• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 1,500 Views, 112 Comments

Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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14. Emissary Arrivals and Awakenings

Emissary Arrivals and Awakenings


“Announcing Ambassador Featherweight of Griffonstone representing King Eos grand ruler of the Griffon Empire!” A guard announced as the throne room doors were opened revealing four griffons. The one in front I could easily recognize as Featherweight from the description that Celestia had given me. The three others behind him were his guards each wearing bits and pieces of armor. Yet none of them wore a helm. They did however have a chest between them.

“Princess Celestia, it is good to see you again. It has been far too long since I have last been in your radiant presence.” Featherweight said as he entered the throne room accompanied by three other griffons. He was a rather lithe Griffon, especially in consideration of the others that had stepped in turn behind him. He had a few scars that peppered his form but otherwise was well groomed and well presented as he had obviously put a great deal of effort into his appearance.

“It is my pleasure to have you once more return to Equestria,” Celestia said from next to me as she sat upon her throne. Even though I was keeping my eyes on the Griffon delegation I could hear the smile on her muzzle as she greeted the ambassador. I would have risked glancing toward her to see if it was fake, but she had told me to keep my eyes on Ambassador Featherweight. “I would like to introduce you to the future Princess of Love herself, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.” Celestia introduced me as I took a step forward.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Ambassador,” I spoke clearly as I met the Ambassador's eyes. Oily pools of brown met my gaze. I could see within those twin orbs no softness. He smiled at my greeting before responding in turn.

“It is a rare occasion indeed to meet a fledgling Alicorn and future Princess. The pleasure of this greeting is all mine.” He says beckoning the three Griffons forward with a wave of his wing. They stepped forwards placing the chest before the throne. “I have brought gifts for both of the Princesses of Equestria.” He continues as the chest is opened revealing its contents. Instead of gems and gold, this instead held books and letters. “I have personally raided the King's private library upon hearing of the new Princess for everything that he has had on the subject of Love.” Ambassador Featherweight declares as he preens in the attention of both myself and Celestia.

“Our thanks for the kind gifts,” Celestia says as guards move forwards and take the chest to another room. “We have prepared a few gifts in turn for you and your King.” When Celestia finishes speaking more guards come from a side room carrying various items ranging from ornate weaponry and even what appeared to be a broken telescope. Even when the Ambassador's guards turned towards the treasure that had been gifted his head remained still keeping his gaze on both Celestia and myself.

“Our many thanks.” Ambassador Featherweight says with a nod of his head. “If it is not against your plans Princesses, it has been a trip from Griffonstone and I am sure my retinue would be glad to rest their talons and wings.” He asked as his guards began to make their way toward the small mound of treasures. I can only assume Celestia nodded her assent as he nodded in turn.

“Why don't we dispense with the formalities and catch up over some tea?” Celestia asked as the three griffons began to arrange the gift into differing piles. The Ambassador simply smiled. I had not seen many Griffon’s smiles, but I could feel that this one was particularly predatory. I prevented the frown from forming on my face. If he thought that I was prey he was going to be in for a rude awakening when I set him on fire.

I really was beginning to take after Sunset. First the near descent into studying dark magics. Now the pyromania. Next thing I know I will be plotting against Celestia. Perhaps it would be wise to stop thinking these thoughts when I was right next to her. After all, I technically have already begun to do that with the alliance that I had proposed. At the very least I already was an Alicorn.

Ambassador Featherweight gave his assent to the plan for tea and we were escorted to a private room, not the same one that I had taken to having tea with Celestia, but it still had everything prepared for us to have something to drink while we chatted. Or while Celestia and the Ambassador chatted, I couldn't help but think as the three of us sat down. The guards waiting outside the door.

It was unlikely that they would be needed after all Celestia was right here.

“That hasn't stopped Sunset Shimmer from being attacked now, has it?” A thought insidiously whispered from the recesses of my mind. Pushing the conflicted feelings that the truth of that statement brought forwards. I instead watched as both Celestia and Ambassador Featherweight idly chatted about inconsequential matters. From the weather to how the most recent crop blight was being treated in both Kingdoms.

“I do believe that we have let the tea steep for long enough, Princess. I however must ask if you truly believe it wise for the newest Princess to be sitting in on such matters.” Ambassador Featherweight says his eyes never move from Celestia’s as he attempts to oust me from the room. While I didn't disagree with him completely on the fact that I would unlikely be able to contribute anything major to the conversation, that didn't mean that my pride was nonexistent. Thankfully Celestia decided to speak on my behalf.

“She will be a pivotal point in the future of Equestria. I believe it would be prudent for her to begin learning as soon as possible. Princess Cadance has my utter faith and trust.” Celestia says as she smiles at the Ambassador, almost daring him to attempt to refute what she had stated. Unknown to her however I had recently been searching for ways to buck her will and planning to learn dark magic.

The pit that had formed was not abated with the tea I attempted to drown it with. The sweet taste of honey tasted rotten as it found its way down my throat. Even as I fought back the urge to cough I kept my face still and serene. Showing no weakness in front of the Ambassador, just as Celestia had told me.

“If that is your decision I shall not fight you on it.” The Ambassador says as he pulls out an envelope that had been hidden under his wing. Placing it on the pristine white table with a singular tink. It almost sounded as if there was a stone inside the envelope. “King Eos requested that you send a response back.” He said as he slid it over towards Celestia who finally broke eye contact with the Griffon Ambassador as she had the letter fly out of the envelope.

The room that held two Alicorns and a Griffon then almost fell to complete silence as Celestia read through the letter. The only sound was Ambassador Featherweight drinking his tea. Eventually, he finished his cup as Celestia had finished absorbing the contents of the letter.

“I will prepare my response immediately.” She slowly spoke as the letter folded itself back into the envelope they both were quickly hidden under her wing. “Onto other more pressing matters, have the Changeling’s been hoofing the line?” She questioned the Griffon that had poured himself another cup and began to drink. The question caused him to cough up the beverage as he pounded his chest with one of his talons. After clearing the blockage he responded.

“I see that the rumors about your student are true then. I had been wondering why she hadn’t threatened to deep fry me yet.” He chuckled out, perhaps with some form of morbid respect. Who would have guessed that Sunset would get along better with Griffons than her own species? Ambassador Featherweight’s chuckling stopped and my eyes widened as I felt the room warm slightly. Both of our gazes found Celestia whose smile was still plastered upon her face. However, her eyes held a sharpness that I wished to never have directed at me. It seems that the Ambassador thought the same “Perhaps my joke was in poor taste.”

The room returned to its normal temperature as we returned to our drinks. None of speaking and shattering the tense air that had surrounded us. Until Celestia reminded me why she had managed to rule Equestria for a thousand years.

“My apologies for my reaction, it is still a rather fresh event.” Celestia calmly says and for the first time since I have known her, I do believe that she was lying to some pony. Not that I could blame her but… Still. This was Celestia. The Princess of the Sun. She was supposed to be perfect. I… Thankfully Ambassador Featherweight spoke up.

“My poor sense of humor aside, regarding the Changelings they have been popping up much more frequently but otherwise have been sticking to the agreed-upon terms.” He said waving his wing as if he could dismiss the prior topic of conversation with it. “I am assuming that since you were the one to bring it up that it is the same on your end?” He questioned Celestia and received a nod in return. “That is good. Those damn bugs aside, we finally have confirmation that the Storm King has resurfaced.”

That was a name that even I recognized, country-raised or not. The Storm King had in a few short decades, conquered a near half of the world below the Equestrian borders. However, what was more important than his conquests was his downfall.

He was rumored to have been killed in a ritual that he had set up. Ponies speculated that it was purposeful sabotage but there was never any proof. All that any pony knew was that one day this fearsome conquer was continuing to add more to his ever-growing territory and the next the lands that had long been annexed fell into anarchy with the monarch's death. Those that had recently been conquered had the easiest time re-adjusting to no longer being under the Storm King’s iron hoof. However, those territories that had long since been under his banner had been split between his commanders, as a war of succession was progressing fueled by the blood of the innocents caught in the struggle.

If the Storm King was still alive he could reignite his forces under his banner and extinguish the in-fighting. Ending the halt of the acquisitions and deaths that were paying his way. I will admit to breathing a sigh of relief when I read about his supposed death in the papers but if he had somehow managed to survive things did not bode well. Not every pony had a Princess like Celestia to watch over them.

Most countries could not begin to compare with the might of Equestria... Recalling one of my first non-confrontational conversations with Sunset and my position regarding that might. I was technically one portion of it as an Alicorn, immortal or not. I really should have brought that up with Celestia some time ago. The question won’t get any easier to ask. If anything it was the opposite, but I didn't even know if I was willing to step back and let any pony potentially be harmed thanks to my inaction.

Pulling myself back to the conversation that was happening before me and resolving to ask Celestia about my place in her future plans.

“-By the time the team made it to where he had been spotted all that was left were his hoof marks. He had some sort of way to either escape Commander Gruff’s men or hide from them performing a sweep of the area.” Ambassador Featherweight growled out as he slammed his talon into the table causing the tea set to clatter. “We were so close to getting him and now what? He is once more lost to the winds.”

Celestia simply nodded her head before responding to the irate Ambassador.

“We now know that he was spotted within the Griffonstone territories and that he is back even if not at the height of his power. With this knowledge in hoof, we can move forwards and prepare for his return.” She explains before draining the last remnants of the tea from her cup. “I am certain that King Eos has his own plans regarding this confirmation.” Ambassador Featherweight tilts his head slightly in what I can only assume to be a nod. “Then unless there is anything else upon the docket that you would wish to discuss. -“ Upon seeing that the Ambassador wasn’t planning to speak up Celestia continued unabated “I do believe that both myself and Princess Cadance will be going to see my charge.”

The Griffon simply blinks once before realizing he had been excused. He chuckles while shaking his head slightly as he exits the room taking with him the guards that had been waiting outside. Upon having the door once more closed leaving just the two of us within the room Celestia lets out an incomprehensibly small sigh before turning to me. “I would thank you for your patience and your understanding Cadance. Ambassador Featherweight prefers to get to the heart of the matter as soon as possible.” I simply shrugged my wings, it wasn't as if I had anything else planned today. Well other than staring a hole into my bed. Pretending as if a rather dangerous book wasn't hidden underneath it.

“One thing Auntie, as the Ambassador asked, why was I included in this meeting?” After all, Alicorn or not, I had been in the castle for less than a month.

“Because you are to soon be crowned a Princess and were you not to attend the good Ambassador could have felt as if he was slighted,” Celestia explained… Attempted to explain the confusion I felt must have shown as she changed her approach. “The good Ambassador is always looking for the next enemy he must tear down. Searching for any opportunity to sink his claws into his next foe. I had you hear as a precautionary measure that he does not believe you to be easy prey.” That makes a bit more sense.

Celestia then stood from her seat and vanished the tea set back to where it had been before. I stood up with her in turn and followed her out of the room. The royal guards parted before us and fell into step behind us as we made our way to the infirmary. Walking side by side in silence we quickly arrived at our destination. Celestia made a single motion with her wing and immediately the guards that had accompanied us fell into position outside of the door. Where we proceeded to wait a few moments.

Turning to Celestia to see why she had stopped, all I could see breathing out before she opened the door. Revealing a room that was filled with ill no matter the bright colors that adorned its walls.

“Back again I see, Princess.” Crimson White says as he looked up from the textbook he was reading. “Oh, my apologies Princesses appear to be more appropriate.” He corrects as I step out from behind Celestia. I flash the resident nurse of Canterlot Castle a smile as he returns it. “There has been no change for better and worse since you were last here.” He says as he sets down his book and begins to lead the way once more to the particular bed that holds Sunset.

Celestia and I follow behind the peppermint-colored pony as he once more leads the way to a curtained-off section of the infirmary. “Shout if you need anything I will be here all night.” He says with a short bow towards the two of us, before he trotted back to his desk. Leaving us two Alicorns before a curtain that separated us from an injured Unicorn. This time I was the one leading the two of us as I gently pushed aside the curtains and stepped into the small bubble of space that had been set aside for Sunset Shimmer to recover in.

She no longer was almost as black as she was amber. The magic that had seeped throughout her was pushed out and the remnants that had clung to her were cleansed. She had an almost serene look on her face that went against everything that I knew about Sunset. She looked almost peaceful. That she had no worries at all. That everything under the Sun was going her way.

She had no ever-present sneer that rested upon her lips. The absence of heat clung to her every movement. During her kinder moments, there were still her eyes that still held her rage that could never be fully quenched. Even during her sleep, she was never at peace as she was tormented by her nightmares.

Yet she is lying as still as the dead. Her lips relaxed, almost forming a smile. Enshrouded by a cool cloak of air, No signs of anger bleeding from her eyes. If I hadn't known better I would have thought that she had been replaced by an imposter. One that had understood what Sunset had looked like. Yet got everything else wrong.

I could feel Celestia behind me as she peered at her student. She didn't move any further into the portion that had been set aside for Sunset’s recovery. She stayed her distance, keeping my body in between herself and the pony that she had long since cared for. Turning around I could see the evidence as clear as the Sun.

Her eyes didn't even recognize me. Only holding attention to the pony that she had spent so long teaching. Even as I stepped aside allowing her an unfettered view I could hear her breath slightly hitch. Even as I left to give her some semblance of privacy I couldn't help myself but keep my attention on what was happening beyond the curtain. That held the Alicorn Sun and her student.

I heard nothing but the starts of apologies slip past Celestia’s lips only to stop before they could ever potentially begin. Eventually, Celestia came back out for once looking her supposed age. Her haggard purple eyes quickly found mine, as she whispered her thanks. Promising to see me tomorrow morning before she walked out the door without looking back even once.

I took a deep breath and exhaled through my nose as I allowed the flash of rage to dissipate. I had no way of knowing what had happened in the past. The thought didn’t help but the deep breath that I took did. Stepping through the separator once more and entering the cordoned domain of the patient that rested within. I sighed as I shook my head. I swear to Celestia herself that when becoming a future immortal and royal, this of all things did not occur to me as a side effect.

“Celestia?” A weak voice questioned from the bed before me as I was quickly brought back to reality. Sunset had slightly opened her eyes as she struggled to push herself upright. Oblivious to the fact that I was not the Alicorn that she had wanted to be here.

“Sunset your awake!” I couldn't help but exclaim in joyous shock. I went to embrace the foolish Unicorn that had nearly gotten herself killed but I was quickly stilled by the warming of the air… Sunset still disliked me it seemed. “Do you want me to ge-.” That was all I got before she opened her eyes and glared at me causing the remaining words to die at the back of my throat.

“How long have I been unconscious?” She questioned, as her tone was harsh but her voice was still strangled, kept to near silence.

“A little over a week.” She didn't respond, but she did forcefully prop herself up. She couldn't even hide the discomfort such an action caused her. The air heated before dissipating back into the normally cooled air of the infirmary. We spent the time staring at each other. I wanted to question the Pony before me on what had happened to her, but I doubted that she would tell me. Eventually, Sunset broke the silence that we had once more found ourselves in.

“Has Blueblood already arrived?” She questioned completely ignoring the fact that she was in the infirmary other than asking for how long she had been asleep. Not even questioning if there was any lasting damage thanks to the injuries that she had sustained. Nothing, just the next event on her schedule. Uncaring if any Pony was concerned that she was harmed.

“No, he will be arriving tomorrow night.” I would have asked her how she was feeling but the grimace on her face contorted into a foul mockery of a smile. Gulping I continued “Ignoring whatever that is-” I said while using my wing to point at her face which had quickly adopted its normal features “-Sunset what happened?” I questioned the Pony I had nearly seen bleed out from her wounds.

She cocked her head letting out a faint whimper as she quickly straightened it. “This once more does not fall under the not wanting to execute you for everything and more of you almost died and I am concerned that it may happen again.” I quickly decided to interject, before her thought process, before she could somehow twist what was happening. She stares at me before shaking her head in clear disgust.

“You won't survive to become immortal with that attitude of yours. Always caring about other ponies' problems.” Sunset all but scoffed out.

“That is what I have you for.” I quickly fired back at the annoying little Pony that refused to believe that I wouldn't kill her. I wasn't a monster. All Sunset responded with was a dry laugh that quickly turned into hacking. I would have called for the Nurse but Sunset had held up a hoof as she got herself back under control.

“You are truly one of the most unique Ponies that I have ever met.” She says as a half smile half grimace flashes across her muzzle before she notices it and it quickly fades. “I take it that the Griffons have arrived then?”

“They arrived a few hours earlier, but that didn't answer my question, Sunset. What happened to you?” I have had foals dodge questions better than Sunset’s attempt. They hadn’t just woken up from a coma, however. Sunset just glares at me but I don’t notice any change in the temperature that surrounds us. “You can either talk to me or I can go get Celestia.” Since the carrot wasn’t working the stick would have to do.

My words had an immediate effect as the Pony that had been almost lounging, tensed and the air began to superheat. A heated haze permeates the air between us as Sunset’s form distorts. For a moment I could see her eyes blacken and with only her pupils staying their original color. Sunset's mane caught aflame as her horn lengthened to a point. I involuntarily gulped as I traced the sharpened end of her horn. It was wrong to see any Ponies horn like that.

“It is true then.” A voice whispered from somewhere beyond my back, as I quickly glanced behind me seeing no pony there. Turning back to my partner who was looking ever more demonic with every passing moment. Fine. No more Ms. Nice Alicorn. Willing my galloping heart to slow. I gathered my will as I opened my mouth once more.

“Are you done?” I asked perhaps foolishly hoping that the Pony that had agreed to the alliance would perhaps stop throwing heat into the air before Nurse White noticed. Truly would it be so bad if Celestia was here? I would have figured that Sunset would have preferred her to be the first pony by her side when she awoke. Especially since she had thought that I was Celestia for a moment. “Look Sunset we are partners in hopefully not too much crime. I want to help you, but I can’t do that without knowing what is going on.”

The hazing faded along with the heat as a faint chill arose from Sunset’s no longer demonic form. Her eyes were still harsh but no longer did she appear as if she was readying to attack some pony; more than likely myself. After she took a breath of air she slumped down.

“You really are a perfect fit.” I could hear through gritted teeth. Before she started in earnest. “Fine, you want to know what happened? I was attacked by an imaginary shade of a Pony that I have never seen before.” Sunset all but growled out as she closed her eyes. Awaiting my judgment of what had happened.

Well, not exactly what I was expecting. Not that I was expecting much. Wait… That doesn't make sense. When I asked Celestia about what happened she seemed to recognize the pony that had done this to Sunset.

“You were nearly killed by an imaginary pony?” I asked Sunset, ensuring that I kept any hints of skepticism out of my voice. The Pony before me refused to open her eyes. Instead, she simply nodded her head. Considering the best way to word this I decided to take the risk, lowering my voice I spoke “... Sunset, Celestia recognized your injuries and the pony that did this to you.”

Cyan eyes flicked open meeting my gaze. There was the expected rage that pooled from the iris and threatened to leak from the pony before me. However, it was erratic glee that quickly eroded the rage. Sunset once more surprised me with her actions as she smiled. Her lips stretched across her face in rapturous form.

“That makes things easier.” Sunset laughed out in a demented fashion. Refusing to stop until she begins to hack up blood.

“Nurse White!” I shout ignoring the hoof that Sunset once more raised in a vain effort to stop me. Waiting for the Nurse while Sunset got her blood-filled coughing under control.

“You are lucky that the first thing I did was set up a basic privacy spell. We wouldn't want to alert any pony that I have awoken.” Sunset calmly explains as a shiver runs down my wings. I didn't even notice her casting any magic. I thought that a Unicorn's horn had to glow to do any form of magic.

“Why do you not want any-” Right this was Sunset, how could I forget. “-Celestia to know that you are awake?” If anything, wouldn't this be a perfect opportunity for Sunset to get some uninterrupted time with her? Sunset instead finally dropped the smile that had remained embedded upon her face. Taking a deep breath before she responded.

“Preparations must be made and quickly I thought that I would have plenty of time to spy on you and then set up for Blueblood’s arrival.” She says in an off-hoof manner as if she didn't confess to doing something that most Ponies would balk at. Waiting a few moments and she still had apparently still not noticed her slip-up. Alright then.

“And those need to be done without letting Celestia know that after a week-long coma, you have woken up?” Every Pony wanted to be a Princess. I used to be the same, but upon seeing the Unicorn before me sharply nod I could only regret those past almost prophetic desires. “I am not even going to ask how that makes sense, but ok. Is there anything I can do to help?” Hopefully, I can at least use this opportunity to prove to my alliance member that she could rely on me.

Sunset considers my offer for a moment before nodding.

“Grab me an extra pillow. It would be obvious if one of these went missing.” She commanded not even pretending to change her tone into one less demanding. Why had I suggested an alliance again? Oh yes, magical Unicorn that would be happy to turn me into a pile of ashes. Deciding to follow her orders and bring up the topic of politeness another day. I slipped from the curtained portion and shot a glance toward where Nurse White was still reading his book.

It would be all too easy to just shout for him that Sunset was awake or even just walk out those doors and inform Gentle or Rebound of the news. Perhaps even just inform Celestia herself. Repressing a sigh I instead grabbed one of the pillows of an adjacent bed and levitated to myself before stepping back through the cordon.

Sunset simply nodded as she pushed herself out of the bed, wincing all the while. Choosing not to comment on this, instead, I offered the claimed object to her. She immediately snatched control from me as I felt my grasp on the floating pillow be disassembled as the faint pink outline that had embraced the pillow was replaced by a deep red one. Sunset's horn lit as it flew towards where Sunset had previously been morphing on the way. Convulsing and rearranging itself into a feathered mass that only coalesced when it had impacted the bed.

Now in the form of Sunset. The Sunset no longer laying on the bed took to rearranging her duplicate on the bed before covering herself with a blanket. Turning to me after double-checking her work.

“My spell should be able to trick every pony except Princess Celestia. However, I doubt that the Princess would bother to check on my condition. Especially since the Griffons are here and Blueblood is arriving tomorrow.” She said without even meeting my eyes before she was no longer there. Only the pillow-turned-Sunset duplicate still appeared to be asleep. Lying where Sunset once did.

Once more I was left alone by a Pony deciding to teleport away.

“One day I will prevent you from just teleporting away from me whenever you feel like it,” I vowed to myself as I glared at the duplicate. Making my way out of the cordoned-off area. Towards Nurse White. He looked up as he saw me approaching.

“Ah, Princess Cadance, any changes with her condition?” He asked as he once more repeated the question that he queried every time I had previously visited Sunset.

“Even in her sleep she still somehow manages to get under your skin,” I answered, receiving a snort from the stallion before me as he turned back to his work.

“Well, I am sure that even if she doesn't appreciate you visiting her, I know Princess Celestia does. After all, you have visited her the most after the Princess herself.” He offered as he began to immerse himself in the rather large textbook he had propped on his desk. Nodding as I made my way to the entrance and quickly slipped through to find a familiar sight before me.

“Gather up your cards. I think I am done for the day.” I ordered my two guards who both chuckled as they obeyed. When they were done collecting their gambling equipment we made our way toward my room. Upon making it to my door I without any hesitation pushed it open and jumped into my bed. It had been a far too long day.

Closing my eyes to get the ray of sunlight out of them as I quickly turned and covered myself with a silken blanket. Even as I felt the hours slip past I could not escape to the Crystal Palace. Lost in that daze I could hear a Pony speak.

“An impressive performance my descendant.” Those were the last words I heard before I opened my eyes to a realm of crystal.

Author's Note:

Not too bad of a turnaround for this chapter hopefully I can keep it up. Otherwise, Cadance meets the Griffon ambassador and they immediately get along. Somewhat. Celestia however continues to show that there is a reason that she is the pony in charge. Sunset wakes up and proceeds to be a nuisance as normal. Plus throughout the last few chapters, the voice in Cadance's head is awfully chatty. Hopefully, that has no major consequences next chapter.

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