• Published 12th Sep 2022
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An Equestrian Element - Quillion9000

After the Anon-a-Miss incident, Sunset ends up moving to Domino City, Japan.

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Rebecca Hawkins

Canterlot City:Canterlot High, Morning…
As Flash entered the library for his free period, he couldn’t help but note that Canterlot High was the liveliest it’s been since before Anon-a-Miss. The reason for that was plain to see as the final results of Duelist Kingdom came in. Everyone was happy Sunset was doing well.

She may not have won, but coming second and taking down the creator alongside first place was a big accomplishment. From the duels that weren’t just duel boards, it was evident she’d made some steadfast friends. Naturally, not everyone was going to be happy about this development.

The Rainbooms were rather melancholic. Weather they had initially agreed to let Sunset go or not, something which had clearly faded away as they were all in on seeing her again, he couldn’t imagine it was easy on them to see Sunset happy with other people.

He didn’t think any of them were against that and were instead beating themselves up for not living up to who those people were. Of course, their sour mood had rubbed off on the crusaders. To them, none of this would have happened if they weren’t Anon-a-Miss.

While that was fair, Flash was still of the opinion that everyone at CHS played a part. Everyone made their choices and could have done it differently. The crusaders started the blog, students gave up secrets and/or mistreated Sunset, and the Rainbooms didn’t stand by her.

Then you had people like them who knew she couldn’t have been Anon-a-Miss. Those who tried to defend her might be the cleanest of them, but they still didn’t attempt to directly help her. People like him with deeper wounds liked what was happening.

“Despite being in the wrong, I don’t think anyone deserves to constantly wallow in it forever.” Flash thought. “I can’t say for certain how Sunset will react to any of us that make it into the next tournament, but I hope that whatever happens can bring some form of peace.

If Sunset doesn’t want to grant that to anyone, I’d understand. Still, The Rainbooms, I, and the crusaders feel the need to try.” He brought out his deck and began going through the myriad of combos. “Now, this Destiny Hero…”

Domino City: Hospital, Day…
Fortunately, Seto had been in an extremely good mood, as well as Yugi and Sunset asking, so he was willing to get them off the island. The Americans dropped off on the coast before he brought the main gang back to Domino City. Upon arriving back home, Bakura left as he felt a bit under the weather. This left Yugi, Tristan, Tea, Sunset, and Joey heading for the hospital.

“What’s the matter Yugi?” A familiar voice asked as they entered the lobby. “You’re not surprised to see me up and about, are you?”

“Grandpa.” Yugi stated relieved before running up to give him a hug. “You’re okay!”

Solomon hugged him back. “Indeed, my boy.”

The rest of the gang smiled as they watched the reunion.

“I missed you.” Yugi stated. “Ready to go home?”

Domino Streets
Like with Seto and Mokuba, Solomon had a general idea what happened. Still, everyone was more than willing to fill him in as they took the long way to the Kame Game Shop by walking.

“You went onto becoming the champion of Duelist Kingdom and saved me with Sunset’s aid, Yugi?” Grandpa asked.

“It wasn’t just Sunset who helped.” Yugi smiled. “Old friends, new friends, and even our adversaries helped us reach that point.”

“Yeah, I don’t think we’d be nearly as skilled as we are now without everyone else.” Sunset added. “No matter how small their part in it, we got where we were thanks to them.”

“Considering how far you, my grandson, and Joseph made it, it’s clear to me all of you improved.” Solomon complimented. “Despite the trials you all had to face, I’m proud of the three of you even if I didn’t teach one of you.”

The three duelists all smiled at the old man as they were quickly approaching Kame Game. Within hearing distance, on a bench, Helios and Soren were watching them while holding up newspapers as casually as possible.

“Hey!” A female called out sounding a bit frustrated. “I’ve got something to say to you, Yugi Muto!”

They all turned to the front of Kame Game where a girl with light pale skin, blue eyes, and long blond hair stood with a large thing of luggage. She was wearing a pleated short skirt, white dress shirt with a tie, a pink jacket, and red rimmed glasses.

“Yug, you know her?” Joey asked.

“No clue.” Yugi responded genuinely.

“My name is Rebecca, and I just arrived in town.” She pulled her luggage along before stopping across from the group and pointing at Yugi. “I’ve been waiting for you to show up, yet you kept me waiting. That’s not very nice, you know?”

“Hold on one second.” Joey spoke up. “What are you doing traveling by yourself? That’s dangerous for anyone young.”

“Oh yeah, well I can take care of myself.” Rebecca retorted firmly.

“Rebecca, what is it that you want from my grandson?” Solomon asked.

“My card back.” Rebecca demanded.

“I’m sorry, what?” Yugi questioned confused.

“My Blue-Eyes White Dragon.” Rebecca held out her hand. “Give it back to me.”

“I might be wrong, but you don’t look like an old friend of Mr. Muto’s.” Sunset spoke up. “Even if you were, giving your card to Mr. Muto, who then gave it to Yugi, makes you rude for attempting to take it back like this. If you weren’t its original owner, that only makes this worse.”

“None of that matters because the Blue-Eyes White Dragon belongs in the deck of a true champion.” Rebecca crossed her arms. “Not some guy who merely played in a tournament. Unlike him, I’ve beaten many top duelists around the world.”

“Yugi’s beaten Shining Armor and Seto Kaiba.” Tea retorted. “That’s the American Champ, and the guy who was previously considered the absolute best in the world.”

“Not to mention he was one of two people who beat Maxamillion Pegasus.” Tristan added. “That guy invented the game.”

“He also won Duelist Kingdom which means he came out on top over forty other duelists who participated.” Joey continued.

“If you were really that good, wouldn’t you have been invited to compete?” Sunset asked.

Granted, Joey, herself, and Thunder got in through other means, but most of the duelists there had to be considered the best to receive an invitation.

“Gah! None of those matters!” Rebecca had clearly taken a massive hit to her pride. “Some official rank doesn’t matter because I’m the true Number 1 duelist in America.”

“Okay pipsqueak, you’re going a bit far.” Joey declared. “Shining Armor is an upstanding guy I’d be proud to consider my champion.”

“He’s not that great.” Rebecca crossed her arms. “I know for a fact I’m better than he could ever hope to be.”

“Why you…” Joey began.

“I don’t think his duel with Pegasus was ever shown.” Tea elbowed him to the side before whispering to him. “In fact, I’m fairly certain no one knows he even did anything wrong to begin with.”

“I don’t think we’re getting anywhere with her.” Sunset stated.

“Rebecca, I can’t give you the Blue-Eyes.” Yugi stated. “No matter what you say, I know my grandpa is not the type to steal a card from anyone. He got it from a dear friend and passed it onto me. It’s a priceless treasure I could never think of giving up.”

“Enough talk!” Rebecca shouted. “If you won’t give up the card, then I challenge you to a duel. If I win, the Blue-Eyes is mine.”

“What will it take to penetrate that thick skull of hers?” Joey asked exasperated.

“A duel.” Sunset stepped forward. “Listen up, if you want Yugi to think of possibly dueling you for his Blue-Eyes, you’ll have to duel me first. If you win, not only do you get that, but you can take any one card from my deck. If I win, you completely drop this obsession with Blue-Eyes.”

“If that’s what it takes, I’ll accept.” Rebecca declared.

“Hold on, you can’t…” Yugi began.

“It’s fine, Yugi.” Sunset assured. “No matter what card she takes from my deck, I can find a replacement while there is none for your Blue-Eyes, and that’s not because there are only four in the world. Besides, this girl is annoying me.”

Rebecca looked at Yugi. “Well, what do you say?”

If he wasn’t willing to agree, there’d be no point in dueling the second place of Duelist Kingdom. Rebecca only agreed to it initially because she thought it was finally a little headway towards her goal of getting Blue-Eyes.

Yugi looked from the stubborn Rebecca to the determined Sunset before ultimately nodding. “Alright, I agree to the terms Sunset laid out and will honor them.”

“Yay!” Rebecca declared. “To the arena!”

The whole group took off prompting Helios and Soren to put their newspapers down.

“Seeing her in person, I can’t deny the similarities.” Soren voiced. “Still, remember it’s likely she doesn’t remember anything.” He stood up. “For now, let’s follow along. The closest place with duel arenas would be Kaiba Land, so that’s likely where they’re going.”

“Right.” Helios stated.

Seeing her in person only confirmed it for Helios. Unlike every other time before, seeing anyone who remotely looked like his sister should spark hope. This time, he could feel it. That was his sister. Still, he has caused enough trouble for his friend. This time, he’d play it his way.

Kaiba Land
Kaiba Land was one of the best theme parks in the world. It implemented duel arenas not long after Kaiba invented them. They are rather big attraction. Fortunately, they ran into Mokuba and explained things.

“Think you could lend a hand?” Sunset asked.

“You’re asking a lot, Sunset.” Mokuba crossed his arms. “The duel arenas have rapidly been booked for the next three months, but we do owe you big time.”

“Thanks.” Sunset stated.

“So?” Rebecca pushed her way through. “What are we waiting for? Let’s get this duel on the road!”

Duel Arena
“Nice dueling arena even if it is a little small.” Rebecca looked at Sunset. “Anyways, I hope you’re ready to lose because the runner up to Duelist Kingdom should be easy to beat for a genius like me.”

“This is part of why I want to duel you.” Sunset stated. “Confidence in one’s self is all well and good, but you should never ignore the possibility of a loss.”

“Whatever.” Rebecca declared before taking off to the red side.

“I can’t tell if she’s stuck on herself or just plain nuts.” Joey commented frustrated.

“Don’t worry, I’ll see what I can do to knock her down to size.” Sunset declared as she walked to the blue side.

The gang and Solomon moved to the stands just as Helios and Soren entered the arena. The latter directed them up to the top of the stands where the shadows could hide them better than getting a front row seat would.

“Let’s Duel!”

(Sunset 2000/Rebecca 2000)

“Are you sure you even want to go through with this?” Rebecca asked. “It’d be easier to simply give up, give me the card, and let me have a shot at Yugi. You are up against a genius, you know?”

“I’d like to think of myself as a rather determined person.” Sunset smiled. “I’d rather let the duel decide the outcome than my opponent simply declare what it is.”

“Very well, let’s get down to it.” Rebecca drew. “There’s not much reason to extend, so I’ll simply summon Star Seraph Sword(LV 4/1400/1000).” A golden blade appeared. “Then, I’ll set one card ending my turn.”

“There’s more than one way to get at another’s life points.” Sunset drew. “I’ll summon Elemental Hero Ice Edge(LV 3/800/900).” A small figure in blue spandex and ice armor appeared.

“Heh, that monster can’t stand up to my Sword.” Rebecca declared. “This duel will at least be over quickly.”

“If you don’t wise up, it certainly will be.” Sunset stated. “I utilize Ice Edge’s effect discarding one card form my hand to enable a direct attack during the Battle Phase.”

“That shrimp does what!?” Rebeca exclaimed shocked.

“You heard me, but I’ll also demonstrate.” Sunset took one card from her hand and sent it to the grave. “Now, my Ice Edge will attack you directly (Sunset 2000/Rebecca 1200).”

“You attacked me.” Rebecca whined. “You’re so mean.”

“Give me a break.” Sunset shrugged. “If you think I’m mean, try going up against Blue Blood like quite a few others did. With the defenses you set up, he’d have wiped you out this turn.”

“Yeah right.” Rebecca denied. “If you think that, then clearly you aren’t even worthy of number 2 in that amateurish tournament.”

“I’m starting to think you’re just salty you weren’t invited.” Sunset commented. “Anyways, when Ice Edge inflicts damage through a direct attack, he can destroy one set trap or spell you control. I’ll wipe out your only one, set one card of my own, and end my turn.”

“Hm, like I need some tournament to tell me I’m strong.” Rebecca drew. “Observe as I make a play beyond anything someone like you could hope to achieve. I first summon Star Seraph Scout(LV 4/1200/1800).” A black bird appeared.

“When he’s normal summoned, I can special summon any Star Seraph monster I wish from my hand. I’ll choose a second copy of Star Seraph Sword(LV 4/1400/1000). Now, I have everything I need to show you a real move.”

“That’s not good.” Yugi commented.

“What, the fact that this girl is missing a few screws?” Joey questioned.

“No, she’s got three level four monsters on her field.” Yugi voiced. “If I had to guess, we’re about to see one strong Xyz monster.”

“I now construct the overlay network with all three of my Star Seraph monsters. I call upon a fairy whose might is unmatched as all who oppose him kowtow. Xyz summon Star Seraph Sentry(R 4/O 3/2500/2000).” A large, golden fairy monster with a bow appeared.

“I summoned a fusion monster that took three monsters back in Duelist Kingdom.” Sunset retorted. “I mean, it is quite the move, but I’ve done it already.”

“This Xyz monster here could effortlessly trump that lame Core you summoned.” Rebecca retorted completely ignoring anything else Sunset just said. “Observe. Once per turn, I can remove one overlay unit from Star Seraph Sentry(R 4/O 2/2500/2000).

Now, the effects of one monster you control will be negated and their ATK will be halved. You only have one monster, so that’s my target.” Sentry fired and arrow which grayed out and cut Elemental Hero Ice Edge(LV 3/400/900 effect) to halve size.

“With an effect that, Sunset will lose if an attack is able to go through.” Joey declared.

“Sunset hardly seems all that worried.” Tea voiced. “I’m positive she has a plan.”

“There was no way you could have beaten my genius brain.” Rebecca bragged. “It was only a matter of time before you lost. Now, I attack your puny Ice Edge with my Sentry ending this duel. Go, Lighting Cluster!”

“I activate my face down Mirror Gate.” Sunset countered. “I don’t much like the thought of giving you one of my cards with how you act, but it must be done. Since you initiated an attack, we trade monsters. What’s more, the battle you initiated still goes through.”

“No way!” Rebecca shouted.

That proclamation would in no way stop what was happening. Sentry and Ice Edge swapped owners before the former fired off a beam of lighting that tore through Ice Edge destroying him (Sunset 2000/Rebecca 0).

“No, this can’t have happened!” Rebecca whined. “It can’t! It can’t! It can’t! You despicable Hero user!”

“Rebecca, behave yourself.” An older voice chided.

Everyone turned to see a tall, thin old man with light gray hair and mustache. He was dressed in a suit.

“Grandpa!?” Rebecca exclaimed, surprised.

“Arthur?” Solomon smiled. “Is that really you?”

“It’s been a long time, Solomon.” Arthur greeted fondly.

“Far too long, my old friend.” Solomon returned warmly.

“I do apologize to you as well as the young lady my granddaughter just dueled.” Arthur declared. “I hope her precocious nature hasn’t been causing too much trouble and that both of you could forgive her.”

“Why would I want any of their forgiveness?” Rebecca declared.

At this point, she, Sunset, and the gang had gathered around.

“Rebecca, I fear you haven’t been taking the right lessons from my past.” Arthur closed his eyes. “That is a fault which lies with me. I should have seen your focus on the power of cards rather than their heart. Solomon Muto is a dear friend I met years ago.”

“It was an adventure neither of us could ever forget.” Solomon reminisced. “We were on an archaeological dig, and the sun was harsh. Fortunately, your grandfather is a kind soul who brought me water when I had run out.”

“He drank the water far too quickly and paid a small prize that was truly amusing.” Arthur continued. “Together, we discovered that the ancient Egyptians has their own versions of duels with tablets that were awfully similar to the cards created by Maxamillion Pegasus.”

“Unfortunately, Arthur’s colleagues ridiculed his research.” Solomon informed. “Even in the face of disbelief, he continued his research. I was invited to help, and I jumped at the chance. In time, we found a link to the Millenium Items and these ancient duels.”

“They were done not for money or fame but as a means of protection.” Arhtur explained. “Not long after, the very tomb we stood in collapsed and we were trapped. We did our best to ration the food and water, but eventually it came down to enough water for one person.”

“Arthur proposed we duel, so I offered we bet the water on who wins.” Solomon stated. “He agreed and our grim duel commenced. It was hard fought on both sides; however, my friend was overcome by the heat before we could finish.”

“Solomon, forfeited the duel right there making me the winner.” Arthur stated. “He helped me drink the water. Just as I finished the last of it, we were rescued. Even with that fact, my body would not have held to the surface.

Solomon saved my life. Out of gratitude for his act of true friendship, I gifted him my most prized possession on hand, being the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, as a sign of the bond that we had forged all that time.”

“He showed his respect and thanks by giving it to his grandson.” Rebecca retorted angrily.

“I gave it to Yugi because I knew he could keep it safe.” Solomon hung his head. “I’m sorry Arthur, but there came along a person who wanted it. I attempted to show them the Heart of the Cards only to fail and lose ownership of the card.

Then, Yugi arrived with it in hand and succeeded in winning the right to keep it. I knew then that it should belong with him. Though, I can understand if you see this as a violation of our bond. If you do, I am sorry Arthur.”

“Your apology is not needed for I know you’d have never passed it on without a good reason.” Arthur smiled. “Hearing it only confirms just how much you valued my card not for its rarity but our bond.” He smiled before looking at his granddaughter. “Do you now understand, Rebecca?”

Rebecca looked down before looking at Sunset. “I’m sorry I talked down to you.” She sighed. “You clearly understand what I have failed to learn about the heart of the cards. Where I fought only to secure power, you knew how valuable the Blue-Eyes really was, didn’t you?”

“I didn’t know the story, but the way Mr. Muto talked about it was all I needed to understand its importance.” Sunset smiled. “Honestly, you aren’t dissimilar from who I was. While I’m glad you aren’t as far gone as I used to be, I want you to promise me you’ll listen to your grandpa.”

“If I had actually listened to him, this wouldn’t have happened.” Rebecca nodded. “I promise I will truly listen to him from here on out.”

“Then, anything you did is forgiven in my books.” Sunset laughed. “From what I hear, your gramps is one strong duelist, so stick with him on that as well. You got some strong cards, so combine that with the wisdom of the duelist your grandfather is.”

Rebecca nodded in understanding. “Right.”

Everyone was happy at this.

“Say Solomon, it has been ages since you and I dueled.” Arthur broached.

“Is that a challenge?” Solomon asked.

“Oh wow!” Joey exclaimed. “This I got to see! Dueling grandpas!”

“Mr. Muto, remember that you just got out of the hospital.” Tristan voiced.

“Even so, I could outduel any of you, young ones.” Solomon countered.

Everyone laughed together at that proclamation. Soren resolved to await another opportunity to let Helios approach her. Despite his eagerness to do so, the fighter still refrained from acting against his friend’s wishes.

Author's Note:

I want to start off by saying that I actually do like Rebecca, but she was rather insufferable in her first appearance. I also must wonder just who she had been dueling since most of the duelist of Duelist Kingdom were supposed to be the best the world has to offer.

Did Pegasus miss some top duelists? Of course, this is technically filler even though the various anime series have always been seperate from the manga canon. Season 0 was the closest to the original material.

In terms of just the card game, Duel Monsters is the closest story wise to its manga. Even with similar characters, the later anime is always vastly different from their manga. Even Zexal, which could be seen as similar to its manga, still has different stories.

With that out of the way, I framed this chapter as a minor reference to what happened to Sunset hence why it was her duel. Rebecca wanted the power of the card without understanding the true purpose tied to it.

In the movie, Sunset wanted the crown for its power without understanding the history behind it. In both scenarios, they get slapped down hard hence why Rebecca here couldn't put up anywhere near the duel she did in canon to keep with that them.

I gave her Star Seraphs because I think an archetype with a monster that utilizes three materials to summon could be seen as slightly more difficult to use. It also helped in showing she does have promise without encroaching on what I meant with the theme.

Lastly, next chapter won't be diving into the video game three-episode arc because there is one chapter, I really want to do next. Aside from Helios' thing, there is a certain character who will be coming back to try and reclaim at least one of his three cards he lost to Joey.

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