• Published 29th Oct 2022
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Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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11. Signaling Synchronicity

Signaling Synchronicity


The Alicorn and the Unicorn. The Princess and the peasant. The teacher and the student. This tale had been told countless times before. Even after my tale had been told I knew that the tale would be once more told ad infinitum. These thoughts did little to get me out of the current predicament that I had found myself in. I had been ushered from the supposed safety of my room to the jaw of the beast itself.

Staring down the Princess that had run Equestria for the last millennia, at the seat of her power. She had decided to change the venue for our conversation and had asked me to follow her to the throne room. There I went once more following the
shadow of the Solar Monarch as any dutiful student would. To do otherwise would prove to so many that my position was more of a mistake than it already was. It would also tip the deity of the Sun that had walked before me that the game was finally ending. That there was no need for her to continue to use me as a tool for her amusement.

“Sunset, why is it exactly that you wish to leave Canterlot on this expedition of yours to as you say find lost relics?” The Princess questioned from her throne. Looking down at me as she had all this time. Nothing ever changed, does it, Princess? I knew the only reason I didn't snarl at her was thanks to biting down my tongue. The familiar taste of iron flooded my mouth as I swallowed my blood.

“I have nothing of importance here at the castle for the foreseeable future and this expedition would prove as a fruitful testing ground for any of my future exploits regarding traveling through Equestria and beyond.” I calmly said taking the first point. I couldn't help the feeling of elation that filled me as Princess Celestia certainly knew that she was losing this game as well. I had said nothing at all. All that was exchanged were meaningless prattle.

Princess Celestia still holding onto her ever-present smile for the moment couldn't prevent the crack that my words had caused. Her eyes had narrowed just the barest amount when I mentioned going beyond Equestria’s borders. Afraid that I wouldn't return? That I would find some pony that cared about me? That I would be the one who abandons you, Princess?

She quickly schooled her features but we both knew that I was ahead by two points of her nothing. It had been four years since I had started this well in one of my bouts with her. I could only smother the shudder that threatened to run through my flesh as I remembered the ending of that bout. The blood that had been spilled and the words that could no longer be taken back. Something fractured forever finally forsaken.

“Sunset, I would ask your purpose for this trip.” She demanded from high above where she reigned. Only the greatest of ponies would be able to reach that point and only then they would be able to understand the infinite gulch between her and them. Should I consider myself thankful to the Alicorn before me or curse her name for giving me that understanding? I knew not and the moment for that deliberation would continue to be pushed back.

“To search for several lost relics. I can provide a list of particular artifacts and my reasonings for searching in specific locations if you would prefer Princess?” I answered my tongue dripping venom as I laid my trap. Unfortunately for me, Princess Celestia was the pony that had been around since the beginning and had written the rules that I played with.

“Sunset Shimmer I care not for what relics you plan to find nor your reasonings of where they are located. I asked for your purpose on this trip.” Princess Celestia the Bringer of the Dawn spoke with crystal clarity. Her voice was touched by a flame that was all too familiar to me. Even if the throne room was as crowded as it had been for numerous functions I knew that every pony would be deathly silent as she delivered her words.

Feeling the bubbling heat at the base of my horn as I knew I had lost whatever paltry lead I had managed to gain as she changed the game so that I could no longer keep it to my advantage. She truly was the epitome of what was rotten within Canterlot. Losing? Change the game. No matter if anyone else was willing. After all, you were the one with power over every pony else. It was only against Ponies that were equal to you in a form that you were forced to play the game. No pony was on equal standing with the solar monarch that had ruled over all from her vaunted sunlit throne.

“To ensure that in the future I can survive without the assistance of the crown.” I spat out at her hooves. Living with a goddess has taught me how to lie. To taint the lie with a lesser truth. Dangle an answer that they wanted but one that was not the truth. It saved my tail countless times. Let us see how she would prefer this game.

The smile finally faded from her muzzle as the warmth that had slowly been strangled from the room had come rushing back meeting my heat. It was one of the Princesses' smarter ideas to send out every pony to have this discussion. If there were any pony else here they would certainly get caught in the crossfire. “Will this be a repeat of the last time, Princess?” I snarled at the now frowning form that still lounged on her throne.

“Sunset I thought that you had moved past this.” She said as if she still knew me. Perhaps once upon a time that had been true, but now? That was no longer the case. “I will make myself clear once more. I am happy for you to continue on your path with the assistance of the Crown.” I knew from the visage that she had adopted, that my face had reflected some of the more unpleasant thoughts that tore through my mind. I forced my mouth into a neutral position as I waited for her to continue. After all, as all little fillies and colts were taught to never interrupt a Princess.

“Sunset what is this about? You ha-” Her eyes widen and then sharpen immediately “- this better not be an attempt to get rid of Cadance.” Did she truly think that the parasite was that much of a bother to me? I would have happily ignored it for the rest of my stay within the castle walls. I was the one who was forced into tutoring the pathetic sack of meat that happened to have a horn jammed into its brain.

“Please, you made it crystal clear what would happen the next time I attempted to remove her from my life,” I growled back at the pony that taught me everything I knew. “You bring up a good point however Princess, why don't you send me off on this trip, and only when she fully ascends allow me back.” I then dropped the volume of my voice “If you want me back that is.”

The flash of hurt that struck Princess Celestia was delectable; not many ponies in recent times can claim to have struck a true blow against the solar immortal. She looked as if someone had hit her right in the horn. I felt a pit in my stomach but I ignored it. Instead feeding the flame that was surging right beneath my skin. If this turned sour I would need my magic at its full force. Pushing more of it out of my body into the air as my heat sought to replace Princess Celestia’s own.

“That would be the best for every pony right? The newest Princess gets to become immortal in a nice and safe castle. The only pony that isn't infatuated with her off in the Everfree forest. You get to sleep easy that your pupil won't do any more to tarnish your reputation and that the most threatening pony to your newest Princess is no longer within horns reach. And I get to leave this Castle.” I didn't start off shouting at the Solar Princess but by the end I was. As soon as I realized that I sucked as much of the molten air towards me to form a shield. However, like always Princess Celestia can't lose.

SUNSET SHIMMER” She bellowed right back. I felt her words wash over me shattering what control I had over my magic. Even attempting to dredge the portions that had remained within my flesh didn't bring any boons. I was magicless against an Alicorn. So be it. My story wouldn't end here. I refused to wrench my eyes from the twin suns that had replaced the eyes of the pony that had ruled for so long. I would need to see the blow coming to have any chance of dodging it.

It was only once she continued to speak did I realize how far I had pushed her. “Do you realize what you are saying, My Student?” She nearly hissed the final two words. Even as the sun was beginning to be born once more within the throne room I couldn't rip my gaze from the divine form that was before me. She launched herself from her throne and I felt her wings at my throat in an instant.

My vision was covered with white as I heard a faint voice. “Sunset are you alright?” Celestia asked as I shook my head clearing the snow from my vision and saw her about to embrace me, a worried frown upon her face. I was still in front of her throne but the air wasn't being incinerated by the birth of a new star. I felt for my magic and felt it ready to burst forth and burn whatever was in my path. I retreated away from the white Alicorn. The frown on her face deepened but she said nothing.

“What did I just say?” Realizing how that sounded I corrected myself before I could be called out on it. “My apologies but if you wouldn't mind reminding me Princess, what was the last thing I said to you?”

“Sunset I know that you said you didn't need to get some rest but if you're going to fall asleep in the middle of a conversation perhaps you should retire to your quarters and get some rest.” Princess Celestia said her tone, taking a strange affliction near the end. Seeing that I wasn't planning to take her advice she sighed but answered my question. “You were informing me about a list you had made about some artifacts and offered to show it to me.”

“That's all I said?” Princess Celestia's frown grew larger but still nodded. Relief flooded through me and I swore for a second I was going to faint. Preventing myself from buckling to the ground was annoying but necessary. “I'm sorry but I missed whatever else you said. Would you mind repeating it, Princess?” Princess Celestia nods before repeating what I had missed thanks to what was, Princess Celestia, willing a delusion.

“I had offered to let you view an artifact of my own. One that is kept separate from the rest stored within the royal vaults.” Instantly I was on guard. This sounded too good to be true. Was this another test? What was the correct answer? “It is something that I have as of late been debating showing you.” Buck it if she already knew my plans I was dead.

“I will gladly see this artifact, Princess,” I said, not even bothering to hide the interest that crept into my voice. It was something that she wanted me to see. No pony would refuse that if Princess Celestia was to come to them and say those words. Princess Celestia nodded and then proceeded to teleport us both into a dimly lit room.

“My apologies Sunset I was overzealous in our arrival.” Princess Celestia said while conjuring a gleaming golden light. I shrugged. While I was only her student I certainly wouldn't complain. Even if it was rude to teleport with some pony that isn't considered your family or at the very least close friends. I didn't know where we were and it was Princess Celestia. You don't say no to her teleporting you. If I remember correctly I did that once when I was younger and if my memories could still be trusted she began to pout like a little filly.

Princess Celestia began to make her way further into this room and I once more followed in her hoof steps. Covered by golden light and drenched in darkness all at once. If she was going to show me a blade made of pure crystal I was going to get revenge. Princess or not I was not to be pranked. Especially if it was based on an old foals tale that she had told me ages ago.

“This relic is a rather special one as in comparison to most others it has two functions that I have been able to use. The mage who created it told me that there were three functions but I have never been able to activate the third.” My teacher began pausing before a blank portion of the castle wall and the light that had covered her horn flew into the wall. Dispersing with a bright flash of light when my eyes were once more able to properly see I could no longer see the wall before us. Now only a dimly lit passage that led further on.

“If you wouldn't mind me asking Princess Celestia, but who was this magus?” After all, if they were able to make an artifact that had two uses let alone three they would be etched into history. My teacher paused her movement as she considered her response. While she was busy I took advantage of the opportunity to do as discreetly as possible cast some detection charms. When she began to speak I took a risk that would either pay off or have me tossed into Tartarus.

“His name has been stripped from history by his hooves and his magic. Was I to tell you it would mean nothing.” She started before tilting her head. Taking the chance I cast a beacon toward the corner behind us. Hidden under enough cloaking magic to last a year. “That is if you were able to even remember his name. However for you my student I do believe that won't be a problem.” She said as she turned around a small smile written on her face.

I hid the panic hopefully behind the confusion that her statement had caused. What did you mean if I was able to remember his name? How would that even work? Did he-.

“Did he manage to charm his name so that only specific ponies that he allows remember it? No the way you said it refers to specific individuals remembering it. Could it be based on lineage? No magical strength?” I asked my teacher. Whose smile grew ever larger.

“Close he did initially attempt to cast the spell so that only a pony with enough magical strength could remember his name but even for him it was too much. In the end, he cast the spell so only ponies with enough will could remember his name.” My teacher explained as casually talked about this reality-warping magic. If I could get my hands on this spell it would… Be against everything that I have worked towards. Tirek damns it. “Come along Sunset we are nearly there.” My teacher spoke as she once more began to lead the way into darkness.

Following my teacher once more as I followed her into the darkness that soon gave way to a room that was empty with all but a cloth-covered centerpiece. My teacher continued her trot towards the linen-draped artifact and her horn glowed faintly as the cloth was levitated off what I can now see as a mirror. “This is one of the most useful artifacts that I have in my collection. If you wouldn't mind Sunset.” My teacher said as she stepped away from the mirror. Allowing me to get a clear look at it.

I trotted forward and began my usual song and dance casting various spells to identify the purpose and functions of the mirror before me as I had done in the past whenever my teacher would give me an artifact and ask me to figure out what it was. The only thing that I managed to get back was that there was chronomantic energy running through the mirror. Unfortunately, that was all my spells managed to get before they ended. I had little idea in what manner they were being used.

Taking a step back from the mirror I ran through what was happening to my spells. My spells almost fizzled out when they touched any portion of the mirror. No. They were absorbed? Testing my hypothesis I spun a quick light into existence and continually force-fed it magic even as it was pushed against the mirror. It didn't extinguish immediately but as soon as I cut the flow of magic it dissipated.

Magic resistance is based on the ability to either disperse or consume magic. There had to be a limit on the artifact. Perhaps if I were to overwhelm it with countless spells or simply overpower it. Both could potentially work. However, it would be wasteful to resort to such brutish methods already. I had just started after all. That would come later when I was ready to pick apart the very existence of the mirror before me.

Resting a hoof against the cool glass of the mirror I could see my face furrowed in concentration. Frowning in the mirror did nothing other than share my annoyance. Perhaps it needed enough magic to activate? That could be why it's absorbing any spells that impact it. Before I could put my theory into practice the crystalline mirror began to shift as my reflection was quickly lost in the distortions.

“Well done Sunset you managed to activate it on your own.” I heard my teacher call out from behind me but I was too absorbed in the cascading colors that rippled from within the mirror. Eventually, they settled leaving but a singular pony. An Alicorn that was colored crimson red facing away from the mirror instead of looking toward some pony that I couldn't make out. Her horn elongated and came to a sharpened tip. Tattered and bloodied bat-like wings. Her mane was made of flames that incinerated the snow beneath her hooves.

A flash of red covered the Alicorn but instead of an attack, it was a tail that was comparable to a Dragons without scales. Instead of scales, this Alicorn's tail was covered in the same flames as her mane. The flames roared from Alicorn's side threatening to incinerate any pony that dared threaten her. A blast of the rainbow came from where she was focusing on and to defend herself the Alicorn returned in favor, a torrent of near-pitch-black flames.

It was as the Alicorn began to reposition herself against whatever foe was senile enough to attack a fully ascended Alicorn that I saw it. The mark that gives a pony its destiny. It was all too familiar to me. After all, it was the same one that rested on my side. A Sun that threatened to consume itself. Half red and half yellow. Caught in an endless struggle. The only difference between the two marks was that the one upon the Alicorn's flank had a black void where my sun fought within itself.

A torrent of crystals ripped through the air from behind the Alic-. No from myself. I wanted to warn myself but all I could do was watch as the cascading crystals impacted with the fury of falling stars. When the crystals finally stopped flying and detonating against me, I could see that I had turned to the mirror, thankfully undamaged. My eyes bleeding black with only my pupils staying their original color, they were filled with an emotion that was my only comfort. Pure unaltered rage. Whoever that pony that just attacked me was going to wish that it had never been born.

That was where the scene ended however as the crystalline mirror once more distorted and cleared. Leaving me only with my reflection for comfort. Taking a deep breath I attempted to cool the molten fury that poured from within. I had succeeded and yet there were still Ponies that dared attack me? A fully ascended Alicorn. I snorted. I hope that my other self gave those ponies that attempted to harm it a fitting death.

“Sunset, what do you think one of the mirrors' purposes is?” I could barely hear my teacher call out from the other side of the room. Turning my gaze to her and I could see that once more her eyes had adopted an all too familiar sharpness that was residing in those eyes, reserved only for me. Taking a breath before I answered to get my thoughts in order. This wasn't the friendship test. I had a chance to not fail.

“My assumption based on what I saw was that the mirror shows the pony that gazes into what their future holds,” I answered in a calm and collected voice. I would happily give a leg or two for my teacher to tell me that my hypothesis was correct. I couldn't contain the smile that appeared on my face as my teacher nodded.

“Well done Sunset that is indeed one of the uses of this mirror.” My teacher said with a smile that I hadn't seen in years. I knew I was grinning as if I were a common loon but I didn't care. It was almost as if I had never grown up. That I was still the filly that clung to Celestia’s side. “If you wouldn't mind me asking Sunset what is it that you saw?” The elation seeped from my skin as I was once more reminded that those days were long over. The Princess before me required an answer no matter how much I would rather not provide it.

“I was an Alicorn.” I got out without any stuttering. While I spoke I kept my focus on Princess Celestia to best gauge how she would react to this. If she were to attack I would be at disadvantage in these close quarters. I would have to get to somewhere I could maneuver around her attacks, well before I could retreat. I held no delusions so grand that I could take the Princess of the Sun in single combat. I would be flattened into a pony pancake in an instant. Even if I could bloody her, she would be fine. Such was the divide between the mortals and the deities that ruled with their divine hooves.

“Sunset while I know that you have desired to one day ascend, I would remind you that in dealing with any manner of Chronomantic magics they are never certain. You cannot treat it as a certainty merely as a possibility.” My teacher once more continued her lesson to my rapturous ears. Her smile had faded back an almost imperceptible amount but I still knew that she was displeased with something. More than likely I had once more failed her test. She continued after I nodded my head in agreement with her statement. “I can tell you that the path to ascending is not free without strife and sacrifice. If you are set in your desires to attempt your ascension I cannot stop you. I would, however, ask that you wait.” Princess Celestia concluded as she once more deigned to choose how my life would proceed to her every hoof and fancy.

“Why would I wait? I could ascend! The mirror itself proves it! I could be immortal! I-” My true thoughts burst forwards through the leaking dam that was my mouth. I could only thank Princess Celestia that I didn't say the final portion of my thoughts. After all, I knew Princess Celestia’s thoughts on that matter. The Alicorn Princess before me simply raised an eyebrow causing me to blush as I retreated from her form.

“I would have you wait so that Cadance can safely and fully ascend. You know as well as I how vulnerable she is at the moment. -” We both knew that all too well after I had nearly incinerated the fledgling immortal myself. “- And Sunset ascending and becoming immortal is not the be all of everything if you were to spend eternity alone.” I was initially planning to argue the point, but the grimace that Princess Celestia had adopted silenced the words far better than any spell I had at my disposal.

“Celestia, are you alright?” I hesitantly asked as I put a hoof forwards toward the oddly vulnerable pony. She didn't immediately respond to my words but when my hoof tapped against one of her ornamental leg guards she snapped out of her melancholic episode.

“My apologies Sunset, it seems that I did not get enough rest last night.” Princess Celestia said with a smile as she lied to my face. Retrieving my hoof from the gilded gauntlet that felt as if it were attached to a frigid pole, I placed it down on the ground. “This is why I am insistent on you having a proper sleep schedule, as you can see that without one it can impact even a Princess herself.” The smile this time is much more real however that did little to quell the liquid rage that was begging to be released.

“Why is it that you decided to show me this mirror now?” I asked the Princess of the Sun all the while bludgeoning the heat down for the moment. After all, she was the one who had for some reason decided to show me this mirror only when I wanted to leave. Princess Celestia tilted her head and thought a moment before responding to my inquiry.

“In truth, I wanted to show you that there is something to always work towards.” She then gestured with a wing towards the mirror before continuing. “I have used that mirror for nearly a thousand years to remind myself what I am constantly striving for. Why I strive for more improvement in both myself and my Ponies. I thought it was something that you finally deserved to see.” P-. Celestia said as she turned towards me with a small smile resting on her lips. I knew it wasn't for me but for whatever was on the other end of that mirror, but all the same, I knew that this was one of the few smiles I had received in the last years from the pony I considered to be the most important.

With that, I watched as she trotted away towards the mirror with the cloth hanging from an invisible force. She paused to look into the mirror. Perhaps she was planning to activate it herself? She had been using it for nearly a thousand years and she knew its second use.

She had been looking into the future for far longer than I had ever been alive. Searching into the future using this artifact to act as her map. Attempting alternative approaches and using the aforementioned mirror to check the success or failure. Checking over a pony that could have once been a success and watching it become your greatest failure. Choosing the opportune time to get rid of that failure before it could ruin any more of your plans. I took a calming breath as I spun the cooling charm. Much lighter than usual but it still shocked me back into clarity for the moment. The clarity that I would surely need.

“Is there anything else I can do to prove my case concerning my planned expedition Princess?” I asked as she covered the mirror in the cloth that had originally hung over it. Oddly enough, instead of the delicate hoof that I often associate with Princess Celestia’s magic, the cloth was simply dropped on it as if she had touched something hot. Turning back towards me I could see that there was no longer any semblance of a real smile upon her muzzle. Only the one that rested upon her face when dealing with some pony that she rather disliked.

“Sunset I would ask that you give me until the emissaries from the Griffons arrive to answer one way or another.” Princess Celestia spoke out in an almost considered tone. She would say no of course. After all, what was different this time? A poisonous thought from somewhere deep in my head whispered a singular ponies name, Cadance, after all, we were supposedly in an alliance. She was also a Princess and to have your opinion ever considered within the walls of this castle, was a requirement. One that I never had been able to meet.

I would need to do some research into the Crystal Empire before I could turn up to her and ask for any assistance, however. I also had to recover the research I had already done on the topic to see what in the dankest portions of Tarturas had I missed. She had been in the castle for less than a month and knew about it while I had only learned about it after 12 years of living in this palace.

Perhaps I could find an alternative to the horn healing spell? That would be a useful bribe to have sitting in my hooves. It would have to be after Princess Celestia is done with me, however. After all, I was only her student. Nothing more and potentially much less.

“Sunset, why don't we head to the training room so I can see your progress on the spell that you used to burn your room.” She said with a wince before hurriedly continuing. “Not that I am implying that you did it on purpose.” She must have something important to do if she was trying to use this old trick to get rid of me. I had learned over the years and yet somehow she didn't? Perhaps she still taught me the foal that hung off her every word?

I would have assumed that she would have eventually realized that I would no longer spend hours waiting with bated breath for her to show up. Only to wander the castle covered in darkness back to my room after she once more failed to. She more than likely had to go protect the parasite. No, after all, she was far too busy running Equestria for that. It didn't matter, I was her dutiful student. I knew how to take the polite dismissal for what it was. It was useful in this scenario however that she would tire of me so easily.

“There is no need for that Princess. I had planned to get some private work done today. You don't need to spend any more time with me.” I hoped whatever Princess Celestia was doing was at least important to Equestria. I would have used to think more important than me, but I had long since learned where I stood in her list of importance.

I could see the light from her mane dim a fraction. She must have been dreading going to this next appointment of hers if she was trying to use me as an excuse to delay it any further. She opened her mouth but closed it before any words came out. She once more wrapped us both in a teleportation spell and we were in front of my room. She nodded to me as she turned on her frog. Giving her farewells as she began to trot away. Or she would have had I not spoken up.

“Princess-” Princess Celestia’s head didn't exactly twist but she was no longer looking away from me. Instead, she had somehow managed to turn fully around without me being able to see the action. Her fake smile for some peculiar reason seemed to grow in strength. “- if it is possible could I please have my lesson plans back?” I will admit I had not thought out the consequences of this request as the fake smile on her face was replaced by a deep frown. Thankfully she levitated the lesson plans I had spent so long on from underneath her wing.

I grasped the lesson plans with my magic and without a second thought spun my warping spell. To escape from the displeased deity. The last I could see of Princess Celestia was her mouth opening slightly before my vision was smothered by flames.

Author's Note:

First chapter of the new year and we finally see the eponymous mirror that this stories title refers to. Sunset shows that for as smart as she can be she can all to easily become lost in fantasies both real and imagined. How much her eyes can truly see reality is up for debate. One chapter left in one of the worst day's that Sunset has had so far and its already been a pretty bad day.

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