• Published 29th Oct 2022
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Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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27. Wanton Whispers

Wanton Whispers


It was only as the door once more clicked shut did, I turn to my partner who still had her wing around my form. She had become a mess of a different sort when Princess Celestia had asked that last question. Thankfully when Celestia left so did the affliction that my partner had suffered under. She, however, did not choose to share why she had acted so strangely even after Princess Celestia had left the room.

“A quick question if you wouldn't mind answering it,” I muttered to the pink Alicorn that was once more lost to her thoughts. Thankfully she responded with a swift nod, good I would rather not have to wait for her to return to reality. “Are you planning on letting me go?” For almost every moment that she had been awake, I had been held by her. Kept under her protecting wing. Sheltered from harm. In truth, I doubted she would be able to protect me, but the thoughts did bring a warmth that permeated throughout my entire being.

“I’m not hurting you, am I?” Cadance quickly questions as she steps to the side and loosens her grip on me.

“You're not, but you realize that I inevitably am going to have to leave your side?” I ask as I watch my partner keenly awaiting her reaction to my question. A frown flickered on my face as I considered how I was acting. Why was I being this gentle? Yes, she had witnessed my apparent demise but why was she acting so odd? Further, why did I even care?

Thankfully Cadance fell silent at my question instead of immediately answering. Giving me more time to work out this problem. It should be simple. I was just ensuring that her mental stability was unaffected by whatever it was that she had experienced. Hence the reason that I have allowed her to cling to me so. It also provided me with a bevy of time to in turn suffuse myself in her warmth.

That made sense. I was acting correctly. Narrowing my eyes as I focused on my partner, who was still silently staring at me. She must be the cause of this fault in our partnership. Why would she care if I had perished? She would simply have to find a replacement. It wasn’t as if it would be hard to find a pony that was far more useful to her than I ever could be. After all Princess Celestia did come to ensure that she was alright. Cadance would always be able to ask the Princess of the Sun for a new tutor.

I pointedly ignored the way that my blood churned at the thoughts. Instead, I beckoned my partner out of her own. “What is the deal with the dinner anyways?” At my question, I could see how fast Cadance snapped back into reality, for a moment I thought I had heated the air with my magic. But no, she was for some reason, that I knew only Princess Celestia could know, was blushing. I managed to catch her gaze momentarily before she let go of me to avoid my gaze.

Ok. That proves it. Something is wrong with Cadance, and I have no idea what it is. Shrugging at my partner's newest oddity, I made my way to the door and pushed it open, before stepping through. Letting it swing close behind me.

I didn't make it more than a few steps before I heard a panicked charge of hoofs against the floor and the splintering of wood. I reflexively threw a shield around myself, and I twisted around to see my would-be attacker. Only to lower my shield immediately and begin to treat the burns that now peppered Cadance’s form. “Are you insane?” I hissed at the Alicorn that had charged into my shield and had been burned by it. “Why in Princess Celestia’s name would you do something so stupid?” I continued as I wrapped her in my magic, checking over her with my magic. Ensuring that no harm would last upon my partner’s form.

“I may have overreacted but…” She trailed off as I carefully set her on the ground. “The moment you left I could feel your blood on me.” She meekly states, as she reaches out with her wing in an attempt to touch me. I raised my hoof meeting the tip of her wing. Feeling our warmth bridge together, in a brief union.

“So, you were alright as long as you could see me?” She slowly nodded, her usually vibrant mane listlessly followed. “Then I just have to stay within your sight.” I said with a shrug. It was a compromise that would be far safer for both of us. “That work?” I queried the pony that was my partner. Her purple eyes were wide and filled with the remnants of crystallized structures that reformed themselves into a star. Which brightened her entire being with its light, and a dazzling smile formed upon her lips.

“Thank you, Sunset!” Cadance thanked me as she chased away the shadow that had clung to her for the moment. I smiled in return at the pony that always smiled at me, even when I knew I didn’t deserve any compassion. I nodded and enjoyed the warmth that surged as she once more embraced me. After a few moments longer, I was released by my tactile partner.

“Don't go breaking any more of Stinger’s house, however. Especially since Princess Celestia is here.” I softly chided as I reconstructed the door that had stood between my partner and myself. “She very much can drag us back to Canterlot in chains. Even if she is for the moment choosing not to do so.” Cadance nodded at my words, but from the grin that she still wore I doubted she even heard me.

I sighed but otherwise once more resumed my trek to where I could hear three ponies softly conversing. If I could hear them no doubt that Cadance was able to pick apart every single one of their words. It would be a useful boon to have, when I ascended, I would be sure to cherish it. Continuing, with Cadance following in my hoof steps I made it once more to the kitchen, I could see Stinger and Cipher pause. Their words halting in their mouths, but I spared them only a passing glance as I sought out the Sun that illuminated my very world.

My gaze caught the way that her eyes lit up with warmth as she chuckled at a Cipher and Stinger’s reaction to Cadance. How they tightened with concealed annoyance as they both surged forwards to check up on her, only to stop short. Both Stinger and Cipher halted when they realized I stood between them and Cadance. Princess Celestia keenly watched over my latest test. Silently observing how quickly I would fail this impromptu exam.

I sighed as I teleported behind them. Allowing them free access to the pony that they cared for. Leaving Princess Celestia’s gaze only focused on me. I could faintly hear my partner grumbling, but that was replaced by the incessant buzzing of chatter. I allowed my partner to be checked upon by the two changelings, while I stared down the Celestial Monarch that had yet to break my gaze.

We matched gazes, quickly lost between our silent battle of wills. I once more was pitted against the Alicorn that had raised me. That had pitied me. That had abandoned me. I would not lose this contest. I would prove to her that I was worthy of her time. That I was worth something. That I was worth being named her kin.

Princess Celestia sighed as she averted her gaze, once more falling on me. I had once more bested her. I had once more proven that I could and would best the greatest pony. That I could bridge that divide between the two of us. That I-. My thoughts were silenced as another whispered within my mind.

“Sunset, would you please walk with me for a moment.” Princess Celestia beckoned. Her mouth stilled, yet with the touch of her magic, I could hear her hallowed voice clearly. I stared at the Princess before me. A coiling hatred threatened to engulf all that dared exist. I clenched my teeth as I forced the cooling charm to suppress the heat that I had summoned forth.

“I am sorry Princess, but I would rather not leave Cadance’s sight.” I succinctly denied the only pony that had ever cared for me. Her facsimile of a real smile faltered as her gaze once more left me and focused on the only other Alicorn in the room. “After all I did offer to not leave her gaze,” I answered the unasked question that the Princess before me already knew. Yet she still wanted me to bow down to her and show the world how far I had fallen. How deeply I had been entrapped within my replacement’s plan.

“In that case, please step closer to me so that I can-.” Was all Princess Celestia got out before I had already cast a variation of my own personal privacy ward. This time however altered to allow the gaze of my partner to still watch from beyond the spell's boundaries. It would still perform its primary purpose of silencing my admonishment, however. Hiding my most recent punishment from my partner who had somehow yet to realize how worthless I truly was.

“Is this acceptable, Princess?” I asked the now silent ruler of Equestria, who was keenly observing my conjured spell.

“It is indeed. I am glad to see that you have nearly mastered this spell of yours.” Celestia finally responded, after spending a few moments continuing to inspect my spell. Once more reminding me that in comparison to her, I was so far below her. All I could do was continue to worship in her shadows. “This ward of yours will no doubt be helpful, as even I would have trouble circumventing it. If this is a continuation of the spell that you had shown me years ago, you have made wonderful progress Sunset.” She continued with a smile, silencing my inner tirade.

All I could do was stare at Celestia. Waiting for her to pull the other hoof. She never compliments me. Not without any reason. I did my best to smother that accursed flame that grew deep inside of me, with her words continuing to add fuel to it. “I am pleased to see that you continue to explore a large variety of magical fields.” She continues even as she pulls forth the cloak I had enchanted for Cadance from under her wing. “After all this cloak is a masterpiece of magical enchantments. With a few more years of honing your craft, you could turn this cloak into an artifact that even I would wish to have as my own.”

I allowed the empty compliments to fall from her lips, fully knowing that she meant none of what she was saying. I was no longer the filly that fell over my hooves every time Princess Celestia addressed me. I now know better. I would not be that foolish again. I knew now the game that was being played. I was now a player at the table, instead of one of Princess Celestia’s pieces.

Princess Celestia takes my silence for consent to continue with her honeyed words. “When you and Cadance resume your journey, I will sleep better knowing that she has a form of anonymity.” She states as she levitates the cloak over to me. I grasped it with my magic, doing my best to shatter her magic that supported the cloak, yet once more I was left floundering against the pinnacle of pony kind. “This does bring me to the reason that I wished to speak with you in private, however…” Princess Celestia trails off, leaving the two of us in silence.

“If you are worried about me further squandering your name, you need not. I have taken the prerogative to apply an illusion over myself.” I forced myself to calmly state, swallowing the indignation and rage that those words stoked deep within me. I applied my glamor spell to prove to the Princess that was looking down at me, that I was not even further tarnishing her reputation.

An oozing flame roared inside my blood as I watched the pony that I had long since longed for take a quick step back, her normally warm eyes shadowed. Was she afraid of me? Did I make another mistake with my spell? Checking over my spell work and equation I found nothing of concern. I had only colored myself red and emulated my future self’s cutie mark… oh. “I see so it is true.” My strangled voice barely whispers out as the weight of realization begins to engulf me.

Celestia quickly realizes her mistake as she takes a step forward, but I continue. “How much more time before I finally go too far?” My whispered words silenced the still-forming words that had never left her mouth. My inner warmth quickly becomes lost to the weight that is becoming all-encompassing. It was true. Everything I had feared. I now had confirmation of why I had been brought in by Celestia all those years ago.

“Sunset I am unsure of what -” Celestia immediately attempts to redirect the conversation with another of her lies. I did not allow her to do so.

“The calamity that I am supposed to bring forth? The entire reason that you saved me from the remains of my birth parent's burned cottage? Where you pulled me from the snow and ice that nearly killed me. The reason that you have dealt with me for all these years. In a vain attempt to somehow prevent the damage that I would cause.” A familiar and welcoming heat pooled within me as I continued to stand against Celestia. “Does none of that sound familiar to you Celestia?” I hissed out her name, filled with as much vitriol as I could store within it.

Celestia even now is still pretending to be concerned with me. That I wouldn’t soon be sacrificed by her very own hooves.

“Sunset Shimmer! You are making a very wild and dangerous accusation right now.” Celestia exclaims in a clear attempt to have me back down. To once more follow her lead. To once more allow myself to be manipulated by her. Her words were lies. She was startled. She had adopted a defensive stance. Her wings were slightly extended instead of relaxing by her side.

“It is true, however,” I growl at the pony that I had long wished to be my mother. Even if she only saw me as something that was to be led to slaughter. I couldn't help the weakness that slid past my shield of rage. A wet laugh resounded from my lips. I still wished for her to call me her daughter, I was truly PATHETIC! My blood resounded with my rage, as I felt my bones shudder in anticipation for the long-since prophesied battle between the two of us. The Alicorn and the Unicorn. The teacher and the student.

We would have our final confirmation where there was but only one correct outcome. The Alicorn who must put down her failure, and the failure that had delved into the darkest pits of magic. “It is true, otherwise you wouldn't be reacting like I was a threat. You would otherwise still be acting as if I was throwing a tantrum because I was still not good enough!” As my words resounded reality reconstructed itself at my desire.

Remodeling itself into the tea room where my mother and I had fought. Where we had been irrevocably severed. I realized that I would never be her daughter no matter how much I thought of her as my mother. Celestia realized how far I had fallen. “You would still be acting as you had back then.” My spite-filled words acted as the start for the scene to once more replay the memory that I had reexperienced countless times.

Two ponies took center stage, one an Alicorn who stood at the top of Equestria. The other was a small filly that dared contest the one that had once favored it. I spoke at the same time as my younger self. For I knew these words by heart. “Princess Celestia!” My younger self's words were filled with adoration and care that I knew my current words lacked.

“Sunset there is no need to-!” That was all my mother managed to get out before I silenced her. It was a spell that was based on the works of a sorceress older than Celestia herself. Mage Meadowbrook had a large variety of brilliant spells. This was one that I had retooled to suit my purpose.

“Sunset, thank you for coming so quickly.” The false Celestia stated without even looking at my younger self. Instead enthralled with a letter that was before her. So caught up with the scrawled words that she missed the frown that quickly dissipated from my former self’s mouth. “Please take a seat, I have prepared some tea.” She said never expecting anything but complete obedience from me. I followed her orders immediately and with no hesitation.

“Do you want to see my progress on my newest spell? I have nearly gotten the issue with -.” That was all I managed to get out before Celestia looked up at me. Her eyes clouded with annoyance that silenced me far quicker than any spell. My younger self’s attempt to alleviate the punishment that I knew awaited me, failed.

“We both know how this goes. I’ll skip forward to the part that I am referring to.” I announced to my mother who had yet to even test the strength of my spell. Reality hastened as the illusory memory sped forth. Skipping past my failures in attempting to get Celestia to give me more than I deserved.

“Sunset, I know that you are excited to show me your newest spells, but I called you here to talk to you about your accident with Pr-.”

“He isn't a prince.” My younger self interrupted Celestia, before immediately realizing her actions and began to wilt before the Alicorn Princess before her. I could only seethe at the foolish actions of my younger self that had so easily thrown away the potential victory, I, however, learned in time. Celestia observed my younger self for a moment longer before continuing with her admonishment.

“-Blueblood, then. I have already conversed with him before summoning you here.” Celestia paused now, giving my younger self her undivided attention. “Sunset, why don’t you join me, instead of standing by yourself.” At her words, a tea set that was emblazoned with crescent moons appeared on the table. A gentle steam wafted from the pot that Celestia levitated.

My younger self looked hesitant, but Celestia just nodded her head. My younger self nodded in turn and followed her demand. “Thank you, Sunset.” Celestia’s words were accompanied by a beaming smile that I had etched into my memory. That, however, did not stop me from basking in the false warmth that it provided even now. Yet once more even this facsimile of warmth could never last.

“Sunset, there is no need for this to continue. We both said words that day that I know each of us wish we could take back.” Celestia softly whispered, my eyes flicked from her false form to her true one. She wasn't even looking at me. No, she was looking at my past self. “I… I wish I had reacted better, I am truly sorry Sunset.” Her eyes still stuck to my past form, not even bothering to look at the failure I had become.

I stared at my mother, allowing the memory to continue. I, however, could not hear it, even knowing exactly what would happen. My attention instead was split between the molten rage that burned within my blood, and my mother who still wasn't looking at me. A strange echo of pressure emanated throughout my form.

I faintly heard a shout and the shattering of a priceless tea set. It didn't matter. It never mattered. I never mattered. I could feel two familiar burning weights settle upon my sides. My horn was encapsulated with a predatory heat that whispered untold promises of harm. Muffled shouting continued yet went unanswered.

Finally, she looks at me once more. Her pink eyes were wide, filled with an emotion that had my mouth salivating. Her mouth opened revealing her pristine teeth almost chattering, and yet she did not speak. No, instead she silently mimed for a moment, before I felt the arcane will, she had summoned to oppose my spell. I smiled as Celestia brought her might to bear against me once more.

My spell shattered at the same time my younger self’s resolve did. Blackened flames surged forth with the intent to carbonize the only pony I had ever loved. Yet all I could do now was watch as Celestia summoned a shield. I felt my magic and flames begin to lick upon reality and the memories of the past itself, hearing the beckons within my blood to be released. To be freed from its molten confines to forever feast on the fuel that surrounds me.

Hate. My magic surged. A brilliant corona of light erupted. Magic shattered. Attack. Throwing myself forward my molten wings constructed of blood and flame found their way towards Celestia, yet before I could impact her, she shimmered. Her very form was filled with a brilliant, blinding light that my attack seeped through. Retreat. A cacophonous tearing rippled across the memory.

Flapping my flaming wings to give myself space from my mother I could only frown at the sight before me. There was no sign of either the memory that I had imposed upon my ward or even the sight of the changeling's home. Perhaps-. No! It didn't matter! I wouldn't give up here! I was far too close to stop now. If I was to falter here it all would have been for nothing.

Enraptured by my mother’s return to reality I ignored the screeching of my name that came from beyond the fields of snow. How fitting my final clash against Celestia would be within the very snowfields that she had saved me from. The very ones that she had long since tormented me within. Pain. Summoning a blade that rocketed through the snowfields, seeking out Celestia’s throat. In an effort to color the white world with the blood of an immortal.

I would beat her. Attack. I would win. I would usurp the ending, no, the very fate that had decreed that I would never win. Continue. I would show Mother that I was worth being remembered. That she made a mistake when she abandoned me. I would not be lost beyond the fragmented realms of Equus once more. HATE. I had clawed my way back to her. I would be by her side forever. She would be forced to LOVE me as her daughter.

Mother once more did not disappoint. She proved to be the only being greater than I as she evaded, destroyed, and brutally retaliated against me. Bleed. Flames flickered between us, as we sought to reduce the other to nothing more than ashes. She sought to put me down as the feral beast that I was. The one that she had once more failed.

All I could do was laugh as I saw her resolve finally harden within her pink eyes. Yes. Finally, she would fight to kill. To butcher. To end the life of her greatest failure. To finally end the threat that she had saved long ago. Forever.

“HATE ME, LOVE ME, IT MATTERS LITTLE I AM YOURS AND YOU ARE MINE CELESTIA.” My words burned across the snowfields setting the frozen waters ablaze. I was hers when she found me. I was always hers. No matter what it took she would be mine. No matter how much I must reduce to ash, no matter how much I must burn and then reshape the fabric of reality. She would be mine.

I would not again be replaced by another student. I would not be left in a realm that was not my own. I had reforged the very essence of Equus with my claws, just so that I would be with you again Mother. Aren't you proud of me, Mother? Your gaze only has room for my visage. You are entirely focused on me. No room for any that would dare get between us. I had ensured it. My alterations had taken effect since the beginning.

Shadows danced in the boiling steam that once was snow. Celestia stood tall, her wings at the ready, and her horn filled with a swirling rainbow. Mother, you know that won’t work. It never has. I laughed as my flames crept up to my own horn, Magic burned. Screams echoed. Before I could once more shatter my Mother, the parasite flew between us. Its purple eyes were filled with crystals that clung far beyond its eyes.

EVEN NOW IT STOLE MOTHER FROM ME. I would show it once more how worthless its Love was. It had been far too long since I had stained my hoofs in her blood. Her shadow writhed as I stared down the pathetic duo that stood between Celestia and me.

Cadance promised that she wouldn’t steal Celestia from me. She promised. She cared for me. She helped me. She-.


“Sunset?” The… no she was not a parasite. Why did she prevent me from gaining Celestia’s Love? I was so close to ascending. I just needed a pair of wings… I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. Obliterate.

No! What was I thinking? That was Cadance! My stomach dropped. Yet it didn't matter. My flames surged forth. Seeking to end the Alicorn that interjected itself in between Celestia and myself. I could see Celestia surging forth her magic wrapping around her as she tore through reality.

Ice crept through my veins. My flames fragmented as they froze. Shattering in a cacophony of prevented pain. Cadance once more smiled at me. “Thank you, Sunset.” She spoke even as Celestia reformed between the two of us, a cascading shield of intersecting angles forming around her.

I could see that she was once more smiling at me. I was sick of this. It was the same song and dance. Yet no matter what I did, when the music began to play, I began to prance. I opened my mouth to say something, anything at all, yet nothing. All I could do was watch as the burned snowfields faded away, revealing the room that Cadance and I had recovered within. With my anger, and hatred waning, my wings flickered out of existence, my horn regained its original form. Leaving me defenseless before the two Alicorn Princesses.

“Are you feeling better Sunset?” Celestia asked, her voice oddly gentle. Was she afraid that I would once again attempt to assault her? I could do nothing to the elder Alicorn before me. That had once more been proven. Taking a breath and running through the cooling charm once more before I answered. The constant throbbing chill thankfully provides enough of a shock to eliminate the final dregs of my anger.

“Yes. My apologies Pr-.” That was as far as I got before Princess Celestia silenced me with her wing.

“There is no need to apologize, Sunset. While I would have preferred a differing method, I am glad to see that you are feeling better.” Princess Celestia spoke softly as she flew from Cadance’s side to where I stood. Landing before me with not even a sound she continued “Perhaps next time we can talk through your emotions instead of having an impromptu sparring match?” She questioned calmly almost as if we had not just nearly fought to my death.

“I hate you.” I breathed out. I didn’t snarl or spit out those words, no they were released with a deep exhale. I didn't mean to say them, yet they slipped out unintentionally, nonetheless. Yet those true words were spoken all the same. Gauging from the gasp my partner let out, she wasn’t expecting them either. Before I could even attempt to retract my words, to do anything, Celestia spoke.

“I know.” She said, her voice soft, as she lowered her head to be level with my own. Her gaze found mine as once more I was lost within her pink orbs. The fragments of shattered warmth that I had once found within them, have vanished. Much like the pony that once allowed me to pretend that she loved me. Now I could only see the stalled timeless gaze of one that had no doubt seen this before, and one that would see it again. “I am sorry that you do Sunset Shimmer. I am truly sorry that I have given you enough reason to hate me.” She says as she finally bows her head, breaking the connection our gazes shared.

My blood once burning with righteous anger, then frozen, was now no longer even churning within my veins. A desolation of both chill and warmth. Leaving but an empty pit that quickly engulfed me. All I could do was let the void continue to spread throughout.

We stayed still, the three of us enshrouded in silence. The actions and words no doubt replayed in my partner’s mind as they were being replayed within mine. Celestia, however, continued to move forwards even as she shattered the fragile peace. She rose from her bow and turned to Cadance, perhaps she whispered those words to Cadance, but I heard them as strangled shouts. “Cadance please take care of Sunset on my behalf. I fear that I will cause even more harm if I make another attempt.”

“Of course, Auntie” Cadance immediately nods without a moment's hesitation. Her gaze breaks off from Celestia’s as she meets mine. When our eyes connect her purple ones are filled with a fragile warmth. A smile flickers into existence upon her face once more. The warmth spreads from my partner to me.

The void that had previously engulfed me entirely now no longer did so. An ember of warmth now existed. A spark of hope that could grow into something grander than even I could believe. Celestia nods to the younger Alicorn before she continues to speak.

“I will alert Cipher and Stinger that the two of you will be retiring for the moment,” Celestia says as she spares me one final glance. Before she fades away in a ray of almost dull sunshine. Leaving only myself and Cadance. With her absence, I could feel proof of my failure running down my muzzle.

“I’m sorry.” I eventually got out. Unsure specifically why I was apologizing but at least I realized that I should. Cadance, however, frowns at my apology. Fair. I was lucky that she hadn't attacked me in the back.

“Sunset, if you are having trouble, you can ask for my help. Just like when I ask you for yours. Even if you are having trouble with Celestia.” Cadance whispers as she slowly moves closer. A wing outstretched, however instead of continuing further she stopped. I blinked away at the liquid failure and looked at her in a vain attempt to figure out her intentions. I could see her mane frazzled, from interjecting herself in mine and Celestia’s battle. Her smile was ever present on her lips, her eyes were once more filled with warmth.

Hesitatingly I lifted my hoof and met the tip of her wing. Her smile blossomed with a brilliant display of radiance. Her eyes blazed with molten crystals that coalesced into intricate shifting designs. Her warmth seeped through her wing tip and transfused throughout me entirely.

Author's Note:

The first of the major events that I sought to write about with this story, is now complete. Sunset finally tells Celestia that she hates her. Celestia had an odd reaction to her ward's words. One of an almost sad acceptance. We once more get to have an in-depth look at how far Sunset's thoughts go. Along with a few strangely worded thoughts that have been whispered. Thankfully Cadance once more prevents Sunset from going too far, this time at least, however. One can only wonder how much longer such an act would continue to work.

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