• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 1,500 Views, 112 Comments

Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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9. Ashen Alliances

Ashen Alliances


I could faintly hear my name being repeatedly called. Celestia's voice sounded strange however I snuggled into her warmth. Enjoying the feeling of being wrapped in her wings. Hopefully whatever I had done this time wasn't able to cause her any annoyance. My name kept being repeated even after I informed Celestia that I needed another five minutes. It wasn’t as if I ever took a late morning. I had a horrible feeling at the base of my horn along with a killer headache. Not that I told her, as if I did she would no doubt have me ferried away towards the infirmary.

“Sunset Shimmer if you don't open your eyes right now I will go grab Celestia and-.” A voice pierced the warmth of the darkness as I cracked open my eyes and saw instead of white, pink. I instantly spun a teleportation spell to free myself from this prison of flesh and feathers. All I received was a brutal headache as I began to clutch my head. “Sunset!” the parasite exclaimed as it positioned its wings to prevent my escape. Grimacing and ignoring the throbbing in my head I began to plan my escape.

Alicorn newly ascended or not I wouldn't be able to brute force my way out of its grapple. I would have to either somehow spin enough magic together to escape or let my captor give me enough distance to run. Narrowing my eyes and looking through the feathers that covered most of my vision I could see an all too familiar ceiling. It was the library. I couldn't help the groan that slipped past my lips as the events before my capture filtered back to the front of my conscience. Well, there went the small chance that Princess Celestia would save me. I scoffed at the thought, swallowing the bile that threatened to make its way from my stomach. I would face my death with dignity.

“Get on with it.” I sharply interrupted whatever drivel the parasite had been spouting. The parasite adopted a face that was strange upon its muzzle. It even tilted its head and I could see the cogs being spun behind its eyes as it processed what to do. Did it not have the plan to kill me already in place? Perhaps I would be able to get one over the parasite and escape? That would certainly knock it down a few pegs as it failed to kill a Unicorn that did not have access to her magic.

“Get on with what?” The parasite questioned her voice littered with confusion. DId it truly expect me to beg? Never. Not to it of all ponies. If it wanted to step into my hooves it could only do so after my corpse had begun to cool. I did not respond, only shooting a glare at it. We both knew what was going to happen. Taking the time that the parasite had foolishly offered to turn inwards I felt the rumbling from my stomach escalate as I figured out how much mana I could access before I had run dry. “Sunset are you alright you took a nasty fall after turning the library into a desert?” It asked with false concern dripping from its tongue.

“I am perfectly f-.” I started.

“Sunset you are not fine you collapsed and have been convulsing on the floor for the last few hours! The only reason that you aren't in the infirmary is that I couldn't remove you from my side without you harming yourself further!” She all but shouted into my ear. Her voice was tainted with anger as her wings shifted slightly allowing me to see the singed patches of a blackened pink coat.

Oh. I instantly stopped my planning and allowed myself to go limp. My life was already over. It would probably be kinder for her to kill me than allow Celesia to get ahold of me. I could feel the cold of tears begin to form before I forced a hoof to remove them. “Sunset?” The parasite whispered my name as her wings fell back to their previous place surrounding me.

“I know I don't have any goodwill to spend, but I would ask that you do it swiftly and not let Celestia see the remains,” I said in the best even tone that I could force. I met the eyes of my executioner and then waited. If the parasite was to simply constrict its wings and strangle me I could replace her visage with Celestia's. A smile filtered over my lips as I imagined it. The pony that saved me, being the pony who killed me. It was poetic.

“Ok I know I am not the best at understanding you, sweet Celestia I don't think anyone can, but could you please explain what you just said.” The parasite said as she angled my head to meet hers. Her mane, which fell to the side of her head cupping her face, was covered in soot that didn't spoil the beautiful trio of colors if anything it-. “Sunset please answer me.” I shrugged the best I could, wincing as blades dug into my joints.

“Please kill me quickly and don't let Celestia see my corpse.” I slowly spoke for the parasite's sake. I guess that I would be forced to beg for my death. I wonder how long this would be dragged out before I was put out of my misery. It wasn't as if I could complain either way. I had no room to speak. I had certainly envisioned this happening to the Alicorn before me countless times. Ah, it looks like the parasite has finished its plan.

“Sunset.” The parasite started with some difficulty before taking a deep breath and continuing “Why am I supposedly killing you?” The Alicorn before me asked in a stilted fashion as her eyes flashed purple. I could feel my heart pounding into my ribcage as my mouth opened.

“Because I attacked you again,” I said with a shrug. It was that simple. After all, Celestia had explained in thorough detail what happens when some pony dared to attempt harm on an Alicorn Princess. Even while I recovered in the infirmary after our initial meeting I had feared that Celestia would change her ruling even after I had promised. Turns out I had once more broken a promise to the only pony who mattered. Upon seeing the disbelieving eyes that continued to pierce into my own I continued “Equestria has a death penalty in place for those that attempt to harm an Alicorn Princess. The only reason that I wasn't already dead was that Celestia decided to spare me.”

I enjoyed the look of sheer terror that spread through the Alicorn's face. Even knowing that it was fake I could at least immerse myself into the facade before my end. Celestia wasn't here to witness it. That was both a blessing and a curse. Smiling, I continued, “I don't think that I'll be spared this time.“

With that, the Alicorn fell silent. I took the time to take a breath and ignore the slight wetness that went down my throat with the fresh gasp of air. Turning my gaze slightly from the only other pony that was in the library towards the books surrounding us. They didn't even look singed. One less thing for the librarians to complain about after I am executed. I could imagine the small tight frown that would adorn the face of my sunlit executioner. Celestia had only ever frowned around me. Looking back on my replacement I could only hope that the upgrade would cause her to frown less.

“Sunset, I don't want to kill you. I may not like you, but even after everything you have done I don't want you to be harmed.” The pink Alicorn spoke softly and calmly as if she was trying to get a rather belligerent foal to listen to her. “And this was an accident you didn't even know that I was in the library. I know Celestia will be willing to wave it off.” She says with a smile that was a clear imitation of Celestia’s. I couldn't help but tilt my head slightly, ignoring the ringing in my ears, and frown at her.

“After nearly killing you the first time we met. You're not planning to sentence me to death? You do realize how much better your life would be without me in it?” I asked unsure at this point if I was playing into my death or if the pony in front of me was truly that senile. She was letting the perfect opportunity to get rid of future competition and danger live. Why? It made no sense. She could remove me from the board entirely and with my death, she would cement herself as the best. After all, she was already Princess Celestia's dear niece.

“Sunset I am not sure how to make this clear-” the Alicorn paused as her eyes once more flashed purple and pulled my head closer. “- I am not planning on killing you!” She concluded with a huff. “If anything I am more concerned with what was causing you to suffer in your sleep. You were crying and whimpering for Celestia to save you.” Her eyes softened as she loosened her wings grasp around me.

I simply plastered a smile on my face and answered the question. Ignoring the shaking fit that was cascading down my body. I could feel a phantom hoof caressing my face and I knew that if I was not held by the pink Alicorn before me I would have attacked the phantom feeling.

“My apologies-.” I started but barely got a word in before the pony that had captured me interrupted.

“I don't care for the sidestepping that you do with Celestia.” The Alicorn said with an odd look on her face. “Does Celestia even know about your night terrors?” She asked in a low voice that I would have struggled to hear were I not barely a horn length away from her muzzle.

“Of course, Princess Celestia knows about them. Who do you think gave me them as punishment?” I bit out and watched with glee as the parasite flinched backward giving me enough space to wriggle free. Struggling to gain my balance I continued to keep the parasite off its own. “Did you truly think that I would have suffered through them for years for no reason?” Not that I knew what specifically I was being punished for. Not that I would let the parasite know that. “Did you truly believe that Princess Celestia secretes rainbows and is a perfect paragon of the vaunted light?” I cooed at the startled parasite. How pathetic. For all the parasite's ability at manipulation, it was filled with an unnatural amount of naivety.

“That makes no sense even with how much you love Celestia and how much Celestia lo-.” The parasite spread its wings wide before it froze as the pitiful remains of my magic saturated the air around it. Superheating it immediately. I watched as the parasite gulped, its purple eyes strained with the raging fear that consumed it. I continued moving a single hoof forwards one in front of another until I was standing in front of the parasite that was soon to be a pile of ash.

“You may have a horn and crown but I swear upon what little I hold dear, that if you continue that sentence, the Sun herself will not be able to save you.” I hiss out as the parasite's pink coat visibly pales. It takes no time before the parasite nods swiftly and silently. I turned on my frog as I trotted a few steps away muttering under my breath “I have suffered hearing that singular lie for far longer than you have been within Canterlot.”

“What lie?” The parasite foolishly asked as the meager amount of magic I had saturated the air with had dissipated. Allowing the once-heated air to cool. Perhaps without the constant reminder of the threat that I can provide to the still mortal creature, that its natural disposition is to taunt death. I scowled back as I turned to meet the parasite's gaze. Enjoying how I can see it struggling to match mine.

“That Princess Celestia thinks of me as anything more than her student.” Giving her the largest grin I could before I continued “I have had it personally confirmed by her royal majesty herself that she barely thinks of me as her pupil much less anything more.” The twisted expression that the parasite makes is one that I do believe I will remember for the rest of my life. Even with the blood that I can feel trickling down the back of my throat the way that the pink Alicorn’s mouth twisted was delicious enough to be worth the cold trickle of my life force.

The parasite needed some time to deal with the information that it had somehow been lacking. I can only hope that once I ascend that I am not rendered as intelligent as the creature before me. It would be a horrendous loss of my talents. That aside, if I were to make it out of this conversation of whole body and mind it would prove an interesting change of pace. I was unsure if the parasite was going to keep good on its statement to let me live. Either way I had recovered enough magic to at least give myself a fighting chance and as Princess Celestia certainly knows whatever I am given I will gladly run with it.

It is only after a tense few moments between the two of us still shrouded shadows of the royal library before the parasite breaks the agitated ceasefire that I had been taking advantage of. I had already planned a potential way to escape from the parasite before me, were it to turn hostile.

“Sunset, I have a request for you.” The parasite spoke as it straightened its head, meeting my gaze straight on without flinching. Oh? Does the little Alicorn Princess want to make a deal with the big scary Unicorn? This will be amusing. “You are the strongest Unicorn in Equestria, the personal student of Celestia, and have been rumored to be proficient in some of the most dangerous magics in existence.” Well then laying on the flattery a little thick there.

“Flattery will get you nowhere. Speak clearly.” If it wanted to attack me at this point it would likely fail and even if it were to succeed, I had no interest in letting my final moments be filled with more of the empty platitudes of the parasite.

“I propose an alliance between the two of us.” The parasite proudly exclaimed to my daunting horror. This was the skilled machinations of the pony that had Princess Celestia wrapped around her hoof. How? This was ridiculous.

“I would like to remind you that I recently tried to kill you and that you can have me killed by simply informing Princess Celestia about what just happened.” I couldn't help but remind the foolish creature before me. It didn't make any sense. This was some form of trap. How or in what way was beyond me at the moment, but that was the only thing that made sense.

“Just because we started on the wrong hoof doesn't mean that we have to stay as enemies. You may not like me-” I was tempted to correct the parasite that it was hatred that I felt towards it. “- and I have my reservations towards you, but together we can help each other reach our goals.” The parasite concludes with a bright smile that somehow pierces the faint darkness that we are in.

I stared at the creature before me for a second before bursting out with wicked laughter. This… I couldn't even begin to describe how stupid this was. It was only when my chest began to ache did I fall silent, locking eyes with the parasite. I could see clear annoyance swimming through the orbs of purple.

“And pray tell Princess, would you still offer that deal where my goal was to kill the sun herself?” I asked as I once more let the air around me heat. I could see that my question had gotten to the parasite as its form stiffened and its breathing pattern changed.

“You wouldn't, after all, you admitted it earlier, no matter what Celestia feels towards you and no matter the amount of hatred in your heart, you love her.” The Princess replied as her eyes once more flashed. She then moved a hoof forwards as she began to clear the distance between the two of us. I couldn't move no matter how much I strained my muscles. Nothing, I was forced to watch as the pink Alicorn closed in on me. “And as the Princess of Love, I know that in your own way, you love Celestia.” She finished only a hoof step away, her eyes still locked onto mine.

Daring me to deny what I feel towards the only pony in this world that matters? I shoot her back the best glare I could manage while I flood my blood with heat to burn away whatever she just did to me. Only when the molten feeling had fully chased away the strange heat did I respond.

“Fair enough.” I spat. “And tell me what is your goal that you would need me to help with?” I questioned standing my ground against the pink Alicorn before me. “After all you are a vaunted Princess with a relation to Princess Celestia. Yet you go to me, the one who attempted to reduce you to ash.”

“I want your assistance in regards to finding out information that Celestia has yet to give me along with assistance regarding a matter of healing magic.” The pink Princess declares evenly as she states what she expects out of the arrangement. I simply rolled my eyes at her.

“I already told you to speak clearly.” Truly and I was considered obtuse. At least my statement got the Alicorn in front of me to blush.

“I want your assistance in looking for information on a castle of crystal and the Crystal Empire.” The Princess before me stated.

“Why is it that you want information about one of the darkest blemishes upon Equestria's history?” This was ridiculous, how in the darkest pits of Tartarus did the pony before me even know about it? I doubted Celestia would say anything even to the newest Princess. After all, it was one of her worst failures. An entire kingdom of ponies extinguished in front of her very hooves. What was even worse she couldn't even claim the life of the one pony who had caused so much death. Sombra had skulked away into the shadows. Escaping the sun's divine wrath.

“I have dreamed about a crystal castle ever since I can remember. When I asked Celestia about it she told me that all would be revealed in time and to not worry about it.” The Princess before me stated her tone taking on some heat as she finished. That is interesting. No. This has all the makings to be a boon that has fallen into my saddle.

“You have enough blackmail on me to attempt at coercing me to help you so why to make the offer?” I asked, lowering my voice as if I were afraid of the pony in front of me. It wouldn't work. I had dealt with ponies a little less skilled than her and their attempts. What he had lacked in skill he had more than made up for it using his family's connections. Unfortunately for him, I was still on relatively peaceful terms with Princess Celestia at the time. The Alicorn before me simply shoots me a disbelieving look.

“I doubt that whatever I managed to get from that arrangement wouldn't be worth having been incinerated by a flaming Unicorn.” She drily stated. I was still working on the last pony but I had certainly prepared for the next time that I saw him.

“Well, then princess you have the resident demon of Canterlot Castle interested. I humbly accept this proposed alliance of yours.” I say with barely contained glee as I bowed to the Alicorn Princess before me. I often disliked that particular moniker that I had long since been saddled with. In this circumstance, I was willing to use it to my advantage, however. The pink Alicorn frowns as her face twitches down to once more meet my vision. Her tri-colored mane follows it with a bounce in its trajectory.

“Now of all times, you decide to act like I am royalty?” I could easily tell that for some reason that had gotten under her skin. Judging by a deep breath that she was now taking she is going to ignore it. “What is it that you're working towards? Forbidden magic? Personal Power?”

“Ascension” I calmly stated as I lifted my head. The Alicorn Princess matched my movement. Even with her height, we looked at the other pony as equals at this moment. I could see the confusion ripping its way through her head as she forced her mouth to stay closed. Her cheeks were tense with obvious force. Eventually, the pink pony before me lost its control and opened its mouth.

“That's it?” the pony exclaimed with obvious disappointment. “I spent hours trying to figure out what you would want in return for your assistance. From a kingdom of your own to being allowed to kill me.” She just shakes her head at this point as if she were trying to remove a foul-tasting object from her mouth. “I am almost disappointed.” She declares with a huff.

I force the magic that had slipped out back within my body, preventing the air from warming and alerting the Princess of her mistake. Of course, it would seem ridiculous to some pony who is in the process of becoming immortal, but to a filly who had learned that one day she would die and the only pony important to her would be left alone, it was the only thing she could strive for. It was one of the few things that the filly kept from those days of happiness other than memories. I simply shrug. Even if we were to ally, I wouldn't need her approval, only her assistance.

“Well, then I can already tell you that whatever relationship you have with the Crystal Empire will take some time to study.” I would need to do my research on the topic again before I would share anything with the pink Alicorn before me. Sombra was looking into ways to ascend himself. Perhaps I had missed something. I doubted it, however, it was still prudent to check. “What sort of healing magic are you looking for?”

“Some way to heal a broken Unicorn horn.” The pink Princess said with a small amount of forced cheer. “The librarian I had helping me look for it said that such a thing doesn't exist.” Her eyes narrowed as the purple irises flared. I simply smiled. This would be an excellent test to see if my so-called “alliance” member was willing to do anything for my help.

“I do know of a spell that can mend a broken Unicorn horn.” I started as the Alicorn before my eyes lit up with joy. “However the spell is considered to be dark magic.” I continued and watched as the pony in front of me deflated and its head fell. Then the Princess's head whipped back towards mine causing her mane to bounce rapidly.

“Why in Celestia's name would you come out and admit that?” She exclaimed. I simply shrugged as I enjoyed the sight of the pink Alicorn having her feathers metaphorically ruffled.

“You could have left me alone or you could have simply gone to inform Princess Celestia about what I did to you. You saved my life. Or at the least did not attempt to damn me to death.” Now then what was your next play Princess? Would you attempt to retract your offer? Perhaps now is the time that you attempt to remove my head? I felt the molten warmth surge throughout my body as I readied for the pink Alicorn's next move.

“Should I assume that you are a master at those types of magics as well?” The pony before me shivers slightly. I waited for it to either flee or charge me… and yet nothing. Well then either this is a part of your plan or you are willing to buck Princess Celestia herself to find out about the Crystal Empire.

“Do you even know what dark magic is? No, don't bother with answering that question. The only difference between magic and what is classified as dark magic is that one requires sacrifice. It can range from a small amount of the caster's blood to the soul of the victim. Dark magic is an often misused term to gather together magics that have a cost that is not only or not just of mana.” I explained to the Alicorn Princess before me. If we were to work together in the future it would do well for her to get the correct picture of the so-called foulest of magics.

I can see the pink pony gulp as her gaze breaks from mine. She takes a few breaths, her mane rising and falling with her movements. She once more opens her mouth.

“What is the cost for the horn healing spell?” She asks softly.

“The one casting the spell to heal the horn of a Unicorn who has broken, will in turn lose their ability to do magic. Damning them to the fate of the one that they had saved.” It was a spell that had stuck with me. It required the Unicorn casting it willing to cripple themselves for the rest of their life. To save another who had been crippled in that manner. Most Unicorns choose not to live with the loss of their horn. Choosing not to suffer without their magic by killing themselves. Even the rare ones that didn't kill themselves would often lose themselves being consumed in an attempt to do magic.

From the way that the Alicorn before me had reacted and the paling of her pink coat. She knew the cost of the spell and what that would force a Unicorn through. “I can write down the spell matrix if you want it.” I quietly offered the pale pink Alicorn. She didn't respond other than the shaking that was coming from her. Frowning I continued

“No thank you Sunset.” She says while giving me a small smile that is tainted by her shaking.

“That is the spell I know. I can potentially find another.” I for some reason told the shaking Alicorn. Why? Why did I do that? The chances of that are likely almost impossible.

“Thank you.” It was just two words that the Alicorn Princess spoke but the smile that accompanied them could only be described as beautiful. She then spent the next few moments shining just like Celestia. Once more I was in the presence of divinity. The attention of the divine was once more focused on me.

Shaking my head and refocusing on the Princess in front of me. I managed to catch what she was saying. “What other kinds of dark magic do you know?” She asked. I couldn't help but tilt my head.

“Are you asking what dark magic I have used or the ones that I know how to use? As with the former, very few spells at all, only ones that require a sacrifice from the caster. For the latter, I have spent the last four years going through some of the vilest of magics that pony kind has ever created.” It was strange. I felt a dagger of frost jamming itself into me as I watched the pink pony across from me flinch back from me.

“Sunset please promise that you haven't used any of those vile magics.” The Alicorn said knocking my current train of thought off track.

“Why?” What? Where did that come from? This was confusing. I had completely lost track of what was going on in this conversation. Was I about to be attacked if I refused?

“You keep your promises. When I overheard you in the library right before Celestia left she had mentioned not harming yourself over keeping the promise.” She hurriedly exclaimed. I couldn't help the twitch that ran through my body. The parasite knew. It knew a way to force me to bend to its will. If Princess Celestia is manipulated into coercing me. I would either be forced to break a promise to the only pony who ever saw something worth in me or be forced to bow down to the parasite itself.

“That may stand true with Princess Celestia, but how does that apply to you?” I shot back at the parasite watching with barely contained glee as it deflated. Oh, was something wrong? Did this not go to plan? Oh no! Some pony must alert Princess Celestia that the newest parasite that has attached itself to her royal flank has failed at manipulating the parasite that has been there for years.

“I may not be crowned but I am still an Alicorn.” The parasite offers as if that was enough for me to throw myself at its hooves. The look that I give the parasite is enough to get across how foolish that statement is. “Fine, have you used any of those magics, and are you planning on using them in the future?” the parasite asked as if it was the one that decided when I was to breathe. This parasite needed to be taught that I wouldn't bow down to it simply because it thought itself better than me.

“Are you referring to the types of spells that would rend a pony's mind asunder? Leaving me to control them as easily as I could move a doll of flesh? The ones that were designed in mind to kill an Alicorn?” I spat out enjoying the fear that ran through the parasite's eyes as it backed away from me. Oh, perhaps it did know how to trot. I was left unsure after the last time it had been reduced to ambling away from me.

“Yes, those spells.” The parasite responded, venom dripping from its tongue. Oh well, then the parasite had some bite left in it. I wonder how long that would last.

“If you would bother to believe me I have not used any of them on another pony.” That wouldn't stop me however I had spent long enough ensuring that I would be able to cast them. All I would have to do would be to target the appropriate victim. The parasite before me would be an acceptable first death.

The parasite of course simply nodded its head causing its mane to bounce. “You have no way to trust my word and yet you're willing to accept that?” Even if it was the truth there was no way on Princess Celestia’s sunny day that the parasite would be able to trust me. Yet it for some reason did. Shaking my head in disgust at the failure of a pony before me. “That trusting naivety of yours is going to get you killed someday.”

“Perhaps with your lessons I might survive until I am immortal?” The Alicorn Princess shoots back. Her gaze once more meets mine as a smile slips onto her face. All I could do is sigh at this turn of events. Perhaps I would be the one to betray her. Perhaps I would be the one to be betrayed by the pink pony before me. All I could do at this moment is look at my so-called alliance mate and smile at her.

“See no matter what every pony says you are a good pony. Perhaps not a nice one, but you are a good pony.” The pink Alicorn says as she trots towards me, the smile still lighting her face. Princess Celestia would certainly disagree with that statement. “And with you by my side, I have a feeling that I'll make it until I am fully immortal.” True, having a Unicorn that could teleport you to safety would certainly extend her mortal lifespan to the point where she truly ascends.

“Two more things,” the pink Princess says, breaking the somehow pleasant silence that we had fallen into. “First why did you keep trying to inform me that the smart thing to do would be to kill you?”

“What you were doing and proposing made no sense.” I pointed out. Even right now the smartest thing that she could do was strangle me or at the very least inform Princess Celestia of my actions so that she would take care of me. Keeping me alive had little benefit for the newest Alicorn and yet she for some reason insisted on keeping me alive.

“Even if you don't have a plan you shouldn't try to get some pony to kill you.” She then levels a heatless glare at me. “Especially a pony that had just spent hours by your unconscious form even after you had singed her coat and mane.” Pausing to shake her head in disapproval at me. It did not have the effect I believe that she had intended as I kept watch of her eyes which shone with amusement. “The second thing is that I don't believe that I have ever heard you say my name.”

Really? I shot her a frown and yet she stood firm somehow illuminated in the shadows of the library. Locking eyes with her purple orbs I spoke.

“First of all I have a plan that involves ascending against the will of the two most powerful creatures in Equestria.” I pointed out. The second most powerful pony simply chuckled.

“And my name?” A teasing smile fit over her muzzle as she waited. Fine, she wanted to play a foals game? I would return the favor. A smirk flickered onto my face as I began to bow.

“Mi Amore Cadenza” I whispered.

Author's Note:

Author note is going up about 3 hours after the posting because I forgot but who cares. This chapter brings us back to the view point of Sunset and the intricacies of her thought process. She is always a pleasure to write as I have to figure out how she is going to interpret the actions around her. Otherwise we begin the team up(Sort of) of our two main characters. Hopefully it lasts.

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