• Published 31st Oct 2022
  • 257 Views, 6 Comments

LUCKY CHAINS - discordjediknight

when discord the draconequus cop vanishes, a year latter a mystrious pony by the name of lucky chains with a interisting past comes to town. could he be the one who killed discord?

  • ...

Chapter 14 finale verdict

The next day Spike walked into the prison with a Brief case on hand, a fedora and a lawyer's suit. He walked up to the front desk.

“Name and state of business asked the griffin.”

“I'm here for my client, uh, I'm his lawyer. Discords. You saw me yesterday.”

“Just doing my job.” The griffin shrugged. And 2 royal guards, one from the Kirin empire and the other from canterlot came out and escorted him to the holding cell.

“Thanks, guys,” Spike said, waving his hand and letting them leave.

Discord was leaning up against the wall of the cell. It looked like he didn't get any sleep. Well.

Spiked sighed. “With the full confession and plea of guilty now presented. We can only hope for a better verdict. The council is still conversing on what to do. Once they made a decision….” Spike paused.

Discord chuckled at that. “Well well well, what can I say, it was a good run while it lasted.”

“Discord, this is serious.”

“Yep, it is.”

Spike just lowered his head into his claw.” And what may I ask was it that you lied about?”

Discord's eyebrow raised.

“You have a pretty good tell. Ya know. Every time you lie. And I mean really lie, you tend to look out away. You did just that when writing your report. So what was it that you lied about?”

Discord's smile turned into a cocky smirk. “Ok, truth or dare. Tell me why have you been avoiding rarity.”

Spike immediately jumped back and scratched his arm. “I am not.” He said.

“You got a pretty good tell, too. You scratch one of your arm scales every time you lie.”

Discord shrugged.” Remember what you told me, spike, you can't lie in this game.”

Spike rolled his head. “And how is this going to help you with the trial? I mean, whatever you lied about. Holding crucial information in like that. If you told whatever it is, it could save your life here.”

“No, no, it won't. It won't change a darn thing.”

“And neither will I tell you about rarity.”

“So you're not gonna play then.” Discord grumbled, throwing a toothy grin.

“Ugh. Why do you have to be so difficult?” Spike muttered furiously.

“Hay, I gave you a chance to know. I just want to know some personal info before I tell you mine.”

“Personal ugh you're crazy.”

“Uh, hello, lord of Chaos. It's kinda in my description.”

“Fine. Spike yelled out, flinging his claws in the air. He quickly crossed his arms. I get no time with rarity happy.”

“Go on.” Discord said, his expression changing to one of amusement.

“Rarity works really hard. And so do I. We tried the whole long distress relationship thing but. Spike rolled his eyes along with his head. I decided just to remain friends. Only I… I haven't really told her that yet. I did go out to lunch with her the other day. I was gonna say something but…” Spike said, scratching the back of his neck.

“And let me guess. That's because you don't want to.”

Spike only shook his head.” I don't want to break up with her at all.”

The two friends stood in silence for a moment until Spike sighed.” And now she's moving. And I think it's great. She has her dream career.”

Discord shrugged. “You do realize she's moving to Canterlot.”

Spike's eyes widen. “Wha…”

“Yeah, Spike. I overheard her and the girls the other day. She wants to move to Canterlot to start a real relationship with you. Yet you keep on avoiding her. He snickers. And for what because you think it is better for her career? Hahahaha. Shel gets more work in canterlot than ever and is right by you. Sounds like a win-win to me.”

“But i. But I thought I was just. Dragging her down. I heard her say that.”

“What's dragging her down is not having you around. She couldn't help it at the time, but that's why she wanted to tell you. She wanted to surprise you. And yet you keep disappearing on her. Ok, and what do tell your little thing?”

Discord shrugged.” I didn't write Fluttershy falling asleep with me at the hospital. I want to keep that stuff private, if you don't mind”.

“Did you kiss her?”


“Why not.”

“Why not dude, I just woke up from being dead. He chuckled. Besides, if I don't get out of here, I'm stone or worse.”

“That's not gonna happen. Not on my watch. I just need to find a quickfire way to end this whole mess.”

“Welp times running out, Spike.”

“I know just…” He sighed in frustration and began to leave.

“Spike!” Discord shouted. Spike looked up.” Thank you.”

Spiked nodded and left.

Spike sat in his room, in the castle of friendship. He hadn't been there for a while. He sighed in defeat and frustration as he lay back on his bed. What on earth was he gonna do now? He turned over onto his side, thinking he could just get some rest. He then saw on the nightstand the board game Ogres and Oobliets.

He sat up as he decided to open the box…he hadn't opened it since they all last played a year ago before Discord vanished. After that, they thought they'd never look at the same aging.

Spike opened it, seeing the remnants of the game they played before. The dice are still on the 4 he got when he lost. And the magic spell card he was hoping to use to win the game. He picked it up, examining it.

It was a snake spell. When cast, the user would be able to take control of the minds of the enemy forces and turn them against them. The Pinky Pie clones were supposed to turn on Shmairtys army, thus winning the game for the boys that night. If only he rolled the dice in their favor.

Seemed so simple back then. If only he could use that spell now. But taking over their minds is not what he wanted. He just wanted them to change their minds. He chuckled at the thought. Nope, instead of battling Shmarity rainbow warrior and the crazy multiplying elf army of Pinky, he was battling the queen of the kirin army over the right to save his friend's life. He needed a sure, fireproof way of proving their reformation.

But how.

Just then Thorax, leader of the changelings walked in.

“Oh ho, spike, there you are. I was hoping we could catch up. Haven't seen you in a long while.”

“Or hay thorax. Sorry, I've been busy trying to help Discord.”

“Oh, don't worry, you have my vote to free him.”

“I know, but it's the Kirin queen and her convincing the others that I'm worried about.”

“Well, yeah, she does kinda have a point. I mean, it's not like Discord is a changeling.”

“Why would that be relevant?”

“Oh because he was a changeling you could tell he truly was reformed by the look of him like with us.”

“Spike's eyes then widen as he froze.”

“Uh, spike, you ok. Thorax asked.”

“Yeah, Thorax, you just gave an idea. He stood up and grabbed the dice from the board game.”

“Oh, I did, umm. Happy to help. Uh, spike. What did I do?”

“Don't worry about it, he said as he quickly put on his jacket. Just do a favor and get me a hearing with all the judges by the end of the day.”

“Um sure but Spike I was…”

“I know, I'm sorry we'll have to catch up another time,” he shouted back as he ran out the door. “Oh ok then.” Thorax shrugged.

Spike then ran back to the prison. Name. The Griffin asked him. Spike. The reason why you're back. To see your client right.

“Yes, but uh, actually I want to see Chrystal or Chrysalis instead.”

The Griffin guard looked at him surprised, but shrugged and opened the door.

Once aging everyone sat, the next day In court. They were all curious about what Spike had to offer. Especially Discord, who didn't understand a thing that was going on. As he was seated at the table, he turned around to spike. An expression of questions was on his face.

Spike nervously smiled and gave him the thumbs up.

Twilight banged the table with his hammer. “I bring this court to order.” She said, with her expression showing how tired she truly was due to all of this. “Now, before we make our final season, spike apparently has found new info that could change all of this. So spike, the floor is yours.”

Spike stood up and walked forward. As he walked past Discord, Discord nervously smiled and whispered spike, what are you doing?

“Welp, I'm a rolling the dice.” He said and tossed up the dice he had in his claw.

Discord shook his head, trying not to show how nervous he truly was. But failed to do so as sweat began to drip from his brow.

“People of Ponyvill. He began. And high court of the friendship alliance world, If there was definitive proof that one of Discord's reformers has truly changed, then it would be proof of his work right.”

“Get on with it.” Said the kirin queen.

“Your honor, I present to the court the former changeling queen turned criminal run away Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis stood up and walked to the middle of the room. She still stood in a pony form that she always kept.

“What point to this is there? We already have her statement. All our evidence against her shows she hasn't been reformed. And her personal plea with an explanation.”

The crowd mumbled behind themselves

“Yes, yes but. I have more than just that. Spike said as he placed a file full of papers on the table in front of twilight”

“And what is this?” Twilight asked as she looked through the files

“That twilight,” spike once aging threw the dice up in the air and caught it as he continued, looking more confident than he actually was. “Is a folder showing all the good reformed people thanks to Discord aka lucky chains music corporation.”

“A total of nearly a hundred people have been either reformed or helped by lucky chains or corporations. Proof of all his good deeds.”

“We already ready have this in the evidence files.” The queen of the kirin mutters.

“Yeah, yes, but this is proof of his good deeds. However, as you claim.” Spike pointed at the Queen,” it is not enough to prove Discord's innocence.”

The queen nodded as she looked confused.

“Well, I'm here to show you proof of the true change Discord aka lucky chains has made.”

Spike then threw the dice high in the air. “Please don't be four again”

.he mutters as he waved a claw at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis spoke up.

“I know what my original statement was. But please listen to me. I for so long had the support of my kingdom. I for so long wanted my people's happiness, and then it was all taken away from me. I grew bitter and never thought i would ever find true loyalty. True love and friendship aging. But then I found them. I became a dancer and then a singer. I found creatures I could trust and began trusting aging. With the thought of that being taken away from once again, I did everything I could to prevent that. She whined with tears building in her eyes.

I only wanted to keep my friends safe. When Fluttershy found out about Discord, I knew it was a risk to our safety, and I took it to spawn myself to get rid of it. Not to protect friends but because of my greed. I didn't want my friends to leave me, as the changelings did. But I have changed and I have proof.”

Suddenly, a ring of green fire spread around the pony.

The dice that Spike threw hit the ground as her transformation came to an end.

Chrysalis turned into a tall form of the changelings. Her eyes sparkled green. Her horn glowed. She had blood-red tips at the end of her hooves and horn. Then a light green and blue shimmer across her sparkling crystal-like big body. She spread her wings, which were twice as large as a normal changeling. They were a foggy white with a rainbowish sheam to them. She truly looked like she was the queen of the reformed changelings.

The crowd gasped and ah he'd at her appearance. Even the queen of the kirin stood there standing staring at the beauty of the former changeling queen.

“Wow. Well, I wasn't expecting that.” Discord chuckled.

After marveling at chrysalis for a few minutes, twilight called the room back to order. Alright, well with that revelation, I think it's time to decide their fates. Chrysalis discord and I, Cherry Pie, gulped at that.

Every leader had in front of them a small slip of paper with the options of what to do with them.

The courtroom turned silent. The only sound that could be heard is the judges writing their verdicts on the papers.

After they were written, they set down their quilts. “Alright, are we all ready for the final verdict, then?” Asked the queen of the kirin.

Twilight nodded with no confidence. All the accused rise.

The villains stood up. But not one said another word. It was so quiet and the tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

I stood in chains, unsure of what my date was going to be. A mix of feelings was inside me. Discord was alive. I didn't end up killing him after all, I was so happy. But so frightened of what my date would be that I couldn't even look at Discord right now.

Twilight slowly blinked and then began to speak, aging.It was clear and emotionless. Yet you could see on her face how much it hurt her to even speak.

“Ok. There are 5 choices here.

1 to free the accused of high charges, and only charge them with the smaller charges which will result in community service. Getting rid of the clone.

2same as the first, but give the clone adoption papers to be signed.

3 to send to maximum prison, but not trapped in stone for a few years. Clone was set free and treated as a kid.

4 to free Pinkys and her clone, but send Discord and then three to Stone. All others will be given community service.

5 to send all to Stone. And get rid of the clone”

“All for one…” None of the rulers raised a hand.

“All for two…” Still, no one raised a hand or a hoof.

“All for three.” Twilight raised her hoof, but was saddened when no one else did.

“Four. Nothing.”



Twilight looked around. “Umm, did you not vote?” She asked.

“Six.” The kirin queen said and raised her hoof. All the Rulers raised their arms.

“Huh but.” Twilight said sputtering.

“You've been so tired you forgot we put the sixth option on the back of the page.” Thorax told her.

“But what's six”? She yelled and flipped the paper. On it was a shock.

The crowd was still quiet as Twilight looked at the paper.

“Well, what does it say?” Discord shouted.

Twilight eyes teared up as she smiled. “All the accused,” she began.

“Shall be free of all charges as reformed citizens. So long as they agree to help others do the same.”

The crowd gasped.

“Haha and here I thought we were friends twilight, you voted to send me to prison”. He chuckled as the crowd all cheated. Twilight jumped across the table and let Discord catches her. Soon he found himself in the biggest group hug he could ever have.

After that, my adoption papers were brought to Discord IMMEDIATELY!!! Who sign them and hugged me.

“Ok, we still need to process these villains and their freedom. How about tomorrow, we bring her to your residence?” Said the blue-haired police officer.

“No problem, see you tomorrow, kid.” Discord said and patted my head.

Discord then went to Fluttershy. The very second he opened the door, she ran up to him, knocking him over.

“Oh, discord, I'm so glad you're safe,” she cried.

“It's alright, my dear, it's alright.” He patted her head.

After clearing her eyes of tears, he offered her some tea. “My treat.”

She nodded as she got up off of him.

The two friends made tea and sat on the couch together. But they stayed otherwise very quiet.

They only had a smile and blush on their faces as they dranked their tea.

It was, to their surprise, Fluttershy who spoke up first.

“So um discord.”

Discord turned to her with a grin.” I know flutters.”

“Then do you want to?”

Discord sighed happily. “Fluttershy I know I may have said some things in the heat of the moment, but I got a whole new mystery in my head to deal with.”

“I uh I”.

“Fluttershy you're always gonna be very important to me. And yes, I would like to go out with you. But right now I have too many things to deal with.”

Fluttershy nodded in understanding.

“Let's just hold on that kiss of life for a bit, ok. I promised I won't make you wait too long.”


Discord nodded. “Well, For now, he yawned. Why don't we just get some shut-eye,” He stretched his arms?

“No problem. Where would you like to sleep? The couch or the bed?” She said with a giggle.

Discord chuckled at that. For his answer, he already headed upstairs. Fluttershy just followed.

Author's Note:

Ok guys one more chapter after this and my first story is done...