• Published 29th Oct 2022
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Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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16. Old Blood, New Blood, Royal Blood

Old Blood, New Blood, Royal Blood


“My apologies for the early morning summons Cadance but I do not believe that this could have been held off until later.” Celestia greeted me with a minuscule smile as I entered the throne room. Stifling a yawn, I returned her smile. This is strange. Why were there no guards in the room? Rebound even was waiting outside the doors.

“It is fine Auntie.” I waved off her concern. Forcing a smile onto my face. It wasn't as if she could have known that I was meeting with my grandfather who had only just been able to contact me. I unclenched my teeth and took a breath. If Celestia noticed she hopefully attributed it to me still being tired. “Did something happen?”

“Sunset is no longer resting within the infirmary,” Celestia answered her gaze piercing my own. Unaware of the clawing fear that began to creep down my wings she continued “When I checked on her she had been replaced by an illusionary duplicate.” Did she know? Celestia damn it Sunset.

“And?” I stuttered out before regaining proper control over my voice. “Isn't that a good thing that she is no longer in the infirmary? She doesn't seem like the kind of Pony to stay still and heal. So if she was able to get out of the infirmary herself isn't that a good thing?” I rushed out praying to the deity before me that she wouldn't see through my lies.

Celestia in turn smiled slightly, shaking her head as if she were looking at a particularly cute filly. I felt my cheeks burn in response to that gaze. I was an Alicorn. A fledgling immortal. I was-.

“I am glad that you think so but I called you here for your good. You have seen Sunset act in desperation before and if her mind is still muddled by the attack she may attempt to harm you.” I didn't know how to respond to that so I simply nodded my head. “I had hoped to have us spend some time together before Prince Blueblood and the rest of his entourage were to arrive tonight, but Sunset’s awakening hastened my plans.” Celestia finished with a faint smile.

I in turn shrugged. I had no plans for today. Well, I would have liked to head to the library to see how many of Umbrum’s words were true, but that could always wait. Especially if Celestia was that concerned about what Sunset would do to me. Not that I thought I was in too much danger from Sunset anymore. Hopefully.

Celestia still thought that the filly that she had raised was still planning on hurting me, however. She thought that Sunset, even after being nearly killed, would in turn attempt once more to harm me. She didn't know that Sunset and I had formed a pact. That we were allying together against the Princess of the Sun herself.

She had no idea that I had a book of banned magics hidden under a pillow that she had given me. In a room that was in her Castle. That she had taken me under her wing after the death of my parents. That she trusted me enough to allow her to call her Auntie. That I was-!

My mental tirade was shattered by the slamming open of the grand door. I could see in the corner of my vision Celestia frowning slightly, as I twisted my vision to see who had opened the door. Rebound stood at attention, apologies upon his muzzle.

“Yes, my little pony?” Celestia asked Rebound as he paused to take a breath.

“Apologies Princess. Err Princesses for interrupting but Prince Blueblood and his companions have arrived!” Rebound rushed out. Ok and wh-. Sunset. Oh no. This could be bad. I immediately turned back towards Celestia. Thankfully her attention was still on my guard's form, however. “They are waiting in the gardens.” The words whizzed out of his mouth.

“Well, then my apologies Cadance but it seems as if we must push our little bonding session as our guest has arrived earlier than anticipated,” Celestia spoke as she began to rise from her throne. “Shall we greet our guests Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?” She asked with a sly smile splayed across her muzzle. I narrowed my eyes, but my smile gave away my true feelings on the matter. Turning on my frog I fell into step beside Celesta.

We quickly made our way to the Gardens which had been fully restored from the war-torn and ruined remains that Sunset's battle had left. I could see ahead a dozen guards, yet unlike the gilded golden splendor of the guards that Celestia employed, these ponies were encrusted in silver. Beyond them were several Ponies that only one word could describe ‘Nobility’ from the various gowns and hats that they had adorning them. To the very way that they were keeping their heads to the sky as they softly conversed even without looking at any approaching Pony.

I glanced towards the Pony that was by my side to see if she was going to introduce herself or indicate that I would be the one to introduce myself first. Instead of responding in any matter, Celestia simply smiled as Rebound caught up to the two of us. I hadn't realized that we had left him behind. He was about to open his mouth but Celestia’s wing raised, silencing the words before they ever left his mouth.

There we stood. Two Princesses and a guard. A half-dozen mix of noble stallions and mares with a dozen of their guards. The nobility tittering all the while seemingly oblivious to our presence. However, I could see the shrouded glances thrown our way. The Sun continued to shine as its warmth suffused us.

Even as I listened in on those five ponies that were conversing. It was pleasant enough as they were complementing the royal gardens. Yet the body language of those ponies was all wrong. Stilted and forced. Their smiles never reached their eyes. It was much less of a conversation and more of a performance being acted out.

Eventually, the final Pony spoke up. A white stallion with an amber mane that gleamed in the light. So this was “Prince” Blueblood.

“My companions I do believe that we are the presence of not one but both Princesses of our realm.” His honeyed words silenced the tittering chatters of his compatriots. He turned to face both Celestia and me before continuing. “Princess Celestia, it is an honor to once more be in your presence.” He says with a shallow bow before he turns his gaze toward me. His eyes which were filled with arctic waters met my own, “Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, it is my utmost pleasure to make your acquaintance. I knew that once I had heard of your ascension that I must meet the newest Princess of Equestria herself. After all without Love, what would Ponykind have?”

“I have yet to have my coronation.” I once more mumbled out of frustration than in any attempt to get the title removed. “It is a pleasure to meet you as well. I am glad to find another Pony who understands the importance of Love.” I say with a nod to the noble pony who has once more bowed. This time to me instead of Celestia. Sweet Celestia I was going to have to get used to this someday, hopefully soon.

Thankfully none of the awkwardness I felt was seen by any pony as Blueblood smiled.

“I see that the rumors are true, the only thing matched by your beauty is your compassion.” He says as an alabaster smile shoots my way. He then glances around to his companions and lets out a soft sigh “My fellow guests upon the Princesses domicile should you not show them the significance of the blood that runs through your veins and properly greet the two Ponies that will lead Equestria into a brighter future?” He was not at all what I expected. Ignoring the warmth I watched as immediately the other nobles that had traveled with him began to bow and praise both myself and Celestia. However, in comparison to their leaders, they all fell short.

The heat that had surrounded us had increased at his words. I glanced toward Celestia but she gave me little notice other than a smile that was ever present on her face. She did however glance slightly to the noble groups left. Eventually, after they all had finished Celestia finally spoke once more.

“My greetings, my little ponies. I am glad to see that you have all arrived at my Castle safely, if a bit faster than you had estimated.” Blueblood once more spoke up answering the question that had been asked.

“We had happened upon a mage that was coming to the capital themselves.” He said with a smirk as he continued “I managed to convince him to take us the rest of the way. Even though I am now a few bits lighter. It allowed us to properly greet the newest Princess of Equestria herself.” He paused as a short smile was once more given before he continued “Bits may come and go, but first impressions last forever.”

“I am glad that the conclusion of your trip was on easier terms than the rest of it. I would be glad to have my guards escort you and yours to your prepared rooms.” Celestia said with a smile as more of the Royal guards began to trot into sight. How had she summoned them? I had bee-. Magic. Right.

“We-.” An almost burgundy mare, Tasting she had introduced as her name, started. Her tone was much like her gaze, harsh. I expect that she would have made a fool of herself and her so-called ‘lineage’ were she to continue. I was not the only one as Blueblood quickly cut her off.

“My Princess, my companions, and I will graciously accept your kind proposal and retire for the moment to recover from our journey.” Tasting would have opened her mouth to continue if not for the movement of the silver guards. She huffed and began to trot towards the castle quickly accompanied by the rest of the nobles excluding Blueblood himself, and 11 of the silver guards.

The final guard remained still looking towards Celestia and I. Unmoving and unblinking. Blueblood sighed as shook his head slightly and patted the guard on the shoulder. “I do believe I will survive a meeting with two Alicorns to save me if the worst is to occur, my friend.” The guard stays still until Blueblood continues “I see, well in this case my apologies but I will have to order you to help the rest of them settle in safely.” With that the passive gaze is focused on the only remaining noble as a swift nod is given before the guard-pony makes their way to the castle.

Leaving only three beings in the royal garden. Two Alicorns and a single Unicorn. Blueblood does not seem to mind the discrepancy in power as his gaze wandered the recently restored flora. “My thanks for the warm welcome even in consideration of my companions and their…” He trailed off but Celestia nodded all the same. “If it pleases your Majesties I would prefer to walk the gardens for a moment.”

I once more looked to Celestia for guidance but her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at the ‘Prince’ who was alone and without guards.

“Are you certain about this my little pony?” Celestia asked, her voice soft. Far softer than the last time. Blueblood in turn nodded before responding.

“It has been some time since I was last in these gardens. I do believe that the last time I saw them they had been reduced to ash.” Blueblood says with a chuckle. Celestia nodded at his decision as she turned on her frog and beckoned me with her. We began to walk back towards the castle.

We were walking in silence unbroken. The only thing between the two of us Princesses was the quickly receding heat of the Sun. It was just as if I was walking aw-.

“Wait!” I exclaimed, halting Celestia midstep beside me. “Doesn't Sunset hate Blueblood?” Hoping that I had once more misunderstood the Pony that I had allied myself. Celestia did not immediately respond. “She is going to do something to him and you're just going to walk away?” I couldn't even. She-. This was the pony that ran Equestria? “She may kill him!” If she hated him nearly as much as she did me he stood no chance. I was an Alicorn while he was just a Unicorn.

Celestia didn't look at me, instead turned her head to the sky as she looked at the Moon beginning to hide behind the horizon. She didn't care that the closest thing she had to a daughter was about to murder some pony. She didn't care that she was leaving Sunset behind as she walked away with the pony that had as Sunset put it “the better version” of herself”. “Are you going to do anything?” I asked the Pony that I somehow thought was perfect.

“Cadance I can’t force any Pony to against their nature. If I were to have remained, Sunset would have simply waited for a different opportunity to get Prince Blueblood by himself.” Celestia finally spoke as she turned to face me. “Sunset is not going to slay Blueblood and he is fully aware of what is awaiting him. I know that you wish to see every Pony happy and safe but at times even we Ponies must deal with more than just the Love that we can share. It would be better for the two of them to finally get past their past.” Celestia turns her gaze to the moon before teleporting away in a flash of sunlight.

“Like mother, like daughter.” I spat at the air where Celestia once stood. That utter horse. She was a failure of a mother. It doesn't matter if a Pony you care for is about to make a mistake you should support them in any way you can. Even if you can't stop them you have to help them get better. Not just abandoning them to their decisions. Sunset especially.

Time to prove that I wasn't just using Sunset toward my ends. Turning on my frog and launching myself into the air as I made my way quickly back to the garden. I didn't hear any screams and couldn't see any smoke. It took me a few moments to locate Blueblood who appeared to be looking at a small cropping of sunflowers. I couldn't see Sunset and I was too far for her little heating trick. If she was going to go too far I would step in and save her even if she didn't want me to.

“Princess Celestia isn't going to interrupt us Sunset.” He announced, as his magic formed a blue hue over a singular flower almost as if he was about to pluck it before it was shattered as almost blood-red magic subsumed it. Sunset stepped forwards from the air. “Well, then I am glad to see you are well. I take it that you have fully recovered from the last time.”

“In case it has missed your ears Prince but I no longer have to fear my flames.” As she summoned a flame atop her horn which quickly spread over her form. “Unlike you.” She all but growled out as the flame replaced her mane and tail. Growing and encasing her body as flames formed wings. Blueblood didn't look impressed until Sunset's transformation continued with her horn lengthening and sharpening. Even if I was prepared for the unsettling sight he was certainly not. Blueblood fell back almost into the field of sunflowers and would have likely had if Sunset didn't wrap him in her magic.

Red chains bound around him, suspending him in the air. “Did you think you could just walk into Princess Celestia’s castle again?” She growled out as she began to walk forwards to the now terrified noble Pony. “Acting as if you were better than every Pony else? That you deserve to waited upon, hoof and horn?” The chains visibly tightened around Blueblood. I forced myself to remain in the air. She could turn this around. She hasn't done anything irreversible.

“Look at you attempting to perform your same pathetic plan on the newest fancy of Celestia. An actual Alicorn Princess this time. I bet your mouth salivated once you heard the news.” She had reached the Unicorn who had begun to struggle against the chains. He brought his magic into existence multiple times but Sunset shattered every attempt. “After all, your last attempt was such a failure.” She continued as Blueblood was pulled in front of her. “I wonder what you will do when you fail this time?” With that question the chains shattered, dropping the shaking pony to the ground in front of her.

“Was that necessary?” Blueblood stuttered getting to his feet and retreating away from the demented pony that wished him harm. Why hasn't she done anything? She had just terrified him and was now just staring at him. Now she had let him out of the chains. That was a good sign. Perhaps I wouldn't be needed. “I wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have said that the only reason Celestia still dealt with you was that she didn't want to throw away such a pitiful creature.” Even before he finished his final words I was hurtling toward the ground. Slamming in between the soon-to-be corpse and murderer.

“Sunset calm down.” I all but shouted as I faced the pony I had allied myself with, in her still demonic form. Wincing as I locked gaze with blackened eyes, the only sense of color being the emerald pupils that emanated utter hatred and loathing. “He isn't worth it.” Holding a wing out towards her in a placating manner. “Celestia believes that you won't kill him. Please don't prove her wrong.”

There I was. The Princess of Love shields the defenseless Pony against a flame-wreathed demon. How this would look to an outside observer was obvious. I was protecting Blueblood true, but here I was protecting the demon that was once a Pony from herself. I would have laughed at the irony if the situation was any more uncertain. Seeing that Sunset still not backing down I continued “Ponies have always thought the worst of you, right? Use this to prove them wrong. To show them that you are more than the demon that they think you are.” In a lower volume, I whispered “Please Sunset.”

The black in her eyes was replaced with white as her pupils grew to a far more normal size. The flames that enshrouded Sunset faltered and flickered out. Leaving her alone. I took a step forward, folding my wing back to my side. Her gaze was never leaving mine as I made my way in front of her. Lowering my voice once more “Thank you for trusting me.” I smiled at her. She grimaced but otherwise teleported away in a flash of emerald flames.

Turning to the no longer cowering Blueblood I saw that his cheeks were aflame and an obvious infatuation in his eyes. “Are you alright?” I asked to hopefully sidestep that for the moment. Blueblood hastily nodded.

“I do believe that you just proved a magnitude of old tales wrong with your actions. I, for one, am grateful however for the rescue.” He said as his horn lit up and quickly cleaned himself off. Only a singular slight cut on his front leg. “I don't suppose that aside from being a savior of ponies you can heal as well?”

In my search for the horn healing spell, I looked through many healing spells. Glancing over the slight gash that didn't appear to be too deep. This would make the unwanted crush worse but he didn't deserve to remain hurt. My horn lit up as I concentrated on the spell. “You truly are the second coming of Princess Celestia.” He spoke with clear awe in his voice as the wound healed. “No, she can't even get Sunset to back down like you just did.” There was the crush being solidified, and I internally grimaced.

“I take it that there is a history between the two of you?” I asked preferring to change the topic of conversation while I was healing his leg.

“Yes, I had hoped to clear any further misunderstandings and hopefully get Sunset's forgiveness for a foolish colt’s past mistakes.” He grimaced before continuing “A thousand thanks for your assistance. I do believe the next time that I attempt to apologize I should have you by my side.” He laughed out, but it was tainted by sadness. I shrugged. It was a good idea. Blueblood would be safer with me being there. Sunset would hopefully be reigned in by my presence.

“Sure.” It would do Sunset good to have one less Pony against her. Even if he wasn't really against her and was trying to apologize. This was hurting my head. Tirek damn it Sunset. “Alright your leg should be good to go, but I would recommend that you get it checked over to ensure that I didn't miss anything.” Blueblood did not respond, instead was just staring at me dumbly.

“Thank you, Princess.” He stuttered out bowing once more. “I will make a new plan and ask for your assistance.” He gave me a grateful smile before going back to the castle. It did appear that he was avoiding putting too much weight on his recently healed leg. Good, hopefully, he would get it checked out. Leaving me alone before the crop of sunflowers.

They were not aligned to perfection nor did there be any reason for their placement. It almost was as if some foal had just decided to plant the seeds wherever they had wanted.

“Don't suppose you have any ideas on how to deal with Sunset, Umbrum?” I asked the creature that was entrapped in my dreams. Upon receiving no response I sighed. “I need a break.” Considering that I was a princess and that it had been a long day that had been barely an hour. I decided that I would spend the rest of it looking through the restored gardens.

From statues of an amalgamation of a pony and various other creatures to old knights and even mages. Searching for evermore statues throughout the fields of flora. I, unfortunately, could not find one that was as strange as the one titled “Discord”. It was only once I could no longer ignore the pangs of hunger did I retreat from the royal gardens. Judging from the Sun beginning its descent I had certainly missed lunch. So I once more began the trot to the Kitchens.

Entering through a side entrance I quickly noticed that several torches were lit and that the sunlight was not fully coming from the numerous windows. Strange, I wonder if there was an event going on? I would enquire about it to either Sunset or Celestia later. After I got some food. My thoughts focused on continuing my journey and making it to my prize. I increased my pace towards the kitchen.

In the darkened hallways of the castle, I could see a Griffon meandering its way through the walkway. I would have waved a wing in greeting to the fellow traveler, yet my wing paused, as a stray ray of light bounced off an outstretched talon. Coated in an almost viscous metal that had each talon ending in a wicked edge. Strange I couldn't recall any of the Griffons that came with the ambassador having any of their claws like that.

“Retreat my descendant.” I heard the voice which I now know as Umbrum hiss from behind me. What? Before I could even begin to comprehend what Umbrum had said the Griffon lunged forth. I instinctively for better or worse summoned a small orb of fire between the two of us. Only to feel my heart nearly dropped out of my stomach as the Griffon sliced through the flame.

Finally getting my act together I finished spreading my wings as I launched myself backward. I winced as I felt the stone of the castle shatter upon my back, Celestia had plenty of bits to repair it. I was keeping my eyes on that-. Where did it go? It had just been charging after me. Wings spread as the Griffon sliced through the air. Each of its metallic talons outstretched towards me.

Taking a breath as I readied my wings. My horn lit up as I brought a pink light into existence. Narrowing my eyes and looking through this unfamiliar room. It almost looked like some sort of storage. I let my eyes glaze over the coated forms of various boxes as I sought out the griffon.

FLEE” Umbrum bellowed. I jolted forwards in a panic. I felt a sharp wind pass right behind me as a tearing of stone reverberated throughout the air. Glancing behind me to see the Griffon ripping its talons out of the wall in a shower of sparks. A wicked smile flickered across its now visible face. Filled with more scars than skin. Twin orbs of malice focused upon me, once more.

“Princess” the Griffon all but screeched out as spittle flew from its lips. I would have perhaps responded in some form or fashion, but instantly the Griffon was upon me. Throwing a wing in front of my face. I screamed. Pain. Searing agonizing pain. Lit through my wing as I threw myself back once more. Trying not to whimper as I looked toward my torn wing. I doubted I would be able to fly with it.

Immediately my magic found hold on the pendant that Celestia had provided me. The Griffon lunged forth once more, metallic talons outstretched. Immediately twisting the Sun I felt ice pierce my chest as it didn't work. Panicking I threw myself through another wall as I once more was outside the castle walls. But unlike being coated in sunlight they were darkened as the Mare on the Moon was on full display. This made no sense. The Sun was just out.

The Griffon soon found me meeting my gaze, as it smiled. I kept my eyes open. I just had to find a guard. I just needed to find Sunset or Celestia. I would be fine. I just had to keep escaping this Griffon.

“Close your eyes.” I heard a familiar voice hiss out. I am not sure why I listened to her but I immediately followed her advice. I felt a wave of heat surround me and heard what sounded to be explosions, but they sounded as if they were from miles away. Just as quickly as the heat had enshrouded me it was smothered. “Don't open your eyes. Just follow the sound of my voice. We need to get you to safety.” Sunset continued.

“The Griff-.” I started.

“Taken care of.” She cut me off. I opened my eyes to properly glare at her and froze. Sunset was no longer amber but red. Coated in what I prayed to Celestia was paint. My nose dashed those prayers as the smell of iron and burned flesh quickly picked up. “I told you not to open your eyes.” She sighed as she held forth a hoof drenched in blood. “You're in shock, come on.”

Oh. She had… She… Sunset. She pushed her hoof against my side taking care to not touch my damaged wing. Her hoof was warm. She was usually warm. Her hoof normally wasn't coated with the blood of a recently living being, however. “Cadance it isn't safe here. We have to keep moving.” She spoke slowly.

“You said my name.” I chuckled as if that was relevant at the moment. She just rolled her eyes as traces of mirth flittered through them. Her eyes were strange. Stranger than Umbrum and Celestia combined. Why were they the color of emeralds? Shouldn't they be cyan?

“Fine. Do I have your permission to teleport you?” She asked. I nodded. She took a deep breath as she stepped into me. I could feel her warmth. I could feel the blood that clung to her. I could feel the warmth of a Pony that had just killed a sentient creature. She did it to save me. Celestia’s pendant didn't work. I felt the world compress as she leaned further into me. When I could see properly we were now in a pristine room that was filled with all manner of scrolls and tomes.

Sunset immediately left my side and I felt the warmth leave me. It was all of a sudden so cold. “Alright I have no idea where you have been but I am willing to take you with me.” She said out of the blue as she began to rifle through various drawers, she even took the cover off a book to reveal a hidden compartment with another book in it. Before throwing it and other various things into a sack or her saddlebag.

“Is this your room?” I couldn't help but ask. Perhaps the pain from my wing was making me delirious? She stopped her rummaging to shoot me a glare. Strangely, I would have thought her room would have been bigger.

“Yes and that is not the issue here. Celestia left on some sort of urgent business. No Pony could find you. Then everything blew up. So once again are you coming with me or not?” She rounded out her words with a glare but it was strange. There wasn't as much anger there as there should have been.

Wait, Celestia left? Was that why her pendant did not work?

“I was in the gardens. Where did Celestia go?” I asked as it wasn't as if I was playing hide and seek. I wonder if Celestia and Sunset used to play it as I did with my parents. Sunset, done throwing things into her sack trotted right up into my face.

“The useless guards couldn't find you. I couldn't even find you. Even after I put a beacon on you. Celestia left after she received a letter in a burst of Dragonfire. Something bad happened so she had to go. But enough of that are you coming with me or not? I can’t heal your wing but it isn't safe here. The guard has been decimated. I think I saw Blueblood's companions bleeding out, but couldn't find his corpse. But that aside, are you coming with me or am I leaving you here? I'm not even sure why I am offering this to you. I hate you. You stole Celestia from me.”

It took until that last sentence for it to click. Sunset wasn't saying Princess Celestia, she was saying Celestia. Something was wrong. “Are you coming with me or not, as the only reason I hadn't already left was for some stupid reason I wanted to find your corpse before I left.” Huh, I guess she does like me. I nodded my head as Sunset stilled for a moment.

“Wait really? You're not going to rally the guards and push back the intruders? You're going to come with me?” She was so confused. It would have almost been adorable if it wasn't so sad.

“We are partners. We help each other. We stick together.” I said, giving her the biggest smile I could. I stepped forwards and even through the pain of moving both my wings encircled her form. I was going to be covered in my own and some Griffons blood. It would take ages to clean from my coat and feathers.

“Do I have your permission to teleport you?” She meekly asked. I nodded, clicking my horn against hers. Then there was only darkness and an infinity of shattered crystals.

Author's Note:

Ah how things continue to change. For better and worse. Blueblood arrives and is immediatly left behind to rot. Celestia manages to once more miss the party. Sunset shows that she is competent in a fight. Cadance survives another near death experience. Who knew that becoming royalty was so dangerous? That aside the status quo has been shattered. Who knows if it will ever recover. With both the Princess and the Student no longer in the Canterlot Castle. Don't worry the story will return here sooner or later. I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing it. We will be returning next time to the view from our favorite pyromancer so that will be fun.

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