• Published 31st Oct 2022
  • 257 Views, 6 Comments

LUCKY CHAINS - discordjediknight

when discord the draconequus cop vanishes, a year latter a mystrious pony by the name of lucky chains with a interisting past comes to town. could he be the one who killed discord?

  • ...

Chapter 7 cherry rehearsal

It was the next day after lucky chains first came to town. Pinky and Fluttershy were working on the stage. Setting up instruments for the bands. DJ pon 3 was working on the sound bar, trying to keep Pinky Pie from pressing buttons.

"Well, at least lucky chains seems nice," Pinky said cheerfully.

Fluttershy agreed with a "mmmhmm." She keep looking at her list and checking off as she went.

"Tho I didn't expect him to be that tall. He doesn't look like that on the posters." Pinky pulled up one of the posters for the fundraiser. Fluttershy took a moment to glance at it.

The poster had a gray pony in a black hat with shackles and chains hanging from his wrist. Tho, it was in most shadow. The only thing in a color besides the words (lucky chains singing at the fundraiser live in person) was a red eye.

She glanced back to her clip, board and checked off another box after hearing DJ vinyl scratch play a few notes using her disk. She then thought back to last night when she first met lucky chains. Tho he tipped his glasses to show he was winking at her, she did not see the color of his eyes. Were they as red as they were on the poster? And who was the other pony who was sitting with him? The one who didn't get up and dance?

Just then, spike climbed the stairs with a box full of microphone equipment. He struggled caring it. "Uh, here Fluttershy." He struggled to say as he began panting. Pinky jumped over to him and picked up the box with ease. "Thanks, spiky."

Spike's eyes widen as pinky trailed off with it in one hoof as if it weighed nothing. He stood there dumbfounded for a moment till Rainbow noticed him.

"Are you alright down there?" She asked as she finished tying up the curtains that separated the front from the backstage.

"I'm fine. " Spike nodded.

"Except my pride." He muttered as he looked at his scrawny arms. While he was taller, he wasn't much stronger.

Rainbow chuckled at the sight. "Well…" she flew down to the others. "...curtains up, I'm gonna go see if Rarities train has arrived. You coming." She asked with a sly grin,

Fluttershy lift her head up to see what Spike would do.

"Uh-huh. I got a lot of work here, so." He smiled nervously. Rainbow shrugged. They all got back to work quietly, including Fluttershy, who only gave a wary smile and a tiny laugh. She shook her head to herself as she continued to check things off her list alongside Vinal. A few minutes later, spikes were working on setting up the torches around the stage. Fluttershy looked at her list. Torches test was not checked off.

Fluttershy walked over to Spike. "Ok, spike, be careful with the fire magic that's in those barrels," she said nervously as Spike connected it to the canon. "Ahahah you do realize you're talking to a dragon right? I know how to deal with fire magic. Besides these torches, the show will be awesome. Imagine the flames shooting out of the stage mid-song." He said excitingly.

Fluttershy only smiled nervously at that. "Ok, then. Torches test."

Spike hit a button and the torches lit fire 5 feet off the stage. Fluttershy jumped and hid herself behind Spike at the sight of the fire. Spike turned it off with a chuckle.

"Uh, ok, torches work," she said as she calmed down and checked it off her list.

"By the way, have you seen lucky chains anywhere? I want to see if he's willing to hang out… you know, since he apparently knows us. Be cool to get to know him."

Fluttershy shook her head. "But he's trailers just over there. I'm almost done with my list for the day, why don't we go ask him?"

Spike nodded to that and began to walk away.

"Uhh, Spike."

Spike turned to her.

"By the way. Just some advice." Altho Fluttershy smiled, her eyes had a look of sorrow in them. "Take it from someone who lost their chance. Talk to Rarity ok. Life is too short not to be with your friends..." she looked away as she uttered the last words. "...or loved ones."

Spike looked away from her as he stared at his feet. "I miss him too ya know. We all do." He said back to her and continued on his path.

After another hour of work, Fluttershy and Spike headed down towards the camp sight behind the stage, where all the trailers were for the singers. Raras was first. She had one large trailer right in front. Rara and apple jack were catching up on things. You could see them smiling and laughing in the distance. They walked right past it and headed to the three behind them.

As they approached the first trailer, spike and Fluttershy heard whimpers and sniffles.

"Is someone crying?" Asked spike.

Fluttershy looked around the corner of the trailer. They sat in a grayish trench coat and a hat two match was a pony huddled.

"Umm, hello," Spike called out to her as he approached.

She lifted her head. In her hoof was a tissue.

"Oh umm." She quickly stood up. Wiped her tears away and put on a fake smile. Lifting her head, you could see she was a dull pink pony with straight hair.

"Uhh, why are you crying?" Fluttershy asked concerned,

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just." The pink pony waved her hoof around. She stood up and was almost as tall as lucky chains. Except it was clear from her boots she was wearing stilts. A fake beard hanging off the edge of the side of her face slipped off. A small jingling sound could be heard from her.

"You want to talk about it," spike asked as he took another step towards her.

"It's just. Ha. my. Well," she stopped for a moment ad thought. "My dad, sort of. He's not really my dad. He just took me in, you see. He's dreadfully sick."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure he'll be." She trailed off.

"Anyway, can I help you? No one is supposed to be near back here."

"Oh, I'm Fluttershy and this is Spike. Hay aren't you the pony from last night who…"

"Oh yeah, I was there last night. Sorry, I didn't sing. LC. is a much better singer…"

"You didn't even come to say hello, tho," Spike replied.

Ignoring his comment, she continued.

"So you're the one hosting the fundraiser, of course. The pink pony took Fluttershy's hoof and shook it. I'm Cherry. I'm Lucky Chain's manager and top assistant.

And you must be Spike. Right..." She said as she took her hoof from Fluttershy and handed it out to the little dragon.

Spike nodded as Fluttershy gave a small smile. "We were hoping we could chat with him aging. Maybe even hang out. That is, if he's not busy."

"Oh, oh sure, sure. He's in the dancer's trailer, ill take you right to him."

They walked over to the largest of the three trailers.

"Why so many trailers?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, that one we just left is his personal trailer. The other two are for the dancer's band and road crew."

Cherry knocked on a door. You could hear some music being played inside. The trailer door opened up and a kirin male looked down at the three of them.

"Oh, hay Cherry, what's up"? The kirin said. His voice was a lot deeper than you expect.

"This is Fluttershy the fundraiser director, she wants to chat with LC"

He looked at them Cherry turned around at them. "Guys this is Blaze, he's the backup guitarist of the band."

" Come on in, we're just rehearsing a bit. Blaze said with a smile."

As Fluttershy and Spike walked into the trailer. The scene they found themselves in looked like something out of a club.

A light pink pony played some tunes on her electric key, board. A tall figure cloaked in black played the drums. Blaze picked up his guitar. And picked up where he left off. As for lucky chances. He sat in the back. 2 of the changeling girls with him, watching the 2 others dancers carefully. With his hat black cloak and the atmosphere of the room, he looked like a mob boss. One arm was around one of the girls, the other he had a drink in his hoof. His irises were a deep red. Almost the color of blood.

Fluttershy saw them only for a moment, as soon as he noticed them walking into the room he set down his drink and grabbed his sunglasses.

"Hay what's up, he called out to them."

"Uh, what's going on in here?" Spike asked, looking around.

"Oh, nothing, just a little rehearsal. None of us are actually serious, tho we are just hanging. You two get back up there." He told the two girls. They got up and started dancing in sink with the music. All except one.

Lucky Chains waved his hoof for Fluttershy and Spike to come join him on the couch in the back now that there were free seats. Cherry joined them. "So, have you met everybody yet? You remember the chain links." The chain links continued to dance. They still stood in their pony forms, despite being changelings.

"That's my band. Blaze on the guitar, dozy on the keyboard and Beast on the drums. We call him beast, 'cause he's a beast on the drums." Beast was obviously a centaur. He gave a loud and deep chuckle at L.C.'s comments. In a high-pitched voice that sounded like it could get annoying very quickly, dozy called out. "Ha, I'm like 90 percent of this band. All they do is bang a drum and string a guitar".

"Oh yeah, then you try drumming," Beast told her.

LC chuckled. "Ok, knock it off, you two. And you met my assistant." LC scratched Cherry's head as she sat down.

"Hay, stop messing up my hair." She complained but had no anger in her voice. His smile only grew wider. For some reason, Fluttershy's heart sank when she saw that. That type of playful action was always done by her best friend. The scene reminded her of it too much, and she could feel her smile slip away.

"So you said you wanted to catch up sometime," Spike began. LC turned to him, still with a smile. "I thought maybe we could hang out."

LC nodded." Of course, you can hang with us. We're not doing much." LC turned his attention back to the dancers. He laughed harder." So Spike, can you tell me what's wrong with this scene?"

Spike looked at the dancers. "Umm. All but one is in sink."

LC nodded as he tried to hold in his laughter.

"Oh yeah, then you try it. The dance moves are too hard." The very feminine pony yelled in a male voice.

"Calm down Drak you'll get the number before the end of the week," LC muttered, still trying to hold in his laughter.

"I have the number it's the stupid dance," Drak complained. The girls stopped dancing.

"Oh, come on, you just got to put your hips into it. It's not that hard." LC told him as he leaned back into the chair, letting his arms go around both Fluttershy and Cherry. Fluttershy couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable with this as a slight unwanted blush struck her muzzle.

"If it's so easy, you do it." He pointed his hoof at him.

"Ok fine." He said, laughing as he got up... As he stood, you could hear the rattling of chains. Charry stood up and pulled off his jacket in a swift motion, setting it on the chair where he once sat. With the jacket gone, it revealed LC black chains that were locked around his wrist. He walked over to Drak.

"Ok, the dance moves are simple, remember I'm the one who co-choreographed them in the first place."

With one step he said, "It's simple. It's 1, 2 3 left turns. Spin up onto two hoofs, Unless you're on the right. Then its right turn spins up to two hoofs 456 and push the air. All you got to do is put your hips into it now watch."

He instantly caught the beat of the music and jumped into it. As he moved, his hips were perfectly in sink with the music. One of the changelings jumped in, and soon the two danced in sank together. "See, it's not that bad."

"Ok, ok." Drak rolled his eyes.

LC stood and watched him as he crossed his arms. "That's it, that's it." He joined him. Soon the two were dancing in perfect sink to the beat of the music.

"What you think Crystal?" LC asked.

Crystal tilted her head to the side, upwards. With a smile, she said, "I think I'm watching two grown colts try two dance like they're girls." Fluttershy and Spike laughed at that, as drak slapped his own face with a regretful moan.

"Hay put me in a dress and some make up, I bet you I could pass for a girl better than Drak. And he's the changeling." LC said as he took a few steps over to and grabbed his drink, slurping up the last of it.

Drak just shook his head at the comment.

"Hay flutters is there a vending machine over at the stage?"

Fluttershy head turned to him, a bit surprised to be addressed. "Oh yes, there is."

" Good, you mind showing me?" He asked.

Fluttershy stood up and nodded nervously. "Want me to come with?" Asked spike. "Naa well be back in a minute. Hay everyone writes down what you want me and Fluttershy will be back in a sec." LC said nonchalantly as he ripped a piece of paper out of a notebook that was sitting on the counter. After the paper and feather were passed around and handed to Fluttershy, the two set off.

LC looked around the area as they headed their way. "Uhh so." Fluttershy began.

LC stopped. "Wow," he said as he took in a deep breathtaking in the salary of the little city.


"Oh, nothing. It's just." He chuckled. "This place. It used to be a little town. A little countryside town, hell, a village even. By the time I left, I knew the place was growing, but this..." He paused as he shook his head.

"This is unrecognizable to me. And yet so familiar in so many ways."

Fluttershy nodded. She now remembered he did say he used to live around here.

"There." He pointed. "There used to be the market streets. And that road. Does it still lead to Apple jacks? Or do you have to take a new route?"

Fluttershy held in a laugh.

"Oh, what's so funny? Please tell me they didn't get rid of the farm."

"Oh no, it's run by big mac now. AJ has too much work to do as head of the police station. "

"And does Rainbow still live in Pony vill? Her house used to float not too far north of here."

"Heh, it's now floated to the south. She does live on a cloud after all. She has to anchor it better."

LC smiled. "And then the sanctuary. Still running well, I hope." Fluttershy gave a nod.

"I guess those donations I sent really help then."

Flutter's eyes widen at that. "You, you send those donations."

"Oh yeah, and not just to your sanctuary. We send them to the apple farm to rarities stores and well every other small-time business we can in Pony vill".

Suddenly, a new voice entered the conversation. "Tho most of the cash goes to the school, of course."

Fluttershy and LC turned to see none other than Film and Flam behind them.

"Flim, flam!" Fluttershy yelled their names with shock and worry.

"Ahh, they're with me." LC shrugged. "What's up, boys?" He reached out a hoof to hoof bump the two brothers, but Fluttershy grabbed it.

"You don't want to trust these two. Whatever they are up to, it's always no good. They used to trick me and my friends all the time."

Flim and Flam chuckled joyfully. "Ahh, that we did that we did." The two said simultaneously.

"I'm Flim he's Flam were the worldwide famous brothers." They began to sing.

"And we apologize for the trouble we closed in the past." Flimspoak as Flam tipped his hat.

"Yes, to make it up, we give all funds we can muster to ponyvill and any other charity we can."

Fluttershy eyed them carefully as she tilted her head in confusion. LC chuckled at the sight.

"These two are my profit managers. They handle all the money. And yes, some of it they do use for their little park. I play at it from time to time. But…"

"But were reformed." The two said in unison. "And not only that." Flam began. "It's all thanks to l.c. here." Flim ended. "Welp got to run, were hand-delivering this." Flim moved to the left to show he had a rather large bag of bits on his waist. "Over to friendship school itself."

Fluttershy didn't know what to say. She only stared at the two as they waved by and headed out.

Once they were far enough in the distance away, LC and Fluttershy continued to the vending machine.

"Umm reformed?" She asked still with a dazed look in her eye as if she couldn't believe what she just saw.

"Yeah, thing is, every one of us is reformed."

Fluttershy's eyes widened further.

"My band members. My dancers, all the show works I have under me. Why even Cherry, my assistant? Were all reformed." He said as he gave a sly grin.

"All of you", she whispered in amazement.

"Yep, I gave them all jobs. Anyone I come across who I think I can rely on after meeting them in the reformation program, I give one chance." LC walked ahead of her.

"Granted, for many of them it's their last chance." LC looked over his shoulder back at her. "Look to your left. See that guy eating a sandwich."

Fluttershy looked over and saw a griffin eating a sandwich.

"That's dexter. He's in charge of our instruments and vocals. He's also somewhat of a bodyguard, acting as security when things get too exciting. Tho it nearly never happens since no one ever recognizes me, thank god. Dexter was arrested for fighting in the streets of Main Hatten. He used to be one of the toughest to deal with. "

Fluttershy nodded.

"And you see that mentor over there. That's tore he used to steal little old ladies' purses in canterlot of all places. Now he's my chef. All of them reformed…"

"And... and why do you work with them."

"I gave them a chance. Just like me. Just like someone gave me a chance. "

Fluttershy only nodded, listing to his stories. "And you. Wha… what did you do." She stuttered

LC turned around and faced her. "Let's just say I'm glad no one remembers me. I wasn't always the nicest of ponies in ponyvill. And leave it at that." LC smiled with a somewhat nervous chuckle.

It reminded her of her dear fallen friend, but she chose not to pry any further on the subject. Once they had what they came for, the two started heading back.

"Well, I'm glad you and everyone are happy, at least. Almost everyone."

"Huh, what do you mean almost?"

"Oh, it's just that your assistant. Her dad or not dad but father figure is sick, apparently. We found her crying. I'm glad she seems cheered up."

"Cherry's father figure." He said confused.

"Oh, you didn't know."

"She hadn't told me." Lucky Chains narrowed his eyes. "Well, I should do something to cheer her up."

"Oh, what do you plan to do? Asked Fluttershy.

LC grins slightly. "When will the stage be ready for rehearsals?"

"Tomorrow. My team was just putting together the last touches."

"Perfect. Come on. And not a word to anyone about Cherry's father. She didn't tell me or any of the crew, so it's obvious she doesn't want many to know about it."

Fluttershy nodded and followed them back.

Ahh and that my dear reader is the begging. I was just hoping to show her the good I've done. She eventually convinces l.c. to autograph a poster for Spike. Oh, and if you're wondering what happened to the villain's discord was chasing. Stay tuned, the story's not over yet.

The next day the stage was finally set with all the instruments and everything ready to go. It was finally time for rehearsals. Each band had a few hours of rehearsal watch day until the concert coming up very soon. I asked Fluttershy if my band could be the first. Just wait till you see this. Alright, ill stop breaking the fourth wall. Let's just let this play out a bit, shall we?

It was just after noon. Fluttershy just finished her singing rehearsal and sat down to eat lunch in the empty audience seats along with her friends.

"I can't wait to watch lucky chains rehearsal," Spike said a bit too eagerly. "Yeah, should be tons of fun". Pinky chipped in,

"And the best time to do it..." Applejack mid-sentence took a big bite out of a sandwich. "… during lunch."

"Shh, it's staring," said Spike.

LC's whole band got into place LC walked out from behind the curtains, Cherry alongside him. She looked over him, making sure he was looking his best. She had a headset on and talked into its little mic. Alright, we're good to go. What song are you singing? Cherry asked LC.

"Oh, that's the surprise. I'm not singing." LC chuckled.

Everyone looked at LC in confusion.

"At least not alone. Not for this song. Hit it." LC called out and the music started up.

At the sound of it, Cherry's eyes widen. Oh, you're not serious.

"Yes, yes I am. You wrote the song, you're going to help me sing it."

"But, but.

"It's just rehearsal. Are you going to stand there or are you gonna sing?" He shrugged.

She grits her teeth." I hate singing and dancing, you know that."

LC chuckled, no you don't. "You just think that because of your mother."

Cherry's mouth dropped, and anger filled her eyes.

"Stop the music for a sec," LC called out. And the music halted.

LC whispered something in her ear. Making cherry freeze in place. Her expression fell. She sighed. And took a step forward.

"do this for your father figure" He then chuckled

"Take it from the top," LC said as he walked a little away from her keeping his back turned to Cherry.

The music kicked in. and Cherry began singing as she stomped her left foot forward.

If everyone's not special, then maybe you can be what you want to be. Searching for the answers you...

LC sang into a hand mic he had as he quickly spun around, turning to her. You will find them all in time….

The band then started counting.


By the word ten, the two of them started dancing in sink.



Looking for trouble so let's pump it up…

cherry sang as both her and Lucky Chains both did backflips landing perfectly in sink and doing the moonwalk back to back until they reach other,


Searching inside yourself for your true power.

LC sang as he bumped into her.


The two spun around and took each other by hoof.

Asking for too much… find a family

As the song continued, the two really getting into the crazy antics of the music. And not just them. The whole gain couldn't contain their excitement. It was as if the music took control of their bodies. They began to dance against their will. yet didn't seem to fight it as they all cheered and laughed, food dripping out of their mouths. They definitely couldn't finish their lunch. It was as if they were being magically controlled.


A salty splash of youthful days.

The band started to shout

Chaos, chaos What do you want?

chaos Why do you want?

Chaus chaus Who do you want?

Chaos chaos moves to the chaos.

To everyone's surprise, LC used his chin to jump up and pull himself onto the top f the stage. Cherry, not wanting to be outdone jumped from pole to pole until she reached his height. They then sang and danced in unison.

If everyone is not special

Maybe you can be what you want to be

I know that you will suffer through the joy and pain

Your life is yours so live watch day. But if you are no different, then that's ok. You'll find your answer in time.




Magic friends … and rainbow beams! LC sang,


Social struggling power rush. Replied cherry


Loss of confidence… any way, LC continued.


What is love and friendship anyway!!!! Cherry held the high note for as long as she could as lucky chains nodded with a grin.

Chaos chaos Where do you go?

chaos? chaos do you go?

Chaos chaos How do you go?

Love? Love? Just like chaos?

Still in perfect sink, the two ran up the poles and did a backflip as they both grabbed brooms that were left on the side of the stage. They began to swing at each other in perfect sink continuing to fight as they sang. LC continued the song with…

If everyone is so special

Maybe you can’t be what you want to be

Even if you try to show your true nature…

Your life is yours, so live each day. Do you need to be special to feel ok?

Searching for the answer, I will find them all in time.

LC grabbed his guitar but didn't play it, he handed it to her as he step back. Cherry did an awesome guitar solo before finishing the song.

Cherry cherry Whatever you want!

Cherry cherry! Whenever you want!

Cherry cherry Wherever you want!

Move! Move! Just like Cherry!

If I can see I'm not all alone

The answers I might one day know

I know I will suffer through my own hatred…

My life is mine, so I'll live each day. I won't run any more from my mistakes. … i

If everyone is special then maybe I can find what I want to be

You can be what I want to be

I know I will suffer through the pain and hate.

My life is mine, so I live watch day. And if I'm no different then that's ok

Searching for the answers I will find them all in time.

The band ended the song counting up to 99



L.C.'s laughter could be heard threw out the area.

"I hate you," Cherry said with a smile.

"Everyone gather in. I got some good news. While most of the show will be played by me, I plan to unveil my successor. Give it up for Cherry." They all clapped.

"This was your plan from the beginning, wasn't it?" Cherry grinned.

LC just nodded. "I don't plan to end my career any time soon. But I do hope to start yours. And not just yours. LC turned to the others. Blaze you and I will be performing our song together as well. And same with you, Crystal." Crystal's mouth dropped open.

"The three of you will be singing with me to get your names out there. But I plan for the three of you to become solo artists. Out of all my band members. You three…" LC pulled out a small vile of some purple liquid. "Have what it takes," she said as he drank the vile.

"Rehearsal will now no longer be me alone. The only song I'm singing by myself is the new one."

"But, but," Blaze mumbled. "Sir, the crowd came to see you, not you and some nobody. And besides. I…. I can't. Not with."

"Leave the past in the past, blaze. If anything, this could be your chance to show not only your people but your mother how much you've changed for the better."

Blaze glared at him but said nothing.

A sly smile spread across lucky chains' faces.

Fluttershy noticed it and couldn't help but feel it was somehow recognizable. But she chose to ignore it.

This will be fun. Don't you agree, dear reader...

Author's Note:

Cherry has a big role to play in this... trust me lol.... and the song was from mob choir 99, another great anime i enjoy.

UPDATE 4/24/23 I now am finally going back and fixing as many spelling issues as I can. please let me know if any more show up. lol