• Published 31st Oct 2022
  • 256 Views, 6 Comments

LUCKY CHAINS - discordjediknight

when discord the draconequus cop vanishes, a year latter a mystrious pony by the name of lucky chains with a interisting past comes to town. could he be the one who killed discord?

  • ...

chapter 1

Author's Note:

so im a fan fiction writer. ive wrote many difrent franchises that im into. i recently got into mlp and had some ideas. dont be two harsh on me. i cant spell at all usally. but ill take any true criticism. this is my first fan fic idea on fim fiction so i hope you like it. song featured in chapter is: ill be there for you. the friends theme song.

UPDATE 4/24/23 I now am finally going back and fixing as many spelling issues as I can. please let me know if any more show up. lol

It was a warm spring morning. Not a dark cloud to be seen in the sky. It was very early in the morning as the sun started rising. A soft, warm breeze filled the air, and I watched as it blew past her pink mane. A familiar blue Pegasus with a rainbow main placed a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. As Pinky Pie held in her arms a small pony of the same color as her.

It would seem with the morning sun it is a happy day, yet not one pony didn't have a tear in their eye. Not even the guards who were escorting me in black chains. One was a gray Pegasus with blue hair. The other was his sister. A gray unicorn with blue hair, dressed head to toe in police uniforms. As I moved, you could hear the chains jingle around like a wind chime. Fluttershy could no longer hold back the tears, and they quickly ran down as she buried her face in her hoofs.

So I know your question right, who am I? And what on earth did I do to get myself in this mess? Why in all of reality, was I arrested, and in chains, and what does Fluttershy have to do with any of this? Well since I obviously got nothing better to do, ill tell you my story. I'll tell you all about me and my…


“Ok Garbunkle if you don't get a five or higher you can't use your snake spell and the dragon master Shmarity will defeat us, You are our last chance,” Discord called out to his friend.

“I know, I know Captain Wuzz.” Garbunkle called back furiously.

“Uh, guys. Their coming”. Big Mack stated in a panic.

“Quick Spike, roll the dice!!!” Discord called out, breaking his role as Captain Wuzz.

A blue Pegasus wearing a suit of gladiator armor called out, “Give it your best shot.” in a cocky tone. With a little giggle.

An overly dramatic and fancy voice replied with, “Oh, now Rainbow, give them a chance.”

” Whatever Rarity.” The rainbow Pegasus knight grinned. “Its Shmarity stops running the game.”

They were in the world of ogres and oubliettes, dressed appropriately as well. Several pinky pie zombie clones approached the three boys, coming from all directions.

Discord pulled on his bow and arrow.

“Spike, roll the dice now.” discord growled.

Spike stood there staring at the dice in his left claw. His right, caring for his magical staff. “Spike”. Big Mack said, terrified as he stood back to back with discord. Spike clenched his fist around the dice. “Alright, with everything I got!” ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

He threw the dice on the ground. It bounced off the dirt and flipped into the air as it landed spinning. “Come on.” Spike pleaded.

“Come on.” Big Mack whispered while gritting his teeth, shaking in his ogre boots... Discord looked back at the spinning die behind him. He growled at it, as if that would make it land on the number they needed.
The dice stopped spinning and came to a halt. 4. Spike dropped his staff and fell to his knees as he cried “Why!!!!!!!”

“Yeah, we win.” The pinky pie clones all said in unison.

“Ugh”. Discord groaned as he fell on his back. Rarity hoof bumped Rainbowdash.
“Remind me again why we let a bunch of girls to our guy's night,” Discord asked as he snapped his fingers, bringing them back to the living room. They sat all around Fluttershy's table playing the game.

Spike shrugged. “Because you keep losing to the world champion winner, rarity.”
Another grunt came from discord at that response, which only made the others in the room laugh. Rarity flipped her main behind her ear.

“How many times is that? Five I believe.”

Ever since Rarity won the world championship, Discord has been trying everything to beat her at the game, and his team always loses.

Pinky Pie giggled as always. “You just can't beat the power of confetti cannons.”
Discord slapped himself with his lion paw as Fluttershy walked in with a tray of tea cups and cookies for everyone. She walked over and looked down at the defeated droconoquis who lay on her couch. Discord removed his paw from his face when he noticed.

“Can I get you a cup of tea, lord chaos?”
She said teasingly with a smile. Discord sat up and with a snap of his fingers, the tea poured itself for every pony. Fluttershy stood and watched as the cups spread to her friends.

“Ok, Ok, well, next time you're going down.” Discord said as he sat up and grabbed the cup of floating tea with his claw.”

All 4 girls laughed at the boys.

“You should really play Fluttershy. It's a lot of fun.” Rarity told her.

“Oh, buck ball is what I'm good at, buck ball is what ill stick with.” She replied with a little smile.
Pinky Pie put a hoof around her friend. “Well, this time next week of all things we'll be throwing you a birthday party!”
with the weight of Pinky’s arm around her, Fluttershy almost tripped. “Heh, she gave a small fake giggle. “Yeah.”

“Well, the game ended kinda quickly. What do you want to do now.” Spike asked everyone.
"Oh, oh, what about Twister?" Pinky Pie called out.

"Can't Discords here," Dash replied. "Oh right," Pinky said, remembering that Discord was the world champ at the game on account of his magic and form. Discord smirked at that. "At least I can still beat you all at one thing." He said and took a cup of tea.

"Oh, what about truth or dare?" Rarity suggested.

"Hmm uh, I don't know, that game can kinda get out of hand whenever this group plays it," Spike replied.

"What's truth or dare?" Discord asked. Rarity jumped up. "It's a game where you either have to tell the truth about something or are dared to do something. And you have to do it." Discord rolled his eyes and half of his long neck. "Boring game." He said in response.

"Yeah, come to think of it we never played it with discord around," Rainbow said. "Let's play it."
" Oh, I don't know," Fluttershy said nervously." Oh, come on flutters, this could be fun. I'm curious about what Discord will do." Rainbow chuckled.

Discord glared down at her, but with a friendly smile. "Let me guess you have an evil plan for me, don't ya?"

"Maybe." Dash pointed a hoof at him, "Dare you to play the game."

"Fine, fine." He complained and drank his tea.

Nervousness ran down Spike's back. He knew all too well about Discord. "Ok, but no one does any dangerous dares. That's rule number one is that understand discord." Discord shrugged as his answer. But Spike just nodded to it, knowing what Discord was like with these things.

"Ohhhh me first." Pinky squealed as she put a hoof on the side of her chin. She gasped! "Oh, I know. Big Mac." Big Mac turned to the excited pony. "I dare you to try and go one hour without saying yep or nope." Discord chuckled at that."
big mac smirked. In a deep country accent, he replied, "Then I dare you not to eat any more of those cookies." Just as the pink pony was about to take another cookie. With crumbs all over her face, she replied. "Ahhh, fine," putting the cookie back. They all laughed at that except Discord, who generally just smiled.
"Ok then, since it was given back to me." Hmm, Pinky said as she taped a hoof on her chin, aging. As an idea came to her mind, her eyes widen as she quickly turned to rarity. Rarity, tell the truth. Rarity raised an eyebrow as she waited for the question.

"So you like fancy food?" Pinky asked with an evil look in the eye. Rarity dipped her head in shame. She sighed with a, "no". They all turned to her, a bit surprised at the answer. "I can't stand the rotten taste and the portions are too small. Besides, I cant live without my best strawberry ice cream." They laughed at that, all except Discord who only shook his head. "Ok, Rainbow," Rarity called out with a sly grin. Rainbow looked over at her. "Whatever the dare is, ill do it," she said confidently. "Oh, I got a dare. I dare you to tell the truth."

"Oh no. What is it?" Rainbow shrugged, knowing this wasn't going to be pleasant. "Have you ever liked anyone?"
Rainbow shook her head. "Oh, your evil."

Hahaha, "You under truth or dare you got to say it." Pinky Pie insisted as she grabbed a hold of Dash, who shrugged. "I used to like Bulk," she said looking away, her face a deep red. They all broke out in laughter. "Umm, he's your friend, of course, you like him," Discord said, puzzled at why everyone was laughing.

" Not like. Discord." Rarity said. Like, like. As in... rarity rolled her eyes. Loved. Discord looked at Big Mac, who was the only one of the group there who had a girlfriend/wife and then understood the notion. He laughed at the realization. "Oh, dear".

"Oh yeah, then why don't you speak? I give you the same dare."
she shouted full of embarrassment

Discord chuckled. "You're not serious, right? Of course not. Not in that way anyway," he said as he waved his free paw.

"Discord, you can't lie in this game." spike muttered at the draconequus with narrowed eyes.

" I'm not. ’Tis true, iv gone out a few times. Mostly attracted to those like myself. Chaotic. But they get old quick. It's like dating myself. I've tried that two and let me tell ya, not making that mistake again." He shrugged. Just then, a zipper unzipped itself midair and another Discord popped his head through a portal. "Yeah, well, you weren't the best to hang around with either." The other Discord spat as he straightens his glasses. Discord took his claw and with a roll of his eyes, he zipped up the portal and snapped his fingers to make it disappear. "Like I was saying…" he continued. "I certainly haven't fallen for any of them. A slight attraction isn't anything serious. I never had a girlfriend past a few days."

"Well as long as we don't ever meet any of the others. Remember cosmos." Rarity uttered.
The only one who stayed very silent during all of this was Fluttershy. She only giggled and smiled at her friends.
Spike shook his head with a roll of his eyes. "Oh yeah, says the dragon who never had a girlfriend. Discord threw back at him as he drinks his tea. "Umm, right here, darling."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you two started dating." Discord shrugged. "Look, I'm the lord of chaos. Literally, the embodiment of all things chaotic. Perhaps I just don't understand. Blah love." He rolled his eyes and took a dramatic pose like he was about to vomit.

"Ok, discord, it's your turn. Who do you want to tell the truth to or dare to?' Heh ok, I dare Spike to stand on his head. Payback for your little side comment."

" Ok, but then I dare you to tell Fluttershy how you feel." Fluttershy's eyes widen at that. With a small flinch
"Umm ok, Fluttershy you're my best friend, and I have to thank you. Without you not only would I not have any friends, I'd be imprisoned in stone. So thank you."

he said it so nonchalantly and easily that Spike looked very unhappy with that answer while trying to balance on his head with the help of Pinky.

"Oh, uh, you're welcome Discord," Fluttershy said with a smile and sipped her tea.

"Ok, my turn aging, Fluttershy." Fluttershy turned her head to him, a bit surprised to be addressed "Tell the truth. What do you want for your birthday?" They all turned to Fluttershy. "I've been meaning to ask you that anyway."

"Oh, I don't know." She shrugged as she turned away with a tilt of the head. "Heh. Well to be honest, all I want is for the animal fundraiser next week to go well. To think I'm actually gonna be singing one of my songs I wrote for it."

"Oh, a song. Sing it, sing it." Pinky Pie squealed cheerfully as she jumped up and down. "Oh uhh." Fluttershy cheeks grew red in embarrassment.

"Come on, come on, I want to hear some". Spike told her.
" Yeah, you got the best singing voice in town, darling". Rarity called out. "Oh, I'm not that good," Fluttershy said with a nervous smile.

"You're right, you're not that good," Discord said as he nodded. They all turned to him and Rarity was about to slap him when he spoke his next sentence.

"You're the best. You got the best singing voice I ever heard in all my years. Heh, other than myself, of course."
" You sing?" Spike asked

"I can, I just don't." Discord finished his tea and ate the cup. "Go on Fluttershy. You were singing that new song of yours the other day to me. You sounded great." He then took a few more bites of his cup as he finished it.

"Oh ok". She sighed and walked over to her desk. She grabbed a small notebook and flipped it open to a page
She Sat up and took a deep breath and let it out before she started singing...

"So no one told you that life was gona be this way. your jobs a joke you're broke my love life doesn't exist any way." She giggled. "Its like were always stuck in the last year."

Discord couldn't help but close his eyes and smile, moving his head slightly to her voice. No one but Spike noticed, who gave a slight chuckle at the sight of him.

"When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month ,or even your year. but ill be there for you. When the rain starts to pour ill be there for you like i've been there there before. Cause i know you'd be there for me toooooo.

They all clapped except Discord who only nodded at her as he opened his red eyes. "Ok, well until the fundraiser next week, I'm not singing anymore." She said as she set her notebook back on her desk.

A radio sound went off. Dispatch call in free cop. Calling free cop over. Discord reached over and pulled from his belt a walky-talky. He pressed the button down as He cleared his throat. In a mellow tone, he said back. "Free cop here, what's the situation."

Fluttershy smiled as she watched Discord. She was so proud of him. Ever since the coronation of princess Twilight Sparkle, the little country town pony vill was fading into a small city due to the rising of all creatures coming in and out of Equestria for friendship school. It looked more like a small city than a town now. And when a police force was established, discord became its first officer.

Discord paused and waited for his response from the walkie-talkie.
"A code 12. Running down Longs Street. All personnel in the area, on pursuit." From the background on the walky-talky, you could hear someone call out, he's too fast. Turning down pond road now. "
"Hmm, pond road, that's not far from here." He said to himself. Discord rolled his eyes. "It's my day off, can you find a closer officer?"

"Code 12 heading up the edge of the forest."
Discord's eyes widen. Wait, that's… blast of magic could be heard just outside the house.

"GET DOWN!" he yelled at everyone. The sound of his voice was deep, loud and demanding. The very shift in his tone took everyone by surprise, but they did as they were told and got underneath tables and chairs. Just in time two as a blast of magic broke through the window and ricocheted around the room only for Discord to catch it and put it out in a fist made by his lion paw. With a snap of his eagle claw, he changed into a cop uniform. A badge displayed on his shoulder. The other he placed his walky-talky.

"This is free cop in pursuit. It's a code 4 now. Repeat, it's a code FOUR!"
He quickly jumped across the living room and out the door as he headed after the runaway. "What's a code four?" spike asked as he looked over to Big Mac, who only shrugged. The others all slowly walked outside to see what was going on. They cautiously followed into the forest as they heard the blast of unicorn magic coming from that direction.
They stopped as they noticed four officers hiding behind trees. Two unicorns, a Pegasus, and an earth pony. The two unicorns blasted magic from their horns back at the criminal who was a unicorn judging by the magic being blasted back. One shot burned the Pegasus.

In a heavy country accent, the orange earth pony called out." Watch out, those aren't stun blasts like ours."
Discord jumped out of the bushes. The others are not far behind, trying to keep a safe distance.
"Free cop, good to see ya." Said an earth pony with a very familiar voice. "Hay, AJ having fun without me." Discord said as he ducts from a blast of magic.

"Oh yeah totally." She said sarcastically as she powered up her stun wrist cannon. It was a small canon that had to be filled with unicorn magic to work, but it could give earth ponies the edge they needed when they were police officers.
"Uh, chief Applejack. "A unicorn panic. "It's not the best time for a reunion, is it?" She asked.
She ducts and then fired more blasts from her horn towards the criminal. "Ok, you got a point," Applejack said with a sarcastic smirk.

"Fall back!" she yelled. The other three turned to the chief with confusion. "Do as the chief says." Discord told them. He side-eyed AJ, she gave a slight nod, to which he returned.
"Discord, you go in."

" What alone you can't be…" the Pegasus complained only to be stopped by AJ. Fall back that's an order, leave this to free cop. AJ insisted and crawled her way over, bumping into Spike. "Spike, what are you doing here?" She then noticed the others.

"Uhh came to help. He shrugged. AJ rolled her eyes. "Keep your heads down."

"Oh, where discord," Fluttershy asked with fear in her voice.
AJ chuckled. "Don't worry about free cop. After all. He's the immortal lord of chaos." She gave an excited smile with a slight shake of her head.

As soon as the other officers were in safety, discord jumped up with his wings spread out. His claws at the ready. "Ahh, free cop!" The unicorn yelled. It was a brown unicorn with a pumpkin orange main. And a pumpkin for his mark. He blasted bolts at Discord who rushed him and using his athletic and twisty body he swerved past the bolts like it was nothing. With a spin, he came landing right in front of the unicorn, who slid back a hill to avoid capture.
"Why doesn't Discord just use his magic?" Ask rarity. A

j shook her head. "Unicorn Magic is dangerous enough, to try chaos magic. Discord knows it's too dangerous to just use willy-nilly."

" Ahh, but willy-nilly magic is more fun," Pinky complained.
The unicorn shot a blast of magic straight at Discord, who literally split himself into two avoiding the blast. He jumped up and spun midair coming back together, slapping the unicorn with his snake-like tail. The impact was hard enough for the unicorn to be thrown back into a tree. Discord, almost as if he was dancing, kicked himself off the ground over to him and pulled a pair of handcuffs out of midair. Before the unicorn readied another blast of magic to shoot at Discord. But as he tried to shoot, his magic fizzled away as the sound of the handcuffs snatched shut around his wrist.

Discord sighed. "Anti-magic shackles. What will they think of next."

He shrugged and grabbed the criminal with a slight shake, the magic stone that the crook stole fell out of his pocket.

"Ahh, there we are," Discord said as he reached over and picked it up. "Don't worry, ill be sure to get this back to its rightful owner." He said with a sly grin.

With the criminal down, the gain, all popped out of the bushes. Cheating Discord on for the win. He turned to them slightly nodding.

The unicorn turned to the little crowd in the forest. "How! How can you cheer for him? For that… That monster!"
Discord turned back to the unicorn. His face couldn't be more neutral than ever. Discord had a good poker face, that's for sure. "Monster maybe. At least I don't go around stealing."

"You! You're the reason I have to steal to put food on the table. Why any of us has two steal! Why the crime rate in the world has gone up!"

Discord tilted his head a bit.

"If you never gathered Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis in the first place, I wouldn't have to steal to get some food around here. So many creatures. Oh, look we're all one big happy world, they say." He said sarcastically with a sarcastic smile. "No one ever looks any closer, do they? Unicorns, Pegasus! It was bad enough trying to get three creatures to coexist now look. And it's all because you had to join forces with the three most powerful villains in history." He pointed at Discord, who only kept his poker face. "You should be locked up with them. I mean why do you get to run free when they don't why we don't!? Huh. Everyone in all of the world knows of your dark deeds. Your evil! "

Discord couldn't help but let that last statement break his poker face. A bit of anger flashed through his eyes as he grits his teeth. But only for a moment. Discord shrugged.

"Haha." he gave a convincing language, but Fluttershy could tell when he didn't mean it. "Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Fact is, I'm reformed. I made my choice to be better. And ya know what you can two"

he then grabbed the unicorn and pushed over to the gray Pegasus and gray unicorn with blue hair. They took him away. He only yelled back. "Reformed. You're not reformed! You're just pardoned for what. I mean, they don't get a 2ed chance. None of us gets a 2ed chance. We don't get to be reformed, we get an uncomfy cell. How the heck is that fair while a monster like him walks free?!" He shouted. "Yeah yeah, whatever." The gray Pegasus said, pushing him forward. "Call over a wagon, we got the culprit." The gray unicorn girl said over the radio.