• Published 31st Oct 2022
  • 257 Views, 6 Comments

LUCKY CHAINS - discordjediknight

when discord the draconequus cop vanishes, a year latter a mystrious pony by the name of lucky chains with a interisting past comes to town. could he be the one who killed discord?

  • ...

chapter 4 JUST MY LUCK

Discord materialized in front of the three villains sitting in a cell. They all rolled their eyes and moaned in annoyance.

"What stupid thing are you gonna have us do this time?" Chrysalis asked.

Discord cleared his throat with a few coughs. "My apologies, I've seen I've gone through this all wrong." He walked right through the bars as if they weren't there. "Tell me. Why do it?"
Huh, cozy asked in confusion.

"Let me rephrase that. Why be bad guys?"

"BECAUSE IT'S WHAT WE DO!" Chrysalis yelled. She sighed quickly afterward. "It's in our nature. You know. I mean, you used to be one of us."

"And you still are Discord," Tirek said. Your little goodie-two-shoes act is high and dandy. But you know as well as I do that it's all just a prison. You're not free. "

Discord nodded to that and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, the jail cell was replaced with a therapy doctor's office. The three sat on a rather comfy therapy couch across from Discord in glasses and a notebook with A feather.

"Ok, Tirek let's say you're right. What about you? Why do you want power? What is your goal? To be free?"

Exactly. He got up and yelled.

"Free. Free to do what you want."

"The power to do whatever you want. And I almost had it if it weren't for that stupid alicorn princess you suck up to."

Discord smirked and wrote a few things down. Or at least looked like he did. He was actually drawing the three of them on the couch with stupid faces.

"And let me guess." Discord continued. "This want for freedom. It wouldn't happen to do anything with your father now, would it?"

Tireak growled." you dare bring that creature up with me?"

"Daddy issues got it." Discord continued.

I got no issues with him! Tirek yelled.

No, i guess you don't. After all, he just kept you his hire to the throne locked away and safe forever."

"Shut your mouth! Tireak said, growing angrier and angrier at every word.

Chrysalis just moaned, ugh. "Sit down, you old moron."

"What was that?!" He yelled and turned to Chrysalis, inches from her face. "God, can someone get this guy a breath mint." She complained, rolling her eyes.

Discord snapped one into Tirek mouth at her request.

"Gah!" He yelled as it appeared. He quickly stuck his tongue out but liked the taste of the mint, so he kept it. Mmmm, he said, content.

"And what about you? You were queen. And as queen, you gave birth to all of them. You're a mother. As a mother, did you not appreciate your subjects? Relied on their strengths for your own benefit."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes at his words. As he continued she only made herself comfortable on the couch, believing she had no chance of getting out of listing to discords rambling.

"Were they not loyal to you? Did they not love and worship you?"

She fake snored. Zzzz… boring. Your little therapy game might work on Tirek, but it shall not gonna work on me. I don't need any pony else. I'm the queen of the changelings.

"Oh, that's rich," Tirek complained.

"Oh yeah, what's that supposed to mean?" She replied.

"If you didn't need anyone, you wouldn't have been acting like a piece of driftwood was your friend."
She gasped. "How dare you. A piece of wood is more loyal than any of you, I can tell you that."

Cozy Glow jumped up off the couch and into Chrysalis's face.

Oh, yeah, then do tell, how were you gonna get the bell? If it wasn't for us working together, you wouldn't have gotten that close to power. Face it, bug brain. You need us. She said with a sly grin.

Chrysalis growled with fire in her eyes. "Ok, you know what. You try feeding an entire kingdom of people. People who barely show any emotion except pure fear. I had to prove myself worthy of their following. And once I did, I only gained their fear. Not devotion. And when I finally conquered equestrian. One tiny little slip of a changeling and a stupid unicorn, and I lost my entire kingdom. Everyone turned their back agents me. Do you have any idea what that feels like?!" She was yelling at the top of her lungs, in cozy glows face.

Discord just sat there with a smile on his face as he continued to doodle. He heard a small Uh sir from an officer just outside the cell. "Just let it be."

I was loyal to them. Generous to them. Is it fair for them just to abandon me? Especially when all I ever wanted was some loyalty. Some love!!! Is that too hard to ask of any of my subjects, huh!!!

"Well maybe if you let some in your heart you wouldn't be in this mess." Cozy argued back.
This made Discord's ears perk up. "And what of you Cozy glow? You're an interesting one here. Discord said catching Cozy Glow's attention. She looked at him with a poutine face. "You were a pegasus originally. You grew up a pony. Most ponies I've met already inherently know the value of friendship." Discord narrowed his eyes as he fixed his reading glasses. "Why go to such lengths as to almost destroy all magic and take control of the world."

"What are you a shrink!" She yelled. "I'm cute and lovable!!! The world should bow down to me!!!"
"Don't start that aging," Tirek said with his mouth full from the mint. Setting his hand over his face, he lay back on the couch.

"What was that?" She said her face steaming. "Ugh, annoying more like." Chrysalis complained.
The guard looked at Discord. Discord noticed and waved his claw in a circle to tell the guard, let them be, as He continued to doodle.

"Seriously. Well, I'm sorry we can't all be born unhappy little princesses like you. Or an ungrateful prince like you. I was an orphan! No parents no family, I grew up on the street. You don't see me complaining."
This made Discord raise an eyebrow. "Well, what exactly made you want to take over the world?" He asked. She turned to him.

"You're kidding right? Look at me. I'm cute and adorable. Everyone I ever met liked me. Hell, even loved me. Why not use that to my advantage and win over everyone? Hell, why not become queen?
And no one even thought a cute little filly like me could possibly pull such a plan off. Especially since I was a Pegasus. Those stuck-up ponies never saw me coming."

"And why take all the magic in the world and banish it forever?" Chrysalis asked.

"Cause then the only power anyone would have is friendship. And if they were all friends with me, I'd be the ruler of them all. Mwahahahahahahahah she evilly laughed."

Tireak looked at her In confusion and just shook his head. "Ok, her motivation makes no sense." Chrysalis said, giving the same look Tireak had.

"Really, I think she makes perfect sense." Discord replied.

"Wait what?" Cozy Glow asked as she stopped maniacally laughing.

Discord turned his drawing to them. "Oh, look at that. My guess as to what you'd three look like at the end of this was spot on." They were staring at a sketch of themselves with the exact same dumb look as depicted in the drawing.
He snapped his fingers, returning the cell back to normal as he stood up.

"Now that we all learned a bit about each other, let me tell you a little about me. Why I changed to the good side. I can snap my fingers and change all of reality like it was nothing. But the one thing I can't change is how people view me. They view me as a monster. But after I show them I am not, they treat me as a friend. The only way to change someone truly is to show them you are not a monster like I have. Loyalty laughter kindness, generosity and honesty. These are what make the magic of friendship.

Cozy, you hoped to take over by doing basic mind controlling. It might work for a while. But if you don't put some effort and thought into their feelings, you'll never keep them as friends. Chrysalis, you ruled through fear, but you never thought of just saying thank you. I've seen what happens to a changeling when they let true friendship in, they change for the better. You have a heart, you can do it. And Tirek. Even if you gained all the power in the world, what then. You'll be lonely at the top. Just like I was." he set his lion paw on his chest.

"And if the god of all things chaos can change, then surely you can. And now." He took a step forward toward them. "Just like I was given a 2ed chance. I'm giving you one." He held out his eagle claw.
Gah. Chrysalis slapped his claw away. "Good speech where you hear it, a bumper sticker. You can't be serious, they all still HATE YOU! One day ill have my revenge on all of you! She shouted!

" And that's not entirely bad," Discord replied. The guard turned to Discord, confused. "I get my revenge every single day on those ponies that call me a monster. Do you know how I do it?" He asked.
She glared at him but stood quietly.

"By standing in front of them with my head held high and proving them wrong. You can to." He chuckled.
She dropped her head and thought about this. She never thought of it that way. "You could even gain the trust of the changelings and become queen aging. If you befriended them."

The three stood in silence. "Now, here's a little reward for today." Discord snapped his fingers, and they could feel a faint small amount of energy inside of them. Cozy Glow even grew a horn back. The guard immediately reacted by drawing his own magic. "No need," Discord told him. "There's not enough magic to even do anything but make bad jokes. Chrysalis can only change her head into something. Cozy Glow can only do candy spells. She can't fly. And Tirek just has some muscle back to him. "

"Why?" Cozy asked.

Discord turned to her, it's simple, "I'm trusting you. Granted, I don't trust you that much. You have to earn our powers back by gaining my trust. Might take a few days. Maybe a few years. But in time, I'm sure we'll all be the best of friends."

He then exited the cell, walking right through the bars as if they weren't even there. "Oh, and there is a concert going on tomorrow night. It's a fun-raiser for my friend's animal sanctuary. I'm inviting you all to come and have a night of fresh air. Of course, the choice is yours to do so.
Till then, see ya."

Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared with a white flash of light, leaving them all stunned.
Discord appeared back in his pocket dimension. He grabbed the notebook Fluttershy gave him and stared at it in wonder. "What on earth am I gonna write?" He asked himself. And stared at it. The words from Fluttershy echoed in his head.
“For my birthday, I want you to write a song. Any song. Just let your soul do the talking. Say anything you want to say to the world. Something you want to get off your cheese.”
Discord chuckled at the memory and grabbed a feather, prepared to write something down. He then put the quill to the side of his head as he began to stare out the window. Hmm, what do I want to say to the world? He asked himself.

The next day, discord sat there...

Hold on pause. Yes, hi, lucky chains aging. I know you must be enjoying the story since you're still reading. But don't you think some of this is boring? Like we're on the next night, of the concert. Do you want me to just type out how they put the concert together, or do you want to skip that stuff and get to the good part? THE PART WHERE I COME IN!!!
Hmm, no. I can't convince you to only read the last section of this chapter. Sigh, fine, go on.

The next day, discord sat there snapping his fingers one after another. With a spark of magic, a large stage materialized itself at the crystal castle Twilight once lived in. With another snap, a banner and several colorful streamers hung themselves across the stage.

Pinky jumped across the newly formed stage, rolling her party canon. Ok, let's get this started. She shouted and somehow several benches and tables all shot out of the canon, landing in front of the stage perfectly.
"Haha between you and me this place is all ready to go." She shouted and hoof-bumped Discord, who fist-bumped her back, leaning back in his comfy recliner.

Yeah, all that hard work really takes it out of you" He made himself more comfortable in the chair.

"Oh ha, ha," AJ replied sarcastically to the creature.

Discord's left eye flew open just to see AJ rolling up with her food stand cart alongside her brother, sister and sister-in-law.
Snapping your fingers and making anything, in reality, must be so tiring. She grins

"Believe me, it's a lot harder than it looks to control such power." He said as he closed his eyes and set his arms behind his head. He took in a deep breath and let it out. "Ahh, what a good da…"

"DISCORD!!!" Someone yelled. Discord immediately set up the recliner. Oh, need something, princess. He asked, noticing the enraged alicorn

Twilight stood glaring him down. Her royal adviser Spike stood next to her, pretending he wasn't there. Spike wanted nothing to do with Discords' mess this time.

Applejack rolled her eyes at the sight of twilight. With a sigh, she turned to Discord... "What now. What did Ya do this time."

"Now, now calm down," Discord said, failing to hold back his laughter.

Twilight remembering her calming trick took a step back, closed her eyes, and as she waved her hoof out she breathed in and out. Afterward, she opened them and while she was calmer, her glare did not waver from the snickering draconquis.

"Okay." She said in a calm, mellow tone. Please, explain to me…
Discord coughed his snickering away,

"Why the three most dangerous criminals in all of Equestria?" Her words became louder and louder as she continued, till she was just a moment away from yelling.

"Are coming here for the CONCERT" ?!!!
At this, both pinky pie and AJ turned to each other, sweat had already begun to form on their faces.
With that news, everyone else stopped and stared at Discord, quite confused. Uhh, yeah.

"So I'm giving them a little freedom in the hopes to build up a friendship with them. What better way than to invite them to a party? Then I thought why not invite them to this one since it will be one of the biggest parties of the year. They can even be put to work helping apple jack sell the food and Rainbow to collect ticket sales for the fun-raiser."

"Ok, and why do they have some of their powers back?" Twilight asked, gritting her teeth.

AJ and Pinky simultaneously shook their heads in Discord's direction.

"Aging, give them some freedom. Build trust."

"Trust is something you earn discord."

"Yeah, and you trust me, don't you? Don't worry, ill keep an eye on them all night. There won't even be a cupcake out of place. I promise. "

Twilight glared at him furiously. She took in one more deep breath and let it out to cool down, lowering her head slightly. She raised her head back up with a stern look at Discord.

She held up her hoof. "Not one cupcake out of place. Got it."

Discord nodded with more confidence than he thought he had.

Twilight then turned her back to the draconquis. "Well, see ya all at the party". She gave an awkward smile to AJ and pinky pie before flying away. Spike along with her.

As the sun finally settled, a rather large turnout of creatures lined up for the fun-raiser. There were two lines. One for the talent show on stage if participating, and one for the audience to get some food and enjoy the music.
Then out of nowhere, a random portal opened up thanks to discords magic. Several copies and 2 royal guards stepped out of the portal, followed by the three most untrustworthy criminals alive.

Cozy glow Tireak and Chrysalis all stood in black magic-proof chains. As they exited the portal, discord greeted them with a red carpet.

"Oh here comes the good guys, here comes the good guys." He sang to their dismay.

"Ok, ok." We're here. Chrysalis spoke in an annoyed tone.

Just get me some vanilla ice cream and ill be heading back to my cell. Tireak commented.

"Oh no you don't we all agreed…" Cozy began but was cut off by Tireak.

"We agreed on nothing. The old center complained.

"Guys, guys, come on," Discord told them as he unlocked their chains. Everyone jumped back in fear and surprise at this. Discord waved his hands in the air.

"Don't worry, I have them under control."

The crowd mumbled among itself. And who has you under control? Someone called out. Discord put his hands on his none existent hips. "Aj if you must know."

AJ stepped up with her head held high. "Oh, the element of honesty." The crowd mumbled

AJ waved her hoofs and called up some officers to disperse the worried crowd of creatures to go and enjoy the fun-raiser.

"Oh, look apple strudel. I haven't eaten anything good in forever." Cozy Glow shouted as she started to fly off.

"Well then let's all get something to eat," Discord replied back to them as he followed Cozy Glow. Chrysalis scowled, but then her stomach growled. She was extremely annoyed by the sudden outburst. But sighed and followed Discord to the food carts.

Tireak rolled his eyes. “I just want some ice cream.” He mumbled. Discord heard him and with a snap of his fingers, he had an ice cream cone from the cart already in his hand before he handed it over.
Tireak grunted and took it with a huff.

Discord smiled confidently as Tireak walked past him. However, his confidence only looked like cockiness to AJ. AJ met discords gaze. She put a hoof to her eyes and then back to him.
The message was clear. She was watching him and the three of them. Discord only nodded to that. But he couldn't help but feel a little angry at it.

I mean, is it too much to ask for a little faith in one's plan? He said to himself in his head.
But the truth was he had very little confidence in his plan. This whole thing was more of a bluff.
Discord turned to the three in front of him.

"I want the whipped cream with sprinkles." Cozy glow said sweaty.

"Uh, ok, little one." Granny Smith said as she prepared it.


Granny Smith quickly then spilled the sprinkle jar all over the desert.

"Ahh, thanks, old lady." Cozy Glow replied back to her extremely cute expression and voice.
Tireak just rolled his eyes as he continued eating his ice cream. Chrysalis still waited in line along with Apple Jacks' constant vigilance.

“Yep. This is all a bluff,” Discord whispered to himself.
“Hmm, what's that?” a sweet but quiet voice asked him. He jumped at it as he looked down at her. “Oh, Fluttershy, I didn't see you there.”

She giggled a little and gave a happy smile. Her hair was all dulled upheld together by blue flowers. She wore a simple green gown. And was excited to see her friend.

“So they're actually here, huh? How did you convince them to come?”

“Did what you told me. And I guess it worked. Sort of.” the last part he snorted. She giggled at that.” Well, I'm glad to see things are at the very least working out.”

Discord couldn't help but smile at her amusement. He then reached into his none existent pocket. “Uh, hay, I know it's early but…” He pulled out her notebook.

“Oh, thank you discord. I might need a refresher on my song” she said as she took her notebook back. Discord nodded as he reached back into his none existent pocket. He could feel a little box in his eagle claws. “Uh yeah, and I also…”
an announcement came from the speakers. All talent show participants behind the stage, please. Calling all talent show participants.

“Oh that's me better get back there”

“Yeah yeah, you better um” Discord let the little box fall out of his talons setting back in his pocket.
“You better get back there. Better not let the nerves getcha. You can do this.” he encouraged her.
She smiled only longer at him with a nod as she set off, leaving Discord there alone. Heh well, ill give her, her birthday present later he thought. He turned around and walked over to the table the three criminals were sitting at.
“Still got a thing for that pony now don't cha.” tireak said as he took the last bite out of his ice cream cone.

"If you're referring to Fluttershy, she's my best friend thank you very much," Discord replied as he took his seat next to Chrysalis. She scowled at them all as she ate several muffins.

"Oh, she's the one that made you lame then." Cozy Glow remarked as she licked whipped cream off her own nose.

“Hay watch it” Any remarks towards my friends and you will go back to Tartarus. Now just relax and enjoy the fresh air”

Suddenly an odd order filled the air. Uh-huh, fresh air. Tireak complained as the smell hit his nostrils.

“Oh, come on, it can't be…” Discord was interrupted by the same smell. But he recognized it. It was the smell of magic potions. Discord stood up and he looked around.

"Eww, what that uh…" a pony in the crowd said as he smelled it. He then collapsed onto the ground, followed by others.

It was a sleeping potion. Discord only recognized it since his encounter with the cloaked pony.

Huh, strange. Tireak spoak mid-yawn. He then soon collapsed to the ground along with Cozy Glow and Chrysalis.

The magic potion had no effect on Discord. He quickly snapped up his fingers and created a gas mask for AJ. After putting it on, he shook her awake.

“ Huh uh, what,” she said, just waking up from what seemed to be a deep slumber.

“AJ it's that potions pony. She's gone and made a sleep potion that's affecting everyone.” discord explained as he looked around the area.

AJ shook her head as she straightened her cowboy hat. Well ill be. She yawned.

With a snap of discord fingers, more gas-masked poofed into existence. Here go wake the others up. Ill.

“Discord,” AJ growled.


“Where the Villains”

“ oh, don't worry, they're asleep. They're just over. He turned to point them out, but his eyes widen at the realization that they were.

“Gone. No, they... They were right there.”

AJ slipped herself in the face, only for it to be caught on her gas mask." And now we have them on the loose." AJ growled.

"Oh come on, they don't have their full powers… "Discord stopped as something else came to his mind. “Uh”
AJ glared at him.

"Yeah, the cloaked pony she does have in her possession an anti-magic potion that could...." He gulped. "Undo my magic and give the big bad full power"

"DISCORD!" AJ yelled.

Discord nervously took a step back. "Hehe well, don't worry. They're my responsibility. I'll get them alright. I swear on my badge." He said as he looked over their tracks.

AJ rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Just don't wake up, Twilight”. Discord pleaded. She's probably gassed like everyone else, he-he, hopefully. He chuckled nervously.
AJ sighed. "I'll wake up some of the others and go after the cloaked pony." But I… discord protest.
She already gave you the slip once. Well, deal with her. You have bigger fish to fry. Three bigger fish. And if they're not caught, well I sure as hell don't wanna be you when Twi wakes up."
Discord's expression dropped in defeat at that. He took off after the three villains, as AJ set off in the other direction to wake the others.

As Discord got back to where the three where he looked for any signs of where they might have led. Strangely, there wasn't any sign of them fleeting. But he had more ways than that to track them down. He closed his eyes and raised his talons. They began to glow along with his eyes as he magically track them down in pony vill.
His eyes shot open his eyes in surprise. "Huh? Not what I was expecting." He spoke out loud as he tore open a portal to everfree forest. As he ran through it the portal, it closed itself.

He eyed through the darkness. The cloaked pony stood behind a tree. All she could see was the glow of the cop's eyes. Something about those glowing yellow eyes and red pupils made her shiver in fear. How is that monster a cop? She thought to herself.

All she knew was she had to escape. She had to get away. She then took out a bottle of an anti-magic potion. She eyed the liquid in it. She took it by both hoofs.

"Better than being cote right." She told herself. She shook off the thought and put the bottle away. Discord took several steps around, being very quiet. If it wasn't for the glow of his eyes, she would have never of seen him coming.
She felt like she was being hunted. Hunted by a wild beast. She crouched down back onto all fours and carefully backed away from the tree. She kept her eyes firmly in Discord's direction.
The forest stood very quiet. The only thing that Discord could hear was his own breathing. He looked around, squinting his eyes trying to peer past the darkness.


Crows called out. Discord jumped at the sound and turned to them with a blast of his magic. Two crowds barely dodged it and flew past him.

Stupid birds, he muttered as he returned to his search.
The cloaked pony froze when the birds called off, but now she felt she was alright to take a few more steps back. She did so, still keeping her eyes in the direction of her hunter.

She quickly turned her head behind her to see what the noise was. She found her back hoof standing on a twig.
Discord's ears perked up to the sound and flung in its direction. He jumped up, floating above a tree branch just above her. “There you are.” discord smiled friendly to her.

She looked up at him for a second. Discord could see the terror in her eyes as she froze in fear. The friendly smile to her looked like an evil grin of a hunter. Discord's smile fell away as he saw her expression. He knew that look all too well. If it wasn't one of anger or annoyance, it was fear. That's all he ever saw from ponies, And not just ponies. Every creature. Whether they were changelings, griffins or dragons. They all knew of his dark deeds. They all knew who was to blame for the near destruction of Equestria and probably the world. Even his so-called friends more often than he liked held one of those expressions toward him. The thought of it made his heart sink in sadness. Only to boil into anger. He growled at her.
“You're under arrest” he barked.

She quickly gained her composer at the sound of his voice. She jumped back and took off as fast as she could. Discord growled at her defiance. He wasn't in the mood to play games like he did earlier. He held out his lion paw, claws barred.

She started to rise off the ground. She ran in place for some time, but it was no use, he had her. As Discord turned his claw around, she too turned midair to face him. He lowered his paw, but she still stood stuck in his magic. A yellow glow turned purple surrounding her.

Discord pulled out a pair of magic-proof cuffs from midair. He took a step towards her, his eyes filled with rage. She once aging felt a tinge of fear as he looked into his eyes. What she did not know was that the rage he felt was not directed at her. But at his own stupidity. Either way, it doesn't matter, he said as he got closer to her.
As discord approached her she pulled on her cloak and a bottle of something fell and broke creating a blast of magic around her, freeing her of his grip.

"Boy, that anti-magics annoying." He muttered.

He started blasting magic at her. As she dodged and weaved among the trees, he felt his frustration grow.
Ahhhhh, he yelled and blasted a bolt of magic that shattered a tree. He jumped into flight. And blasted another tree out of his way. She ran and found herself surrounded by others. Applejack rainbow dash and Fluttershy all stood sounding her. She looked frightened and tried to run one way, only for Rainbow to step in her way. Discord then flew in behind her. He aimed another bolt of magic at her. She dodged, and the bolt went straight for Fluttershy.

A flash of lightning struck as a blood-curdling scream cried out.

Author's Note:

Next chapters a time jump. this is the last set up chapter for this story.

happy thanks giving

UPDATE 4/24/23 I now am finally going back and fixing as many spelling issues as I can. please let me know if any more show up. lol