in return for the names of the true culprits.” Yugi declared.

If he was going to do this, he might as well bring Sunset some resolution.

“I agree.” Fluttershy declared. “I would have told him anyways, but this makes the stakes fair.”

This pair’s conversation had drawn a crowd in the form of anyone else up here at this time. Given the tension, no one intended to miss this. Yugi’s puzzle glowed as Yami took over. His feelings on the matter were well in line with Yugi’s.

Domino City: Streets
Tristan was currently running along the streets. “Gah, I can’t believe I forgot to set my alarm.” He stopped at an intersection and looked around frantically. “I just felt so down that Sunset circumvented me like that to the point remembering it completely slipped my mind.”

Tristan wasn’t truly angry with Sunset, he was totally still supporting her alongside Yugi and Joey, but he was frustrated. The guy had wanted to be the one to look after Serenity. In the end, his current state lent itself well to making mistakes…like sleeping in today of all days.

Rooftop Playground
Both duelists activated their duel disk.

“Let’s Duel!”

(Yugi 4000/Fluttershy 4000)

Yugi drew. “To start off, I shall summon Berry Magician Girl(LV 1/400/400).” A baby female spellcaster in pink appeared. “When she’s normal summoned, I can add any magician girl I wish from my deck to my hand. I’ll then wrap up my turn by setting 1 card.”

“Alright, my move.” Fluttershy drew. “I’ll begin by following your lead with a spellcaster of my own. I call Skilled Brown Magician(LV 4/300/200).” A kid in a brown cloak appeared wielding a staff. “Then, I’ll activate the equip spell United We Stand.

This grants my Skilled Brown Magician(LV 4/1100/200 effect) 800 more ATK for every monster I control. It also initiates my monster’s effect granting him a spell counter which I can then remove one every turn to activate one of two effects.

I’ll utilize Skilled Brown Magician(LV 5/2600/200 effect)’s first effect increasing his level by 1 and ATK by 1500. This gives me a monster with more than enough power to take the lead. I’m sorry to your cute magician, but mine will destroy her.”

“You may very well still destroy my monster, but her second effect will activate first.” Yugi declared. “Since you targeted her with an attack, I change her battle position putting her in defense position.

Then, I can special summon any Magician Girl I wish from my deck. I choose Apple Magician Girl(LV 3/1200/800).” A female spellcaster in red appeared. “Now, you can redeclare your intended attack target.”

“If I attack Apple, her effect might be more potent than Berry’s to the point it could garner more advantage.” Fluttershy reasoned. “If I attack Berry, her effects are already used up, but that would leave him with a monster. Plus, all I’d be doing is attacking a defense position monster.”

Fluttershy wasn’t as in tuned to the dueling world as AJ or Rainbow were, but Sunset recently joining said world gave her an incentive to learn. In short, she could see why Yugi was currently seen as one of the best.

“I’ll just have to do my best.” Fluttershy pointed. “My Skilled Brown Magician will destroy your Berry Magician Girl. Then, I’ll set one card ending my turn.”

“Alright, my move!” Yugi drew. “I just drew into my Palladium Oracle Mahad(LV 7/2500/2100). When I do, I can simply reveal him to my opponent and special summon him to the field.” A spellcaster in white cloth and golden armor appeared.

“That is a strong effect; however, my Skilled Brown Magician is one hundred ATK too strong for your Mahad to overcome.” Fluttershy declared.

“That would be the case were your monster not of the Dark Attribute.” Yugi declared. “Before I get to that, I’ll normal summon my Obnoxious Celtic Guardian(LV 4/1400/1200).” An elf swordsman in dark green armor appeared. Now Mahad, destroy my opponent’s Magician. During the damage step, when he attacks a Dark attributed monster, his ATK doubles.”

Palladium Oracle Mahad(LV 7/5000/2100 effect) was cloaked in a heavenly light before he blasted Fluttershy’s magician destroying him (Yugi 4000/Fluttershy 1600). The light then faded from Palladium Oracle Mahad(LV 7/2500/2100)

“Your monster is powerful; however, I reveal my set Damage Vaccine Ω MAX.” Fluttershy countered. “Whenever I take battle or effect damage, this card grants me life points equal to the damage I took (Yugi 4000/Fluttershy 4000).”

“That might be, but you are now open to direct attacks from my Celtic Gurdian and Apple Magician Girl.” Celtic Guardian slashed at Fluttershy before Apple Magician Girl blasted her (Yugi 4000/Fluttershy 1400). “With that, I’ll end my turn. It’s your move.”

“Right.” Fluttershy drew. “I’ll simply summon my Winged Kuriboh(LV 1/300/200) in defense position.” A Kuriboh with wings appeared. “I’ll then set one card to bolter my defenses before ending my turn.”

“The Kuriboh archetype offers a lot in the way of effects among which is a powerful LV monster.” Yugi glanced at his face down. “If that is her intention, my face down will prevent me from losing.” He drew. “Apple Magician Girl will destroy Winged Kuriboh.”

“I activate my face down quick-play spell Transcendent Wings.” Fluttershy countered. “Now, I must send my Winged Kuriboh on the field to the grave along with two cards from my hand in order to special summon Winged Kuriboh LV 10(LV 10/300/200) from my deck.”

A Kuriboh with huge wings appeared. “That’s not all as he has an effect that activates when it’s your Battle Phase allowing me to tribute him and destroy every attack position monster you control. When they are destroyed, you take damage equal to their combined ATK!”

Winged Kuriboh LV 10 took in the blast leveled at him from Apple Magician Girl and fired it right back into every monster on Yugi’s field kicking up a massive amount of smoke from the destruction.

“That is the end.” Fluttershy declared.

“Not quite.” Yugi declared.

Fluttershy went wide eyed as the smoke cleared revealing Palladium Oracle Mahad was still standing (Yugi 1400/Fluttershy 1400).

“How is your Mahad still standing?” Fluttershy questioned stunned.

“It was thanks to the trap I set back on my first turn, Dimension Guardian.” Yugi informed. “It keeps the monster its attached to from being destroyed by battle or card effect. Since Mahad didn’t go to the grave for LV 10, he was kept from the ATK tally.”

“I have nothing further to play, so I end my turn.” Fluttershy had drawn. "I can't play this card, so ending my turn was all I could do.

“I can’t afford to take it easy since the Kuriboh archetype has no end of tricky effects.” Yugi drew. “I shall summon Artillery Catapult Turtle(LV 4/1000/2000).” An armored turtle with a catapult launcher on the back appeared. “Now, I’ll attack directly with Mahad.”

“I activate the graveyard effect of Rainbow Kuriboh(LV 1/300/200).” Fluttershy countered. “When you declare a direct attack, I can special summon this monster to my field, and I’ll do as such in defense.” A rainbow Kuriboh appeared to take the hit.

“Then, my Catapult Turtle will attack you.” Yugi continued.

“I activate the effect of Clear Kuriboh.” Fluttershy countered. “Since you’ve initiated a direct attack, I can banish him from my grave to draw 1 card. If the card drawn is a monster, I can special summon it.”

She took a deep breath and drew before smiling. “I just got Kuriboh(LV 1/300/200), and I’ll special summon him in defense position.” Kuriboh appeared taking the hit. “With no other monsters that can attack, I’ve weathered this turn.”

“Not quite.” Yugi declared. “I activate the quick-play spell Magical Dimension. Provided I control at least 1 Spellcaster, this spell allows me to tribute any 1 monster I control. Then, I can special summon any Spellcaster from my hand.

I’ll tribute my Catapult Turtle to bring out Dark Magician(LV 7/2500/2100).” The purple robbed spellcaster appeared on the field alongside Mahad. “Since that was a quick-play during Battle Phase, my newly summoned monster can still attack.”

“I-I don’t have anything else that can protect me.” Fluttershy realized.

“Dark Magician, end this with Dark Magic Attack!” Yugi declared.

Dark Magician blasted out his magic wiping away what remained of Fluttershy’s life points (Yugi 1400/Fluttershy 0). The Kuriboh user was stunned by the sheer difference in skill between them to the point she didn’t say a word as Yugi approached her.

“A deal is a deal.” Yugi stated. “Who was the culprit behind Anon-a-Miss?”

“I don’t know if Sunset told you about them, but it was Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo.” Fluttershy was looking at the ground as she took out her locator card and Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning. “You also won these.”

Yugi accepted them before walking past her only to stop about a foot past her without looking back. “I can’t claim how Sunset will react to any of their presences, so if you still feel the need to find her, I won’t stop you. Per our agreement, I still will not help you achieve it.”

With his piece spoken, Yugi moved on leaving Fluttershy behind. This was a devastating loss. She had found one of the people currently connected to Sunset only to falter. It’s not like she wasn’t aware of the potential to lose given her opponent.

Even then, she had hoped that maybe her dueling so hard for this would have reached him. “Why would my dueling reach him when we ignored Sunset’s…”

No matter how hard she dueled, no true duelist would hear a thing from her dueling when they readily disregarded another’s. Despite the sting of defeat, Fluttershy couldn’t give up. She knew none of the others would.

“Even though I’m out of the tournament, that doesn’t mean I can’t still try to find Sunset.” Fluttershy thought firmly as she now left the area.

Author's Note:

Finally, Battle City begins. Now, I've been sharing my lists of duels, before the top 16, with one of you. They can attest it has gone through a myriad of changes. That is because this list has evolved as the number of OC's and planned characters grew.

Even up to this chapter, I was tweaking it to turn out the best duels that I think are possible. With us finally being here, after this chapter, there are 23 duels left before the Top 16. This includes locator card and non-locator card duels.

Marik and Odion aren't going to duel on chapter before the Top 16(like canon), Yugi, Joey, and Sunset get the most duels as they are the group of main characters, Helios and Hope aren't competing (They will get 1 duel each though this arc), and everyone else gets 1 duel.

This does mean that those of you who wish to can keep track of who's in the Top 16 by who wins and loses their duels...I mean aside from the obvious cases you can potentially draw from what I've just said above.

As for the rest of this chapter, I feel it was at least close enough to Yugi's character considering how he confronted Tetsu for Joey and Tristan. Additionally, this duel keeps the theme of Yugi's first two duels by having him confront a duelist with cards he's used.

Note: Misty Armaldo is the OC of MLPMekarm. 22 Duels before Top 16

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