• Published 31st Oct 2022
  • 256 Views, 6 Comments

LUCKY CHAINS - discordjediknight

when discord the draconequus cop vanishes, a year latter a mystrious pony by the name of lucky chains with a interisting past comes to town. could he be the one who killed discord?

  • ...

chapter 5 My Entrance


Fluttershy yelled, waking up in her bed.

“Fluttershy, Fluttershy, you ok”

She heard a voice calling to her as someone ran up the stairs to her bedroom. The door was already open, and Fluttershy stared at the hallway as she gasped for air. It was none other than her brother Zephyr who immediately ran into her room, To check on her. Alongside him was a rabbit.

"Hay sis, you ok?" He asked with a concerned smile. She grinned at the sight of him and nodded.
“Yeah.” she gave a smile as she caught her last breath to calm down. A small scorch mark was on her side just under her wing. She set a hoof over the tiny scar, “Just a nightmare. I...”

The rabbit jumped up and sat on her lap. She slowly rubbed the rabbit's little head and scratched its ear. “I'll be fine”

her brother nodded, still concerned for his sister. “Welp sis, I got breakfast down stairs, and guess what. I got a new job interview in an hour. He threw his arms in the air in victory. “Oh yeah! Go Zephyr.” Fluttershy could only give a small smile and nod, but it faded as she turned away from him, still petting the rabbit.

Zephyr only scratched the back of his neck. He nervously stood up. "Yeah ok, sis. I'll just uh…." She didn't turn back to him. He nodded at that and uttered the word “yeah.” aging before he walked away.

As she heard his footsteps vanish down the stairs, her little rabbit jumped from her lap and into her viewpoint. He curled up in a little ball and squeaked in his little language only Fluttershy could understand.

"I miss him too. I use to always hate him. He takes so much of your time away from me. But in the end, he was always fun to fight with."

Fluttershy closed her eyes at the rabbit's squeaks.

"But it's been almost a year. He wouldn't have wanted you sad on the week of your birthday, flutters.”

Fluttershy gave a sorrow-filled sigh. And lifted her head up. She patted the edge of her bed, remembering where he once nervously slept. Your right, she said as she grinned. She got out of bed and headed down stairs, as Angel the bunny followed her.

As she ate her toast on the kitchen table, she smiled. She was determined to have a good day. If not for her. For her fallen friend.

Fluttershy soon got to work. She was the head of the fundraiser. She took on the role. And this time the money that was going to be gathered will be for none other than the reformation program to help more criminals become reformed. Especially those who were considered dangerous.

She walked onto the large stage that was now built for the fundraiser. She picked up a clip board with her hoof and a pin in the other. She went over her checklist for the day.

1 set up for the arrival of the singers.

2 make sure that lights and audio were working.

3 set up curtains for the stage

She smiled at it. For some reason, she did not know. She had a good feeling about today. Even if it was the anniversary of Discord's disappearance. She felt this stage. This is what Discord would have wanted. And it made her happy.
Pinky jumped into the frame out of nowhere while pushing a giant speaker on a dolly. "Hay flutters. Where do you want the speakers?"

Fluttershy pointed to the left of the stage.

"Okie Doki." Pinky pushed the speaker, struggling to get the heavy thing to move.
Fluttershy couldn't help but get lost in her memories of watching Pinky push the speaker.
It was a few months ago. They all stood in the throne room of princess Twilight, as they always did once a moon.
“Well, I'm happy to see that the diamond dogs have finally decided to join the friendship alliance." The princess said with a smile.

"Yeah, I was surprised about that too," Spike replied, putting his two senses in. Spike was much taller. He now stood the same height as apple jack. That was twice the size he originally was. But the one who grew the most was Twilight due to her alicorn magic. She looked as if she was Celestia herself.

"Ok, next order of business," AJ said, looking over the scroll. "Hay, it's Fluttershy's birthday coming up." The room all turned to Fluttershy. "So you gonna put on that fundraiser for the animal sanctuary?" AJ asked.
"Oh, oh well, make it the best there is," Rainbow shouted. "What's the theme gonna be this time?"
Fluttershy gave a small smile. "Oh, you know, the animal sanctuary has received some very large donations. I don't think ill need to fundraise for it this year. "

"Oh uh ok." Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck as she remembered what happen the year before. "So then well just through a little party to…"

Fluttershy's eyes grew in excitement. "This year I want to fundraise for the reformation program."
At the sound of this, Twilight's expression softens into a motherly smile. "Let me guess, to honor the hero cop."
The room fell silent at the mention of the hero cop.

A look of sadness fell into Fluttershy's eyes. But her smile did not waver. "Yeah, I think it is, the best thing to do this year.

"Uh, you sure about that, darling? Rarity spoke up. I mean, it's been almost a year and perhaps old memories can be…"
"I don't want to forget him." Fluttershy interrupted rarity. "I know I need some closer two, but…" she paused for a long moment.

"But maybe it would help if I just…"
Twilight stood up from her throne. "Yes of course. And to do so well, help in any way we can."
"Ok, but what's the theme gonna be?" Rainbow asked impatiently. Fluttershy stopped for a moment. She hadn't thought of that.

"Oh, oh, I know. Pinky jumped up from the step she was sitting on. A concert of the top 3 singers in equestrian".
Applejack nodded to the idea. "Yeah, it be nice to see Rara aging. Let's do it."
Oh, oh and since it's for the reformation program. The number one donator of that program is none other than lucky chains."

Spike jumped up with a gasp. "Lucky chains. You think we could get lucky chains? He's like the number one best singer. "

"Umm, who's that?" Asked Rarity and Twilight simultaneously.

"Right, right here in Equestria he's only in the top five but in other parts of the world, he's the number one." spike explained. "He's really popular with changelings and dragons."
Pinky giggled. Yeah, and every song he puts out is another hit on one of the charts. He's really popular with the Kirin Two. I've been trying to book him forever, but he's always on tour, building funds for the reformation program. If we do this, there's no way he won't come."

Pinky and Spike high-fived each other, laughing and smiling.

“Ok, then it is settled.” the princess sat back down on her throne. "Well, have a concert. For the fundraiser.”

Fluttershy shook the memory away. Tho, a question still lingered in her mind. She knew Rara. Rara was the number 1 singer in equestrians and in the top ten worldwide for most popular singers. The 2ed group would be Fluttershy and the pony tunes. After the loss of her dear friend, Fluttershy felt she could no longer hesitate and became one of the top singers in her spare time. Tho, she didn't have many songs.

But she didn't know anything about Lucky Chains. Not his music or what he looks like. She began to ponder that.
She walked over to pinky who finally got the speaker in place.

"Hay pinky, do you know anything about Lucky Chains? Like what he looks like."
Pinky shrugged." Unless you go to his concert, no one knows. All I know is that he's a tall guy. They say he's twice the height of a normal pony, and he came pretty much out of nowhere in terms of his music career. No one knows where he comes from." Pinky explained, trying to sound all mysterious.

"Uh, thanks, Pinky." She said, unsatisfied with Pinky's answer.
Just then, several royal guards entered the area. Behind them, spike walked with a scroll and feather pen in hand. To the right of him was the Alicon princess herself. A Kirin male who followed as an ambassador. And the Kirin queen.
“ So glad you could make it two the concert. Your contributions will be a big help." Twilight told the queen.
The queen nodded. Many of my people love Lucky Chain's music, so this will be fun for those who were able to come." She said with an emotionless tone. By her expression, it was clear she didn't want to be there.

"Still..." she continued. "... This gives me a good chance to visit Pony vill. I never did get the opportunity to visit before now."
She stopped just in front of a plaque that stood just under a tree. The plaque said in memory of hero cop. She stared at it as if puzzled by it. "This reformation program." She began aging. "2ed chances. It's something that we the Kirins do truly believe in. She turned back to Twilight. However, there are those who are too dangerous to be given such a chance. "
Twilight nodded sadly.

"Any results on the search for the top 3." The kirin asked.
Twilight again shook her head. "We keep wanted posters fresh, but I think they disappeared along with the hero."
Ha. the kirin queen gave a spiteful laugh. "Hero. Forgive me, but it was he who joined forces with them in the first place wasn't it?"

Twilight eyes narrowed. Her eyebrows began to arch.
"It was he who vanished with them. If you ask me, he probably is lurking in the shadows with those criminals just waiting to strike."

Twilight heard enough, she opened her mouth to say something but was surprised that the voice she heard was not her own.

“How dare you” Twilight turned her head over to see Fluttershy fuming with rage. "I don't know who you are, and I don't care. Don't ever talk about my friend that way.

The kirn queen only moved her eye gaze to her but stood emotionless in every other way. "You must be Fluttershy the element of kindness." Fluttershy glared at the kirin queen.
"My apologies for my rude tongue. Allow me to introduce myself. I am queen flair of the kirn lands. We kirin are more down to earth and nature than most." Her expression merged into one of understanding. Twilight eyes grew a bit surprised. It was the only emotion she saw on the queen's face all day.

"I made my mistakes in the past two and was glad to be forgiven. But sometimes there are those that can't be." She shook her head. "I have kept my people on the highest of alerts for any sign of them. We kirin are not as ready as you pony folk. But we will protect our homes. If what you say is true, then." She rinsed for a moment as if she was in pain. But as she opened her eyes, the emotionless look returned. "Then good riddance. The world is safer without such danger." She then began to walk away, with her ambassador following.

Fluttershy bit her lip in anger. Twilight walked over and wrapped her in her wing. "I know, I know. I'm sorry about that. "
Fluttershy's expression changed right there. "Oh no. I mean, I didn't know she was the queen. Oh, god, if I said anything else to her, I could have started a war." Fluttershy moaned in annoyance at herself.
"Na, it wasn't that bad," Twilight said bumping her friend. Besides, the friendship alliance prevents such actions.
Fluttershy smiled and gave a little laugh, but Twilight could see in her eyes she didn't feel much better.
"Hay I know. Why don't you and me, we get the girls and have a night on the town? Like the old days." Twilight said giving Fluttershy a little shake.

“I'm in,” Pinky said, jumping in between them out of nowhere. Spike, you coming. She asked
Sure. Just wish Rarity was here for it. She'll miss out on all the fun.
“ Yeah, but Rarity will be here for the concert. She told me herself. Twilight answered him.
"Well, what do you say flutters?" Pinky asked

Fluttershy tilted her head in the defeat of her friends. “Ok ill join”

Later on that night, the 6 friends all went around having fun, all dressed up in dresses. Except for Spike, who wore a little tuxedo. Twilight also wore a long jacket that hid her wings, so she wouldn't be noticed or recognized as the ruler of Equestria. Tonight she wasn't the princess. Tonight she was with her friends. They ate dinner, caught a movie and went dancing for a little while. Their last plan for the night was karaoke at sugar cube corner.

Pinky every Saturday night held a karaoke party for anyone willing to come in and have fun. A sign sat in the window that read. Grab a milkshake or a cupcake, and sing to your heart's content.

Fluttershy stared at the sign with a smile. As they listen to rainbow dash try to sing, I am just a pony. And doing it very badly. The others customers there were laughing along with Rainbow, who couldn't hold the note. Even so, everybody was having fun.

"Ok, ok, you think you can sing this better, here's the mic. "Dash said, handing the mic over to Spike. Who continued the next line?

"I make mistakes from time to time. And now I know the real me…" he was actually worse than Rainbow, and the crowd all laughed. The laughter was contagious, and Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle a little as well. But her smile wavered as she kept thinking about what the kirin queen had said about discord.

After discord accidentally knocked her out. He was ordered to not use any magic like that aging. He then went after the pink pony, more determined than ever to catch her. When he got there tho, there was an explosion, most likely caused by the cloaked pony. They never found a body. After the explosion. Discord just disappeared. Was he still alive? And if so, why hasn't he come to see her then. She accepted months ago that he died and wasn't coming back. But could Discord really be alive and plotting something? Could he really turn evil, aging? Would he? Was she actually doubting him? Her best friend … her…

"You alright?" Twilight asked her, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Huh oh yes. I was just thinking of something, is all. "
Twilight gave her a reassuring smile. "Well, then come on. "She said as she took Fluttershy's hoof. "It's your turn to sing karaoke."

Fluttershy's eyes widened as she was pulled onto the mini-stage pinky pie constructed in the middle of sugar cube corner.

"Ok, what do you want me to sing?" Fluttershy asked the crowd.
"Oh, how about one of your new songs?" A griffin from the back said. It was none other than Gilda.
Fluttershy smiled. "Ok". She stood there with her hair down, flowing over her shoulders. She took in a deep breath and let it out. She wore a sparkly red dress lined with green at the end of it. As if she put on a strawberry costume. She opened her eyes and nodded to pinky pie. With that nod, pinky pie pressed play on the karaoke machine.
The music started and began to rise. As she began to sing.
I'm waiting for you
A little stage fright stopped her at first, but she shook it out of her head.
I'm waiting for you. I stood and watch this time divided in two. I'm standing in place. Regret on my face. My broken heart, ACH for the day that won't change. The memories we had the feeling we had, no they won't stay like that.

The crowd all enjoyed the sound of her voice and cheered her to keep going.
The people you helped, the pain that you felt. I can't forgive myself for losing everything. I pray that the smile on your face will always stay. All your hopes and dreams you had that day won't change.

Ok, guys now it's time for me to show up. There I was walking down the road. Dressed in my black trench coat and hat. The sound of my chains rattled as I moved. They were hidden under my coat. I wore sunglasses and a gold feminine chain with a butterfly locket around my neck, and a black beard with some white hairs unfortunately showing. Following me were none other than the chain links. They were changelings. They stood all in their pony forms. We were just walking through town sightseeing When my ears perked up at the sound of her voice.

But not just yet because there's something that we never said

Come on girls. Let's grab a milkshake. I said and gestured them over to the location of the sound.
“Sure why not” a changeling disguised as a purple earth pony replied.
So I entered the room. Some onlookers were a bit taken aback by my apernece. I was the tallest pony in the room as always. Me and my four companions all sat around one table in the back. I couldn't help but tap my foot to the beat of the music.

There was a moment, there was a time when emotions we helped kept our hearts connected. The one time I shared, the one time I cared it vanished so fast like it wasn't even there

A waiter came by and took our order. Two vanilla one strawberry one chocolate and an Oreo, I told him. I didn't even realize I was now bumping my head to the music and the song. Enjoying yourself. The purple one said. I chuckled at that as I leaned back in my chair and let the sound of her voice Pearce my ears.

The thoughts that we had, the feeling we had. The way there were then, no they didn't stay like that. I yell, and I shout I scream and cry out.
No matter what I do I can't seem to save you.
Tho the song seemed sad, the music had an upbeat track to it, and she sang with a smile on her face.
I pray that the smile on your face will always stay. All your hopes and dreams you had that day won't change. But not just yet because there's something that we never said.

Sometimes past and the whiter brought are milkshakes. The whiter was none other than Mr cake.

I'm standing right here. Your standing right there, I hoped we meet aging, but I never knew where. I hear a small noise. I hear a small voice, I step forward and run towards you calling out to me. Cause who else could beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

She helped the note perfectly. As she finished the song.

I pray that the smile on your face will always stay. All your hopes and dreams you had that day won't change. But not just yet because there's something that we never said.

As the song ended, the crowd all clapped for Fluttershy. I could feel the grin on my lips as I watched her smile back and wave to them, giving a little nervous laughter here and there. I was in a word proud of her. Proud to see her have the guts to get up on stage for once.

“Ok, Fluttershy who's next to sing? You got to choose now.” Pinky Pie cheated,

“Oh uh. “

Fluttershy looked around. Suddenly her eyes saw me. The tall shadow in the back. “You,” she said and pointed at me.

I waved my hoof. “Na, I'm just here for the drinks,” I called back.

Pinky jumped up on the stage as Fluttershy got down. “Everyone here has to take up the challenge if you're at a karaoke party.” Come on. Come on. The crowd and pinky pie chanted.

I chuckled at that. "What Do you think? I asked my little party. Want to have some fun?" They nodded. All but the red pony with purple hair. She just frowned and shrugged. That was always her way of saying let's do it. So we all got up and headed to the stage.

Ok, ill leave you all wanting more for the next chapter.
Chapter 6 Want to be your HERO

Author's Note:

Hope you guys enjoyed it. the song fluttershy sings is the itro to erased. a verry great anime im a fan of.

UPDATE 4/24/23 I now am finally going back and fixing as many spelling issues as I can. please let me know if any more show up. lol